4 Steps to Sharpen Your Go-to-Market Focus With Customer SegmentationTwo key go-to-market questions for many B2B sales and marketing leaders are: 1. Is their company targeting the right market segments? 2. How well prepared they are to execute their strategy? A strong go-to-market strategy is strongly correlated to revenue performance. Per a recent B2B marketing survey of 500 companies, those who exceeded their revenue targets last year are 5.3x more likely to have an advanced go-to-market strategy where their total addressable market is well defined, sales and marketing teams are well aligned and the company leverages programs like account based marketing (ABM) that are targeted and highly orchestrated.

Product marketers are often the drivers for their company’s GTM strategies, starting with how the company defines its customers and market segments . But designing and implementing a successful plan is not trivial. Typically data silos and manual processes, get in the way of success. Measuring actual performance against the company’s plan is also difficult. So, many companies miss opportunities to drive revenue and growth.

In this session, we’ll dive into the challenges that B2B companies typically face and how product marketers can be the catalyst for improving both their company’s targeting strategy and its execution with strong alignment across revenue teams.
5 Steps to Turbocharge New Hire ProductivityAccelerating sales new hire productivity is top of mind for most high growth companies. However, more often than not, the sales on-boarding process consists of a list of accounts and some credentials to login into the CRM system. At best, organisations end up with a generalized, fun introduction to the company or a monolithic program that consists of product training and more product training. Sound familiar? It’s time to think differently about what it takes to truly enable new hires to accelerate productivity. In this session, we’ll go through 5 key areas that every organisation should consider when building an effective sales on-boarding program.
8 Steps to Build and Scale Product MarketingWhether you're starting out as PMM #1 or stepping into an established organization, developing and scaling a product marketing practice is tough work. It's cross-functional, collaborative, drives go-to-market strategy, and is different at each company. Brittany will share tested strategies to build product marketing excellence, drawing on over a decade of PMM experience at Diligence, Mailchimp, Etsy, and GE. You'll come away from the talk with a blueprint you can apply tomorrow to make more business impact and elevate product marketing inside your organization.
8 Tips for Effective Win-Loss AnalysisWin-loss analysis is the process of capturing and analyzing the reasons buyers do and do not purchase your product or solution. Effective win-loss analysis can help you monitor product/market fit, capture valuable competitive intelligence, hone product strategy, improve sales training, refine marketing messaging, and more. Come hear Clozd's founders share 8 critical tips and best practices for effective win-loss analysis, based on their experience working with product, marketing, and sales teams at Salesforce, VMware, Twilio, Tableau, Adobe Marketo, Avalara, SAP Qualtrics, Pendo, etc.
A Branded Approach to Growth HackingFrom optimizing growth by adjusting spend, to constant creative testing to boost conversion and acquisition, this session will investigate a new-age success strategy that operates in a "sweet spot" that balances brand and performance marketing under a data-rich lens. Attendees will explore this alternate perspective and learn how companies can better serve acquisition- and conversion-focused clients, all while keeping traditional brand principles in place.
A Data Driven Approach to Expanding to New Markets & SegmentsWix's product has evolved from a DIY website builder to a full service business solution. In our talk, we'll discuss how Wix applied a data driven approach to expand, grow and enable a new audience of professionals, agencies and enterprise teams.
A Fanatical Approach to Sales Enablement: Visibility, Insights and ActionsRackspace's Transformation: How this multi-billion dollar organization is using data to gain unprecedented visibility into the organization’s sales engagement and transform their entire customer experience. By moving to an agile sales enablement approach, Rackspace is able to make It’s small changes that have made an enormous impact.

What issue / solution does your session address based on the concept outlined above?
We all know the holy grail of sales is predictable and consistent execution. But in this quest for steady and repeatable, many organizations are putting too much focus on process, playbooks and strategy and not enough on agility.
That was the challenge Rackspace was facing. Over the past year, as part of Rackspace’s America’s Transformation, the sales enablement team has equipped both sales reps and managers with real-time activity data and coaching, making it easier to adapt to changing buyer needs with speed. They’ve established guardrails, removed blindspots, and have created an operating cadence that ensures accountability. The result is an increase in deal capacity; reduced time to close; improved pipeline quality; and a massive improvement in activity visibility.
In this session, Mayme will discuss their experience and provide tips to help Sales Enablement leaders create an agile and truly data-driven sales organization. This transformation not only up-levels your own positions from a support function to a strategic component of RevOps but will also play a critical role in improving overall sales performance and execution.
A Go-To-Market for All: How to leverage and align organizations to GTMsSome will argue that bringing products to market and the market to the product is the mantra of a Product Marketing Teams. But how much clarity does this mantra bring to other departments across the organization? With varying go-to-market strategies and differing opinions of ownership, go-to-markets are challenging to say the least. In this presentation, we’ll discuss a full go-to-market plan that can be refined for any audience in the organization. Why is this important? Because no true go-to-market, beginning to end, all-encompassing strategy omits a department. In fact, a key trait as a PMM is understanding the viewpoints of others and highlighting value. Ask yourself: • Does your Sales team understand how to position a Beta product? • Has your Success team been equipped to upsell the right customer with the new offering? • Will your Implementation team be equipped to configure the best environment? Coordinating this knowledge transfer is a big task, but building a solid foundation for clear definition of roles, responsibilities, and deliverables can result in big wins.
A practical roadmap to drive Sales Transformation in large organizationsMany organizations plan to "transform" sales to cope more effectively with the complexity of the business environment and provide a better customer experience. Yet very few organizations really understand transformation and how to cope with it.

Axel Ferreyrolles, head of innovation & digital strategy for Sales at SAP, will present you a roadmap to transformation based on his latest research and experiences in the area of sales learning and enablement. Axel will present practical cases and exemples to underpin his recommendations.

