TimestampWhen you are searching for a module to solve a specific problem, what are the four most important details on the module page that your focus is on?When you are browsing and exploring the Drupal module directory with no specific goal in mind, what are the four most important details on the module page that your focus is on?Are there any other reasons you search through the modules on, and what are the four most important details on the module page that your focus is on in each of these cases? What is your level of expertise in Drupal?What is your primary focus area when working in Drupal?What is your username (optional, only for credit)?Additional comments:
3/1/2023 11:23:59Release available for my site, what module does, how to use module, similar modulesPopularity of module, what module does, how to use it, similar modulesIntermediateSite Builder
3/1/2023 11:29:111) the description/body field: to figure out if my problem is covered by the module and ideally if it explains how to initial setup/jump start the module. 2) when was the last release for stable and dev 3) the module works with which version of Drupal 4) issue statistics about how many issues are open, how many issues are rtbc and what is the total number of issues1) the description/body field: to figure out if my problem is covered by the module and ideally if it explains how to initial setup/jump start the module. 2) when was the last release for stable and dev 3) the module works with which version of Drupal 4) issue statistics about how many issues are open, how many issues are rtbc and what is the total number of issuesif someone else recommends or mentions a module i specifically look up that module. the same details matter like for the other two scenarios:

1) the description/body field: to figure out if my problem is covered by the module and ideally if it explains how to initial setup/jump start the module. 2) when was the last release for stable and dev 3) the module works with which version of Drupal 4) issue statistics about how many issues are open, how many issues are rtbc and what is the total number of issues
IntermediateSite Builderrkoller
3/1/2023 13:28:471. The module's description, whether it mentions anything related to the problem I'm searching.
2. Whether there's a branch for the version of core I'm using.
3. When the last changes were committed.
4. When the last release was made.
Everything else I feel empowered to improve myself if needed.
Never happens - I never browse the module directory when I don't have a specific goal in mind.See above.AdvancedBackend DeveloperDamienMcKenna
3/1/2023 13:32:58- coherence of the project description
- video or image of key features
- whether it has a stable release compatible with my Drupal core
- if not stable, how recent is the last release
- coherence of the project description
- video or image of key features
- ecosystem (what does it work with)
- sponsorship (financial stability)
AdvancedBackend DeveloperGábor Hojtsy
3/1/2023 13:48:35Installs, development activity, documentation, issue queueDescription, photos, documentation, issue queueI only ever search with a specific problem in mind.AdvancedBackend Developerwells
3/1/2023 13:58:20Screenshots, Last updated Date, Bugs & Issue QueTitle, Description, Stars, CatgeoryNopeIntermediateSite Builderrajesh_jha
3/1/2023 14:00:51Has (no) security coverage, maintainers block, release information (e.g. stable release or beta, supported core versions, date of last release), descriptionI'm not doing that.AdvancedBackend DeveloperFeyPI'm not sure that I'm the right person to answer this as I'm not really "browsing" through projects without a specific goal in mind and I'm probably looking at different stuff than the average user, but I've left an answer. I rarely use the project search to find projects. Either I use a search engine (when I search for a module for a specific problem) as in my experience that gives me better results than the current project search or I find new interesting modules through Slack, Planet, social media, colleagues, etc. This might be changed by a good project browser, though. (on Slack)
3/1/2023 14:09:071. Short description 2. Releases 3. Number of installs 4. Number of open issues1. Short description 2. Number of installs 3. Supported Drupal versions 3. Nice logo1. Security advisory coverage 2. Link to source code 3. Supporting organization 4. Latest test resultsAdvancedBackend Developerleymannx
3/1/2023 14:11:33Drupal version, Text description of what it does, Stability of release (beta, rc, dev...), Bugs & IssuesDrupal version, Ecosystem (commerce, groups etc ), Text description of what it does, stabilityI search because there are a ton of awesome modules and doing a recency search for current drupal version modules throws up some great stuff that can be added to projectsIntermediateBackend Developer
3/1/2023 14:36:41screenshots and descriptions of how the module works. then I look at the number of open issues and review the code itself in gitlab.I don't do this. I've never done this.I always use google to search for modules.AdvancedBackend Developerheddn
3/1/2023 14:39:23Version compatibility, category, latest release, popularityCategory, stable release date, keywords of features offered, popularity AdvancedBackend Developer
