TimestampScoreWhat is your full name?What is your team name?
1. Each Team is required to provide 2 knowledgeable and capable Base Referees to assist officiating games when assigned by the League. Referees are positioned at First and Third, with an optional Second Base Referee being encouraged but not required. Referees are responsible for which of the following?
2. Please mark all of the secondary roles for a Base Referee: (multiple answers may apply)
3. A kicker makes legal contact below the knee with the ball, resulting in a pop fly. Please select the answer that represents when the play actually begins.
4. Please select all of the following that are examples of “Encroachment”: (multiple answers may apply)
5. A kicker from the Red Team kicks a pitched ball and the base runner on Second Base begins running towards Third. The fly ball is caught within foul territory. If the base runner wants to continue to go to Third, they must:
6. The kicker contacts the ball and it lands on the First Base foul line beyond first base before bouncing into foul territory. The ball is:
7. A ball is kicked and travels in the air in fair territory. It lands past third base in foul territory, the ball is considered:
8. The ball is kicked in the air and lands in the “neutral zone” before bouncing outside of the foul line before third base, the ball is:
9. A kicker traveling from the kicking box after making successful contact with the ball may overrun First Base and only be tagged out if…
10. Mark all of the following that are true of the Safety Base: (multiple answers may apply)
11. A Base Runner begins running from First Base as soon as the ball is kicked. The kicked ball is caught in the air and the Base Runner makes it successfully to Second Base. The Base Runner must...
12. Which of the following is/are not considered an out? (multiple answers may apply)
13. Select the set of images that correctly represent a foul ball.
14. Select the set of images that correctly represent a fair ball.
15. A Base Runner is allowed to lead off the Base.
16. A legally-kicked ball is traveling on the ground along the foul line. The Catcher, standing with both feet in fair territory, picks up the ball. This ball is:
17. A legally-kicked ball is traveling on the ground along the foul line. The Catcher, standing with both feet in foul territory, picks up the ball. This ball is:
18. A fielder attempts to catch the ball with both feet in foul territory. The ball bounces off their arms and lands in fair territory. This ball is:
19. During a game, the Kicking team is in the dugout waiting to kick. Several members are outside of the dugout. What players are allowed to be outside of the dugout?
20. When there is contest over a call made, who should be present to discuss the call in question?
21. The Kicker successfully makes it to First Base but remains standing completely on the Safety Base. The ball is pitched and the next play begins (contact is made between the Kicker and the ball). The Base Runner that was on the Safety Base advances to Second and the the play ends. As the First Base Referee, what should you do?
3/23/2023 20:27:3864 / 100Laura Peshek2 Legit 2 Kick
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
FairFoulFoulAll of the above.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., The Kicker swings and misses the ball three times., The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Kicker kicks a ball into foul territory, but it is caught by a member of the fielding team., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/24/2023 12:04:0156 / 100Cassandra Jones 2 Legit 2 Kick
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required., Be there to assist team captain with his base judgement calls.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base and stay there, as the caught ball ended all game play.
FairFoulFairAll of the above.
The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., Any Runner still standing on the Safety Base after the next play has begun is still considered “safe”., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2TRUEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/1/2023 11:48:5456 / 100Brianna Brown2 Legit 2 Kick
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base and stay there, as the caught ball ended all game play.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., The Kicker swings and misses the ball three times., The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/1/2023 11:53:59100 / 100Brianna Brown2 Legit 2 Kick
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 9:58:4796 / 100Jessie Roman
At the Corner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/3/2023 22:01:2596 / 100Christy PeltonBallless ballers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/24/2023 10:52:4468 / 100Riley DrewniakBalls Deep
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner runs past First Base and turns towards Second Base without attempting to advance.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/24/2023 10:57:26100 / 100Riley DrewniakBalls Deep
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/1/2023 14:49:0580 / 100John SnedekerBalls Deep
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/1/2023 14:59:0492 / 100John SnedekerBalls Deep
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 11:51:3270 / 100Jacob HandleyBalls Deep
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 12:29:0364 / 100Dave PetruskaBalls Deep
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
FairFoulFoulAll of the above.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., The Kicker swings and misses the ball three times., The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Kicker kicks a ball into foul territory, but it is caught by a member of the fielding team., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 12:34:01100 / 100Dave PetruskaBalls deep
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/1/2023 15:27:5746 / 100MC StoneBig Kick Energy
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base and stay there, as the caught ball ended all game play.
