TimestampFunniest/awkward misunderstanding
4/25/2023 7:32:35Test
4/25/2023 7:42:46I was at the airport with my husband & teenage kids. My suitcase was too heavy so we are trying to lower the weight and my aqua marine “personal massager 😜😜” came flying out of my sneaker I so carefully tucked it into. My daughter screamed “Mom”! I was so mortified I broke the darn thing trying to shove it back into the shoe!!! It was so embarrassing but yet so funny! If you share this make it private 😂
4/25/2023 7:44:09Waiting for a meeting to start, a coworker mentioned that her daughter had a blowout at daycare. The other mom in the room replied but I didn't hear it because all I (an occasionally clueless childfree woman) could think was “what bougie daycare gives toddlers blowouts?” Thankfully I didn’t have time to ask that question before the meeting started and I realized MUCH later in the day that toddler blowouts are not in reference to their hair.
4/25/2023 7:48:39I said to my husband "I want some sex!" And he said "have some then". He thought I said "o want some snacks 😅
4/25/2023 7:57:38Talking about our upcoming bonuses with coworkers and boss, I tried to say “That’s good, cause Black Friday deals got me good” and “…Black Friday deals hit me hard” but it came out “Black Friday deals got me so hard.” Everyone froze, and I just rambled on in the hopes they would forget about it. It’s been 4 years and I’m still mortified.
4/25/2023 7:57:56Last week at a baby and me class the teacher said everyone hold hands. I held hers. She meant hold the baby/ toddler you brought. She said oh thank you for holding my hand. I realized after we held hands for 3 minutes that no one else was. I can now never return
4/25/2023 7:58:01My brother asked me what to get my husband for Christmas, and I said “a magazine subscription to Harpers” fast forward to Christmas Eve and they are talking —giving each other shit like always and finally my bro blurts out “I wasn’t going to say anything, but at least I don’t read ladies magazines!” My husband is so confused. Turns out my bro got my husband a subscription to Harpers Bazaar the fashion mag. Not Harpers the literary mag. My favorite part is that he finalized that purchase before shooting me a text to confirm, like “hmm…this seems an odd choice— whatevs, no judgments. Submit payment!”
4/25/2023 8:01:34I went to a fire company banquet where my brother was getting an award. My mom said she saw our mechanic there so I looked over and said oh I’m going to go thank him for fixing my car…so I walk over and say “thank you for getting that dipstick out without too much trouble and without costing a lot!” Um. It wasn’t the mechanic, I have NO idea who it was - he said it wasn’t him and then made some colorful comment about dipsticks if he was the person I meant and I was mortified and ran back to my table and had to sit there the rest of the night within view of this guy. My mother and brother *helpfully* said when I sat back down “that’s not Sparky”. Yeah, no kidding I know that now.
4/25/2023 8:05:06I was waiting for my brother to pick me up from the airport. I saw his gray Honda pull up and park right in front of me. I immediately opened the passenger door and brightly said, “you made great time,” and threw my backpack in at the exact moment I noticed the guy in the driver’s seat was not my brother. I s t r u g g l e d to get my backpack and apologized profusely. He locked the doors and inched forward to the person right next to me who he was actually picking up.
4/25/2023 8:12:33Once I went to a chipotle with a boy this was our first weekend together. When we were about to pay the girl at the counter asked if we were together. I said idk but then I quickly realized she meant paying together 🤣
4/25/2023 8:31:57I’m a master of putting my foot in my mouth, especially when I’m just trying to fill moments of awkward silence. I once told a Barnes & Noble associate who was having a hard time locating a book for me even though the system said there were a bunch in stock, “they like to keep you on your toes huh?” He was in a wheelchair 🤦🏻‍♀️
4/25/2023 8:41:22At my 6 week postpartum checkup after my first baby, my doctor was *quickly* running through his list of questions: “how’s your bladder, any depression?” In my head I thought what the hell is bladder depression? Out loud I said “well I don’t really no what that is so I guess not”. He kind of laughed awkwardly and said “no sadness, baby blues?” It was days later before I realized he was asking 2 separate questions, any bladder problems and have you experienced any depression? 🤦🏻‍♀️
4/25/2023 8:42:06I graduated from a large university and clearly did not listen during graduation day rehearsal. As I was approaching the stage, a man was waiting with a long skinny (microphone). I had NO idea what it was and assumed it was a graduation ritual hookah. I attempted to SMOKE the microphone before he snatched it away and said “you’re supposed to say your name”
4/25/2023 8:53:06My husband was trying to be intentional about remembering people’s names at church so he would repeat them after they said it. One time he thought the guy said “Jathon” and even thought to himself “that doesn’t sound right but ok here I go” and said “oh nice to meet you Jathon!”. Nope, he had a lisp and his name was actually JASON. My husband played it off but it is one of our top 5 stories to this day. Not because of the poor guy’s lisp, but because of how earnest my sweet husband was in fully committing to it.