3/1/2023 14:47:381 Screenshots/videos of features (if applicable), 2 very clear and short summary what it does, 3 usage, 4 stability (and 5 links to resources like documentation and demos)I don’t do this :) though sometimes I’m checking what the top usage modules are for a particular purpose other than finding a module… I guess many many years ago I would do this if I was curious I missed some cool module but it was by usage or maybe category, eg SEO…. So I guess 1 usage, 2 categories, 3 short tagline description, 4 screenshots/video if applicable Lately I’ve been working on d10readiness so look for D10 compatibility and last commit and the module status to see about active maintainership … I’ll check the dev version code too to look at the info yml fileAdvancedMostly backend and site building and dabble in frontendKristen Pol
3/1/2023 15:10:39description (particularly the first part); images/screenshots; release information (compatibility); number of active installsdescription; images/screenshots; author/maintainer or supporting organization; documentation - this is usually because I'm browsing or had heard of a new module, and want to know if it's "viable" as a solution.Sometimes I'm teaching a class and I'm showing users how to browse for modules (filtering by compatibility, for example). I usually do not explain the detail page once I get there, I just say "you can read all about the module here" - tho sometimes I will explain that they can intuit information about the module from the release/active installs information in terms of credibility.AdvancedBackend Developerchrisfromredfin
3/1/2023 15:23:10Description. Screenshots/gifsI never do that.I guess if I think I'm building a duplicate: I see at description, screenshots/gifs. Links to code.AdvancedBackend Developerpenyaskito
3/1/2023 15:24:30Reputation of project or maintainers. Is it stable? While updates be an issue?Am I bored hobbyist? Most professional developers have a feature request backlog that would take months to research. I'm never going to looking the projects with no goal in mind.This is really 2 very different questions. I'm only going to answer the first one. You really need to have someone with survey experience involved in this process. Are there any other reasons you search through the modules on Finding alternatives to a module that isn't compatible with version of Drupal we want to move to or stay on. Related modules is often in the project description, but it would be great to have more structure (entity reference) for that.AdvancedDrupal as a Service for 1500+ .edu siteskreynen
3/1/2023 15:46:05outside of a well-written module description, i focus on 1) stable and recommended release, 2) version number (is my problem solved in dev/alpha/beta/rc/stable?), 3) link to docs, 4) number of open issues.outside of a well-written module description, i focus on 1) green stability indicator, 2) number of installs, 3) security opt-in warning, 4) maintainers/sponsors clout (i.e., reviewing their profiles to see what other modules they maintain, and activity in issue queues).Reasons to search include exploring ecosystem to learn about and find most-used modules within specific categories that I may not have known about because, I believe the module page lists are sorted by number of installs. In this case I would again focus on 1) stable release, 2) number of installs, 2) number of open issues, 2) d10 compatibility issue statusAdvancedFull stack web application architect (site building, frontend, backend)jwilson3
3/1/2023 15:46:42Covered by Drupal security advisory policy (a must), Compatibility w Drupal version (also a must), Maintenance (prefer actively maintained), supporting organizations (prefer it has a Drupal agency supporting, like Lullabot or Acquia)Is there a clear, succinct description that makes sense and provides use cases for the module? How recently was this module developed and by whom? What other modules is this one dependent on? What other modules compare with this one?I mostly look for modules for a specific use case. For instance, I wanted a module that would let me use the taxonomy term name in the URL to filter for Views. I knew it had something to do with "Contextual Filters" but searches for that in the Module area came up with nothing. It took me some trial and error and it turned out that the answer was this module, which does not have the best description: IntermediateFrontend Developeralyssapanetta
3/1/2023 16:05:32Project description / documentation, Release information (date of latest release, supported version information), number of sites reportingLargely the same, but more focus on project description and documentationn/aAdvancedArchitect, solutions engineerlogickal
3/1/2023 16:12:35Description, amount of installs and date and supported versions of last releaseDescription, amount of installs and date and supported versions of last releaseAdvancedBackend DeveloperDieterHolvoet
3/1/2023 17:09:551. Module name (sometimes a clever name can be a handicap)
2. First part of description (if I have to read 3 paragraphs to find what it does, I'll probably have moved on)
3. Install instructions (if there is a clear guide to set it up, that really helps)
4. Issue queue (if there are hundreds of issues with no responses, I'm going to suspect it's not actively maintained)
1. Module name (a clever name might catch my interest)
2. Screenshots (it can be nice to see what it looks like before I install)
3. Maintainers (some maintainers can be trusted more)
4. Related modules (sometimes you have to go down the rabbit hole)
I might go looking for modules other people have recommended, but I can't think of specific things I would find important on the page in that case. The recommendation trumps the information displayed.AdvancedBackend Developerlostcarpark
3/1/2023 18:35:42Stable release, recent release, RTBC staleness, who’s maintaining Popular most installs, starsAlternative modules solving a similar problem AdvancedBackend Developerjoelpittet
