PublisherPricingLicensing InformationStatement of Editorial QualityGreen OA / Self ArchivingSupports retrospective OA / digitizes previously published print materialInformation on Fee Waivers / DiscountsConsortial AgreementsPricing information / justificationSource/ Additional Information
Aberdeen University PressNo fees charged - Diamond publisher.
Monographs and edited collections will be published a CC BY-NC licence unless otherwise agreed.
Aberdeen University Press is committed to publishing work of the highest quality. All publications by AUP will undergo a rigorous peer review process by subject experts. Our editors and our reviewers follow the recommended guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), in order to make the review process as efficient as possible whilst maintaining a high quality of reviewer feedback.

We believe that academic research should be open to read and to publish without charge. Our decision to accept a manuscript for publication will be solely based on the outcome of our peer-review process and never on the author’s ability to pay.
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) license permits sharing via repositories.
Books will be published on the Aberdeen University Press platform free of charge to readers globally and a print on demand copy will be available for purchase.Diamond - no fee - waiver N/A.Aberdeen University Press authors are encouraged to make the research data underpinning their research openly available. Open data enables reviewers and researchers to assess and evaluate research, and where required to test or replicate findings. Research data should be made available under an open licence. CC0 is recommended but will be agreed with the author.

Indexing and Archiving

Aberdeen University Press content is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a permanent point of access allowing citations to be tracked and measured. We will work with authors to identify other indexing services as appropriate to the publication.
Bristol University PressRapid Responses and Shorts: Up to 45K words £6-7,000 + VAT
Monographs: 45-100K words £8-10,000 + VAT
Monographs: over 100k words Available on request
Chapter £1,500 + VAT
If you wish to publish with Gold open access, we will ask you to select the type of Creative Commons licence you want to use. We allow publishing under all forms of Creative Commons licences, but please note that your funder may require you to publish under a specific licence.

You will be asked to complete and sign your Open Access Licence Agreement.

Our team of editors are happy to hear from authors at any stage of their thinking or writing and welcome discussions which develop projects from initial idea through to contract. We believe the work that is put into a book at the beginning can really help to ensure it maximises its potential and a personal author service, which is at the heart of our publishing, starts with the feedback we provide at the proposal stage.

Our peer review process allows us to gather valuable insights from experts in the field to help authors as they consider the content, structure, framing and overall messages of their work. As we publish across a range of different formats we also talk to authors about their target audience and the best way to reach those people when thinking about the options for their book.
All authored research monographs can take part in our green open access policy.

After the embargo period, you may place the Author Accepted Manuscript of your monograph, or any chapters from it, in your institutional repository. This is the version of your manuscript, post peer review but pre-copyediting and typesetting. Contact your Editor if you would like to do this and we will supply you with a PDF with the correct acknowledgement wording.

The standard embargo period is 36 months from the publication of the most recent edition. So, if a paperback is published after the hardback edition, the embargo extends to 36 months from the later paperback publication date.

We comply with the UKRI Open Access Policy via both Gold and Green routes and will work with you to ensure compliance with any other applicable funder mandates, please contact your Editor if you have any questions.

This policy does not apply to textbooks, handbooks, edited collections, critical editions or reference works.

Book chapters

The authors' final submitted version of a chapter (post-peer review but pre-copy editing and typesetting) may be included on their institution's or funding body's online repository or archive under the following conditions:

It is embargoed for 12 months after publication of the Version of Record of the book.
It must be held on a not-for-profit server (ie personal website, institutional server, not-for-profit subject based servers).
It must be clearly identified as the author's post-acceptance version and state that it is not to be cited.
It must include full referencing and a DOI-based online link to the final published definitive version of scholarly record (currently held on Bristol University Press Digital) with acknowledgement wording as below.

Authors are not permitted to post the version of record (the version of the work that includes copy editing, typesetting and branding) without seeking the permission of the publisher, unless the chapter was published via Gold open access and carries a CC-BY-NC-ND (or other Creative Commons) licence, in which case it can be deposited in institutional repositories and on other non-commercial websites

Acknowledgement wording:
"This is a post-peer-review, pre-copy edited version of a chapter published in [insert name of Bristol University Press/Policy Press book here]. The definitive publisher-authenticated version [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: [insert DOI link here]"

For any other requirements not covered above we require authors to seek permission. Contact who will provide you with an acknowledgement and website link.

Please allow up to 4 weeks notice for such requests. Should Bristol University Press or Policy Press decide that materials are posted which do not comply with these requirements, they shall be entitled to request that they be removed.

We can discuss making your book open access after publication, upon payment of a BPC. To convert an existing book to gold open access, contact our Open Access Commissioning Editor Rebecca Tomlinson (

A 15% discount is available for authors from institutions with a Read and Publish agreement and 10% discount to institutions who subscribe to the full Bristol University Press and Policy Press Journals Collection.
OpenUP Early Career Researcher (ECR) monograph initiative
Bristol University Press are proud to be part of a collaborative project to secure funding for a number of first books by UK-based early-career researchers to be made open access. Six University Presses are taking part in this three-year pilot project which has raised funds to support making an initial 12 titles open access and the first Bristol University Press title will publish in October 2024.

For more information on OpenUP, please contact Victoria Pittman:

Our social mission is to disseminate research and evidence that makes an impact in the field and reaches the people where it can truly make a difference. This is the reason why supporting research and researchers in low-and middle-income countries and the Global South is a vital part of what we do. We partner with Research4Life to provide access to our Bristol University Press and Policy Press journals and eBooks. Find out more here. A list of 120 eligible countries is available on the Research4Life website

Supports authors with ensuring compliance with their funder OA requirements. To discuss your requirements, including any funder mandates, please contact the appropriate commissioning editor for your discipline. Information can be found on our subject area pages, or you can contact Open Access Commissioning Editor Rebecca Tomlinson ( for any generic queries. We also recognise a one-size fits all approach doesn’t work for everyone, so for books we are happy to discuss flexible solutions. We are also working on innovative new models for both books and journals.
Language Science PressNo fees charged.
All books are published under the CC-BY license. In exceptional cases, we have published books under the CC-BY-SA and the CC-BY-ND license. Authors retain copyright.
All our books receive two peer reviews. Peer reviews are anonymous, unless reviewers choose to open them.

We allow for different forms of optional open peer review: reviewers can disclose their identity, and they can also make their review available together with the published book. This helps recognize the work which has gone into the review. Reviewers have to explicitly state that they want their review to go public; if no such statement is made, the review remains closed.
We encourage the publication of preprints and postprints on author or university websites, repositories, or elsewhere. We appreciate links to the original publication.
N/A OA born digital content only. Language Science Press is a born-digital scholar-led open access publisher in linguistics. Diamond OA publisher so fee waiver N/A.
Operational costs are jointly met by a network of 112 funding institutions.
Our download figures are regularly disclosed on Twitter. They are also available for download as *csv from GitHub.

Our funding is disclosed on the sponsors page.

In February each year, we disclose our financial data for the preceding year with revenues and expenditures. That report also contains a section on carbon footprint.

Language Science Press is a non-profit. Its associates are Stefan Müller, Martin Haspelmath, and Sebastian Nordhoff at 33% each. Law forbids the distribution of profits among the associates (Abgabenordnung §55 (1²)).

We give every author what they need for the creation of their book. Some books need more support, others less. This is fine. We do not have lists of services provided as we believe that such lists are detrimental for the world of book publications as a whole. You can read more about this in Outcompeting Gold: Sharing the Basics for Collaborative Approaches to Scholarly Publishing.'
IntechOpen - OA Press1,400 GBP Chapter - Edited Volume
1,400 GBP Chapter - Book Series Topic (Annual Volume)
10,000 GBP Monograph - Long Form
4,000 GBP Compacts Monograph - Short Form
Operates as fee-free for Journal Articles.
CC-BY default. Authors can choose a more restritice license if required.
IntechOpen is dedicated to publishing high-quality content and we are a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All referees and Editors are instructed to review submissions in line with the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers. For full guidance on peer review, please see the dedicated webpage The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content. Print on demand only.For Authors who are unable to obtain funding from their institution or research funding bodies and still need help in covering publication costs, IntechOpen offers the possibility of applying for a Waiver.

Our mission is to support Authors in publishing their research and making an impact within the scientific community. Currently, 14% of Authors receive full waivers and 6% receive partial waivers.

While providing support and advice to all our international Authors, waiver priority will be given to those Authors who reside in countries that are classified by the World Bank as low-income economies. In this way, we can help ensure that the scientific work being carried out can make an impact within the worldwide scientific community, no matter where an Author might live.

The application process is open after your submitted manuscript has been accepted for publication. To apply, please fill out a Waiver Request Form and send it to your Publishing Process Manager. If you have an official letter from your university or institution showing that funds for your OA publication are unavailable, please attach that as well. The Waiver Request will normally be addressed within one week from the application date. All chapters that receive waivers or partial waivers will be designated as such online.
Services included are:

- An online manuscript tracking system to facilitate your work
- Personal contact and support throughout the publishing process from your dedicated Publishing Process Manager
- Assurance that your manuscript meets the highest publishing standards
- English language copyediting and proofreading, including the correction of grammatical, spelling, and other common errors
- XML Typesetting and pagination - web (PDF, HTML) and print files preparation
- Discoverability - electronic citation and linking via DOI
- Permanent and unrestricted online access to your work

What isn't covered by the Open Access Publishing Fee?

If your manuscript:

- Exceeds the number of pages defined by the publishing guidelines, an additional fee per page may be required
- If a manuscript requires Heavy Editing or Language Polishing, this will incur additional fees.

Your Publishing Process Manager will inform you of any items not covered by the OAPF and provide exact information regarding those additional costs before proceeding.
MDPI - OA PressBook Processing Charges (BPCs)

For entire books, MDPI applies a BPC starting at 8000 CHF, £6,951.84, $8,917.60 for each accepted manuscript. The price depends on the number of pages in the book as well as the requested services. Fees are due after pre-check and before peer review.

