A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | |
1 | Transition Services: Family Engagement Calendar 2024-2025 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Note: The information provided in this calendar is subject to change. Dates, times, and topics may be updated or revised. Please check with the transition teacher for the most current details prior to attending. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | School Name | Region | Transition Teacher Name | Transition Teacher Email: | Topic: | Presenter(s): | Date: | Time: | Location: | |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Angelou HS | East | Fragoso, Rutilo | rxf5415@lausd.net | District Office of Transition Services (DOTS) presentation for parents of students in the alternative curriculum: Post Secondary Options for students in the alternative curriculum (Career and Transition Centers and Regional Center). | Transition Teacher - Rutilo Fragoso | 11/8/2024 | 10:00 - 11:00AM | Dr. Maya Angelou HS Parent Center: 300 E. 53rd St. Los Angeles CA. 90011. | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Angelou HS | East | Fragoso, Rutilo | rxf5415@lausd.net | District Office of Transition Services (DOTS): Presentation for parents of students in the General Education curriculum. Information about financial aid, LA promise, Department of Rehabilitation and Occupational Centers. | Transition Teacher - Rutilo Fragoso | 2/10/2025 | 9:00 - 10:00AM | Dr. Maya Angelou HS Parent Center 300 E. 53rd St. Los Angeles CA. 90011 | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | Arleta HS | North | Junio Magee, Beverly | baj5954@lausd.net | Regional Center Services: DOTS teachers from District Office of Transition Services of LAUSD is offering a Parent Information Meeting regarding Regional Center, how to sign up and the services they can offer. | Mayra Lopez | 10/24/2024 | 9:00 - 10:00AM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/7167496306?omn=86579697843 | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Arleta HS | North | Junio Magee, Beverly | baj5954@lausd.net | Participants will learn about Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Adult Services, the application process, and resources available through DOR | Andres Lugo | 2/20/2025 | 9:00 - 10:00AM | Zoom link: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/2277828593?omn=85489396964&from=addon | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | Augustus Hawkins HS | South | Cole, Kennethia | kennethia.cole@lausd.net | Coffee with the Principal: Overview of Transition Services for parents of students with disabilities at Hawkins High School | Transition Teacher - Kennethia Cole | 9/20/2024 | 10:00 AM | Augustus Hawkins High School Parent Center 825 W. 60th St. Los Angeles, CA 90044 | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | Augustus Hawkins HS | South | Cole, Kennethia | kennethia.cole@lausd.net | Widney CTC Visit - Parent tour and program overview for parents of students on the alternate curriculum of Augustus Hawkins High School | Transition Teacher - Kennethia Cole | 2/12/2025 | 10:40 AM - 12:40 PM | Joseph Pomeroy Widney Career and Preparatory Transition Center 2303 S. Gramercy Place Los Angeles, CA 90018 | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | Banning HS | South | De La Vega, Andrea | andrea.delavega@lausd.net | "Quick Start" FAFSA Documents: Parents/Guardians of 12th graders are invited to join this brief informational meeting to learn how to create an FSA ID and what documents are needed to complete the FAFSA which opens on Dec. 1. Approaching College Application Deadlines will also be discussed. Spanish translation provided. | Transition Teachers | 11/4/2024 | 9:00 AM | Banning High School, 1527 Lakme Ave, Wilmington, CA 90744 (Parent Center) or Join Zoom Meeting to start at 9:15 a.m. https://lausd.zoom.us/j/94394957266?pwd=1IcaFFVCQpLyFSchtZTbeeyPKb4fgf.1 Meeting ID: 943 9495 7266 Passcode: bhs | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | Banning HS | South | De La Vega, Andrea | andrea.delavega@lausd.net | Tour at Harbor Occupational Center, San Pedro" Parents/Guardians are invited to meet us for a tour of Harbor Occupational Center to learn about the exciting free and low cost trade programs available. Information about Disability Support Services for students with IEPs will also be provided. Please use this form to RSVP: https://forms.gle/rQ9FzkCjXnwZm3wM7 | Disability Support Services Advisor | 2/19/2025 | 10:00 AM. - 12:00 PM | Harbor Occupational Center 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, CA 90731 | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | Banning HS | South | De La Vega, Andrea | andrea.delavega@lausd.net | Tour of Willenberg Career and Transition Center (CTC)" Banning High School Parents/Guardians are invited to join Alternate Curriculum student on our annual Field Trip to Willenberg CTC for students who will transition to CTC post-high school. Adults cleared through the parent center may ride the bus; parents not cleared through the parent center will need to meet us there. You may also bring your lunch or purchase food at the onsite Bistro. | Principal and Assistant Principal | 3/5/2025 | 10:45 AM - 1:30 PM | Willenberg CTC 308 S Weymouth Ave, San Pedro, CA 90732 | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | Bell High School | East | Christina Sithole | cxs7119@lausd.net | Is your Child Ready for Life after High School? | C.Sithole, G. Santos, M. Garcia, M. Juan