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description of main fields
(domestic language)
tourism1Public Facilities List
전국 공공시설 개방 표준데이터 Provide the national public facilities open information (the Open Institution type, business hour, fare, and etc)GRID, XLS, XML, JSON, CSV, RDF facilities, location and type of open facilities, closed dates, weekday operation start time, weekend operation start time, weekend operation end time, paid use status, duration of use, fees, over-use unit time, overtime, number of people available, area, auxiliary facilities information, application method classification, facility photo information, location street address, location address, management department name, name of the responsible department, phone number, homepage address, latitude, longitude, data standard date개방시설명、개방장소명、개방시설유형구분 휴관일、평일운영시작시각、평일운영종료시각、주말운영시작시각、주말운영종료시각、유료사용여부、사용기준시간、사용료、초과사용단위시간、초과사용료、수용가능인원수、면적、부대시설정보、신청방법구분、시설사진정보、소재지도로명주소、소재지지번주소、관리기관명、담당부서명、사용안내전화번호、홈페이지주소、위도、경도、데이터기준일자
公共施設一覧This data includes the name of the public facility located in Kaga city (Ishikawa pref), location information, common name, available date and time, barrier-free correspondence information, URL.csv code, number, prefecture name, city name, facility name, facility name _ Katakana, facility's nickname, small classification code of public facilities, address, building name, latitude, longitude, telephone number, company's ID, Available days of the week, start time, end time, additional information of available date and time,explanation of the detail of facility, barrier free information, URL, remarks市区町村コード、NO、都道府県名、市区町村名、名称、名称_カナ、名称_通称、公共施設小分類コード、住所、方書、緯度、経度、電話番号、法人番号、団体名、利用可能曜日、開始時間、終了時間、利用可能日時特記事項、説明、バリアフリー情報、URL、備考
臺灣地區地名資料_具有地標意義公共設施類Public Facilities List in Taiwancsv name,facility's nickname,facility mean,year,facility type,Language,Denominate,explanation of the detail of facility,history_describe,facility_content
,Map reference
2Events and Festivals
국내 관광정보 서비스 Provide the overall information about the domestic sightseeing including the event information reference

city code,class of service code,keyword,explanation of the detail of events,lodging, regional basis sightseeing information, position-based sightseeing information, introduction information, repetition information reference,  image information reference,common information지역코드조회, 서비스분류코드조회, 키워드조회, 행사정보조회, 숙박정보조회, 지역기반 관광정보조회,
위치기반 관광정보조회, 소개정보조회, 반복정보조회, 이미지정보조회, 공통정보조회
イベント一覧you can use the list of events and festivals located in Kaga city (Ishikawa pref)csv code, number, prefecture name, city name,code of data,name of events, name of events_katakana, name of events_English, startDay,endDay,startTime, endTime, additional information of startDay and Time, explanation of the detail of events , charge(basic),charge(details) , contacts, organization,place_name,address, building name, latitude, longitude, participation, Day of application deadline,Time of application deadline,How to apply,URL,remarks市区町村コード、NO、都道府県名、市区町村名、データ番号、イベント名、イベント名_カナ、イベント名_英語、開始日、終了日、開始時間、終了時間、開始日時特記事項、説明、料金(基本)、料金(詳細) 、連絡先名称、連絡先電話番号、主催者、場所名称、住所、方書、緯度、経度、定員、参加申込終了日、参加申込終了時間、参加申込方法、URL、備考