3/1/2023 18:48:23Number of installs, if there are screenshots, documentation, the project Readme (not the module page description which is almost always out of date)I don’t do this. Same as aboveAdvancedBackend DeveloperFroboy
3/1/2023 19:53:56Version compatibility, documentation/overview, maintainers, open bugs Documentation/overview, screenshots, usage, maintainers* to find documentation
* to find source code of module
* to share with a colleague
* to find issues/bugs/patches
AdvancedBackend Developerjrearick
3/1/2023 20:06:27Short description, last updated date, core version supported, number of installsThis isn’t something I ever do.Usually trying to find a solution to a specific problem or can’t remember a module name.AdvancedFull stack developer Seantwalsh
3/1/2023 21:52:46Functional description, stable release, number installed, maintainer I don’t usually browse without a goalAdvancedBackend DeveloperFatherShawn
3/1/2023 23:48:54Description, stability of release, number of installs, number of issuesDescription, screenshots, number of installs, number of issues AdvancedBackend Developereelkeblok
3/2/2023 1:12:33- Description
- How many sites are using the module
- The latest release date (Maybe is too old, abandoned, is updated, or not compatible with D10,...)
- Statistics. This gives me a sight if the module is alive or not.
- Description
- How many sites are using the module
- The latest release date
- Statistics
- Maybe maintainers (Sorry for the 5th :_) )

(Same as if I'm looking for a specific problem)
Probably same 4. Description, number of sites, release date, statistics, maintainers,...)AdvancedBackend Developerisholgueras
3/2/2023 1:19:29Features/Description. If it's compatible with the Drupal version I need. Maintainers. Last release.Name. Description. Number of installations. Maintainers.Not really.AdvancedBackend Developerjsbalsera
3/2/2023 1:59:52Description, stability, date of last release, install count statsDescription, tagsI don't often use the modules page, I tend to google.AdvancedBackend Developerjoachim
3/2/2023 2:28:06I use to follow Stackoverflow answers or project Page descriptionsI like to check the last module, the title/name anda the theaser.I think no.AdvancedI'm architect so I'm interested in all of themOskarcalvo
3/2/2023 2:38:13How to use instructions, screenshots, Drupal version, maintainers listHow to use instructions, screenshots, Drupal version, maintainers listHow to use instructions, screenshots, Drupal version, maintainers listIntermediateFrontend DeveloperStadoom
3/2/2023 2:40:46Last release date, project status (maintenance), issues queue state and response timeModule description, core version compatibility and module categories Maintainers and supporting organization, since some maintainers are not very receptive to changes or features request AdvancedBackend Developerd70rr3s
3/2/2023 3:06:35Date of the last stable version, usage statistics, screenshots and number of issues.Development status, screenshots, stability and Drupal version.Yes, to know the last modules added.AdvancedFullStack DeveloperajFernandez
3/2/2023 3:07:31The issues search, the version and release date and the source code and commit log linksDescription, last release date, core version and project information infoAdvancedBackend Developerasanchezs
3/2/2023 3:08:29drupal version for the moduledrupal version of the modulei use to get the official download linkAdvancedBackend Developerleandro713
3/2/2023 3:16:41Module description and module versionModule description and module versionNew modules, support, compatibility, documentationIntermediateSite Buildertdorleac
3/2/2023 3:17:28Drupal version, image of the module, a good description and an example of how the module works.Good title, image, description and categoryjust for information. Most important: ALternatives, example, sites report using this module and categoryIntermediateSite Builderfruizalejos
3/2/2023 3:42:10Screenshot front and back, date of the Last release, versions availables, number of usage for other projectsFeatures type provided, Screenshot, tags, versionFeatures, maintainer, version compatibilityAdvancedProject managerAsplamagnifique
3/2/2023 3:50:38Number of users using it (or fame of maintainers if few users)Stability, has security advisory coverage, works with version and development statusAdvancedBackend Developermaxpah
3/2/2023 4:08:39Module description. Last release date, compatibility. Screenshots (would be nice to have a lightbox for them). Source code link and/or issues information (sometimes the resources section too). Nowadays I do not browse and explore the Drupal module directory with no specific goal in mind.–AdvancedFrontend Developerthamas
3/2/2023 4:13:47Track record of maintainers, last date of update of the module, outstanding bugs in the issue queue, documentation (readme or otherwise)Project description and documentation (videos, screenshots), list of maintainers, open issues, presence of a stable release for my Drupal versionI don't normally use the search on d.o. I either access the module page directly or use a search engine. AdvancedBackend Developerpcambra
3/2/2023 4:34:02Module description, Documentation, Downloads, Issue queueCompatibility, Usage, Development status, AuthorGenerally use renowned modules only. We should have a way to find out less popular but useful modules.IntermediateBackend DevelopernarendraR
3/2/2023 7:22:30Let's say description on what the module does (this not always easy to get from current descriptions), available releases (recommended, cores, etc, ), number of installations and last update.