Molina & S. Lopez(College Counselor), J. Fonseca Bridge Coordinator, Ms Soto SPED counselor | 2/19/2025 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | Bell HS, Library 4328 Bell Ave, Bell, CA 90201 | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Bell High School | East | Christina Sithole | cxs7119@lausd.net | Is your child ready for life after high school? | C. Sithole, G. Santos, M. Garcia and M. Juan- Molina | 11/13/2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Harbor Occupational Center 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, CA 90731 | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | Bell High School | East | Christina Sithole | cxs7119@lausd.net | Regional Center: Understanding and Supporting your Child with a Disability | Crystal Smith FRC Program Manager McClaney Family Resource Center South Central Los Angeles Regional Center | 11/13/2024 | 10AM - 12PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/81823578598?pwd=nQ8poZuebfGMA9o8h57xoBBnEqgA8i.1 | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | Bell High School | East | Christina Sithole | cxs7119@lausd.net | Importance of Enrolling at a CTC-in person | V. Guerrero & M. Castro | 1/22/2025 | 10AM - 12PM | Bell HS, Library 4328 Bell Ave, Bell, CA 90201 | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | Belmont Senior HS | East | David Thompson | david.thompson@lausd.net | Transition support for students on the Alternate Curriculum at Belmont High School | Transition Teacher - David Thompson | 8/29/2024 | 4:00 - 5:00PM | Belmont High School DOTS Office 1575 W 2nd St, Los Angeles, CA 90026 | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | Belmont Senior HS | East | David Thompson | david.thompson@lausd.net | Transition support for students with IEPs in general education at Belmont High School | Transition Teacher - David Thompson | 8/29/2024 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM | Belmont High School DOTS Office 1575 W 2nd St, Los Angeles, CA 90026 | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | Benjamin Franklin High School/Sotomayor Magnet | East | Araceli Ruiz | araceli.ruiz@lausd.net | DOTS Program Overview Agenda: 1. District Office of Transition Services (DOTS) -Mission -Transition services at the high school setting 2. Schoology Access -Parent Portal Support -How we utilize Schoology to support our students in DOTS 3. Post-Secondary Options (College, Trade, Military, Employment) -Department of Rehabilitation -Regional Center | Araceli Ruiz, Transtion Treacher-Franklin HS/Sotomayor Magnet Daisy Diaz, VTA Krissya Vasquez, Transtion Teacher-Marshall HS Tammy Kirch, Transition Teacher-Eagle Rock HS | 11/8/2024 | 11AM - 12:20PM | Zoom Link Meeting ID: 763 338 1663 Passchoode: DOTS | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | Benjamin Franklin High School/Sotomayor Magnet | East | Araceli Ruiz | araceli.ruiz@lausd.net | Tour and overview of Perez CTC for parents of students on the alternate curriculum at Eagle Rock HS and Frankklin HS | Parent Liason | 11/16/2024 | 10:00AM - 2:00PM | Perez CTC, 4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022. (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | Bernstein High School | West | Silvia Vazquez | scald6@lausd.net | How to navigate the Regional Center Self-Determination process (recorder) | Amy Yee (Parent) | 9/18/2024 | 10:00 AM | zoom | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | Bernstein High School | West | Silvia Vazquez | scald6@lausd.net | Alt curriculum: After High School-What's Next? | Miriam Eden, Gilbert , Gilbert Richards and Fernando | 10/23/2024 | 12:00 PM | CTC West | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | Bernstein High School | West | Silvia Vazquez | scald6@lausd.net | After High School - What's Next? For parents of students with disabilities on the alternate curriculum from Hamilton, Venice, University HS, and Bernstein. Please come explore options for your student after completing 4 years of high school. | Miram Eden, Gilbert Richards,and Fernandeo Orduna | 2/24/2025 | 9:30 AM | zoom | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | Canoga Park HS | North | Manukyan, Araksya | axm3900@lausd.net | Options After High School. Learn about available programs for students in the Alternate Curriculum at Canoga Park High School | Miller and Leichman CTC representatives, Project Search | 12/4/2024 | 1:30 - 3:00PM | Canoga Park High School Parent Center Rm. 215 6850 CA-27, Canoga Park, CA 91303 | |||||||||||||||||||
25 | Canoga Park HS | North | Manukyan, Araksya | axm3900@lausd.net | Come meet representatives of accommodation services from postsecondary schools | Accommodation offices at postsecondary schools- CSUN DRES, Pierce Accommodation office, West Valley Occ Center Disability Services | 2/13/2025 | 9:00 AM | Canoga Park High School Parent Center Rm 215 6850 CA-27, Canoga Park, CA 91303 | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | Canoga Park HS | North | Manukyan, Araksya | axm3900@lausd.net | Day Program Options for Student with Extensive Needs after Age 21 | Day program representatives | 3/30/2025 | 5:00-7:00PM | Lokrantz Special Education Center Auditorium 19451 Wyandotte St, Reseda, CA 91335 | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | Carson High School | South | Suzanne Shimazaki | sjs1677@lausd.net | Family Tour of Harbor Occupational Center | Disability Support Provider | 2/19/25 | 10:00 - 12:00 pm | Harbor