Bibliography - Hardwood Plantation Research
Hall MJ, Richmond KP1961 Recent trends in eucalypt reforestation in Gippsland, Victoria. Appita 15, 35-44.
Cromer RN1971 Fertiliser trials in young plantations of eucalypts. Australian Forest Research 5, 1-10.
Cromer, R.N., Hansen, N.W.,1972 Growth, nutrient uptake and pulping characteristics of young Eucalyptus globulus. Appita 26, 187-190.
Cromer RN1975 The potential for Eucalyptus plantations in Victoria. Journal of Science and Australian Technology 12, 6-9.
Cromer, R.N., Raupach, M., Clarke, A.R.P., Cameron, J.N.,1975 Eucalypt plantations in Australia. The potential for intensive production and utilisation. Appita 29, 165-173.
Cromer, R.N., J.B. Dargavel, V.T. Henderson & P.F. Nelson.1977 More pulpwood from less land. Appita J. 31: 49–53.
Pederick LA1979 Natural variation in shining gum (Eucalyptus nitens). Australian Forest Research 9, 41-63
Cromer RN, Cameron D, Cameron JN, Flinn DW, Neilsen WA, Raupach M, Snowdon P, Waring HD1981 Response of eucalypt species to fertiliser applied soon after planting at several sites. Australian Forestry 44, 3-13.
Stewart HTL, Flinn DW, Baldwin PJ, James JM.1981 Diagnosis and correction of iron deficiency in planted eucalypts in north-west Victoria. Australian Forest Research 11, 185-190.
Baker TG1982 Studies on the Distribution and Cycling of Nitrogen in Forests. Ph.D. thesis, University of Melbourne. 307p.
Cromer, R.N., Williams, E.R.,1982 Biomass and nutrient accumulation in a planted E. globulus (Labill.) fertiliser trial. Australian Journal of Botany 30, 265-278.
Baker TG1983 Dry matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus content of litterfall and branchfall in Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus forests. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 13: 205-221.
Cremer, K.W., Cromer, R.N., Florence, R.G.,1984 Stand establishment. In: Hills, W.E., Brown, A.G. (Eds.), Eucalypts for Wood Production. Academic Press, London, pp. 81–135.
Opie JE, Curtin RA Incoll WD1984 Stand Management. In Eucalypts for Wood Production; Hillis, W.E., Brown, A.G. (Eds. Academic: London, UK, 1984; pp. 179–197.
Baker TG, Attiwill PM1987 Fluxes of elements in rain passing through forest canopies in south-eastern Australia. Biogeochemistry 4: 27-39.
Kellas JD, Bird PR, Bienvenu F, Cumming KN, Hall R, Lyons A, Morgan Mc1989 Agroforestry in Victoria : Progress in Research and Extension. Dept. of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Melbourne.
Judd TS, Attiwill PM, Adams MA1991
Foliar diagnosis of plantations of Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens in southeastern Australia. In PJ Ryan (Ed.) Productivity in Perspective: Proceedings of the Third Australian Forest Soils and Nutrition Conference, Melbourne (pp. 162-163), Forestry Commission of New South Wales, Sydney.
Weston CJ1991
Factors limiting the growth of eucalypts across a range of sites in Gippsland, Victoria. In PJ Ryan (Ed.) Productivity in Perspective: Proceedings of the Third Australian Forest Soils and Nutrition Conference, Melbourne (pp. ), Forestry Commission of New South Wales, Sydney.
Weston CJ, Attiwill PM, Cameron JN1991 Growth and nutrition of eucalypt plantations in relation to soil type and former land use in Gippsland, Victoria. Intensive Forestry: the Role of Eucalypts. IUFRO Symposium, South Africa.
Morris JD, Baker TG, Hopmans P, Neumann FG, Pederick LA, Smith IW, Flinn DW1992
Tree-growing research for the “Trees for Profit” program. Pp. 25-39 Proceedings of the Seminar on Commercial Tree-Growing for Land and Water Care in Some Irrigation and Associated Dryland Areas in the Murray-Darling Basin. Trees for Profit Research Centre, University of Melbourne.
Bren L, Hopmans P, Gill B, Baker T, Stackpole D1993 'Commercial Tree Growing for Land and Water Care 1: Soil and Groundwater Characteristics of the Pilot Sites. Trees for Profit Research Centre, University of Melbourne. 46p.
Cromer RN, Kile GA1993 Hardwood plantation R&D into the 21st century. Appita 46, 293-295.
