Blood Bowl 2020 Roster Tourney v3.3
Created by dreamscreator
Compatible with Excel, Google Sheets (just upload Excel to Google Drive) and Libre Office
How to use this ExcelUpdate
To print with Excel select the cells you want to print and in Print options choose the option print selected cells.Update 3.5

-Improved the skill selection dropdown. Now only the skills available for each player type are listed, if a player can't take pass or mutation skills they won't be listed
-Included 5k jumps instead of 10k for the team budget
-Alphabetical sorting of races in the dropdown for all languages
-Black and white version of the tokens thought to be printed to hand out to opponents
-Fixed error of star player Bryce 'The Slice' Cambuel not appearing in the list of selectable star players
-Fixed error human halfling with 8+ armour instead of 7+ armour
-Fixed error in the player dropdown that was coming up from the bottom instead of the top

Update v3.4

-Add sheet with team cards

Update v3.3

-Compatible with Google Sheets
-Fixed Ogre Kicker bug had pass as secondary
-Fixed bug Treeman AVM had FU abilities as secondary and AG abilities as primary
-Fixed bug on some teams when removing star player an error was shown
-Fixed bug when deleting some players because they had exceeded the minimum, others were left with their skills blank
-Fixed bug with free skills and attributes for tournaments

Update v3.2

-Removed first skill comma if player had none
-Fixed Chaos Chosen Mino’s armour value
-Fixed bug with snotlings valuation on underworld team
-Fixed the block to choose the Chosen of…
-Reduced minimum budget option to 600.000

Update v3.1

-Fixed error with features in languages other than English
-Fixed error with initial Dedicated Fans being added to team value

Update v3.0

-Added new Death Zone features: Sponsors, Wizards, (In)Famous Coaches, Biased Referee and Other Inducements
-Solved problem with SPP costs
-Fixed problem with the colours indicating attribute upgrades or downgrades
-Improvements when changing language
-Improved player dropdown
-Minor aesthetic and usability improvements
The first step is to choose the language for the roster, once chosen the language choose the race so that the system recognizes the options associated with that race.
You can choose to include the tournament rules at the bottom. The Excel will automatically alert you if you have money left or have spent it all, as well as if you meet or fail to meet the rules based on skill. You must select the YES option under Enable tournament rules, and then specify in each section what the rules are.
When creating the roster you can choose the available players that are automatically deployed, as well as the incentives. All prices are calculated automatically.
The skill of snotlings Low Cost Linemen is activated by default, so they will have no team value. It can be deactivated if necessary as in some tournaments if you count its cost.
In the case of leagues (or some tournaments) for experience points you should note the number of TDs, injuries, passes, diversions, interceptions, etc. that each player makes. Excel will automatically calculate how many experience points your player has in total.
The new skills or attribute raises can be chosen in the table below the roster, in this table you select the skill or attribute and if it was chosen or in a random roll. You can also include custom raises or custom price variations. Excel will automatically calculate the price of the raise and subtract it from the total experience points, showing also the experience points you have not yet spent.
You can also register the injuries suffered, any loss of attributes will be reflected in the roster, in case of permanent injuries it will be marked in the skills box. If the player misses a match or is withdrawn for the rest of the season, you can mark it in the first box next to the player's action record, automatically the Excel will not count that player for the assessment.
Excel will highlight in colour when an attribute has been increased or decreased, as well as when a player misses the next match.
In the games tab you can keep track of all the games the team has played, automatically the Excel will calculate the number of wins, losses and draws, their percentages. As well as all the data you enter.
The Team Cards sheet is fully automatic, it is only necessary, if desired, to add images for the players or to change the NAF logo to the team logo.