Timestamphow many balls should we include?do you like the pouch colors?what title is more appealing/easy to understand for this campaign?how much would you pay for an "instant japanese bath experience kit"?Please add your additional comments hereIACOPO`S FEEDBACK
(new addition) would you appreciate if there is an iron brand on the balls?
8/28/2014 10:41:523They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4instant onsen10 US$
8/28/2014 11:00:223They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro10 US$
8/28/2014 12:20:175give a choiceinstant ofuro15 US$
8/28/2014 12:21:015They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant hot‐spring50 US$
8/28/2014 12:26:123They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro5 US$
8/28/2014 12:31:433They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant ofuro40 US$
8/28/2014 12:42:42Make a bigger pouch to fit fiveThey are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen10 US$
8/28/2014 13:20:125They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant onsen15 US$
8/28/2014 13:27:485They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen5 US$
8/28/2014 13:35:44Always odd numbersAll colors?HinokifuroDepends on the kit. Some kits have more, some kits have less. Not always feeling the same.OK, I will prepare different menues
8/28/2014 13:42:205They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1Japanese bath wood balls30 US$
8/28/2014 13:42:215They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen30 US$
8/28/2014 13:46:403They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant onsen30 US$
8/28/2014 13:50:395They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4instant onsen25 US$
8/28/2014 13:52:573They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant ofuro15 US$
8/28/2014 14:01:053They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen10 US$
8/28/2014 14:17:32and a bigger pouchthe blue and violet are very much alike...stay with the japanese namedepends also on the quality of the bagthanks!
8/28/2014 14:19:115They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4instant onsen25 US$
8/28/2014 14:22:21make the pouch a bit biggerThey are OK. If it was me I would choose #1more people understand onsen20 US$
8/28/2014 14:23:42Adjust the size of the pouchColours could be lighter, they all habe a slightly dark touchOnsen light35 US$
8/28/2014 14:26:595They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant ofuro35 US$
8/28/2014 14:37:244They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4Spa in a pouch5 US$
8/28/2014 14:46:593They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3onsen infussion25 US$
8/28/2014 14:55:373The green one in the top photograph.instant ofuro10 US$
8/28/2014 14:58:104They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant ofuro10 US$
8/28/2014 15:01:275They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3onsen at home$7
8/28/2014 15:02:355They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3onsen at home$7
8/28/2014 15:04:053 (you can always donate two pouch with different aroma)They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1Magic Ofuro Balls or Japanese Magic Touch30 US$
8/28/2014 15:14:115They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen50 US$
8/28/2014 15:25:515They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1flagrant onsen25 US$Difficult to answer the last question since I haven't had the chance to try the instant onset experience!I like the ambiguity fragrant - flagrant...!
8/28/2014 15:31:063They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro10 US$I think it's great idea.
Also beautiful colorful pouches!
Arigatou, very sweet!
8/28/2014 15:40:152They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1neitherdepends on the kit
8/28/2014 15:43:547They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant onsen30 US$
8/28/2014 15:51:033They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant ofuro30 US$
8/28/2014 16:07:463They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant ofuro50 US$
8/28/2014 16:32:402 and you should connect them to each otherThey are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant ofuro15 US$
8/28/2014 17:23:055They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant ofuro25 US$
8/28/2014 17:32:465I like them all!instant onsen25 US$It's a lovely idea, your problem may be how to differentiate from competitors (it's an easy concept to copy).
As a name, instant Ofuro is obviously more correct but instant Onsen is more appealing.
Pricing is difficult and depends on the market. I live in Singapore and mix with other expats. I used to live in Tokyo as an expat and we were always looking for gifts to give people back home, this would have been a nice souvenir too. As a gift especially for someone special, if the fabrics of the bags and workmanship are of high quality I would probably pay more.
Also where the bags are made could have an influence on the price. E.g. If they were made by a community that is trying to recover from the tsunami then I would find that 'added value' and again pay more. I presume the hinoki balls will be made by yourselves? For me it is important that the workmanship is 'Made in Japan' not China etc! Good luck!
Of course everything is made in japan and I will
make it clear.
Your comment is very rational and
helped me a great deal!