4/25/2023 9:00:53Well this is another doctor one but I had to get a hemorrhoid checked out for the first time and when exam time came, I got on all fours bc how else do you get a good view of what’s going on back there?
4/25/2023 10:23:52i was having a bad day and had silently cried a couple hours earlier in the bathroom (this was in high school). in the hallway, an acquaintance was holding his arms out for what looked like a hug. i figured someone had told him i was having a bad day, and while i thought that offering a hug was pretty weird, i didn’t want to make him feel awkward/bad so i went in for the embrace. i pulled away and saw a look of horror and confusion on his face. and then it clicked for me that he was probably just stretching. i quickly walked away without saying a word and we never acknowledged that it happened. i think i cried again after that lol.
4/25/2023 10:54:11I was at a red light. A really old Chinese man was walking really slow, literally baby steps. He was gesturing to me. I thought maybe he was having a heart attack or something. He slowly walked towards my car so I rolled down my window nervously.. He got really close and said, ‘How about a kiss baby.’
4/25/2023 11:38:29I asked the grocery store clerk where his nuts were- He looked down. 😂🤣😂🤦‍♀️
4/25/2023 13:51:50I'm a therapist and had a client at the end of the session ask for my number. I politely told him it wasn't appropriate for clients and therapists to be involved outside of a professional relationship. Imagine my embarrassment when he goes "no.... I meant your office number. You said I could call to reschedule if the next session time doesn't work." ☠️☠️☠️
4/25/2023 15:02:11At doctors office on the scale - nurse said “sorry about your weight”. I immediately start tearing up, she says AGAIN, “sorry for your weight…I hope you weren’t sitting there too long.” She meant wait…just used the worst possible moment to say that.
4/25/2023 15:28:34I just had a hysterectomy and as they were moving me from the operating table to a bed I yelled “what did you do with my vagina!” I was mortified the next morning when the PA came in to see what questions I might have and told me the story 🫣
4/25/2023 16:30:08I use to work for a Dr. while doing a PAP Smear for a middle aged lady (not old; 40ish) he asked her if she experienced any dryness. She said that sometimes when she wakes up in the morning her throat is dry. I still laugh about it.
4/25/2023 16:51:24My sister moved into a new apartment. One night she ordered food and got a notification it had arrived. She walked out into the hallway & saw someone holding takeout so she said thanks and went to take the food. But it was actually her neighbor bringing his own food home 🤣
4/25/2023 17:01:31When I was in high school (and a bit awkward) I got set up on a semi-blind date to a dance. I knew the guys name because we had been texting. I was super excited because I thought that he was this super cute and popular guy that I went to church with. I even told a few adults from church that I was going with him. A few days later I found out he was actually a different guy that had the same exact name as the cute guy. I’m not sure if the cute guy ever found out about the mixup, but I’m still mortified thinking about it 😂
4/25/2023 17:03:29In college, I delivered catering for Zoe’s Kitchen to offices. As I was setting up their spread, a lady was talking about how she saw my shoes at this cute shop where she got most of her baby gifts from. She kept going on and on and it was awkward. I was clearly a grubby teenager. So I finally think of something to say! “Oh that’s awesome, when are you due?” She looked upset and said her baby is 8 months old. I was so embarrassed and felt so bad so I just looked at the ground in silence until I left. Still cringing 20 years later.
4/25/2023 17:03:47Awkward encounter last summer : I'm at my local farmers market, walking around a stall, I grab a jar of honey and start walking with it while looking at stuff. A lady just walks up to me with a smile and says "That's my honey" so I hand to her and walk away. I just thought to myself "wow she really wants that one jar, I'll just grab the other" so I then walk away and she says "you can pay whenever you're ready" 🤣 I had inadvertently walked out of her stall into another (very unclear)
4/25/2023 17:06:04Once when I was prob around 9 or so my friend’s dad asked me for a kiss so I kissed him on the cheek and he was like oh um I meant one of those and pointed to the Hersheys kisses I was holding and… yeah. That happened.😬 🍫 💋
4/25/2023 17:06:38This didn’t directly involve another person, but once it was really snowy, which is not that common as I live in the south. When it snows in the south people instantly want to wash their cars and I got in a very long line to get my car washed. It was finally my turn, and when the car wash was ending the little stoplight at the end turned green and told me to pull forward, but while I was pulling out, it turned red and told me to stop and back up so I did. Only after a few minutes did I realize that I had stolen the car wash that the person behind me had already paid for… I was so mortified as soon as it was over I bolted out of there like a bat out of hell. The guy in the car behind me was out of his car, talking to someone that worked at the gas station, and I just drove off in a flurry of embarrassment.