Chapter Processing Charges (CPCs)

To enable a high standard of editing and production under open access philosophy, MDPI covers its editorial and production costs by collecting a Chapter Processing Charge of CHF 1200, £1,042.63, $1,337.64 per accepted chapter. There are no charges for rejected chapters, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of a chapter, figures, or supplementary data. Fees are due after review and official acceptance of the chapter for publication.

All MDPI Books are published under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Individual edited book chapters are published under the terms of a Creative Commons BY (CC BY) license (, unless otherwise contracted.

Books in their entirety, including but not limited to edited books, monographs, and academic textbooks, are generally published under the terms of a Creative Commons-NonCommerical-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license, unless otherwise contracted.

If you wish to discuss other licensing options (About CC Licenses - Creative Commons), please inform us at the start of the publishing process.
Our Open Access books are reviewed by experts in the field to assess the quality and scholarly relevance. Review processes may vary by academic field. We value transparency; if a traditional external peer review is not performed, it will be clearly stated on the book webpage and in the book.

Reviewers who accept to review a manuscript are expected to:

- Have the necessary expertise to judge manuscript quality.
- Provide quality review reports and remain responsive throughout peer-review.
- Maintain standards of professionalism and ethics.
- Not hold any conflicts of interest with the authors.

Reviewers are asked to provide reports promptly, within a few weeks for chapters and months for Monographs. Reviewers can recommend: Accept, Minor revision, Major revision, and Reject.
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content. Print on demand only. MDPI may grant discounts and waivers in exceptional cases but reserves the right to decline such discounts and waivers without specifying a reason.
The services included are:

- Convenient online submission and manuscript tracking via our system BJAMS
- Personal support throughout the publishing process from an experienced Assistant Editor.
- Checks for plagiarism using the industry-standard software iThenticate.
- Peer-Review coordination among editors, authors and external reviewers.
- Basic Formatting and Typesetting: regular layout and reference check is included.
- Standard English Editing: grammar, spelling, punctuation, phrasing and conformation to the MDPI house style.
- Dissemination and discoverability via submission to variousbook indexing databases (OAPEN, DOAB, WoS Book Citation Index, CrossRef, etc.)
- DOI assignment at the book and chapter level.
- ISBN assignment at the book level, print and online.
- Basic marketing and promotional services: arranging for the distribution of the book to retailers, metadata optimization, Social Media promotion, email marketing, book flyer, etc.
- Custom cover design by experienced designers in agreement with the corporate style and in coordination with the author or editor.
- Publication of the accepted manuscript in electronic form (PDF), in full open access, under a Creative Commons by Attribution license.
- Print on Demand Service: available for view or purchase directly from the MDPI Books website.

The following additional services can be provided at an additional cost:

- Figure Editing to revise and format charts, graphs and illustrations to guarantee books are visually pleasing. This includes figure size, resolution, colors, fonts, labelling, and file formats.
- Extensive English editing, such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, phrasing and conformation to the MDPI house style as well as phrasing and clarity of expression.
- Extensive marketing services, such as a Virtual Book Launch.
- Book index prepared by a professional indexer.
- Comprehensive Formatting and Typesetting involving major adjustments to formatting, references/sources, and figure descriptions.
- Full Reformatting of the manuscript from scratch, including redoing references and sources in a different style.
Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)PULP does not require, but does prefer some contribution to the publishing costs involved, i.e., language and style-editing @ZAR95-00 per page.
All books and journals are made available on the PULP website under the CC BY licence. Authors retain copyright.
PULP relies on an independent, double-blind peer-review process, which includes at least two external reviewers, to uphold the quality and validity of monograph manuscripts and chapters in edited works.

Extensive information on the peer review process available at:
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content onlyDiamond - no fee - waiver N/A.If authors and/or editors receive external funding for their publication, PULP is prepared to add the institution's logo somewhere on the published manuscript.
Punctum books"Unlike other publishers and OA initiatives that charge author-facing fees to publish OA books (Book Processing Charges, or BPCs), Punctum believes these fees are not sustainable and also aggravate deeply entrenched inequities in the scholarly publishing landscape."

Punctum is a library community publisher. Since 2018, Punctum has been engaged in a partnership with University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Library, in order to develop a Diamond OA book publishing model that privileges cooperative expertise and knowledge sharing between librarians, knowledge managers, publishers, and scholar-researchers. With the assistance of UCSB Library, Punctum has designed its entire digital catalog so that it follows all of the best practices for cross-referenced metadata, cataloguing, indexing, dissemination, discovery, aggregation, and preservation. Punctum staff and librarians at UCSB Library and beyond work together as scholar-researchers in scholarly communications and collaborate as team leaders on long-term open infrastructure projects, such as COPIM (Community-led Open Infrastructures for Monographs), Open Book Futures, Thoth, and Open Book Collective.
Yes under the Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA 4.0),other%20form%20of%20Copyleft%20licensing
Expert review by punctums' co-directors - first round of peer review.

Second round of peer review: "The second round of review is intended to help you strengthen your book via friendly and sympathetic suggestions for improvements to your manuscript. We have already decided we want to publish your book, so we do not ask reviewers at this point for a "yes," "no," or "revise and resubmit." Again, this round of review is to secure for you beneficial advice for strengthening what we have already deemed is a smart, well written, highly creative, and worthy manuscript. In some very rare cases, a reviewer may ask for more substantial revisions, after which, they want to take another look."
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-SA) license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content onlyDiamond - no fee - waiver N/A.Fees to cover the cost of publishing are managed under a membership program for unviersity libraries. partnered with the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Library.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Prices for a full monograph start from £10,000 / €12,000 / $12,500 (USD), plus applicable taxes, and from £5,000 / €6,000 / $6,250 (USD) to publish a short-form book open access (books between 25-50,000 words). Prices for individual chapters start from £1,250 / €1,500 / $1,563 (USD), plus tax.
Taylor & Francis Books Open Access titles are published under a Creative Commons license as standard. Our preferred license is a CC BY-NC-ND license. Under this license, others may download your work and share it as long as they credit you, but they can't change it in any way or use it commercially. Authors retain copyright to their work.

It is our view that this license provides the best combination of dissemination and protection, particularly for our authors in humanities and social sciences.

It was our authors’ stated preference in the Open Access Survey: Exploring the views of Taylor & Francis and Routledge authors which corroborated the OAPEN-UK HSS Researcher Survey Results by JISC Collections.

We believe that we are offering the licensing option that best respects our authors’ preferences and practical considerations, but other licenses are available in case these better suit you or your funder's needs.

All Taylor & Francis Books Open Access titles will be sent out to multiple referees before there is any agreement to proceed with them. Contracts to publish will only be issued after satisfactory peer-review. The final manuscript may also be submitted to further refereeing either by a series editor or by an external reviewer.
Our green open access policy refers to self-archiving of a chapter (not whole book) and applies to the earlier version of the chapter or ‘Accepted Manuscript’ (AM). An AM is the post-contract but pre-production (i.e. not copyedited, typeset, or proofread) Word Document/PDF version of the chapter that has been approved for publication.

Chapters from all Taylor & Francis books are eligible for green open access, as follows:

Single authored book: One chapter.
Multi-authored book: One chapter per author.
Edited book: One chapter per editor or contributor.

Authors may upload the AM chapter to a closed (not publicly accessible) departmental or institutional repository immediately after publication of the book (what is often referred to as the Version of Record), so that it is freely available for anyone within your institutional network to access. Such a repository is accessible to students or staff members only.

Authors can also post the AM book chapter to an open repository or academic social media site ... or a personal or departmental website ... after an embargo period of 18 months for Humanities and Social Sciences books or 12 months for STEM books. All authors are required to respect the relevant embargo periods before making AMs available as an open deposit. An open repository is one that is freely available for anyone to access. In some cases, exceptions can be made to our embargo periods to meet funder mandates.

We recommend that you apply a Creative Commons (CC) license to the AM version to make it clear to others how they can reuse your work. We recommend the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license. In summary, this Creative Commons Licence permits the sharing of the OA Content by others provided that the Author is credited but does not permit any alterations to the OA Content or for it to be built upon or for the OA Content to be used commercially.

Authors may not post the final published book chapter (Version of Record) to any site, unless it has been published as gold open access on our website.
If your work has already been published by Taylor & Francis, then there is no need for the work to go through a second peer review process to convert your content to open access as there will be no changes or additions to the content for the open access version.

It involves the payment of a book processing charge (BPC), the copyright of the work being signed over to the authors and selecting a Creative Commons licence to protect the work.

If you wish to convert a published book to open access, we apply a tiered pricing system that is linked to the publication date of the work, BPC details can be found below:

Full Book
12 - 24 months post-publication | 30% Discount
24 - 36 months post-publication | 50% Discount
36 months + post-publication | 70% Discount

12 - 24 months post-publication | 30% Discount
24 - 36 months post-publication | 50% Discount
36 months + post-publication | 70% Discount

For more information, view our Retrospective Open Access page
Taylor & Francis is committed to bringing research by scholars in emerging nations to the attention of the global academic community. We also want to make the option to publish open access available to as many researchers as possible. To help achieve this we offer discounts on BPCs normally required to publish in the Taylor & Francis Books Open Access programme for funders based in countries defined by the World Bank as ‘Low -Income Economies’ or ‘Lower-Middle -Income Economies’.

Many customers do not pay the list price BPC, since they benefit from:

Discounts of 50% for BPC funders based in ‘lower middle income’ countries, and 75% if the funder is based in a ‘low income’ country (as defined by the World Bank country income levels)
Discounts due to organizations participating in a Taylor & Francis Open Access Books Membership scheme. Please see our Open Access Books Membership page for further details.
UCL PressIf you’re a non-UCL author who’s received funding to publish in open access form, we’re delighted to offer a full service at the following rates:

Our BPC is on a rising scale, depending on book length, and is applied as follows:

£5,500 up to 60k words

£7,500 for 60-125k words

£9,000 for 125- 200k words

£10,500 for 200-275k words

Bespoke costs for anything over 275,000 words

Note that UK Value Added Tax (VAT) will be added to the fee, where applicable.