Actually the bags are made in Yamagata prefecture. It is very close to Minami Soma and even if it did not suffer direct damage from the tsunami it is giving home to many refugees.
8/28/2014 17:33:153They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro10 US$
8/28/2014 17:40:065i do not like anyonsen now20 US$i think it is a nice idea but the fabric is not at all chic.

the material not enough modern--looks too 70's or something from india--thus cheap. mesh fabric that
could dry easily would be nicer as one would put the balls in the mesh bag to dry..?
what the product is wrapped in is very important for the look, and then the feel of the balls.

have to think how they are stored after bath so waterproof fabric OR even better all natural jute fabric???

good luck!!
I am sorry you do not like the fabric.
But your comment about the jute bag/
draining of the balls is definately to the point.
8/28/2014 17:40:343They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen25 US$I think it is a great idea, I have suggested 3 hinoki balls which may only just be sufficient so I suggest when
they are sold you can buy a second set with say a 10% discount. This allows people to buy two sets to be sure
and they might want to chose two different materials. I wish you every sucess.
This is a good compromise.
8/28/2014 18:32:133They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen25 US$
8/28/2014 18:38:075#2 Appeals to me I like traditional japanese printinstant ofuro30 US$I enjoy using our hinoki bucket and ladle set.

Perhaps with the hinoki balls you would need to offer another product, that being a small bottle of hinoki oil to reinfuse balls after a period of use...

This is a novel and pretty gift idea. I could imagine using them in a Japanese theme Pot Pouri (I am from Victoria, Australia)
Well, you discovered our mystery item!
8/28/2014 19:04:115 smaller balls ?They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4touch of ofuro !30 US$great idea :)
8/28/2014 19:20:513They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3"Instant onsen: create a Japanese hotspring in your home!"If it were three, perhaps 5, if it were 5, perhaps 10I think the pricing and naming depends on your target market.

If it is for people outside Japan, then with postage, they are going to be expensive.

Good luck!
In the indiegogo campaign the price will
be inclusive of shipping
8/28/2014 19:27:365All 4 are prettyinstant ofuroNo idea about dollars.It seems to be done with good quality products. I don't know anything about costs of the item, but looks like a nice Christmas japanese flavoured present. Price? 50 - 60 €?I also think it would make a good present. This is why I gave more importance to the aesthetics of the pouch rather than its usage as a streamer to drain the balls.
8/28/2014 19:29:063They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro10 US$
8/28/2014 19:36:255They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant onsen20 US$
8/28/2014 20:28:148They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant onsen25 US$I'm not sure I understand what the kit will be but here are a few thoughts:

If you want people to put 3 balls into a tub, it is too few. 8 is a lucky number in China (and perhaps other cultures). That to me would seem like a minimum.

The only pouch with a contrasting string is the 2nd. I think it makes it stand out from the other 3. Perhaps you should use a contrasting string for all the pouches.

The word "instant" is not very elegant or "luxury". My impression of instant is "instant coffee" which is tastes terrible. I never drink instant coffee.

You need a more luxurious term or one that simply makes people feel good about having the "onsen" or "ofuro" experience at home. For non-japanese customers you may need to use "hot spring" instead because they won't understand onsen or ofuro.

Finally, you could suggest the balls as a "massage" item. That you can roll the base of your feet on the balls while you are in the tub.
The idea of the balls as a massage item is to the point.
the term "instant" is not fancy but makes it feel easy to use.

it is a difficult decision...

How do you like the new title:
"hinoki flakes"

"instant japanese onsen experience"
8/28/2014 20:36:295They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant onsen15 US$
8/28/2014 21:11:545They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4DependsDepends on what is included. It is hard to say without seeing the product. Also it is difficult to tell the scale of the balls.
I think you should focus on keeping the style as Japanese as possible. Particularly as these would make great gifts in the west.
I think you're pattern is a great traditional pattern that would appeal to a lot of people including both sexes. I'm not crazy about
the word "instant" as it feels a little cheap to an experience that is so luxurious. But that is just my opinion.
I don't like 4 balls either (I would call the actual balls Ofuro Orbs) I would try for 5 but depending on their size, 3 may be fine.
Maybe different names for different audiences? For Americans maybe "ZEN BATH.. the Ofuro experience".
It's clearer to a westerner and the word zen conjures up thoughts of tranquility and exotic locales. Also as you grow could develop
new experiences "ZEN BATH.... the _______ experience. Your work is beautiful, concentrate on this product living up to that style
and quality... Just some quick of luck! TP
Dear T:
your comment is pure gold.
Actually I changed the name to zen bath for a while, before the present title.

about balls -> orbs: I am definately going to use your suggestion.