This presentation aims at widening your perspective on the Sales Transformation journey and provides you with few ideas to support sales professionals and front-line sales managers.
A Three-Step Methodology for Repositioning a Product or Service: A Case StudyHow do you take a high potential product or service that is being misrepresented in a fragmented market and create maximum demand? In this presentation, we will look at how the go-to-market strategy of PwC's software security services were adapted to be more relevant to our clients' needs. This is an opportunity to recognise the common challenges facing product marketers when being given an existing product or service that needs to be refined to meet the business' targets. Attendees will also learn how a simple 3 stage methodology can be used to enable sales and marketing teams to generate more qualified leads and help product marketers to reposition the product or service to acutely meet client need states.
Aligning Purpose, People and Priorities
Aligning Sales & Marketing and Getting Organised for SuccessEstablish strong Sales & Marketing Partnerships which align strategies, objectives, digital processes and tactics. Learn how at Emerson we organised ourselves to better align Sales & Marketing, identified priority projects that impact business growth and drove those changes throughout the organisation.
Aligning Your Company's Product Marketing Department with the Rest of Your Company"Product marketing" means something different to nearly every stakeholder in your company. Sales, product management, and marketing leaders all bring a conception of what product marketing is depending on their current needs and past experiences working with product marketers. We'll share some tips for aligning with these stakeholders to shape product marketing in a way that suits your particular company.
Aligning Your People, Processes, and PrioritiesBuilding sales enablement teams (the story of my extended team)
Gamification; Flagship Enablement Program; Metrics; Digital
Branding, Communications, Success
An Enablement Blueprint for 2020In a world of shortened attention spans, a global workforce, and higher rates of change than ever before, we need to think about new ways of design, delivery and measurement.
Applying Agile and Scrum to Sales EnablementHarvard Business Review Analytic Services dubbed agile software development the competitive advantage for a digital age. For software developers, the Agile development methodology and Scrum process framework enable teams to deliver higher quality products more quickly and respond to changes more effectively.

What many people don't know, is that the benefits are not limited to software teams! In the world of Sales Enablement, the quality of our "product" and our ability to adapt to the changing needs and priorities of our teams are key to our effectiveness for the organizations that we support. By adhering to consistent, lightweight processes, Enablement teams can move towards greater accountability and transparency with their stakeholders, quicker adaptation to changes, and higher quality outputs in less time, all while improving how the team works together through continuous evaluation and iterative improvements.

This introduction to the principles and benefits of Agile and Scrum will explain how this tried and true software development practice can be applied to Sales Enablement to solve some of the most common challenges faced by Enablement teams.
B2B2C + B2C2B - Your New Formula For SuccessThe newest wave of business models: B2C2B (Lyft, Uber, Cavier, Udemy) is taking consumer products and selling them into organizations. It's the same product, but a completely different strategy. How do you tackle this side of the business? What are the best practices and how does Product Marketing impact the success of this model?

Furthermore, it's not just the business model that gaining traction in this new world of business. B2B marketers should incorporate key elements of B2C marketing into their strategies.

At the end of the day, we may be "marketing" to organizations, but it's a human on the other side.
Beyond the Roadmap: Creating Differentiation through PMM LoveProblem to solve: Product differentiation is becoming increasingly difficult as competing products become more and more alike. Proposed solution: I believe you can develop a product's USP out of PMM activities alone. This talk seeks to gently dismantle the idea that if you build a great product, the right customers will find it and realise its full value. 1. Prioritise the Voice of the Customer - Quantitative and qualitative feedback must inform your roadmap and become your competitive advantage. Sentiment score, NPS, are your users truly satisfied with your product offering? 2. Educational content strategically delivered throughout the product lifecycle - Do you understand your customers and their unique pain/fit? How do you ensure you're delivering the right value messaging to the right customer at the right point in the lifecycle, in a way that clarifies a differentiated customer experience that's unique to them? 3. Differentiate with PMM - Put customers at the heart of your product, and deliver product love to your customers. You, and the business, will feel the impact from customer happiness ratings through to the bottom line.
Bringing Product Marketing into your Company ObjectivesOperating between areas can sometimes leave you disconnected from top company goals. Join us to understand how to create excitement and recognition of Product Marketing's influence across the development lifecycle, with the final outcome of having product campaigns as a company objective. </div>
Building a Bridge between Product Marketing and SalesDo you understand the importance of quality content and the need for Marketing-Sales alignment? This session will help you to understand how to build the bridge to close the gap between Sales and Product Marketing teams and create quality content and make it easily accessible to the sales team.
Building a Data Driven Win-Loss ProgramHear how Toast has built a data-driven win/loss program from the ground up to inform sales, marketing, product and company strategy. A win/loss program helps product marketing understand why your company is winning and losing, how to improve sales productivity and where to invest. It's a powerful tool to drive impact, but product marketers often have trouble executing them. Hear practical tips on improving data quality, gaining access to customers and lost deals, tools and tactics to scale a program and how to use data and qualitative insights together.
Building a Product Marketing team from scratchIf your organization already has performance and brand marketing, does it need product marketing? Most likely, yes. But in a lean environment where every hire matters, how do you make the case to take on the strategic work that Product Marketing does?