UCL authors whose books acknowledge UKRI funding and who wish to publish with UCL Press should inform their commissioning editor at the point of submitting a proposal. The application for UKRI funding for monograph authors in this position will be made by the UCL Open Access team. Full details can be found here:

Non-UCL authors whose books acknowledge UKRI funding and who wish to publish with UCL Press should inform their commissioning editor at the point of submitting a proposal. They should also contact the OA team at their institution who will apply to UKRI for the funding to cover UCL Press’s book processing charge. The maximum amount that can be covered by UKRI is £10,000 inclusive of VAT, in line with UKRI’s policy.

We recommend CC BY-NC for all book publications, but we’re happy to discuss other licences on a case-by-case basis.
We want the best for your project. We’ve designed a review process that enables you to develop your work through guidance from our commissioning editors, and recommendations from peer reviewers and the UCL Press Editorial Board. The peer review process is rigorous, and our commissioning editors aim to establish an early collaborative relationship with you so we can be supportive throughout.'

Process outlined in detail:
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) license permits sharing via repositories.All books are born digital alongside print copies:

"Your book will be available as an open access download, and also in print, meaning that it has the potential to reach a wide and diverse readership."
BPC waiver scheme:

Publishing open access can pose a challenge to academics who cannot meet the BPC from their funder or their institution. To offer authors and editors in this position the opportunity to publish in open access form with UCL Press, we cover the publication costs of up to five non-UCL projects each year.

To be eligible for this scheme, projects must:

be of exceptional quality
offer a distinct voice
have the potential to make an impact
be written in an engaging and accessible tone

If you’d like to be considered for the scheme, please let your commissioning editor know when you introduce your project to them. We ask applicants to the scheme to demonstrate they’ve tried to find funding to cover the BPC.

If you have any queries on the above, please do contact one of our commissioning editors.
We’re able to offer full funding to:

- authors and editors who work at UCL
- non-UCL co-authors and co-editors working with UCL-based collaborators
- non-UCL contributors to edited volumes where an editor is based at UCL
- non-UCL authors and editors who qualify for the waiver scheme
- non-UCL authors whose books are published in a book series managed by a UCL series editor
University of Calgary Press: BSPS Open Access (in collaboration with the British Society for the Philosophy of Science)

No fee, Diamond Publisher. under a CC-BY-NC-ND license. BSPS Open maintains the highest standards of scholarly peer review from a world-class Editorial Board. The Editorial Process is expected to take four months; we are grateful for your patience.

Editorial board listed:
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content onlyDiamond - no fee - waiver N/A.Please note that BSPS Open does not publish textbooks, handbooks, or collected volumes.
White Rose University PressBook publication costs vary greatly depending on the type and scale of the publication. Indicative costs for a 95k word monograph start from c.£7,000 (all prices excluding VAT).
"We are an open access digital publisher and all of our publications are made available free of charge anywhere in the world, under Creative Commons licences - meaning they can reach a global audience."

For books, the standard licences used are CC BY or CC BY-NC. We are, however, happy to discuss using alternative Creative Commons Licences if there is a requirement e.g. from a funder or due to the nature of the publication.
All of the work we publish meets the highest academic standards. All proposals submitted for both books and journals go through a rigorous external peer review and quality control process led by our Editorial Board. Commissioned books will see the completed manuscript sent for peer review too. All commissioned journals will be expected to have their own robust peer review process. We adhere to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. See our Research Integrity page for more information.
Born ditial Open Access publisher. Copies of texts can be archived in a repository under a creative commons license. N/A OA born digital content only. For scholars based at one of the partner Universities of Leeds, Sheffield or York, WRUP has a waiver fund to help subsidise some or all of the processing charge. The fund is limited, and applications are considered as they are received. Please contact us if you'd like to take advantage of the scheme.

WRUP is excited to work with the Jisc OACF scheme to develop a pilot to allow us to offer funding support for monographs by authors from beyond Leeds, Sheffield and York.
WRUP wants to remove as many barriers as possible, both to readers of OA publications but also to authors, and has always been committed to offering “diamond” monograph publishing to authors at WR institutions via waiver funds held within the libraries. WRUP is exited to work with the Jisc OACF scheme to develop a pilot to allow us to offer funding support for monographs by authors from beyond Leeds, Sheffield and York. Funding via the Jisc OACF initiative sees WRUP benefit from funding via sponsorship from other institutions who also want to support the growth of OA publishing. As a pilot, we have asked for funding to support the publication of one monograph a year, for three years, that would not be eligible either for grant funding or for funding via the WRUP waiver funds. We are really pleased to had had some engagement with this already from sponsors, and the WRL collaboration has pledged to cover any funding shortfall should subscriptions not fully cover the publication costs.
Open Book PublishersAs a non-profit, academic-led Open Access publisher our priority is to ensure that high-quality academic books are freely available to readers worldwide. We believe that access to academic work should not depend on ability to pay. Therefore, we do not require authors to pay an Open Access fee for publication.

Depending on a number of factors including, for example, the length of the manuscript and number of images, it typically costs us £5000 to produce and market a book. If a book is unusually lengthy or contains a very large number of images, we may charge a production fee to cover the extra costs, as detailed in Appendix Two of our Authors' Guide
* Only available through author guide and not available on main webpage.

There is no word limit or limit in the number of images included in our books, and other materials, including additional text, visual images (static and moving), and audio, can be added online if they would enhance the work.

"All our titles are published using Creative Commons licences. These licences mean that you are in full control of your own copyright, and can choose how your work is used by other people. Many of our books are published under Creative Commons Attribution licences (CC BY) which allows others to copy, distribute, display and perform your copyrighted work, but ensures that they must give you full credit. All the same rules of plagiarism and citation apply to works under this licence. There are alternative Creative Commons licences available and we publish books under these licences too: it's up to you to decide how you want to licence your book."
"Our standard is at least as high as that of the most prestigious academic presses. To ensure that only submissions of the highest quality are published, we use a rigorous peer-review process. However our aim is to identify the best, or develop what can become the best, in discussion with the author and advisers, not just to follow a mechanistic procedure. So we encourage authors of quality manuscripts who may be inexperienced to get in contact with us to discuss their work...

A submission will only be considered where the manuscript has not been offered for publication elsewhere."
"The Author shall retain the copyright on the Work and the rights to publish it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The Author shall not require permission from the Publisher for any subsequent publication of the Work including holding it in repositories, creating derivative works and reproducing, distributing, publicly performing, and publicly displaying the Work in connection with the Author’s teaching, conference presentations, lectures, other scholarly works and/or professional activities. The Author shall not require permission from the Publisher to make digital editions of the Work freely available to read or download from any other platform, including the Author’s personal website." N/A OA born digital content only. "We encourage those who are able to apply for grants from their university and elsewhere to do so, in order to defray the costs of publishing their book and enable us to accept more authors who do not have funding, but the decision about whether or not we will accept a manuscript for publication depends entirely on the outcome of our peer review process and not on the availability or otherwise of funding. Authors without any funding regularly publish with us."

Publishing cost list provided in Appendix II of Author's Guide:

Full Author's Guide is available:

In order to ensure that our titles are preserved into the future we subscribe to Portico, one of the main digital archiving services. We have also partnered with Open Editions—a resource for Open Access books serving individuals and libraries—which ensures preservation of all the titles in their catalogue. In addition, we participate in the digital upload of titles by the British Library where our content is also stored in perpetuity. Moreover we archive all the external links in our books via the Internet Machine Archive. Because our books are Open Access and under Creative Commons licences they will be available to all in the future through the above organizations and elsewhere, even if OBP should cease to exist.
Academic Studies PressASP Open charges $11,600 [£9,100] to publish a monograph or collected edited volume Open Access. This includes all services related to production such as copyediting and indexing. Manuscripts in excess of 125,000 words may be subject to additional charges for these services.
"To protect the integrity of your book when it is published online, ASP Open publishes under the terms of Creative Commons Licenses ( Our standard license, the CC BY-NC, allows readers to excerpt and share your work for non-commercial purposes (such as a lecture or blog-post) so long as you are properly cited. Other licenses forbid any derivatives from being made of your work (e.g., CC BY-NC-ND), while others allow substantive changes and commercial reuse (e.g., CC BY). We are happy to help you select the license that is most appropriate for your book and meets the demands of your institution or funding agency."
"ASP Open titles are rigorously peer-reviewed, professionally copyedited and indexed, and carefully proofread."
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) license permits sharing via repositories.Academic Studies Press is pleased to offer our previously published authors the opportunity to retroactively publish their work Open Access.
No information on fee waivers / discounts. Cost includes all services related to production such as copyediting and indexing. Manuscripts in excess of 125,000 words may be subject to additional charges for these services.
Do you need support in editing, translation, formatting, or indexing your work before submitting it to Academic Studies Press?

Click here for information on discounted services with partner Academic Language Experts.
BrillMonograph or Edited Volume* € 10,000* $ 12,200 £8250,00.
Chapter in edited volume** € 1100 $ 825.00 £1400.00

*For average-size projects up to 250 pages and 100,000 words.
**For chapters up to 35 pages and 15,000 words.

Brill publishes work under CC-BY, CC-BY-NC or CC-BY-NC-ND licenses

"High quality and rigorous quality control are fixed aspects of Brill’s approach to publishing. All Brill Open Access books and book chapters are subject to external, single or double-blind peer review."
Under certain conditions Brill allows its authors/editors the archiving of their texts, always with a proper acknowledgement to the Brill publication attached to the new publication. You can refer to your Brill author/editor agreement or consent-to-publish form to read about specific terms of permitted re-use for your text. Please note that the most up-to-date information on permitted use is shared via In the section Self Archiving you will find a full overview of our author archiving policy, including what archives and repositories are allowed for sharing your Brill work.
If you have already published your article, book, or chapter with Brill, it is possible to convert it to Open Access after publication. The Open Access charge is discounted based on the year of publication. Please reach out to for more information.No information on fee waivers / discounts. Consortial funding available (see "Consortial Agreements" next column).Brill participates in the crowdfunding program of Knowledge Unlatched, which offers book authors and journal editorial boards the opportunity to receive crowdfunding to publish their book or journal in Open Access. The process is led by Brill.

