A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | |
1 | This page is currently unmonitored. Thank you so much to everyone who so generously shared their info here as a way to communicate support for colleagues in a time of unrest and uncertainty. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Psychology Faculty Lecture Exchange | also see this thread in the Society for Teaching Psychology FB Group for ideas for moving a class online: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teachpsych/permalink/10158422961694349 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Many institutions and faculty are engaged in pandemic preparedness plans. One aspect not receiving enough attention is what to do if faculty become sick or have increased caregiving responsibilities. If you are willing and able to guest-lecture (in person or via videoconferencing software) for an ill colleague, please complete the spreadsheet below. A faculty member in need may contact you if necessary. You can remove your name at any time. PhD candidates (past general exams and into the dissertating phase) with teaching experience may volunteer as well. THIS IS CURRENTLY LIMITED TO PSYCHOLOGY. Other fields may add a sheet to this spreadsheet and continue adding, or copy the concept for their own spreadsheet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | (idea happily stolen from political science - https://twitter.com/l_eckhouse/status/1236110059127488514?s=21 ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Michael Nielsen | Undergrad/ Grad Courses | Intro Psych, Psychology of Religion | mnielsen@georgiasouthern.edu | Georgia (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Name | Undergrad/ Grad Courses | Areas of expertise/ prepped lecture topics | How to contact (twitter @, email, website -- this is public so whatever you share publicly) | Physical Location/ Timezone | Other Notes | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Molly Metz | Undergrad | Social Psych (general, emotion, close relationships, evolutionary, intergroup, sex/gender), intro research methods, undergrad statistics | metz@psych.utoronto.ca | Canada, EST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Juanita Whalen | Undergrad | Developmental (Esp Child & Cog), Intro, Intro Methods, Ed Psyc | jwhalen@mhc.ab.ca | Canada, MST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Linda Krajewski | Undergrad | Intro Psych, Abnormal Psych (voiced over lecture PowerPoints available for all the usual chapters) | linda_krajewski@redlands.edu OR iteachpsych@yahoo.com | California, PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Esther Chang | Undergrad | Intro, upper division Lifespan development; Educational Psychology; | echang@soka.edu | California, PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | David Hanbury | Undergrad | intro, learning, stats, methods, physio, development | dhanbury@averett.edu | Virginia, EST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Amber Shipherd | Undergrad or Grad | Sport psychology, exercise psychology, coaching psychology, psychology of sport injury | amber.shipherd@tamuk.edu or @docshipherd | Texas, CST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Yanna Weisberg | Undergrad | personality psych (general, theories, assessment), individual differences, intro stats | yweisber@linfield.edu | Oregon, PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Jen McGee | Undergrad | Drugs, biopsych (including within intro psych), intro stats | jmjuerg@emory.edu | Atlanta, EST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Patricia Xi | Undergrad | Intro Psych, Cognitive Psychology | xip@denison.edu | Ohio, EST | I prefer using Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Ginger Wickline | Undergrad | Intro, cultural psych/competence, intercultural communication, cultural adjustment, personality, nonverbal communication/relationships, locus of control, study habits, careers/professional development, counseling, stats, research methods | vwickline@georgiasouthern.edu | Georgia, EST | Zoom, WebEx | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Kristina McGuire | undergrad | Intro; Lifespan; Adolescent Development | mcguireka2@mymail.vcu.edu | Washington, DC, EST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Jen Labrecque | undergrad | Social Psych, Psych of Adjustment (applied psych), Psych of Motivation | jen.labrecque@okstate.edu | Oklahoma (CST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Heather Scherschel | undergrad | Intro, Social psych, Health psych, Personality Psych, Research Methods | hscherschel@ut.edu | Florida, EST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Carrie Bulger | undergrad | I-O psych | carrie.bulger@quinnipiac.edu; carrie.bulger@gmail.com | Connecticut, Eastern | I also have ideas for podcasts and discussions to have online | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Melanie MacEacheron | (see at right) | Undergrad: Social Psychology, Intro Psychology, Research Methods, Statistics, Prosocial & Antisocial Behavior, Stereotypes Prejudice & Discrimination, Psychology & the Law (or at graduate level), and Attitudes & Persuasion (or at grad level) | mmaceacheron@gmail.com | EST | via videoconferencing | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Jen Doran | Undergrad | Intro Psych, Abnromal Psych | jdoran@nctc.edu | CST | Recorded PowerPoint lectures | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Mary Radeke | Undergrad or grad | Intro Psych, research methods, Psych of Language, Social Psych. | radekem@cwu.edu | Washington, PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Kimberly Chiew | undergrad | Intro to Cog Neuro (Gazzaniga textbook), Neuroscience of Emotion (upper level) | kimberly.chiew@du.edu; lab website www.dumaclab.org | Colorado, MST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Karen Naufel | Undergraduate or graduate | Intro; Health; Social; Cognitive; Careers; Graduate Research Methods; Undergrad methods; Research Experience | Knaufel@georgiasouthern.edu | Georgia, EST | Happy to facilitate mentoring of student teachers, research projects, or experiential learning projects . Happy to brainstorm ideas | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Anna Quigg | Undergrad or Grad | Abnormal; ABA/Single Subject Research; Development (Lifespan/Infant/Toddler/Adolescent); Autism; Behavior/Learning; Research Methods (some areas) | anna.quigg@coxcollege.edu or drquigg10@gmail.com linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drannaquigg/ college website: https://coxcollege.edu/member/quigg/ | Missouri, CST | videoconferencing, Zoom, Skype | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Janet Peters | Undergrad | Intro, Stats, IO (leadership, employee engagement) | janet.peters@wsu.edu | Washington, PST | zoom zoom! | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | June Gruber | Undergrad or Grad | Abnormal; Emotion | june.gruber@colorado.edu | Boulder, CO | I also have online lectures in human emotion freely available to use if needed | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Jaclyn Siegel | Undergrad | Social psychology, psychology of gender, qualitative methodology | Jsiegel3@uwo.ca; @jaclynasiegel | Ontario, EST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Mona Xu | Undergrad and Grad | social psych, close relationships, social neuro, human sexuality, professional development and writing, teaching of psych | xuxiao@isu.edu | Pocatello, ID (MST) | Zoom or other videoconferencing. Some topics I have recorded Powerpoint slides. | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Brittany Avila | Undergrad | Intro, History of Psychology, Cognitive, Social, Developmental. | brittanyavila@unr.edu; @brittanynavila | Reno, NV (PST) | Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Jason Spiegelman | Undergrad | Intro. Abnormal. Social. Developmental. Death and Dying | jspiegelman@ccbcmd.edu | Baltimore (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Jenel Cavazos | Undergrad | all things intro! | jcavazos@ou.edu | Norman, OK (CST) | I have slides and questions pre-loaded in TopHat for anyone using it | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Annie Ditta | Undergrad | Intro Psych, Cognitive Psychology, Sensation & Perception, Human Learning & Memory, Psychology of Creativity, Human Factors | annied@ucr.edu | Riverside, CA (PST) | I have slides prepped for intro, creativity, & human factors. Happy to cover the other topics, but would take a bit of prep or could use someone's slides. Prefer Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Lyra Stein | Undergrad | Intro Psych, abnormal, personality, psych in film, social, soul beliefs research methods | Lyra@psych.rutgers.edu | NJ (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Pamela Costa | Undergrad/Fresh/Soph | Intro, Abnormal and Health Psych | Pcosta@tacomacc.edu | Tacoma,WA | ||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Kristen Eyssell | Undergrad | Social, Human Sexuality, Psych of Religion, Research Methods | keyssell@ubalt.edu | Baltimore, MD | ||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Angela Kelling | Undergrad or Grad Courses | Research Design, Stats, Animal Behavior, Brain and Behavior, S & P, Learning, Intro, Environmental | kellinga@uhcl.edu | Houston, TX (CST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Diane Finley | undergrad | intro, RM, sport, health, abnormal, developmental | finleydl@pgcc.edu | Maryland | ||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Clare Conry-Murray | grad or undergrad | Developmental, Moral development, Gender development, research methods | cconrymu@sju.edu | Philadelphia (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Michael Bernstein | undergrad or grad course (depending on topic) | Social Psych Generally at ugrad level; stats at ugrad level; social pscyh general at advanced level or grad level | mjb70@psu.edu | Philadelphia (EST) | I use Zoom for remote lectures for other colleagues and my own classes (or will when we go Virtual) | |||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Keri Kytola | Undergrad | Intro. Psych., Cognition, Lifespan Development (especially Aging), Learning, Evolution, Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience, & Research Methods | keri.kytola@wilson.edu | Chambersburg, PA/Hagerstown, MD (EST) | Prefer Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Stoni Fortney | Undergrad | Intro, Neurodevelopmental disorders (autism, intellectual disability, etc.) | stoni.fortney@osumc.edu | Ohio (EST) | PhD student | |||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Anisah Bagasra | Undergrad | Intro, Cross-Cultural, Health Psychology, Death & Dying, Ethnic Psyc, Psychology of Religion | abagasra@kennesaw.edu | Georgia (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Joe Morrissey | Undergrad | Intro, Stat, Research Methods, IO Psych, Neuroscience, Evo Psych, Comparative Psych | morri326, jmorrissey5@gmail.com | Hamilton, OH | ||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Alison Melley | Undergrad / Grad (teaching seminar only) | Intro (primary), Graduate Teaching Seminar, Ed Psych, Developmental | Amelley@gmu.edu | Maryland/Northern Virginia | Lots of Intro content - prepped videos, google site with resources. Building same for grad seminar. | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Maria Iankilevitch | Undergrad | Social Psych (intergroup relations/prejudice/stereptyping/ discrimination), undergrad statistics, advanced seminar | maria.iankilevitch@mail.utoronto.ca | Canada, EST | ||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Ryan Lei | Undergrad | prejudice, stereotyping, child development | rlei1@haverford.edu | Pennsylvania (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Benjamin Le | Undergrad | Open Science | ble@haverford.edu | Pennsylvania (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Charlotte Markey | Undergrad (some grad) | Psych of Eating topics (in preparation): dieting, weight loss, obesity, eating disorders | chmarkey@camden.rutgers.edu | Pennsylvania/ New Jersey (EST) | prepping for change to online. have limited experience but working on videos that are 5-10 min segments. | |||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Katie Corker | Undergrad (grad measurement/psychometrics) | Personality psych, research methods, measurement/psychometrics, open science (whole courses of all of the above) | k.corker@gmail.com | Michigan (EST) | I will be creating some brief SPSS videos for my own students. I could deliver one of many lectures to your students live or asynchronously. | |||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Richard Lopez | Undergrad | Intro psych, social/cognitive neuroscience, self-regulation and goal pursuit | rlopez@bard.edu | New York (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Crystal Steltenpohl | either | community psychology, research methods, qualitative, open science | cnsteltenp@usi.edu, @CNSteltenpohl | Indiana (CST) | I use Zoom and Skype fine but can also make VoiceThreads or use other technology as needed | |||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Gili Freedman | undergrad | social psych, research methods | gfreedman@smcm.edu | Maryland (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Mattie Oveross | undergrad | human development and related topics, intro research methods, intro stats | Mattie.oveross@unt.edu | Texas | literate in Canvas, TEAMS, zoom, and skype... I am a PhD student that teaches undergrad courses | |||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Casey Schofield | undergrad | psych disorders (abnormal), intro, research methods, intro stats, CBT | cschofie@skidmore.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Caitlin Fausey | undergrad | cognitive development; research methods; psycholinguistics | fausey@uoregon.edu | Oregon, PST | skype, zoom, google hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Kate Mills | either | brain development (human); intro to developmental psychology; social development; longitudinal modeling; developmental cognitive neuroscience | klmills@uoregon.edu | Eugene, OR (Pacific) | skype, zoom, google hangouts, panopto | |||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Aron Harold Pamoso | undergrad | psychological assessment, intro research methods, positive psychology, abnormal psychology | ahpamoso_guid@uspf.edu.ph, @aaronharoldp | Philippines, UTC +8 | skype, zoom, google hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Kait Clark | undergrad | intro psych lectures on sensation/perception/attention/memory, individual differences in attention, and lectures on how to write an intro/methods/results/discussion section | https://es.123rf.com/photo_83830217_retrato-de-operário-de-fábrica-montando-unidades-de-máquina-olhando-para-longe-com-confiança-na-planta-moder.html?vti=m0rovd2ealpl2t6o8h-1-93 | UK, UTC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | Diana Sanchez | Undergraduate or graduate | Intro psych, Personality, Motivation, Intelligence, Human Factors, Research Methods, Learning & Memory, Assessment, Scale Development, I/O psychology (e.g., Training, Teams, Change Management, Leadership etc.) | SanchezDianaR@sfsu.