A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | First Name | Last Name | City | State | Phone | Membership Type | Company List | |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Bob | Edelstein | Sunrise | FL | (954) 745-7260 | bob.edelstein@aecom.com | Regular | AECOM | ||||||||||||||||||
3 | Paul | Anderson | Roanoke | VA | (540) 857-2303 | paul.anderson@aecom.com | Regular | AECOM | ||||||||||||||||||
4 | John | Eckert | Norfolk | VA | (757) 306-4000 | john.eckert@aecom.com | Regular | AECOM | ||||||||||||||||||
5 | Kamran | Khalilian, P.E. | Glen Allen | VA | (804) 482-6296 | kamran.khalilian@aecom.com | Regular | AECOM | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | Tom | Martin | Williamsburg | VA | (757) 345-9939 | Tom.Martin@AECOM.com | Regular | AECOM | ||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sean | Laffey | Arlington | VA | sean.laffey@aecom.com | Regular | AECOM | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | John | Gray | Norfolk | VA | (614) 537-7150 | john.gray2@aecom.com | Regular | AECOM | ||||||||||||||||||
9 | Glenn | McLaughlin | Tysons | VA | Glenn.McLaughlin@altusgroup.com | Regular | Altus Group | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | Joe | Cook | Brea | CA | (949) 393-1452 | joe.cook@antaira.com | Annual Sponsor Membership | Antaira Technologies | ||||||||||||||||||
11 | Daphne | Kott | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464005 | daphne.kott@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
12 | Vanetta | Pledger | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7463050 | vanetta.pledger@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
13 | Megan | Oleynik | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464034 | megan.oleynik@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
14 | Katye | North | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464139 | katye.north@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
15 | Cuong | Nguyen | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464142 | cuong.nguyen@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
16 | Bob | Garbacz | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464143 | bob.garbacz@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
17 | Maha | Gilini | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464145 | Maha.Gilini@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
18 | Mark | Skinger | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464148 | mark.skinger@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
19 | Ryan | Knight | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464225 | ryan.knight@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | Audrey | Cunningham | Alexandria | VA | (703) 7464035 | audrey.cunningham@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
21 | David | Lee | Alexandria | VA | (703) 746-4058 | david.le@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
22 | Tarrence | Moorer | Alexandria | VA | (703) 746-4078 | tarrence.moorer@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
23 | Hillary | Orr | Alexandria | VA | (703) 746-4017 | hillary.orr@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
24 | Christina | Alexander | Alexandria | VA | (703) 746-4022 | christina.alexander@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
25 | Yon | Lambert | Alexandria | VA | (703) 746-4081 | yon.lambert@alexandriava.gov | Regular | City of Alexandria | ||||||||||||||||||
26 | Robert | Lewis | Suffolk | VA | relewis@suffolkva.us | Regular | City of Suffolk | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | Jason | Souders | Suffolk | VA | (757) 514-7649 | jsouders@suffolkva.us | Regular | City of Suffolk | ||||||||||||||||||
28 | Tony | Crawford | Suffolk | VA | (757) 514-7655 | tcrawford@suffolkva.us | Regular | City of Suffolk | ||||||||||||||||||
29 | Brian | Defreeuw | Suffolk | VA | (757) 514-7646 | bdefreeuw@suffolkva.us | Regular | City of Suffolk | ||||||||||||||||||
30 | Maria | Ptakowski | Suffolk | VA | (757) 514-7641 | mptakowski@suffolkva.us | Regular | City of Suffolk | ||||||||||||||||||
31 | Jim | Lampe | Chantilly | VA | (703) 966-2720 | lampe@cttraffic.com | Regular | Control Technologies, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
32 | Wayne | Wayland | Fredericksburg | VA | (540) 899-7666 | wayne@controltechnologies.com | Regular | Control Technologies, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
