TimestampPreferred Name(s):Gender?How old are you?
Have you ever been verbally harassed while walking in public?
Have you ever been physically harassed while walking in public?
How old were you were you when the harassment first happened?
When do the interaction occur most?
How do you usually react to street harassment?
Does street harassment make you feel mentally violated?
Do you ever pretend the harassment never happened?
Do you your share your experience about street harassment with friends/relatives/partner?
How does being harassed on the street make you feel?
Please describe instance(s) in which you were harassed on the street?
What do you think is the cause of the harassment in Nigeria?
What can we do to curb this menace?
Are you interested in the result of this survey? If yes, provide your email address or social media handle
1/13/2018 20:14:12WandeFemale19 - 24YesYesWhen I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
One time in Yaba I was trying to cross the road and this guy kept following me saying how he wanted to sleep with me etc
Mad people I don’t even know
1/13/2018 20:14:54NoraFemale19 - 24YesYesAs early as 15When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
I have a very curvey body, so harassment comes often
Different reasons I don't know
1/13/2018 20:18:15AdaezeFemale19 - 24YesNo16When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
A guy calling me out because of my body figure
Idleness and unemployment
Employ them and enlighten the society
1/13/2018 20:20:06fredaFemale19 - 24YesYes15When I am alone
I yell out insults as i walk away
really embarrassed frustrated and demeaned
when I'm forced to buy clothes on the street with young men dragging u from left and right and men sexualizing me when I walk pass
don't know think lack of jobs for youths
keep the youths busy and end poverty
1/13/2018 20:25:33RebeccaFemale25 - 35YesYes18 or there aboutI choose not to answerYesYesYesViolated
I was harassed instead in market when all those traders drag at me.
Passive nature of the authorities towards it.
Proper legislation,adequate sanctioning and punishment
1/13/2018 20:26:11CynthiaFemale19 - 24YesYes19When I am alone
I yell out insults as i walk away
In the market, especially by bus driver&conductors
Illiteracy & poor mentality
Social Education at the grassroot level
1/13/2018 20:27:18HeisenbergMale19 - 24YesNo14When I am alone
I get into physical altercations with the harasser
One time an idiot said I matched him as I walked past, (I'm always very cautious) I insisted I didn't match him, and while I attempted to leave he dragged my shirt, I replied with a punch to his face and walked off.
IlliteracyMental Magnitude
1/13/2018 20:31:03HenrieFemaleBelow 15YesNo11
When I am with male and female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesYesYesUncomfortableGuys insulting meIgnorancePublic enlightment
1/13/2018 21:36:01ChukyMale25 - 35YesYes25When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesMaybeYesEmbarrased. While taking a walkUnemployment
Create gainful employment
1/13/2018 21:54:06SuzanFemale25 - 35YesYes
Not certain of the exact age
When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Mostly in a crowded market.
Lack of respect, little or no courtesy, Ignorance and Illiteracy.
Street enlightenment, rally, campaign...basically an awareness programme
1/13/2018 22:09:56BeckyFemale25 - 35YesNoWhen I am aloneI choose not to answerNoYesYesSad
Once I was driving and mistakenly entered a ditch and someone said I should go and park the car or put the learner sign. He said I'm not a good driver. I'm only fortunate to have a car
Jealousy and frustration Better Government
1/13/2018 22:30:11ItoteFemale25 - 35YesNo23When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
I was walking from my Ikeja Local government office after my weekly community development service (CDS) as a youth Corp member when a young man between the age of 30-35 years walked close to me, I thought with his responsible look I should hear him out but when he asked if I was married and talked about how sexually appealing I look, very irritating sexual words about my body shape, body features etc. I felt so embarrassed and angry. I had to increase my walking pace but he kept walking faster and the disgusting words made me run into one of the shops under the ikeja bridge as I was scared he might use a charm to hypnotise me and I might end up in his house.
Lack of proper orientation and respect for fellow human.
I think if a person harassed can lodge a complain to the proper authorities and the perpetrator is punished for such act, it will in a good way limit harassments
1/13/2018 22:33:18Eseoghene Female19 - 24YesNoNot particularly sureWhen I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
NoNoNoI don't feel anything
Ignorance, basically. A lot of Nigerians are not properly educated about sexual harassment, hence many of then who engage in it are not even aware that it is sexual harassment.
Proper education and enlightenment.