4/25/2023 17:10:22When I was 10 I went to a family reunion in California. My grandparents had rented a bunch of beach houses to stay at while we were there. One morning I got up early and went to my grandparents/aunt and uncles beach house since I knew they’d be up. While there my grandma asked me if I wanted to go take a shower before she took one since there was only one bathroom. Even though I didn’t have a towel with me or a change of clothes my 10 year old brain figured why not so I went in and preceded to take a shower. When I got out of the bathroom 20 minutes later my grandma asked me why I had taken a shower when I knew she was waiting to take a shower. Turns out she had asked me if I needed to use the bathroom before she took a shower. It took me years to not feel embarrassed about it.
I should also add that I have 50 cousins on that side of the family and so my grandma usually assigned us strict time period for when each family could shower. I don’t think she appreciated me encroaching on her shower time 😂
4/25/2023 17:14:31In Italy hiking with my boyfriend at the time between the towns in Cinque Terre… stray cats everywhere in the area. We get to a picnic spot and there’s a bucket that says (in English and Italian) “FOOD FOR HOMELESS AND HUNGRY CATS”. My brain read it as homeless PEOPLE and stray CATS. I was so upset, and was about ready to move there and start a nonprofit so the homeless didn’t have to share food scraps out of a BUCKET with cats. Boyfriend was laughing so hard he couldn’t talk - so I got mad because I thought he thought the situation was funny, and I felt very serious and passionate that it was SO WRONG. He finally spit out “it’s all for the CATS that are homeless and hungry - it’s not for people.” It clicked for me, I felt dumb, and I stormed off silently down the trail for a bit until I was ready to laugh about it. Still one of my dumbest moments for life.
4/25/2023 17:22:01Last week I was at the grocery store and this older man kept coming up to me and asking me stuff about my baby. Then sharing about his kids. He just kept finding me in different aisles. Then I was at self checkout and he came up to me and said ya know everyone is going to call him “Lucas”. Referring to my baby who is named “Luca”. And then left the store. It was sooooo strange. Luckily we were in a different town than we usually shop in because I will never go to that Aldi again 😅
4/25/2023 17:22:33No other staff were around so I got up the courage to complain to the manager about my crappy drink. Turned out he was the groom from the wedding next door. Never again.
4/25/2023 17:24:43During my first year of college, I was dating someone back home casually. I visited their house and met his parents and his dad said, “I hear you’re a Wildcat!” I was like, “WHAT did you tell your parents?!” And then I remembered that was my new college mascot. 🤦🏼‍♀️
4/25/2023 17:24:55My boss was debating if it was appropriate to take his highschool children to the “Book of Mormon” and was asking for my input since he knew I had seen it. He asked me to tell him what the worst part was and it went downhill from there.

Me (reluctantly): “Um, well, there’s this one part when a bunch of guys come out wearing these big black strap-on’s and are just waving em around”
My boss: “how long was it?!”
Me: “well, about this long” [using my hands to indicate how long the penises were]
My boss: No, no! How long was that scene?!
Me: 😳🫣
4/25/2023 17:27:30Chatting on AIM with a guy I liked in college. I told him I was watching XXX (Vin Deisel movie). He’s was like…oh, uh, maybe you’ll learn something? Later I realized he thought I meant porn 💀
4/25/2023 17:29:29My father in law accidentally learned my name wrong and after 13 years with his son I still haven’t corrected him.
4/25/2023 17:33:08My husband’s (G) brother’s (M) wife worked at a women’s shelter and had M go to a seminar on domestic violence with her one evening. G happened to run into M’s coworker that same night. Coworker asks “where’s M??” G answers, “oh, his wife is making him take a domestic violence course.” Coworker awkwardly goes “oh… I hope they get things worked out…” G goes “yeah, me too” and walks off. M couldn’t figure out why he was getting weird looks at work until G had his lightbulb moment a few days later.
4/25/2023 17:35:09I was standing in line at a Starbucks when I reached into my purse to grab my wallet. I had been carrying a pantyliner around, so of course it flew out of my purse and wafted to the floor like a feather, landing at the feet of a man. He had instinctively tried to catch it until he realized what it was. I looked at him and said “lovely” and started laughing.

