A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | |
1 | k | |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Important! Writers should enter into any business agreements with caution--this directory merely serves to help give writers a starting point for a careful search for the right professional to help them with their ebook. As always, buyer beware! | If you're an eBook professional and would like to be added to this list, please contact Elizabeth Craig at elizabethspanncraig (at) gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||
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5 | Ebook Cover Designers | |||||||||||||||||||
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7 | Name | Email Address | Web Address | Additional Information | ||||||||||||||||
8 | David Marshall | http://pensivedragon.com/contact/ | http://pensivedragon.com/ | I specialize in composite covers, with no additional charge for number of stock images used, though I'm comfortable working on simple covers, too. I offer three concepts to choose from, then three rounds of revisions. Ebook only, POD print covers, and any additional banners, slides, and social media material you need, plus a deep discount for series projects. | ||||||||||||||||
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10 | Joris Ammerlaan | jorisammerlaan@gmail.com | http://jorisammerlaandesign.wordpress.com/ | More of Joris' work here: http://tinyurl.com/3t8qymk | ||||||||||||||||
11 | Carolina Fiandri | circecorp@gmail.com | https://en.99designs.it/profiles/1628994 | We have experience in both print and web graphics processing, now we are specializing in making book covers and e-book. We always try to provide a highly personalized and professional work. We like to work with customers and respect their ideas, and as possible make their visions reality. We are also able to supply material for web campaigns or facebook advertising, and other promotional materials. Reliability and quality at a fair price. | ||||||||||||||||
12 | Syan Alarao | syam9designsgmail.com | Contact for examples of design work | I'm a designer on the 99 Designs site and have been a runner-up in two contests. | ||||||||||||||||
13 | Lowim Jr. Segurado | louim13@gmail.com | Contact for examples of design work | I take direction from clients well and deliver a professional product. | ||||||||||||||||
14 | Woulds and Shoulds | http://editinganddesign.com | We provide editing, ebook formatting/layout, and cover designs | |||||||||||||||||
15 | Sessha Batto | http://sesshabattousai.com/Book_Covers.html | ||||||||||||||||||
16 | Craig Wolfe | http://craigwolfe.squarespace.com/services/ | ||||||||||||||||||
17 | Jan Marshall | jan.marshall@btinternet.com | http://www.wix.com/Jan_Marshall/TheBookDesigner | |||||||||||||||||
18 | Heather Paye | http://hpayedesigns.yolasite.com/services.php | ||||||||||||||||||
19 | Jenn Reese | www.tigerbrightstudios.com | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | Jodie Lynn Boduch | jodie (at) muchadomarketing.com | http://www.muchadomarketing.com/services.html | |||||||||||||||||
21 | Nathan Everett | nathan@nwesignatures.com | http://nwesignatures.com/resume/sampledesigns.html | I’ve been involved in the eBook industry for the past 11 years, having worked originally on the Microsoft Reader team and filing 7 patents in page layout and typography. I’ve been a print designer for even longer and taught desktop publishing all over the country when the term was still brand new. | ||||||||||||||||
22 | Toni Rakestraw | morwenna @ unbridlededitor.com | http://unbridlededitor.com | |||||||||||||||||
23 | Stuart Lawson | Cover Art | I've completed over 700 marketing related design projects in 2010. Now in 2011 I am helping authors with their ebook covers and trying my best to work with them on an affordable price for very high quality. I try my best to provide what they want for the cover that will also help them market their book. That usually begins with simplicity and large readable fonts for ebooks. | |||||||||||||||||
24 | George Arnold | george.arnold@rogers.com | ||||||||||||||||||
25 | B&D | ryunekoart(at) gmail.com | www.RyuNeko-Artz.com | We can do traditional (by hand) or digital work, and even 3D models of characters.We can do the single page shots for ebook listings and full (front, back, spine) print ready covers for paper books. | ||||||||||||||||
26 | Peter Ratcliffe | peter@peterratcliffe.com | Peter Ratcliffe | |||||||||||||||||
27 | Booknook--Kimberly Hitchens | hitch@booknook.biz | http://www.booknook.biz/ | Booknook has cover designers that work with their company. Contact for pricing. | ||||||||||||||||