In this session, we'll go through the ins and outs of what it takes to establish a new product marketing function in your organization including how to convince leadership that product marketing is needed, how to grow your team, and how to ensure the new function is set up for success.
Building Academy: Spinning HubSpot's Flywheel with Content and CodeHubSpot Academy was created to to help HubSpot's SMB customers learn how to use the company's marketing software. For customers to truly see the value of the software, the team needed to teach them how to do remarkable marketing first. While HubSpot's early certification courses were only available to paying customers, educational content has a way of attracting people. Non-customers found their way in, and to HubSpot's surprise, they started buying software. That’s when the company hired its first growth marketer. Join Eric's presentation for an inside look at what happened next, and the lesson's he's learned building an acquisition channel founded in customer-centricity.
Building Products with the Customer in MindIn this session, Adam will explain how customer obsessed PMMs influence global product and marketing decision making at Uber, from UX research to product design to GTM campaigns, while sharing important lessons learned along the way.
Built to Scale: 6 Lessons from Leading the PMM Function at UberTen years ago, Uber was born out of a watershed moment in tech. The rise of smartphones, the advent of app stores, and the desire for on-demand work supercharged the companys growth and created an entirely new standard for consumer convenience. Like so many companies growing at a serious clip, there was no single organizational blueprint and teams were built in a constantly evolving environment. Director of Product Marketing Management Laura Jones will share lessons from defining, building and scaling Ubers Product Marketing function and team.
Challenges of Moving into an Enablement RoleJoin Chris Atwood from as he discusses some of the unique challenges moving into an enablement role from a sales career. His enablement team has both strong sales experience and strong enablement experience and that proves very beneficial in building programs. He will discuss how he works with a Sales team that has to meet both mission and metric goals and how through enablement the teams need to balance both messages in their sales initiatives.
Chaos Ensues: Identifying your Sweet Spot with a Horizontal Go-to-Market StrategyA common problem faced by PLG Saas businesses across all industries is growing too wide. Yes, too wide, meaning your offer can solve many customer problems, but none perfectly.

Understanding the market-product fit (no, it is not product-market fit) and what GTM strategies to apply become harder as you become agnostic to all use cases and want to cater to all.

How do you find a sweet spot in all this chaos, that pleases your board, your executives and most importantly that keeps your ideal customers
Clarifying your Role as an Outbound Product MarketerYou're not part of corporate product marketing? You're based in EMEA? You're not aligned with an SKU? What do you actually do? Add massive value with outbound product marketing! Using GDPR as an example, let me explain.&nbsp; - The role of outbound (field-based) product marketing in a large, multi-national organisation - Typical tasks and activities of an outbound product marketer - Focus where the value and opportunity is - using GDPR as a case study on how to drive value locally - How to approach localisation strategically - What to look for when hiring an outbound product marketer
Competitive Intelligence at the Speed of DevOpsMany organizations struggle to keep pace with competitive intelligence. Information is kept in different forms: email, Slack, Google Alerts, news feeds, LinkedIn, etc. How can teams keep up with the evolving and changing competitive landscape in the world of continuous delivery and DevOps?

Join Clint Sprauve, Sr. Competitive Intelligence Marketing Manager and hear a real-world case study of how competitive intelligence is done at GitLab. You will learn:
- How GitLab manages competitive intelligence for over fifty companies across ten categories
- What tools, techniques, and resources are used to keep information up to date
- Lessons learned and key results
Conversations Not Content: How Sales Enablement Lost Its WayWhat does sales enablement actually mean? It seems like a straightforward enough question, but if you were to ask any three sales enablement experts what sales enablement actually is, you'll get three very different answers. If you google a definition, vendor SEO will inundate you with spin.

Furthermore, much has changed about B2B buyers over the last 10 years. These sales cycles are complex for both the buyer and the seller. With an average of 6 people involved in a standard buying committee, and more competition than ever, it's more important than ever to sustain engagement, increase the speed of sales cycles, and be consultative – adding value to your prospects and establishing credibility and trust.

We'll unpack how we should define enablement in today's selling environment, arm attendees with tools, tips, and tacts for generating revenue and demonstrating success. More than anything, we'll hone in on why conversations matter more than content - even to product marketing teams responsible for generating content.
Cracking the Code: How to establish an effective GTM StrategyCookie cutter GTM plans are old school. Product and Solutions managers are required to think out of the box to reach out to the "new digital persona" to grow the business fast. In this presentation, Silvia Davis will share how to create and an effective GTM Strategy based on research, data analytics, including scaled agile techniques, to execute to success.
Craft your metrics for a competitive programWhile there are many varying perspectives -- all with some merit -- on how competitive intelligence or CI should be integrated into a business strategy (which may be the subject of another article), one thing is for sure: Without a strong pulse on your competition, you will have blind spots across every function in your business. Moreover, in a startup environment, there are many strategies and tactics you can deploy to capture a lot of immediate upside, as well as arm yourself for the future. Here are a few quantifiable ways to think about your competitive program, and the partners and stakeholders involved. This article is simply around defining What to measure and Why you should measure it, and not a deep dive into how to actually move the needle across these metrics.
Creating Effective Product Marketing Demonstrations: Some Dos, Some Don'ts.A picture is worth 1000 words, so the saying goes. Well, the same is true when it comes to product demonstrations. Nothing illustrates the power and relevance of a product solution to a company’s business better than actually demonstrating how it works and, more specifically, how it is relevant to them and solves their business problems. But it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Most often, product solution demonstrations are lead with a focus on product features and capabilities that dwell on a product’s technical capabilities, diluting or completely missing that more important message. Marketing scripted demonstrations ensure that any demonstration regardless of the medium (webinars, live demonstrations, guided tours, and so on) are consistent, always in tune with the latest messaging and focused on reinforcing how the specific product solution solves their specific business problems.
Cross Organizational Alignment using OKR's: LastPass Case StudyJoin this session to hear how we used Product OKR's to align different departments to hit our goals and theirs.
Crush CX with Human-Centered DesignWe see a problem and turn to numbers to make a "data-driven decision." Research the "best practices" and obsess about "what are our competitors doing?". But when's the last time you went into the real world with a customer and watched them evaluate new products on the shelf? Shadowed them as they did their job throughout the day? Or invited them to design a new concept with your team? While data, best practices and competitive insights are nice, they're no replacement for customer empathy, the source of truly innovative customer experiences. And that's what human-centred design is all about. In this session, you'll hear case studies that provide the fundamentals of human-centred design aka design thinking Actionable techniques to apply to develop customer empathy and CX innovation and a wealth of follow on resources to enrich your human-centred design toolkit.
Data and Competitive Intelligence (CI) for Product Innovation: Enterprise v. StartupsData and competitive intelligence can help drive significant data-points to evolve product/service to match current market needs. There are differences and similarities on how this works in startups and small businesses compared to large enterprises.
Data-Driven Story Telling That Actually Resonates (Really!)Let's face it, product marketers frequently need to convince people into action. But how do you make sure that the message resonates and your desired outcome actually happens?

