HistoryTrivia and Apperance
Stohp is the daughter of a pair of proud, strong warriors of the Pirates of Jack who retired to dote on their firstborn child, determined to raise a warrior that would do them proud and bring honor and glory to the family name. Unfortunately their hopes were quickly dashed, for Stohp grew to be a small child, easily bested in the games of combat by the other youths and without the prodigious strength Minotaur are known for. By the time she was 7 her disappointed parents began to grow restless, and they eventually decided to return to the sea, entrusting Stohps care to an old friend of theirs, a Human named Ed Jackdaw, recently retired from his long-time occupation as a ship’s carpenter. Stohp loved her “Uncle Jack” and his skill at crafting small wooden toys.

Much to everyone’s surprise, the following year her parents returned with a second child. They had unknowingly conceived her shortly before leaving out to sea, and christened the child Koh. Torn between parental duties and their reaffirmed vows to serve aboard ship, honor to their comrades in arms eventually won and they only stayed a few months before going out to sea again, promising to spend every shore leave they could home.

Koh was in many ways Stohps opposite. Big and strong, she was also quite the scrapper, easily besting her peers; in short, everything her parents had dreamed of for Stohp. Uncle Jack did his best to care for the child, but wasn’t a Minotaur and couldn’t teach the traditions and perspectives of the culture, so Stohp took it upon herself to raise Koh as she knew her parents would.

Thus Koh spent her childhood studying combat and fighting, turning her body into a weapon. Their parents returned after 10 years at sea and began taking a personal hand in her training, their expert tutelage expanding her skills to exemplary status. Still, Stohp found her oddly unwilling to use those skills, only becoming aggressive when she perceived slights against her elder sister, which was fairly common. At the age of 12 Koh had a reputation for effortlessly beating anyone who insulted Stohp with bare hands, even championing her sister in a few honor duels against older opponents, some of which Stohp had admittedly set up to push her sister.

When Koh came of age, her parents couldn’t be prouder, and she was soon serving in the army of their tribe. To Stohp though, Koh was clearly unhappy, which confused her to no end. She had everything she could possibly want, was the apple of her parent’s eyes and honored by all the tribe, so why did she seem miserable? Still, there was little chance to ask. Koh seemed determined to hide her discontent, putting on a façade of discipline and satisfaction whenever friends and family were around.

No one else seemed able to see the truth except for Uncle Jack, who eventually arranged for their parents to be away when Koh visited home once. Stohp immediately questioned her sister, asking her what could possibly be the matter. Koh’s eventual confession shocked Stohp to the core: she hated the idea of war. She hated the way everyone expected her to march off to some unknown land and kill with weapons existing only to kill, and had honed her hand to hand combat skills all her life specifically to avoid killing.

Stohps decision was instant and firm. Apologizing to her sister for forcing her down the path she had always wished she could have, she proposed the pair leave, escape from Minotaur society that glorified combat to the wider world. Reluctant at first, Koh warmed to the idea after some time, and they went to Uncle Joe for help. So a few months later, just after Stohp’s 22nd birthday, they snuck aboard a ship captained by a friend of Jack’s with no connection to their parents and sailed away to Plateau City. Using coin Jack had given them, they purchased passage through the portal to the Floating City thousands of miles away, far from the coasts their parents had sailed for decades.

Life in the Floating City has not been easy for the pair. Knowing no one and with few resources, they struggled for the first year, their savings spent or stolen by pickpockets. Things were looking truly desperate when their luck finally turned. Koh met and befriended the owner of the Fattened Calf, a boisterous Minotaur named Grokk Greatbelly, who took them in, letting them use a room large enough for the large pair to live together, paying Koh for her help in the kitchens, and introducing them to friends and connections on the docks that let the pair find odd jobs to make ends meet. Two years later, the sisters have made a home for themselves, Stohp earning some with the toys and carpentry work Uncle Jack taught her and Koh becoming a cook under Grokk’s tutelage. Still, the pair’s income is a pittance, short of true economic independence, and the daily doldrums of life has set in, making them wish some sort of adventure or opportunity would knock on their door.