1/13/2018 22:45:37Oshoma samuelMale19 - 24YesNo22When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesYesYesBadPovertyI dont know
1/13/2018 22:54:47JohnMale25 - 35YesYes25When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
a Police checkpoint
a lender asking to be paid back
lack of consideration and selfishness
almost nothing
1/13/2018 22:55:35Okafor OgonnaMale25 - 35YesNomid teens
When I am with female friend(s)
I choose not to answerNoYesYes
i feel embarrassed especially when it is done when am with my female friends
lack of adequate deterring action against offenders
Take prompt and adequate actions against offenders and sensitive the public
1/13/2018 22:57:25Ifedayo Faith Male25 - 35NoNo
1/13/2018 23:07:03Seun Alade MaleAbove 35YesYes36When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesMaybeYesVery bad
When I was going and they saw me they said walk up to me to give them money
povertygive people jobs
1/13/2018 23:12:43Oluwatoyin Female15 - 18NoYes12When I am aloneI choose not to answerYesMaybeYesMentally violatedIgnorance Creating awareness
1/13/2018 23:14:39TewobolaFemale25 - 35NoYes22When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
I wanted to go get something from a shop on my street
Lack of discipline
Awareness to let those involved know it is bad
1/13/2018 23:20:05Richardson Abraham JrMaleAbove 35YesYes33
When I am with male friend(s)
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Wrongly accused and slapped by a policeman.
Inadequate education, little or no regard for other people, weak upbringing with environmental and pair influence
Adequate education, public awareness campaign,
1/13/2018 23:22:07Oyedeji Male25 - 35NoNo
1/13/2018 23:37:24Olumide OgidanMaleAbove 35NoNo
1/14/2018 0:10:25Grace Female25 - 35YesNo22
When I am with male friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Street harassment makes me feel bad and sometimes see myself as if something is wrong with me.
joblessness and illiteracypublic enlightenment
1/14/2018 1:20:43Faith ObafemiFemale25 - 35YesNo
I engage in conversation with the man and respond positively to his comments
1/14/2018 2:35:27okoroh faithFemale19 - 24YesYes12When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
NoYesNocheap maybe
when I was 12, as I walk on the street, a conductor could just pull me from the road and want to touch you .
Although at that age, I liked the attention.
A mentality by men that nothing can to them. it is like the order of the day.
implement laws and create a sensitization so ladies can know their rights and also get to run to for help
1/14/2018 3:44:06Desmond OdionMale25 - 35NoNoI choose not to
1/14/2018 4:38:23Chinny Female25 - 35YesYesWhen I am alone
I yell out insults as i walk away
in the market particularly by male traders grabbing and pulling at you to patronise them
nothing. illiterates are inevitable.Impose penalties or make it a crime maybe
1/14/2018 7:15:11SamsonMale25 - 35NoNo
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
ignoranceeducate people often
1/14/2018 7:15:56Debeekay Female19 - 24YesNo18-19When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Going to the market and these annoying boys trying to get my attention, I ignored and they began to insult me.
Inferiority complex and lack of knowledge.
Educate young people to have respect for others and treat themselves with high esteem because they feel whoever they are harassing is better than them and the only way to not feel intimidated is by harassing. Also some of them have issues growing up as children and the environment they are also influences their behavior.
1/14/2018 7:19:43Adepoju PamilerinFemale19 - 24YesNo16When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Like I am stupid, especially when I choose to ignore but I know it's for the best
I was trying to cross the street and a bike man and his passenger that was over speeding shouted at me and almost slapped me, cos to them I didn't ' look well before crossing '
People's transferring agression as a result of the pain and hardship they are passing through
Have constant public lectures on how people can deal with their pain and not transfer it
1/14/2018 7:27:16OgorFemale25 - 35YesYesI cant remember
When I am with female friend(s)
I choose not to answerYesYesNoashamed
no system to check and nake sure that people are not harrased on the street
put checks in place
1/14/2018 7:56:01Judith OnyemepuFemale25 - 35YesNo20When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
When a stupid male admirer was trying to get my attention.
Lack of self respect and Dignity of human person's
Create a law that will punish anyone who will does so and then endeavour to create awareness against street harassment
Not really.
1/14/2018 8:12:54SeyiMale25 - 35YesNo12When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
I don't know I it feels...cause I always walk away. And it doesn't happen often.
That's too long a story. No time.
Nigerians are angry by default. Lol. . But really I don't know.
Better standard of living.
1/14/2018 8:25:15Caren DialaFemale25 - 35YesYes16When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesMaybeYesIt makes me feel insulted
I was walking through the market place and traders were calling out on passerby's to buy goods from them, I wasn't interested so I kept walking, this guy pulled my body towards him forcefully, then I hit him violently and walked away.
Illiteracy, ignorance and the fact that in most cases in Nigeria, people get away with a lot of things because our government is not firm and dependable. Corruption is also another reason.