Later that night I get a FB message from a guy I had known growing up, but hadn’t seen in years. He said, “did you happen to be in Starbucks today?” and I immediately realized it was his feet my pantyliner wafted towards.

What a re-introduction.
4/25/2023 17:41:58I recently told my gynecologist “I love you” as she was leaving the exam room.
4/25/2023 17:43:09For context, I work with a lot of surgeons. I had to get breast reconstruction so initially when I saw my plastic surgeon/colleague there was awkwardness (for me-he was totally professional). So I had my surgery and got breast expanders placed. Expanders make your boobs bigger slowly making them the ideal size. Well I kept sleeping on my stomach which made the expanders flip, which is not only painful, but the breast looks like a bloody Picasso!
So I texted my surgeon and was like dude this needs to get fixed bc it hurts! He texts back and said ok I’m in surgery and can try flipping it back in place between cases, come to the surgery floor in 45 minutes.
So I meet up and we go to an empty patient room, in front of a nurses station- in front of a bunch of nurses we know and close the door. That looks sus, right?! I take off my shirt, my bra, and he’s pushing and mashing on my boob to put the expander back in place. All while I’m laughing and cursing the situation and making small talk-about our kids, etc. It doesn’t work and he was like ok well I’ll need to do surgery to fix this because the sutures that we’re sewn to the chest wall broke.
Clearly annoyed I go home and pick up my cat for snuggles but she hates snuggles. So she is mashing on my boob and my expander pops back in place. I text my surgeon and he was speechless and never had a patients cat fix that. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 😂
4/25/2023 17:51:29My first boyfriend/first kiss at age 18 is/was gay. He was in denial. I was oblivious and thought I was in love. He’s happily married now and living the dream in Florida with his husband.
4/25/2023 17:53:12I was a vet tech and I was explaining to a woman and her, probably 8 year old, daughter that their dog scooting it's bum across the floor probably meant the anal sacs were full and we would need to express them. She looked horrified and was like "um how do you do that?" I was taken aback because really no one asks that or wants to know. It's gross. But I'm like "well for the anal sacs we manually express and empty them. This is very common." She still looked horrified. So I said "don't worry we'll do this in the back room" I thought she was grossed out. She's like "I don't think I understand, sorry, can the vet come in?" He does and says basically the same thing. This whole time she looks horrified and keeps glancing at her daughter. All of a sudden she gasps and says "Oh thank God! are you saying sacs and not sex?!" She was appalled thinking we were performing anal sex on her dog 🤣 How she stood there for about 5 mins listening and so polite I'll never understand. We all laughed until we cried it was hilarious and awkward but best moment in that career!
4/25/2023 17:53:41I thought a coworker and I were really vibing so I thought I was being sooo smooth when I gave him my number (unprompted). I was shocked when he didn’t call me and then found out he had a long term girlfriend. I still cringe thinking about it.
4/25/2023 18:00:26Recently at the ENT, during the exam, he lowered the table and gave me a shoulder and neck massage. I asked if that was to relax me... he said yes. I'm thinking lymph node drainage? He gave me a list of nasal sprays and then asked me "will I see you again?" I left the office thinking ....What just happened?
4/25/2023 18:14:23When my parents were visiting me over the thanksgiving weekend I thought it would be fun to take them to see the house being offered as a prize in a fundraiser. We drove out to the very fancy neighbourhood and found it. We went in and same that everyone else had taken off their shoes and left them at the door so we did the same and then started exploring the house. It was GORGEOUS. As we were admiring the view from the living room window a woman approached and said “what are you doing here?”. Well lo and behold I had gotten the address wrong. This wasn’t the lottery house, it was a rich persons house and they were enjoying their thanksgiving dinner with their family. I think I saw my moms soul leave her body.
4/25/2023 18:15:57I message a acquaintance to see how her husband was (he had a stroke a few months before). I received no response so after a few days I messaged a friend to ask her if she knew how he was… apparently the man was dead and I had no clue. I wanted the ground to SWALLOW ME! 😫
4/25/2023 18:16:37I work for a Police Dept in Records and when I first started I read a report and didn’t know what a word meant, I was early 20’s and sounded out loud SCROTUM!!! Omg!! The girls laugh about it to this day and I’ve been there 32 yrs!!
4/25/2023 18:21:42I asked a friend if the woman she was chatting with was her Mom; because they looked so much alike. It was her sister 😩 I was so embarrassed. They were only four years apart - yikes. I will never ask again.
