A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | |
1 | Schema | MoHCCN Clinical Field (Fields in italics are identifier fields. Fields in bold are required for data integrity purposes.) | Data Tier | Requirements | Field Description | Type | Permissible Values | Source | mCODE Profile Name(s) | mCODE FHIR Element / ARGO Data Element Name | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
2 | Sample Registration | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Sample Registration | submitter_donor_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier for the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Cancer Patient mCODE STU2: Cancer Patient | mCODE STU1: Patient: Identifier mCODE STU2: Patient: Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Sample Registration | submitter_specimen_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the specimen, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: LAML_PO, 00445, THY_099-tumour | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Genetic Specimen mCODE STU2: Genomic Specimen | mCODE STU1: Specimen.Identifier mCODE STU2: Specimen.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Sample Registration | specimen_tissue_source | Core | Required | Tissue source of the biospecimen. | Text | Abdominal fluid (NCIt: C77611) Amniotic fluid (NCIt: C13188) Arterial blood (NCIt: C78729) Bile (NCIt: C13192) Blood derived - bone marrow Blood derived - peripheral blood Bone marrow fluid (SNOMED: 413679007) Bone marrow derived mononuclear cells Buccal cell (NCIt: C172264) Buffy coat (NCIt: C84507) Cerebrospinal fluid (NCIt: C12692) Cervical mucus (SNOMED: 26859008) Convalescent plasma (NCIt: C173750) Cord blood (NCIt: C13300) Duodenal fluid (SNOMED: 122574004) Female genital fluid (SNOMED: 50473004) Fetal blood (SNOMED: 737357006) Hydrocele fluid (SNOMED: 725093005) Male genital fluid (SNOMED: 23378005) Pancreatic fluid (SNOMED: 17387004) Pericardial effusion (NCIt: C3319) Pleural fluid (NCIt: C77613) Renal cyst fluid (SNOMED: 734111007) Saliva (NCIt: C13275) Seminal fluid (NCIt: C33529) Serum (NCIt: C13325) Solid tissue (NCIt: C164014) Sputum (NCIt: C13278) Synovial fluid (NCIt: C33718) Urine (NCIt: C13283) Venous blood (NCIt: C78730) Vitreous fluid (NCIt: C13323) Whole blood (Reference: NCIt: C41067) Wound (Reference: SNOMED: 122566000) | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Genetic Specimen mCODE STU2: Genomic Specimen | mCODE STU1: Specimen.type mCODE Value Set:Genetic Specimen Type Value Set mCODE STU2: Genomic Specimen Specimen Type Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | Sample Registration | tumour_normal_designation | Core | Required | Description of specimen's tumour/normal status for data processing. | Text | Normal Tumour | ICGC ARGO | tumour_normal_designation | ||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sample Registration | specimen_type | Core | Required | Description of the kind of specimen that was collected with respect to tumour/normal tissue origin. | Text | Cell line - derived from normal Cell line - derived from primary tumour Cell line - derived from metastatic tumour Cell line - derived from xenograft tumour Metastatic tumour - additional metastatic Metastatic tumour - metastasis local to lymph node Metastatic tumour - metastasis to distant location Metastatic tumour Normal - tissue adjacent to primary tumour Normal Primary tumour - additional new primary Primary tumour - adjacent to normal Primary tumour Recurrent tumour Tumour - unknown if derived from primary or metastatic tumour Xenograft - derived from primary tumour Xenograft - derived from metastatic tumour Xenograft - derived from tumour cell line | ICGC ARGO | specimen_type | ||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Sample Registration | submitter_sample_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the sample, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: hnc_12, CCG_34_94583, BRCA47832-3239 | ICGC ARGO | submitter_sample_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Sample Registration | sample_type | Core | Required | Description of the type of molecular sample used for testing. | Text | Amplified DNA ctDNA Other DNA enrichments Other RNA fractions polyA+ RNA Protein rRNA-depleted RNA Total DNA Total RNA | ICGC ARGO | sample_type | ||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Donor | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Donor | submitter_donor_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64}} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Cancer Patient mCODE STU2: Cancer Patient | mCODE STU1: Patient: Identifier mCODE STU2: Patient: Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | Donor | gender | Core | Required | Description of the donor self-reported gender. Gender is described as the assemblage of properties that distinguish people on the basis of their societal roles. | Text | Man Woman Non-binary | Statistics Canada | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Donor | sex_at_birth | Core | Required | Indicate donor's sex assigned at birth. | Text | Male Female Other | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Donor | is_deceased | Core | Required | Indicate if donor's last known status is deceased. | Boolean | Yes No | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Cancer Patient mCODE STU2: Cancer Patient | mCODE STU1: Patient.deceased.boolean mCODE STU2: Patient.deceased.boolean | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | Donor | lost_to_followup_after_clinical_event_identifier | Extended | Optional/Conditional This field can only be submitted if "is_deceased" = "No" | If the donor became lost to follow up, indicate the identifier of the clinical event (eg. submitter_primary_diagnosis_id, submitter_treatment_id or submitter_follow_up_id) after which the donor became lost to follow up. | Text | ICGC ARGO | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Donor | lost_to_followup_reason | Extended | Optional/Conditional This field should only be submitted if "lost_to_followup_after_clinical_event" was submitted. | Indicate reason the donor was lost to follow up. | Text | Completed study Discharged to palliative care Lost contact Not applicable Unknown Withdrew from study | ||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Donor | date_alive_after_lost_to_followup | Extended | Optional/Conditional If this field is submitted, then "lost_to_followup_after_clinical_event_identifier" must be submitted to indicate when the donor was lost to follow up. | Indicate the date when donor was discovered to be alive with unknown disease status after they had been lost to follow up. | Integer | Format YYYY-MM | This field should only be submitted if the donor was lost to follow up but discovered to be alive later on without knowing any cancer status information. The "lost_to_followup_after_clinical_event_identifier" field must be submitted if this field is submitted. | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Donor | cause_of_death | Extended | Conditional Only required if "is_deceased" is "Yes" | Indicate the cause of a donor's death. | Text | Died of cancer Died of other reasons Unknown | ICGC ARGO | cause_of_death | ||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Donor | date_of_birth | Core | Required | Indicate donor's date of birth. | Integer | Format YYYY-MM | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Cancer Patient mCODE STU2: Cancer.Patient | mCODE STU1: Patient.birthDate mCODE STU2: Patient.birthDate | This field is required in order to calculate ARGO's required "age_at_diagnosis" field, which is recorded in years. | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | Donor | date_of_death | Core | Conditional Only required if "is_deceased" is "Yes" | Indicate donor's date of death. | Integer | Format YYYY-MM | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Cancer Patient mCODE STU2: Cancer.Patient | mCODE STU1: Patient.deceased.dateTime mCODE STU2: Patient.deceased.dateTime | This field is required in order to calculate ARGO's required "survival_time" field which is recorded in days. | ||||||||||||||||||
21 | Donor | primary_site | Core | Required | The text term used to describe the primary site of disease, as categorized by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O). This categorization groups cases into general categories. | Text | Breast (Reference: ICD-O C50) | ICGC ARGO | primary_site | To include multiple values, separate values with a pipe delimiter '|' within your file. | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | Specimen | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Specimen | submitter_donor_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier for the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Cancer Patient mCODE STU2: Cancer Patient | mCODE STU1: Patient: Identifier mCODE STU2: Patient: Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | Specimen | submitter_specimen_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the specimen, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64}} Examples: LAML_PO, 00445, THY_099-tumour | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Genetic Specimen mCODE STU2: Genomic Specimen | mCODE STU1: Specimen.Identifier mCODE STU2: Specimen.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
25 | Specimen | submitter_primary_diagnosis_id | ID | Required | Indicate the primary diagnosis event in the clinical timeline that this specimen acquisition was related to. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: LAML_PO, 00445, THY_099-tumour | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Primary Cancer Condition mCODE STU2: Primary Cancer Condition | mCODE STU1: Condition.identifier mCODE STU2: Condition.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | Specimen | pathological_tumour_staging_system | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour, and if clinical staging was not submitted. | Specify the tumour staging system used to assess the cancer at the time the tumour specimen was resected. Pathological classification is based on the clinical stage information (acquired before treatment) and supplemented/modified by operative findings and pathological evaluation of the resected specimen. | Text | AJCC 8th edition AJCC 7th edition AJCC 6th edition Ann Arbor staging system Binet staging system Durie-Salmon staging system FIGO staging system International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Staging System International Neuroblastoma Staging System Lugano staging system Rai staging system Revised International staging system (R-ISS) SEER staging system St Jude staging system | ICGC ARGO | pathological_tumour_staging_system | Either the clinical or pathological staging must be submitted. | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | Specimen | pathological_t_category | Core | Required/Conditional This field is required only if the selected pathological_tumour_staging_system is any edition of the AJCC cancer staging