History, part 2:

Opportunity did knock, from a greatly unexpected direction. One night Stohp was having a quiet drink with her sister and they overheard a meeting between several business owners worried about various troubles around the Fence. Then a bunch of Ratfolk showed up, attacked everyone, and Stohp and Koh had to defend themselves. At the end of the fight the combatants formed an adventuring group. Koh was quite eager to join, but Stohp was rather leery of the whole idea. She’d given up her dreams of being a fierce warrior years ago. Still her sister was joining, and Stohp will always support her sister.

Their first adventure was… odd. It involved a mad druid, a plague of rats, and didn’t exactly make Stohp feel like a hero. At the end of it Koh got an amazing opportunity to study with an ancient master of martial arts. She jumped at the chance, but that meant leaving the adventuring group and the sister splitting up. Regretfully, they did so, and Stohp resolved to do her best to make this adventuring thing work. So she buckled down, joined the Woldian Adventuring League, and tried to learn the trade. She even made a bid for leadership of the group, which she got on a temporary basis. Lately they’ve even performed acts that made her feel like a hero, recapturing the childhood dream in some small way.

She’s also almost died, repeatedly, a fact that scares her, especially after their last adventure that left no member of the party unscathed. Sure she helped saved the day, but she’s yet uncertain if this is really what she wants to do with her life.

Appearance: At just above 7 feet tall and 829 lbs, Stohp is small for a Minotaur, with horns filed down to half length and soft brown fur. Sometimes this can cause confusion as to her age, which she exploits occasionally. When she is trying to impress someone and/or look like a businesswoman she wears her Artisan’s Outfit, which is almost new and well crafted, consisting of a blue button up shirt and sea green skirt, invoking the surrounding Turtle Lake. Otherwise she wears her leather armor with baggy peasants clothing over it, similar to what a porter would wear though with some stains from the oils used in her carpentry.
Stohp is the cunning sister. As a child she always wanted to fulfill her parents expectations of becoming a powerful warrior, but life has disabused her of that notion. Growing up among her stronger peers on Minotaur Island has taught her to avoid direct confrontation, and without her sister around she will try to escape rather than start an argument or fight. Most problems she tackles indirectly, bluffing her way past foes or catching them by surprise, though sometimes these methods are ineffective compared to Koh’s more direct approach.
The sisters began trimming their horns short after leaving the island in order to show their abandonment of their homeland and its culture. Among the more traditionally minded Minotaur of the city this sometimes leads to dispute, as taking pride in your horns is ingrained in the culture and some consider trimming them almost sacrilege. She has no regrets though, and has grown to appreciate the laws and methods of settling dispute that the Humans of the city use, vastly preferring them to honor duels. Grokk Greatbelly and many of his patrons provide a haven for them, as most know and respect the reasoning behind the sisters’ choices.
Shortly before they met Grokk Greatbelly Stohp resorted to pick-pocketing on the market streets to survive. Though she felt it was necessary at the time, she greatly regrets the event and hopes to never be that desperate again.
Her father is Zint Bloodhoof, a skilled warrior and prankster. He married fellow warrior Pahn Shatterhorn, who is extremely serious and almost never tells jokes, in a strange case of opposites attracting. They met after he played a prank on her and she threw him overboard, though she later admitted the prank was really funny. Being a powerful warrior in her own right, their daughters were given Pahn’s surname, and any sons will take Zint’s surname.
Although she pursued leadership of the Shields, she didn’t actually want to be in charge per se. She saw a problem, namely a lack of coordination and clear direction for the group, and envisioned a solution, elect a permanent leader. Since it was her idea, one she thought much about before bringing it up to the group at large, she felt obligated to personally handle the situation. After all she had seen the need and put the most thought into it. In the end she only got temporarily in charge, and was happy to pass the reigns when her time was up.
OOC Note: I will roleplay Stohps low strength by having her get Koh to do most strength based tasks. She will also avoid direct confrontation as much as possible, as she feels insecure in combat. If, despite her best efforts, she finds herself in combat, she will focus on hindering her foes as best she can for her allies rather than bludgeoning things with a weapon (meaning lots of combat maneuvers instead of attacks).