The rule of law must be upheld and strict laws should be enacted and enforced without fear or favour in other to protect people who get harassed verbally or physically.
1/14/2018 8:30:01stephenMale25 - 35NoYes20
When I am with female friend(s)
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Who are you and what's your level
discrimination let all be educated
1/14/2018 8:53:18Alabi oluwabukunmiMale19 - 24NoNoI choose not to answerYes
1/14/2018 9:07:15ShashaFemale25 - 35NoNo
1/14/2018 10:58:37Adebukola Female25 - 35YesYes11When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
YesYesYesHunted,caged, abused
In the market place by some male traders
Patriarch system...entitlement of the male gender
Strict punishment for the perpetrators
1/14/2018 11:32:40RidwanMale25 - 35YesYesWhen I am aloneI choose not to answerYesMaybeYesDisrespectedNational Indiscipline
Establishment of discipline inculcating bodies
1/14/2018 12:27:35SewaFemale25 - 35YesNo
When I am with female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
1/14/2018 12:28:20MSFemale25 - 35YesNo20
When I am with female friend(s)
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
My experience was a racial abuse
Lack of security
More police officers on the streets particularly areas of with high crime rate
Yes please
1/14/2018 12:30:55AdeFemale25 - 35YesNo16When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesYesYesIt makes me feel bad
I was called names by miscreants in my street
Lack of knowledge
1/14/2018 12:31:15Samuel IkomoniMaleAbove 35NoYes29When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Someone walked up to me and punch me
FrustrationElightenment campaign
1/14/2018 12:56:39TosinFemale25 - 35YesNo15When I am aloneI choose not to answerYesYesYesVery angry
tosintomori11@Gmail. com
1/14/2018 13:02:22OlajumokeFemale25 - 35YesYes16When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesYesYesVery bad When walking alone
When guys are unable to control their sexual urge
Awareness and dressing model
1/14/2018 13:20:05LucyFemale19 - 24YesYesWhen I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
NoMaybeYesviolated Dragging, touching
1/14/2018 13:36:07adaFemale25 - 35YesYes13When I am alone
I yell out insults as i walk away
was walking at night alone on an errand
lack of moral valuesget the culprit arrested
1/14/2018 13:37:27Enitan IbitonkeFemale25 - 35YesYesTeens
When I am with male and female friend(s)
I politely tell the harasser to leave me alone
Very angry and sometimes frustrated
Was walking down the street and a guy came wanting to talk and trying to force a conversation. Ended up calling me a sweet potato.
Ignorance . People who carry out such activities do not feel there is anything wrong with it.
There must be some punitive measure put in place.
1/14/2018 13:39:00Vivian Female19 - 24YesNo19When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
I was called by a guy and refused to answer him and that was it
illiteracy enlightenment I guess
1/14/2018 13:39:40YejideFemale19 - 24YesYes21
When I am with female friend(s)
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Walking on the road as a lady most men are quick to yell out inappropriate comments about your body.
Lack of mutual respect for the opposite sex
Running an awareness programme
1/14/2018 13:43:37KayFemale25 - 35YesNo17When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
NoNoYesNot safe
On my way out to d cinemas n some group of guys yelling fine girl can I get ur no with different comments from d others
We are not oriented about things like harassment..
More awareness
1/14/2018 13:49:04Bemigho Hooe Male25 - 35YesNo
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
NoNot applicable
1/14/2018 13:49:21Ajiyor Jexandra Female15 - 18YesYes16When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Like I do not have my rights
When I went to buy something
Illiteracy on Human Rights violations
Provide more enlightening programs
1/14/2018 13:51:05EFemale19 - 24YesYesCan’t recall.13-14When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Unemployment, lack of education even for the educated
1/14/2018 13:51:41LuFemale25 - 35YesYes12When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Very bad. I feel objectified and disrespected.
Someone grabbed my boobs. Another time, a man touched my face. Another time a man boldly told me that he wants to give me oral sex on the street.
Lack of sensitization to the men. Most of them believe they have a right as men to behave as they like.