4/25/2023 18:26:02I had a gyno appt with a new doctor. He happened to be male which made me a little uncomfortable at first. When he got to the breast examination he told me my breasts felt like lumpy mashed potatoes. Then assured me that was a good thing. Then asked if I had a dog. 😂😂😂😂
4/25/2023 18:26:17I am a total introvert with an extremely extrovert toddler who constantly embarrasses me in public. Most embarrassing was last year at Christmas when he was 2 and we were at target during the busy holiday shopping. He chose to start screaming HELP at the top of his lungs and grabbing me bc he wanted out of the cart. Everyone around us were looking at me like I was stealing this kid! I was mortified and got him calmed down as quickly as possible while assuring the target worker he was indeed my child. He is constantly doing things like this to me lol 🤦🏼‍♀️
4/25/2023 18:26:37We moved into a new house and I met some neighbors when they were walking their dog. They introduced themselves as Mark and Julie. They asked my husband’s name and I felt my soul leave my body as I said “Mark.” Which is absolutely not true and now we have to move.
4/25/2023 18:30:49I met a workout buddy at the gym. We would always talk about how our week our day went and I would say “ oh, I just met met up with my girlfriend and we (shopped, had lunch, etc)”. Well one day I answered how me and my husband did something, I don’t remember. And she said “ Husband? What? I thought you were a lesbian?”
4/25/2023 18:30:54I’m just a volunteer mom who makes the costumes for our school theater productions. For this past Halloween, the superintendent, of our school district, and principal, asked me to make them costumes to surprise the kids. They chose Olaf and Sven. The superintendent is a very tall, broad man, I’m very short, short arms. So we are standing in the principals tiny office, just the three of us, and I’m taxed with the job of measuring these two men. So I attempt to put the measuring tape around the superintendents waist, our fronts are together and I’m leaning all the way on him to try to reach the tape around him, again, short arms. I can’t do it so basically I’m hugging the waist of the superintendent, in the principals office. It’s awkward, so of course I make it more awkward by saying, this is okay because you like warm hugs. Now obviously this is an Olaf reference and he was the one dressing up as Olaf so cue the laughter, right? Nope, he had no clue what I was saying and just said, yes I guess I do like hugs, but he phrased it like a question and I wanted to die. Now, every time I see him he high fives me as if saying, this is as much contact as I’m comfortable with, please never hug me again.
4/25/2023 18:32:22Story about my mom: we had a male family doctor and she went in for a routine checkup. Doctor asked her, “are you still cycling?” My mom answered “I get out on my bicycle about once a week”. Doctor replied “I was referring to your menstrual cycle, but I’m glad to hear you are still riding your bicycle”. 🤣
4/25/2023 18:34:08First time at a fitness gym. Took out my contacts and went swimming . Got out, went to the locker room and began peeling off my suit in front of my locker. A half dressed guy pointed out I was in the men’s locker room.
4/25/2023 18:35:06My bestie sent me a diamond encrusted vibrator for a trip my husband and I were going on to Vegas. I was laughing and snapped a pic in which I titled “WTF!” Only I was laughing and in a hurry and my MIL texted me and it popped up while I was typing. Wasn’t paying attention and somehow that was sent to her instead of bestie…. Awkward. She was also babysitting my kids for said trip😬
4/25/2023 18:46:24My baby spit up in my lap at a restaurant, thought I got it all off, had to go straight to church, after services my other little toddler came running up to me while I was talking to a man I didn’t know, grabbed my legs and then said “ ewww MaMa, your pee pee stinks.” I died 💀
4/25/2023 18:57:27My boss was introducing me to our slightly older and slightly shorter than me property manager and I thought the manager was going in for a hug…I had to stoop down so I wouldn’t stick my armpit in his face for the hug…he was NOT going in for a hug…he is the LAST person in our whole office building who would ever go in for a hug…especially with a a random stranger. It was awkward for all three of us. Pretty sure it’s why he never makes eye contact with me anymore…
4/25/2023 19:07:45Substitute in HS biology called role. Thought my name was ELSIE. I refused to answer. My lab partner said “she means you”. I said “I’m not a cow”. He answered for me so I wouldn’t be counted absent.

My name is pronounced “Uh-lee-suh”. No where close to “ell-see”.
4/25/2023 19:31:29Once offered a co-worker on his first day pear pie, he acted a little weird that I was offered him pie. Found out later he thought I was saying hair pie. If you are unfamiliar with the term “hair pie” google it for a giggle.
