RefUnit LabelDefinitionReview CategoryReview StatusApplies ToCore EquivFreqDAMSDigiBooksKeepETDsOEDataverseObligationObligation NotesImplementation NotesValue ConstraintsRepeatableIndexedDisplays ToRepo-Generated
Repository Editable
FacetDisplay Label RDF RangeHyrax Equiv
MODS2DRF - Simple Mapping
RDF Notes (Regarding Hyrax and MODS2RDF)Local RDF Notes
D1InstitutionThe name of the owner or the steward to the original source content (either physical or born-digital): the institution who is responsible for providing access to the resource. Useful for when exporting to aggregated/external repositories.General
Completed > future Core revision
Collection, ObjectInstitution2DAMS15DV39Required if ApplicableRequired when exporting/disseminating to external, aggregated environmentsApplicable to exported metadata in aggregated environments or external material hosted by Emory; may not display in local Emory interfaces. Could be generated as part of export vs. stored as metadata.

Could be structural metadata.
URI/controlled terms

"Emory University" but potentially other participating institutions
NYEnd Users and StaffTBDNTBD - future UXN/AThis concept isn't entirely represented. we could also just have two entries for relators:rpsPredicate needed - or ? or "has custodian"

owner? provider?
D2Holding RepositoryThe name of the holding Library within Emory University; indicates a stewardship roleGeneral
Completed > future Core revision
Collection, ObjectInstitution6**KEEP9***RequiredCould be structural metadata.URI/controlled terms - see Core Metadata

LCNAF entries for Emory Libraries
NYEnd Users and StaffN?YTBD - future UXrelators:rps<self> relators:rps <>

D3Administrative UnitThe name of a sub-unit within the Holding Repository; indicates a stewardship roleGeneralCompletedCollection, ObjectN/A2DAMS16KEEP9Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for Keep, DAMS/still image workflowsCould be structural. Used for repositories such as the Rose Library with different administrative units within the same library (i.e. Emory University Archives). Local controlled termsNYEnd Users and StaffN?TBD - future UXN/A
Predicate needed - or or
D4SublocationLists the physical sublocation of an object (e.g. a box/folder for archival material); not intended to denote a physical location that changes frequentlyGeneralCompletedObjectN/A2DAMS34[Tech meta]RecommendedLists the physical sublocation of an object. In an archives context, this would be a box/folder.StringNYEnd Users and StaffN?TBD - future UXopaque:locationShelfLocatoropaque:locationShelfLocator "4098B.104 FOLIO v.1"
D5Content TypeDescribes the nature and general type of the original content source (as opposed to the form of the resource); provides important context for users to inform how they can interact with the contentGeneralCompletedObjectContent Type5DAMS32DB1KEEP2ETD21OE32RequiredElement may be matched to content model in current state, but this may change with future content models.
Consider auto-assigning at ingest where feasible.

Discuss facets/display later with implementation UI design activities.
URI/controlled terms

LC Resource Types
NYEnd Users and StaffTBDY?Future UX - "Format"?dcterms.typedcterms:type<> dcterms:type <> .
D6Content GenreA more detailed sub-type refining the broader Content Type element: provides a specific characterization of the nature or style of the original content sourceGeneralCompletedObjectContent Genre6DAMS9, DAMS10DB26KEEP11, KEEP17, KEEP22, KEEP23ETD22OE22DV51RecommendedLocal values needed for ETDs, Research data (lack of granular terms in existing vocabularies), some Keep "form" entries from source metadataControlled terms - some local, otherwise AAT, Marc Genre TermsYYEnd Users and StaffNYYFuture UX - "Type of Resource"?dcterms.typeedm:hasType
D7Description/AbstractFree-text, summary description of the content, such as an abstract. Provides additional search terms in natural language; provides important summary information for non-textual resources such as images, audio, and videoGeneral
Completed > Core/Req level
Collection, Object, FileDescription5DAMS1KEEP12ETD14OE18DV14Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD, Dataverse workflows. See UX notes - should this be a conditional display label to show "Abstract" for selected types of material?StringNYEnd Users and StaffNYTBD - future UXdc.descriptiondcterms:abstract
D8Table of ContentsA table of contents for the materialGeneralCompletedObjectN/A3DAMS30DB17ETD13Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD workflowConfirm how ETD handles formattingStringNYEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)dcterms:tableOfContents
D9EditionIndicates the specific edition of a published work which the repository object containsGeneralCompletedObjectN/A2DB31OE34Required if ApplicableApplicable to Digitized BooksStringNNEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)bf.editionStatementthis is mapped for MODS originInfo