FoulFoulFairAll of the above.
Any Runner still standing on the Safety Base after the next play has begun is still considered “safe”.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2TRUEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Because the Base Runner managed to make it successfully to Second Base, the Base Runner is safe.
4/2/2023 17:57:2056 / 100MC StoneBig Kick Energy
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
FairFoulFairAll of the above.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Stop the game during the play and call the player “out” for remaining on the Safety Base.
4/2/2023 18:07:3696 / 100MC StoneBig Kick Energy
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 11:16:5172 / 100Trishelle GordonBuntwrap Supreme’s
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner runs past First Base and turns towards Second Base without attempting to advance.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Stop the game during the play and call the player “out” for remaining on the Safety Base.
3/23/2023 10:10:3196 / 100David TorelloBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/27/2023 20:09:4580 / 100Jaron KnottsBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFoulFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 11:54:3580 / 100Jason KramerBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 13:26:4088 / 100Jason KramerBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 14:43:2488 / 100John FolkBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 20:25:2596 / 100Savannah GarsideBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 13:00:5592 / 100Kyle RichardsBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner runs past First Base and turns towards Second Base without attempting to advance.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/24/2023 21:38:3180 / 100Jaron KnottsBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/27/2023 20:15:36100 / 100Jaron KnottsBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 11:21:4676 / 100Hannah RutledgeBuntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
As soon as the Pitcher pitches the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Stop the game during the play and call the player “out” for remaining on the Safety Base.
3/30/2023 11:25:0096 / 100Hannah RutledgeBuntwrap supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 14:05:45100 / 100Trishelle Gordon Buntwrap Supremes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 10:14:39100 / 100Jacks BravoBussy Cat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/28/2023 9:41:37100 / 100Craig YoungBussyCat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/29/2023 16:11:25100 / 100Craig YoungBussyCat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/29/2023 18:33:2894 / 100Brad BuchsBussycat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The catcher moves with the Kicker but stays parallel or behind the Kicker at all times., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/3/2023 8:54:35100 / 100lui liceaBussyCat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/3/2023 11:58:38100 / 100Derek BoehmBussycat dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/3/2023 19:27:1080 / 100John LuidhardtBussycat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/3/2023 19:32:40100 / 100John LuidhardtBussycat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 9:27:24100 / 100Justin KyneBussycat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 10:33:1696 / 100Andrew McEldowney Bussycat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Stop the game during the play and call the player “out” for remaining on the Safety Base.
4/5/2023 13:24:1692 / 100Jade BortzBussycat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 14:45:37100 / 100Jared Alvarez Bussycat dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/28/2023 11:45:4392 / 100Ever PortilloBussycat Dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
FoulFoulFoulAll of the above.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 12:58:0296 / 100Brandon BoydBussycat dolls
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/24/2023 16:04:36100 / 100Travis ScheadlerColumbussy Buckeyes
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/28/2023 12:52:0484 / 100Kate NolanCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/28/2023 12:55:01100 / 100Kate NolanCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/29/2023 12:58:2880 / 100Marc NolanCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/29/2023 13:08:0896 / 100Marc NolanCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/1/2023 18:39:3892 / 100Kevin DuffCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., The Kicker swings and misses the ball three times., The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Kicker kicks a ball into foul territory, but it is caught by a member of the fielding team., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 14:46:3784 / 100Josh ParkerCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 14:52:35100 / 100Josh ParkerCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 17:49:3676 / 100Corey HarderCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 20:45:3596 / 100Laura MetzgerCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2TRUEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 22:48:5676 / 100Sarah RundellCorner of high and gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 23:36:10100 / 100Jena MoodyCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 21:46:5196 / 100Corey HarderCorner of High and Gay
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/31/2023 17:58:4795 / 100Nathan TumblinDouble Stuffed
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 1Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/31/2023 12:46:32100 / 100Tyler Gunnell Double Stuffed
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/26/2023 9:37:3888 / 100Joe MayerDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/27/2023 9:31:4596 / 100Robert LeisDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 13:17:2546 / 100Antonio EguiluzDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
As soon as a member of the defensive (fielding) team makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
FairFoulFairAll of the above.
