TimestampEmail AddressWhat is the CEO doing well? / ¿Qué está haciendo bien el CEO?What does the CEO need to do better? / ¿Qué necesita el CEO para hacerlo mejor?
Please evaluate the CEO on a scale from 1 (low, not effective at all) to 5 (high, very effective) on the following topics. / Evalúe al CEO en una escala de 1 (bajo, nada efectivo) a 5 (alto, muy efectivo) en los siguientes temas. [Leading Living School to accomplish our Mission of improving lives, communities, and environment. / Liderando Living School para lograr nuestra Misión de mejorar vidas, comunidades y medio ambiente.]
Please evaluate the CEO on a scale from 1 (low, not effective at all) to 5 (high, very effective) on the following topics. / Evalúe al CEO en una escala de 1 (bajo, nada efectivo) a 5 (alto, muy efectivo) en los siguientes temas. [Hiring, developing, and retaining excellent staff / Contratar, desarrollar y retener personal excelente]
Please evaluate the CEO on a scale from 1 (low, not effective at all) to 5 (high, very effective) on the following topics. / Evalúe al CEO en una escala de 1 (bajo, nada efectivo) a 5 (alto, muy efectivo) en los siguientes temas. [Supporting students & families to achieve our Graduate Outcomes / Apoyando a los estudiantes y las familias para lograr nuestros resultados de posgrado]
Please evaluate the CEO on a scale from 1 (low, not effective at all) to 5 (high, very effective) on the following topics. / Evalúe al CEO en una escala de 1 (bajo, nada efectivo) a 5 (alto, muy efectivo) en los siguientes temas. [Managing Living School's strategic priorities & budget / Administrar las prioridades estratégicas y el presupuesto de Living School]
Please evaluate the CEO on a scale from 1 (low, not effective at all) to 5 (high, very effective) on the following topics. / Evalúe al CEO en una escala de 1 (bajo, nada efectivo) a 5 (alto, muy efectivo) en los siguientes temas. [Managing Living School's Democratic Governance (Board, Staff Council, Student Council, & Family Council) / Gestión de la Gobernanza Democrática de Living School (Junta, Consejo de Personal, Consejo Estudiantil y Consejo Familiar)]
Please evaluate the CEO on a scale from 1 (low, not effective at all) to 5 (high, very effective) on the following topics. / Evalúe al CEO en una escala de 1 (bajo, nada efectivo) a 5 (alto, muy efectivo) en los siguientes temas. [Leading Living School's Communications to be clear, compelling, & effective / Liderando las comunicaciones de Living School para que sean claras, convincentes y efectivas]
Do you think Stefin Pasternak should remain CEO of Living School? / ¿Crees que Stefin Pasternak debería seguir siendo director ejecutivo de Living School?
Is there anything else you would like to add? / ¿Hay algo más que le gustaría agregar?
9/19/2022 8:17:20
Stefin has managed the budget efficiently and set-up some systems that have served as a foundation for good work.
Stefin does not clearly or effectively communicate when people are not meeting expectations, instead he speaks about them to others. There have been many instances where people lost their gainful employment suddenly and as a surprise. Stefin steamrolls all meetings that he is in. Under his leadership, systems team spends hours weekly meeting instead of just providing updates and allowing folks to lead in the ways that they are more than able. I have noticed that Stefin is constantly apologizing for things that have not been done, and yet there seems to be no shifts in capacity or priorities to make sure important task are complete.
I have submitted an incident report about Stefin's behavior with no follow-up.
9/19/2022 13:57:00
communicating supportive staff reguarding students needs and graduationBetter structure445444Yes
9/19/2022 13:57:12
I think he is trying his best for what he thinks is good for the school.
The Most important thing is for him to understand that his good nature and well meaning comes off as a white savior complex.

Listening to the staff and students as to what the school needs. Understanding Cultural appropriation and his own place within the confines of educating within this community, his impact and harm even though he "means well". Understanding his privilege and how that comes across.
I think this school needs to be led by someone from the community who understands the needs and struggles that exist here, someone that sees the world we are sending these children into and not what we want it to be. Stefin ignores the burning building while trying to keep a positive attitude, which is not what we need.