Occupational Center, 740 N Pacific Ave, San Pedro, CA 90731 | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | Carson High School | South | Suzanne Shimazaki | sjs1677@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum student/parent visit to Willenberg CTC | Principal | March 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00 pm | Willenberg CTC, 308 S Weymouth Ave, San Pedro, CA 90732 | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | Chatsworth Charter HS | North | Lewis, Josh | jwl0378@lausd.net | Back to School Night- Overview of Transition Services for students with IEPs on the alternate curriculum at Chatsworth Charter High School. | Transition Teacher - Josh Lewis | 9/26/2024 | 06:00 PM- 08:00 PM | Chatsworth Charter High School 10027 Lurline Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Various Classrooms | |||||||||||||||||||
30 | Chatsworth Charter HS | North | Lewis, Josh | jwl0378@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum student/parent visit to Leichman Career & Transition Center (CTC) and Miller Career & Transition Center (CTC). Parents and students will have the opportunity to tour both schools and experience the work strands each school offers. | Transition Teacher & CTC Principal | 11/20/2024 | 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM | Leichman CTC 19034 Gault St. Reseda CA 91335 Miller CTC 8218 Vanalden Ave. Reseda, CA 91335 | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | Chatsworth Charter HS | North | Lewis, Josh | jwl0378@lausd.net | Overview of transition services for students with IEPs. | SPED Coordinator & Transition Teacher | 12/5/2024 | 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM | HYBRID: Chatsworth Charter High School 10027 Lurline Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Parent Center Room C-11 ZOOM Link: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/5215196895?omn=89269955469 Meeting ID: 521 519 6895 | |||||||||||||||||||
32 | Chatsworth Charter HS | North | Lewis. Josh | jwl0378@lausd.net | Open House - Overview of post-high school options for students with IEPs. Department of Rehabalitation (DOR) for students with IEPs DOR counselor will review DOR servcies for students with IEPs students post high school | Hong Quach, DOR Counselor | 4/10/2025 | 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM | HYBRID: Chatsworth Charter High School 10027 Lurline Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Parent Center Room C-11 ZOOM Link: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/5215196895?omn=89269955469 Meeting ID: 521 519 6895 | |||||||||||||||||||
33 | Chavez LA | North | Maldonado, Victoria | vim7003@lausd.net | District Office Of Transition Services and Department of Rehabilitation Adult Services: Participants will learn about Department of Rehabilitation Adult Services, who is eligible, services offered and how to apply. | Andres Lugo | 2/20/2024 | 9:00 - 10:00AM | Zoom https://lausd.zoom.us/j/716749306 | |||||||||||||||||||
34 | Chavez LA | North | Maldonado, Victoria | vim7003@lausd.net | District Office of Transition Services and Regional Center: Participants will learn about Regional Centers, who is eligible, services offered and how to apply. | Regional Center | 10/24/2024 | 9:00 - 10:00AM | Zoom https://lausd.zoom.us/j/716749306 | |||||||||||||||||||
35 | Cleveland HS | North | Dejam, Ladan | ladan.dejam@lausd.net | "Available Resources for Students in Alternate Curriculum and their Family." The purpose of this parent informational session is to illuminate and empower parents of students in the alternate curriculum. Presenters from both agencies, Regional Center and Department of Rehabilitation will discuss their available resources and services for individuals with disabilities. The Family Focus Resource Center at CSU Northridge will focus on available support for parents (e.g., available parent support groups, activities offered at CSUN for parents and their children). Spanish translation will be available and each presenter will allow time for questions and answers. | Regional Center, Department of Rehabilitation, & Family Focus Resource & Empowerment Center California State University, Northridge | 9/17/2024 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM | Cleveland Charter High School, 8140 Vanalden Avenue Reseda, CA I Building - Family Center | |||||||||||||||||||
36 | Cleveland HS | North | Dejam, Ladan | ladan.dejam@lausd.net | "Post-Secondary Education and Available Support and Services" This training will address the post-secondary education options and support and services that are available to students with disabilities. While both presenters from Los Angeles Mission College and West Valley Occupational Center will discuss their available accommodations for students with disabilities, presenters from the Department of Rehabilitation will focus on the financial support and other services (job exploration, post-secondary education & employment, work-based learning experiences, and workplace readiness) available to students with disabilities. In addition, the Family Focus Resource & Empowerment Center presentation will focus on introducing the events and activities that are inherently designed to support parents of students with disabiliteis. | Los Angeles Mission College-Disability Office, Department of Rehabilitation-Student Service Coordiantor, West Valley Occupational Center-Disability Support Service Advisor and Family Focus Resource & Empowerment Center California State University, Northridge | 10/2/2024 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM | Cleveland Charter High School, 8140 Vanalden Avenue Reseda, CA I Building - Family Center | |||||||||||||||||||