Institutional Open Access Agreements:

Brill has Open Access agreements in place with various national consortia. These agreements cover both subscriptions as well as Open Access publishing. Brill publishes articles by affiliated corresponding authors in Open Access, at no cost to the author. More information can be found here:
"Charges serve as guidelines. The charge for an Open Access book or chapter is determined for each title individually, based on the number of pages and expected costs. These charges are exclusive of any applicable VAT."
Bloomsbury Academic Short monograph Less than 70,000 words £6,500 $8,000 €7,500

Standard monograph or edited collection 70,000 - 110,000 words £8,000 $10,000 €9,000

Longer monograph or edited collection 110,000 - 180,000 words £10,000 $12,500 €11,500

Handbook or very long monograph or edited collection 180,000 - 250,000 words £12,000 $14,750 €13,750
"Depending on your project and your funding requirements, we can be flexible as to which Creative Commons licence you apply to your work. Due to the specific nature of humanities and social sciences content, and in particular issues relating to clearing third-party permissions, CC BY-NC-ND, which prevents commercial re-use or the creation of derivative works, is often the most appropriate licence. However, for immediate open access titles we can also offer CC BY, CC BY-NC or CC BY-ND depending on the project and funding stipulations."

"We offer exactly the same editorial, production, sales and marketing service and the same rigorous peer review as we do for our non-open
access books."
Non-OA Chapters: Permits self-archiving of non-open access chapters published by Bloomsbury Academic subject to the following conditions:

OA Books: Where titles are published via our open access programme, the version of record (VoR) of the complete chapter or work may be archived immediately on publication. In the case of retrospective open access titles, the complete work may be self-archived as soon as the open access version has been published.
Previously published monograph or edited collection (“retrospective OA”)** Less than 110,000 words £3,000 $3,750 €3,500

** An 18 month embargo after publication applies before a previously published title can be converted to retrospective open access. Third-party rights must be re-cleared.
No information disclosed:

"We are keen to ensure that open access publication remains an option for a broad range of authors. If you wish to publish your book open access but do not have access to sufficient funds, please contact your editor to discuss your case."
In the Bloomsbury Open Collections model we are asking libraries who would usually purchase our books to instead put their funds towards making a collection of new Bloomsbury titles available open access, so that they are freely available to all. Our first Bloomsbury Open Collection will consist of 20 frontlist titles on our African Studies and International Development lists publishing from March 2024 to February 2025. Participating libraries will additionally receive 12 months’ access to ~200 backlist titles in these subjects as a benefit for their own researchers.'


* All fees are quoted exclusive of VAT/local taxes; where applicable, tax will be added when the fee is invoiced. Fees for titles that exceed specified word counts are by arrangement – please contact your editor to discuss.

** An 18 month embargo after publication applies before a previously published title can be converted to retrospective open access. Third-party rights must be re-cleared (see below).
"What if I want to publish another type of book open access? We are sometimes able to offer open access publication for books other than monographs, edited collections, and handbooks. Please contact your editor to discuss your specific circumstance."
Edward Elgar Publishing "The standard Book Publishing Charge (BPC) for publication of Open Access Scholarly Monograph and Edited volumes are as follows:

Up to 80,000 words £9,500/ $14,400 (plus applicable taxes)

80,000 -100,000 words £10,800/ $16,400 (plus applicable taxes)

100,000 -120,000 words £12,000/ $18,400 (plus applicable taxes)

120,000 -150,000 words £13,125/ $20,000 (plus applicable taxes)

An Author Processing Charge (APC) of £1,575 per chapter (plus applicable taxes)
"We publish our Open Access content under a Creative Commons (CC) licence. Creative Commons licences allow authors to retain copyright of their work, while allowing others to distribute, copy and make some uses of their work.

We are happy to adopt the CC licence required by your research funder, institution or IGO. If there is no preference the standard licence agreement we use for Open Access publications is CC BY-NC-ND 4.0."
Whether a new edition of a best-seller, or an author's very first work, all Elgar books are produced to the highest standards.

Your dedicated desk editor will oversee every stage of the production process and will keep you informed at each stage.

Elgar is increasingly unusual among academic and professional publishers in not offshoring book production work. In addition to our in-house team, we use a network of experienced freelancers, to ensure we maintain the highest level of quality and control.

Every project is unique. We aim to publish your book 6-9 months after completing our preliminary checks. Your book will be printed in the UK and the US to avoid any delays in it being released for sale across the world.
Full policy available: mention of retrospective OA.
"As part of our commitment to the dissemination of knowledge Edward Elgar Publishing is offering to subsidise the Open Access Book Publishing Charge (BPC) so the fee reduces to £7,000/ $9,500 (plus applicable taxes) on a limited number of monographs meeting the following criteria:

- single authored scholarly books that fit our list and are likely to have a significant global impact on their field, reaching a wide audience
- less than 80,000 words including figures and tables, and all footnotes/endnotes and references
- authors must have a strong international publishing record."

Please note all word counts must be fully inclusive of all footnotes/endnotes and references and include an allowance for figures and tables. Each figure counts as 500 words and each table as 300 words. We will undertake a word count when your manuscript files are delivered and may ask you to remove material if you exceed the contracted word count.

* This fee structure excludes Reference works such as Handbooks, Commentaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedia. To discuss whether Open Access is possible for your book type, and if so what the fee structure would be, please contact your commissioning editor.

As well as dissemination though multiple eBook channels the Open Access book or journal article will be archived with Portico to ensure future preservation and access.

University of London Press
Diamond: The nature of our funding and mission means that we can publish the majority of our books programme – around 20 titles per year – without requiring authors to pay any fees. We will cover the full publication costs for books in our ‘core’ OA book series (see Open access book series below for a current list of these series).

Gold: Where authors of books publishing in our ‘core’ OA series have access to publication funding (for example, from grants or their institution), we do encourage authors to use this funding to support their book’s production costs. We also charge a Book Processing Charge (BPC) to publish books outside our core OA series which fit our humanities publishing programme but where we can’t fund the publishing costs ourselves. Our standard BPC is £6,000 plus VAT.

For books up to 100,000 words, the BPC is £6,000 plus VAT

For short-form (between 20-50,000 words), the BPC is £4,500 plus VAT

Chapter processing charges:

The fee is based on the percentage of the total word count of the final manuscript which the chapter constitutes.

As an example: if the chapter required to be OA is 6,000 words from a 100,000-word manuscript, the CPC would be 6% of our Book Processing Charge of £6,000 = £360 (plus VAT).

CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 Default license.

A more permissive license should be discussed with the press, particularly if you are a funded author.

Authors retain copyright to their works.

For non-open access books, authors generally also retain copyright and grant UoL Press an exclusive licence to publish the work in all print and digital formats.
Our open access books go through the same high-quality, rigorous processes as non-open access books. All our books are initially evaluated by our editorial team (and series editors or series advisory board members, where relevant). If a proposal fits with our publishing programme and we decide to proceed with it, it will be sent out for a minimum of two external peer reviews under a single-anonymised review process. If your proposal is positively reviewed and fits the programme, it will be assessed by our Publishing Committee who will then make a final decision on whether a contract is issued or not. Final manuscripts of contracted books are also sent for external peer review and – once accepted for publication – go through our usual copyediting, typesetting, cover design and production processes.
Authors of non-OA books may deposit their author accepted manuscript in an institutional repository after the book has been published for 12 months.
No information provided.We offer a discounted BPC for authors affiliated with our host institution (the School of Advanced Study, University of London) or any of the University of London’s Member Institutions whose book fits our publishing programme but publishes outside one of our ‘core’ OA book series. The discounted BPC in these cases is £4,500 plus VAT (a 25% discount).

If you’re unable to pay the BPC but have a proposal you feel would fit with our publishing programme, please get in touch with us.
If your book is longer than 100,000 words, please get in touch with us to get an indicative BPC for your project. The BPC covers the publishing costs of the book, including copyediting, typesetting, proofs, cover design, printing, metadata management, printing, dissemination and OA platform fees.

Committed to responsible Open Research practices

It’s crucial that all open access books have robust and transparent long-term preservation processes. Through our partnerships with the JSTOR and OAPEN platforms mentioned above, all our open access books are preserved by Portico (ITHAKA’s non-profit digital preservation service).
Manchester University PressThe fee for a book is £9,850 (+VAT UK) of up to 120,000 words in length.

"This price includes up to 20 images. In some circumstances, extra charges may apply. Colour images can be used in digital editions on request, but black & white only for print."

Individual chapters can be published Open Access within non-OA books. The Chapter Processing Charge (CPC) is calculated based on the proportion of the chapter to the total manuscript (based on the entire word count of the final version submitted, inclusive of notes and apparatus). For example a 10,000 word chapter in a 100,000 word manuscript is 10%. The CPC is therefore 10% of the £9,850 BPC, which comes to £985. The price of the ebook will also be reduced by the same percentage (for example from £80 to £72).
Recommended licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND).

We are happy to consider other licence requests. Please contact to discuss.
The process for publishing an Open Access book with MUP is exactly the same as any other kind of book: we operate the same standards of peer review, editing and production. Please complete our book proposal form as normal as the starting point, and follow the link below to contact the Commissioning Editor for your subject area.
Authors can self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) of their article on their personal or departmental website, or in an institutional or a non-commercial subject repository. The AAM is the version of the article that has been peer reviewed, revised and finally accepted by the Editor, before MUP has undertaken copyediting, typesetting or any other production related changes to the manuscript. This version can be made available after the Publisher’s version (Version of Record or VoR) of the article has published online. The VoR cannot be uploaded to a website or repository unless the author has opted for the Gold OA option. The author is responsible for ensuring that no third-party copyright restrictions are infringed.