system | The code to represent the stage of cancer defined by the size or contiguous extension of the primary tumour (T), according to criteria based on multiple editions of the AJCC's Cancer Staging Manual. | Text | Click for drop-down list of AJCC T category values | mCODE STU 1 | mCODE STU1: TNM Pathological Primary Tumor Category mCODE STU2: Staging Type for Primary Tumor Category Value Set: LOINC 21899-0 T category: TNM Primary Tumor Category Profile | mCODE STU1: Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept AJCC values from TNM Primary Tumor Category Value Set mCODE STU2: Observation.value[x] TNM Primary Tumor Category Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | Specimen | pathological_n_category | Core | Required/Conditional This field is required only if the selected pathological_tumour_staging_system is any edition of the AJCC cancer staging system | The code to represent the stage of cancer defined by whether or not the cancer has reached nearby lymph nodes (N), according to criteria based on multiple editions of the AJCC's Cancer Staging Manual. | Text | Click for drop-down list of AJCC N category values | mCODE STU 1 | TNM Pathological Regional Nodes Category | Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept AJCC values from TNM Regional Nodes Category Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | Specimen | pathological_m_category | Core | Required/Conditional This field is required only if the selected pathological_tumour_staging_system is any edition of the AJCC cancer staging system | The code to represent the stage of cancer defined by whether there are distant metastases (M), meaning spread of cancer to other parts of the body, according to criteria based on multiple editions of the AJCC's Cancer Staging Manual. | Text | Click for drop-down list of AJCC M category values | mCODE STU 1 | TNM Pathological Distant Metastases Category | Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept AJCC values from TNM Distant Metastases Category Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
30 | Specimen | pathological_stage_group | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour, and if clinical staging was not submitted. | Specify the tumour stage, based on pathological_tumour_staging_system, used to assess the cancer at the time the tumour specimen was resected. | Text | Click for drop-down list of pathological stage groups | ICGC ARGO | pathological_stage_group | This field is dependent on the selected pathological_tumour_staging_system. Please refer to the documentation for Tumour Staging Classifications | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | Specimen | specimen_collection_date | Core | Required | Indicate the date when the specimen was collected from donor. | Text | Format YYYY-MM | mCODE STU 1 | mCODE STU1: Genetic Specimen mCODE STU2: Genomic Specimen | Specimen.collection.collected.dateTime Specimen.collection.collected[x].dateTime | This field is required in order to calculate the required ARGO "specimen_acquisition_interval" field which is recorded in days. ([specimen_collection_date] - [primary_diagnosis_date]) | ||||||||||||||||||
32 | Specimen | specimen_storage | Extended | Required | Indicate the method of long term storage for specimen that were not extracted freshly or immediately cultured. | Text | Cut slide Frozen in -70 freezer Frozen in liquid nitrogen Frozen in vapour phase Not Applicable Other Paraffin block RNA later frozen Unknown | ICGC ARGO | specimen_storage | ||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Specimen | specimen_processing | Extended | Optional | Indicate the technique used to process specimen. | Text | Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen (dead tissue) Cryopreservation in dry ice (dead tissue) Cryopreservation of live cells in liquid nitrogen Cryopreservation - other Formalin fixed & paraffin embedded Formalin fixed - buffered Formalin fixed - unbuffered Fresh Other Unknown | ICGC ARGO | specimen_processing | ||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Specimen | tumour_histological_type | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour. | The code to represent the histology (morphology) of neoplasms that is usually obtained from a pathology report, according to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd Edition (WHO ICD-O-3). Refer to the ICD-O-3 manual for guidelines at https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/42344. | Text | ICD-O-3 morphology codes Values must meet the regular expression ^[8,9]{1}[0-9]{3}/[0,1,2,3,6,9]{1}[1-9]{0,1}$ Examples: 8260/3, 9691/36 | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Primary Cancer Condition mCODE STU2: Primary Cancer Condition | mCODE STU1: Condition.extension:histologyMorphologyBehavior ICD-O-3 codes from Histology Morphology Behavior Value Set mCODE STU2: Condition.extension:histologyMorphologyBehavior ICD-O-3 codes from https://terminology.hl7.org/3.0.0/CodeSystem-icd-o-3.html | |||||||||||||||||||
35 | Specimen | specimen_anatomic_location | Core | Required | Indicate the ICD-O-3 topography code for the anatomic location of a specimen when it was collected. Refer to the guidelines provided in the ICD-O-3 manual at https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/42344 | Text | ICD-O-3 topography codes Values must meet the regular expression ^[C][0-9]{2}(.[0-9]{1})?$ Examples: C50.1, C18 | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Primary Cancer Condition mCODE STU2: Primary Cancer Condition | mCODE STU1: Condition.bodySite ICD-O-3 topography codes from CancerBodyLocationVS ValueSet mCODE STU2: ICD-O-3 topography codes from Condition.bodySite | |||||||||||||||||||