28 | Karen's Web Works | karen@kmccullough.com | http://www.karenswebworks.com/covers.html | http://www.karenswebworks.com | ||||||||||||||||
29 | Steena Holmes | http://steenaholmes.com/ | For book covers and formatting. | |||||||||||||||||
30 | Joey Onorato | Onoratoartdesign@yahoo.com | http://www.onoratodemos.com/ | Onorato Art & Design - Traditional illustration and design for ebook and print. A 'modern vintage' style perfectly suited for surreal, sci-fi, horror, mystery, YA fiction. Illustrations are created using oil paints on canvas in several thin layers to provide depth and form. | ||||||||||||||||
31 | Judy Beatty | judyedits4u@gmail.com | "My editing of manuscripts covers a wide spectrum. I look for and correct continuity, sentence structure, punctuation, storyline and characters. Genre's include mystery,(cozy and not-so-cozy) cozy romance, light-hearted paranormal and SciFi. I do not work with demonistic, satanistic, or sexual content. I charge by the page (50 cents per) in Microsoft Word using ""Track Changes"", double-spaced, Times Roman size 12 with 1"" margins. I can usually complete the first edits of a book of about 50,000 words within three days, at which time I send back to the author and then request that it be sent back to me for one more edit to catch anything that gets moved or changed incorrectly during the accept/decline changes. I can also work with Adobe, although I have read-only and can only suggest changes rather than show them in bullets. I keep track of books coming in and going out through a timeline and request a heads-up with as close as possible of an ETA so I can better serve my customers." | |||||||||||||||||
32 | Kit Foster | kitfosterdesign@gmail.com | http://kitfosterdesign.com | I offer a professional service at a reasonable price. | ||||||||||||||||
33 | Cassandra Brown | editorcassandra(at)gmail.com | camarshall.com | I am a freelance book editor with several years experience as a lit agent intern. I'm also a graphic designer. | ||||||||||||||||
34 | Sarah E. Holroyd | editor@sleepingcatbooks.com | http://sleepingcatbooks.com | An editor and book designer who also handles cover design. | ||||||||||||||||
35 | Indie Designz | dafeenah@gmail.com | http://indiedesignz.com/ | I'm a freelance graphic designer specializing in cover art and book formatting for both ebook and print. Samples and pricing info for my book formatting are also available on my website: http://www.indiedesignz.com/printservices.html | ||||||||||||||||
36 | Ravven | ravven.kitsune@gmail.com | http://ravven78.deviantart.com/gallery/ | I offer quick, reasonably-priced ebook cover design and layout. My | ||||||||||||||||
37 | work can also be seen | |||||||||||||||||||
38 | at: http://www.ravven.com/blog/portfolio/book-cover-art/ | |||||||||||||||||||
39 | Damang Sarumpaet | damang.design@gmail.com | Designer of 70-80 books, many for Indonesian publishers. Fee of $100-150 USD for cover design only. Portfolio and free quote available via email.Featured in The Freelance Design Handbook by Cathy Fishel, published in UK and US. | |||||||||||||||||
40 | Staccato Publishing | heather@staccatopublishing.com | www.hksavage.com | A publisher that offers freelance editing and cover services when time allows. Contact Heather Savage via email for rates and availability. | ||||||||||||||||
41 | Nathan Shumate | fifthplanetdesign@gmail.com | http://www.fifthplanetdesign.com/ | Both ebook and POD print cover designs offered. | ||||||||||||||||
42 | eBookCoverDesignery | info@ebookcoverdesignery.com | http://ebookcoverdesignery.com/ | We're experienced designers who have just branched into ebook cover design. While we build up our portfolio, we're offering a special introductory price of just $29. | ||||||||||||||||
43 | Maria Zannini - Book Cover Diva | writingweb@argontech.net | http://bookcoverdiva.blogspot.com/ | Maria Zannini is a graphic artist with more than 30 years design experience. Visit Book Cover Diva (http://bookcoverdiva.blogspot.com/) for FAQs, pricing, and gallery. | ||||||||||||||||
44 | Cerebral Design Studio--Brian Dupont | cerebralcovers@gmail.com | http://www.cerebraldesignstudio.com/ | Please visit my website for detailed information about pricing, what to expect when commissioning a book cover, and how to get started commissioning your project. | ||||||||||||||||
45 | James Egan | covers@bookflydesign.com | http://www.bookflydesign.com/ | We offer custom book cover design and editing services. Visit www.bookflydesign.com to view our portfolio and read customer testimonials. | ||||||||||||||||