complex option available
D10Primary LanguageThe language of the source content being described: applies to textual or spoken word (linguistic) contentGeneral
Completed > future Core revision
ObjectLanguage6DAMS11DB5KEEP16ETD10OE6DV26Required if ApplicableApplicable to text or linguistic content; required for ETD, OpenEmory, Digitized Books workflowsUse a vocabulary and resolving the label for end users.URI/controlled terms - see Core metadataNYEnd Users and StaffNYY(Use unit label)dc.languagedcterms:language
D11Extent/Dimensions (Original)The extent or measurements of the original material (vs. a surrogate)GeneralCompletedCollection, ObjectN/A2DAMS33DB14Required if ApplicableRequired for DAMS/still images material and Digitized BooksWill apply to Collection objects as well as items.
In some cases, may have to convert units for display (bytes)
StringNNEnd Users and StaffNNTBD - future UXrdau:extent.en
D12PublisherThe name of the entity formally publishing the workGeneralCompletedObjectN/A3DAMS19DB12OE5Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for Digitized Books, OpenEmory, DAMS/still image workflowsStringNYEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)dc.publisherrelators:pblchanged from dcterms:publisher in Jul 2018

complex option available
D13Date CreatedThe date the material was createdDatesCompletedObjectDate - Source4DAMS5, DAMS6DB11KEEP5DV33Required if ApplicableRequired for DAMS
Core requires either Created or Issued
See additional requirements for date entries and formatting.

Need to test/consider date parsing needs for MARC.
Do not map the leader, but do map the 260 and 264.
DateNYEnd Users and StaffNYYDatedcterms.createddcterms:createdcomplex option available
D14Date Issued/PublishedThe date the material was formally released or publishedDatesCompletedObjectDate - Source6DAMS7, DAMS8DB11KEEP5ETD24OE4DV44Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD, OpenEmory workflowsSee additional requirements for date entries and formattingDateNYEnd Users and StaffTBDYYDatedcterms:issuedFor ETDs, could make more specific with RDAU's "has year degree granted":
D15Conference DatesDate range for conference at which a conference paper was presentedDatesCompletedObjectN/A1OE35OptionalSee additional requirements for date entries and formattingDateNNEnd Users and StaffNYN/ATry rdau:P60526 "has date of conference"
D16Data Collection (Start and End Dates)Date range for when data was collected for a dataset (distinct from the date the actual dataset was created)DatesCompletedObjectN/A1DV49, DV50OptionalSee additional requirements for date entries and formattingDateYYEnd Users and StaffNYN/A
Predicate needed - or dc coverage?

See deprecated
D17Local Call NumberThe local call number for a physical item that has been digitized for inclusion in the repository.IdentifiersCompletedCollection, ObjectSource Item Call Number3DAMS2DB7KEEP1Required if ApplicableRequired for DAMS/archival material, KEEP collections, Digitized BooksNot intended as a digital object identifier and is not unique. Other legacy identifiers are system oriented for objects; whereas the call # can refer to a physical thing still in useStringNYEnd Users and StaffNTBD(Use unit label)loc:local
D18Standard IdentifierA formal, standard identifier issued and maintained by an external organization, which may be formatted as a URI or a unique number/codeIdentifiersCompletedObject, AgentIdentifier - Standard6****OE34DV56, DV6RecommendedSee additional requirements for sub-types of standard identifiers. Some MARC migration may need Core Systems consultation. MARC 022 $a will have ISSN, 020 $a holds ISSNURI or StringYYEnd Users and StaffNTBDdcterms.identifier loc:### (varies per scheme)MODSRDF group decided to use LOC identifier Scheme for standard identifiers -

primary system identifier - could be ARK, handle, PID, UUID, etc - dcterms.identifier