36 | Specimen | specimen_laterality | Extended | Optional | For cancer in a paired organ, indicate the side on which the specimen was obtained. (Reference caDSR CDE ID 2007875) | Text | Left Not applicable Right Unknown | ICGC ARGO | specimen_laterality | ||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Specimen | reference_pathology_confirmed_diagnosis | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour. | Indicate whether the pathological diagnosis was confirmed by a (central) reference pathologist. | Text | Yes No Not done | ICGC ARGO | reference_pathology_confirmed | ||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Specimen | reference_pathology_confirmed_tumour_presence | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour. | Indicate whether the (central) reference pathologist confirmed the presence of tumour in the specimen. | Text | Yes No Not done | ||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Specimen | tumour_grading_system | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour. | Specify the tumour grading system used to assess the description of a tumour based on how abnormal the tumour cells and the tumour tissue look under a microscope. Tumour grade is an indicator of how quickly a tumour is likely to grow. | Text | FNCLCC grading system Four-tier grading system Gleason grade group system Grading system for GISTs Grading system for GNETs IASLC grading system ISUP grading system Nottingham grading system Nuclear grading system for DCIS Scarff-Bloom-Richardson grading system Three-tier grading system Two-tier grading system WHO grading system for CNS tumours | ICGC ARGO | tumour_grading_system | ||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Specimen | tumour_grade | Core | Required/Conditional This field depends on the selected tumour_grading_system, and is only required if the specimen is a tumour. | Grade of the tumour as assigned by the reporting tumour_grading_system. | Text | Low grade High grade GX G1 G2 G3 G4 Low High Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade Group 1 Grade Group 2 Grade Group 3 Grade Group 4 Grade Group 5 | ICGC ARGO | tumour_grade | Refer to the documentation for Tumour Grading Classifications | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | Specimen | percent_tumour_cells_range | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour. | Select the range representing the percent of tumour cells compared to the number of total cells in a specimen. (Reference: NCIt: C159484) | Text | 0-19% 20-50% 51-100% | ICGC ARGO | percent_tumour_cells | ||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Specimen | percent_tumour_cells_measurement_method | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if the specimen is a tumour. | Indicate method used to measure percent_tumour_cells. | Text | Genomics Image analysis Pathology estimate by percent nuclei | ||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Primary Diagnosis | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Primary Diagnosis | submitter_donor_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier for the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Cancer Patient mCODE STU2: Cancer Patient | mCODE STU1: Patient: Identifier mCODE STU2: Patient: Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
45 | Primary Diagnosis | submitter_primary_diagnosis_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the primary diagnosis event, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Primary Cancer Condition mCODE STU2: Primary Cancer Condition | mCODE STU1: Condition.identifier mCODE STU2: Condition.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
46 | Primary Diagnosis | date_of_diagnosis | Core | Required | Date that the donor was first diagnosed with cancer. This date should be based on the earliest diagnosis. | Integer | Format YYYY-MM | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Primary Cancer Condition mCODE STU2: Primary Cancer Condition | Condition.extension:assertedDate (Primary Cancer Condition) or Condition.extension:assertedDate (Secondary Cancer Condition) | This field is required in order to calculate the required ARGO "age_at_diagnosis" field which is recorded in years (ie. [date_of_diagnosis]-[date_of_birth]). | ||||||||||||||||||
47 | Primary Diagnosis | cancer_type_code | Core | Required | The code to represent the cancer type using the WHO ICD-10 code (https://icd.who.int/browse10/2019/en) classification. | Text | ICD-10 code | mCODE | mCODE STU1: Primary Cancer Condition mCODE STU2: Primary Cancer Condition | Condition.code (Primary Cancer Condition) or Condition.code (Secondary Cancer Condition) ICD-10 codes from PrimaryOrUncertainBehaviorCancerDisorderVS or SecondaryCancerDisorderVS | |||||||||||||||||||