4/25/2023 19:36:47A coworker asked me “do you have a sec?” when I was in a hurry, and I responded to him (out loud) with “I have no sec’s to give”…
4/25/2023 19:54:20I was at a small local pet store. A lady came into the cat food/litter aisle. I started asking her a bunch of questions and she answered. Then she opened the door to use the restroom. I said “oh do you have to go to the bathroom? “Ok! I’ll wait…” So she comes back out and I proceed with my questions. At some point, something (I don’t know what) hit me and I said “Wait. Do you work here?” No. No she didn’t. To be fair, she was dressed the part. I think I added insult to injury when that slipped out of my mouth as I was trying to apologize.
4/25/2023 20:06:52Similar to the dentist story. I was going into the concert hall for the first night of a four day music festival. Person greeted me and held her arms up and I went to hug her because I was so excited to be there. She was checking for alcohol hidden in peoples jackets
4/25/2023 20:11:44My grandpa’s friend was a custodian at the university I attended and the first time I met him he called me Britney. My name is Meghan. But I didn’t correct him. He called me Britney for 4 years. The LAST WEEK of my undergraduate year, I was talking to him and a friend passed by and said, “Hi Meghan!” and he realized he’d been calling me the wrong name all those years. I felt so bad- he looked so sad! Moral: always correct people if they call you the wrong name!!!
4/25/2023 20:22:34Was getting a manicure, and the technician comments to how large my chest is, then suddenly, “honks my horns!” Too mortified to say anything to her.
4/25/2023 20:25:32Not sure this exactly qualifies as a misunderstanding but…I was 17 and my brother 10. Our dad was playing with some Scrabble tiles, seeing how many words he could make. Dad spelled out P-E-R-K, and my brother suggested P-R-E-K. Dad: “I don’t think that’s a word.” Brother: “Yes there is! Sook (my family nickname) calls me one all the time.”
4/25/2023 20:27:27Checking in at the doctors office and heard the receptionist cheerfully say to me “today’s your birthday?” And since it was NOT my birthday, I gave her a funny look but confidently said “Nope!” She just stared at me, not sure what to do and looked very uncomfortable. After some super awkward silence and baffled facial expressions she says sort of nervously, “It’s just to verify I have the right chart pulled up, are you sure you couldn’t just state your birthdate…or maybe just your address or phone number if you’re uncomfortable sharing your birthdate?” Apparently I misheard “state your birthdate” as “today’s your birthday?”
4/25/2023 20:38:15I asked a friend once when her baby was due. She said she wasn't pregnant. And for some reason I said, "Yes you are!" WTAF?
4/25/2023 20:43:51Even writing this makes me cringe. At my company’s Community Seder, I was chatting with the state treasurer and his wife. We were not far from the step-and-repeat. I heard him say, “can we take a picture?” so I grab someone to take the photo. I go to stand with the treasurer and his wife, and I just get this very strange feeling…. Yeah. He just meant could *I* take a photo of *him and his wife.* I am MORTIFIED. Thankfully they all laugh and thinks it’s v funny, and I I want to melt into the floor. I am still turning red even thinking about this. Whyyyy 😂
4/25/2023 20:52:47Once, while I was on PTO, I got a call from my boss on my work cell. I was in the middle of changing clothes but answered and figured I’d answer a quick question. During the call, he accidentally hit the FaceTime button. I didn’t answer so nothing was shared, but I freaked out nonetheless and immediately yelled, “OMG what are you doing?!” He’s confused why I’m at DEFCON 1 over and accidental FaceTime, while I’m over there wondering if I’ve just committed a serious HR violation and have to quit my job and move to Guam. Awk-werrrd!
4/25/2023 20:58:48I am very good at ill chosen, badly timed sentences! At my father in law's deathbed moments after he passed "give me a five minute advance to get the car, I need to clean all the dead bodies first" (i meant I needed to remove the empty cups) . That was bad enough but I repeated my nonsense at my mother in law's deathbed a few years later. At the hospital, after she passed away, we had all said our goodbyes and I say "it's 4 a.m., we should go eat a bite before we die of hunger" luckily my husband and sister in law thought it was hilarious and remind me often.
4/25/2023 21:29:16High school. Getting a ride from my boyfriends dad. He said something about being a crotchety old man. I cracked up and said something about how I couldn’t believe he said he was a crotch eater. I’m my defense I was like… 15! He didn’t think it was funny
4/25/2023 21:38:42My husband went to pick up my 4 year-old son from a birthday party. He was talking with one of the moms and my son came running up to her and yelled, "MY DAD IS SO FUNNY, HE HAS A BEARD IN HIS PANTS!!" Parent Lesson #1: Never put your son in the shower with your husband to save time. It will backfire.