Zen is a very evocative word, especially in the west.

how about:

hinoki flakes - the ultimate zen bath experience ?
8/28/2014 21:52:335They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4instant ofuro25 US$
8/28/2014 22:06:213They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4instant ofuro20 US$I love hinoki and I look forward to the day when I can afford ofuro in my house. I like this idea of yours. Number of balls is dependant on aroma. If they are strong then three will suffice.Thanks for your comment.
3 balls are few for the aroma but are OK if used as a vehicle for the oil
8/28/2014 22:12:31less than 10 more than 5They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4flash ofuro10 US$It's not entirely clear what the product is, so it's not so easy to provide good feedback, and is there one product or several? of course, sorry to keep you on the spines...Please stay tuned!
8/28/2014 22:16:485 balls of various sizes?They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro25 US$Great idea!thanx
8/28/2014 22:47:445They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen20 US$
8/28/2014 23:14:473They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro5 US$
8/28/2014 23:52:4810They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1ofuro de luxe15 US$
8/29/2014 0:05:265They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro15 US$
8/29/2014 0:15:233They are OK. If it was me I would choose #315 US$Three is a nice number if that's enough to create the smell of hinoki in a tub. I'm not sure about the name.
It would depend on whether people know what the words mean. Is onsen more commonly known or is ofuro. I would guess onsen, but I don't really know.
thank you for your sincere and most helpful comment.
I really need to understand what people think.
8/29/2014 0:22:563They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2ofuro for you20 US$
8/29/2014 0:25:235I would offer 4 colour choices in only the pattern you show above.instant ofuro25 US$Very interesting idea. Good luck with your project.thanxxx
8/29/2014 0:26:415They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1Instant Japanese Bath15 US$Fun gift idea. I hope you will like it!
8/29/2014 1:44:575They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3I was put on the wrong track because I thought your product was a real ofuro bathtub. So I would call it 'onsen dream'. Ofuro may not be known to the broad public outside japan. 20 US$
8/29/2014 2:04:245They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant ofuro25 US$
8/29/2014 2:05:393They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1aromatic bath20 US$If you're marketing to american market, most are not familliar with the japanese terms ofuro or onsen. -at least not readily. It's different if they're allready searching for it, but it seems you want to attract people who aren't aware of hinoki and its aroma.

3 balls for pouches, but small hinoki box may be a nice option- I would expect to pay more for that, and I would expect to see 4 balls if its in a box.
probably, I will have to provide a box as well. Lets see how the camaign rolls out. If I hit the target funding I will probably be able to supply a box.

thanks for the advice!
8/29/2014 2:39:183They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2Experience Japanese Aromatic Bathing @ Home!25 US$
8/29/2014 3:30:245 feels right to me. Balls roll under things (thinking ping pong & cat toys) so 5 allows for one to go missing without losing out on the experience. They are ok, certainly not an obstacle to my purchase. To my eye, they do not look expensive, so it would be hard to support a higher price point. Maybe something that captures the seasonal nature of the Japanese lifestyle? Something pale pink & Sakura for spring, etc Instant onsen rolls off the more nicely in EnglishNo more than $40, inclusive of shippingI love this idea & would definitely give these as gifts, as well as get a set for myself.

Bag material idea- I recall seeing textures linen (& maybe silk, too?) face cloths when I was in Japan & then again at the Muji stores in NYC. Maybe something like this, related to bathing, would be appropriate?

Other materials - there are so many Japanese textile traditions. Maybeshibori
Thanks for the comment and kind patronage...!
This time the bag is not the main item so I cannot make it too expensive.

Also, I considered using a natural color material (like linen) it will be probably stained easily

For this reason I chose these han
8/29/2014 4:55:573They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3"instant ofuro" is good, needless to add that the experience is not only the scent but also the bathtub proportions with hot water up to the neck10 US$Dear Iacopo Torrini, You produce amazing bathtubs and utensils for bathing relaxation, we've been admiring your work. This idea of the Ofuro wood balls is good to promote the ofuro tradition, in a way similar to Proust's madeleines which evoked the qualities of an intense and beautiful experience. I wish you all the best for this endeavor, S.