Baker T, Bail I, Borschmann R, Hopmans P, Morris J, Neumann F, Stackpole D, Farrow R1994 Commercial Tree Growing for Land and Water Care 2: Trial Objectives and Design for Pilot Sites. Trees for Profit Research Centre, University of Melbourne. 33p.
Sasse JM1994 Comparisons of the Morphology and Physiology of Cuttings and Seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus. PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne.
Baker T, Hopmans P1995
Wastewater irrigated tree plantations: environmental and silvicultural considerations. pp. 30-35 in Proceedings 58th Annual Water Industry Engineers and Operators Conference. Australian Water and Wastewater Operators Association.
Stackpole D, Borschmann R, Baker T1995 Commercial Tree Growing for Land and Water Care 3: Establishment of Pilot Sites. Trees for Profit Research Centre, University of Melbourne. 55p.
Bennett, L.T., Weston, C.J., Judd, T.S., Attiwill, P.M., Whiteman, P.H.,1996
The effects of fertilizers on early growth and foliar nutrient concentrations of three plantation eucalypts on high quality sites in Gippsland, southeastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 89, 213-226.
Cromer RN1996 Silviculture of Eucalypt plantations in Australia. In PM Attiwill and MA Adams (Eds.), Nutrition of Eucalypts (pp. 259-273), CSIRO, Melbourne.
Judd TS1996 Simulated nutrient losses due to timber harvesting in highly productive eucalypt forests and plantations. In PM Attiwill and MA Adams (Eds.), Nutrition of Eucalypts (pp. 249-258), CSIRO, Melbourne.
Judd, T.S., Bennett, L.T., Weston, C.J., Attiwill, P.M., Whiteman, P.H.,1996 The response of growth and foliar nutrients to fertilisers in young Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) plantations in Gippsland, southeastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 82, 87-101.
Sasse JM, Sands R1996 Comparative responses of cuttings and seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus to water stress. Tree Physiology 16:287-294.
Bennett, L.T., Weston, C.J., Attiwill, P.M.,1997
Biomass, nutrient content and growth response to fertilisers of six-year-old Eucalyptus globulus plantations at three contrasting sites in Gippsland, Victoria. Australian Journal of Botany 45, 103-121.
Sasse J, Sands R1997 Configuration and development of root systems of cuttings and seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus. New Forests 14:85-105.
Baker TG1998
Growth response of Eucalyptus globulus on ex-agricultural sites to second-season fertilizer application. Pp.251-252 In Extended Abstract Volume Proceedings IUFRO Conference Environmental Forest Science. Kyoto University.
Duncan MJ, Baker TG, Wall GC1998
Wastewater irrigated tree plantations: productivity and sustainability. pp. 19-26 in Proceedings 61st Annual Water Industry Engineers and Operators Conference. Australian Water and Wastewater Operators Association.
Hooda A, Weston C, Baker T, Duncan D, Wall G1998
Nitrogen removal via plant uptake and denitrification in a wastewater irrigated Eucalyptus globulus plantation. pp. 255-256 in Extended Abstract Volume Proceedings IUFRO Conference Environmental Forest Science. Kyoto University.
Hooda N , Weston CJ1999
Influence of site and fertiliser addition on nutrient cycling in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Gippsland, south-eastern Australia. I. Foliage and litter quality. Australian Journal of Botany 47, 189-206
Morris, J., Collopy, J.,1999 Water use and salt accumulation by Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Casuarina cunninghamiana on a site with shallow saline groundwater. Agricultural Water Management 39, 205-227.
Stackpole DJ, Baker TG, Duncan MJ1999 Early growth trends following non-commercial thinning and pruning of three plantation eucalypts in northern Victoria. Pp. 170-175 In Proceedings of Institute of Foresters Australia Conference.
Baker TG2000 Energy in Australia. pp. 22-24 in Proc. IEA Bioenergy Task 17, Albany, Australia. Conservation and Land Management, W.A.
Baker TG, Arnold RJ, Macar NE2000 Species performance, genetic variation and salt tolerance. Pp 1-6 in B.D. George (ed.) Technical Paper No. 65, State Forests of New South Wales.
Baker, T., Bartle, J., Dickson, R., Polglase, P. and Schuck, S.2000 Prospects for Bioenergy from Short Rotation Crops in Australia. Pp 1-15 in Proceedings IEA Bioenergy Task 17, Auburn U.S.A. Publication No. ORNL/TM-2000/311 Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Bird PR2000 Farm forestry in southern Australia : a focus on clearwood production of specialty timbers. Agriculture Victoria, Melbourne
Bird PR, Jackson TT, Measki B, Waters MJ2000 Acacia species and provenance performance in SW Victoria, Australia: assessment of tree form. ACIAR Final Report, Project 9227.