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | Dominique Vuvan | undergrad | research methods & stats, cognition, cognitive neuroscience, music cognition | dvuvan@skidmore.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Chelsea Nehler | Undergrad | Child Development/Lifespan/Infancy/Adolescence, Research Methods, Psychological Statistics, Poverty and Child Development, Writing coaching | nehler@ku.edu, @chelseanehler | Chapel Hill, NC, USA | Skype, Zoom, Blue Jeans, any free platform with enough notice. I am a PhD in Developmental Psychology, currently a psychometrician at University of Kansas | |||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Mark A. Conley | either, + MBA, MBM | Motivation, Applied Psychology in Entrepreneurship | mark.conley@hhs.se; @mactiv8 | Stockholm, Sweden | Zoom or Skype. Fully practiced/rehearsed paper presentations. | |||||||||||||||||||||
66 | Libby Benson | either | Research methods and statistics, intensive longitudinal data analysis, R, workflow pipelines, life span development | leb237@psu.edu | State College, PA & Bloomington, IN | Zoom, skype | |||||||||||||||||||||
67 | Jessica Schleider | undergrad/grad | abnormal child/adolescent psychology; child/adolescent mental health interventions; evidence-based treatment for depression and anxiety in youth; single-session intervention | jessica.schleider@stonybrook.edu | new york | zoom, skype | |||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Jen Perillo | undergrad/grad | Psych and law/forensic, social, research methods, stats | jperillo@iup.edu | Indiana, PA | Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
69 | Kevin Himberger | either | Intro. Psych., Cog. Neuro., Cog. Psych., Research Methods | himberger@jhu.edu | Baltimore, MD | Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Jake Kurczek | undergraduate | Intro Psych, Research methods, Cognitive, Biological/Neuroscience, Learning/Memory | jake.kurczek@loras.edu | Dubuque, IA | Zoom, Skype, Twitch, Discord, Google Hangout | |||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Urska Dobersek | graduate and undergraduate | Intro to Psychology, Educational Psychology, Cognitive pPsychology, Classroom assessment, Tests & measures, Research methods & statistics, orientation to a major in psychology, sport psychology | udobersek@usi.edu | Evansville, IN | Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Sarah Cassella | undergrad | Drugs and Behavior, Neuropsychiatric Disease, Stress | sarah.cassella@loras.edu | Dubuque, IA | ||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Jagdeep Bala | undergrad | Intro to cognitive psychology, cognition, Drugs and Behavior, Learning and Memory, Hormones and Behavior, Neurobiology/Biopsychology | jagdeep@uoregon.edu | Eugene, OR | Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, can share pre-recorded lessons on many of these topics. | |||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Rob Latzman | undergrad & grad | abnormal, personality, methods | rlatzman@gsu.edu | Atlanta, GA (EST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Suman Ambwani | undergrad | abnormal, research methods, eating disorders | ambwanis@dickinson.edu | Carlisle, PA (EST) | Zoom (if someone else sets it up because I only have a free account), Skype | |||||||||||||||||||||
76 | Ben Butina | Undergrad & Grad | IO Psych, Intro Psych | butina@gmail.com | Pittsburgh, PA (EDT) | Zoom (if someone else sets it up because I only have a free account), Skype | |||||||||||||||||||||
77 | Steffanie Schilder | Undergrad & Grad | Human sexuality (undergrad); Grad: psychopathology, dx & tx planning, marriage and family counseling, child psychopathology, social and cultural diversity | steffanie.schilder@loras.edu | Dubuque, IA | Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, can share pre-recorded lessons on many of these topics. | |||||||||||||||||||||