48 | Primary Diagnosis | basis_of_diagnosis | Core | Required | Indicate the most valid basis of how the primary diagnosis was identified. Terms are ordered in hierarchical order according to IACR guidelines, with the term at the top of the list ("Histology of primary tumour") being the more valid basis. If more than one diagnosis technique was used, select the most valid basis. | Text | Histology of a primary tumour Histology of a metastasis Cytology Specific tumour markers Clinical investigation Clinical Death certificate only Unknown | IACR Standard for Basis of Diagnosis/ICGC ARGO | basis_of_diagnosis | IACR Definitions: Death certificate only: Information provided is from a death certificate. Clinical: Diagnosis made before death. Clinical investigation: All diagnostic techniques, including X-ray, endoscopy, imaging, ultrasound, exploratory surgery (such as laparotomy), and autopsy, without a tissue diagnosis. Specific tumour markers: Including biochemical and/or immunologic markers that are specific for a tumour site. Cytology: Examination of cells from a primary or secondary site, including fluids aspirated by endoscopy or needle; also includes the microscopic examination of peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirates. Histology of a metastasis: Histologic examination of tissue from a metastasis, including autopsy specimens. Histology of a primary tumour: Histologic examination of tissue from primary tumour, however obtained, including all cutting techniques and bone marrow biopsies; also includes autopsy specimens of primary tumour. Unknown: No information on how the diagnosis has been made. | |||||||||||||||||||
49 | Primary Diagnosis | laterality | Extended | Optional | For cancer in a paired organ, indicate the side of the body on which the primary tumour or cancer first developed at the time of primary diagnosis. (Reference caDSR CDE ID 827) | Text | Bilateral Left Midline Not a paired site Right Unilateral, side not specified Unknown | ICGC ARGO | laterality | ||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Primary Diagnosis | lymph_nodes_examined_status | Core | Required | Indicate if lymph nodes were examined for metastases. | Text | Cannot be determined No No lymph nodes found in resected specimen Not applicable Yes | ICGC ARGO | lymph_nodes_examined_status | ||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Primary Diagnosis | lymph_nodes_examined_method | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if "lymph_nodes_examined_status" is "Yes" | Indicate method used to examine lymph nodes. | Text | Imaging Lymph node dissection/pathological exam Physical palpation of patient | ICGC ARGO | lymph_nodes_examined_method | ||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Primary Diagnosis | number_lymph_nodes_positive | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if "lymph_nodes_examined_status" is "Yes" | The number of regional lymph nodes reported as being positive for tumour metastases (Reference: NCI CDE ID: 6113694) | Integer | ICGC ARGO | number_lymph_nodes_positive | |||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Primary Diagnosis | clinical_tumour_staging_system | Core | Required/Conditional This field is only required if pathological staging is not submitted. | Indicate the tumour staging system used to stage the cancer at the time of primary diagnosis (prior to treatment). | Text | AJCC 8th edition AJCC 7th edition AJCC 6th edition Ann Arbor staging system Binet staging system Durie-Salmon staging system FIGO staging system International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Staging System International Neuroblastoma Staging System Lugano staging system Rai staging system Revised International staging system (R-ISS) SEER staging system St Jude staging system | ICGC ARGO | clinical_tumour_staging_system | Either the clinical or pathological staging must be submitted. | |||||||||||||||||||
54 | Primary Diagnosis | clinical_t_category | Core | Required/Conditional This field is required only if the selected clinical_tumour_staging_system is any edition of the AJCC cancer staging system | The code to represent the extent of the primary tumour (T) based on evidence obtained from clinical assessment parameters determined at time of primary diagnosis and prior to treatment, according to criteria based on multiple editions of the AJCC's Cancer Staging Manual. | Text | Click for drop-down list of AJCC T category values | mCODE STU 1 | TNM Clinical Primary Tumor Category | Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept AJCC values from TNM Primary Tumor Category Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
55 | Primary Diagnosis | clinical_n_category | Core | Required/Conditional This field is required only if the selected clinical_tumour_staging_system is any edition of the AJCC cancer staging system | The code to represent the stage of cancer defined by the extent of the regional lymph node (N) involvement for the cancer based on evidence obtained from clinical assessment parameters determined at time of primary diagnosis and prior to treatment, according to criteria based on multiple editions of the AJCC's Cancer Staging Manual. | Text | Click for drop-down list of AJCC N category values | mCODE STU 1 | TNM Clinical Regional Nodes Category | Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept AJCC values from TNM Regional Nodes Category Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
56 | Primary Diagnosis | clinical_m_category | Core | Required/Conditional This field is required only if the selected clinical_tumour_staging_system is any edition of the AJCC cancer staging system | The code to represent the stage of cancer defined by the extent of the distant metastasis (M) for the cancer based on evidence obtained from clinical assessment parameters determined at time of primary diagnosis and prior to treatment, according to criteria based on multiple editions of the AJCC's Cancer Staging Manual. MX is NOT a valid category and cannot be assigned. | Text | Click for drop-down list of AJCC M category values | mCODE STU 1 | TNM Clinical Distant Metastases Category | Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept AJCC values from TNM Distant Metastases Category Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