see also SPAR ontology for more ID types
D19Legacy IdentifierAn inactive identifier used in a previous system or workflow, useful for cross-referencing in migrations; may include a number of identifier types including filenamesIdentifiersCompletedObject, FileIdentifier - Local2DAMS13KEEP1Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for DAMS, KEEP materialFor migration, most instances of these will have a prefix already. For DAMS, take the values of Desc - Legacy… and migrate them over directly. For still images migrating into Fedora, keep the DAMS system id, prefix it with “dams-ID-” etc and treat that as a new legacy ID for the future repository metadataStringYNEnd Users and StaffNTBD(Use unit label)loc:local?<self> loc:local "historic (invalid): ######"
may need additional local predicate, or use prefixes on values
D20System of Record IDThe system identifier or record number from the canonical descriptive metadata system, used to sync metadata in the repository with an external sourceIdentifiersCompletedCollection, Object, AgentIdentifier - Local1DB34Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for Digitized Books and if applicable to future state workflows where metadata is ingested from external sourcesTBD - pending implementation strategies. Could include Alma MMSID, ArchivesSpace IDs, etc.StringNYEnd Users and StaffNTBD(Use unit label)N/APredicate needed
D21Primary Repository IDThe unique, persistent identifier for a repository objectIdentifiersCompleted
Collection, Object, File, Agent
Identifier - Local6DAMS17DB4, DB29KEEP1
ETD11, ETD23
OE33DV6?RequiredPID scheme TBD - pending implementation. Recommend storing the unique ID component and displaying as a PURL to end users.URI or PID scheme that can resolve to a globally unique URINYEnd Users and StaffYTBDPermanent Linkdcterms:identifierPrimary repository system ID
D22Related Material (Note)Free-text field to record citations for related materialRelationsCompleted > Impl ReviewCollection, ObjectN/A1
DV21, DV22, DV23, DV24
RecommendedText string, e.g. a spelled out citation or other longer text entry for materials without a URI
StringYYEnd Users and StaffNYN/Askos:note with a prefix?
Predicate needed, or prefixed note
D23Related Material (URI)URIs for pre-defined types of related materialRelationsCompleted > Impl ReviewCollection, ObjectN/A2OE19DV56, DV23, DV24OptionalSee additional requirements for specified relation types. Goal: enable certain relationship types; mapped to a specific set of predicates.
Note - Hyrax maps in baseline metadata profile (related url). Review migration needs for Dataverse entries. Suggested link types include: link to Finding Aid, Related Publications, Related Datasets, Supplemental Material

Either we have a generic predicate with the ability to supply a label, or we need unique predicates for each
URIYYEnd Users and StaffNYRDFS.seeAlsoN/A?Multiple types will be needed (see Implementation Notes detail)

General: rdau:P60313; dcterms:relation

finding aid: rdau:P60262

related publication

related dataset
D24Final Published VersionA link to the final published version of a work stored in the repositoryRelationsCompletedObjectN/A1OE12OptionalMay include a link to a publisher's version or a DOI for the published versionURIYNEnd Users and StaffNYdcterms:hasVersionCould possibly use schema:exampleOfWork
D25IssueThe issue or number associated with the materialPartsCompletedObjectN/A1OE9Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable to OpenEmory material such as articles, conference papersCould store either a number or an issue name (e.g. "Autumn")StringNNEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)rdau.P60101May need a local predicate (citationIssue) or workaround for this - can we use

fabio "has issue identifier" aka


rdau.P60101 would contain the entire citation (title, vol/issue #, date, identifier (if included). MODS Part was not included in scope of MODS RDF group due to too much variability among institutions

complex option available
D26Page RangeThe range of page numbers for the material within the parent object/container where it was published (i.e. page numbers of an article within a journal)PartsCompletedObjectN/A1OE7Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable to OpenEmory materialConfirm if start and end is needed; assume single field. Samvera MODS mapping is for pageStart, pageEndStringNNEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)schema:pageStart
D27VolumeThe volume indication for the materialParts
Completed > confirm DB29 notes
ObjectN/A2DB29, DB32, DB33OE8Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for Digitized Books, OpenEmory materialConfirm migration needs for Digitized Books - pull from structural metadata?StringNNEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)rdau.P60101May need a local predicate (citationVolume) or workaround for this - can we use bibo/prism?
Fabio "has volume identifier" aka