78 | Simine Vazire | Undergrad & Grad | Research methods | 0 | Davis, CA, USA | Zoom (if someone else sets it up because I only have a free account), Skype, Google hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Kari Leibowitz | Undergrad & Grad | Health psychology (suitable for large intro classes); placebo effects & health; stress mindsets & health; psychosocial forces in healthcare | kleibow@stanford.edu | Palo Alto, CA, USA | Preferred Zoom, other options possible | |||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Patrick Forscher | Grad (advanced undergrad also possible) | Research methods, GLM, multi-level modeling, intro to phil-sci, meta-analysis, missing data | schnarrd@gmail.com | Grenoble, France (Madison, WI after March 19, hopefully) | Zoom preferred | |||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Mike Lawrence | Undergrad & Grad | Stats (R, Stan), Cognitive Psychology, Attention | @mikelwrnc, mla@dal.ca | Halifax, NS, Canada (ADT) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Susana Lopez | undergrad | Multicultural and health psychology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Zahra Vahedi | Undergrad | Intro psych; intro stats; social psychology | zahra.vahedi@psych.ryerson.ca | Toronto, ON, Canada | PhD student; intro psych lectures fully prepped; Zoom/Skype/Google Hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Ellen Carpenter | Undergrad | I have most of Goldstein's Perception chapters recorded. I am in the process of curating a podcast/Ted Talk Learning and Cognition list with writing prompts | emcarpenter@vcu.edu | RIchmond, VA | ||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Angela Bell | Undergrad | Social Psych (at intro or advanced level); Social Cognition; Psychology of Prejudice | bellac@lafayette.edu | Lafayette College / Easton, PA (EST) | Zoom, Google Meet, can share existing slides anytime or send pre-recorded modules starting March 24 | |||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Sean Zion | Undergrad & Grad | Health Psychology (placebo effects, stress, illness mindsets / perceptions); social psychology; abnormal psychology. | szion@stanford.edu | Stanford, California, USA (PST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Jordan Wagge | Undergrad & Grad (Master's) | Stats, methods, cognitive psychology, intro psych | jordan.wagge@avila.edu | Kansas City, MO | Zoom, Skype Business, Google Hangout, Facetime | |||||||||||||||||||||
88 | Sara Appleby | Undergrad & Grad | Psych & Law: Deception Detection, Interrogations,Confessions, Racial Bias, Prison & Prison Reform | appleby_sc@mercer.edu | Macon, GA (EST) | Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Kristy Kay | Undergrad | Industrial-Organizational Psych | kkay@csusm.edu | San Diego, CA (PST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Chris Aberson | Undergrad/Grad | Statistics (I teach intro, ANOVA, and Multivariate, all in R) | cla18@humboldt.edu | Arcata, CA (PST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Christina Ragan | Undergrad | Biopsychology and Neuroscience; Research Expertise: postpartum anxiety | ragan1@pnw.edu, @thegreatratsby | Valparaiso, IN (CST) | Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, WebEx, Recorded Lectures | |||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Ben Dyson | UG | Intro to Psych (bio, perception, consciousness, memory, learning), Cognitive Psychology | bjdyson@ualberta.ca | Edmonont, AB (MST) | Skype, Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
93 | Susana Lopez | undergrad | multicultural and health psychology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Kate Ratliff | grad, undergrad | intro social psych; psych of prejudice and stereotyping; social perception/cognition; open science; could also talk about project implicit (implicit.harvard.edu) | ratliff@ufl.edu | Gainesville, Fl (EST) | Zoom, Skype, Hangout, Canvas, whatever | |||||||||||||||||||||
95 | Michael Kraus | grad, undergrad | psychology and inequality | michael.kraus@yale.edu | new haven, ct | zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
96 | Erik Thulin | grad, undergrad | JDM, Behavioral Economics | ethulin@rare.org | Arlington, VA (EST) | Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
97 | Jennifer Honeycutt | grad, undergrad | intro psych, biological/physiological psych, neuroanatomy, anxiety, schizophrenia, social media for academics, learning & motivation, neuroscience | j.honeycutt@neu.edu, @ohambiguity | Boston, MA (EST) | zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
98 | Manisha Sawhney | undergrad | cognitive; health; developmental; research method; | msawhney@umary.edu | Bismarck, ND (CST) | zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
99 | Laura Huang | undergrad and grad | Person Perception, Signals and Cues, Edge: Turning Adversity into Advantage | Lhuang@hbs.edu | Boston, MA | Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||||
100 | William E Myers Jr. | undergrad and grad | Medical Ethics, Health and Social Psychology. Developmental | Zoom,skype, Hangout Blackboard, Blackboard |