9/20/2022 8:34:27lauritamarie@gmail.comI believe that the CEO is very good at managing the school budgetCommunication needs to be much better.223422Maybe
9/20/2022 11:15:04rbroady@livingschool.orgMultitasking at an extremely high capacity and holding a great deal of space for both staff and students. I've been working in schools for over 20 years and he is the most present school leader to date.
Let go of some of the nuances in the original vision of the school, and allow for transformation and change, regardless of the risk factors. I also think that it's important to find someone that can obtain and manage grants that can support the sustainability of our school.
9/28/2022 14:04:03
Well Mr. Stefin is actually trying his best to help us get a better change.
Honestly Mr. Stefin should not remain the CEO I believe he has too much on his hands to handle and I believe that is the reason LS is so dysfunctional.
9/21/2022 13:39:51
From what I observe, Stefin is always stepping in and filling holes, addressing student concerns and providing answers to staff questions. I believe that, more than anything, he is providing a guiding intent to provide for student needs, and to create a school that embodies the underlying vision that many of us came here for.
We need to raise more money in order to adequately staff for student needs. This is a shared need for the district as a whole, and could be assisted by the district centralizing some services and costs. It's really hard to see anything more that the CEO can do, versus what is an example of failed systems at the local, state and federal level.
This is not an appropriate survey for students - how are they to have an opinion on strategic priorities and budget? There needs to be an option for "I don't know" if you are giving this to students. Frankly, staff may not have an opinion or knowledge about various prompts either, nor the degree to which these responsibilities are shared by others within leadership or the BoD. The CEO does not "manage" the BoD, yet that is suggested in the prompt given.
Any data derived from this survey is flawed.
9/22/2022 6:47:09
- Consistently taking on tasks and responsibilities that no one else is willing/able to do (this is by far the biggest thing that Stefin continues to do for LSNO and he is truly incredible at taking on things that others can/will not)
- Working tirelessly for Living School
- Remaining optimistic in the face of the incredible obstacles the school has faced
- Taking time for people whenever they need to talk or need assistance
- Helping staff and students out personally (giving rides, sharing his personal resources and money)
- Showing up mentally and physically every single day
- He has consistently received feedback from black women that he is not listening to them. This has to change immediately.
- Build more structures and systems to support the school
- Think through the details of anything we're about to do (field trips, staff development, etc.) or co-plan with someone who is detail oriented
- Think carefully about how his words and actions are going to be received by staff/students, particularly members of marginalized groups who may have been harmed in the past
- Be clear when the responsibilities are too much and delegate
I am so grateful to Stefin for the work he's done and the ways he's organized to begin this place. In transparency, I am unsure how it will survive without him, not only because of the institutional knowledge he holds, but also because I'm not sure how many other people would be willing to work as hard as he does at such an incredible breadth of tasks to make this place survive.

However, these responsibilities cannot rest of his shoulders forever. We have clearly heard the call of several black women who are native New Orleans for him to step aside publicly and I think their voices matter deeply. I would ask the board to step up in this moment, and guide us through a long, thorough CEO transition process that will not only respond to these calls, but will also show us that Living School can sustain in the long-term, and we are not simply built around one man. We should take the next 1-2 years to set LSNO up for a decades-long future.

Additionally, I would love to see a member of the board leadership come and speak to our staff. I feel sometimes that people are not aware that the board is there to hold Stefin accountable, and also that there is a group of awesome, committed folks who believe in LSNO and believe its mission is worthy of continuing. I think that reassurance that we as staff are not alone in trying to sustain this would be wonderful if you have that capacity.

Thank you so much for all of the work you do for this school.
9/22/2022 9:20:46
Staying level headed and accepting feedback in challenging times. Supporting staff and checking in with staff members needs. Stepping in to fill the gaps (teaching math etc.). Addressing feedback and taking action steps. Role clarity, budget clarity, transparency, delegating or timelines on outcomes 424344Yes
I think this year when we have lost a lot of leadership and there are few founding staff members left we need the security of someone who understands the school's mission, has the institutional knowledge of how it runs, and who is willing to work a job that requires such an intense commitment (time, emotionally, etc). I think when we are in less of a crisis situation (i.e. fully staffed and with a leader who is well versed in how the school runs) we can return to this conversation to see if there is a more appropriate person to be the CEO but in the meantime I worry it would cause more instability and confusion for Stefin to leave the CEO position.
9/22/2022 12:56:39
He shows up consistently.