rdau.P60101 would contain the entire citation (title, vol/issue #, date, identifier (if included). MODS Part was not included in scope of MODS RDF group due to too much variability among institutions

complex option available
D28Place of Publication/ProductionA placename or location associated with the publication or production of the materialPlaces/EventsCompletedObjectN/A4DAMS18DB13
OE28, OE23
DV34RecommendedRecommend using a URI from Geonames. Monitor usage of this unit and consider breaking out into place/event types later if we need more specific (or multiple) event places for a given record.
Consider conditional display labels based on other metadata or display context needs
Controlled entry - Geographic location URI or stringNNEnd Users and StaffNYrelators:pupcomplex option available
D29KeywordsUncontrolled keywords describing the material, often provided by content creatorsSubjects
Completed > future Core revision
Collection, ObjectSubject - Keyword5DAMS23KEEP13ETD2OE14DV17Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD workflowUncontrolled termsStringYYEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)dc.relation (currently, but proposal to change to schema.keywords in the worksdce:subjectcomplex option availableschema:keywords
D30Subject - TopicsControlled terms describing topics included in the content of the materialSubjects
Completed > future Core revision
Collection, ObjectSubject - Controlled6DAMS28DB24KEEP13ETD3OE15DV16RecommendedControlled terms, maintained by external organizations. Assume that Proquest headings meet this category, though they are not published as a machine-readable authority.
Will need to clean/refine MARC and MODS entries to be RDF friendly.
The Keep has a mix of controlled and uncontrolled terms - can parse by lack of @authority attribute in MODS element
Controlled terms
URI or String

YYEnd Users and StaffNYYdc.subjectdce:subjectcomplex option available
D31Subject - NamesControlled terms for the names of people or organizations included in the contentSubjects
Completed > future Core revision
Collection, ObjectSubject - Controlled2DAMS24-27DB22RecommendedNames + Uniform Titles/LCNAF sources. Will need to clean/refine MARC and MODS entries to be RDF friendly.

Separated out from other subjects to enable different UI treatment or related data display.
Controlled terms
URI or String

YYEnd Users and StaffNNYdc.subjectdce:subjectcomplex option availablePredicate needed to differentiate ?

prism:person; prism:organization

OR, do a hash dce:subject#name because most RDF vocabs don't split this out [Associated name] - but this isn't as clear as subject
D32Subject - Geographic LocationsControlled terms or coordinates indicating geographic locations included in the contentSubjects
Completed > future Core revision
Collection, ObjectSubject - Controlled4DAMS29DB25KEEP13DV63-66RecommendedSeparated out from other subjects to enable different UI treatment or related data display. Investigate if in RDF, we can input only the most specific location and extrapolate parent locations from there (e.g. city > infer state, country, etc.)
Controlled terms

YYEnd Users and StaffNYYdc.subject
dce:coveragecomplex option available
D33Subject - Time PeriodsControlled terms or time ranges describing time periods for the contentSubjectsCompleted > Impl ReviewCollection, Object
Subject - Controlled/Keywords
3**DV47, DV48RecommendedFor Dataverse, this will be free-text and uncontrolled. For other sources, would most likely be controlled terms such as eras.Free text or controlled terms

String or URI
YYEnd Users and StaffNYdc.subjectschema:temporalCoveragecomplex option available
D34Conference/Meeting NameThe name of a conference, meeting, or event related to the materialTitlesCompletedObjectN/A1OE27Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable to OpenEmory conference materialThis is a unique unit (do not map to Subject - Names)StringNYEnd Users and StaffN?(Use unit label)[confirm] takes a literal; but domain is Event. bibo predicate requires a URI.If alternate predicate needed - rdau for sponsoring body? rdau for "has other agent" [Event place] [Associated name]
D35Title [Work/Collection/File]The name of the resource being described. The title may either be transcribed from the resource itself, or it may need to be created.TitlesCompleted > Impl ReviewCollection, Object, File
Title, Source Collection, Digital Collection
OE1DV1RequiredCore MetadataFor MARC mappings, will need to consider what can be mapped. Current recommendations are 245$a only but we may consider options for other subfields.