Proper home training and orientation right from child hood
1/14/2018 13:58:11MjFemale19 - 24YesYes17When I am alone
I politely tell the harasser to leave me alone
1/14/2018 13:59:21Betty Alegbe FemaleAbove 35YesYes28
When I am with male friend(s)
I choose not to answerYesNoYesIrrelevant
Had to go for site inspection with the engineers I was working with and was denied the final say even as a boss because I am a woman
Inferiority complex Enlightening programs
1/14/2018 14:31:40AdeFemale19 - 24YesNoWhen I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Walking by nd bring a guy holds me forcefully
Illiteracy, lack of enforcement of sexual harassment laws, general non enforcement of laws, bad system
Let females know if they report such harassment something will b done and will b done
1/14/2018 14:36:10OlayemuFemale25 - 35NoNoWhen I am aloneI choose not to answerNoYesYes
1/14/2018 14:37:58OluwatobilobaFemale19 - 24YesNo17
When I am with male and female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
NoYesYesIt has no effect on me
It happened in school(University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State). Verbal harassment is called "arrow" and it is carried out by a group of young men(students). I had a rosette on my hair as I walked past the area where the young men were. One of them said I was trying to show to the world that I've been disflowered, because of the rosette I had on my hair. I ignored them and kept walking.
I really cannot say. For the one I've experienced, the young men who involve in it derive pleasure in it. Other reasons outside this context might be as a result of inferiority or superiority complex.
Laws should be enforced against it.
1/14/2018 14:53:17AbimbolaFemale25 - 35NoNo
Indecent dressing, Unemployment, Frustration
Rehabilitation center's, More job opportunities
1/14/2018 15:21:29AdebimpeFemale25 - 35YesYes14
When I am with female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
NoMaybeYesIrritatedInsecurity and EgoEnlightenment
1/14/2018 15:27:32Ese Female25 - 35YesYes13
When I am with male friend(s)
I choose not to answerYesMaybeYes
1/14/2018 15:31:12ZurFemale19 - 24YesYesCan’t remember When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Guys making reference to my ass in the market, or just pulling me, making cat calls and saying vulgar things.
It’s mostly gender related. Especially in the market place or even outside there, guys feel they can just express how they feel about your physical appearance and you’re expected to be appreciative else they insult you sometimes.
Men should learn to respect ladies. Ladies should carry pepper spray around 😂 twitter:zuri_ad
1/14/2018 16:18:41JMale25 - 35NoNoNoNoNot applicable
1/14/2018 16:44:52Efe Ikhuoria Female19 - 24NoNo
Not understanding the value of respecting women and one another
Sensitization on the issue, especially from childhood and in remote places like slums
1/14/2018 16:50:25VictorMale25 - 35NoNo
When I am with male and female friend(s)
I choose not to answerNo
1/14/2018 16:57:21LosiFemale25 - 35YesYes12When I am alone
I politely tell the harasser to leave me alone
YesYesYesUnsafeTouching, verbal abuse
Low mentality, inferiority complex, machoism
Enforce a law, create more awareness
IG- @houseoflosifoundation
1/14/2018 17:01:26
Nwokocha Chidinma Grace
Female19 - 24YesYes5When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
Wanting to board a bus and another conductor pulls me by the hand to enter his own bus
IlliteracyCreate awareness
1/14/2018 17:01:54priscaFemale25 - 35YesNo16yrsWhen I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
sometimes feel like something is wrong with me(spiritually too)
idleness, no proper home bringing e. t. c
more education on the subject matter and from the home front parents should put more effort in bringing up children morally and spiritually,there should be a platform where children can freely interact with parents to discourage peer pressure influence.
1/14/2018 17:05:46FavourFemale25 - 35NoNoNot applicable
1/14/2018 17:09:12Sola Female19 - 24YesYes10When I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
1/14/2018 17:23:08Ojeleye damilare FrancisMale25 - 35YesNo
When I am with female friend(s)
I engage in conversation with the man and respond positively to his comments
NoMaybeYesBadDifferent ethnic groupsBy preaching
1/14/2018 17:26:43JulesMale25 - 35NoNo
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
1/14/2018 17:30:29OrezimenaFemale25 - 35YesYes19 yrsWhen I am aloneI choose not to answerNoYesYes
It spoils my mood that particular moment but i never allow such to get the best of me for that day. I try as much as possible to let it be in the past.
I was walking alone when a guy said you are full back and front. And when I didn't respond, he walked up to me and said I love your size of boobs. Its crazy but I just ignored and walked away.
People are harassed in every part of the world. I feel some of these harassment are as a result of joblessness and insensitivity to others feelings because an individual who has business or is gainfully occupied will not just go out and harass others. And lets not forget that some people do it for fun. They want to see how angry you would get when they harass you. Another thing is that most people who do it are not mature because a mature individual wouldn't do such to a fellow human being. Harassment especially a public one drains some people psychologically. r
There should always be awareness on the negative effects of harassment to especially the youths in all forms that it could be done. Let the general public know that most times harassment can do a lot of harm than the fun or whatever they feel they will derive from harassing others.