Bird PR, Jowett DW, Jackson TT, Kearney GA, Waters MJ, Measki B2000 Early growth responses of blue gums on the basaltic plains to ripping, mounding and fertiliser application. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 40, 987-994.
Dale GT, Aitken KS, and Sasse JM.2000
Development of salt tolerant E. camaldulensis × E. grandis hybrid clones using phenotypic selection and genetic mapping. pp. 227–233 Proc. CRC-SPF/QFRI Symposium on Hybrid Breeding and Genetics, 9 – 14 April 2000, Noosa, Queensland, Australia. Compiled by Dungey HS, Dieters MJ and Nikles DG. Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Duncan MJ, Baker TG, Appleton R, Stokes RC2000 Growth of Eucalypt Plantation Species Across Twelve Sites in Gippsland, Victoria. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. 50p.
Sasse JM, George BH and Dale GT.2000
The XYLONOVA hybrid field trials: clonally replicated family trials for verification of QTL analysis and hybrid testing. pp. 482–486 Proc. CRC-SPF/QFRI Symposium on Hybrid Breeding and Genetics, 9 – 14 April 2000, Noosa, Queensland, Australia. Compiled by Dungey HS, Dieters MJ and Nikles DG. Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Wong J, Baker T, Duncan, M, McGuire D, Bulman P2000 Forecasting Growth of Key Agroforestry Species in South-Eastern Australia. Publication No. 00/68 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. 63p.
Dale G, Sasse J, Hamilton M, Batey T and George B.2001 Commercial plantations for waterlogged and saline land. Are trees worth a pinch of salt. Proc Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Land. 20-23 March 2001, Launceston, Tasmania
Harwood, C., Bulman, P., Bush, D., Mazanec, R., Stackpole, D.2001
Australian Low Rainfall Tree Improvement Group: Compendium of Hardwood Breeding Strategies A report for the RIRDC/LWA/FWPRDC Joint Venture Agroforestry Program. August 2001 RIRDC Publication No 01/100. RIRDC Project No CSF-58A.
Mendham D, Smethurst P, Holz G, Menary R, Grove T, Weston C, Faunt K, Baker T2002 Soil analyses as indicators of phosphorus response in young eucalypt plantations. Proceedings Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 959-968.
Morris JD, Baker T2002
Using a process-based forest model to estimate the potential productivity of Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Pp. 325-337 In R Wei and D Xu (eds) Proceedings of the International Symposium Eucalyptus Plantations: Research, Management and Development. World Scientific, Singapore.
Sasse J, Lavery M, O’Sullivan H, Ashton A and Hamilton M.2002 Development and maturation of seed crops in Eucalyptus globulus. Presentation to SEEDFEST, CRC-Sustainable Production Forestry, Melbourne 11–12 February 2002.
Wright L Verwijst T, Sheehan J, Olsson R, Baker T, Kjeldsen JB, McLaughlin S, Tolbert V, Wilstrand M.2002
Bioenergy and bio-based products: Coming to terms with sustainability. pp. 52-64 in Proceedings IEA Bioenergy Task 17, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Report No. 70, Department of Short Rotation Forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Duncan MJ, Baker TG, Stackpole DJ, Bandara GD, Morris JD, Collopy JJ, Stokes RC2003 Demonstration and Development of Fast Growing Irrigated Eucalypt Plantations. Publication No. 03/002 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
Ferguson I, Spencer R, Wood M, Fox J, Baker T, Stackpole D, Wild I2003 The potential availability of plantation roundwood. Australian Forestry 66: 30-36.
Hooda AK , Weston CJ, Chen D2003 Denitrification in effluent-irrigated clay soil under Eucalyptus globulus plantation in south-eastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 179, 547-558
McGuire DO, Nicholas ID, Baker TG2003
Australasian experiences with land treatment schemes and irrigated forestry. Pp. 211-223 In Short Rotation Crops for Bioenergy, In Proceedings IEA Bioenergy Task 30 meeting, 2-5 December 2003. Tauranga, New Zealand.
Sasse J, Lavery M and Hamilton M.2003
Spatial variation in capsule and seed crops within crowns of Eucalyptus globulus trees in a seed orchard. pp. 133–139 in Turnbull JW (ed) Eucalypts in Asia. Proceedings of an international conference held in Zhangjiang, 7 – 11 April 2003. ACIAR Proceedings No. 111, 267pp.
