One Hint from Phoebus Dokos on Facebook 2017-12-31: "Most .dot command versions in the BIN directory coming in the TBBLUE distributions are modified from the original ones"
and please read Comment on the end of this list about special extended .DOT-command for ZX Next (ZXN)
From ZX Next Distro v1.03 .DOT-commands for ZXN are completely found in directory \DOT\ and only those for esxDOS in \BIN\ directory!
Hint from Garry Lancaster: If you want to execute DOT-Commands like .ls from esxDOS under NextBASIC you can do this by running it with the complete path like e.g.: ./bin/ls
Version (Newest comes first)Special Hardware required?
(e.g. "SpecNext only" or
"ZX-Uno only").
CommentFirst appeared included in this Version in esxDOS VersionAuthorDownload-Link:Found on:Usage:Function:
.$v1.3SpecNext onlyExecutes any dot command with a string argument. .$ v1.3: fix for chaining large (>8K) dot commands such as .ls---Garry Lancaster$

eg: LET x$="myfile.dsk"
.$ DEFRAG x$

does the same as:
.DEFRAG myfile.dsk
Executes any dot command with a string argument.
.128 (Fixed for esxDOS 0.8.7)Fixed for esxDOS 0.8.7 as described here by nagydani: for esxDOS 0.8.7 as described here by nagydani: for esxDOS 0.8.7 as described here by nagydani:
.128 (Older)ESXDOS 0.8.6 Finallordcoxis
"[17/02/2018] Commands: Added .128 command to test 128K mode using Velesoft's "zx128rom-for-divide" ROM (lordcoxis)"
.2browsev0.01a1divMMC with min. 128k Memory and installed Package "New File Browser for ZX-UNO" (which can also be used on non-ZX-Uno-devices) 2browse - a twin pane file manager for esxDOS based on my long filename browser code.

Seems to hang under SpecNext NextBASIC. Only works with 48k/128k Personality esxDOS on SpecNext yet!

2browse /diectory-name
Copy the contents of the 2browse BIN folder to the /BIN folder on your SD Card. To run, from BASIC enter: .2browse
or if you want to start browsing from a specific folder, in this case the /BIN folder: .2browse /bin

2browse supports browser plugins and the majority of keys from the long filename browser with the following additions:

Extended Mode - Swap between windows
Caps Shift + M - Move selected file to other window
Caps Shift + C - Copy selected file to other window

The following browser keys are not supported in 2browse:

Caps Shift + S - Save snapshot
Caps Shift + K - Poke
Caps Shift + L - External command
Caps Shift + N - Default NMI
Symbol Shift + F - Toggle full-screen file browser

Known issues:

All file operations (Move, Copy, New Folder, Rename) are limited to 8.3 filenames.
If you copy a file and then perform the same copy again, you aren't prompted to overwrite or abort the copy. You just get a cryptic error message displayed.
2browse uses the BROWSE.CFG and font file from the long filename browser. Any changes you make to those will be carried over into 2browse.
Copy and move operations cannot be aborted once started.
.7gfx_fov0.1SpecNext onlydot7gFX set / Collection of FX (effects) tools for 8bit computer ZX Spectrum Next / fade-out effect for ZX Spectrum Next---Ped7g / Peter Helcmanovsky (Ped) <pal> [<delay>]

fade-out palette to black

../7GFX_FO.DOT <pal> [<delay>]
pal = <letter u|l|s|t>[0|1]
delay = <integer 1..255>

../7GFX_FO.DOT u1 3
fades second ULA palette
in 21 frames (delay * 7)�
### what it does and how to use it

Fades out selected palette `<pal>` until all is black, in 7 steps.

The speed of the fade can be adjusted by `<delay>` option, default delay
is 6 frames per step, that is 6 * 7 = 42 frames in total, ~0.84s at 50Hz.

The faded palette is being uploaded at scanline 224 (below 320x256 area with
nextreg $64 (100) set to zero).

The fadeout effect takes about ~40 scanlines to calculate and apply palette
changes, so there should be plenty of CPU time left for your own routines
running in interrupt, like music player, etc.