57 | Primary Diagnosis | clinical_stage_group | Core | Required/Conditional This field is dependent on the selected clinical_tumour_staging_system. Refer to the documentation for Tumour Staging Classifications | Stage group of the tumour, as assigned by the reporting clinical_tumour_staging_system, that indicates the overall prognostic tumour stage (ie. Stage I, Stage II, Stage III etc.). | Text | Click for drop-down list of clinical stage groups | ICGC ARGO | clinical_stage_group | ||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Treatment | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Treatment | submitter_donor_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier for the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Patient | Patient.Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
60 | Treatment | submitter_treatment_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the treatment, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | CancerRelatedRadiationProcedure or CancerRelatedMedicationStatement or CancerRelatedSurgicalStatement | Procedure.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
61 | Treatment | submitter_primary_diagnosis_id | ID | Required | Indicate the primary diagnosis event in the clinical timeline that this treatment was related to | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | Primary Cancer Condition or Secondary Cancer Condition | Condition.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
62 | Treatment | treatment_type | Core | Required | Indicate the type of treatment regimen that the donor completed. | Text | Bone marrow transplant Chemotherapy Hormonal therapy Immunotherapy No treatment Other targeting molecular therapy Photodynamic therapy Radiation therapy Stem cell transplant Surgery | ICGC ARGO | treatment_type | Depending on the treatment_type(s) selected, additional treatment details may be required to be submitted. For example, if treatment_type includes 'Chemotherapy', the supplemental Chemotherapy treatment type file is required. To include multiple values, separate values with a pipe delimiter '|' within your file. | |||||||||||||||||||
63 | Treatment | is_primary_treatment | Core | Required | Indicate if the treatment was the primary treatment following the initial diagnosis (Reference: NCI) | Text | Yes No | ICGC ARGO | is_primary_treatment | ||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Treatment | line_of_treatment | Extended | Optional | Indicate the line of treatment. | Integer | ICGC ARGO | line_of_treatment | |||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Treatment | treatment_start_date | Core | Required | Indicate the date treatment was initiated. | Integer | Format YYYY-MM | mCODE STU 1 | If treatment_type = 'Radiation therapy' or 'Surgery': CancerRelatedRadiationProcedure or CancerRelatedSurgicalStatement Otherwise extend mCODE to use Procedure Profile | Procedure.performed.Period.start.dateTime (Radiation) or Procedure.performed.Period.start.dateTime (Surgery) or Procedure.performed.Period.start.dateTime (for all other treatment_types) | This field is required in order to calculate the ARGO required "treatment_start_interval" field which is recorded in days (ie. [treatment_start_date] - [date_of_diagnosis]) | ||||||||||||||||||
66 | Treatment | treatment_end_date | Core | Required | Indicate the date treatment ended. | Integer | Format YYYY-MM | mCODE STU 1 | If treatment_type = 'Radiation therapy' or 'Surgery': CancerRelatedRadiationProcedure or CancerRelatedSurgicalStatement Otherwise extend mCODE to use Procedure Profile | Procedure.performed.Period.end.dateTime (Radiation) or Procedure.performed.Period.end.dateTime (Surgery) or Procedure.performed.Period.end.dateTime (for all other treatment_types) | This field is required in order to calculate the ARGO required "treatment_duration" field which is recorded in days (ie. [treatment_end_date] - [treatment_start_date]) | ||||||||||||||||||
67 | Treatment | treatment_setting | Core | Required | Indicate the treatment setting, which describes the treatment's purpose in relation to the primary treatment. (Reference: CDISC [NCIt code: C124308]) | Text | Adjuvant (Reference: NCIt C15675) Advanced/Metastatic (Reference: NCIt: C14174) Neoadjuvant (Reference: NCIt: C15665) Conditioning (Reference: NCIt C188745) Induction (Reference: NCIt C158876) Locally advanced (Reference: NCIt C124451) Maintenance (Reference NCIt C15688) Mobilization (Reference: NCIt C62604) Preventative (Reference: NCIt C124454) Radiosensitization (Reference: NCIt C156596 and C15464) Salvage (Reference: NCIt C15359) | ICGC ARGO | treatment_setting | ||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Treatment | treatment_intent | Core | Required | Indicate the intended disease outcome for which the treatment is given. (Reference: CDISC [NCIt code: C124307]) | Text | Curative (Reference: SNOMED: 373808002) Palliative (Reference: SNOMED: 363676003) Supportive (Reference: SNOMED: 399707004) Diagnostic (Reference: SNOMED: 261004008) Preventive (Reference: SNOMED: 129428001) Guidance (Reference: SNOMED: 429892002) Screening (Reference: SNOMED: 360156006) Forensic (Reference: SNOMED: 447295008) | mCODE STU | CancerRelatedRadiationProcedure or CancerRelatedMedicationStatement or CancerRelatedSurgicalStatement | mCODE Value Set: Procedure Intent | |||||||||||||||||||