33 | Mike | Day | Sanford | FL | (407) 330-2800 | Regular | Control Technologies, Inc. | |||||||||||||||||||
34 | Gerard | Amato | San Diego | CA | (410) 381-5000 | gamato@cohuhd.com | Regular | CostarHD, LLC | ||||||||||||||||||
35 | Lane | Corum | Knoxville | TN | lane.corum@gridsmart.com | Regular | Cubic Transportation Systems | |||||||||||||||||||
36 | Alesia | Cain | New York | NY | alesia.cain@cubic.com | Regular | Cubic Transportation Systems | |||||||||||||||||||
37 | Kelly | Conrad | Brookings | SD | (605) 692-0200 | kelly.conrad@daktronics.com | Regular | Daktronics | ||||||||||||||||||
38 | TBU | Conventions | Brookings | SD | (605) 692-0200 | tbuconventions@daktronics.com | Regular | Daktronics | ||||||||||||||||||
39 | Koreen | Bjorklund | Rock Hill | CT | (860) 833-5265 | koreen.bjorklund@daktronics.com | Regular | Daktronics | ||||||||||||||||||
40 | Jason | Morrison | Brookings | SD | (605) 695-8022 | jason.morrison@daktronics.com | Regular | Daktronics | ||||||||||||||||||
41 | MICAH | DALTON | Richmnond | VA | (804) 677-4005 | MDALTON@DLGSTRATEGIC.COM | Regular | DLG Strategic | ||||||||||||||||||
42 | Mario | Toscano | Lansdale | PA | (215) 367-5535 | mario@driveengineering.com | Regular | Drive Engineering | ||||||||||||||||||
43 | Bo | Yuan | Rockville | MD | (301) 987-8776 | endesco@endescoinc.com | Regular | Endesco, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
44 | Irene | Rico | Richmond | VA | (804) 775-3333 | irene.rico@dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
45 | Bob | Ferlis | McLean | VA | (202) 493-3268 | robert.ferlis@fhwa.dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
46 | James | Pol | Washington | DC | (202) 366-4374 | james.pol@fhwa.dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
47 | Chris | Marston | Richmond | VA | Chris.Marston@dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | |||||||||||||||||||
48 | Karen | King | Richmond | VA | (804) 775-3363 | karen.king@dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
49 | Bob | Sheehan | Washington | DC | (202) 366-6817 | robert.sheehan@dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
50 | Iris | Vaughan | Richmond | VA | (804) 775-3340 | iris.vaughan@dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
51 | Daniel | Jenkins | Richmond | VA | (804) 775-3347 | Daniel.Jenkins@fhwa.dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
52 | Pam | Kordenbrock | Santa Fe | NM | (505) 231-0271 | Pamela.Kordenbrock@fhwa.dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | ||||||||||||||||||
53 | Rodolfo | Maruri | Richmond | VA | Rodolfo.Maruri@dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | |||||||||||||||||||
54 | Edward | Ofori | Richmond | VA | Edward.ofori@fhwa.dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | |||||||||||||||||||
55 | Jose | Granado | Richmond | VA | Jose.granado@dot.gov | Regular | FHWA | |||||||||||||||||||
56 | Eric | Rensel | Harrisburg | PA | (717) 763-7212 | erensel@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
57 | Laurie | Matkowski | Philadelphia | PA | (215) 557-0106 | lmatkowski@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
58 | Kevin | Hunt | Philadelphia | PA | (215) 557-0106 | khunt@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
59 | Griffin | Mabe | Memphis | TN | (901) 546-0540 | gmabe@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
60 | Jason | McCartney | Philadelphia | PA | (215) 557-0106 | jmccartney@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
61 | Kevin | Hunt | Philadelphia | PA | (215) 557-0106 | khunt@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
62 | Keith | Mullins | Philadelphia | PA | (215) 557-0106 | kmullins@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
63 | Mike | Holder | Raleigh | NC | (919) 420 7660 | mholder@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
64 | Tim | Connor | Baltimore | MD | (443) 348-2017 | tconnor@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
65 | David | Graham | Harrisburg | PA | (717) 763-7212 | dgraham@gfnet.com | Regular | Gannett Fleming | ||||||||||||||||||
66 | Adam | Gill | Sterling | VA | (615) 878-9804 | adam.gill@gtt.com | Regular | Global Traffic Technologies | ||||||||||||||||||
67 | Craig | Carroll | St. Paul | MN | (410) (703) -5178 | craig.carroll@gtt.com | Regular | Global Traffic Technologies | ||||||||||||||||||