Stefin frequently discusses others to other people but not with those people directly, which leads to confusion and contention within the school setting. I would also offer that this is unprofessional and inappropriate from a leader.
He hoards power and acknowledges that delegation and transparent communication are growth areas for him, but does not name explicit next steps or plans to improve with specificity. About once a week, Stefin says something along the lines of "I'm not sure I told you this" or "I didn't follow up, but..." in relation to me or my workload, which is incredibly frustrating. I'm not sure what his personal organization systems are, but I experience working alongside him to come with unnecessary and defeating bottlenecks.
When issues with leadership are brought to us, he does not seem to internalize being a part of the issue, but rather speaks of the issues in a detached way which doesn't include personal accountability. I told Stefin directly on multiple occasions last semester about specific examples of how he has harmed me or our community with his delay in communications or in his oversight/assumptions about other people that affect their jobs, and his response most frequently was "heard that," with no changed behavior.
I have confronted him at least twice on situations wherein a staff member was upset at a decision that was made that impacted them without it being communicated clearly or preemptively for his response to be "my bad."
I have several teachers who ask questions about certain decisions that have been made that I can't give them more context on because I don't have it (because Stefin hasn't told me either) but I am expected to disseminate and enforce this information without necessary context.
When asked for accountability, Stefin often responds with excuses, such as "Not to excuse anything but I have a lot on my plate," rather than identifying a change that he will undertake to avoid problems in the future.
Stefin micromanages with a lack of communication, which means that it's often difficult to get ahead of anything; rather, I frequently feel as if I am at a loss for how to proceed on basic things that I should be able to autonomously move forward with.
I have seen Stefin use others as a shield for responsibility, i.e. times when a decision he pushed for has been made by the leadership team has received negative feedback, he discusses as if it's entirely on the leadership team, but does not take personal ownership over certain decisions he has made.
I experience his leadership as extremely paternalistic; he frequently makes decisions about what's best for kids (as a group or as individuals) and then disseminates the information as if it is something that was determined to be best in a democratic process.
I have sat down with Stefin on multiple occasions (at least a dozen) since January 2022 about the issues I have with the school or to preemptively make decisions regarding my workload with teachers, and infrequently feel better after these meetings. I have addressed my concerns explicitly and in writing and I often get responses like "I hear you" or similar but the behaviors don't change. I feel like he centers his feelings and his intentions rather than his impact, and I have named that to him, to no change. Working alongside him is extremely detrimental and I told him about nearly quitting last semester (his response was "I assumed you were not wanting to return," but nothing about what I needed to stay or what he could offer to change the dynamic). I am considering leaving soon for my own sanity.
Stefin has several times now said he is willing and excited to do whatever he can to make things right with the school but when it comes to tangible offerings, I have heard very little and seen even less. His response to being asked by multiple people to step down and away from his position was met with a vague assurance that he is willing to do whatever it takes to benefit the school, and he'll step away if its deemed best. It's been named several times by several sources - students and adults alike - that he should leave, and while he claims he is willing I think it's telling that he refuses to explicitly say whether or not he plans to do so. I think this is a small example of what it is like working with him in general. Vague promises are made, rarely if ever kept, and we're supposed to just go along with it.
9/22/2022 23:46:12
The Ceo is good at creating activities for the students.The Ceo needs to work better In communication and clarity.211221Maybe
9/23/2022 9:41:21
I know Stefin is working incredibly hard to keep Living School afloat right now. His work ethic is very strong, and I think his intentions are coming from the right place. Unfortunately, based on the way this school year has gone so far, it's difficult for me to come up with anything specific that he's doing well.
Stefin is great at making people feel heard, but he does not always follow up with action or changed behavior. Many of the issues that have recently been raised by both staff and students have been raised for months, going back to last school year, and have not been acted upon.

Stefin also has a tendency to overcommit, and therefore under-deliver. He says yes to too many people about too many different things, then changes plans after the conversation because it conflicts with other plans he's said yes to. Example- I came in this summer and created an entire Elective plan including course offerings, schedule, and site plan. I left feeling great about the plan, only to have it changed by Stefin after I left. I then had to come back and re-work the plan, which landed back at my original ideas anyway. It was incredibly frustrating because I had to do the same work twice.