If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked.
Option 3Option 2TRUEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Because the Base Runner managed to make it successfully to Second Base, the Base Runner is safe.
4/2/2023 13:19:3712 / 100Rhett WilliamsonDSB
Only making a judgement call if the runner was “out”.
Be there to assist team captain with his base judgement calls.
As soon as the Pitcher pitches the ball.
The catcher moves with the Kicker but stays parallel or behind the Kicker at all times.
Do nothing. They were already running and so they are allowed to continue running to Third Base.
the Runner runs past First Base and turns towards Second Base without attempting to advance.
Any Runner still standing on the Safety Base after the next play has begun is still considered “safe”.
Do nothing. They made it successfully to Second Base so they are safe.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach.
Option 1Option 3TRUEFoulFairFair
The Captain and Co-Captain.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Stop the game during the play and call the player “out” for remaining on the Safety Base.
4/5/2023 9:28:0360 / 100Zach VaughanDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Stop the game during the play and call the player “out” for remaining on the Safety Base.
4/5/2023 9:52:56100 / 100Zach VaughanDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 10:20:0388 / 100Brandon YackeyDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 11:43:58100 / 100Andrew (Andy) OrlandoDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 16:48:1558 / 100Dave WuenschellDSB
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
As soon as a member of the defensive (fielding) team makes contact with the ball.
The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base and stay there, as the caught ball ended all game play.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., Any Runner still standing on the Safety Base after the next play has begun is still considered “safe”., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Do nothing. They made it successfully to Second Base, but the ball was caught, so they are out.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Kicker kicks a ball into foul territory, but it is caught by a member of the fielding team., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/4/2023 15:59:1972 / 100Brittany McClaskeyEff the Cistem
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 9:10:5148 / 100Nick RedigerFreeballers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base and stay there, as the caught ball ended all game play.
the Runner runs past First Base and turns towards Second Base without attempting to advance.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., The Kicker swings and misses the ball three times., The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Kicker kicks a ball into foul territory, but it is caught by a member of the fielding team., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The Captain and Co-Captain.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Because the Base Runner managed to make it successfully to Second Base, the Base Runner is safe.
4/2/2023 9:22:3884 / 100Nick RedigerFreeballers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 9:27:1884 / 100Nick Rediger Freeballers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 9:31:18100 / 100Nick RedigerFreeballers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/4/2023 21:05:1440 / 100John GardockiFreeballers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
As soon as the Pitcher pitches the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base and stay there, as the caught ball ended all game play.
FairFairFoulAll of the above.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., Any Runner still standing on the Safety Base after the next play has begun is still considered “safe”.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Kicker kicks a ball into foul territory, but it is caught by a member of the fielding team., A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base.
Option 3Option 2TRUEFairFoulFair
The Captain and Co-Captain.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Because the Base Runner managed to make it successfully to Second Base, the Base Runner is safe.
4/2/2023 12:28:0388 / 100Molly LengyelFUNemployed
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 23:50:5264 / 100Kolby Oliver JonesGoofy Goobers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
As soon as the Pitcher pitches the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Stop the game during the play and call the player “out” for remaining on the Safety Base.