37 | Contreras LC | East | Cooper, Sean | sean.cooper@lausd.net | Transition to Adulthood: General Education - Participants will learn what transition support look like in LAUSD, LAUSD facilitating agency partnerships, transition assessment, an ITP, how we provide Transition instruction, work-based learning, age of majority & certificate of completion vs. diploma. | Sean Cooper | 10/23/2024 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Contreras Parent Center 322 Lucas Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90017 | |||||||||||||||||||
38 | Contreras LC | East | Cooper, Sean | sean.cooper@lausd.net | Transition to Adulthood: Alternative Curriculum - Participants will learn what transition support look like in LAUSD, LAUSD facilitating agency partnerships, transition assessment, an ITP, how we provide Transition instruction, work-based learning, age of majority & certificate of completion vs. diploma. | Sean Cooper | 3/26/2025 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Contreras Alternative Curriculum Classroom - 322 Lucas Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90017 | |||||||||||||||||||
39 | Cortines HS | East | Kim Rabas | kimberly.rabas@lausd.net | College Apps/Financial AId/Accommodations in College | Kim Rabas/Melanie Manzano | 9/25/2024 | 6:00 - 7:00 PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/8841674835?omn=89213541659#success | |||||||||||||||||||
40 | Cortines HS | East | Kim Rabas | kimberly.rabas@lausd.net | District Office of Transition Services/Department of Rehabilitation Parent Training | Kim Rabas | 12/5/2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | https://zoom.us/j/96368238327 | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | Diego Rivera Learning Complex | South | Joanna Perez | jap9320@lausd.net | Regional Center: Understanding and Supporting Your Child with a Disability | E. Kurai, G. Barbosa, C. Sithole, J. Ponce, M. Garia, R. Jiminez, G. Santos, O. Montenegro, S. Lembach, J. Perez, L. Navarro, R. Fragoso, G. Diaz | 11/13/2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Zoom: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/81823578598?pwd=nQ8poZuebfGMA9o8h57xoBBnEqgA8i.1 | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | Diego Rivera Learning Complex | South | Joanna Perez | jap9320@lausd.net | Overview of Disabled Student Programs and Services DSPS, Occupational Center, and Department of Rehabilitation services | E. Kurai, G. Barbosa, C. Sithole, J. Ponce, M. Garia, R. Jiminez, G. Santos, O. Montenegro, S. Lembach, J. Perez, L. Navarro, R. Fragoso, G. Diaz | 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 | 10:00:00 AM - 12:00 PM | TBD | |||||||||||||||||||
43 | Dorsey HS | West | Gaines, Keli | kmg0862@lausd.net | For parents of students at Dorsey HS, Crenshaw HS, and Augustus Hawkins HS, and Sojourner Truth Central HS - Informational meeting on Department of Rehabilitation (DOR ) services. Learn about FREE Department of Rehabilitation services. Explore options for college or trade school after graduation. Get information about employment options. | Kennethia Cole, Keli Gaines, Trevia Banks (Transition teachers), Miriam Escobar (DOR Counselor) & Kareene Alprecht (DOR Counselor) | 10/10/2024 | 10:00 AM | Ms. Cole's zoom- https://lausd.zoom.us/j/83051329245 | |||||||||||||||||||
44 | Dorsey HS | West | Gaines, Keli | kmg0862@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum / Parent Meeting/ your of Widney CPTC. Come with your child to take a tour of Widney CPTC. Get to see the classrooms and campus. Find out about the different programs and resources the have to offer! | Davina N. Baker, Title 1 Coordinator & Keli Gaines, Transition Teacher | 11/20/2024 | 10:40AM - 12:40PM | Widney Career Preparatory Transition Center 2302 S Gramercy Place Los Angeles, CA 90018 | |||||||||||||||||||
45 | Dymally HS | South | Artica, Brian | bda8990@lausd.net | Transition Services Overview which will include Schoology Activities, Department of Rehabilitation Services, and Community Resources and Post-Secondary Options that will include Local Colleges, Occupational Centers, and Job Corps | Brian Artica, DOTS | 10/17/2024 | 4:00 - 5:00PM | Dymally Senior High, Library 8800 San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90003 | |||||||||||||||||||
46 | Dymally HS | South | Artica, Brian | bda8990@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum Post-Secondary Options and Resources | Brian Artica, DOTS | 2/20/2025 | 4:00 - 5:00PM | Dymally Senior High, Library, 8800 San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90003 | |||||||||||||||||||
47 | Eage Rock HS | East | Kirch, Tammy | tjh9414@lausd.net | Tour and overview of Perez Career and Transition Center (CTC) for parents of students on the alternate curriculum at Eagle Rock HS and Franklin HS. Parents and students will learn the offerings and layout of Perez CTC and what to expect if the student eventually enrolls at Perez. | Parent Liaison | 10/16/2024 | 10:00AM - 2:00PM | Perez Career and Transition Center 4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022 | |||||||||||||||||||