Other info is also very interesting: covered by security team, number of issues and module dv status (maintained or not).
Title, desc, creation date, authorsLooking for a module related to a vague idea:
- title, desc, related modules (suite? like for example all modules that integrate with webform), post date
AdvancedBackend Developertunic
3/2/2023 8:01:47(nice module logo - ;) joking) open issues, installations, creator, security advisory policy(nice module logo - ;) joking) good details page, creator, open issues, installationswould be great for for inspiration (moudle of the week)
get good info on the detail page, installations, creators, stars
AdvancedFrontend DeveloperGrienauer
3/2/2023 8:05:00Maintenance status, compatibility, maintainer, downloadsNever do thatI only use search, occassionally take a look at most downloaded. A direct search for modules filtering by version compatibility would be useful. There are just too many modules… oh, and a default filter for stable releases only would be good for everybody.AdvancedBackend Developer
3/2/2023 8:24:22Drupal version it works with, If it has stable version, Explanation of the module and use cases, If mantainers responds quickly in issue queueDrupal version it works with, If it has stable version, Explanation of the module and use cases, issue queueIntermediateBackend Developerfranxo
3/2/2023 9:09:55The module has a proper description and images. The stability of the current version. The number of times it has been installed. The date of the last release. I don't use to browse this way. I always search in google with "Drupal module " + what I need.NoIntermediateSite Buildertolivera
3/2/2023 9:57:58Description, Proyect Information, IssuesIssues, report using the module, last updated, featuresReport using the module, last updatedIntermediateBackend Developeralexismmd
3/2/2023 11:19:00The use case/s the module solves, as explained by the project page
How it relates to the ecosystem and how it solves it i.e. does it have dependencies? Does it extend some other modules?
Number of installs and last updated timestamp
Number of open bugs
Overall description: is it clear, thorough, explained with examples and screenshots?
External documentation: videos, docs, articles
Number of installs
Last updated timestamp
I'd search without goal to see if any module is getting traction and i'd focus on the same details as before:
Overall description: is it clear, thorough, explained with examples and screenshots?