After the dot command is finished, the selected palette is set completely
to black color, it's up to caller to modify it further.
.associateWas removed from SpecNext Master with comment: "Remove .ASSOCIATE (deprecated)"--- removed from SpecNext Master with comment: "Remove .ASSOCIATE (deprecated)"
.backoffSpecNext onlySpecNext only--- in bin directory of \ZEsarUX\extras\media\disk_images\tbblue.mmc Image-File
.backonSpecNext onlySpecNext only--- in bin directory of \ZEsarUX\extras\media\disk_images\tbblue.mmc Image-File
.bmp2nextSpecNext onlySpecNext only---Alcoholics Anonymous (The PC version was written by Jim Bagley).As postet 2017-11-11 on: this can now be found on: Usage :-
.bmp2next src.bmp [dst.bmp]
bmp2next converts standard 256-colour bitmaps to bitmaps using the Next's RRRGGGBB palette.
.bmploadSpecNext onlyMaybe SpecNext only--- in bin directory of \ZEsarUX\extras\media\disk_images\tbblue.mmc Image-File
picload <filename> to load image to background
.browsev0.13Some people rename this .browse to .b so it can be started faster with this shorter nameIncluded in Package "New File Browser for ZX-UNO" (which can also be used on non-ZX-Uno-devices)bob_fossil
.browsev1.2SpecNext onlySpecNext only/Requires NextZXOSGarry Lancaster [OPTION]... VARIABLE$
-h, --help
Display this help
-t, --type EXT
Add EXT to selectable types
Wildcards * or ? allowed
Multiple -t options allowed
-p, --prompt PROMPT
Custom help prompt
Can include:
\i inverse on
\o inverse off
-s, --save
Ask for new filename
-e, --edit PROMPT
Custom prompt for edit/save
-8, --8.3
Return short name (not LFN)
-r, --rename
Allow rename with R key
-d, --delete
Allow erase with E key
-k, --mkdir
Allow mkdir with K key
-m, --remount
Allow remount with M key
-u, --unmount
Allow unmount with U key
-c, --copy
Allow copy/paste with C/P
Uses Browser to select filename
.brwsfontv0.01Part of Package "New File Browser for ZX-UNO" (which can also be used on non-ZX-Uno-devices) up from v0.23-Test5. Helptext of .brwsfont from v0.23-Test4 package shows typo in commandname with incorrect: .brwsfnt instead of correct: .brwsfontbob_fossil -l
to list the available fonts for the browser
brwsfont BOLD
installs BOLD Font
brwsfont -r
restores default font

Hint from User "Chris23235":
Options only work when written lowercase!
.cdDifferent from ESXDOS 0.7.3 Public BETAESXDOS 0.8.0 Public BETA directory
.cd (Older)ESXDOS 0.7.3 Public BETA directory
.ch8showv0.5.0bSpecNext only ---Stale Pixels
( ) a font file
CH8SHOW /path/to/file.ch8
.CH8SHOW - View 768b/1k 1bit font files in ROM/UDG format inspired by Damien Guard's zx-origins project.

We define ROM format fonts as:

1bit per pixel
8×8 fixed size
Breadth first

A common file format for a collection 96 of these is a CH8 file – 768bytes long.

Damien Guard maintains the most awesome ZX-Origins collection, and is a great place to get yourself some CH8 files if you ever find the need.
.CH8SHOW previewing Damien’s super-cool Cinema font.

The display will automatically adjust if passed a 128character long font-file, instead of a 96 character one – these are detected by the 1k, instead of usual 768byte, file-length.

Internally, we developed .CH8SHOW as a companion for FoaK – as part of the promised open source support commands that the released app came with.

The 1k (files with UDG extension) exports also work with .CH8SHOW perfectly.
.checkerb v1.0Luzie Parameters: Displays Checkerboard

With Parameters: Displays help-screen. Press any key to quit!
Display a Checkerboard of Attributes over your Screen. Helps you to find hidden content in loading screens like those on:
.chmodESXDOS 0.8.0 Public BETA opmode file

op: +|- mode: rwxash
.clearv1.1SpecNext onlySpecNext only

.clear dot command to free all currently-allocated resources

Updated .clear to v1.1: restore default interrupt modes
---Garry Lancaster v1.1 by Garry Lancaster
Releases all allocated resources
leaving maximum available memory

NOTE: Uses integer register %a

.clsSpecNext onlyMaybe SpecNext only--- in bin directory of \ZEsarUX\extras\media\disk_images\tbblue.mmc Image-File
.cottonSpecNext onlyA Spectrum Next tribute to the late, great June Brown / A silly little submission to the ZX Spectrum Next DotJam contest. Just a little play on the name of command line executables - 'dot' cotton.---Adam Ainsworth
.cowsaySpecNext onlyThe one from SpecNext-Distro seems to be SpecNext only, as it doesn´t work on esxDOS 0.8.7 and in code this can be found: "Requires NextZX"