In this session, learn the ins and outs of how to create a more meaningful story within and outside your company just by adding a dash of data. Eugenia will share how she intertwines data into all parts of her product marketing responsibilities.

From internal product roadmaps to product launch posts, you'll have the right framework to apply data to any story you tell.
Defend your market share & win more deals with competitive intelligenceIntelligence is worth nothing until someone takes action. Join Kompyte's Chief Executive Officer, Pere Codina, for a discussion around the best practices top sales enablement (and product marketing) professionals use to win more deals in a crowded market.
Define Product Marketing, Define your strategyEvery organization is different and how you position product marketing within your unique org is critical to how well others will understand what we do and ultimately, your success. There is a broad set of responsibilities that could define this role. However, the skill sets and capabilities of the adjacent teams you collaborate with will define the role for you and your org.In this talk, we will walk through a composable framework to define product marketing within your unique organization so you can better relate to your peers and management.
Developing a Product Marketing Strategy for a Freemium ProductA Case Study: How HubSpot Became Free
Developing a Product Marketing Strategy for a Mobile AppHear Julie's experience building a Product Marketing strategy for the Etsy app and all the best practices she learned along the way.
Developing Personas the Right WayHaving a deep understanding of your customer is the only way to create marketing that resonates. Many organizations think they know their customers, but many times, a persona just scratches the surface of understanding what makes them tick. This presentation will cover how to ask the right questions in customer interviews to get to the bottom of what customers really think (and not what they think you want to hear) as well as some social tools to dig deeper into persona research.
Dieter Rams' 10 Commandments of Design Applied to Product MarketingDieter Rams was the legendary designer at Braun who reinvented that industrial goods company, inspired future designers (including Apple's Jony Ives), and developed the "10 Commandments of Design" that provided a framework of high level design principles for designers to use. In this talk I will be taking each of those 10 design principles and showing how they also apply to good product marketing practices.
Disruptive go-to-market strategies for exponential growthAs a product marketer you are responsible for making products successful in the market. But most of us play it safe, focusing on the same tried-and-tested GTM strategies and delivering the slow and steady growth that gets us the results expected. Perhaps because we have not stopped to think beyond the obvious, can’t get buy-in or are afraid of failing.

Every once in a while, we see products with hockey stick growths because of the strategic decisions on - the product roadmap, target market, pricing, partnerships, channel strategy and more. These are the disrupters we need to learn from and imbibe. With real examples from my personal career and across the market, I will show you how easy it is to think beyond the norm, how to get buy-in and how to embrace your fear of failure.
Does Product Marketing deserve a new name?Technology and products have evolved significantly over the past 10 years, requiring the teams in charge of taking these solutions to market to gradually expand their skills and the scope of their responsibility. In some enterprises, B2B technology product marketers have become the linchpin of the business go-to-market strategy and execution. In parallel, the marketing function relies on new approaches - content marketing, videos, advanced lead capture, and many more. For example, in support of thought leadership initiative, product marketers are often asked to write narratives that say little about the product.

As we enter a new decade, there is an opportunity for product marketers to redefine their role. This panel will discuss what product marketing should be like in the next 10 years. Leaders from different B2B technology segments will bring their experience to unfold whether product marketers of tomorrow should center their function on thought leadership, storytelling, technical skills, go-to-market, positioning, or content marketing.
Drive More Efficient Sales through Smart Sales EnablementAt Progress, enablement is paramount to our continued success. Learn how we have been able to successfully digitally transform our sales enablement effort reducing costs and increasing over-all impact. By leveraging the Sales Performance Model, we have effectively used new analytics to identify the right sales resources, how to on-board and support through more streamlined training and content. Find out how you can leverage cross-functional efficiencies from Human Resources, Marketing, Sales, and Engineering to drive more effective customer conversations.
Driving "0 to 1" innovation as a product marketerProduct marketers have a big role to play in the innovation, incubation, and prioritization of new products. In today's product-led companies, how can product marketers assess market needs, identify matches with internal capabilities, and win support to influence new concept development? In this session, Angela shares her experiences working "0 to 1" products at Facebook and Intuit, from opportunity identification to concept development to product-market fit validation.
Enabling Sellers to Sell Technical or Ephemeral SolutionsWe all have the challenge of helping our sellers translate ephemeral and technical services, software and solutions into practical, differentiated offers that will have real meaning to a customer. Something a customer can get excited about, something they are proud to present to their board or C-level staff, something they can see themselves in and be a part of. This is the real work of the Sales Enablement group - giving sales what they need to be successful, grow their customer base, blow out their quota and be proud of selling. We will discuss the key aspects of supporting our sellers in selling or including the services and software that are so critical to creating life time value with a customer and in differentiating our total solution from our competition.
Establishing the Product Marketing FunctionShare best practices on how to help younger organizations realize the value of product marketing.
Establishing your Sales Enablement “Republic”, Federal, State, and Local!Developing a corporate Sales Enablement practice is seemingly simple, and has been described in a variety of ways that mirror this charter: help sales teams get the right information to right personnel at the right time in a way that is memorable and effective right away. Many times, however, a one-dimensional approach is used to execute this charter, and it seems to miss some critical steps that are necessary to know and explore. This session will describe the concept of “federal, state, and local enablement” – what this analogy is means, why it’s important, and the “constitution” that is required ahead of time to serve your “republic”.
Everything I did and learned my first year at a startupMarketing at an early stage startup is nothing like marketing at a Fortune 500 company. A year and a half into the fast pace of startup life and having done more than I thought was even possible in such a short period of time, I realized that I had to re-think my approach to product marketing. In this keynote, I’ll share everything I did and learned about product marketing for startups. From starting without a robust tech stack (hello SQL queries) and running customer interviews out of a Starbucks, to launching a $1M campaign with 2 weeks to prepare and killing it!.
Finding Product Market Fit & Driving Customer Centric InnovationIn early 2018, Vrbo launched a new product for its owners called Boost. While the launch was well received by users and the market, that wasn't always the case. Learn how to channel the deep understanding of your customers, use insights to challenge the thinking of the product strategy, and how customer insights completely shifted the strategy of Boost and helped Vrbo find product market fit for Boost.
From Sales Enablement to Sales Performance - The Next GenerationWhat many tech startups or business units ultimately realize when they attempt to grow to $100m and beyond in revenues is that sales is not just a problem for the sales team, but an entire company problem to solve - from engineering/product, to marketing, and to sales. Therefore, successful "Sales Enablement" must help the entire business sell more better and become more customer centric. We have become more and more critical as a result.