藝文活動-節慶專區Events and Festivals in Taiwanjson,city code,address,phone number,organization,startTime,endTime,cycle,noncycle,URL,longitude,latitude,class1,parkinginfo,charge,remarks,city name,image參與對象、地點縣市代號、地址、電話、主辦單位、開始時間、結束時間、週期性時間、非週期性時間、網址、經度、緯度、停車資訊、費用、備註、地點縣市名稱、照片網址
3wifi spot
전국 무료와이파이 표준데이터Provide the whole country no charge Wi-Fi informationGRID, XLS, XML, JSON, CSV, RDF for opening facilities, opening hours, closing days, weekday operation time, weekend operation start time, weekend operation end time, paid use status, duration of use, fees, over-use unit time, overtime, number of people acceptable, area, infrastructure information, application method classification, facility photography, location street name address, location address, control center name, department name, service information phone number, website address, latitude, longitude, and data standard date개방시설명、개방장소명、개방시설유형구분 휴관일、평일운영시작시각、평일운영종료시각、주말운영시작시각、주말운영종료시각、유료사용여부、사용기준시간、사용료、초과사용단위시간、초과사용료、수용가능인원수、면적、부대시설정보、신청방법구분、시설사진정보、소재지도로명주소、소재지지번주소、관리기관명、담당부서명、사용안내전화번호、홈페이지주소、위도、경도、데이터기준일자
wifiスポット一覧you can use the public wireless LAN access point list located in Kaga city (Ishikawa pref)csv市区町村コード、NO、都道府県名、市区町村名、名称、名称_カナ、名称_英語、住所、 方書、緯度、経度、 設置者、電話番号、SSID、提供エリア、URL、備考
臺北市公眾區免費無線上網熱點資料(新版)you can use the public wireless LAN access point list located in Taipeicsv, over-use unit time, overtime, number of people acceptable, area, infrastructure information, application method classification, facility photography,熱點名稱、類別、地址、經度、緯度
4public lavatory
전국공중화장실표준데이터Provide the whole country public toilet informationGRID, XLS, XML, JSON, CSV, RDF name, street name address, location number address, gender common toilet status, the number of toilet bowl & urinal for men, women, children, the disabled, management department name telephone number, opening time, installation year, latitude, longitude, and data base date 구분 화장실명、소재지도로명주소、소재지지번주소、남녀공용화장실여부、남성용-대변기수、남성용-소변기수、남성용-장애인용대변기수、남성용-장애인용소변기수、남성용-어린이용대변기수、남성용-어린이용소변기수、여성용-대변기수、여성용-장애인용대변기수、여성용-어린이용대변기수、관리기관명 전화번호、개방시간、설치년도、위도、경도、데이터기준일자
公衆トイレ所在地一覧you can use the list of public lavotory located in Kaga city (Ishikawa pref)csv street name address, location address, location address, control center name, department name, service information phone number, website address, latitude, longitude, and data standard date市区町村コード、NO、都道府県名、市区町村名、名称、名称_カナ、名称_英語、住所、方書、設置位置、緯度、経度、男性トイレ総数、男性トイレ数(小便器)、男性トイレ数(和式)、男性トイレ数(洋式)、女性トイレ総数、女性トイレ数(和式)、女性トイレ数(洋式)、男女共用トイレ総数、男女共用トイレ数(和式)、男女共用トイレ数(洋式)、多機能トイレ数、車椅子使用者用トイレ有無、乳幼児用設備設置トイレ有無、オストメイト設置トイレ有無、利用開始時間、利用終了時間、利用可能時間特記事項、画像、画像_ライセンス、備考
臺北市公廁點位資訊you can use the list of public lavotory located in Taipeicsv name,Property,Attribute,organization,DepName,Numbe,Address,FirstLevel,SecondLevel,ThirdLevel,FourthLevel,FifthLevel,toilet,infant equipment installed toilet existence,Kindlyroom,Lng,Lat,facility name_English,Address_English行政區,類別,屬性,主管機關,單位名稱,座數,地址,特優,優等,普通,加強,改善,場所提供行動不便者使用廁所,親子廁間親子廁間,貼心公廁,經度,緯,英文單位名稱,英文地址
5Image data collection of major tourist spots