Monograph: 1 chapter
Author accepted manuscript (AAM) – 18 months after publication on personal or department website, institutional or subject repository and social media sites
Final version – no

Edited volume: each contributor can archive their own chapter
Author accepted manuscript – 18 months after publication on personal or department website, institutional or subject repository and social media sites
Final version – no

Archived versions must include a citation to the published version, including a link to the publication on the publisher’s website.
We encourage publication of book metadata (including title, synopsis, keywords, etc) by authors. Please speak to the commissioning editor if you would like more advice on metadata requirements.
IIf you would like to convert your already-contracted or already-published MUP book to Open Access, please contact your editor.
No information on fee waivers / discounts.Academic books can be made Open Access from the day of first publication in both PDF and ePUB formats. Auhtors are to contact the editor to discuss the fee for your book, or if you have not yet sent a book proposal, include a note in your book proposal document and covering email to say that you are interested in Open Access publication.
Scottish Universities PressThe below table shows the production charges for three levels of book length. The amounts are inclusive of VAT.

Member Institutions:

Band A 60-80,000 Words £3500

Band B 80-100,000 Words £4500

Band C 100,000 Words + £5500

Non-member Institutions:

Band A 60-80,000 Words £5500

Band B 80-100,000 Words £6500

Band C 100,000 Words + £7500

The final production charge will be agreed upon acceptance and may vary depending on the number of images, final word count or complexity of the project.
Authors retain the copyright to their work, and books are published with Creative Commons licenses.
The SUP Editorial Board has developed a rigorous peer review process to ensure that all content published by SUP meets the highest academic standards. A copy of the full Peer Review Policy & Procedure can be found here: SUP Peer Review Policy & Procedure.
The use of a Creative Commons license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content only. Print on demand available. The final production charge will be agreed upon acceptance and may vary depending on the number of images, final word count or complexity of the project.

The production charge is collected when the final manuscript has been accepted for publication following peer review.

SUP’s subsidised model allows us to deliver much lower production charges in comparison to commercial publishers, which can range from £8,000 to over £15,000 before VAT. Our charges also fall well below the £10,000 maximum funding level for UKRI funded books (see the URKI Open Access Policy section below).

As a start-up venture, we recognise that our costs may change over time, but we will remain at all times a not-for-profit publisher, committed to transparency and accountable to our Management Board.
Central European University PressIn order to achieve ‘Gold’ Open Access, we require the payment of a Book Process Charge (BPC). This will typically be €8,000 (plus VAT, when applicable) for a standard book of up to 100,000 words.

If you would like to make a chapter of a book Open Access this can be done through the payment of a Chapter Processing Charge (CPC). This will be calculated on the percentage of the book that is made up by the chapter. I.e. if the chapter makes up 10% of the book, the charge would be €800 (plus VAT, when applicable) for the typical 100,000 word length book.
For books the most popular license is a CC BY-NC-ND license – which we recommend. This allows the work to be copied and shared but must carry attribution to the author. This restricts alteration in any way and does not allow the work to be put onto a commercial platform or printed and sold by anyone other than the original publisher – unless by mutual agreement. Please see the Creative Commons website for further information on how these licenses operate. If you wish a less restrictive license or your research funder requires a different one, then please discuss with Linda Kunos.
No information available. We allow the pre-press version of the manuscript to be loaded in an institutional repository on the following basis:

The ‘pre-press’ (i.e. original manuscript) can be uploaded at the author’s discretion 24 months after the publication of the CEU Press’s published version is available.

There must be a link to CEU Press’s published version on the edition in the institutional repository.

The CEU Press version cannot be uploaded.

The institutional repository’s platform must be a non-commercial, non-profit platform.
This is currently not something we support, as it impacts all our partners who offer and sell our titles, and all customers who have purchased your book in electronic form. It is commonly referred to as double-dipping (earing money from sales of the ebook as well as receiving the APC charge from the author) - a practice we do not support. We can make your title Open Access up to one month before publication, so please let us know as soon as possible if you have funding.
We are able to offer discounts to authors from Central and Eastern European institutions. Please contact Linda Kunos for more information.
Knowledge Unlatched: we can refer your title to Knowledge Unlatched, a programme where libraries can pledge to support the Open Access transition of ebooks.

Opening the Future: in this project, we raise funds from libraries through the subscription of backlist ebook packages, where the fees contribute to financing Open Access frontlist titles. If a title does not have alternative Open Access funding, it will be made Open Access through this programme automatically.

We ask authors whose works arise from a research grant to check if their grant mandates Open Access and provides funding for OA publications (articles, chapters, or books). There are other sources of funding, in some cases from an author’s parent institution, or we can submit your book to the Knowledge Unlatched project which gathers support from libraries to make books open.
Peter Lang International Academic Publishing GroupWe calculate our Open Access fees individually based on the requested services. Our total fees for Gold Open Access start at €7,500 all in, with variations dependent on the project and region.
Peter Lang states "'Books are released under the agreed Creative Commons (CC) license and the copyright is assigned to the author."

No further information provided on which licenses are supported.
Full Policy:
"We also offer our authors the option to publish their work Green Open Access. In this model, the book is published simultaneously as a print and eBook, and the eBook is released Open Access after an embargo period. We are pleased to offer models and rates to fit the needs of authors in their respective national and research contexts.

Please contact us directly (link to contact form) if you would like to discuss publishing your work Open Access.

Our Repository Policy offers authors different solutions to archive and share their work. The full policy can be accessed here."
"We offer the possibility to put whole books on Open Access that have been published before 2017. In this case a flat fee applies. Please contact us if you would like to know more about this option." information on fee waivers / discounts.Peter Lang is a partner of Knowledge Unlatched (KU) and regularly takes part in the KU Select pledging rounds, where a library consortium supports the release of both Gold and Green Open Access titles. Our books are available through their partner platform, the Open Research Library. Read more about the program here.

Greenlight is a collective purchase model that offers institutions the opportunity to grow their lists and support Open Access publication in the Humanities and the Sciences. The package offered includes important monographs by UK authors on medicine, technology, sexuality studies and environmental studies.

We calculate our Open Access fees individually based on the requested services.

Peter Lang have an OA Monograph Pilot, Open Greenlight 2022-2023 – Available via Jisc's Licence subscriptions manager
Australian National University Press No information provided."Unless stated otherwise, the author retains copyright to their work while ANU Press retains exclusive worldwide rights for the distribution of the book. From 2018, the majority of ANU Press titles are published under a Creative Commons licence (CC BY-NC-ND;, which broadens the ways in which works can be used and distributed."
"ANU Press publications are peer-reviewed by experts and academics in fields or disciplines relevant to the subject matter of the publication being reviewed. A rigorous peer-review process is used in all possible instances.

The peer-review process is fair, objective and transparent. Where there is a potential conflict of interest, peer reviewers are expected to remove themselves from the commission."
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content only. ANU provides publication subsidies for eligible authors whose work has been accepted for publication by ANU Press.

Subsidies are awarded by the Publication Subsidy Committee, which is chaired by ANU University Librarian Roxanne Missingham. The Committee meets three times a year to consider the applications. ANU Press administers the Publication Subsidy Fund and provides secretariat services to the Committee.

The Publication subsidy scheme is currently under review.
Authors are required to pay for the professional copyediting of their manuscript before production begins on an ANU Press book or journal; this fee is paid directly to the copyeditor. Where an index is required, the author will pay a professional indexer to complete this work.

In some instances, where significant production or editorial work is required that is outside the usual scope of ANU Press’s services, the author may be charged a fee. This fee is charged on a cost-recovery basis and more information can be found in the publication agreement between ANU Press and the author.

The publisher has advised that 100,000 words would amount to approximately $3000AU, £1,604.59, $1,604.59 depending on the nature of the work involved. An index will cost more.
Australia's largest open-access publisher. All works published by ANU Press are made available to readers in multiple online formats and as print-on-demand paperback copies in perpetuity. ANU Press has also partnered with CLOCKSS to digitally preserve its ebooks and ejournals and future-proof access to these publications. ANU Press is also involved in the digitisation and republication of out-of-print works of high standard (including works previously published by ANU Press) and we welcome enquiries regarding republication.
Edinburgh University PressGold open access is available for authored research monographs and edited collections for the following book processing charges:

£8,000 (+VAT if applicable) for manuscripts of up to 100,000 words

£8,000 plus £80 per extra 1000 words (+VAT if applicable) for manuscripts over 100,000 words

The fees are payable when you submit your typescript.

This policy only applies to authored research monographs and edited collections. It does not apply to textbooks, handbooks, critical editions or reference works.

If your book comes under the UKRI Open Access Policy, please contact your commissioning editor to discuss. We will comply with the policy through Gold or Green routes.

Individual chapters in an edited collection can be made open access. The chapter processing charge is £1,500 (+VAT if applicable). Only that chapter will be made available open access, not the entire collection. The price of the ebook edition of the volume will be reduced to reflect the element of the book that is open access.
Gold open access books and chapters are published under a Creative Commons licence.
We recommend you select the CC-BY-NC licence.

CC: Creative Commons. Anyone may download and share your work

BY: BY Attribution. You must always be credited as the author

NC: Non-Commercial. The open access version may not be sold or used commercially

You may use a less restrictive licence if you prefer; just let your commissioning editor know.
"Your manuscript will be reviewed, copy-edited and typeset to our usual high standards. The only difference is that the ebook will be available for anyone to access and download free of charge."
"All authored research monographs can take part in our green open access policy. After the embargo period, you may place the proof copy of your monograph on your institutional repository. In addition you may place one chapter from the original manuscript (not the published version) of your monograph on any non-commercial, non-profit subject repository. You are responsible for retaining the PDF of the proof copy and for providing the PDF to your institution.

The embargo period is 36 months from the publication of the most recent edition. So, if a paperback is published after the hardback edition, the embargo extends to 36 months from the later paperback publication date.

This policy does not apply to textbooks, handbooks, edited collections, critical editions or reference works."
"If the most recent edition of your book was published more than 18 months ago, you can flip it to open access for a book processing charge of £3000 (+VAT if applicable). For books published less than 18 months ago, the standard book processing charge of £8,000 (+VAT if applicable) applies.

