To determine initial length of stay (Without rolls allowed), Pred and Prey roll 1d20 and 1d6 each. Winner of the 1d20 roll decides which 1d6 roll will be the length of stay without rolls.
Ties always go to the Predator.
Predator and Prey roll 1D20 Each
If Prey beats Predator, award 1 point to the Prey and roll again
If Prey equals or is less than the Predator, Rolls stop for the day. All points carry over to the next day's roll
Prey needs 3 points in order to 'escape'
If Prey rolls a Nat-1, Each player rolls again. If Prey beats Predator, it is a normal fail. If the Prey is less than or equals the Predator, it is a critical fail
If playing by fatal rolls, normal fail is a critical fail, and critical fail is a fatal fail. Total points required is doubled to 6. Total die rolls to determine critical is increased to 3, best 2 out of 3.
Roll 1d6 to determine what section of the corresponding table the fate resides
Optional: Sentience
If the prey is put into a situation where they would no longer have sentience or the active ability to converse/act, these rules can be put into play, based on the current point count of the prey.
If playing with fatal rolls, multiply the points required by 2 (except 0, obviously). If point count has been increased by another rule, only the last 3 points count towards sentience (So point 4/6 is Semi-sentient, and 5/6 is fully-sentient... or 10/12 and 11/12)
0 - Non-sentient. Cannot act or converse with any individual, save the predator, mentally.
1 - Semi-sentient. Can interact with the predator lightly, on a physical level. Example: If a tattoo, can move around. If simple pudge, can jiggle/wiggle without the predator's actions. Still cannot talk.
2 - Fully-sentient. Can interact - either telepathically or verbally, depending on how cartoonish you wish to be - with anyone within earshot of the predator. Can only physically affect the predator within their body's limitations.
Optional: Re-Imbibed
Once, before being released, the predator can release the prey and then immediately attempt to devour them again. Each party rolls 1d20. If the prey wins, they are released early. If the predator wins or there is a tie, the prey is re-imbibed and points reset to 0. This can only be done once consecutively, so if the pred wins, they only win once, and all point counts after are final.
Optional: Added Difficulty
When using Re-Imbibed rules, if the predator is successful, points needed to escape increases to 6.
Optional: Gone and Back
If the predator is allowed to fully and completely destroy their prey - mind, body, and soul - but the prey is not one for permavore, increase points needed to escape to 12, and reset points to 0. Prey must get at least 6 points within a week to start reforming. If they are unable, points reset to 0 and they must start over again. If point count reaches 6, the prey is effectively able to be remade, and the game continues from that point. At any point, if the point count drops below 6, they succumb to the predator once more, and points reset to 0.
Optional: Pred Points
If decided upon by both the predator and the prey, a pool of points can be given to the predator (For example, if it's the predator's birthday, the points could equal how old they are). During each roll, the predator can spend these points in order to modify the dice rolls, either to subtract from the prey's dice, or to add to the predator's. This can be used to force crit-checks, and to modify crit-checks, but cannot be used to decide any failure.