But, What exactly is Sales Enablement today vs Sales Enablement yesterday? Are we sales training? Are we an extension of Marketing? Are we strategic advisors and consultants? Are we all and more? Where are we going?

Furthermore, Why do we exist today? What is the true impact we are expected to deliver to an organization and what problems are we expected to solve? When should a business start building out this solution and how does it look like in an organization?

In this session, we will take a look at how Sales Enablement is evolving into a more holistic Sales Performance scope to drive tangible and scalable business impact while transforming the careers of sales people and leaders within an organization. We will answer what companies truly need from Sales Performance to drive sustainable hyper growth at scale.
From Series A to IPO: Successful Product Marketing at Companies of Every StageIn this keynote session, we'll go behind the scenes with a look at how product marketing evolves as companies go from early-stage to late-stage to public companies. Francis Larkin will share stories from his experiences leading Product Marketing at Facebook, Pinterest, Airtable, and his current role as VP of Product Marketing at InVision.

Join this session to learn about successful product marketing patterns and processes from companies at each stage of their lifecycle. You'll leave with a framework for thinking about the evolution of Product Marketing at your current company and how it can be applied to your career.
From Zero to Something: Bootstrapping Product MarketingWe will discuss what it takes to be the first product marketer at a company and how to be successful doing it.
Getting it right the first time - Managing the change through enablementSales Enablement is more than coaching and training. Tight alignment across an organization means helping teams navigate cultural and market shifts. This means that you have to know both the ins-and-outs of the Organization you service, but then you also need to have the insight and abilities of a professional change manager. But where do you begin? This presentation will break down several key areas of focus when helping an organization navigate changes big and small.
Getting you to a win!How to enable your team with the right message and content for every step in the sales journey. Whether this be by providing valuable collateral at the opportunity stage or helping accelerate the deal cycle we will show you how marketing and sales become a winning team driving bigger deals in target markets.
Go-to-market best practices & strategiesPanel Session: Go-to-market best practices &amp; strategies
Go-To-Market Strategy to win in the marketProduct marketing develops the Go-To-Market strategy and executes it by delivering differentiated product/launch messaging, creating thought leadership and engaging content for target personas, enabling sales/partners and supporting integrated demand generation campaigns.

Join this session to learn about the best practices for developing Go-To-Market strategy and tips and tricks for successfully executing it to fuel the growth of your company and win in the market.
Growing a Sales Enablement TeamGrowing a Sales Enablement Team
Growth Hacking with Real-time CIHypergrowth techniques from real-world examples Intelligence is worth nothing until someone takes action. Join Kompyte's Chief Executive Officer, Pere Codina, for an interactive demonstration on how to apply the best practices top product marketing, sales enablement and growth teams are using to build a competitive advantage. During this interactive workshop, you will learn techniques to: Automate competitive research Organize intelligence in a meaningful way for any audience Deliver competitive Insight in a way that inspires action Measure the impact of your competitive efforts
GTM Strategy - From 0 to 60 in 1 QuarterThe presentation will be a case study of Asana's recent 2019 launch of our solution for Marketing and Creative Production teams. It'll cover the market research, product development, targeting, GTM strategy, sales enablement scoping, content development, training delivery, certification and launch.

The presentation will dig into 3 major focus areas:

- market research and product development
- sales enablement and content development
- training/certification/and launch
Guide to Sales Kickoffs that StickSales kickoffs are a huge commitment of time, budget, and resources but are they effective? With over a dozen sales kickoffs behind me at companies of varying size and stage, I've learned tried and true methods to make sales kickoff stick beyond the event and change behaviors of sales organizations. Whether you're part of a huge sales organization with generous event budgets or a smaller, emerging sales organization with a shoe string budget, the same principles apply.
How HubSpot Growth Team Prioritizes Experiments and Embraces FailureCompanies often begin implementing growth experiments with great intentions of improving lead generation, free user signups, user upgrades and so on. The result is often... disappointing results.

The reason is companies often start with solutions before they've truly understood what problem it is they're trying to solve.