1/14/2018 17:31:04TosinFemale25 - 35YesNoWhen I am alone
I politely tell the harasser to leave me alone
It makes me feel awkward and irritated
By engaging the youths with gainful employment because an idle's mind is the devil's workshop.
1/14/2018 17:33:09Ebube Esther Female25 - 35YesYes16
When I am with female friend(s)
I yell out insults as i walk away
A bus conductor smacked my buttocks from a moving bus
Irresponsiblity, hardship and frustrations, poverty and illiteracy
1/14/2018 17:37:51Taiwo Male25 - 35YesNo26
When I am with female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesMaybeYesBadBy looking Lack of self control No
1/14/2018 17:53:51Idode abelMale25 - 35NoNoNil
When I am with male and female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesMaybeYesAshameNilLack of
1/14/2018 17:58:05John BosseyMale19 - 24NoNo
1/14/2018 17:59:30Kehinde Male25 - 35YesNo18-19When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
They were like 8 or 9 guys who just cornered me and started shouting make plain their intentions to beat me up not knowing they mistook me for another guy. It happened at nite
joblessness and lawlessness
Keep them busy so they won't have such free time to engage in it
1/14/2018 18:27:58Omoyemi sheilaFemale25 - 35NoNoWhen I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
NoYesNot applicableImmoral dressingEnforce lawsNo
1/14/2018 18:34:04ritaFemale25 - 35YesNo16
When I am with female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
when you pass by male folks and they just alter provocative sexual comments
loss of moral values and degrading society
i dont even know
1/14/2018 18:34:45TopeFemale19 - 24YesYesWhen I am alone
I do not respond but usually give the harasser a look
1/14/2018 18:49:17AyoMale25 - 35YesYesCan't remember
When I am with female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
NoYesYesSad sometimes
Calls and suggestive winks because I was working with a lasy
Lack of human regardReorientation
1/14/2018 19:01:38Oyindamola Female19 - 24YesNoI can’t remember When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesNoYesIrritated Lack of good morals Proper enlightenment No
1/14/2018 19:03:02OgeFemale19 - 24YesNoI can’t rememberWhen I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Walking past Yaba market and being called a prostitute because I’m wearing something short
Society’s expectations
People should learn how to mind their businesses.
1/14/2018 19:04:47TEMITOPE SEEDSMale19 - 24YesNo21When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
At bus stops, with fellow commuters
1/14/2018 19:14:43Ej_ShannaraMale19 - 24YesYes17 years
When I am with male and female friend(s)
I engage in conversation with the man and respond positively to his comments
The guy was shouting because we brushed each other. Claiming that I saw him coming, yet ran into him.
Frustration, psychological issues, because most times, these harassers are unhappy with life in general and would take it out on anything and or anyone
Help those with psychological issues, mental illness and the likes
1/14/2018 19:19:30SilvaFemale25 - 35YesYes17When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Guys touching me breast pretentious lying and holding my hands in market places
No adequate info and restrictions law about it
Public enlightenment or lecture
1/14/2018 19:42:23OliviaFemale19 - 24YesYes21When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
YesYesYesEmbarrassed HatredPreach love
1/14/2018 19:49:21OFemale25 - 35YesYes15 to 30When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
1/14/2018 19:52:47J.JPrefer not to say19 - 24YesNo
When I am with female friend(s)
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
NoMaybeYesIdealnessGive more jobs
1/14/2018 19:57:23Olaleye olaniyiMale25 - 35YesNo25When I am alone
I engage in conversation with the man and respond positively to his comments
NoNoYesIndifferentIt was embarrassingLack of civic education
Proper education and justice
1/14/2018 20:01:49Mazi ThorpehFemale19 - 24YesNo17When I am alone
I ignore the harassment and keep walking without even a look.
Joblessness, lack of home training
Charity begins at home.IG: @temitopeadedeko
1/14/2018 20:04:22Gilbert Monday AnthonyMaleAbove 35NoNoI choose not to answerYesYesNot applicableBadNilProvocative dressings
Organising counselling and strict laws
Whatsapp 07036661112
1/14/2018 20:17:30ToboFemaleAbove 35YesNo36When I am aloneI choose not to answerNoYesYesFrightened
Very early in the morning, in a quiet place
Encourage the youth to work
1/14/2018 20:25:43ObayeFemale25 - 35YesYesAround 10 yearsWhen I am aloneI choose not to answerYesYesYesViolated
Having a seller threaten to touch my backside because I slapped his hand off my arm saying he did not know what was so special about my body and that I wasn't even as fine as his wife
Lack of proper home training, lack of self discipline,
Publicity on the right behaviour, proper training of male wards as regards behaviour with females