Case Study Collection
Welcome to our Case Study Collection: inspiring examples of charities, schools, businesses, governments and more who are putting relationships at the heart of what they do, and reaping the rewards.

By providing an easy way to find practical examples of good relational practice, the collection serves as a useful jumping-off point for thinking about how you can improve your own relational practice. You can fond out more about many of these examples in our long form case studies and shorter form case study cards (perfect for group workshops)

Each example is mapped against ten opportunities to help create the conditions for good relationships flourish:

1. Planning: developing a strategy for improving relationships
2. Training: developing skills to build and maintain strong relationships
3. Rules and accountabilities: holding each other to account for prioritising good relational practice
4. Incentives: celebrating those who lead the way in building good relationships
5. Honesty and openness: creating a welcoming culture of transparency and generosity
6. Impact measurement: measuring and reflecting on what works and what doesn’t, and acting on insights
7. Storytelling: forging new and positive narratives about the power of good relationships
8. Activities: organising activities and events that bring people together.
9. Physical space: designing environments that encourage interaction, not separation
10. Digital technology: using digital tools in ways that connect rather than atomise

We recommend using the Case Study Collection alongside the Relationships Heatmap: an interactive diagnostic tool which shows which areas of your practice are supportive of good relationships, and which are not. You can use this database to find inspiration for warming up the cooler spots in your relational practice. To do this:

1. Complete the Heatmap
2. Invite others in your place to complete the Heatmap too (optional)
3. Review your results
4. Identify the cool spots in your relational practice
5. Find the columns in this database which correspond to your cool spots
6. Search for inspiration by reading down these columns

If you’d like tailored support in using either of these resources, please get in touch with hello@relationshipsproject.org. We’d be more than happy to help.

And please feel free to make a copy of the spreadsheet by going to File > Make a copy. This way you will be able to filter, highlight and edit, creating your own customised resource.

Finally, please share any other examples that you think should be featured with us at hello@relationshipsproject.org. There is a huge amount of fantastic work going on and this presently only scratches the surface. Thank you to all who have helped us build this collection.

Very warm wishes,
The Relationships Project Team