The other from Authors Homepage seems to run on esxDOS 0.8.7
System-Next v.1.03 Distro - this version is other size than the one from Fuchsia Authors
.cowsay [message]
.cpDifferent from ESXDOS 0.7.4 Public BETA (bugfix release)ESXDOS 0.8.0 Public BETA source target
.cp (Older)v0.1ESXDOS 0.7.4 Public BETA (bugfix release)(c) ub880d (aka Dusky) <filename> <filename>
.dateSource-Code is available---Victor Trucco <ENTER> show current date
set the date
Date must be greater than 01/01/2000
Date and Time for RTC / Realtime-Clock / ZX Spectrum Next / TBBlue
.dfwloadv0.1Don´t know, what this is used for. Has asked about it here: - Added Info thankfully to SCjoe on: 0.8.7 Final(c) ub880d <filename>.dfwload v0.1 (c) 2015 ub880d. .DFWLOAD is used to upload other firmware to the so-called "mapram". Mapram is suitable e.g. for testing firmware without the need to re-flash divide/divmmc.
.displayedgeSpecNext onlyAlso part of the official SpecNext distributionPeter Ped Helcmanovsky (ped7g) command .displayedge to check visible area of your ZX Next display, storing the information into global config file + runtime library to read the config and use user's values in your own SW to narrow down used screen space by your SW.
.divideoAlso part of the official SpecNext distributionESXDOS 0.8.5 FinalMatt Westcott (Gasman) [dvofile]Play a DivIDEo video stream file (.dvo)
divideo - ESXDOS command for playing .dvo video files
1. Copy the file 'divideo' to the /bin directory of your ESXDOS drive.
2. Copy some .dvo files there too (see
3. Boot up ESXDOS, and run:
.divideo my_video.dvo
NB: The .dvo files must be fully unfragmented on disk to work correctly...

Remarks: Seems only to run with divIDE and not divMMC?!

DivIDEo Website" DivIDEo: Streaming video for the ZX Spectrum":
.dmaplaywZX-Uno onlyZX-UNO only---mcleod_ideafixSource and examples at: : (ZX-UNO only). Plays an audio WAV file using Specdrum (for 8 bit sound output) and ZX-UNO DMA. WAV file needs to be encoded as 8 bit unsigned samples and 15625 Hz sampling frequency.
.dotjamSpecNext onlyDOTJAMMIN / Emulator breaking, VGA50! :P / update for all screen modes & forgot some assets, now works in Cspect.---em00k
.dotsdirv1.0 (/BIN/-Version).DOTSDIR (/BIN/-Version) v1.00

Help: This one should tell you
the path /BIN/ or /DOT/
to see which is processed first

There are two versions, of
.DOTSDIR - one comes to:
/BIN/DOTSDIR (this one)
and the other comes to:

Luzie67@gmx.deUsage: .DOTSDIR without argument
.dotsdirv1.0 (/DOT/-Version).DOTSDIR (/DOT/-Version) v1.00

Help: This one should tell you
the path /BIN/ or /DOT/
to see which is processed first

There are two versions, of
.DOTSDIR - one comes to:
/DOT/DOTSDIR (this one)
and the other comes to:
Luzie67@gmx.deUsage: .DOTSDIR without argument
.drivesv0.2ESXDOS 0.8.6 FinalDr. Slump (=david_ps) (aka David Pesqueira Souto) v0.2 By Dr. Slump 2018

Usage: drives [args]

-1 use M_DRIVEINFO syscall (*)
-2 use M_GETSETDRV syscall
-3 use DISK_INFO syscall
* default option

-? this help info
New release of dot command, drives, v0.2:
Corrected problem with File System and Volume Label
Source-Code released on 2023-03-21 at:
.drives (Older)v0.1Dr. Slump (=david_ps) (aka David Pesqueira Souto) [args]
-1 use M_DRIVEINFO syscall (*)
-2 use M_GETSETDRV syscall
-3 use DISK_INFO syscall
* default option
-? this help info
It show all detected drives/devices by esxDOS, using various methods.
.drives (Older)Dr. Slump (=david_ps) (aka David Pesqueira Souto) list of detected drives
.dskprobev0.2roESXDOS 0.8.5 Final(c) 2009-12 Papaya Labz Probe / View blocks / View sectors
.dskprobe (Older)v0.1ro alpha ESXDOS 0.7.3 Public BETA(c) 2009 Papaya Labz Probe / View blocks / View sectors
.dumpmemv0.3ESXDOS 0.8.7 Final(c) ub880d [params] <fname>
-s<start>: addr (default 32768)
-l<len> : size (default 512)
-a : append to file
-f : force overwrite
switches -a and -f are mutually
.dumpmem (Older)v0.2ESXDOS 0.7.4 Public BETA (bugfix release)(c) ub880d [params] <fname> -s<start>: addr (default 32768) -l<len> : size (default 512) -f : force overwrite
.dtv0.1.1SpecNext onlySpecNext only---Jari Komppa (jarikomppa)Part of Package "Using USB MIDI with the ZX Sectrum Next (via raspberry pi 0), part 2: sending midi" / "" from: / Youtube: INTVAR

where INTVAR is one letter
eg, DT X will use %X(n)
x(0)=minutes, x(1)=seconds
Time delta calculator
.dzx7---Alcoholics Anonymous (=
As postet 2017-11-11 on: this can now be found on: is a decompressor for .zx7 compressed files
.echoSourcecode-File in Zeus/.GOD available incl. Description on: N Goodwin string
.espbaudv1.1SpecNext onlyIncluded in Package "Next ZXDB-dl search" from: V1.1 (zx next)