Sasse J, Lavery M, O’Sullivan H, Ashton A and Hamilton M.2003
Seed crop management of Eucalyptus globulus – development of seed crops and their readiness to harvest in individual trees. pp. 126–132 in Turnbull JW (ed) Eucalypts in Asia. Proceedings of an international conference held in Zhangjiang, 7 – 11 April 2003. ACIAR Proceedings No. 111, 267pp.
Zhang R, Baker T, Neilsen W2003
Growth responses to thinning in young Eucalyptus plantations in China and Australia. Pp. 169-173 In J.W. Turnbull (ed.) ACIAR Proceedings No. 111 Eucalypts in Asia. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
Duncan MJ, Baker TG2004
Early-age cultivation, weed control and fertiliser responses in eucalypt plantations on six contrasting sites in East Gippsland, Victoria. Pp. 241-248 in N.M.G. Borralho, J.S. Pereira, C. Marques, J. Coutinho, M. Madeira and M. Tome (eds), Eucalyptus in a Changing World, Proceedings IUFRO Conference, Aveiro, 11-15 October. RAIZ, Instituto Investiacao da Floresta e Papel, Portugal.
Ferguson I, Fox J, Baker T, Stackpole D, Wild I2004 Plantations of Australia – Wood Availability 2001-2044. Consultant’s Report for the National Forestry Inventory, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra. 108p.
Forrester DI2004 Mixed-species plantation of nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing trees. PhD Thesis. School of Resources, Environment and Society, The Australian National University, Canberra.
Forrester DI, Bauhus J, Khanna PK2004 Growth dynamics in a mixed-species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Forest Ecology and Management 193, 81-95
Stackpole DJ, Baker TG, Duncan MJ, Smith IW2004
Value-Adding Silvicultural Regimes for High Quality Timber Production from Intensively Managed Hardwood and Softwood Plantations. Project Report PN97.602, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation. 59p.
Baker T, Duncan M, Stackpole D2005 Growth and silvicultural management of irrigated plantations. Pp. 113-134 in S Nambiar, I Ferguson (eds) New Forests: Wood Production and Environmental Services. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood
Feikema PM, Baker TG, Stackpole DJ2005
Effects of salinity on field grown Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. globulus and E. grandis. Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum. Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues. Riverside, California, USA. 25-28 April 2005. 4p.
Forrester D.I., Bauhus J. and Cowie A.L.2005 On the success and failure of mixed-species tree plantations: lessons learned from a model system of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Forest Ecology and Management 209, 147-155.
Forrester, D. I., Bauhus, J. and Cowie, A.L.2005 Nutrient cycling in a mixed-species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35, 2942-2950.
Strandgard M, Wang Y, Chong D, Wild I, Baker T.2005 Blue Gum Plantation Management System. Final Report for PN03.3903, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation, Melbourne, Australia, 79 p.
Wang Y, Baker TG2005 Developing and validating taper models for Eucalyptus globulus plantations using a sequential accuracy testing approach. Forest Biometry Modelling and Information Science. 1: 51-62.
Washusen R, Baker T, Menz D, Morrow A2005 Effect of thinning and fertilizer on the cellulose crystallite width of Eucalyptus globulus. Wood Science and Technology 39: 569-578.
Cunningham P, Hutchinson C, MacNeil A, Volker P, McRae T2006 ESTR Database Contents and Usage. Project PN05.3008. Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation, Melbourne. 7p.
Forrester, D.I., Bauhus, J. and Cowie, A.L.2006 Carbon allocation in a mixed-species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Forest Ecology and Management 233, 275-284.
Forrester, D.I., Bauhus, J., Cowie, A.L. and Vanclay, J.K.2006 Mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus with nitrogen-fixing trees: A review. Forest Ecology and Management 233, 211-230.
Forrester, D.I., Cowie, A.L., Bauhus, J., Wood, J.T. and Forrester, R.I.2006 Effects of changing the supply of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and interactions between Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii in a pot trial. Plant and Soil 280, 2677-277.
McManus LJ, Sasse J, Blomstedt CK, and Bossinger G.2006 Pollen treatment for mutation induction in Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus (Myrtaceae) Australian Journal of Botany 54(1):65–71.
Baker T, Battaglia M2007
Long-term growth responses of Eucalyptus globulus to soil ripping, weed control and fertiliser application at establishment on a former agricultural site in south-eastern Australia. In Proceedings IUFRO Working Group 2.08.03 `Eucalypts and Diversity: Balancing Productivity and Sustainability', 22-26 October 2007. Durban, South Africa. 10p.