External documentation: videos, docs, articles
Number of installs
Last updated timestamp
AdvancedFrontend Developeridiazroncero
3/2/2023 11:37:21Security coverage, reputation of maintainers, status of issue queue, release historyNumber of installations, clarity of description, supported Drupal versions, issue queue statusAdvancedBackend Developerjurgenhaas
3/2/2023 11:57:09Stable, Drupal 10 support, updated and numbers of installsTitle and description NoAdvancedBackend DeveloperSteinmb
3/2/2023 12:22:56module author/maintainer(s), usage statistics, explanation on features, explanation on implementation approach (in other words, and in this order: 1- who wrote it, 2- who is using it, 3- what does it do, and 4- how does it do it)I never do this.AdvancedBackend Developermarcoscano
3/2/2023 12:32:21- last updated date, current version number, release or beta? Summary of module fonctionnalityLast modules update list, new modules sorted by date, (latest version, info to bring back; updated date, info to bring back to the list view)If the module is compatible with the Druoal version. E.g. works on D10? Is is a release or beta? What are the dependencies?AdvancedBackend Developerxmacinfo
3/2/2023 14:39:31screenshots, description, dependencies, test coverage, maintainersi never do that, there's only so much time in a day 😂AdvancedBackend Developerlarowlan
3/2/2023 14:55:58Version compatibility, Issues, Number of installs, Project descriptionI'm not sure I really do this.None that come to mind.AdvancedBackend Developerongdesign
3/2/2023 15:12:30Supported API version (D8, 9, 10) and how many installs a module has for those versions, general use-case for the module, advertised module status (abandoned, minimally maintained, etc) vs evidence of maintainer-ship in the issue queue.Fun titles (El'darado Super-fly), Interesting Use Cases, Screenshots (if pertinent to module function)I use the new module RSS feed and I always have to check if the module actually has source code as the first thing I check on the RSS feed --it would be helpful to have new modules (with source code) or recent releases. Also, popular (most used) modules along with modules with lots of recent installs (up and coming modules). A module "power grid" (Objective Ranking) would be a good idea for this. Reference and Architectfrob
3/2/2023 15:33:461.Description, 2. Documentation, 3. Reviews, 4. Comparability1. Stable Version (Green box background), 2. Shield that tell us security is cover & official, 3. Drupal version support, 4. Project information to check usage and popularity.1. Description, 2. Performance & Functionality, 3. Security, 4. Comparability & Dependencies IntermediateFrontend DeveloperMMRmedina
3/2/2023 15:43:55current version, number of sites using, # bugs/issuesbrowse directory????AdvancedBackend Developergreggmarshall
3/2/2023 16:07:28The description in the overall information in the overview page in general (is this module right for me); The number of websites that are using the module (higher number means the module is preferred by the community); The latest version status (the green color and the shield badge for the security advisory policy protection, the compatibility with the latest Drupal Core, the date of the last release and if it is a beta, alpha, rc, or stable); The list of the supporting organizations (if there are any, how many and how big and respectable are they);They are the same as above, it doesn't matter if I am looking to solve a specific problem, or I am just exploring.If I am looking to contribute I may lower my criteria and look for something promising that needs more work and support, even if it doesn't look great at first sight.AdvancedBackend DeveloperRumenDamyanov
3/2/2023 17:47:53Link/search feature to related issues/bugs
latest updates
Drupal version compatibility
Number of installations
Last updated
I normally search through modules only when I am looking to add functionality to the website.BeginnerSite Buildersamia Wyatt
3/2/2023 19:08:10Description of features and are there alternative modules mentioned?, release compatibility, how many sites are using the module, release stability statusrelease compatibility, release stability status, how many sites are using the module, description - alternative modules mentioned?version compatibility, stability, is it activity maintained, is there an alternative moduleAdvancedTrainerAmber Himes Matz
3/2/2023 20:40:49stable release, does just what i need, active maintainer, community usemmm looking for something new or differe t maybesummary, finding a solution to a problem i didnt know i hadAdvancedBackend Developerrolandoscott
3/3/2023 2:59:56What it does, which drupal versions are supported, screenshot of relevant configurations, number of downloads, last update date.What it does, few screenshots, last update date, core versionsAdvancedBackend Developer
3/3/2023 6:16:03Stability, Last commit, Open bugs, Number of usersText quality, screenshots, stability, number of usersAdvancedBackend Developerknibals
3/3/2023 6:50:41We have checking module functionality and that module full fill our requirement. I have checked module current functionality and in feature if required same functionality then we can use same module. AdvancedBackend Developer
3/3/2023 8:24:12D10 compatibility, Recent release date, stars, current installsStars, current installsAdvancedSite Buildereswiderski
3/3/2023 8:33:00The name, The version in wich works, the times used in a web and description.The version in wich works, the times used, name and last release.BeginnerA bit of everything.ViernesDrupal
3/3/2023 8:47:47Releases, usage, first one or two sentences of the description, maintainersI'm not sure I ever do this.n/aAdvanceddevelopment and trainingultimike
3/3/2023 9:25:13Latest Release date, #of sites using the module, maintainers, #open issues for how longDon't do that typicallyNoAdvancedSite BuilderDSquaredB
3/3/2023 9:40:24List of features, drupal version, list of issues, source codemodule goal, list of features, x sites using this module, source codeAdvancedBackend Developer
3/3/2023 10:19:20Number of downloads, last release date, frequency of releases, Clear and concise list of major functionalityimages, clear summary, categorization/tagging, sponsorshipWhen updating, I am looking for any additional processes that may need to be performedAdvancedBackend DevelopertekNorah
3/3/2023 10:33:44All issues fields (open, RTBC, total), Bug report, Source code, Testing resultReleases, Testing result, Dependencies, FeaturesContribution: Maintainers, (View, version control, view history) tabs, Statistics and Project informationIntermediateBackend DeveloperAmirez
3/3/2023 12:04:29Whether the module is actively maintained
That there have been recent updates
Number of sites using the module
Is compatible with my current core and hopefully the next version
I've never explored the module directory for shits and giggles. It's always because I'm looking for something, either to solve a problem, or to review a module that's been recommended.Regardless of why I'm looking at a module page, the most important things remain the same. I also like to see a ReadMe/instructions, but those rarely exist in any meaningful way.AdvancedBackend Developermsypes
3/3/2023 18:55:171. Works with my version of Drupal, 2. Has been updated in the last year or so, 3. Has a good summary/readme w/ images, 4. Has a link to a working demoI don't browse the Drupal module directory with no specific goal in mindAs I already stated, I don't browser for modules, generally. I have a specific problem, and I look for something to fix that problem.AdvancedFrontend Developermjchadwick
3/4/2023 8:21:46Latest release date (with link to usage, documentation links, issues and response rateuse case description with examples maybe, documentation links, dependecies and other modules with the same use caseAdvancedBackend dev and architect
3/4/2023 10:32:33Releases status & last release date.