48 | Eagle Rock HS | East | Kirch, Tammy | tjh9414@lausd.net | DOTS program overview. Parents will learn what types of transition services are provided by DOTS and how that relates to their student both now and in their future endeavors. | Tammy Kirch-Eagle Rock HS, Araceli Ruiz-Franklin HS, Krissya Vazquez-Marshall HS | 11/8/2024 | 11:00AM - 12:30PM | Zoom Link Meeting ID: 763 338 1663 Passcode: DOTS | |||||||||||||||||||
49 | Fairfax HS | West | Cross, Kevin | kevin.cross@lausd.net | Overview of Transition Services for parents of students at Fairfax High School (Coffee With the Principal Meeting) | Transition Teacher - Kevin Cross | 8/23/2024 | 8:45AM-9:45AM | Fairfax High School Library, 7850 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046 | |||||||||||||||||||
50 | Fairfax HS | West | Cross, Kevin | kevin.cross@lausd.net | Overview of Work-Based Learning Program for parents of students at Fairfax High School (Coffee with the Principal Meeting) | Transition Teacher - Kevin Cross | 10/25/2024 | 8:45AM-9:45AM | Fairfax High School Library, 7850 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046 | |||||||||||||||||||
51 | Fairfax HS | West | Cross, Kevin | kevin.cross@lausd.net | Overview of Department of Rehabilitation supports available for 12th grade students with disabilities at Fairfax High School (Coffee With the Principal Meeting) | Transition Teacher - Kevin Cross | 2/14/2025 | 8:45AM-9:45AM | Fairfax High School Library, 7850 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046 | |||||||||||||||||||
52 | Fremont High School | South | Vasquez, Milady | mvasqu11@lausd.net | Overview of Transition Services | DOTS teacher, Job Corps, DOR | 1/23/25 | 9:30 - 11:30 am | Fremont High School 7676 San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90003 | |||||||||||||||||||
53 | Fremont High School | South | Vasquez, Milady | mvasqu11@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum Parent Meeting: Learn about the program offered by Banneker CTC. Also learn about Supplemental Security Income. | DOTS teacher, Bannecker CTC Presenter, TPP Naviagtor | 1/16/25 | 9:30 - 11:30 am | Fremont High School 7676 San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90003 | |||||||||||||||||||
54 | Fulton College Prep | North | Lopez, Erin | ezl2384@lausd.net | Overview of Transition Services to Parents of students on the Alternate curriculum: Participants will learn how transition services prepares students to succesfully transition from high school to adult living as well as the services offered by Career and Transition Centers. | Erin Lopez | 11/18/2024 (Spanish) | 11:00AM - 12:00PM | Zoom Meeting ID : 503 881 5618 | |||||||||||||||||||
55 | Fulton College Prep | North | Lopez, Erin | ezl2384@lausd.net | Overview of Transition and Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Services to parents of Seniors at Fulton College Prep: Participants will learn what transition support looks like as well as the Transition Partnership Program with DOR. | Erin Lopez and Andres Lugo | 9/27/24 (Spanish) 9/30/24 (English) | 10:30 - 11:30AM | Zoom Meeting ID : 503 881 5618 | |||||||||||||||||||
56 | Gardena HS | South | Fingleson, Julia | julia.fingleson@lausd.net | "Tour at Harbor Occupational Center San Pedro" Families are invited to join us for a tour of Harbor Occuational Center to learn about the free and low cost training programs available. Information about Disability Support Services for students with IEPs will also be provided. | Disability Support Provider | 2/19/2024 | 10AM to 12PM | Harbor Occupational Center, 740 N Pacific Ave, San Pedro, CA 90731 | |||||||||||||||||||
57 | Gardena HS | South | Fingleson, Julia | julia.fingleson@lausd.net | Family Tour at Willenberg CTC. Please note this tour is only open to Gardena High School Parents of students on the Alternate Curriculum. Please email me to RSVP at Julia.fingleson@lausd.net | Assistant Principal | March 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00 PM | Willenberg CTC, 308 S. Weymouth Ave, San Pedro, CA 90274 | |||||||||||||||||||
58 | Garfield HS | East | Haywood, Wendy | wlh0487@lausd.net | Overview of DOTS Services-Families will learn about what transition services are and what they look like at a school site | Transition Teacher | 10/2/2024 | 11:00AM-12:00PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/85605364820 | |||||||||||||||||||
59 | Garfield HS | East | Haywood, Wendy | wlh0487@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum: Student/Parent visit to Perez CTC . This tour is specifically for parents of students on the alternate curriculum who attend Garfield HS and Roosevelt HS | Martha Castro | 11/14/2024 | 11:15AM-12:30PM | Perez CTC, 4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022. (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
60 | Grant HS | North | Leung, Thais | thais.leung@lausd.net | Navigating high school transition (alternate curriculum) Objectives: What is DOTS, IDEA, and ADA; District programs after high school, Changes that happen when student turns 18 (including conservatorship) and 22, How to best support your student through this transition plus resources | Thais Leung & Annette Vasquez (support) | 1/30/2024 | 9AM-10AM | Grant High School, BU9 Parent Center 13000 Oxnard St, Van Nuys, CA 91401 | |||||||||||||||||||
61 | Grant HS | North | Leung, Thais | thais.leung@lausd.net | Navigating high school and post-secondary transition (core curriculum). Objectives: Overview of transition services in high school Supports available once a student graduates high school, FAFSA information and LA College Promise, How to best support your student through this transition and resources | Thais Leung & Annette Vasquez (support) | 10/24/2024 | 9AM-10AM | Grant High School, BU9 Parent Center 13000 Oxnard St, Van Nuys, CA 91401 | |||||||||||||||||||