4/25/2023 21:44:59I went to get a massage and it was a guy so I was already a little tense. He said to get ready but there wasn’t a blanket on the table and I sure as hell wasn’t stripping so I just laid on top in my robe (not a fan btw.) when he came back he was so awkward and I was just laying there kicking my feet like nothing in the world was wrong. Then he showed me the sheet that was tucked into the sides 🙃
4/25/2023 21:54:30I recently asked a potential client’s girlfriend if she was his daughter. Omg!!! She was thrilled. He was not.
4/25/2023 21:54:34I went for a job interview and introduced myself with the name of the interviewer instead of my own bc I was so freaking nervous 😂 So embarrassing and needless to say I didn’t get the job
4/25/2023 22:28:00My husband was getting a tire fixed, and the mechanic put his fist out, so my husband fist bumped him. He was handing him the lug nuts.
4/25/2023 22:49:20I went to visit a friend at her place of work. We were chatting, and I also struck up a conversation with the woman who sat next to my friend. After talking for a bit, the woman said something like, "Well, I'd better go pick up my honey buns." My dumb brain thought she was talking about a Little Debbie treat, and I said, "Oh, yum!" She looked at me and said, "No. I'm picking up my kids."
4/25/2023 23:04:22In middle school my dad was picking me up. He said he was “parked behind” a blue jeep. I thought he said he was in the back of the blue jeep. So there I am, 12 years old, and I just open the door to the blue Jeep. The dad driving it looked VERY confused. He asked if he could help and I said I was looking for my dad because I thought he might be in the back seat. This poor man was probably soooo confused. My dad was parked behind and laughing his butt off 😂
4/25/2023 23:15:54I thought I saw my friend, Sean, at a cross walk. I ran to him before he crossed and put my chin on his shoulder and said, "Hi, Sean". It was not Sean.
4/25/2023 23:17:18I just realized I misunderstood...and read "funniest/awkward moment". Disregard my entry. Sorry!
4/25/2023 23:34:30I work at Bunnings & always have awkward encounters but one day I went to serve this guy & said can I give you a hand, he turned around & he had one arm!!!! I was devastated & kept apologising.
Thank goodness he could see the funny side
4/26/2023 4:01:11I was talking to someone at work, and in the middle of our conversation somehow I let out this little fart. It was not loud enough for others to hear but he definitely heard and ... I wanted to disappear through the floor and never see him again.
So I apologized and tried to finish the conversation as quickly as possible and then walked away mortified.
4/26/2023 4:46:20I live in Michigan and don’t often see famous people. I was at a party of a friend of my sister whose relative is an actress. I got super nervous when introduced to her and said “I’m Rachel—insert super long pause where I’m thinking to myself my name is definitely not Rachel—Rachel’s SISTER, Lindsey.
4/26/2023 4:59:28Okay so I don’t know if this counts but let me preface by saying my dentist is an extended family member. I had a new dental hygienist who was very concerned about a dark spot/bruising at the back of my throat, pulled out a mirror and everything for me to look at it. When the dentist comes into the room, she makes a big fuss about it and I notice he becomes VERY uncomfortable and awkward. As I’m sitting there it dawns on me what would actually cause that 🍆 😂 I wonder if he had to sit her down and explain it afterwards!
4/26/2023 5:15:29My best friend’s wedding was the first Catholic service I had ever been to. It was difficult to hear the priest speaking (I think the mic was having issues) and I was very unfamiliar with how to participate. I was sitting amongst all of my friend’s family who had traveled from the Philippines and just followed along by watching them. After the ceremony I was talking with my friend and her sisters and I told them it was really nice and interesting to experience a catholic service and that I the part where you turned to your neighbors and say “pleased to meet you” was really unexpected and welcoming. The historical laughter that these three burst into when they realized what I was talking about… I had apparently misunderstood her aunt when I was trying to follow along, and then proceeded to tell at least a dozen people “pleased to me you” instead of “peace be with you”. That was 15 years ago and she and her family will still randomly tell me “pleased to meet you” when they see me.
4/26/2023 5:16:28Was put on iron pills for anemia. Was going on vaca and bells went off at the first checkpoint. Then they used a wand and it alarmed around my pelvic area. Had to be taken into a room for pat down. Long/ embarrassing story short, it was my TAMPON!!! Lots of iron in my blood set it off! Wanted to die!!