Communication at Living School is inefficient at every level. The staff are often not on the same page, and communication to students then suffers as well. Stefin has a tendency to think that information is clear and accessible when it's actually not.

Retention of both staff and students is not going well. We're losing staff members and students on a regular basis, and all roads lead back to Mr. Stefin. Multiple women of color have cited specific issues with Stefin as their primary reason for leaving, and they have all called for his resignation. His recent response to this was another vague email with an apology, but no commitments for changed behavior or specific plans for change.
While I don't believe Stefin should remain the CEO of Living School, I'm also concerned about the amount of institutional knowledge and power that he has. If he is removed as CEO, the transition will need to be handled incredibly carefully if Living School is going to remain afloat.
9/23/2022 12:25:14
He's supporting students organizing345323Maybe
9/26/2022 8:22:18
Encouraging staff to perform at and above expectations.
Delegate as much as possible so that we as a team can achieve our overall goals. Increase communication to better disseminate important information
545544Yes / Sí
Stefin has been an effective leader. He puts our Legends first in decisions each and everyday within Living School. WE would be hard pressed to find a leader that cares more.
9/26/2022 9:09:22
555555Yes / SíNo.
9/26/2022 9:11:42
improve the way of learning right now , make sure that everyone is comfortably safe 213322Maybe / Quizás
9/26/2022 9:11:58
whatever he's doing he's doing it well nothing he perfect 555555Yes / Síhe's doing good
9/26/2022 9:12:00
Idk what he is doingstop making buss riders wait until 8:15433333Yes / SíNO
9/26/2022 9:13:03
Mr.Stefin is doing greatMr Stefin is going pretty good55445Yes / SíNo
9/26/2022 9:13:23
It seems that he is listening to the students more and is thinking about us and including us in more things.
I feel that he needs to think about us (the students) more even though he is on his way to achieving this.
9/26/2022 9:13:53
idkidk444444Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:14:10
I think the CEO is doing well he is looking out for us.545545Yes / Sí
9/26/2022 9:14:51
Yes he is doing great listening to the students for the problem and trying to make the school great.making the school building bigger 544445
9/26/2022 9:14:55
some things mr.stefin is doing well is haramba when speaks clearly unlike others and makes haramba somewhat enjoyable.
The CEO needs to make sure that everyone is participating and there should be a place where people who doesn't want to participate doesn't have too,some of us feel like we are being forced to do this and it's unfair.
i would like to add that i somewhat understood this survey
9/26/2022 9:15:00
445343Maybe / Quizás
9/26/2022 9:15:30
Keeping up with his word because he'll tell us one thing and never do it545553Maybe / Quizás
9/26/2022 9:16:12
its clear hes trying to do better
communication, stop making excuses for problems, include students more on important decisions.
311322Maybe / Quizás
perhaps a co ceo positions should be added?
9/26/2022 9:16:24
The school is kinda wild. but i haven't been here long.make better options for the people who have trouble making it to school.242332Maybe / Quizás
I haven't really been here that long but i know that the school system is never to good
9/26/2022 9:16:39
The CEO is not doing very well.The CEO needs to do nothing better .132412Maybe / Quizásno.
9/26/2022 9:17:09
I think him trying to improve is something that he should be congratulated for.Being communicative to staff, teachers, students, and parents.323332Maybe / Quizás
on the question "Managing Living School's strategic priorities & budget" i just put 3 because i really dont know
9/26/2022 9:17:14twilson26@gmail.comhe is taking in all the things that we are giving him for the changes.he needs to put the things that we are giving in order so we can get a better education334144Yes / Síno they is nothing to add.
9/26/2022 9:17:25
hes doing a good job at keeping the voilence down
he needs to restore off campus lunch back to everyday because there is no point of holding other back because someone else did something
323233Yes / Sí
that this school was very good at first until the ceo took our lunch from us i think its selfish and wrong
9/26/2022 9:17:46
no puedo opinar muy bien xq no la conosco y pues cre que deberia poner mas orden 423512Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:17:51
he's doing well in teaching students and doing speeches.i guess try to help students with there depression.534554Yes / Sícan i add a rock club?
9/26/2022 9:17:51
In my opinion I think that Mr. Stefin is a really good listener and takes everyone's opinions into consideration.
I think that the CEO needs to better organize certain things but other than that I don't really think he needs to do anything else.