62 | Hamilton HS | West | Rivera, Amber | amr5681@lausd.net | How to navigate the Regional Center Self-Determination process: My target audience was parents of student with disabilites at Hamilton and other LAUSD schools This workshop is specifically designed for our special education community. This workshop will focus on understanding the Regional Center Self-Determination process, an important option that can provide more flexibility and choice in the services and supports available to your family. We are pleased to have one of our own parents, presenting at this workshop. Amy Yee has firsthand experience navigating the self-determination process and will share valuable insights and practical advice to help other parents understand and utilize this option. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn, ask questions, and connect with other parents who are going through similar experiences. We encourage you to join us and participate in this informative session. | Amy Yee- Parent | 9/18/2024 | 10:00AM- 11:00AM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/83099447779 | |||||||||||||||||||
63 | Hamilton HS | West | RIvera, Amber | amr5681@lausd.net | After High School - What's Next? For parents of students with disabilities on the alternate curriculum from Hamilton, Venice, University HS, and Bernstein. Please come explore options for your student after completing 4 years of high school. | Miram Eden, Gilbert Richards,and Fernandeo Orduna | 2/24/2025 | 9:30 AM | zoom | |||||||||||||||||||
64 | Hamilton HS | West | RIvera, Amber | amr5681@lausd.net | How to continue with accommmodations in college Parents, join us to learn how students can continue with accommodations in college. | Transition teacher or LATTC DSPS representative | 3/19/2025 | 10:00- 10:30AM | Zoom | |||||||||||||||||||
65 | Hollywood HS | West | Carter, Wendy | wendy.carter@lausd.net | Explaining the post secondary vocational program of LATTC and the options that the program offers and how to get enrolled. | Transition Teacher - Wendy Carter | 2/7/2024 | 9:00 AM | Hollywood HS Library 1521 N. Highland Avenue Los Angeles CA 90028 | |||||||||||||||||||
66 | Hollywood HS | West | Carter, Wendy | wendy.carter@lausd.net | Work based learning (WBL) overview of how the program works and the value it brings to the development of the child. | Transition Teacher - Wendy Carter | 10/4/2024 | 9:00 AM | Hollywood HS Library 1521 N. Highland Avenue Los Angeles CA 90028 | |||||||||||||||||||
67 | Huntington Park HS | East | Ponce, James | jdp1015@lausd.net | Transition: What options do students have after high school graduation? | James Ponce | 11/6/2024 | 9:00 - 10:45AM | Huntington Park HS, 6020 Miles Ave, Huntington Park, CA 90255. (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
68 | Huntington Park HS | East | Ponce, James | jdp1015@lausd.net | Regional Center: Understanding and Supporting your Child with a Disability | J. Ponce, E. Kurai, G. Barbosa, C. Sithole, M. Garia, R. Jiminez, G. Santos, O. Montenegro, S. Lembach, J. Perez, L. Navarro, R. Fragoso, G. Diaz | 11/13/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/81823578598?pwd=nQ8poZuebfGMA9o8h57xoBBnEqgA8i.1 | |||||||||||||||||||
69 | Huntington Park HS | East | Ponce, James | jdp1015@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum student/parent visit to Perez CTC | James Ponce | 2/19/2025 | 11:15AM - 1:00PM | Perez CTC, 4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022. (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
70 | Jefferson HS Nava College Preparatory Academy | East | Caudillo, Marco | mac6481@lausd.net | Post-Secondary Options for Students with IEPs: Participants will learn about 1) the various types of postsecondary options available, 2) the difference between each one, 3) the different assistance programs available at each one, and 4) why it is important for them, as parents, to be aware of the rules for each program. | Marco Caudillo, Transition Teacher Efren Rodriguez, NCPA Bridge Coordinator | 8/28/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | Nava College Preparatory Academy 4019 Compton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011 Parent Center Room B20 | |||||||||||||||||||
71 | Jefferson HS Nava College Preparatory Academy | East | Caudillo, Marco | mac6481@lausd.net | Post-High School Options for Students in Alternate Curriculum: Participants will learn about 1) The different options available to students in the alternate curriculum once they are eligible to receive a certificate of completion/complete high school (CTC, CATS, Project Search) 2) as well as those available from Regional Center after age 22 (Regional Center representative will present) and finally a brief overview of conservatorship and Bet Tzedek. | Marco Caudillo, Transition Teacher Rosa Munoz, Special Education Teacher Jose Beltran, Regional Center Community Outreach Representative | 9/27/2024 | 9:00 - 11:00AM | Jefferson High School 1319 E 41st St, Los Angeles, CA 90011 Room B9 | |||||||||||||||||||