4/2/2023 23:57:3696 / 100Kolby Jones Goofy Goobers
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/22/2023 22:45:2492 / 100Nick SniderGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
The Kicker swings and misses the ball three times., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 9:02:05100 / 100Jarid JonesGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 10:33:37100 / 100Kat Rogers Gym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 10:47:5376 / 100Timothy O'ReillyGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFoulFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 10:53:5976 / 100Timothy O'ReillyGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., A Base Runner is not on a Base when the ball is kicked., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 11:00:3484 / 100Timothy O'ReillyGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 11:11:2232 / 100Angeline RennerGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Making the final decision of whether a Base Runner is “safe” or “out”., Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base and stay there, as the caught ball ended all game play.
FoulFairFairAll of the above.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., Any Runner still standing on the Safety Base after the next play has begun is still considered “safe”.
Do nothing. They made it successfully to Second Base so they are safe.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach.
Option 3Option 2TRUEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Runner, Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and both Referees.
Because the Base Runner managed to make it successfully to Second Base, the Base Runner is safe.
3/23/2023 13:55:5180 / 100Timothy O'ReillyGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 14:04:13100 / 100Timothy O'ReillyGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 16:54:0172 / 100Liam StrausbaughGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
FairFairFoulAll of the above.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If the First Basemen is on the Safety Base within foul territory, the Kicker must still use the Safety Base.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, and the Umpire.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/23/2023 16:56:49100 / 100Liam StrausbaughGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/24/2023 20:03:4784 / 100Kelsey StrausbaughGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner running from Second to Home (by way of Third) and while rounding Third, runs into their teams Base Coach. The Base Coach physically redirects (i.e. pushes) the player towards Home Base., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/24/2023 20:10:33100 / 100Kelsey StrausbaughGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 19:55:3468 / 100Samuel DulingGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
As soon as the Pitcher pitches the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., The Kicker swings and misses the ball three times., The Kicker kicks a foul ball four times., A Kicker kicks a ball into foul territory, but it is caught by a member of the fielding team.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker, the Captain, the Co-Captain, and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
3/30/2023 20:00:54100 / 100Samuel DulingGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/1/2023 11:56:5956 / 100Angeline RennerGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner runs past First Base but turns away from the infield.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., The Runner may only touch the Safety Base if advancing to Second Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., Any Runner still standing on the Safety Base after the next play has begun is still considered “safe”.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Kicker kicks the ball, it bounces on the ground, and manages to hit themselves as they are running to First., A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Because the Base Runner managed to make it successfully to Second Base, the Base Runner is safe.
4/1/2023 12:01:0680 / 100Angeline RennerGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 23:07:5288 / 100Marisa iaderosa Gym class zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/3/2023 15:21:3980 / 100Angeline RennerGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFair
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/3/2023 15:25:14100 / 100Angeline RennerGym Class Zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 22:58:4680 / 100Marisa iaderosa Gym class zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFoulFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/2/2023 23:04:45100 / 100Marisa iaderosa Gym class zeros
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.
4/5/2023 9:19:14100 / 100Christi McLaneJockstrap Hereos
Providing the umpire with a judgement decision of “out” or “safe”.
Watching for encroachment, foul balls, runner interference, and overall rule violations to assist an umpire if required.
After the Kicker makes contact with the ball.
While pitching, the Pitcher steps in front of the Pitching Strip., The 3rd baseman steps ahead of the Line of Encroachment before the Kicker has kicked the ball., The Catcher moves in front of the Kicker during the pitch.
Return back to Second Base to tag up before running back to Third.
the Runner has begun to aggressively move towards, or attempts to advance to, Second Base.
It may only be used when traveling from Home to First., The Runner must touch only the Safety Base if running through First Base., If there is no active play at First Base, the Safety Base does not have to be used., If a Fielder touches First Base at the same time that the Runner arrives at the Safety Base, the Runner is safe.
Run back to First to tag up before either staying at First, or continuing back to Second.
A Base Runner, when rounding Third Base, high-fives their team’s Base Coach., The ball lands among the spectators, hitting a non-playing person in the face.
Option 3Option 2FALSEFairFairFoul
The next Kicker and both Base Coaches.
The Captain, Co-Captain, Umpire, and any Base Referee that saw the play.
Allow the game play to finish, signal that the Base Runner who had departed from the Safety Base is “out”.