425443Yes / Sí
9/26/2022 9:18:03
The CEO is supporting students and families well.The CEO needs to lead the Living School better.245333Maybe / Quizás
No, there is not anything else.
9/26/2022 9:18:40
Mr Stefin is doing a good job with the classes.
Something the ceo needs to do better is hire better teachers and staff and better lunch policies such as off campus everyday again.
323222Maybe / QuizásNah
9/26/2022 9:18:42
idkidk555555Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:18:48
he stops fights no matter what he keeps going and his a good man a good worker and stops us from ruining things. nothing153224Yes / Sínop
9/26/2022 9:19:42
Solving problems Do more family meetings112134Maybe / QuizásNo
9/26/2022 9:20:03
he keep us together every thing 122222Nonope
9/26/2022 9:20:22lmason26@gmail.comAddressing physical altercationsI'm unsure312234Maybe / Quizás
9/26/2022 9:21:02
The CEO is trying to get the school to a liking that everyone approves of.
The CEO needs to not just hear, but listen to the students, and staff, and people trying to give him feedback.
333424Yes / SíNo
9/26/2022 9:21:13
Mr.Stefin is doing a fairly good job considering all the things he has to do in order to run the school.
i think he needs to do a better job at hearing each level of authority in the school and include the students more,
33312Maybe / Quizás
9/26/2022 9:21:16
Mr Stefin is doing well with keeping the school and students safe.Mr stefin needs to do better with the time we have to turn in our work on fridays.545544Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:21:31
im not gone lie he seems like cool people but i really dont see nothing big going on i feel like im here nut not here
get more involved with the students and actually fix what we are asking for and not just nod your head and say you here us
332323Maybe / Quizás
i been trying to get to my right grade and no one has helped me
9/26/2022 9:26:02
the thing that i think that the ceo is doing well is the fact that Mr. Rahn is here off campus.
the ceo need to work on listenin to students and hearing their problems, working to solve the problems, keeping promises, and keeping the school in check.
113312Maybe / Quizásno
9/26/2022 9:27:01
Being a principle and running the school.nothing443434Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:27:36
What the ceo is doing well is bringing things to notice when students are angry
Things the ceo can do better is cut back on the rules like the rules such as the passes and the id i feel it is not necessary
534344Yes / Sí
9/26/2022 9:27:44
The CEO is doing everything well, I think he is a great principal and school director. Nothing, I think he is doing everything just fine.555555Yes / SíNo.
9/26/2022 9:27:55
One thing that is being done well is the way he responds to our recommendations and actually tries to fix his mistakes.The way he communicates with information with students and families could be way better.32443Yes / Sí
9/26/2022 9:27:56
I don't know I don't know who is Mr. Stefin325542Maybe / QuizásNo
9/26/2022 9:27:59
i don't really know what he doing well he needs to talk about giving off campus every day and to improve the space a little more 333333Maybe / Quizásno not at all
9/26/2022 9:28:48
what the ceo is doing well is improving problems like i am happy they resumed off campus lunch and getting harambee backi don't think there's nothing the ceo need to do better 121111Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:28:55
In my opinion, something Mr. Stefin does well is keeping the school in order. There's not a lot of commotion here.
What Mr. Stefin needs to improve is trying to hear our students voices more often and stop pushing them to the side. Also, saying one thing is gonna change but its still continues as it has before.
435422Maybe / QuizásNo that's all.
9/26/2022 9:28:58
he is do good the dress code535555Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:28:59kjones25@livingnola.orgMr.Stefin can be better at keeping up with promises and try being more organised. 333333Yes / Sí
9/26/2022 9:29:31
En mi opinion lo que el esta haciendo bien, es que nos castigue por hacer cosas malas en la escuela, por ejemplo, peleas, problemas, etc, tambien porque nos apoya en lo que nosotros hacemos peticion.En mi opinion creo que nada porque nunca he tenido ningun problema en este centro.334234Yes / Sí
Lo que quiero agregar es, es una peticion, lo que queremos la mayoria de Hispanos, es una cancha de futbol, si es posible. GRACIAS.
9/26/2022 9:29:35
Digo que es muy importante la opinión de el CEO y es muy importante también que haya tomado de su tiempo para esta opinión. Pienso que no debería mejorar nada ya que su pensamientos están bien. 323412Yes / Sí
Nada pienso que todo esta bien por ahora.