In this talk, you'll learn about how HubSpot approaches the growth experimentation process, how we prioritize ideas to filter out low impact experiments, and how we embrace failure to continue growing.
How Monzo's becoming more than a spending cardMonzo's growth has been rapid. We've now welcomed 3 million customers, and our customers love us for introducing them to a new way of banking. It's our mission to make money work for everyone. Spending, budgeting and paying people are now delightful - and for many, a Monzo card has become a travel essential. But we're not stopping there. Next, we're aiming to become the centre of our customers' financial lives.
How Product Marketing can Drive Change in the face of Disruption. Adapting’s Successful Marketplace for a New Supply Category, Homeowners.How can a product marketer be instrumental in steering change in an established company? How can you go against the status quo to understand new audiences, influence product development &amp; launch solutions for a new category? In this talk, I'll share real examples &amp; practical tips on how we made this happen at, adapting a very successful Hotels marketplace for a new supply category, Homeowners. With a mission to make it easier for everyone to experience the world, has grown from a small Dutch start-up founded in 1996 to the third largest ecommerce company in the world. With over 28m bookable listings, covering 142k destinations in 229 countries worldwide, connects travelers with the world's largest selection of incredible places to stay from apartments, vacation homes, and family-run B&amp;Bs to 5-star luxury resorts.
How to adapt as a product managerProduct management should be industry agnostic and as product manager, we have to adapt quickly to provide value to our customers. the presentation will look at key things I do adapt to new industries and create connections and empathy with my users.
How to be Truly Cross-FunctionalProduct marketing is unique in bringing view points and departments together to deliver a common message, this session will discuss the techniques used by the panel to drive cross-functional collaborations in companies that are often siloed.
How to become a Product Marketing ScientistMany people still believe that product marketing is more art than science. Starting my career at Disney Parks, I learned that the most important aspect of successful product marketing and management is deeply understanding your customer (or guest in Disney parlance) both from a qualitative and quantitative standpoint. Empathy is indeed currency. When you put yourself in your audience's skin, walk around a bit, and get curious, you can more accurately understand what problems you're solving, and, more importantly, understand why it matters.

In this session, I will encourage the audience to embrace the scientific method in their product marketing endeavors, to love math and the power of observation, testing, learning and iterating and to use these tools to their advantage when showing (not telling) the value of what product marketing does to drive the business forward. I will bring in examples from my history working for small start ups that built all the back-end technology for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, mid-sized public enterprise technology firms working across every industry vertical, and now at Morningstar leading a product portfolio that serves the entire value chain in financial services focused on driving better outcomes for investors.
How to become a strategic partner to your product and business teams in 90 daysWhile we may not possess the ability to read minds or move space and time, product marketers have super powers. Hear more about the top three that will help you:

- redefine the role of product marketing
- become a strategic partner to product
- build a house of innovation

So much of what we do is buried in buzzwords and acronyms related to bringing products to market or supporting sales teams. But the true value of our work comes from our ability to marry the vision of a product manager with the unmet needs of the customer.

After this 30 minute presentation you will learn how to wrangle loosely developed roadmaps, wrestle chaotic release schedules and win(back) doubting product managers.
How to create and deliver highly engaging video learning content in the enterprise without spending your entire Sales Enablement budgetI believe that Sales Enablement desperately needs to modernise to align with the way people learn today. Despite the myriad technology available, all too often we still churn out learning that is dumbed down, boring and ineffective. Sadly, in many sales organisations, our mindset is still that learning is an inconvenient duty. For our audience, this is in stark contrast to the inspiring and limitless world of learning at our fingertips outside of work. Why should we settle for less?

Three years ago I set myself a challenge - to figure out how to bring the exciting and engaging style of learning we find on video platforms like YouTube, TED Talks and LinkedIn Learning into the enterprise.

It's been a long journey, but on the way I've learned a huge amount about video production, distribution and promotion in the context of enterprise Sales Enablement. I now have a scalable and repeatable formula for producing consistently great video content using the very latest technology with budget and resources that will make any business case sing. I'm excited to share it with you!
How to Make Product Marketing a Strategic Function at your WorkplaceEver feel like you keep working on mundane, non-strategic tasks? Are you the dumping ground for activities that no other functional stakeholder wants to take on? If this is you, it's time to start thinking (and acting) strategic. Attend this session to learn best practices and real-world examples of how you can establish yourself as a leader and drive the bottom line for your organization.
How to nail product positioning when your company needs a refreshYou know something isn't working. Maybe your company is Series A and you haven't found product-market fit. Or, maybe your company, like the one I work at, is a two-decades old scale-up and in need of a refresh for a modern audience. In either case, product marketing plays a pivotal role in driving changes. In this talk, I'll lay out a proven framework for building new positioning and messaging. I'll provide templates for coming up with the right value prop statements and how to think about other associated components including competitive strategy, business and delivery models, persona development and of course will touch on the process of gaining buy-in and message testing for success.
How to Thrive as the First Product Marketing ManagerBeing a first product marketing manager in a company is hard. You are not only doing your day to day work but also defining the discipline within the company, educating the stakeholders, creating processes, getting buy-ins and building relationships. And once you are established, you need to work on the next natural step of building a team. My session will focus on unique challenges faced by the first and only product marketing managers in the organization and how they overcome those.
If you're not using your product to accelerate growth, you're missing out on a gold mineWith a product-led go-to-market strategy, you can unlock a flywheel of growth across new customers, repeat customers, and referrals. For prospective buyers, experiencing your product firsthand will build trust that'll drive the deal forward. For existing users, they often only interact with your company through your product, so it's important that you create an experience that makes them want to renew and expand. And that's just the beginning.