You can flip an individual chapter in an edited collection published more than 18 months ago to open access for a chapter processing charge of £500 (+VAT if applicable). Again, if the most recent edition of the book was published less than 18 months ago, the standard chapter processing charge of £1,500 (+VAT if applicable) applies".
No information on fee waivers / discounts.
Edinburgh Diamond (Library Publishing Service) No fees charged - Diamond publisher. Authors utilise the Creative Commons license of their choice.
No information provided.The use of a Creative Commons license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content onlyDiamond - no fee - waiver N/A.Find out more about what is and isn't included via the service provisions page
Liverpool University Press£8,500
£680 approx chapter charge

"A Books Processing Charge (BPC) will be required. As all books are different in terms of length and production requirements, please contact your commissioning editor for an exact figure. As a guide, for a manuscript of 85,000 words with no images, a BPC of £8,925 (plus VAT) would be required.

If a chapter is required to be Open Access in a book that will not as a whole be available Open Access, then there will be a Chapter Processing Charge (CPC) and the retail price of the final book will reduce accordingly. This is worked out as follows: the number of words in a chapter required to be OA is worked out as a percentage of the total word count in the manuscript (for example, 8,000 words of a 100,000 word manuscript is 8%). The CPC is therefore 8% of the £8,925 (plus VAT) BPC for a 100,0000 word manuscript, which is £714 (plus VAT). The price of the final book is subsequently reduced by 8%: for example, the original £80 retail price for a 100,000 word book becomes £73.60."
"For both Green and Gold Open Access publications, the Creative Commons licence we recommend is CC BY-NC-ND, which allows an author’s work to be copied and shared (with attribution to the author as the creator of the work) but not altered in any way or put on a commercial platform. However, we are happy to accommodate other Creative Commons licences to fulfil the terms and conditions of funders."

"All Open Access titles undergo extensive marketing, just like our non-Open Access publications: there is no difference in the time, attention and investment we put into our Open Access publications, only the final format is different."
"Our Green Open Access policy allows the thesis or original manuscript the contracted Liverpool University Press work is based on (the pre-publisher version) to be archived by the author in an institutional repository on the following terms:

- a Green Open Access Form is completed. Please discuss with your commissioning editor;

- the thesis or original manuscript (the submitted pre-peer review version) is uploaded after an embargo period of 24 months after the publication of the contracted Liverpool University Press version, which must be acknowledged in the abstract. A link to the published edition on our website should also be included;

- if you require a 12 month embargo due to UKRI OA policy, then please contact your commissioning editor as soon as possible to discuss further;

- the author accepted manuscript, or the proofs, or the published edition by Liverpool University Press cannot be uploaded;

- the submitted version (the pre-peer review version) can only be uploaded on a non-commercial, non-profit platform."
No mention of retrospective OA.The Open Access Author Fund has been created to support Open Access publications by early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences.

See Consortial Agreements (next column) for additional consortial waivers and discounts.


An Opening the Future membership allows LUP to publish new OA monographs, while your library simultaneously benefits from access to closed content, and no single institution bears a disproportionate burden. For a modest annual fee your library gets DRM-free, unlimited access to a closed-access selection of our backlist, with perpetual access after three years. We use the membership revenue solely to produce new OA monographs, moving towards an affordable, sustainable model for academic publishing and creating a diverse collection of OA books.

Find out more:
View prices here:

OPENUP: An ECR Monograph initiative

Six well-established University Presses from the UK are proposing a collaborative project to secure funding for a number of first books by UK-based early-career researchers. Libraries will be asked to subscribe on a banded basis and their participation will fund the cost of Diamond OA for a list of eligible books.   

This three-year pilot project aims to raise £96,000 per year to fund Open Access publication for 12 books in each period. The first batch of books will publish in 2023, and the books will have undergone extensive peer-review at various submission stages. If the threshold is not met within the pledging period, either a smaller number of books will be published Open Access in the following year, or the amount will be combined with that for future years.

Find out more:


LUP is working collaboratively with 30 other institutional presses in partnership with JSTOR, to bring about equitable access and impact for the entire scholarly community. This funding model will provide libraries with affordable access to diverse, high-quality frontlist titles; support small and medium university presses in OA publishing; help authors reach a global audience; and advance equity of access to underserved researchers around the world. In 2024 alone, 16 Open Access books will be published from LUP through the initiative.

Find out more:

Information provided by Journals Marketing Executive - Liverpool University Press 02/01/2024

Cambridge University Press"Our standard charge for a monograph of up to 120,000 words and up to 85 figures is £10,500 (US$13,000 & €12,000, excluding any applicable VAT or local sales tax), and £60 per additional thousand words. We do, however, consider each book individually. Additional fees may apply depending upon the complexity of the work and for books with more than 85 figures."
"Our default licence is CC BY-NC, but we will allow other Creative Commons (CC) licences (particularly CC BY-NC-ND)."
"As an academic publisher, Cambridge University Press prides itself
on recruiting the best work by the best authors and our rigorous peer
review process allows us to do this. As a Cambridge author, you will
enjoy the benefits of a dedicated and expert editorial team throughout
the development of your work. "
In depth information provided:
We now allow books to be converted to open access retrospectively. Please contact your Cambridge editor for more information
Only funding possibilities mentioned, not discounts or waivers. "Can Authors Request a Discount for the Book Processing Charge?"
CUP has an OA Books agreement with the Max Planck Group. It is a 3-way partnership whereby the MPG provides partial open access funding for authors affiliated with this prestigious group of institutions.
We consider each book individually. Additional fees may apply depending upon the complexity of the work and for books with more than 85 figures.
International Water Association PublishingIndividual Book Chapters

1 <10 Pages £750
2 10-25 pages £1,500
3 >25 pages £2,000


1 <100 Pages £5,000
2 100-300 pages £10,000
3 300-500 pages £15,000

From September 2024, authors can choose from the following list of Creative Commons user licences. Prior to this date, authors had the option to select from CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND licenses, and articles accepted before the change may be published under these terms.

It is the authors' responsibility to ensure the licence selected complies with their funding body’s requirements. Once selected, Creative Commons licences are non-revocable.

"We pledge to maintain high ethical standards related to all aspects of the publication process, to provide a personable service to our authors, editors, and reviewers, and to aim towards the most effective propagation of our publications."
The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license permits sharing via repositories.No option for retrospective OA.

Mentioned but no contact/ further information for books. Information on articles:

We believe that anyone should be able to publish OA, regardless of status, geographical location or institutional affiliation. As such, we are committed to assisting our authors to overcome barriers to the publication of their work OA.

Open Access books are free for anyone to read and download, all over the world. In order to sustain this model, we charge authors a book processing charge (BPC) which covers the cost of editorial assistance, book production, indexing, and marketing. Authors can choose to publish individual chapters or entire books as Open Access. For the corresponding BPCs, please see below.

Authors interested in OA book publishing are encouraged to contact their institution or funding agency to inquire about the potential for OA support. IWA Publishing is also committed to assisting authors with potential barriers to publishing OA, so get in touch with us, as we may be able to help. All book proposals are subject to full peer review and standard processing procedures.

IWA Publishing spreads knowledge about our most valuable resource, water, helping to improve global health and well-being. We publish a portfolio of 17 peer reviewed journals and 800 books, along with other information resources. Part of the Subscribe to Open Initiative. As a not-for-profit society publisher, any surplus generated by our publishing activities are rechanneled towards the charitable missions of the International Water Association; including contributions to sustainable development in a water-wise world.

All OA content is made freely available at and collated in IWA Publishing eBooks Collection (IPEC). Fully OA works are listed on the Database of Open Access Books (DOAB), OAPEN Library and Google Books. Print versions are also made available for sale on the IWA Publishing site, Amazon, and other local distributor sites.
De Gruyter"We calculate our open access fees individually based on the manuscript and the requested services.

For open access monographs and collected volumes, our fees start at about 7.000€ plus VAT. Possible additional costs depend on the type of the book (size, complexity, services required).

Please contact the appropriate editorial office for a specific offer."
"All established Creative Commons licenses are possible for books and book chapters."

DeGruyter Open Access Statement:
We are committed to sound peer review, rigorous editorial practices, and high-quality author services.'

The use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license permits sharing via repositories. Book chapters are not explicitly mentoned. No information given for retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers/ discounts.

Together with partners like the Göttingen State & University Library and Jisc, we have been able to transform almost 100 books to open access through these collaborative funding models in recent years, without any costs to the authors.

The crowdfunding is organized exclusively through established library infrastructures. Instead of purchasing the ebook license or the printed book as in the past, participating institutions fund the open access publication of selected new publications in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Possible additional costs depend on the type of the book (size, complexity, services required). press is owned by De Gruyter.
Springer Nature and associated Imprints:

Palgrave Macmillan

Monographs and edited collections (up to 400 pages): €13,700, $15,800, £11,600.

Proceedings (up to 200 pages) €6,400, $ 7,360, £ 5,440

Springer Briefs and Palgrave Pivots (mid-length format) €7,400, $ 8,450, £ 6,340

Chapters in non-open access books (up to 40 pages) €2,290, $ 2,890, £1,970
"Open access books are freely available for anyone to download, share, and re-use. Springer Nature one of only a couple of major publishers to offer the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) licence as its default licence for OA books. This is the most open licence and allows any form of re-use providing the original publication is credited. Other Creative Commons licences are available on request."
"All open access content published adheres to the high standards expected of all Springer Nature titles with the same rigorous peer-review process.
Peer review is an integral part of the book submission and evaluation process at Springer Nature. The peer review system ensures that published research is rigorous and meets the international standards set by each discipline."
"Book and chapter authors who have published via the paid open access option are encouraged to deposit the final published PDF in their institutional repository or any suitable subject repository on publication.

Authors should include a link to the published book or chapter on Springer Nature Link when they deposit the content in a repository; in all cases, the requirement to link to the publisher’s website is designed to protect the integrity and authenticity of the scientific record, with the online published version on the publisher’s website clearly identified as the definitive version of record.

Authors are advised to check their funders' deposition requirements to ensure compliance."
No option given for retrospective OASpringer Nature does not offer waivers or discounts for open access book or chapter processing charges (BPCs / CPCs). Our publication charges are set at a level to be sustainable, and as such we are unable to offer any fee reductions. Authors without access to funds to cover the open access publication charge are able to publish their title with Springer or Palgrave Macmillan using the traditional model.
For other book types such as books longer than 400 pages, textbooks or reference works, get in touch with a commissioning editor.