Related modules: dependencies, dependent on, and useable with, alternatives.
Explanation of usefulness.
Documentation on configuration or how to use.
Releases status & last release date.
Related modules: dependencies, dependent on, and useable with, alternatives.
Explanation of usefulness
Ability to star
Patches or to check on updatesAdvancedAll, Technical lead & project planningKerby70
3/6/2023 2:38:161. Releases 2. Maintainers 3. Issue activity 4. Download statsThat is not something I doGo to the list of releases to check the release doc when my current one is outdated, find the doc linkAdvancedBackend Developerfgm
3/6/2023 22:22:17Release for version of Drupal/ number of sites using it / demo or screenshots / development statusTitle/ description / demo or screenshots/ usage statsSometimes looking for code repo or documentation for a module / ecosystem of modulesAdvancedSite BuilderJohnpicozzi
3/7/2023 11:09:44The compatible core version, and the number of installVersion, number of install, core version, short descriptionAdvancedBackend Developerp.bonnefoi
3/7/2023 20:59:08
1. Drupal core compatibility, 2.If its covered by the Drupal security policy, 3. N° of sites with module installed and 4. if its on active development / maintenance
1. Project description and image 2. Drupal core compatibility, 3.If its covered by the Drupal security policy, 4. N° of sites with module installed
Searching modules through allows me to filter by core compatibility and project category
IntermediateSite BuilderAmanda Cook
3/8/2023 2:25:561. How many sites use the module
2. Is it supported/maintained with my Drupal version
3. Description of the module
4. Composer command to install it/installation instructions
never done this and don't see a reason for itBeginnerFrontend Developerakseli.miettinen
3/8/2023 10:21:38How to install it, a demo of it's functionality, what version of drupal it works with, how it solves my problem and will it create a problem on my site if I install itBrief description of the module, the issue queues, who the maintainers are, if it works for the version of Drupal I'm usingCuriosity. A brief description of the module, a video demoing the module, how to install it, issue queuesBeginnerBackend DeveloperCindy_codediaries
3/8/2023 10:36:35WHen the module was last updated, how many issues are in the queue, link to docsHow many sites are using it (although I know some stats are weird if they are only used on production), documentation, features, use casesI like a link to the source code, because I want to read the readmeIntermediateContent Editorvolkswagenchick
3/8/2023 10:58:06Title, screen shot, description, supportTitle, releases, documentation, screen shotI look for community-supported replacements for custom code, and focus on maintainers, number of patches waiting to be merged, age of last release, and any information about how to contribute.AdvancedBackend DeveloperDarren Oh
3/8/2023 18:48:44name, description intro, support "flags" and indicators (eg test coverage, security, usage)I don't think I've ever done this!AdvancedBackend Developerxurizaemon
3/9/2023 2:52:29Description details
Number of open issues
Compatibility and currently Maintained
Module Development Coding Standards
Module Popularity
Not aware of the modules that fit the requirement, finding new modules to add functionality rather then implemented a custom solution.
Module description
Open Issues
AdvancedBackend Developerjoshua1234511
3/9/2023 6:11:440. Description/features: will it solve my problem?