Join Gainsight's VP of Product Growth, Travis Kaufman, as he shares the foundational aspects of a product-led go-to-market strategy and how to optimize your product experience so it's accelerating growth, not detracting from it.
Important Considerations for Creativity and InnovationEmerging technologies are upon us. Entire industries are being disrupted and traditional models are becoming irrelevant. On top of it all, we are bombarded by news about racism, climate change, politics and entertainment. How much of this do we carry with us into our professional lives and how does it affect your creativity, decision making, professional relationships and career? We selected some of our friends from Oracle, Dell, Google, Knock and more, all from very different life experiences and with a variety of professional and personal challenges to share. We're often told to stay away from these topics, but is that really possible? How do you find that balance between your personal and professional life or are they one in the same? In this session, learn about different perspectives on living your truth, being an individual and the topic of inclusion.
Insight to Installs: How leveraged customer insight to deliver stellar go-to-market resultsCase Study: Learn how the team identified a key customer pain-point and built an integrated go-to-market plan and cutting-edge app technology solution to cut through a crowded category and garner 250MM+ media impressions, +900% lift in app downloads, +33% lift in conversion rate, and feature as App of the Day with virtually no media spend.
Inspiring the Next (Cloud) Generation of UsersThe world is changing. Rapidly. Today's incoming community of customers has grown up in a world of cloud-based services and device-independent digital user experiences. Users expect to easily consume messaging and content, intentionally or not, with any device they choose, at any time, and from anywhere. Concise, simple, and compelling storytelling remains paramount for marketers, and smart use of social media must be part of any company's marketing strategy. This presentation will cover how IGEL Technology has evolved from a classic technology-driven device company to a platform-independent software provider, successfully positioned as a key enabling element for the delivery of cloud-based services. It will also discuss how product marketing is playing a huge role in positioning the company for success in a fast-changing world. Specific examples will be shared to show how digital storytelling, easy-to-use sales tools, community building, and social marketing techniques are being used to engage and retain a steadily growing customer base.
Iterate to perfectionAt Progress, enablement is paramount to our continued success. Learn how we have been able to successfully digitally transform our sales enablement effort reducing costs and increasing over-all impact. By leveraging the Sales Performance Model, we have effectively used new analytics to identify the right sales resources, how to on-board and support through more streamlined training and content. Find out how you can leverage cross-functional efficiencies from Human Resources, Marketing, Sales, and Engineering to drive more effective customer conversations.
Keeping Customers Close: Simple PMM Strategies to Drive RetentionIn the world of tech start-ups the focus is often "fast growth" and we position PMM as an essential customer acquisition lever. However, in this talk, I will focus on the sometimes overlooked but equally crucial role PMM can play in customer retention. By showcasing the PMM strategies I have successfully implemented at Farfetch, I will share some simple approaches that every product marketeer can implement immediately to improve their product offering and impact retention. What's more I believe this can be done with very little budget! Farfetch's technical products are used by many of the world's top luxury global brands and boutiques who transact on our marketplace. The list of major fashion players who do not use our products is short! So, for the platform's success to continue, retention is key. Insights from my experience at Farfetch will demonstrate how you can use Product Marketing strategies to enhance your proposition to existing customers, strengthen your product development cycle and influence the building of products that better meet existing customer needs.
Know thy CompetitionWork out what business you're really in.
Determine who (or what) you compete against.
How do you move beyond 'managing your product'?
Learning from Startup Product Marketing at the EnterpriseProduct marketing can look significantly different in a large enterprise vs a startup. In this session, I'll share my experiences moving from product marketing at a startup to product marketing at one of the largest companies in the world.
Leaving The Teen Years BehindIt seems like just yesterday when we first began hearing the term Sales Enablement. For many, it truly has been a short journey from our youthful beginnings of less than a decade past. As Sales Enablement continues to gain ground and become ever more-formalised across business and regions, I will share my own journey within American Express GBT as we take a brief look at both past and current definitions and perceptions of the role of Sales Enablement - and explore the potential 'next' for this growing and maturing area of expertise.
Leveraging AI to Accelerate Sales EffectivenessElavon describes how we are leveraging an outsourced AI programme to build intelligent segmentation, subsequently directing precious sales and account management bandwidth against the most attractive opportunities, with the greatest potential value.
Market Readiness - A Holistic Approach to CommercialisationIn the past 10 years, Visma has gone from a small Norwegian player with on-prem solutions, to one of Europe's largest cloud software-providers with more than 1 million customers. A transition that has demanded new ways of working with both product development and GTM strategies. In this session, we will dissect how to commercialize a good idea into a selling success using cross-functional teams. You will learn the foundation of market readiness, how to mastercross functional teams to ensure a successful launch and reach Day Zero ASAP. This session will guide you to an effective market readiness approach combining product development, marketing and sales and customer success.
Mars and Venus Research: Market Insights, Meet Data ScienceUnderstanding customers through market research is a fundamental part of a PMM's toolkit. But what if Data Science challenges traditional forms of insight generation and redefines the notion of 'Quant'? Using a dramatic case study from Culture Trip, Natalie will demonstrate how the two disciplines clash, negotiate and ultimately join forces in creating a data-driven picture of consumer behaviour, and how it falls to the PMM to reconcile the two disciplines, which are only slowly beginning to understand each other.
Method Marketing: Immersing Yourself with your Target Audience"Method Marketing" is an approach to growth marketing that immerses one's self into the product's brand to understand the perspective of the end user - allowing for a more impactful messaging and positioning through effective distribution channels. Come find out what it means to be a method marketer and how it can help grow your audience.
More than Translation: Making Global Products Locally Credible for International AudiencesJoin this session and hear insights from the panel on: - Typical pitfalls in internationalisation - Ensuring local considerations in global product developments and centrally planned communication campaigns - The challenges faced when launching global campaigns - How best to ensure a wide range of international participants are included in research, testing, QA
Moving from Features to What Customers Really Care AboutNew product developments should enhance your company's ability to address customer challenges and opportunities. How do you go about ensuring that new products are better engaging, converting, and retaining customers?