69 | Treatment | days_per_cycle | Extended | Optional | Indicate the number of days in a treatment cycle. | Integer | ICGC ARGO | days_per_cycle | |||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Treatment | number_of_cycles | Extended | Optional | Indicate the number of treatment cycles. | Integer | ICGC ARGO | number_of_cycles | |||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Treatment | response_to_treatment_criteria_method | Core | Required | Indicate the criteria used to assess the donor's overall response to the applied treatment regimen. | Text | Click for drop-down list of response criteria methods | ICGC ARGO | response_to_treatment_criteria_method | ||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Treatment | response_to_treatment | Core | Required | Indicate the donor's response to the applied treatment regimen as assigned by the reporting response_to_treatment_criteria_method. | Text | Physician assessed partial response | ICGC ARGO | response_to_treatment | ||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Treatment | status_of_treatment | Extended | Optional | Indicate the donor's status of the prescribed treatment. | Text | Treatment completed as prescribed Treatment incomplete due to technical or organizational problems Treatment incomplete because patient died Patient choice (stopped or interrupted treatment) Physician decision (stopped or interrupted treatment) Treatment stopped due to lack of efficacy (disease progression) Treatment stopped due to acute toxicity Other Not applicable Unknown | ICGC ARGO | outcome_of_treatment | ||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Chemotherapy | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Chemotherapy | submitter_donor_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier for the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Patient | Patient.Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
76 | Chemotherapy | submitter_treatment_id | ID | The Chemotherapy file is only required if "Chemotherapy" is selected in "treatment_type" field | Unique identifier of the treatment, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Related Medication Statement | MedicationStatement.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
77 | Chemotherapy | drug_reference_database | Core | Required | Indicate the reference drug database where drug name is found. | Text | RxNorm PubChem NCI Thesaurus | ||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | Chemotherapy | drug_name | Core | Required | Name of agent or drug administered to patient as part of the treatment regimen. | Text | Indicate the drug name as it exists in the database specified in the drug_reference_database. | ICGC ARGO | drug_name | RxNorm: You can search for RXNorm values through the web interface (https://mor.nlm.nih.gov/RxNav/) or API (https://lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/RxNav/APIs/RxNormAPIs.html). PubChem: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ NCI Thesaurus: https://ncithesaurus.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/ | |||||||||||||||||||
79 | Chemotherapy | drug_reference_identifier | Core | Required | Indicate the unique drug database identifier assigned to the treatment regimen drug. | Text | Indicate the identifier from the "drug_reference_database" for the drug. | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer-Related Medication Administration | MedicationAdministration.medication[x] | This field is required in order to validate required ARGO 'drug_name' field - RxNorm requires the RXCUI. For example, to find the rxnormcui based on drug name, you can use: https://rxnav.nlm.nih.gov/REST/rxcui.json?name=leucovorin or https://mor.nlm.nih.gov/RxNav/search?searchBy=String&searchTerm=leucovorin - PubChem requires the PubChem Concept ID - NCI Thesaurus requires the NCI Thesaurus code | ||||||||||||||||||
80 | Chemotherapy | chemotherapy_drug_dose_units | Core | Required if cumulative drug dose is submitted. | Indicate units used to record chemotherapy drug dose. | Text | mg/m2 IU/m2 ug/m2 g/m2 mg/kg IU/kg | ICGC ARGO | chemotherapy_dosage_units | ||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Chemotherapy | prescribed_cumulative_drug_dose | Extended | Optional | Indicate the total prescribed cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in chemotherapy_drug_dose_units. | Number | Indicate the total prescribed cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in chemotherapy_drug_dose_units. | ICGC ARGO | cumulative_drug_dosage | ||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Chemotherapy | actual_cumulative_drug_dose | Extended | Optional | Indicate the total actual cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in chemotherapy_drug_dose_units. | Number | Indicate the total actual cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in chemotherapy_drug_dose_units. | ICGC ARGO | cumulative_drug_dosage | ||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Hormone Therapy | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Hormone Therapy | submitter_donor_id | ID | The Hormone Therapy file is only required if "Hormonal Therapy" is selected in "treatment_type" field | Unique identifier for the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64}} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Patient | Patient.Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