1. Compatible with my version of Drupal
2. Date of most recent release
3. Number of installs

I used to also look at the download size, but it's no longer possible to see that directly on the module page. If I'm comparing two modules and both will solve my problem, but one is 5x the size, I'll opt for the smaller one. Or, if I know I can solve my problem with a small custom module or a large contrib module that does a bunch of things I don't need, I will sometimes opt to implement a small module that does exactly what I need.
I very rarely browser the Drupal module directory with no goal in mind. More typically, I will browse the recent releases in the Weekly Drop newsletter, and click through to read about modules I hadn't heard of before. I'm only interested in learning about modules if they're supported.Sometimes I have an idea for a module, so I'm searching to see if something exists already.AdvancedBackend Developermandclu
3/9/2023 9:00:12
The description, browsing the code to check the implementation method, sites using, when last updated
When last updated, security release, number of issues, browse the code repo
I will often sort by category and most downloaded/usage, check the top solutions, to see what people are doing and how they are accomplishing it.
In this case in the module listing, the most important things to me are - title, description, logo, num downloads. This tells me it the project is well supported.
AdvancedBackend Developerearthday47
3/9/2023 9:19:34
core version compatibility, release version vs rc/alpha/beta, number of installs, actively maintained
n/an/aAdvancedFrontend Developerkthull
3/9/2023 10:03:24Drupal Version
Number of Sites using the module
Update frequency / Quality (does it have a full release, is dev months ahead of current)
I do not do this anymoreLooking for example code for a custom module I'm working on.
In that case:
Issue Queue
AdvancedBackend Developernicxvan
3/9/2023 22:30:11Supported Drupal version, Number of installs, Number and nature of open issues, date of last stable releaseI don't think I've ever done this - perhaps I should! But I think if I did I would look for the same 4 things I listed above.Sometimes a colleague will mention a module so I'll go look it up. Same details matter to me in this case, too.IntermediateBackend Developerbanoodle
3/10/2023 9:34:01Is it a full and active release, number of sites using it, the completeness of the on page description, issue queue sizeI usually don't do this, but if I were to, I'd want to know, popularity of the module, release status, the version of drupal it works on, and maintenance statusI typically find module recommendations through other developers, other sites, and articles I come across in emails. It would be nice if drupal maintained a form of review for folks to post thoughts and usage on modules.AdvancedBackend Developerfullstackmike
3/10/2023 11:39:481. Description
2. Screenshots
3. Release status (dev, alpha, beta, rc, full release)
4. Number of sites using the module ("wisdom of crowds")
I never do that.If I am migrating an existing Drupal 7 (or Drupal 6) site, then I want current versions of the modules installed on that site.

1. Version compatibility (currently Drupal 9 or 10)
2. Release status
3. Number of sites using the module
4. Release history
AdvancedBackend Developerbenjifisher
3/10/2023 12:03:06Security opt in, last release, number of downloads, number of issuesNA - probably only used that module directory onceNAAdvancedBackend Developersmustgrave
3/10/2023 14:04:39
Number of sites using, open issues ratio, response rate, version stability
I admit that I do not do thatIt's cool to see what modules are popular/trendingIntermediateFrontend Developer
3/15/2023 9:12:57
Drupal version it's available for, major/critical issues in issue queue, specific details on what and how the modules solves a problem, whether there is a full release or if it's in alpha/beta
I've never done this.NoAdvancedBackend Developeraveragejoe3000
3/15/2023 12:11:041. Sites reporting installation of module
2. Most recent update and regularity of updates
3. State of the issue queue (number of open issues, ratio of open issues to number of issues)
4. Maintaining organization/people
1. Stability
2. Security
3. Category
4. Most recent update and regularity of updates
Recently created and updated modules
1. Most recent update and regularity of updates
2. State of the issue queue (number of open issues, ratio of open issues to number of issues)
3. Description
4. Sites reporting installation of module
IntermediateSite Builderjlholmes
3/16/2023 6:20:50open issues/bugs, last release date, usage stats/trend, documentation/resources linksopen issues/bugs, last release date, usage stats/trend, documentation/resources linksAdvancedSite Builderklonos
3/16/2023 6:31:40Security Team, number of usages, Drupal 10 support, Release date of the latest versionSecurity Team, number of usages, Drupal 10 support, Release date of the latest versionIntermediateBackend Developertarik.cipix