Costs seem to be the same across the board for all imprints.
Download Springer's Author Guide to Open Access Books

Download Palgrave's Author Guide to Open Access Books

Waxmann VerlagWe base Open Access fees on a calculation which includes the scope of the work, the target group as well as the impact on sales revenues (no sale of the e-book, lower print sales). For this reason, the fee is individual. Costs for an average publication including layout, correction run, print and e-book edition can be estimated between €4000.00 and €8000.00. GBP 3,408.52 and GBP 6,817.04. We will explain the individual points in a personal offer. We will gladly advise you on the acquisition of funds. offers Creative Commons licenses for many open access publications, which are generally CC BY-NC-SA (BY = the originator has to be mentioned; NC = non-commercial; SA = share alike, the publication must be shared under the same terms). However, other CC licenses are possible as well. Please contact us for more information.
We apply the same formal and contentrelated quality features in our OA publications as we do in our other publications.

Green: As the contributor to a publication, you are allowed to publish your article open access in repositories or on your website (non-commercially) 2.5 years after publication. Please refer to the source and provide a link to the publication if possible. This right may only be granted for individual articles, but not for the entire e-book as it is subject to lawful resale price maintenance.
No option given for retrospective OANo information on fee waivers / discounts.We base Open Access fees on a calculation which includes the scope of the work, the target group as well as the impact on sales revenues (no sale of the e-book, lower print sales). For this reason, the fee is individual.
Your publication will be archived longterm in OA repositories such as Pedocs. We register our open access books at the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), the central international register for academic oa publications that meet the requirements of the discipline in question.
Book Processing Charges

Monograph £9,585 $12,940 €11,025
Short-form £6,390 $8,625 €7,350
Handbook £12,780 $17,255 €14,695
ICE books £9,585 $12,940 €11,025

Chapter processing charges

Fewer than 5,000 words US$1,275
5,000 - 8,000 words US$1,595
8,000 - 15,000 US$2,665

Under the United Kingdom (UK) VAT guidelines, VAT at the standard rate of 20% will be added for any non-business customers in the UK and other European Union (EU) countries. Business customers from outside the UK who can provide a valid VAT registration number will not be charged 20% VAT. Non-business customers outside of the EU will be outside the scope of UK VAT.
"Your work can be reused in a variety of ways with the liberal Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)."
All book proposals are rigourously peer reviewed and we actively in initiatives such as Transparency and Openess Promotion (TOP) Guidelines and NISO Open Discovery initiative.
Our green open access route offers all Emerald journal authors or book chapter authors the option to make their research immediately and openly available upon official publication, free from payment. We are one of only a handful of publishers that doesn’t impose an embargo period.

You may deposit your author accepted manuscript at any point, but it must not be made publicly accessible until official publication (i.e. as soon as it appears on Emerald Insight in its final typeset version).

Emerald allows deposits to the following places:

Your institutional repository (the repository of the institution you are affiliated to)
A not-for-profit subject repository relevant to your discipline
Your personal or company website
On scholarly collaboration networks (SCNs) that have signed up to the STM article sharing principles. Emerald does not currently allow sharing on ResearchGate or
No mention of retrospective OA for long form outputs.No information on fee waivers / discounts.
University of Michigan Press
Gold or Diamond options available. No pricing is outlined for gold.
("For authors")
Our standard author contract for open access books allows the author to select which CC license to use. Because this is the license most usually requested by our authors, our default practise is to assign the CC BY-NC-ND license. However, other licenses may be considered, if appropriate. We encourage you to have a conversation about an appropriate license with your editor as early as possible. Every project is different and we are committed to making sure that open access projects get the same high quality editorial, production, and marketing treatment as any other University of Michigan Press title. open access (or author self-archiving) is an option for all authors publishing with the University of Michigan Press. In this approach, an author typically deposits a version of their work in an institutional or disciplinary repository. Not certain if this covers entire texts or individual chapters. No mention of retrospective OANo information on fee waivers.

Other libraries can participate in Michigan's Fund to Mission model for scholarly monographs.
Since 2021, the University of Michigan Press has been developing a business model we call "Fund to Mission." This model aims to reduce dependence on Book Publishing Charges (BPCs) for open-access book publishing by spreading the costs of producing books across a wide range of institutions and libraries. The promising result of this initiative is that we never require authors to pay BPCs to publish open access. Still, we always request a contribution to our costs if it is available from the parent institution or other funder of the author's work.
Coventry Open PressNo fees charged - Diamond publisher. No information provided.Each proposal will initially be considered by the Press Management Board, which will be supported by an Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC). Coventry Open Press will adhere to the conventions of peer review and provide an industry standard level of editorial and production quality control while aiming to offer a level of author care that is becoming increasingly rare in conventional scholarly publishing.
No information provided.N/A OA born digital content onlyDiamond - no fee - waiver N/A.
Goldsmiths Press"We offer the following routes to open access:

Full and immediate open access on receipt of a subvention to cover the costs of production. Costs may vary and should be discussed with the publisher, but for standard length (50-80,000 word) monographs with no images or with black and white images, the subvention is £7,500 (plus VAT). This route is compliant with UKRI policy on open access monographs...

Final published version available open access after an embargo period of 12 months on receipt of a subvention of £5,000 (plus VAT). This route is compliant with UKRI policy on open access monographs.

Final published version available open access after an embargo period of 24 months. No subvention required for monographs.

The subvention amounts given above assume black and white interior printing. For interior colour printing an additional subvention of £3,000 (plus VAT) is required for all open access models listed above."
All open access books are published under a creative commons license. CC-BY-NC-ND is our default license, but other licenses are available on request and we will comply with funder requirements. Authors retain copyright.
"Your proposal will initially be assessed by the Goldsmiths Press editorial team (and series editors, where relevant). If it fits with our publishing programme and we decide to proceed with your proposal, we will send it out for peer review. We aim to keep authors updated throughout the process.

The review process is single blind. Proposals and sample material are sent to a minimum of two external peer reviewers. We will anonymise review feedback unless reviewers ask to be identified.

Reviewers are selected for their scholarly expertise and experience in the proposal’s field. Suggestions for reviewers are sought from authors in order to help streamline the process, but we will send the proposal to at least one other reviewer as well.

It is expected that peer reviewers will declare any potential conflicts of interest to Goldsmiths Press prior to accepting a review invitation.

Reviewers are asked to provide feedback on: coverage (what is distinctive about the proposal, what the proposed book would add to the field, suggestions for improving scope or structure); readership/reception/market potential (including courses on which the book might be read) and overall recommendation.

If two reviewer reports differ considerably, or are uncertain in their recommendations, a third review will usually be sought.

Completed reviews are sent to the author/editor for a response which is then considered alongside the proposal and the peer reviews by the Goldsmiths Press editorial team, series editors where appropriate and the editorial board. A decision is made on whether to recommend the proposal for acceptance, to request revisions to the proposal (which may necessitate a further round of peer reviews of the revised material), or to decline the proposal for publication. The final decision rests with the editorial board.

Membership of the editorial board consists of academic staff from a range of departments at Goldsmiths and other academic institutions in the UK and abroad. Series editors are invited to become members of the editorial board. Authors are offered a contract for their book once the proposal has been accepted by the board."
No information provided.No information provided.We work with MIT Press and Penguin Random House for print sales and distribution. Open access titles are indexed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) and feature in the OAPEN library of open access books.
London School of Economics (LSE) Press"As an open access press, we are committed to equitable models of publication, and we are often able to publish diamond open access (i.e. fund publications, without fees). We do ask those authors who are able to apply for grants, or who have access to open access funding, to do so. To find out more information, please contact LSE Press directly."

"Financing your LSE Press open access book:

Book publication charges

LSE Press welcomes proposals for monographs and edited collections that fit our mission to publish social science research with the potential to influence academic debate, public policy and the broader conversation.
For authors with access to funding to support open access publication (e.g., via UKRI funding, research grants or institutional support) our book publication charges (BPCs) are set out below.

Word Count Book Publication Charge
Up to 60,000 words £5,500
60-125,000 words £7,500
Over 125,000 words Bespoke pricing – please discuss with our Managing Editor at

Please note for books with a high number of images or special features extra fees may apply – please discuss your requirements with our Managing Editor. All fees are subject to VAT, where applicable."
"LSE Press is an open access publisher, and all our publications are free to read. We do not request a transfer of copyright from our authors, but licence publications using Creative Commons licences:

Journal content is licenced using a CC BY(Creative Commons Attribution) licence, allowing full re-use with credit to authors
Book content is licenced using a Creative Commons licence to be decided in consultation with authors/editors."
All research publications by LSE Press will undergo a rigorous peer review process by subject experts. Peer reviewing arrangements for individual journals and book series published by LSE Press are determined by the editorial board for each journal or series. Details of their specific arrangements are available on their individual pages. LSE Press supports a range of peer review models, depending on which is most suitable for the journal, book or book series. All our publications are required to adhere to the COPE guidelines for best practice and all reviewers to follow COPE’s ethical framework for reviewing, and LSE Press’s own guidelines on confidentiality, and declaring conflicts of interest. The use of a Creative Commons license permits sharing via repositories.N/A OA born digital content only"Diamond open access publication:

For authors and editors who do not have access to funding for open access book publication, LSE Press is able to waive fees for a certain number of titles per year that fit our mission. This applies to authors and editors based at any research institution across the globe, whether LSE based or not. If you do not have access to funding but would like to discuss your project with us please get in touch with our Managing Editor. "
We are committed to funding and publishing high-quality publications from a diverse range of authors, both established academics and Early Career Researchers from across the social sciences. Get in touch with your book idea at and meet us for an informal online chat.
University of Huddersfield Press"If you are interested in publishing a book, starting a new journal or transferring an existing journal, please contact us. We will be happy to explain the services that we have to offer and to discuss with you how we may be able to meet your publishing requirements and objectives....