-R = ESP Hard Reset

-d = Detect ESP bps
bps = Set bps and finetune
-v = ESP version test

-p = ESP bps change permanent
-f = Set bps exactly
-q = quiet mode
Also found on SpecNext Master at:
.espresetv1.4SpecNext onlyESP8266-01 reset dot command for the ZX Spectrum NextRobin Verhagen-Guest (Threetwosevensixseven)
.evas10n.rasv0.1SpecNext onlyExtremely simple breakout game. Source colde included. / A Turbo Rascal Syntax Error rewrite of the Turbo Pascal rewrite of Evas10n, a BASIC 10-Liner breakout game for the ZX Spectrum. **** 32 COLUMNS MODE ONLY!! **** Control keys: q: quit z: move bat left x: move bat right any other: stop bat marco's retrobits
.everyv0.5.0bSpecNext onlyStale Pixels
( ) default, "True" every 10th

Name: ESP, "True" every 5th

NextReg 0x7F is 1 on True else 0
A scheduling tool designed to keep count of events, and trigger periodically.

.EVERY needs to be started with at-least one parameter, the schedule interval – which must be a number greater than one.

You can also pass an optional second parameter, this is the name of the schedule when you wish to maintain more than one.

In the below example we’ll use .EVERY to set the RTC every 10th execution.

.EVERY 10 : IF % REG 127 THEN .NXTP 12300

For advanced users, you can run more than one schedule concurrently, but independently of each other.

.EVERY 2 EveryTwo : IF % REG 127 THEN PRINT "Twice"
.EVERY 3 ThreeTimes : IF % REG 127 THEN PRINT "Thrice"

The default schedule is called “default”, and the schedule data is stored in /sys/every.cfg. This is a “simple INI file” and is suitable for manipulation with .INI (in fact, it uses the same code path for both apps)

Internally, the network time example is exactly how it is used – and that function was our motivation behind this tool!
.extract (newer, but -m Parameter don´t work anymore)v1.1Standard esxDOS (=ZX) Version. No more working -m functionality as long, as I´ve tested it (tried to load something to Screen-Memory with -m 16384).---Alcoholics Anonymous (=
aralbrec) file [+off][-off][len]
[-f] [-o outfile] [-a outfile]
[-m address]

file = input filename
+off = byte offset from start
-off = byte offset from end
len = length in bytes

-f = overwrite permitted
-o = write to output file
-a = append to output file
-m = copy to 64k mem address

no -o,-a,-m generates hexdump
Extracts parts of file and display them as hex or save them as files.

Programming sample for .DOT-commands.

Dave Sonic ClarkeBASIC on the FV-Group "ZX Spectrum Next"
SOLVED. Everything after 'extract' needed to be in the string variable.
.extract (older, but -m Parameter works)v1.0Standard esxDOS (=ZX) Version. This one has working -m functionality as long, as I´ve tested it (tried to load something to Screen-Memory with -m 16384).---Alcoholics Anonymous (=
extract file [+off][-off][len]
[-f] [-o outfile] [-a outfile]
[-m address]

file = input filename
+off = byte offset from start
-off = byte offset from end
len = length in bytes

-f = overwrite permitted
-o = write to output file
-a = append to output file
-m = copy to 64k mem address

no -o,-a,-m generates hexdump
Extracts parts of file and display them as hex or save them as files.

Programming sample for .DOT-commands.
.extractv1.3SpecNext onlyZX Next (=ZXN) Version---Alcoholics Anonymous (=
aralbrec) file [+off][-off][len]
[-f] [-o file] [-a file]
[-m addr] [-ml linaddr]
[-mp pnum] [-mb bnum]

file = input file
+off = byte offset from start
-off = byte offset from end
len = length in bytes

-f = overwrite permitted
-o = write to out file
-a = append to out file
-m = copy to 64k addr
-ml = copy to linear addr
-mp = copy to start of page
-mb = copy to start of bank

no -o,-a,-m* generates hexdump
Extracts parts of file and display them as hex or save them as files.

