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1 | Name of Televsion Show | Nuber of Seasons | Genre | Location of Filming | Image | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Game of Thrones | 5 | Fantasy | 54.601423, -5.932470 | http://abovethelaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/game-of-thrones.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | American Horror Story (Freak Show) | 4 | Horror | 26.933139, -80.093851 | http://ll-media.tmz.com/2014/11/14/1114-ahsfs-fx-4.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Portlandia | 5 | Satire | 45.516658, -122.630931 | http://static.stereogum.com/uploads/2012/02/portlandia-lg_620_350.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Orange is the New Black | 3 | Comedy-Drama | 45.516506, -122.630936 | https://pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/orange-is-the-new-black-02-poster1-e1374452170612-959x1024__131205192005.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | The Simpsons | 27 | Animated Sitcom | 34.150521, -118.387399 | http://findcableservice.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/the_simpsons_enlighten_with_life_-lessons.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Family Guy | 14 | Animated Sitcom | 34.061958, -118.353543 | http://cdn3.denofgeek.us/sites/denofgeekus/files/family-guy-01.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Bobs Burgers | 6 | Animated Sitcom | 34.164881, -118.374897 | http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTg2MzI0NTQ3OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODMyMzc1MDE@._V1_SY317_CR1,0,214,317_AL_.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | That 70's Show | 8 | Comedy | 34.148930, -118.338783 | http://media.parentsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Wallpaper-that-70s-show-32444005-1920-1080.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | How to get Away With Murder | 2 | Legal Drama | 34.042593, -118.284997 | http://i.jeded.com/i/how-to-get-away-with-murder-first-season.32058.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Breaking Bad | 5 | Crime Drama | 35.126271, -106.536618 | http://blogs.nd.edu/oblation/files/2013/09/BreakingBad.jpg | |||||||||||||||||||||
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