9/26/2022 9:30:17
I think that Mr. Stefin is good at everything.
i think that Mr. Stefin needs to imporve the lunch rule it should be like old times when i was in the 9th grade.
343333Yes / SíNo
9/26/2022 9:30:31
I'm not sure I know much of what's happening and the decisions being made. He seems to have daily interactions with students and teachers. I'm new and don't completely have a grasp on the fundamentals of living school. I just feel like most things can be handled differently.
Communication and organization is key. It builds trust within the community and can create better change overall. I feel like a lot more things can be handled as a team, I feel like as a CEO there might be a lot on your plate and a lot to handle if there's just so much to handle at once. A trustworthy team and further discussions would be better. If things aren't right the first time we can just retry and learn through trial and error. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and that's okay, as long as said errors are made together.
332332Maybe / Quizás
For the previous question. I feel like he deserves another chance. Or we could do something like rotate CEOs. We could have kind of like a term and vote like a presidency. Said candidates could have requirements in order to run. Students AND teachers would vote. I feel that if someone remains at the head for too long it could become corrupt or we could lose sight of the school's initial goal. I think that original beliefs and morals of this school is very important.
9/26/2022 9:30:37
He is getting good at asking what we want. He is trying his hardest to get new teachers and we still get some freedom.
I think that he needs to stop taking things that we all loved away and should resort to his old teaching ways.
325511Yes / Sí
He needs to give us back our freedoms that we had.
9/26/2022 9:30:41
I can happily say Mr.Stephen is great at trying. Even if he doesn't manage to all the way follow through sometimes, I can definitely respect his ability to try.
I feel like Mr.Stephen needs to do better at communications without the students. Some more transparency would be appreciated due to this being our school too.
443333Yes / Sí
I would like to just say thanks for creating this school where we can feel safe and be ourselves.
9/26/2022 9:31:00
en miopinion todo es tabioenen opinion todo es tabien444444Yes / Sí
10/3/2022 10:43:35
nos esta apoyando poder participar en un equipo de futboll
creo que nada, nunca he tenido algo/algun problema, yo miro o creo que hace bien su trabajo.
444432Yes / Sínada por ahora
9/26/2022 9:32:26
he is by teing ceru of all of ushe is boing his best2221Nono
9/26/2022 9:33:09
Creo que las cosas que mr stefin esta haciendo bien es ponernos los ID aun que muchos piensan que es feo andarlo pero es parte de tu seguridad por si algo te pasa asi que mr stefin esta haciendo muy bien en ese aspecto.
Una de las cosa que creo que mr stefin deberia de mejorar es el menu de la escuela siento que a muchos de los estudiantes no les gusta la comida y es un desperdicio.
435334Yes / Sínada.
9/26/2022 9:33:22
44444Yes / Síno
9/26/2022 9:33:38
en mi opinion el esta asiendo todo biennecesita mejorar en dejar de ser mas pasibo y castigar a los que rompen las reglas .43Yes / Sí
si que nos dejen poner la ropa de color y usar solo el carnet
10/1/2022 19:38:00
Mr.Stefin Is Doing Good By Making sure the student is safe and making sure everyone has what they need and hes doing a good job at making sure every body leave out or graduate with some type of success.
I Feel Like Everybody Should Have off Campus And If Not We Should At least Be able to order Food Or At least Get Served better Food Instead Of The Food They Serve In The Cafeteria Because i Just Feel Like That Food Isn't Healthy For Us At All . And Everybody Should At least Have Some Type Of Extended Free Time Together because it feels like they splitted everybody up .
434444Yes / Sí
9/26/2022 9:49:31
He is very attentive to the needs of the students and he is managing it excellentlyPut stronger people in leadership roles and allow them to lead 525454Yes / Sí
11/21/2022 20:37:52
his skills on learning to give us better teachers and he needs to stop picking and choosing who he likes and who he don't like
9/26/2022 10:12:14
Stefin is doing an exceptional job managing daily needs of Living School's students, staff, and operations. He is committed and willing to give of himself and resources for the success of our students and institution. With the exceeding number of resignations and unforeseeable events he's been a consistent leader and problem solver in this space.
Stefin could work on being transparent about his true vision for Living School and its students. This would help people develop structure in a way that aligns with the vision.