국내 관광정보 서비스Provide the overall information about the domestic sightseeing including the image information referenceXML
The area code inquiry, The class of service code inquiry, The keyword inquiry, The event information reference, The lodging information reference, The regional basis sightseeing information reference, The position-based sightseeing information reference, The introduction information reference, The repetition information reference, The image information reference, The common information reference지역코드조회, 서비스분류코드조회, 키워드조회, 행사정보조회, 숙박정보조회, 지역기반 관광정보조회,
위치기반 관광정보조회, 소개정보조회, 반복정보조회, 이미지정보조회, 공통정보조회
金沢市の主要観光地の画像データ集This image data can be used free of charge for individuals, corporations, commercial and non-commercial userszip(jpeg)
csv name, the width of the resolution, the height resolution, resolution units, shooting date, effective image width, the effective image height, north latitude (N) or south latitude (S), latitude, east longitude (E) or west (W), longitude, altitude of the unit, altitude (number), address, license, season, region, category, remarks1,remarks2,remarks3ファイル名、幅の解像度、高さの解像度、解像度の単位、撮影日、 実効画像幅、実効画像高さ、北緯(N)or 南緯(S)、緯度、東経(E)or 西経(W) 、経度、高度の単位、高度(数値)、住所名称、ライセンス、季節、地域、カテゴリー、備考1、備考2、備考3
圖像-觀光多媒體資料庫Tourism Image data collection of Taiwanxml、MediaName、MediaContent、MediaCatalog、GovernmentID、ProductDate、CollectDate、WordingLanguage、Keyword、ScenicSpot_C、Activity_C媒體類別、媒體名稱、媒體內容、媒體型錄、政府ID、生產日期、蒐集日期、語法語言、關鍵字、景點、活動
citizens safety1Emergency Evacuation Area
전국지진해일대피소표준데이터Provides nationwide tsunami shelter informationGRID, XLS, XML, JSON, CSV, RDF tsunami evacuation name, type of tsunami shelter, name of location street, location number address, Latitude, longitude, acceptable area, maximum capacity, operating status of the tsunami shelter, phone number of the tsunami shelter, amenities, Number of households, numbers of persons, number of people affected, seismic design, seismic design, separation of the coastline, sea level height, number of signs of evacuation, number of emergency evacuation location signs, control tower name지진해일대피소명、지진해일대피소구분、지진해일대피소유형、지진해일대피소유형구분、소재지도로명주소、소재지지번주소、위도、경도、수용가능면적、최대수용인원수、지진해일대피소운영상태、지진해일대피소전화번호、부대편의시설、주민대피지구명、주민대피지구내가구수、주민대피지구내거주인수주민대피지구내재해약자수、내진적용여부、내진설계등급、해안선이격거리、해발높이、지진대피안내표지판수、긴급대피장소안내표지판수、지진대피로안내표지판수、관리기관명、관리기관전화번호、데이터기준일자
避難所情報you can use the list of emergency evacuation area located in Kaga citycsv, facility name, facility name _ Kana, address, builiding name, latitude, longitude, phone number, city code, prefecture name, city name, disastertype _ flood, disastertype_ collapsed cliff_debris flows and landslides, disaster type _ storm surge, disaster type _ earthquake, disaster type _ tsunami, disaster type _ a large-scale fire, disastertype _ the internal water flooding, disaster type _ volcanic phenomenon, overlapping between the designated shelter, assumed occupancy,coverage community of the area, URL, remarksNO、名称、名称_カナ、住所、方書、緯度 、経度、電話番号、市区町村コード、都道府県名、市区町村名、災害種別_洪水、災害種別_崖崩れ、土石流及び地滑り、災害種別_高潮、災害種別_地震、災害種別_津波、災害種別_大規模な火事、災害種別_内水氾濫、災害種別_火山現象、 指定避難所との重複、想定収容人数、対象となる町会・自治会、URL、備考