68 | Kamlesh | Chowdhary | Hampton | VA | (757) 222-6023 | kchowdhary@hrtransit.org | Regular | Hampton Roads Transit | ||||||||||||||||||
69 | Steve | Kimble | Vienna | VA | (202) 569-8860 | steve.kimble@hdrinc.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
70 | Gary | Jennings | Brentwood | TN | gjennings@ica-onramp.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | |||||||||||||||||||
71 | Matthew | Volz | Kansas City | MO | (816) 412-1290 | matthew.volz@hdrinc.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
72 | William | Sriros | Vienna | VA | (571) 327-5839 | william.sriros@hdrinc.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
73 | Serese | Aranha-Scott | Fulton | MD | (301) 289-7236 | serese.aranhascott@hdrinc.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
74 | Amol | Ranade | Vienna | VA | (703) 342-1414 | Amol.Ranade@hdrinc.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
75 | Ellen | Forrest | Virginia Beach | VA | (804) 956-7045 | ellen.forrest@hdrinc.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
76 | Ryan | Satterfield | Vienna | VA | (571) 327.5836 | Ryan.Satterfield@hdrinc.com | Regular | HDR Engineering, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||
77 | Rohit | Ajmera | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | rajmera@HNTB.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
78 | Linara | Oporto | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | loporto@hntb.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
79 | Rakesh | Nune | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | rnune@hntb.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
80 | Stacey | Craft | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | scraft@hntb.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
81 | Jamie | Lebegern | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | jlebegern@hntb.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
82 | Navin | Jain | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | njain@hntb.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
83 | Atizaz | Ali | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | atiali@HNTB.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
84 | Sachin | Rai | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | srai@hntb.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
85 | Sumit | Toshniwal | Arlington | VA | (703) 824-5100 | stoshniwal@HNTB.com | Regular | HNTB Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||
86 | Jeremy | Siviter | Alexandria | VA | (571) 278-6116 | jsiviter@ibigroup.com | Regular | IBI Group | ||||||||||||||||||
87 | Tom | Lusco | Fairfax | VA | (703) 471-0838 *808 | ctl@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
88 | Mark | Owens | Grand Forks | ND | (701) 792-1800 | mowens@meridian-enviro.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
89 | Steve | Hetrick | Virginia Beach | VA | (703) 282-0899 | shetrick@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
90 | Cliff | Hiese | Fairfax | VA | (703) 471-0838 ext. 809 | cdh@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
91 | David | Binkley | Fairfax | VA | (703) 925-3819 | dnb@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
92 | Ram | Kandarpa | Fairfax | VA | rkandarpa@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | |||||||||||||||||||
93 | Dwight | Shank | Silver Spring | MD | (301) 562-1453 | des2@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
94 | Kathy | Osborne | Grand Forks | ND | (701) 792-1800 | kathyo@meridian-enviro.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
95 | Niloo | Parvinashtiani | Fairfax | VA | (661) 429-3520 | nparvin@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
96 | Timothy | Fox | Richmond | VA | (804) 456-8022 | tmf@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
97 | Jeff | Brummond | Fairfax | VA | (703) 925-3813 | jab@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
98 | Moe | Zarean | Fairfax | VA | (703) 925-3810 | moz@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | ||||||||||||||||||
99 | Barron | Kevin | Richmond | VA | kmb@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris | |||||||||||||||||||
100 | Steven | Gaddy | Fairfax | VA | (703) 925-3814 | lcm@iteris.com | Premier Sponsor Membership | Iteris |