SkillStandardSelf ScoreNotesManager ScoreManager Notes
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Importance Level
Working with AEs
Qualifying Deals5- Support AE in their qualification of customers with documents or questionnaires to help AEs qualify deals in or out
4- Work with AE before meetings to let them know what is needed for them.
3- Ask the AE questions about the business and the technical requirements.
2- Ask the AE a few technical questions
1- Jump on discovery calls blind
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Discovery Calls5- SEs and AEs can read each other’s mind.
4- Partner with Account Executive to extract the most amount of information from the customer
3- Waiting for AE’s invite to participate
2- Not participate unless when asked a question
1- Interrupting AE to ask technical questions against the flow of the call
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Demos5- AE and SE each know their role in the demo and execute it together perfectly.
4- AE supports SE when they need to.
3- AE takes notes for SEs while doing the presentation
2- SE gets AE to entertain while setting up or if error occurs
1- No collaboration. AE works on their own thing while SE is demoing
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POC Management5- AE and SE work together to get the POC plan approved and complete the POC
4- SE updates AE on the POC progress periodically
3- SE updates AE when asked
2- SE does not provide enough information to AE about the POC progress
1- SE does not inform AE about the POC progress until things go wrong.
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Proposals/Negotiation5- SE provided all the information needed to AE to help defend the proposal and negotiate better price
4- SE helps AE understand the Bill of Materials
3- SE provides the Bill of Material and reasons to the provided products
2- SE provides the Bill of Materials to AE
1- SE does not work on the proposals
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Communication5- SE and AE are always on the same page with regards to strategy and next steps
4- SE is able to help AE make decisions based on technical factors
3- AE needs to follow up with SE to capture information
2- SE and AE communicate occasionally but still have a hard time being on the same page
1- never communicate
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Discovery Prep5- Have stories prepared, vision building questions, hypothesis to customer problems, anticipating objections, know who’s in the room
4- Understands who they are meeting and the history of discussions
3- Have a short discussion with AE to prepare
2- Look at SFDC notes
1- Prep is for rookies
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Meeting5- Understand the customer’s business problem, and the customer knows it. Understand what we need to demo Earned the right to the next meeting.
4- Understand the customer’s technical problem, understand what we need to demo.
3- Asked the technical questions
2- Answered the customer’s questions
1- Showed solidarity with my AE.
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Post meeting follow up5- Sent follow up email that helps our contact sell internally.
4- Sent Meeting Notes that answer the customer’s questions
3- Work with AE to send meeting notes
2- Send meeting notes with minimal information
1- Depends on AE to send meeting notes.
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Customer Demo
Demo prep5- Builds the demo based on the business problem, audience and practices it fully.
4- Builds the demo addressing most of the business problems and audience, then practices fully
3- Builds the demo addressing most of the business problems and audience, but needs more practice
2- Builds a demo and practices it
1- I already know everything, I’ll wing it.
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Solved business problem5- Demo help the different personas understand how the solution solves their business problems and makes their lives better
4- Demos address the business problems for some personas
3- Demos focusing on solving technical problems
2- Demos focusing on feature function
1- Demos addressing the wrong audience or problems
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Addressed technical audience5- Technical team understands how the solution can be implement it and agree that they can implement it
4- Technical team understand the pre-requisites and have broad idea how to implement
3- Technical team needs to go back and research how they can implements the solution
2- Technical team does not understand their requirements/prerequisites and need further research
1- Technical team does not think they can implement the solution
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Flow5- Flow includes discussion points and remained tight throughout
4- Flow is coherent, engaging and adaptable
3- The script has been practiced and it shows.
2- You have a script that you are following
1- Flow is choppy
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Performance5- All attendees were engaged, laughing, and having useful discussions.
4- Most attendees were paying attention and discussions were happening.
3- Attendees showing some interest but the questions are limited
2- Attendees showed interest but there were not meaningful questions
1- Attendees were not interested and were working on other projects.
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Meeting Conclusion5- All parties agree to follow up items and next steps are scheduled.
4- One of the above is vague
3- Next steps and follow up items are vague
2- Follow up items agreed on but no next steps confirmed.
1- Everyone goes their separate ways.
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Proof of Value (POV)
Creating POV plans5- Create POC a complete POV Plan
4-Creates a partial POV plan
3- POV plan allows scope creep
2- Has a vague idea of what the POV will be
1- Wing it
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Project Management5- POV goes 100% according to plan leading to sales
4- POV runs into some issues but SE is able to resolve leading to sales
3- POV consistently goes over schedule affecting sales
2- Meet customer occasionally to answer questions
1- Share licenses/product with customer and they do their thing.
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Building accurate bills of material5- BOM is always accurate and exactly what the customer needs
4- BOM needs to be changed on occasion
3- BOM is mostly accurate, but needs to be corrected by others.
2- BOM constantly needs reviews
1- Asks someone else to build to BOM
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Value creation through sales process5- SE helps customer understand the value of the product, the ROI, and helps the AE not negotiate on price.
4- SE helps the customer have an idea of how their customers would help.
3- SE helps the customer understand that you can solve the problem
2- Customer understand what the solution will do
1- Customer understands the features of the product.
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Technical know how
Product Knowledge5- Can discuss any topic with different persona without the use of aids such as slides
4- Knowledge of a big subset of the product(s) and features and their values
3- Require the use of aids to support in conversation
2- Needs time to prepare for technical discussions
1- Require specialists to do join the meetings and run discussions
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Industry Knowledge5- Can share insight on best practice and gaps with customers.
4- Understands what customers need in their industry
3- understands basics of the industry
2- Still learning the industry
1- new to the industry
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Customer Relations
Connecting with customers5- SE builds solid relationships quickly with customers enabling him to gain insight into the problems and helping the customer solve their problems.
4- Needs more touches to connect with Customers
3- SE have a friendly relationship with customers.
2- SEs had a transactional relationship with customers
1- SE does not try to build any relationships with customers
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Timeliness5- SE responds to customers in a timely fashion in a complete manner, and if they need time, they will inform the customer
4- SE responds within a couple of days
3- SE responds within a couple of days with incomplete information
2- SE responds very late to the customer
1-SE needs reminders to respond to customers
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Process improvements5- Identify holes in the process, improve them and get buy in.
4- Identify holes in the process, works on improving them
3- identifies holes in the process and highlights them to management
2- identifies holes in the process and improves it for themselves
1- Not worried about process
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Mentoring5- Proactive in mentoring, coaching and improving the mentee’s performance
4- Provides guidance on the technology and the soft skills for solution engineers
3- Support SE occasionally with dry runs and such.
2- Touches base periodically with the mentee to check in.
1- answers technical questions when asked.
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knowledge sharing5- Writes down findings and shares it with the team.
4- Share findings with everyone who would listen.
3- Tells people the SE is close with
2- Shares info when asked
1- Keeps everything to themselves.
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