list of emergency evacuation area XML,city name,defaultville,disaster type,isIndoor,isOutdoor,lat,on,name,openstatus,peopleno,shelterCode,shelterId,town,twd97x,twd97y, village場所地址、縣市、預設收容村里、災害類別、室內處所、室外處所、緯度座標、經度座標、避難收容處所名稱、開設情形、預計收容人數、 避難收容處所編號、避難收容處所ID、鄉鎮市區、97二度X座標、97二度Y座標、村里
2AED location list
전국 자동심장 충격기 정보 조회 서비스(AED)It can inquire with cities and countries separately addressed as the service which it inquires into the whole country automatic external defibrillator (AED) informationXML medical management information specific automatic cardiac paddles, Automatic cardiac paddles location information inquiry, AED FullData Download응급 의료기관별 자동심장충격기 관리정보, 자동심장충격기 위치정보 조회, 자동제동기 Full data 내려받기
AED設置箇所一覧you can use the list of AED location list located in Kaga citycsv code, Number, prefecture name, city name, facility name, facility name _ Kana, address,builiding name, latitude, longitude, address, phone number, company ID, organizer, available day of the week, start time, end time, additional information of the available date and time,URL市区町村コード、NO、都道府県名、市区町村名、名称、名称_カナ、住所、方書、緯度、経度、設置位置、電話番号、法人番号、団体名、、利用可能曜日、開始時間、終了時間、利用可能日時特記事項、URL
AED location list in Taiwancsv name,city name,area name,address ,lat,language,type,descript,AED location, location LAT,location LNG,all day for public,additional information of the available date and time,photne number場所名稱、場所縣市、場所區域、場所地址、場所LAT、場所LNG、場所分類、場所描述、AED放置地點、AED地點描述、地點LAT、地點LNG、全年全天開放大眾使用、開放使用時間備註、開放時間緊急連絡電話
3List of medical institutions
건강보험심사평가원 병원약국찾기 정보The information including the name of medical institution, address, phone number, consultation course, location information, by subject pseudorandom number, medical equipment, and etcXML name of medical institution, address, phone number, consultation course, location information, by subject pseudorandom number, medical equipment, and etc의료기관명, 주소, 전화번호, 진료과목, 위치정보, 과목별의사수, 의료장비 등의 정보
医療機関一覧you can use the list of List of medical institutions located in Kaga citycsv code, number, prefecture name,medical institution name,medical institution name, medical institution name _ Kana, the type of medical institution, address,building name, latitude, longitude, telephone number, company ID, company name, practice day of the week, start time, medical termination time, additional information of medical treatment date and time, holiday/night medical examinations, medical subjects, number of beds, URL, remarks市区町村コード、NO、都道府県名、市区町村名、名称、名称_カナ、 医療機関の種類、住所、方書、緯度、経度、電話番号、法人番号、法人の名称、診療曜日、診療開始時間、診療終了時間、診療日時特記事項、時間外における対応、診療科目、病床数、URL、備考
臺北市公私立醫療院所Medical institutions in Taipeicsv name、adress、tel機構名稱、地址、電話
4Air pollution monitoring data
한국환경공단 대기오염정보 조회 서비스By period and for each city and province air pollution information and integration atmosphere Environmental Index is bad, over gauging station detail, air quality (the fine dust/ozone) forecast notice content, and etc. can be inquired with the service inquired into each gauging station Byeol air pollution informationXML real time measurement information reference for each gauging station, The ideal gauging station list inquiry the integration atmosphere Environmental Index is bad For each city and province real time measurement information reference, The air quality forecast notification inquiry For each city and province real-time average information inquiry, The real-time average information inquiry by city gun and gu각 측정소별 대기오염정보를 조회하기 위한 서비스로 기간별, 시도별 대기오염 정보와 통합대기환경지수 나쁨 이상 측정소 내역, 대기질(미세먼지/오존) 예보 통보 내역 등을 조회