72 | Jefferson HS Nava College Preparatory Academy | East | Caudillo, Marco | mac6481@lausd.net | Post-Secondary Options for Students with IEPs: Participants will learn about 1) the various types of postsecondary options available, 2) the difference between each one, 3) the different assistance programs available at each one, and 4) why it is important for them, as parents, to be aware of the rules for each program. | Marco Caudillo, Transition Teacher Sylvia Macias, Jefferson HS Bridge Coordinator | 12/5/2024 | 9:00 - 11:00AM | Jefferson High School 1319 E 41st St, Los Angeles, CA 90011 Room B9 | |||||||||||||||||||
73 | Jordan HS | South | Jimenez, Ricardo | rxj7043@lausd.net | Overview of DOTS Services | Transition Teacher | 9/27/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | Jordan HS, 2265 E 103rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90002. (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
74 | Jordan HS | South | Jimenez, Ricardo | rxj7043@lausd.net | Regional Center Services | Crystal Smith | 11/13/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | Zoom: https://lausd.zoom.us/s/81823578598 | |||||||||||||||||||
75 | Kennedy HS | North | Chung, Betty, Simle, Jaime | bjc1700@lausd.net | Overview of transition services for John F. Kennedy High School parents of students with disabilities | Transition Teachers - Betty Chung & Jaime Simle | 10/30/2024 | 8:30 - 10:00AM | John F. Kennedy High School Parent Center 11254 Gothic Avenue, Granada Hills, CA | |||||||||||||||||||
76 | Kennedy HS | North | Chung, Betty, Simle, Jaime | bjc1700@lausd.net | John F. Kennedy High School Alternate Curriculum student/parent tour of Miller Career Transition Center and Leichman Career Transition Center | Transition Teachers - Betty Chung & Jaime Simle | 11/21/2024 | 8:45AM - 12:45PM | Miller Career Transition Center - 8218 Vanalden Ave., Reseda, CA AND Leichman Career Transtion Center - 19134 Gault St., Reseda CA | |||||||||||||||||||
77 | Legacy HS Complex & Elizabeth Learning Center | East | Kurai, Evette | evette.kurai@lausd.net | Overview Transition Services/Transitioning Students with Special Needs to College and Career | E. Kurai, G. Barbosa | 10/25/2024 | 9:00 - 10:30AM | Legacy HS Complex, 5225 Tweedy Blvd, South Gate, CA 90280. Parent Center | |||||||||||||||||||
78 | Legacy HS Complex & Elizabeth Learning Center | East | Kurai, Evette | evette.kurai@lausd.net | Regional Center: Understanding and Supporting your Child with a Disability | E. Kurai, G. Barbosa, C. Sithole, J. Ponce, M. Garia, R. Jiminez, G. Santos, O. Montenegro, S. Lembach, J. Perez, L. Navarro, R. Fragoso, G. Diaz | 11/13/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/s/81823578598 | |||||||||||||||||||
79 | Lincoln HS & Francisco Bravo HS | East | Jorge Ulloa | jxu8585@lausd.net | Overview of Transition Services | Transition Teacher | 10/2/2024 | 11:00AM 12:00PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/85605364820 | |||||||||||||||||||
80 | Lincoln HS & Francisco Bravo HS | East | Jorge Ulloa | jxu8585@lausd.net | Perez Career and Transition Center Overview | Martha Castro | 10/14/2024 | 10:00 - 11:00AM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/85605364820 | |||||||||||||||||||
81 | Los Angeles HS | West | Perez, Dawn | axp7316@lausd.net | LA High Open House: Community Agency Department of Rehabilitation Presentation of Services for students with disabilities | Transition Teacher | 5/8/2025 | 5:00 - 7:00PM | LA High Room 221: 4650 West Olympic Blvd, LA CA 90019 | |||||||||||||||||||
82 | Los Angeles HS | West | Perez, Dawn | axp7316@lausd.net | Tour of CTC (Career & Transition Center) West for parents of students on the alternate curriculum at Los Angeles High School | Transition Teacher | March 2025 (specific date TBD) | TBD | CTC West: 7850 Melrose Ave, LA CA 90036 | |||||||||||||||||||
83 | Manual Arts HS | South | Harrison, Tina | tina.harrison@lausd.net | FAFSA overview & FSA ID Activation | GEAR UP staff, Parent Center representatives, Tina Harrison | 9/17/2024 | 10:30 - 11:30AM | Manual Arts HS, Room 118 4131 Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90037 | |||||||||||||||||||
84 | Manual Arts HS | South | Harrison, Tina | tina.harrison@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum Students & Parents from Manual Arts visit to Widney Career and Transition Center | Widney staff | 3/26/2025 | 10:40AM - 12:40PM | Widney Career and Transition Center 2302 South Gramercy Place, Los Angeles, CA 90018 | |||||||||||||||||||
85 | Marquez High School | East | Oscar Montenegro | oxm3925@lausd.net | Regional Center: Understanding and Supporting your Child with a Disability | O. Montenegro, E. Kurai, G. Barbosa, C. Sithole, J. Ponce, M. Garia, R. Jiminez, G. Santos, S. Lembach, J. Perez, L. Navarro, R. Fragoso, G. Diaz | 11/13/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/s/81823578598 | |||||||||||||||||||
86 | Marquez High School | East | Oscar Montenegro | oxm3925@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum Student /Parent visit to Perez Career and Transition Center | Perez Career and Transition Center representative | 3/12/2025 | 11:15AM - 1:00PM | Perez Career and Transition Center, 4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022. (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
87 | Marquez High School | East | Oscar Montenegro | oxm3925@lausd.net | Disable Student Program Services DSPS) parents will learn of the different types of supports there is in college for studetns with an Individual Education Program/Occupational Centers parents will learn of different Los Angeles Unified School District schools that offored post secondary vocational trades/Department Of Rehabilitation parent will learn of the various services that they offer | O. Montenegro, E. Kurai, G. Barbosa, C. Sithole, J. Ponce, M. Garia, R. Jiminez, G. Santos, S. Lembach, J. Perez, L. Navarro, R. Fragoso, G. Diaz | March 12, 19, or 26 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | Zoom link | |||||||||||||||||||