46 | Elizabeth DiPalma | edp@edpdesignplus.com | www.edpdesignplus.com/#!bookspublishing/c1pff | I've done both book and print work (covers and interiors), as well as book advertising and promotion. I think the cover of an ebook should be every bit as compelling as a print version — making the best use of its smaller viewing size. I try to strike a good balance between what I do and what authors can afford, and will work hard to see that we're all happy with the price and the results. | ||||||||||||||||
47 | Jim Villaflores | jimville2003@gmail.com | https://www.flickr.com/photos/jimville | I work as a quality checker, consultant, and cover designer team leader for a publishing company based on OKC USA. I am fairly new in the publishing business. I used to be work full time as a marketing graphic designer, logo designer, and tshirt graphic designer. minimalist and sharp designs are my favorite, but I also work on heavy manipulations for fantasy genre, or illustrate digital artwork - whatever the client requires. | ||||||||||||||||
48 | Freelance Editors | |||||||||||||||||||
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50 | Name | Email Address | Web Address | Additional Information | ||||||||||||||||
51 | Cassie Dean | cassiehessdean@aol.com | cassiehessdean@gmail.com | I offer proofreading services for most genres. Romance and PNR are my favorite, but I am willing to do others. My fee is $0.001 per word. All edits are done with track changes through google docs. List of previous authors/publishers I have worked with available upon request. | ||||||||||||||||
52 | Jeremy Menefee | jmenefee@gmail.com | jmenefeeblog.wordpress.com | Jeremy has twenty years of experience in copy editing and ghostwriting. Since transitioning from business and marketing market into Fiction, he has increasingly focused on providing newer authors with top-tier copy editing and writing services and working within their budgets. He is happy to provide references, and some of his prior clients' testimonials are on his blog and his Facebook page. | ||||||||||||||||
53 | Jim Dempsey | jim@novelgazing.org | www.novelgazing.org | At Novel Gazing, I specialize in providing editing services to self-publishing authors. I have a proven track record of helping authors get their novels into great shape for submission to self-publishing platforms. Authors can try our professional novel editing services by submitting a sample for a free edit. Send the first 1500 words of your novel for a free full edit. Novel Gazing provides proofreading, copy-editing, and substantial editing services. | ||||||||||||||||
54 | Victoria Mixon, Editor | victoria@victoriamixon.com | http://victoriamixon.com | I have been a professional writer and editor for over thirty years and have taught fiction through Writer's Digest and the San Francisco Writers Conference, while my blog has been named a Top 10 Blog for Writers and Writer’s Digest’s 101 Best Websites for Writers 2013. I have edited bestselling and award-winning authors Bhaichand Patel, Stuart Wakefield, Millicent Dillon, Lucia Orth, and Sasha Troyan, among others. My clients are represented by Beverly Slopen Literary Agency, Dunham Literary Inc, Foundry Literary + Media, Harold Ober Associates, Irene Goodman Literary Agency, and Dystel & Goderich Literary Management. I specialize in detailed scene-by-scene Developmental Editing and polishing language to bring out the author's professional voice in Line Editing. Please feel free to read my client testimonials and contact me through http://victoriamixon.com . | ||||||||||||||||
55 | Diane O'Connell | Diane@WriteToSellYourBook.com | www.writetosellyourbook.com | Guiding unpublished writers to become successfully published authors has always been my mission. After working as an editor at Random House and other publishing companies, I strive to replicate the same fulfilling, mentoring partnership that authors used to have with their editors at traditional publishing houses. I specialize in mainstream fiction, both adult and YA (especially thrillers), as well as helping service professionals and business entrepreneurs turn their expertise into a book that will grow their business. I provide a wide variety of services through every step of the process, helping authors make the right decisions for their goals. I work with authors at the very beginning stages of writing their books, as well as those who need an assessment of a completed manuscript. I also provide production management services through the entire self-publishing process. | ||||||||||||||||
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57 | Lewis Editorial | ceciliajlewis@yahoo.com | http://lewiseditorial.wordpress.com | I've worked in editorial at both a traditional press and a literary journal and currently have more than 5 years of freelance editing experience. I am also an agented writer and have a B.A. in English. I offer a wide range of services, from proofreading to developmental editing. I specialize in adult/NA romance as well as YA and MG fiction, but I accept all genres. Sample edits available. | ||||||||||||||||