Programming sample for .DOT-commands.
.flipscr.ASM-Demo: Compiled with SjASMPlusNot in esxDOS-Release. Just a compiled .ASM-example as demo-file ParametersFlips Screen-Content
Different from ESXDOS 0.7.3 Public BETAESXDOS 0.8.0 Public BETA(c) phoenix <file>I think that FILE command looks like linux command. It determines type by content of file.
.file (Older)v0.1
ESXDOS 0.7.3 Public BETA(c) phoenix <file>I think that FILE command looks like linux command. It determines type by content of file.
.fsizev1.1SpecNext onlyDownload-Package contains commented .ASM-SourcecodeDavid Saphier (em00k) = returns file size in variable for NextBasic
.gramonv0.1 (green border)ESXDOS 0.8.5 FinalOriginal author MS-CID SOFTWARE 1990
Small modifications and port to ESXDOS by VELESOFT 2013
Gramon is graphic monitor for finding graphic,sprites,character fonts and screens in ZX memory.
.gpiotestSpecNext onlySpecNext only---Jari Komppa (jarikomppa)Part of Package "Using USB MIDI with the ZX Sectrum Next (via raspberry pi 0), part 2: sending midi" / "" from: / Youtube:
.guidev1.0aSpecNext onlyNEXTGUIDE CLIENT (Displays .GDE SpexNext Guide-Files)Matt DaviesMatt Davies on Facebook: "I just like to remind people that there is a documentation system distributed with NextZXOS called NextGuide. If you type `.guide` on the command line it will open the NextGuide's manual (which can be found at `/docs/guides/NextGuide.gde`. This will instruct you how to use NextGuide and how to author guides. The NextGuide's manual itself showcases all the features.
If you decide to author guides (perhaps tutorials, game manuals etc), please consider sharing here or on the FB group dedicated to it:"
.hexdumpv0.2ESXDOS 0.7.4 Public BETA (bugfix release)(c) ub880d [filename]
.hexviewv0.3ESXDOS 0.8.6 FinalDr. Slump (=david_ps) (aka David Pesqueira Souto) [filename]It shows a hexadecimal dump of a file. Cursor up and cursor down moves to previous and next screen, and BREAK exit. v0.3 adds operation via Cursor (0 to exit) & Kempston Joystick.
Source-Code released on 2023-03-21 at:
.hexview (Older)v0.2 ---Dr. Slump (=david_ps) (aka David Pesqueira Souto) [filename]It shows a hexadecimal dump of a file. Cursor up and cursor down moves to previous and next screen, and BREAK exit.
.hexview (Older)v0.1 ---Dr. Slump (=david_ps) (aka David Pesqueira Souto) [filename]It shows a hexadecimal dump of a file. Cursor up and cursor down moves to previous and next screen, and BREAK exit.
.httpv1.0.1 (Bugfix: Reset lower word of 32bit timeout to $FFFF when upper word ro… by @Threetwosevensixseven in #4)SpecNext onlyhttp - for the Spectrum Next

A utility for application developers to talk to web servers to exchange blocks of data, such as high scores, game progress. The .http dot command can also download and save to files over the web.
---Remy Sharp (remy)
.httpv1.0.0SpecNext onlyhttp - for the Spectrum Next

A utility for application developers to talk to web servers to exchange blocks of data, such as high scores, game progress. The .http dot command can also download and save to files over the web.

.http is used in Application "Next ZXDB-dl search" ("Search and download files from the ZXDB Spectrum database using your ZX Next") from:
---Remy Sharp (remy)

; Send 1024 bytes from bank 22 to
.http post -b 22 -l 1024 -h -p 8080 -u /send

; Download and save Manic Miner
.http -h -u /18840 -f manic.tap

; Load directly into bank 26 and flash border red (2)
.http get -b 26 -h -u /1 -v 2


-b bank number in 16K blocks
-f filename (only available in get and cannot be used with -b)
-h host address
-p port number (defaults to 80)
-u url (defaults to /)
-l length of bytes to POST
-o address offset (defaults to 0)
-v flash the border to n 0-7 (defaults to no flashing) and restores original border on exit
-7 enabled base64 decoding (useful for supporting Cspect and 7-bit binary exchange*)
-r disable rolling banks (see rolling banks)
-x disable uart init - only use this if you know what you're doing!

Note that by default a GET request will empty out the bank selected. If you want to preserve the data in the bank, use a negative value for the offset, i.e. -b 5 -o -0 will load the http request into bank 5, preserving the RAM and inserting at memory position 0 (in fact, $4000 in RAM).

Run with no arguments to see the help.

*Cpsect's emulated ESP support used 7-bit, which means if you want to send binary data, you will need to base64 encode your payload. Using the -7 flag with http will support decoding and support Cpsect. This is not required if you only plan to exchange 7-bit data (like readable text) or support hardware. See the example folder for a server returning binary using base64 encoding.