How big are the spheres? They should have a perfect size like the hikaru dorodango
Thanks, I love the parallel with Proust!
The spheres are 44mm so they are children and pet safe. I do not know the size of the hikaru dorodango though...
8/29/2014 4:57:395They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2Instant Japanese Spa20 US$What is the "special product" in the kit?a "legendary" 300 year old wood essential oil
8/29/2014 5:03:283They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen10 US$
8/29/2014 6:00:045They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2nature bath flavor ,parfum nature pour la begnoire , 10 US$もし、檜の形が何種類かあって好きなように選べるともっといいと思います。(数も形も組み合わせ自由なのが理想)

It is a very good idea to use hinoki small plates with different shapes (sakura, fish, heart, etc.). Maybe I can give it as a bonus if the campaign is funded
I prefer without iron brand
8/29/2014 6:10:305They are OK. If it was me I would choose #115 US$
I would like if they had the bartok design logo
8/29/2014 6:23:414They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant onsen15 US$
I prefer without iron brand
8/29/2014 10:02:178They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant ofuro$5, $10, $15 or $20bartok logo or nothing
8/29/2014 12:13:044They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen20 US$
I would like if they had the bartok design logo
8/29/2014 12:13:503They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen10 US$
I would like if they had the bartok design logo
8/29/2014 14:57:405They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro5 US$
I would like if they have ideograms for "beauty", "health", "love" etc.
8/29/2014 15:28:273They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen10 US$
I would like if they have ideograms for "beauty", "health", "love" etc.
8/29/2014 15:32:475They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen15 US$
I would like if they had the bartok design logo
8/29/2014 18:51:434white cream (flowers & geometrical)instant ofuro20 US$
I would like if they have ideograms for "beauty", "health", "love" etc.
8/29/2014 19:02:483They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant ofuro15 US$
I prefer without iron brand
8/29/2014 21:05:365all ok i would add #5 with greeninstant ofuro15 US$balls plus oil in a gift set.

ps. i never received the promised hinoki oil tester so i could have inform you about our experience with that aswell.
B v H
Sorry, I stopped developing the previous oil and I do not have this yet (I only have a tiny 5ml sample right now). But I will honor my promise. Please give me some more time!
I would like if they had the bartok design logo
8/29/2014 23:53:194They are OK. If it was me I would choose #4instant ofuro35 US$I assume I can reuse the kit. Of course
I prefer without iron brand
8/30/2014 4:36:265They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1My Home Onsen25 US$
I would like if they have ideograms for "beauty", "health", "love" etc.
8/30/2014 8:37:37larger (see choking comment)They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1don't think you'll sell manyBe careful about size so children and pets don't choke on the ball.

English correction: "I would like it if they had..."

Frank opinion: While I like the aesthetic of the balls and bag, I don't think the balls w/pouch will sell. Too much clutter and too many odors already in most bathrooms.
On the bathroom floor, a ball is a slip hazard.The oil itself as a "bath oil" form might sell-- but not a new idea.

How about a rounded elliptical soap dish with a centered drain hole (toothbrush cleanable), with concavity on both sides (so it would work either side up; won't develop
mold on underside)? A matching smaller saucer (with no hole) for bath oil could be placed in a tub with a few drops of oil, but could float on the surface for maximum
dispersion of aroma. Sell through aroma therapy type channels. Probably much harder to manufacture though... Bartok Design, gambare!
the balls are diam. 44mm so they are children and pet safe.

Thanks for the correction. I think there are many mistakes and typos...

I hope that the market will prove you wrong but I inderstand your point and really appreciate your sincerity.

The slipping on the floor hazard is a very good point. I have to address it.

The idea for the aroma vessel is very good and I was tempted to wipe it out from the form to avoid the eye of the curious...

But this time my product is the oil and I want to keep the campaign focused and simple. If I am successful, I definately want to develop your idea in a new campaign. Please let me know your name!
I prefer without iron brand
8/30/2014 20:51:055They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen50 US$
I prefer without iron brand
9/1/2014 4:24:065They are OK. If it was me I would choose #2instant japanese bathtub pleasure15 US$
I prefer without iron brand
9/1/2014 10:51:553They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant ofuro15 US$
I prefer without iron brand
9/1/2014 12:55:005They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen15 US$
I would like if they have ideograms for "beauty", "health", "love" etc.
9/1/2014 19:13:153They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant ofuro10 US$Salve Jacopo, è possibile fare delle sacchette leggermente più grandi?
Ciao e complimenti, idea semplice e commerciabile.
I would like if they have ideograms for "beauty", "health", "love" etc.
9/2/2014 21:06:103
we like the inside pattern more than the outside, we would choose nr. 1
smell well pocket15 US$
I would like if they have ideograms for "beauty", "health", "love" etc.
9/7/2014 8:07:443They are OK. If it was me I would choose #240 US$
no brand or with the bartok design seems best
9/11/2014 0:38:535They are OK. If it was me I would choose #3instant onsen40 US$
I would like if they have my name in ideograms
9/26/2014 18:30:173They are OK. If it was me I would choose #1instant onsen40 US$
I prefer without iron brand