58 | Susan Sipal | SPSipal AT gmail.com | http://harrypotterforwriters.blogspot.com/p/editorial-services.html | I've worked as an editor and marketing consultant for e-book and smaller traditional publishers for 7 years. Experienced with fiction in fantasy, paranormal, YA, romance, and mystery genres. With an educational background in Religious Studies and mythology, am especially equipped to help fantasy and paranormal writers, but love working with all sorts. Will provide a brief sample edit and references upon request. Willing to do quick reads for overall points or in-depth feedback as needed. Flexible pricing based on your needs and length of manuscript. | ||||||||||||||||
59 | Maryann Miller | http://www.maryannwrites.com | ||||||||||||||||||
60 | Jean Jenkins | http://www.msrewrite.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||
61 | Carrie Mumford | www.carriemumford.com | ||||||||||||||||||
62 | Tonya Mycann | https://tmycann.wordpress.com/editor/ | ||||||||||||||||||
63 | Kristen Weber | www.kristenweber.com | ||||||||||||||||||
64 | Precision Editing Group | editor@precisioneditinggroup.com | www.precisioneditinggroup.com | |||||||||||||||||
65 | TJ Proofs | TJProofs@gmail.com | http://manuscriptproofing.com/# | |||||||||||||||||
66 | Jason Black | Jason@PlotToPunctuation.com | http://www.plottopunctuation.com/ | I am a freelance editor who specializes in developmental editing for novelists. I provide in-depth analysis of writing craft, premise elements, story structure, pacing, and character development.You get from me an extensive written report detailing my findings and in-the-moment reflections while reading your novel, that you can use as guidance for producing a much stronger revised draft. | ||||||||||||||||
67 | Susan Reynolds | www.literarycottage.com | ||||||||||||||||||
68 | Josh Vogt | https://sites.google.com/site/freelancebyjosh/ | ||||||||||||||||||
69 | Mason Canyon | http://freelanceeditingbymason.blogspot.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||
70 | Woulds and Shoulds | http://editinganddesign.com | ||||||||||||||||||
71 | Lynnette Labelle | labelle@labelleseditorialservices.com | www.labelleseditorialservices.com | I’m a freelance copyeditor, proofreader, and manuscript editor with over ten years of experience. I specialize in developmental copyediting, including line editing, for romance (all subgenres except historical), mystery, thriller, suspense, horror, YA, middle grade, and children’s fiction. I proofread non-fiction and all fiction genres, and also help writers create hooky query letters and strong synopses. Why not see if you like my style of editing before you hire me? Contact me for a free sample. | ||||||||||||||||
72 | Jodie Renner | j.renner.editing@hotmail.com | www.JodieRennerEditing.com | I'm a freelance fiction editor, specializing in thrillers, mysteries, romantic suspense and other crime fiction, as well as YA. My services range from developmental editing through copyediting to final proofreading, and I also offer manuscript critiques. | ||||||||||||||||
73 | Karen S. Elliott | karenselliott@midco.net | www.karenselliott.wordpress.com/hire-me | |||||||||||||||||
74 | Laurel Marshfield | Books@BlueHorizonCommunications.com | Blue Horizon Communications | Offer free initial call to discuss your book project; provide developmental editing, lengthy written manuscript evaluations, book coaching, & book ghosting, as well as co-authorship. Also offer free eBook on the authorship journey for newsletter signup. (On faculty at BookBuzzr.com) | ||||||||||||||||
75 | Bev Gelfand | bevgelfand@gmail.com | I work generally with fiction; I range from content and continuity checking to copyediting and proofreading, to final proofreading. | |||||||||||||||||
76 | Toni Rakestraw | toni @ unbridlededitor.com | http://unbridlededitor.com | Free 6 page sample edit available | ||||||||||||||||
77 | Tonya Cannariato | https://tmycann.wordpress.com/editor/ | ||||||||||||||||||
78 | Alyc Helms | alychelms@gmail.com | www.teleidoplex.com | I am a freelance editor for fiction, specializing in genre fiction (SF&F, Romance, Horror). For non-fiction, I have a strong background in textbook publishing, especially the disciplines of anthropology, economics, and biology. I offer a full range of editing and critique services, delivered in a timely and professional manner. | ||||||||||||||||
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80 | Leigh Moore | leightmoore@gmail.com | Editing service from an experienced professional.Flat rate: .005 cents per word with free 500-word sample edit.References available; will negotiate.Smaller jobs welcome! | |||||||||||||||||