85 | Hormone Therapy | submitter_treatment_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the treatment, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Related Medication Statement | MedicationStatement.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
86 | Hormone Therapy | drug_reference_database | Core | Required | Indicate the reference drug database where drug name is found. | Text | RxNorm PubChem NCI Thesaurus | ||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Hormone Therapy | drug_name | Core | Required | Name of agent or drug administered to patient as part of the treatment regimen. | Text | Indicate the drug name as it exists in the database specified in the drug_reference_database. | ICGC ARGO | drug_name | You can search for RX Norm values through the web interface (https://mor.nlm.nih.gov/RxNav/) or API (https://lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/RxNav/APIs/RxNormAPIs.html). For example, to find the rxnormcui based on drug name, you can use: https://rxnav.nlm.nih.gov/REST/rxcui.json?name=leucovorin or https://mor.nlm.nih.gov/RxNav/search?searchBy=String&searchTerm=leucovorin | |||||||||||||||||||
88 | Hormone Therapy | drug_reference_identifier | Core | Required | Indicate the unique drug database identifier assigned to the treatment regimen drug. | Text | Indicate the identifier from the "drug_reference_database" for the drug. | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer-Related Medication Administration | MedicationAdministration.medication[x] | This field is required in order to validate required ARGO 'drug_name' field - RxNorm requires the RXCUI. For example, to find the rxnormcui based on drug name, you can use: https://rxnav.nlm.nih.gov/REST/rxcui.json?name=leucovorin or https://mor.nlm.nih.gov/RxNav/search?searchBy=String&searchTerm=leucovorin - PubChem requires the PubChem Concept ID - NCI Thesaurus requires the NCI Thesaurus code | ||||||||||||||||||
89 | Hormone Therapy | hormone_drug_dose_units | Core | Required if cumulative drug dose is submitted. | Indicate the units used to record hormone drug dose. | Text | mg/m2 IU/m2 ug/m2 g/m2 mg/kg IU/kg | ICGC ARGO | hormone_drug_dosage_units | ||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Hormone Therapy | prescribed_cumulative_drug_dose | Extended | Optional | Indicate the total prescribed cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in hormone_drug_dose_units. | Number | Indicate the total prescribed cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in chemotherapy_drug_dose_units. | ICGC ARGO | cumulative_drug_dosage | ||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Hormone Therapy | actual_cumulative_drug_dose | Extended | Optional | Indicate the total actual cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in hormone_drug_dose_units. | Number | Indicate the total actual cumulative drug dose in the same units specified in chemotherapy_drug_dose_units. | ICGC ARGO | cumulative_drug_dosage | ||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Radiation | program_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the program. | Text | Unique identifier of the MOH program. | ICGC ARGO | program_id | ||||||||||||||||||||
93 | Radiation | submitter_donor_id | ID | The Radiation file is only required if "Radiation therapy" is selected in "treatment_type" field | Unique identifier for the donor, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Patient | Patient.Identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
94 | Radiation | submitter_treatment_id | ID | Required | Unique identifier of the treatment, assigned by the data provider. | Text | Values must meet the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]{1,64} Examples: 90234, BLD_donor_89, AML-90 | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Related Radiation Procedure | Procedure.identifier | |||||||||||||||||||
95 | Radiation | radiation_therapy_modality | Core | Required | Indicate the method of radiation treatment or modality. | Text | Megavoltage radiation therapy using photons (procedure) Teleradiotherapy using electrons (procedure) Teleradiotherapy protons (procedure) Teleradiotherapy neutrons (procedure) Brachytherapy (procedure) Radiopharmaceutical Other | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Related Radiation Procedure | Procedure.code mCODE Value Set: Radiation Procedure Value Set | |||||||||||||||||||
96 | Radiation | radiation_therapy_type | Core | Required | Indicate type of radiation therapy administered. | Text | External Internal | ICGC ARGO | radiation_therapy_type | ||||||||||||||||||||
97 | Radiation | radiation_therapy_fractions | Core | Required | Indicate the total number of fractions delivered as part of treatment. | Integer | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Related Radiation Procedure | RadiationFractionsDelivered | ||||||||||||||||||||
98 | Radiation | radiation_therapy_dosage | Core | Required | Indicate the total dose given in units of Gray (Gy). | Integer | mCODE STU 1 | Cancer Related Radiation Procedure | TotalRadiationDoseDelivered | ||||||||||||||||||||
99 | Radiation | anatomical_site_irradiated | Core | Required | Indicate localization site where radiation therapy was administered. | Text | Click for drop-down list of sites. | Cancer Care Ontario | |||||||||||||||||||||
100 | Radiation | radiation_boost | Extended | Optional | A radiation boost is an extra radiation treatment targeted at the tumor bed, given after the regular sessions of radiation is complete (Reference NCIt: C137812). Indicate if this radiation treatment was a radiation boost. | Text | Yes No |