Baker TG, Volker PW2007 Silviculture of eucalypt plantations in southern Australia for high value solid wood products. Ciencia E Investigacion Forestal 13(1); 43-57.
Feikema PM, Beverly CR, Morris JD, Collopy JJ, Baker TG, Lane PNJ2007
Predicting the impacts of plantations on catchment water balances using the 3PG forest growth model. Pp. 2237-2243 in L. Oxley and D. Kulasiri (eds) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 10-13 December 2007, Christchurch, New Zealand. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Forrester DI, Baker TG2007
Growth response to thinning in a productive Eucalyptus globulus plantation in Victoria, Australia. Pp. 30-37 in Jiang Xiaomei, Ye Kelin, Lu Jianxiong, Yin Yafang and Zhao Youke (eds), Plantation Eucalyptus: Challenge in Product Development, Proceedings of the International Conference on Plantation Eucalyptus, 28 November – 1 December 2005, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China. Science Press. Beijing.
Forrester, D. I., Schortemeyer, M., Stock, W. D., Bauhus, J., Khanna, P. K. and Cowie, A. L.2007 Assessing nitrogen fixation in a mixed- and single-species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Tree Physiology 27, 1319-1328.
Grant DA, Feikema PM, Beverly CR, Baker TG, Laffan M2007
Plant available Water in the 3-PG forest growth model. Pp. 39-40 in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Soils and Ecosystem Health (ISFS2007) 19-23 August 2007, Noosa, Australia.
Grant DA, Feikema PM, Beverly CR, Baker TG, Laffan M2007
Representation of plant available water in the 3PG+ forest growth model. Pp. 133-139 in P. Pulley, J. Carmody and K. Venkatraman (eds). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Research Event 2007. Global problems, Local solutions. December 2007., James Cook University, Cairns Australia.
Harwood, C. E. et al.,2007 Achievements in forest tree genetic improvement in Australia and New Zealand. 4. Tree improvement for low-rainfall farm forestry.. Australian Forestry Journal, pp. 70:23-27..
McManus LJ, Blomstedt CK, Sasse J, Bossinger G.2007 The effects of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) treatment on Eucalyptus pollen behaviour in vitro. Trees – Structure and Function 21:379–383.
Wang Y, Baker TG2007 A regionalised growth model for Eucalyptus globulus plantations in south-eastern Australia. Australian Forestry 70, 93-107.
Wang Y, LeMay VM, Baker TG2007
Modelling and prediction of dominant height and site index of Eucalyptus globulus plantations using a non-linear mixed-effects model approach. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 1390 - 1403.
Feikema P, Beverly C, Morris J, Collopy J, Baker T, Lane P2008 Predicting and Managing the Impacts of Commercial Plantations on Catchment Water Balances. Project number PN04.4009, Forest and Wood Products Australia. 64p.
Battaglia M, Bruce J, Brack C, Baker T2009 Climate Change and Australia's Plantation Estate: Analysis of Vulnerability and Preliminary Investigation of Adaptation Options. Project PN07.4021, Forest and Wood Products Australia. 120p.
Feikema PM, Lane PNJ, Beverly CR, Baker TG2009
Application of Macaque and 3PG+ in CAT catchment-scale hydrological models: limitations and opportunities. In R.S. Anderssen, R.D. Braddock, and L.T.H. Newham (eds) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Cairns, Australia. 13-17 July 2009, pp. 3507-3513.
May, B., Smethurst, P., Carlyle, C., Mendham, D., Bruce, J., Baillie, C.,2009 Review of fertiliser use in Australian forestry (PRC072-0708). Forest & Wood Products Australia, Melbourne.
Miehle, P., Battaglia, M., Sands, P.J., Forrester, D.I., Feikema, P.M., Livesley, S.J., Morris, J.D., Arndt, S.K.2009 A comparison of four process-based models and a statistical regression model to predict growth of Eucalyptus globulus plantations. Ecological Modelling 220, 734-746.
Feikema P, Morris J, Beverly CR, Collopy J, Baker TG, Lane P2010 Validation of plantation transpiration in south-eastern Australia estimated using the 3PG+ forest growth model. Forest Ecology and Management. 260: 663-678.
Forrester, D.I., Collopy, J.J., Morris, J.D.,2010 Transpiration along an age series of Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southeastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 259, 1754-1760.