Our Book Processing Charges (BPCs) are highly cost-efficient and significantly lower-than-average."
"The Author retains copyright, and the Press will ensure that a suitable acknowledgement of the same appears in the copyright line on the imprint page of the Publication. The Press applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License (CC BY) to all published work, unless otherwise agreed. "

Select "Author License - Books" to download form. Above text from bullet #6
University of Huddersfield Press ensures that all research output, in both journals and books, is thoroughly peer reviewed by expert reviewers. Publications of a commentary or opinion nature may not be sent for external peer review but will include editorial review and revisions. All of our journals adhere to the COPE guidelines for best practice.
"As members of Portico, University of Huddersfield Press content will always be made available as open access, in any eventuality.

We fully support and encourage author self-archiving of all content (sometimes termed 'green' open access)."
N/A OA born digital content onlyNo information provided.
University of Westminster PressDiamond model:

"Supported by the University Library, UWP currently offers funding for a limited number of books in certain formats that match our editorial strategy for authors based at Westminster University and also for external authors responding to one of our regular calls for book submissions."

"UWP content is published within the framework of Creative Commons Licenses, which guarantees that copyright remains with authors and editors. Full attribution is required under the terms of this license to accompany all reuse and dissemination. The standard license UWP uses for our journals is CC-BY, (though our book titles are published CC-BY-NC-ND) which ensures maximum distribution and minimum restrictions for reuse within reasonable limits, whilst guaranteeing that the author(s) and the source of the content are always acknowledged and book authors are consulted about translations and external rights reuse."
"In order to support and stimulate scholarly communication, we believe that the quality of our publications is of utmost importance. This means that we not only aim for the highest editorial standards, but also produce our publications with care. UWP's journal and book series editors, consisting of prominent scholars, assess all publications, which are also subject to a thorough external peer review process.
The use of a Creative Commons license permits sharing via repositories.No information provided.Diamond OA model. No author fees associatied.
Operting under a BPC model, our intention is to keep charge as low as possible. BPCs are always calculated on the specific features of each book, primarily (but not limited to) extent, use of complex features and design.

Book submission guidelines can be found here
Boydell & Brewer"Our Book Processing Charge (BPC) is £8,500/$11,000 (excluding VAT or other applicable sales taxes). This covers a manuscript up to 120,000 words. We charge an additional £100/$135 (excluding VAT and sales taxes) for every additional 2,000 words over this limit. The BPC covers up to a combined total of 30 black and white images, figures, tables and illustrations. We aim to accommodate a higher number if the work requires it. Please consult with your editor if this is the case."

"Our standard Chapter Processing Fee (CPC) is £1,250/$1,650 (excluding VAT or other applicable sales taxes). For simplicity, we apply one rate of fee regardless of number of chapters in title and/or length and this accommodates most cases. However, there may be cases in which this fee is adjusted depending on the length of the book that contains it, and/or the length of the chapter itself. If so, you and your funder will be made aware of any adjustments needed."
"We make Open Access titles available under a Creative Commons license. We recommend a CC BY-NC-ND license, which means your work can be copied and shared (with suitable attribution) but cannot be altered or used for commercial reasons. We can accommodate other Creative Commons licences. Please discuss with your editor if you require an alternative one."
Open Access titles receive the same rigorous peer review process that all our academic titles go through. A proposed Open Access title must pass our peer review and editorial guidance process to be published.
No information provided."We will consider requests [for previously published work to be made OA]. A fee would be payable, and the appropriate permissions would have to be cleared by the author. Please contact your editor for a quote." "Can my already contracted or published book be made Open Access"
No information on fee waivers / discounts.We make a Digital Rights Management (DRM) free PDF available via Boydell & Brewer Open Access, EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR, DOAB, OAPEN, and Project MUSE (for URP titles) and other repositories as required by your funding body. We market Open Access titles alongside our non-OA content. Our aim is to deliver value for money to the funders and to drive usage and promote discoverability. When an OA title is published, we make a print edition available within three months. We are clear in our bibliographical data and marketing material that a free digital copy is available.
MIT Press
If not a member of Direct 2 Open, contact the publisher:
MIT recommend that authors attribute CC-BY-NC-ND. However, they will work with the author on choosing the license. "Whether or not a book is published OA in digital form has no bearing on how it is curated, peer reviewed, edited, designed, or marketed by the Press. All books proceed through the same quality assurance processes and receive the same support from the press.' use of a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) license permits sharing via repositories.There is no mention retrospective OANo information on fee waivers / discounts.MIT is part of Direct 2 Open. Monographs - are funded by library participation in Direct 2 Open:
University of North CarolinaFor now, we target $7,500 as a minimum stipend for immediate open access. But any author who wishes their book to be published OA should reach out to us to explore options. information provided.No information provided.We permit authors to post preprints of book chapters that appear in anthologies of edited collections. We entertain individual requests for posting final pdfs of chapters, but authors should expect there to be an embargo period before we will permit that. No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts.Our current priority is the newly announced Path to Open pilot, developed by UNC Press, the University of Michigan Press, and the American Council of Learned Societies, and being operationalized by JSTOR. Path to Open is an imperfect solution which necessitates paywalls to access for three years before a book becomes completely open. But it has the potential to open far more new university press monographs than any other program, and it does so without any external or grant funding.
"We have not yet identified a specific fee or stipend that would be required to “open” a book. Various pilots have suggested amounts ranging from $3,000 (for previously published books) to as much as $15,000 and more (for new books). OA stipends have no impact on our decision to publish. Instead, they provide us with options for how we would publish. Any author who wishes their book to be published OA should reach out to us to explore options." ALSO "We permit authors to post preprints of book chapters that appear in anthologies of edited collections. We entertain individual requests for posting final pdfs of chapters, but authors should expect there to be an embargo period before we will permit that."
Elsevier$17.000, ~ £13,000.
$1,700, ~ £1,300 chapter charge.

*excludes tax
"Open access books are made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND license."
No information provided.
"Authors wishing to self-archive book chapters can continue to reach out to Global Rights to seek the relevant permission."

No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts for books.
Oxford University PressAuthors can choose to publish their monograph or chapter open access, with the payment of a Book Processing Charge (BPC).

All stated charges are exclusive of value added tax, goods and services tax and any similar sales or excise taxes (Sales Taxes). Any Sales Taxes will be added to the invoiced charge at the prevailing rate, as applicable.


Standard monograph or edited volume*: £12,250 / $15,750

Chapters**: £1,995 / $2,675

*Up to 120,000 words (inclusive of notes). For works longer than 120,000 words, the price will increase by £460 / $590 for each additional 6,000 words. Illustrations (figures, tables, music examples, etc.) will be counted as equivalent to 250 words.

**Up to 9,000 words. For chapters longer than 9,000 words, the price will increase by £265 / $355 for each additional 3,000 words.
"OUP’s standard licence for OA books is Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivates (CC BY-NC-ND), which permits unlimited distribution, provided that the published work is shared non-commercially, unchanged and in its entirety, with full credit to the author. Under this licence OUP will also manage commercial rights, including translation deals and licensing, for the author." "OUP applies the same peer review and editorial development processes to all books whether published open access or under a customer sales model."
Specifics provided in the "Rights Granted" section of the website below.
"As well as publishing new books on an open access basis we are also able to convert backlist titles to OA and if you are the author of a published work and a funder has made funds available to help accelerate OA by converting existing published works, please contact your Editor."
"We are pleased to be able to offer a discount of 40% on our BPCs for early career researchers (ECRs). We define an ECR as an author publishing their first or second book who is within six years of their first academic appointment, excluding any career breaks such as family care and health reasons. Please contact your OUP editor if you feel you may be eligible for the discount."
University of Calgary Press: LCR Publishing

No information provided."We therefore embrace Open Access publishing and make our scholarly books available in free-to-download PDF format under a BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license in addition to publishing our books in print and for-purchase eBook formats."
LCR Publishing welcomes queries from scholars seeking to publish meaningful scholarly or technical work that falls outside the strict format of the academic monograph, and that does not require additional peer review. No information provided.N/A OA born digital content onlyNo information on fee waivers / discounts. An imprint of the University of Calgary Press, LCR Publishing is a full-feature publication program for those seeking to publish and distribute funded meaningful scholarly or technical work that falls outside the strict format of the academic monograph and does not require additional peer review. Offering a suite of editorial, production, and distribution services overseen by the University of Calgary Press, this program is an ideal choice for complex findings and detailed reports, time-sensitive material, handbooks and guides, and more.

Open Access
LCR Publishing in partnership with the University of Calgary Press is proud to make books available in fully Open Access PDF versions available for free use by students, scholars, and the public around the world.
Indiana University PressNo information provided online. Emails not returned. No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.With the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, Indiana University Press received funding through the Humanities Open Book Program to digitize and make open access two hundred titles from our back list. Visit to explore the “Open Indiana” titles in Asian Studies, film, folklore, Slavic studies, language studies, music, and philosophy. In 2022, Indiana University Press partnered with the Big Ten Academic Alliance and its Big Ten Open Books project where nearly more than twenty IU Press titles in gender and sexuality studies were digitized from our back list and made Open Access through the BTAA-sponsored project. information on fee waivers / discounts.A member of Big Ten Books:
Sage No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.Reference handbooks: final manuscript, 24 months after publication. One chapter per author.

SAGE Swifts: final manuscript, 24 months after publication. One chapter per work.

All other books: no allowable archiving
No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts. Information about article processing charges only:
Wiley No information provided online. No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts.
Duke University PressNo information provided online. No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts.Knowledge Unlatched Contact press director
Cornell University PressNo information provided online. No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts.Cornell University PressNo information givenEmailed 06.08.2023
Frontiers Media SA - OA PressNo information provided online.No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts.
Polity PressNo information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No mention of retrospective OA.No information on fee waivers / discounts.
Open Press at University of Sussex No information provided.
No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.No information provided.
Transparent - information available on website
Not transparent - Informaton not available on website
Publisher communication - information obtained via email communication with publisher
If you would like to suggest amendments or additions to the Dashboard, then please do so by completing the following Google Form:
Created by:
Holly Limbert - Publication Practice Librarian, University of Derby
Dan DeSanto - Library Associate Professor, University of Vermont