4/26/2023 5:32:38I’m an American living in Sweden. When I first moved here, I was out during the day walking with friends when we decided we wanted coffee. I walk into what appears to be a cafe and start looking for coffee prices on the wall behind the counter but didn’t have my glasses so I was just squinting. An 80+ year old woman suddenly appeared behind the counter and I thought, gee she looks pretty old to be working here, but asked her in my broken Swedish “hur mycket kostar kaffe?” (How much does a coffee cost). She starts rambling on and on in Swedish about something and of course I don’t understand a word so I look at her blankly, shrug my shoulders and just walk out. A few minutes later my friends were on the ground laughing their asses off as they realized that I had stumbled into the employee entrance of the cafe. So I was behind the register and that old woman was trying to order something because she thought I was an employee! She was probably like “how the hell am I supposed to know about the cost? You work here!” 😂
4/26/2023 6:34:54I was 14 and found out that a classmate was a distant relative. I walked up to him and said "hi! I heard that your great grandmother is my great grand uncle!" I didn't realize my mistake, he stared at me very confused and probably concerned and just said "...ok..." And walked away. I found out only weeks later, once he realized I wasn't just drugged up and dared to talk to me again😂
4/26/2023 6:35:14I was at my first jury duty ever and we were being questioned to decide whether we’d be chosen for the jury, the judge asked about my hobbies I said I like to read, he said fiction or non fiction i panicked and said non fiction because i forgot which one is which, he said oh like what? I said HARRY POTTER. The lawyer said we’ll take her
4/26/2023 7:08:54In my early 20’s I worked for a media marketing firm in NYC. I was asked to collect some data on a few magazine titles which were spouted out to me and was to report back at a follow up meeting. One title I found nothing on…..Cigars, Fishing and Auto’s. Well, in a crowded meeting I learned it was actually Cigar Aficiando! I wanted to die!
4/26/2023 7:20:53I was getting an ultrasound done of my uterus. The ultrasound tech said to pull my pants down.... so I pulled them down to my knees, underwear and all. She meant to pull them down slightly so not to get the gel on my pants. I wanted to die.
4/26/2023 7:23:50We had just had our second child and my husband agreed to take care of his daughters dog for a week. I was not impressed and told him I had enough to do with a newborn. He agreed he would take complete care of the dog. So he came home from work several times a day to feed and walk the dog. One day on his way back to his office he saw the dog running around the neighbourhood and spent 20 minutes trying to catch him and get him in the car. He then drove home only to open our front door and see “our” dog. He had abducted somebody else’s dog! 😂😂😂
4/26/2023 7:37:29I was at a fast food drive-through. I ordered kids’ chicken nuggets for my daughter and then “adult nuggets” for me. After saying, “adult nuggets,” I was seized by a deep fear that the drive through lady thought I was demanding “x-rated” food, which would be pervy and weird. So when I pulled up to the window, I blurted out, “I ordered normal meal deal nuggets. Not adult nuggets. Like … not x-rated or anything like that.” The attendant looked ready to call to the police.
4/26/2023 9:00:46I was on the phone ordering Chinese takeout. When the man asked if I’d like anything else I replied, “That’s all. Love you, bye.” After a few awkwardly silent moments he said, “You’re food will be ready in 20 minutes” and immediately hung up.
4/26/2023 9:27:25Was dropping off food for a new mom, and someone stole the order. After giving my name, the Chipotle worker asked if there was another name it could be under to which I had to respond “lil mama” because that’s who I put the order for. He then proceeds to make me a new order and yells “food for lil mama” very loudly.
4/26/2023 9:43:24I went to use the restroom before undressing and putting on the paper gown at my doctor’s appointment. Sitting there fully nude in the paper gown I realized my purse was missing because I was in the wrong room!
4/26/2023 9:52:56A few years ago, I ran into an actress from Grey’s Anatomy. I used to love that show!! I said to her “oh my goodness I fell asleep watching you last night” Definitely didn’t mean it like the insult it came out as.
4/26/2023 10:09:32My ex-boyfriend (high school) is now a local radio host (20+ years later). We follow each other on IG, so know about the other’s current lives and have kids the same age. I brought my toddler to their first dance class on a Sunday morning and (as the universe would have it), his wife was there with one of their kids. There were a total of 3 kids in the class so it was intimate, for lack of a better word. She didn’t seem to recognize me but I knew eventually it would come out. So I introduced myself, we did the small talk thing and it was very friendly. Tuesday morning around 7:30am I started receiving messages from friends “I think your ex is talking about you on the radio”… he used the awkward encounter for content and shared it with the whole city, with embellishments to make it more entertaining. So embarrassing