88 | Marshall Senior High School | West | Vasquez, Krissya | krv8682@lausd.net | DOTS Program Overview: Agenda items: District Office of Transition Services Overview -Mission -Transition services at the high school setting 2. Schoology Access -Parent Portal Support -How we utilize Schoology to support our students in DOTS 3. Post-Secondary Options (College, Trade, Military, Employment) -Department of Rehabilitation -Regional Center | Myself- Marshall, Araceli Ruiz- Franklin HS/Sotomayor, Tammy Kirch-Eagle Rock, and Daisy Diaz(VTA) | 11/8/2024 | 11:00AM - 12:20PM | Zoom Link Meeting ID: 763 338 1663 Passchoode: DOTS | |||||||||||||||||||
89 | Marshall Senior High School | West | Vasquez, Krissya | krv8682@lausd.net | Tour/overview of Perez Career and Transition Center for parents of students on the alternate curriculum at Marshall HS | Perez's CTC Parent Liason | 1/15/2025 | 10:00AM - 1:00PM | Perez CTC, 4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022. (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
90 | MAYWOOD ACADEMY HS | East | GWENDOLYN SANTOS | mgs4200@lausd.net | Is your Child Ready for Life after High School? | CSithole, M. Garcia, G. Santos, M. Juan-Molina with the support of the two Maywood HS college counselors, community representatives and AP for SPED | 10/10/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | Maywood Academy- College Center 3RD FLR RM# 315C- in person meeting | |||||||||||||||||||
91 | MAYWOOD ACADEMY HS | East | GWENDOLYN SANTOS | mgs4200@lausd.net | Understanding and Supporting your Child with a Disability. This presentation is being presented by FRC Crystal Smith the FRC Family Program Manager at McClaney Resource Center in South Central Regional Center. | This presentation is being presented by FRC Crystal Smith the FRC Family Program Manager at McClaney Resource Center in South Central Regional Center. | 11/13/2024 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/81823578598?pwd=nQ8poZuebfGMA9o8h57xoBBnEqgA8i.1 | |||||||||||||||||||
92 | MAYWOOD ACADEMY HS | East | GWENDOLYN SANTOS | mgs4200@lausd.net | Is Your Child Ready for Life after High School? | CSithole, M. Garcia, G. Santos and M. Juan-Molina | 11/13/2024 | 5:00 - 6:30PM | ZOOM | |||||||||||||||||||
93 | Maywood Center for Enriched Studies (MaCES) | East | Diaz, Guillermo | ged3020@lausd.net | Transition services overview-Parents will receive information regarding, DOR, Transition Activities, and postsecondary options | Guillermo Diaz | 10/24/2024 | 9:00 AM | Maywood Center for Enriched Studies, 5800 King Ave, Maywood, CA 90270 (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
94 | Mendez HS | East | Carreno, Lisette | lcarreno@lausd.net | Overview of District Office of Transition Services- Parents will learn about the Special Education Transition Services their high school student(s) are receiving to prepare for them for post secondary success. | Lisette Carreno | 10/2/2024 | 11:00AM - 12:00PM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/85605364820 | |||||||||||||||||||
95 | Mendez HS | East | Carreno, Lisette | lcarreno@lausd.net | Perez CTC Overview Presentation - Parents will learn about the career and technical programs offered to students on the alternate curriculum offered at Perez CTC and how these can prepare students for post secondary success. | Veronica Guerrero/Martha Castro | 10/14/2024 | 10:00-11:00AM | https://lausd.zoom.us/j/85605364820 | |||||||||||||||||||
96 | Mendez HS | East | Carreno, Lisette | lcarreno@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum/ parent/student presentation/tour Perez CTC- Parents will be able to learn about vocational programs and then visit classrooms to see these programs in action to better understand how these can prepare students for post secondary success. | Veronica Guerrero/Martha Castro | 11/13/2024 | 11:15AM - 1:00PM | Perez CTC, 4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022, (Parent Center) | |||||||||||||||||||
97 | Narbonne High School | South | Susan Nolan | susan.nolan@lausd.net | Back - To -School Night | Transition Teacher, Teacher of Visual Impaired Class | 8/22/2024 | 4:30 - 6:30PM | Narbonne High School, 24300 S Western Ave, Harbor City, CA 90710. (VI Classroom - Room N10) | |||||||||||||||||||
98 | Narbonne High School | South | Susan Nolan | susan.nolan@lausd.net | Visual Impaired Services: Tour of Harbor College | DSPS Counselors | 09/25/2024 | 9:15 - 11:15AM | Narbonne High School, 24300 S Western Ave, Harbor City, CA 90710. (DSPS Office) | |||||||||||||||||||
99 | Narbonne High School | South | Susan Nolan | susan.nolan@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum Student/Family Visit to Willenberg CTC | Principal, Assistant Principal | 10/25/2024 | 10:45AM - 1:00 PM | Willenberg CTC, 308 S Weymouth Ave, San Pedro, CA 90732 | |||||||||||||||||||
100 | Narbonne High School | South | Susan Nolan | susan.nolan@lausd.net | Alternate Curriculum: Willenberg CTC Informational Meeting | Transition Teacher, Assistant Principal Willenberg, Lead Alternate Curriculum Teacher | 11/13/2024 | 9:00 AM | Narbonne High School, 24300 S Western Ave, Harbor City, CA 90710. (Family Center- Room D10) |