Working with Product teams, sales &amp; customers directly, Product Marketers have the ability to maximize the impact of existing and future product development.
Moving Past Friction Points in Product MarketingWhen a new product marketing leader joined my company, she brought a product marketing framework and perspective that was completely new to the way we were working. Not only was our day-to-day work changing, we were also shifting the perception of marketing across product, sales and even other marketers! The journey of building a world-class product marketing organization is ongoing, but as I reflect on the growth we’ve experienced as a team, I’d love to share where you can anticipate friction points and how to keep moving forward: -Technical Knowledge - Work Ownership - Old Perceptions - More Perspectives - Marketing Attribution
Navigating Hyper-Growth: Lessons learned building, growing, and scaling PMM at Uber Eats.Three years ago, Uber Eats launched as an experiment within the Uber business. Today, it's the fastest growing product Uber ever launched and a globally beloved brand. Mike Polner, Head of Product Marketing for Uber Eats, talks about navigating hyper-growth as the startup within the startup, the challenges dealing with ambiguity and change, and how to build a winning culture that lasts.
Pay Attention to AwarenessAwareness: What value to offer, and to who? Why should your target audience care? How to differentiate yourself from the competition? How to amplify your value to your target audiences?
Personas with JobsDemographics tell a one-sided story; the same two individuals might have a similar goal but be two completely different persons. This is to say, a product are merely a point-in-time solutions that help users get a certain job done in their personal or work lives. And as a person's needs and preferences fluctuate, a product needs to adapt itself while staying true to its ethos. Case in point: a 60-year old senior manager in London and a 19-year old hipster in Berlin will want to get to a certain place on time. They couldn't be more different from each other, yet they use the same product: Google Maps. I am currently on a journey of exploring people's relationship with money. Credit is a topic that carries a lot of heavy, negative emotion and is a perfect example of the tension between Personas and Jobs-To-Be-Done.
PM vs. PMM - Where Do You Draw the Line?Product managers create product vision, roadmaps and enable R&amp;D teams to build successful products. While marketers build go-to-market strategy, collateral, growth campaigns, and execute webinars and events. The separation seems to be quite clear. Or is it?

PMMs are often described as the ones leading outbound activities. However, shouldn't a PM be the ambassador for their product both internally and externally? Who really owns pricing strategy? What about market analysis? Who should represent the product at trade shows and industry conferences as well as train company' sales force?

In this talk we will explore blurry lines between Product and Marketing, especially in early-stage startups, and how both teams can live in mutually beneficial synergy.
PMM Metrics that MatterWe product marketers have a dirty little secret - we're afraid of Measurement. That's Measurement with a capital M - monitoring the success of a launch or campaign, and tracking all the way through product adoption or sales. Why are we scared? In today's world, there are so many metrics that we could track, that it's overwhelming, and hard to pinpoint what exactly we should focus on. What are the metrics that matter?

Industry experts often describe measurement as an integral part of product marketing, yet many of us struggle with presenting metrics in a way that will actually impact the business. Whether you’re just tracking a launch, working with a longer sales cycle, or managing upsell and cross-sell, measurement can be daunting. This presentation will cover tactics of how to get the metrics that will move your business forward - and impress your product manager, a client, or the CEO. Specifically, you'll learn:

- An overview of some of the top metrics that matter (and those that don't)
- Metrics that matter to different stakeholders
- The importance of pilots
- Examples of how to use metrics to move your business (note: there's no silver bullet!)
Predicting the future. How we demystified AI and the challenges of trust in introducing it to your productA presentation covering our story in building trust in a technology many people weren't ready for. Our story shows how we applied specific user insights to use augmented intelligence rather than pure AI to blend tech and expertise for our customers. This includes sharing our translation from a technical solution to real world results for some of the UK's leading retailers.
Product + Communications = Amazing ExperiencesThis talk will discuss the importance of thinking about communications when creating any product. Experiences have taken over material accumulation and communications enable better experiences.b
Product Launch (and Land): Success stories and learningsBringing products to market is a complex, collaborative and challenging endeavor, and product marketers often sit at the epicenter of this effort, coordinating efforts of multiple departments and teams. This session will share lessons learned in both successful and unsuccessful product launches. It will cover:

·Pre-launch preparedness
·Alpha and beta launch best practices
·Optimizing for what matters
·Launch squads and cross-departmental collaboration
·Doing things that don’t scale
·Prioritizing features and resources
·Measuring, adjusting and relaunching
·What happens after launch; where do we go from here?

The goal of this session is to leave attendees with a set of lessons they can incorporate into their own product launches, no matter the size of the company or the target market of the product.
Product Launches at SalesforceSalesforce is constantly acquiring new companies, building new products, and launching new brands. There's a lot of moving parts, and a lot of stakeholders to align. Chris O'Hara has launched several new products over the last 3 years at Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and shares tips, best practices, and some real life examples. Learn how the PMM team works across product, legal, brand, and executive leadership to brand new products and take them to market.
Product Led Growth: The Rise of the UserNot just another buzzword product led growth is an important go-to-market strategy that underpins some of today's most successful businesses. Think Dropbox, Slack, Zoom, Expensify and Calendly. At OpenView, we define product led growth (PLG) as a strategy that puts the product front and center when it comes to how a company acquires, expands and retains users. Relying on a product-led strategy yields rapid, extremely efficient growth.

In this talk, you'll learn how and why to adopt product led growth strategies spanning the product experience, pricing, go-to-market strategy and marketing. The session will include case studies and specific tactics from leading SaaS companies both from OpenView's portfolio and the broader SaaS world.