Using from NextBASIC:
.http-debugv1.0.1SpecNext only ---Remy Sharp (remy)
.http-debugSpecNext onlyComes with .http-PackageRemy Sharp (remy)
.inkeyv0.5.0bSpecNext onlyStale Pixels
( ) echoer

.INKEY - View keycodes as returned for keys & combos from z88dk built for lazy developers who need a handy guide.
.iniv0.5.0bSpecNext onlyStale Pixels
( ) a value:

INI /path/file.ini key

SET a value

INI /path/file.ini key value
INI/CFG tool

.INI - Command-line INI editor for simple, programmable edits to INI or INI style config files

.INI is designed to perform a specific tasks with a minimum fuss – manipulate ini files from BASIC without the need to write a whole file handler.

.INI needs to be started with (at least) two arguements.

The first is a path to a INI file to use, the second is the name (commonly known as ‘key’) to retrieve.
The second, optional, parameter (commonly known as ‘value’) is the item to save in the INI file.

The following example would retrieve the current video mode timing – this is a number between 0 and 7, and is covered extensively in the Next’s wonderful manual.


And for setting a value, it’s as follows:

.INI /SYS/ENV.INI edge_zx128p3_50 0,0,0,0

In this example it’s resetting the “noted visible screen” to be full frame – this config file entry itself is maintained by Ped7g’s very helpful .DISPLAYEDGE, part of the default NextZXOS system distribution.

Hopefully as you can see, .INI by itself is not of a lot of use, but when used with system config files, or with other apps (e.g., .EVERY, or .DISPLAYEDGE as in the example above) it becomes a building block in a very powerful config system.

Internally, one of the most common uses is to reset parameters in INI files when developing our own apps.
.joyconfZX-UNO onlyZX-UNO onlymcleod_ideafix and configures joystick interface on ZX-UNO. This dot command is interesting because it is not written in ASM, but in C. Source available.
.keyhelpv1.1David Saphier (em00k2018) shows file: "/dot/keyboard.scr".
Was included in older verrsion of SpecNext Latest Distro, which can be found on: until Version "System/Next v1.3.2". Was removed on 2021-10-06 with the following notes: "Garry Lancaster: Removed .KEYHELP dot command.
No longer felt to be useful as shows only a 48K keymap regardless of
whether in NextBASIC or 48K BASIC mode etc. The NMI button can now be used to quickly show a context-sensitive keymap."
.keymapZX-UNO onlyZX-UNO onlymcleod_ideafix utility to load a keyboard map from a file into the ZX-UNO.
.killserverSpecNext onlySpecNext only---Jari Komppa (jarikomppa)Part of Package "Using USB MIDI with the ZX Sectrum Next (via raspberry pi 0), part 2: sending midi" / "" from: / Youtube:
.kzxSCjoe Screen with Keyboard Help (Keywords)
.launcherv0.3ESXDOS 0.8.9 Final(c) 2021 ub880d add <name> <tap|bas>
launcher upd <name> <tap|bas>
launcher del <name>
launcher list
.launcher add <name> <tap>
- creates a new launcher with name <name>. it will autoload tape <tap>

.launcher upd <name> <tap>
- change launcher <name> to autoload tape <tap>

.launcher del <name>
- delete launcher <name>

.launcher list
- lists all created (and recognized) launchers

launcher name <name> must be a plain filename, not containing '/'
tap name <tap> must be a fullpath name, so it must start with '/'

launchers are created in the system's bin path where are all external commands so more commands/launchers you have 'list' will run longer.

also, keep in mind that esxdos for now supports only 8+3 format of names, so every component of path (for tap) must be in this format as well as the launcher name."
.launcherv0.1ESXDOS 0.8.6 Final(c) 2016 ub880d add <name> <tap>
launcher upd <name> <tap>
launcher del <name>
launcher list

.launcher add pariboro /soft/games/taps/zeroteam/Pariboro.tap
.launcher upd pariboro /soft/games/taps/48k/p/Pariboro.tap
.launcher del pariboro
.launcher list
.launcher add <name> <tap>
- creates a new launcher with name <name>. it will autoload tape <tap>

.launcher upd <name> <tap>
- change launcher <name> to autoload tape <tap>

.launcher del <name>
- delete launcher <name>

.launcher list
- lists all created (and recognized) launchers

launcher name <name> must be a plain filename, not containing '/'
tap name <tap> must be a fullpath name, so it must start with '/'

launchers are created in the system's bin path where are all external commands so more commands/launchers you have 'list' will run longer.

also, keep in mind that esxdos for now supports only 8+3 format of names, so every component of path (for tap) must be in this format as well as the launcher name."
.lessv0.5.0bSpecNext onlyA compliment, not replacement, for .more---Marco Varesio password: zxuno-x Start in HEX mode

Show a text file
.LESS /path/to/file.txt

Show a binary file
.LESS -X /path/to/file.bin
.LESS - Less is not more. A plain text pager with extra features, a compliment, not replacement, for MORE
loadtap?ZX-UNO only (And you need to use a Specrum core of mcleod_ideafix with .PZX file loading support.)ZX-UNO only (And you need to use a Specrum core of mcleod_ideafix with .PZX file loading support.)mcleod_ideafix
user:guest password: zxuno [-n][-p] file.tap

