PhotoNameYearService TermCourseMajor(s)Minor(s)What kind of community do you hope to foster at the SLC Economics Program?
Angelina Hoang
SophomoreSpring 2024Econ 1Economics Data ScienceI hope to foster an inclusive and educationally riveting environment at the SLC where every peer feels comfortable and happy to be engaging in difficult course material, but leaving the center even happier because they left learning something that they did not know prior to coming into the program!
Anitej Bharadwaj
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 140
(Professor Faber)
Business Administration & EconomicsData ScienceI just want a community that feels comfortable to ask any questions they want without worry of judgement, and those that are always willing to collaborate together and begin to fall in love with the process of learning.
Ayan Sarkar
SeniorSpring 2024Econ 140
(Professor Faber)
Environmental Economics & PolicyI am hoping to foster a community of students and peer-tutors that are dedicated to innovative and dynamic learning with a holistic approach that emphasizes collaboration.
Bekah Bueno
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 100AEconomicsI hope to foster a collaborative and judgement-free community in the SLC Economics Program. I want to help students feel more comfortable asking questions and working with their peers to learn from each other.
Carolyn Shan
SeniorSpring 2024Econ 1EconomicsData ScienceI hope to foster an SLC community that is trusting and caring of each other. I want students to feel completely comfortable asking me/their peers questions. Ideally, the community would be encouraging and allow for people to form long lasting friendships outside of the SLC.
Izzy Weiss
SeniorSpring 2024Econ 140
(Professor Li)
EconomicsChineseI hope to continue to foster a community that is friendly and inclusive at the SLC this semester! I love getting to know my tutees and watching the concepts finally "click", it's the greatest feeling to see their knowledge expand.
Jazmine Nguyen
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 2Business Administration & EconomicsI hope to foster a welcoming and supportive community at the SLC Economics Program where everyone can ask their questions without judgment!
Julia Dawson
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 1Business Administration JournalismI hope to foster an inclusive and supportive environment where all students feel comfortable participating in the learning process!
Kareena Hargunani
SeniorSpring 2024Econ 136Economics & Data Science I hope to foster a close-knit community of students who are not afraid of asking questions and collaborating with their peers to improve comprehension. As someone who felt empowered to ask questions and did not fear judgement whenever I came to the SLC for help, I would like to provide the same service to other economics students.
Lauren Wang
SeniorSpring 2024Econ 136EconomicsData ScienceI aspire to foster a lively and inclusive community, where students are comfortable asking questions and engaging in discussions. I wish to encourage diverse perspectives and the exchange of ideas, and to ensure that every student experiences respect and support.
Melinee Her
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 140
(Professor Li)
Data Science & EconomicsAt the SLC, I hope to bring a warm, welcoming environment where everyone can learn from each other and feel their best when tackling Economics ! As a peer tutor, I hope to support all students and provide them with the help and resources they need to succeed.
Minka Nagy
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 100BEconomics & Data ScienceAnthropologyI hope to foster an inclusive community where everyone is comfortable to ask questions. I wish to create an environment where we can all learn from each other and improve together.
Mona Holmer
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 100AEnvironmental Economics & PolicyI hope to create an environment that prioritizes inclusivity and comfort in asking for help. In an academically rigorous school such as Cal, it can feel very vulnerable asking for help or admitting you need it in the first place. I want people to know that when they go to SLC, they can do so without judgement.
Monel Tse
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 136Economics & Data ScienceI hope to have an interactive, collaborative and friendly environment for students to learn in, so that being in an economics class felt a little less scary! Also feel free to come drop by to talk about dance/ travelling!!!
Nathalie Benrey
SophomoreSpring 2024Econ 100AEconomics & Business Administration Data ScienceI hope to foster a tight-knit, welcoming, and inclusive community of students that feel comfortable coming for help and willing to provide support to one another in a collaborative environment.
Phoebe Wu
SophomoreSpring 2024Econ 100BEconomics & Society & EnviromentFood SystemsI hope to contribute to a space in which students can learn actively through diverse ways of knowing and engaging with the course content, and not just from a linear lecture-style perspective. I would like foster an environment that promotes community building and inclusion, allowing each student and peer staff to recognize their autonomy and voice in the learning space.
Rachel Perez
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 100BEconomicsData ScienceI hope to foster a collaborative, supportive, and trusting community at the SLC. Before becoming a tutor, I used to come to the SLC to get help in math and economics. I always felt valued as a student and an individual and I hope to provide the same to other students.
Stanley Zhou
JuniorSpring 2024Econ 136Data Science & EconomicsI hope to create a welcoming, judgement-free learning environment that fosters a sense of belonging and pride.
Thalia Xing
JuniorSpring 2024Program AmbassadorEconomics & Data ScienceI aim to foster a supportive and inclusive community at the SLC Economics Program where students collaborate, share knowledge, and inspire one another to excel. Through mutual respect and shared enthusiasm for Economics, we can create an environment conducive to learning and personal growth.
Tiarra Wu
SophomoreSpring 2024Econ 2Economics & PsychologyI hope to foster an open learning environment in which students are unafraid to ask any and all questions they have! I'm always sad when people preface their question with, "This is probably a stupid question but..." There are no stupid questions, not when they help you gain the knowledge you need to succeed!