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1 | I beat these games on stream! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Number | Title | Started | Finished | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 1 | AI War 2 | 10/19/24 | 10/19/24 | finished an easy scenario, but the original vod seems to be missing. first thing I beat on stream. dates are from a replay done much later. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 2 | Hypnospace Outlaw | 7/23/21 | 7/23/21 | I miss the old web... | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 3 | LaserCat | Unknown | Unknown | Cute little metroidvania, but the vod is again missing | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 4 | West of Loathing | 7/13/21 | 7/13/21 | A hilarious RPG, full playthrough was uploaded in one shot so exact dates are missing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 5 | Control | 7/28/21 | 8/14/21 | Didn't do The Foundation DLC, should do a 100% run one of these days... | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 6 | Sam & Max Hit the Road | 8/21/21 | 8/21/21 | Beat it in one sitting, with a lot of help because I forgot a lot of stuff. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 7 | The Outer Worlds | 8/18/21 | 10/2021 | Intimidation is FUN! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 8 | SteamWorld Heist | 9/11/21 | 10/27/21 | 2D robot xcom? Fun! had to lower the difficulty at tad at the end. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 9 | Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion | 11/19/21 | 11/19/21 | Be veg, do crimes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 10 | Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | 10/13/21 | 12/02/21 | Ghilibimon! Kind of janky, but a very interesting take on Pokemon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | 11 | Hyper Princess Pitch | 12/24/21 | 12/24/21 | This game's practically a christmas tradition for me. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | 12 | Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare '94 | 12/24/21 | 12/24/21 | The demo episode include in the JJ1 CD version | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | 13 | Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare '95 | 12/24/21 | 12/24/21 | Has the best version of "the Little Drummer boy" you'll ever hear. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | 14 | SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech | 11/27/21 | 1/22/22 | A short but sweet card game/RPG that's NOT a roguelike! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | 15 | Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | 12/8/21 | 2/8/22 | Plays a lot better than the first game, but the first had a much more interesting story. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | 16 | Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth | 2/5/22 | 2/18/22 | About as close to Symphony of the Night on steam as we can hope to get. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | 17 | Super Amazing Wagon Adventure | 4/1/22 | 4/1/22 | The most historically accurate game I've streamed (happy April Fools!) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | 18 | A Robot Named Fight | 3/18/82 | 4/15/22 | It's like someone took the Super Metroid Randomizer and made it in to a full roguelike. Neat! Only got the first ending. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | 19 | Horizon Zero Dawn | 2/11/22 | 4/4/22 | Horizon Forbidden West on PC when? | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | 20 | Code Vein | 3/16/22 | 6/3/22 | The first soulslike I've ever beaten! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | 21 | Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries | 11/06/21 | 6/20/22 | The big collab with Inabamitsu, Kittlefish, Phuzzy and later Aliexster! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | 22 | Mass Effect 1: Legendary | 5/5/22 | 6/24/22 | Fun, but very rough compared to what comes next | ||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | 23 | Borderlands 3 | 1/17/22 | 7/20/22 | The first borderlands game I've actually beaten! A colalb with Andinyan | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | 24 | Mass Effect 2: Legendary | 6/25/22 | 9/18/22 | Imported save form ME1, the best part of the trilogy | ||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | 25 | Tales of Berseria | 6/16/22 | 9/24/22 | We broke the world. We also saved it. Perhaps it's best both happened. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | 26 | God Eater: Resurrection | 6/27/22 | 10/10/22 | Collab with Retronutcase | ||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | 27 | World of Xeen | 8/3/22 | 9/18/22 | A personal favorite, so glad I finally beat it. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | 28 | Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Christmas Chronicles | 12/24/22 | 12/24/22 | Finale to a trio of chirstmas games | ||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | 29 | Mass Effect 3: Legendary | 9/30/22 | 2/3/23 | Imported save from ME2. While the ending is meh the journey there? They journey there comes highly reccomended. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | 30 | God Eater 2: Rage Burst | 10/17/22 | 3/11/23 | Collab with Retronutcase | ||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | 31 | Soul Nomad & the World Eaters | 11/29/22 | 4/4/23 | Beat the normal route, got the good ending on Demon route, sadly couldn't get the bad ending as it requires too much grinding. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | 32 | God Eater 3 | 3/25/28 | 6/3/23 | Collab with Retronutcase | ||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | 33 | Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath - Vengance of the Slayer | 6/6/23 | 6/6/23 | Did you know the S-Blade has a hackblood charge? In all seriousness this game is a lovely little throwback. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | 34 | Quake 2 RTX Demo | 7/22/23 | 7/22/23 | Streamed this to test the new PC... and to mess with people. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | 35 | Nioh 2 | 5/6/22 | 9/7/23 | I like this game? But my GOD was that a marathon. Let's not do that again for awhile, ok? | ||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | 36 | Yakuza 0 | 3/2/23 | 9/12/23 | That was a trip! Looking forward to the rest of it! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | 37 | Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death | 10/31/23 | 11/2/23 | This was stupid and I loved every moment of it, shame we'll never get that sequel. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | 38 | Viscara Cleenup Detail: Santa's Rampage | 12/23/23 | 12/23/23 | Couldn't really finish this last year. This year? Got about 86%... close enough! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | 39 | Yakuza Kiwami | 9/14/23 | 1/23/24 | Number of murders we've been falsely accused of: 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | 40 | Tales of Vesperia: Difinitive Edition | 8/12/23 | 2/15/24 | The last oldschool Tales game. I like it but I do feel a touch spoiled by Berseria | ||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | 41 | Laika: Aged Through Blood | 12/9/23 | 3/16/24 | That... hurt. I highly reccomend it. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | 42 | Titan Quest: anniversary edition | 10/6/2023 | 3/29/24 | Collab with Retro and RPGfan | ||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | 43 | Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore | 3/30/24 | 4/27/24 | We have Zelda at home... at home. This game has fully committed to the bit and I respect that. Beaten 100%! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | 44 | Yakuza Kiwami 2 | 1/25/24 | 5/16/24 | Oh WOW this is a bigger leap than I expected... AWESOME! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | 45 | Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition | 4/5/24 | 7/5/24 | Collab with Retronutcase, TheRPGFan and LennSylveha | ||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | 46 | The Messenger | 5/4/24 | 7/6/24 | Ninja Gaiden as a metroidvania? Neat! Got all seals, also played through Picnic Panic. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | 47 | Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate | 7/12/24 | 7/12/24 | A new Strong Bad game? Looks like I'm gonna have to stream it! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | 48 | Plumbers Don't Wear Ties:Definitive Edition | 7/13/24 | 7/13/24 | I um... I think I just played "The Room" of video games. That is both high praise and dire warning! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | 49 | Yakuza 3 | 5/28/24 | 8/15/24 | This is the worst the Yakuza series could throw at me. Not bad actually... except the bosses. The bosses are ow. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | 50 | BROK the InvestiGator | 7/19/24 | 8/17/24 | A furry cyberpunk detective point and click adventure brawler rpg. Yes really. It's quite frankly amazing. Might get back to it when the DLC launches. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | 51 | Evil West | 10/2/24 | 10/17/22 | The Good, The Vlad and The Ugly. A brawler about fighting vampires in the Wild West. It's cheesy, it's stupid... I love it! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | 52 | Homestar Runner: Halloween Hide n' Seek | 10/31/24 | 10/31/24 | A short and very cute point and click game for halloween.Got 100% achievements! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | 53 | Earth Defense Force 6 | 7/25/24 | 11/15/24 | Collab with Retro, RPGFan and Lenn. EDF! EDF! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | 54 | Sniper Elite 3 | 11/12/24 | 12/3/24 | Why is there so many tanks?! Collab with Yami Shirokami | ||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | 55 | NiGHTS into Dreams | 12/10/24 | 12/10/24 | Played the now delisted PC version, some much needed prep work so I can strem Christmas NiGHTS later, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | 56 | Christmas NiGHTS | 12/24/24 | 12/24/24 | Part of the now delisted PC Version. Has a nice version of Dreams Dreams | ||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | 57 | Sniper Elite 4 | 1/7/25 | 2/18/25 | More tanks, but not quite as scary this time. Collab with Yami Shirokami. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | 58 | Rabbit & Steel | 2/21/25 | 2/21/25 | LOBSTER STICKS TO MAGNET-sorry. The FF14 raid experence in Roguelike form. got 2 wins os it counts. Collab with Retro and RPGFan | ||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | 59 | Yakuza 4 | 9/12/24 | 2/26/25 | After 3? HOOO BOY did this series bounce back! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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