Loads a TAP file into the PZX
-n : do not autoplay.
-p : do not insert pauses
between blocks.
A few days ago, in the ZX-Uno Telegram group, mcleod_ideafix shared the LOADTAP command for esxDOS which is used to load .TAP files at normal speed. The operation is like LOADPZX, although only these keys are useful:
F7: PLAY/PAUSE of the virtual player.
F9: STOP of the player (PLAY start from the beginning).
.loadpzxNewer?=zxuno - Revision 1583ZX-UNO onlyZX-UNO onlymcleod_ideafix
zxuno - Revision 1583 [-n][-p] file.tap

Loads a TAP file into the PZX
-n : do not autoplay.
.loadpzxOlder?ZX-UNO onlyZX-UNO only---mcleod_ideafix loader for the ZX-UNO. Loads a PZX into memory (to be later played from the ZX-UNO itself) and directs execution to the LOAD routine. This command is interesting because it is written in C, and has some assembler bits to instruct ESXDOS to detach any .TAP file from input and perform a pure LOAD "" automatically.
.loadromDivTIESUS ( ) SoftROM mode only?DivTIESUS ( ) SoftROM mode only?---mcleod_ideafix (Miguel Angel Rodriguez) name_of_the_rom_file

To use it, just type .loadrom name_of_the_rom_file from the BASIC prompt and press ENTER. The ROM file must have 16K in length. Once it is loaded, it becomes the system ROM for all purposes and effects. Even pressing RESET will take you again to this new ROM. To exit SoftROM mode and go back to ESXDOS, press RESET+NMI.
While the loaded ROM is executing, the machine behaves as a 48K Spectrum, disabling 128K paging and shadow screen. This is to ensure that Ultimate ROM cartridges will work without problems.
SoftROM mode
SoftROM is available in all versions of DivTIESUS. Unlike the +3E mode, which needs a +2A/B/3 computer, the softROM mode can work on any Spectrum, provided it has at least 48K RAM.
The SoftROM feature uses a dot command: LOADROM. If you followed the instructions in the Quick Start section, you already have it.
To use it, just type .loadrom name_of_the_rom_file from the BASIC prompt and press ENTER. The ROM file must have 16K in length. Once it is loaded, it becomes the system ROM for all purposes and effects. Even pressing RESET will take you again to this new ROM. To exit SoftROM mode and go back to ESXDOS, press RESET+NMI.
While the loaded ROM is executing, the machine behaves as a 48K Spectrum, disabling 128K paging and shadow screen. This is to ensure that Ultimate ROM cartridges will work without problems.
NOTE: Bob Fossil's NMI browser has a built-in feature to load ROM files, but it doesn't work with all ROMs. This is mainly because it uses the standard MAPRAM feature present in all DivMMC devices, which does not disable DivMMC. Besides, the loaded ROM cannot survive a RESET.
.ls(Filedate: 2018-03-09)ESXDOS 0.8.6 Final
.ls (Older)Adds e.g. sorting depending on date.---ub880d
and Textfile in:
Please note that Author ub (aka ub880d) mentions the limitation of .ls to sort max. 256 files (mainly due to memory constraints).
.ls (Older)Different from ESXDOS 0.7.4 Public BETA (bugfix release)ESXDOS 0.8.5 Final Directory content
.ls (Older)ESXDOS 0.7.4 Public BETA (bugfix release) Directory content
Different from ESXDOS 0.7.3 Public BETAESXDOS 0.8.0 Public BETA(c) phoenix [params] [tapfile]

-i: List INPUT file
-o: List OUTPUT file
.lsTAP (Older)v0.1
ESXDOS 0.7.3 Public BETA(c) phoenix [params] [tapfile]

-i: List INPUT file
-o: List OUTPUT file
.makerunv1.1SpecNext onlySpecNext only.

v1.1 Fixed .MAKERUN to deal with new browser.cfg system directory shortcut code
---Garry Lancaster
MAKERUN targetfile
.MAKERUN v1.1 by Garry Lancaster. Converts the current directory into a runnable directory.

A RUN.BAS file that loads the target file (any supported by the Browser) is created and the directory is renamed with a .run extension.

Any file with the same name and a .gde, .txt, .doc or .md extension will be copied to a RUN.GDE file as documentation.
.mcZX-UNO onlyZX-UNO only---Antonio Villena corefile.zx1

Loads and executes a core
Antonio Villena has created a new esxDOS command, mc (multicore), which is used to boot cores from the SD card.