34422Yes / SíN/A
9/27/2022 9:05:58
nos esta apoyando poder participar en un equipo futboll
creo que nada,nuncahe tenidoalgo/algun problema,yo miro o creo que hace bien su trabajo 555555Yes / Síno eso es todo
9/26/2022 10:16:47
idc tbhidk 222222No
nahh i really dont care for stuff like this
9/26/2022 10:38:34
.Nececita mejorar la vestimenta de los estudiantes por que no todos lo usan correctamente 445445Yes / Sí.
9/27/2022 8:59:35
la verdad no se 1Maybe / Quizásno
9/27/2022 10:47:29
I think Mr Stefin does a good job at admitting when he's in the wrong.
Mr Stefin should strive to involve students, teachers, and families in important decisions regarding Living school because making them.
22312Maybe / QuizásNo.
9/27/2022 11:57:28
Strong grasp of all matters related to Living School; hard working, dedicatedDelegating tasks/authority; hiring reliable staff434554Yes / Sí
I might change my answer regarding remaining CEO if any concerning problems are revealed from the exit interviews of departing staff
9/28/2022 13:36:32
The vision he has for students is amazing!He needs to work on everything.111111No
He causes more harm when leading or having a restorative circle.
9/28/2022 15:09:40
leído en lo que respecta al liderazgo como un proceso de evolución holístico que lleva al individuo de la dependencia a la interdependencia y desarrolla en el mismo una victoria privada y pública.

Como nunca antes, los cambios sociales ocurren a una velocidad vertiginosa e inciden en todos los aspectos de la vida. La dirección de empresas es una de las tareas que más se ve afectada por estos cambios, y por ello el perfil del CEO (Chief Executive Officer) también se ha visto modificado.

214313Yes / Sí
le gustaria agregar algo mas Rocio Londono sociologa
9/28/2022 15:27:03
no estodo mude221111Nono
9/30/2022 9:32:13
Make sure every is in class.Nothing.545555Yes / Síno
9/30/2022 15:30:44
In my honest opinion Mr. Stefin isnt doing anything right so far. There is no teachers in the school for real and i can only image the stress the 5 teachers are under. and even tho the school is working to get more teachers the school is losing teachers in that time.
He needs to stop trying to make everyone happy cs that not how the real world works. its okay to have a democratic school but it become a problem when everyone uses that as a excuse. oh but is democratic this and democratic that. In order for something to be democratic there has to be structure and like certain thing cannot be changed for function. (hopefully you understand if not i will come explain my logic)
313211Maybe / Quizás
I also would like to say while we are losing valuable teachers we are keeping the ones that nobody likes around. if in your goal is to create a safe comfortable school then get rid of the bad teachers nobody like and always complains about them and replace them with teachers who care. if you need a example of someone lets start with Raven she keeps the halls clear and is a sub she might as well be a dean cs is not what she do its how she do it. how she says things. how she acts towards the students. maybe she feels like she has to be ugly towards students in order to show power i honestly couldn't tell you. personally she a bad vibe. MY FAVORITE staff member/Teacher Xavier has quit and they were one of the teachers the school should have been trying to keep around. he has done nothing but try and fix the school and work with the students they were one of the best teachers i have come across in my 14 years of life. when i asked them why they were leaving they told me because everything that was said in the Email was the reason. meaning NOTHING is being done. This school will not thrive if Stefin dosent find real solutions to the very big problems.
10/5/2022 11:40:27
I don't know. I don't really worry about that.
I dont like how democratic the school is. I don't like giving feedback on adults. I think its disrespectful.
10/6/2022 11:39:00
The CEO of the school is doing a very good job at running the school and keeping in check
Get us better food3333Yes / Síno
10/21/2022 9:53:02
Keeping the school fresh and cleaning.Stop all the fight's happening.455455Yes / SíNo
11/11/2022 11:45:53
He is doing well at keeping the school cleanN/A434551Maybe / QuizásN/A
11/17/2022 23:22:39
What's doing well is the teachers and principals are doing great here at Living School the only thing is we need more workers at this school.
Need to improve more helpers, workers, more staff as well being not saying yall not good staff's yall are good staff's.
55Maybe / Quizás
I would love to have new teacher here at Living School not saying these teachers are mean or nothing it just for extra help like new teachers being in the class helping other students while this teacher teach that from the third.