81 | Philip Krogmeier | krogmeier.ink@gmail.com | Email Philip for rate information for freelance editing. | |||||||||||||||||
82 | Misti Wolanski | misti.wolanski@gmail.com | http://mistiwolanski.com/freelance/ | My proofreading experience covers everything from newsletters to novels, in multiple grammar styles. I'm known for catching details that others miss. | ||||||||||||||||
83 | Anne Victory | anne(AT)victoryediting(DOT)com | http://www.victoryediting.com | I offer all levels of fiction editing from substantive edits to proofreading. I also offer final pass reads of books after they have been formatted for eReaders (aka "Oops Detection"). Please visit my website for an up-to-date project list, testimonials, and information regarding rates and scheduling. | ||||||||||||||||
84 | Judy Beatty | beatty_home(at)mediacombb.net | I have an uncanny gift of seeing the "oops" of manuscripts, covering sentence structure, punctuation, and storyline. I will request a preview of your works before committing to editing. I prefer mysteries, fun mysteries, and also will work with SciFi. | |||||||||||||||||
85 | Cassandra Brown | editorcassandra(at)gmail.com | editorcassandra.com | I am a freelance book editor with several years experience as a lit agent intern. I'm also a graphic designer. | ||||||||||||||||
86 | Kristy G. Stewart | kristy@looseleafep.com | http://LooseleafEP.com | I do developmental editing, substantive editing, copyediting, and proofreading. For fiction I'm best in general fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and YA, although I have worked with other genres as well. My nonfiction work includes projects ranging from scholarly works to personal essays, but I particularly enjoy helping scholars make their research accessible to a general audience. I offer free sample edits (2-3 pages). | ||||||||||||||||
87 | Sarah E. Holroyd | editor@sleepingcatbooks.com | http://sleepingcatbooks.com | An editor and book designer who also handles cover design. | ||||||||||||||||
88 | Written Dreams Editorial Services | brittiany@writtendreams.com | http://writtendreams.com/ | Brittiany Koren, Founder of Written Dreams, previously worked for the legendary Martin H. Greenberg of Tekno Books. Brittiany has edited works by many best-selling authors. Her last edit, Saving Scott by Terry Odell, made #15 on the Barnes & Noble First Nook list in March 2012. Please see the Testimonials page at http://writtendreams.com/ for more information. | ||||||||||||||||
89 | Mary Stanfield | stanfieldm@ou.edu | http://stanfieldm.wordpress.com/ | I'm a freelance editor with four years of professional experience and many more of volunteer/training experience before that. I offer everything from the lightest proofreading to the heaviest developmental notes -- all with a speed and thoroughness I picked up from years in a newsroom. I will edit any genre of fiction (particularly the "different" ones, such as YA or erotica), and I take non-fiction or short projects on request. I also edit academic work. Every quote I send out comes with a chance to request a free sample of my work to ensure it's style and quality live up to your standards. | ||||||||||||||||
90 | Melissa Breau | melissa@melissabreau.com | http://authors.melissabreau.com/ | A professionally trained editor with a MS in publishing, I provide developmental editing, copyediting and proofreading. | ||||||||||||||||
91 | Staccato Publishing | heather@staccatopublishing.com | www.hksavage.com | A publisher that offers freelance editing and cover services when time allows. Contact Heather Savage via email for rates and availability. | ||||||||||||||||
92 | We're experienced designers who have just branched into ebook cover design. While we build up our portfolio, we're offering a special introductory price of just $29. | |||||||||||||||||||
93 | Jim Jones | han4yu3@gmail.com | http://communication.openhill.com/ | Jim Jones, award-winning senior member of the Society for Technical | ||||||||||||||||
94 | Communication, does editing and technical editing, cartooning and | |||||||||||||||||||
95 | illustration, translation (Chinese, Spanish, and German to English), | |||||||||||||||||||
96 | and Mandarin coaching and tutoring. He is currently editing a memoir | |||||||||||||||||||
97 | of a NASA physician, and he edited a self-published lulu.com book. He | |||||||||||||||||||
98 | is a Linguistics degree candidate but his schedule is open this | |||||||||||||||||||
99 | quarter. Details upon request. Linked In: linkedin.com/in/jimxlat. | |||||||||||||||||||
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