It works as follows: .mc corefile.zx1 (Loads and executes a core)

What it does is to install the core in slot 9 if a 4MB SPI Flash is used - up to 9 cores - or in slot 45 if a 16 MB SPI Flash is used - up to 45 cores -, and once loaded it executes it. Spectrum core needs to be booted in "rooted" mode for to work.

According to the specifications of the SPI flash memory, it can be written without problems up to 100,000 times, so there is no great risk of damaging it.
.mcatv0.4SpecNext onlyMCAT command / MCAT a Microdrive CAT for Next DOTJAM 2022---Timbucus and his live posse

MCAT V0.4 usage:
mcat {-i}
mcat {-e} drive<ENTER>
Functions need CLEAR 61439
.memdumpv0.8v0.8: new control 5/6/7/8---Miroslav Bursa (perrada69) / Programmed by: Shrek/MB Maniax
.memdump <address>

Example: .memdump 32768
.midipanicSpecNext onlySpecNext only---Jari Komppa (jarikomppa)Part of Package "Using USB MIDI with the ZX Sectrum Next (via raspberry pi 0), part 2: sending midi" / "" from: / Youtube:
.midisendv0.1SpecNext onlySpecNext only---Jari Komppa (jarikomppa)Part of Package "Using USB MIDI with the ZX Sectrum Next (via raspberry pi 0), part 2: sending midi" / "" from: / Youtube:

where command bytes are
triplets of values and/or
intvars, eg.
.midisend 144 a 70
sends channel 1 note on for
note in intvar a at volume 70

-s to skip gpio setup
-i to move to idle after send
-q to suppress printouts
Old Download-Link: - same version in v0.8.6 Final!ESXDOS 0.8.6 FinalLaesQ / Papaya Dezign - 15/04/2014
.mktrd trdname.trd [disklabel]

trdname.trd is the name of the image file to create.
disklabel is optional. It will be used as the disk label used by TR-DOS.
Creates a blank double sided, 80 track TRD disk image.

Please use with esxdos 0.8.x.
.mkdirESXDOS 0.8.0 Public BETA dirnameMake Directory
.modpv1.0 (25/07/20)SpecNext onlyAmiga Module Player dotcommand for the ZX Spectrum Next - NO pi0 required

Requires modvol.dat file in /SYS, this has been included. modp should be placed in to your /DOT folder

If you want to suppress the text set reg 127 to something other than 255. Please note not every module will work at this time so you may be better writing one within the limits of the current player - the following modules stay within these limits.

mods included

complications by Tomas Danko
feel by firefox
jagtitle by nuke
axelf by unknown
macrocosm by firefox
belevme by bbd
saturation by uncle ben
quadrangular_ball by uncle ben
jarresque by heatbeat
Monty-Hiscore.mod cover by romeo knight original by Rob Hubbard
.modp by David Saphier (em00k) - ModPlayer by Mike Dailly (c)2020 Mike's git here : mymodule.modAmiga Module Player dotcommand for the ZX Spectrum Next - NO pi0 required

As always best results on hardware.

.modp by David Saphier (em00k) - ModPlayer by Mike Dailly (c)2020 Mike's git here :

Note playback rate is 12750 mono, samples will be "resampled"

.modp will play Amiga MOD files, currently not all effects are supported. Effects 1,2,B,C,D,F are supported. Some MODs will require adjustments.

requires modvol.dat file in /SYS, this has been included. modp should be placed in to your /DOT folder

Please note that banks 16 onwards are used depending on the size of the module. Banks 16-17 are backed up and restored on exit. Next Basic should assign banks from the end of RAM, this should help avoid bank clashing.

run the demo modp-example.bas

Usage :

From NextBasic

.modp mymodule.mod
.morev0.9SpecNext onlyMaybe SpecNext only

System-Next v.1.03 Distro - There are v0.9 files with different sizes in this distro (one in \DOT\ and one in \DOT\extra\. The one from \DOT\seems to run on Non-SpecNext machines (but without the 64/85/128 column feature) as well?!
System-Next v.1.03 Distro - There are v0.9 files with different sizes in this distro (one in \DOT\ and one in \DOT\extra\Marco Varesio [-64|-85|-128] <FILE>
-64 force 64 columns mode
-85 force 85 columns mode
-128 force 128 columns mode

8/RIGHT/ENTER: next page
5/LEFT/0/DELETE: previous page
Q/SPACE: exit

Displays <FILE> one screen at a time
.morev0.2ESXDOS 0.8.7 Final [-a] <filename>
-a: print file as is
(no translate new lines)
.more (Older)v0.1ESXDOS 0.7.4 Public BETA (bugfix release)(c) ub880d <filename>
.mon---Velesoft / Debugger for esxDOS Can also be used to enter POKEs on running Snapshots
.mvESXDOS 0.8.0 Public BETA source targetMove / Rename file