静岡市の大気汚染常時監視データMeasurement data of Air Pollution Monitoring Station in Shizuoka City
(Update per month)
csv dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), oxidant (Ox), suspended particulate matter (SPM), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), wind direction wind speed (WDWS)

Average, maximum, minimum
二酸化硫黄(SO2) 、窒素酸化物(NOx) 、オキシダント(Ox) 、浮遊粒子状物質(SPM) 、微小粒子状物質(PM2.5)、一酸化炭素(CO) 、炭化水素(HC)、風向風速(WDWS)

1.臺北市環境空氣品質監測結果月報表1. providing monthly air pollution monitoring data in Taipeicsv、num、Total aerosol、Dust Fall測站名稱、測站編號、總懸浮微粒、落塵量
2.臺北市空氣中總懸浮微粒及落塵量檢驗結果統計2. PM2.5 and fallout measurement in Taipei
5Traffic accident information
교통사고통계The traffic accident statisticsCSV
XLSX information provided by the road traffic corporation도로교통공단에서 제공하는 교통사고 노선별 GIS정보, 발생년도(최대3년), 도로종류, 도로명을 선택하고 조건설정에서 원하는 검색 조건을 설정한 뒤, '검색'버튼을 클릭하면 검색결과가 조회
交通事故情報(福岡県)Information on traffic accidents occurring in Fukuoka prefecture in 2016 (latitude / longitude, occurrence time of occurrence place)xls, recorded year, recorded month, recorded affiliation, affiliation code, details of accident, date, time,day of the week,address, city code, roadtype, accident types, type 1, age 1, gender 1, damage of about 1, type 2, age 2, sex 2, damage of about 2, route, day and night, the weather, fatalities, serious injuries, minor injuries number, latitude, longitudeNo、計上年、計上月、計上所属、所属コード、事故内容、発生年月日、発生時、発生曜日、発生場所番地、市区町村コード、道路形状、事故類型、種別1、年齢1、性別1、損傷程度1、種別2、年齢2、性別2、損傷程度2、 路線、昼夜、天候、死者数、重傷者数、軽傷者数、緯度、経度
即時交通事故資料porvidingTraffic accident information that cause immediately death in Taiwanjson,location,death or injury people,car type,lat,lon發生時間,發生地點,死亡受傷人數,車種,經度,緯度
6Temporary stay facility for those who have difficulty returning home
이재민 임시주거시설 정보서비스The temporary dwelling facility of the disaster occurrence victims and relief goods informationXML, facility name, address, position, gross area, the number of person to be admitted재해 발생 시 이재민들이 일시대피하거나 복구가 되기까지 임시적으로 주거 하는 시설 정보(시설명, 주소, 면적, 주거능력 등)
帰宅困難者一時滞在施設(横浜)You can check the type of facility that can be used, facility name, address, etc in Yokohama city.xml or public,area name,facility name, address, remarks民間施設もしくは公共施設、区名、施設の名称、住所、備考
Temporary stay facility location in each municipalities in Taiwanjson
xlsx, contact, contactPhone ,county, keepSupply, lessData, lessMark, noDataMark, num, openDatetime, refugee, refugee, efugeeM, refugeeTotal, refugeeTotalF, refugeeTotalM, shelter,supplyDay, supplyPeople、township、caseId、orgTitle、reportApproval,reportMobilePhone、reportNo、reportPhone、reportUser,、updateDatetime撤除時間_年月日時、聯絡人、聯絡電話_方式、直轄市、縣、市別、是否以開口契約或民間團體持續供應、說明事項、說明事項註記、無資料註記、編號、開設起迄時間_年月日時、目前收容人數-合計、目前收容人數-女、目前收容人數-男、累計收容人數-合計、累計收容人數-女、累計收容人數-男、收容場所、目前儲糧預估可再供應狀況-日數、目前儲糧預估可再供應狀況-人數、鄉鎮市區別、災害名稱代碼、填報機關、核定人、行動電話、通報別、聯絡電話、通報人、通報時間
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