For populating Titles in some scenarios, look at options to auto-generate long runs of titles using either a user-supplied base title, or inheriting from a parent object such as a folder. Also consider preferring DC title because it’s more flexible (a name for the resource) than what other “title” predicates may require.
StringNYEnd Users and StaffNYTitledcterms.title dcterms:titlecomplex option available
D36Uniform TitleThe standardized version of a title, established when a work has been issued under varying namesTitlesCompletedObjectN/A1DB30RecommendedMARC mappings: use MARC 130. MARC 240 should be ignored as it is infrequently used and not helpful for discoveryString - mostly applies to Digitized BooksNYEnd Users and StaffNNdce:title<> dcterms:title "Bible" ; dce:title <> .

complex option available
D37Series TitleThe name of a larger series that the material is a part ofTitlesCompletedObjectN/A3DB32, DB33OE36DV52RecommendedMARC mappings: If 830 is present, use that. Otherwise use 490. Don’t use both.
Possible mapping:
StringNYEnd Users and StaffNYdcterms.source bibframe:seriesStatement
complex option available
D38Title (Parent Work/Source)The title of the parent work that the material is part of, such as an article's parent journal, a chapter's parent book title, etc.TitlesCompletedObjectN/A1
OE3, OE26, OE29
Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable to OpenEmory material (Titles of parent journals, conference proceedings, books)Look at available predicates - MODS to RDF group work; consider display logic to alter labels if needed calculate type of parent work)StringNYEnd Users and StaffN?Conditional/calculate prefix for type of parent work + Title
E.g. "Journal Title" (for an article), "Book Title".
dcterms.sourcerdau.P60101rdau:P60101 = "is contained in"
complex option available
D39Thesis/Dissertation DegreeThe name of the degree for which the thesis or dissertation is submitted forRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectN/A1ETD9Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD workflowSee ETD 2017 implementationControlled terms - localNNEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)N/ASee ETD implementation - vivo
D40Department/ProgramThe name of the academic program offering the degree associated with a thesis or dissertationRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectN/A1ETD7Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD workflowSee ETD 2017 implementationControlled terms - localYYEnd Users and StaffTBDY(Use unit label)N/ASee ETD implementation - vivo
D41Academic Subfield/DisciplineA subfield within an academic programRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectN/A1ETD8Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for ETD workflowSee ETD 2017 implementationControlled terms - localNNEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)N/ASee ETD implementation - vivo
D42SchoolThe name of the major School for which a thesis or dissertation is grantedRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectN/A1ETD6Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD workflowSee ETD 2017 implementationControlled terms - localNYEnd Users and StaffTBDY(Use unit label)N/ASee ETD implementation - vivo
D43Contact Information [Work/Object]Contact information regarding the material (not necessarily for the author)Roles/AgentsCompletedObjectN/A1DV11, DV12, DV13Required if ApplicableRequired if Applicable for DV/research data workflowStringNYEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)N/A
Try "has contact information"
D44Publisher VersionVersion of a scholarly work that is deposited in the repository (final published, post print, pre-print)Roles/AgentsCompletedObjectN/A1OE10Required if ApplicableRequired for OE workflowLocally defined terms, but could research SPAR ontologyControlled terms - localN?End Users and StaffN?(Use unit label)N/A
Predicate needed
Bibo and SPAR have status-oriented properties
D45Role - CreatorIdentifies the primary Creator(s) of the materialRoles/AgentsCompletedCollection, ObjectCreator6DAMS4DB8, DB28, DB27KEEP8ETD15OE22DV7Required if ApplicableBroadly required if applicable; required for ETDs, OpenEmory, Dataverse workflowsUse “Creator” as default display label, but potentially customize depending on display needsControlled terms - URI or string

LCNAF; local creator IDs
YYEnd Users and StaffNYYCreatordc.creatorrelators:creator or other role (if role is specified)
dce:creator (no role specified)
complex option available
D46Role - Contributor [Generic]Identifies contributors to the material; can be used very broadly if exact contributions aren't knownRoles/AgentsCompletedCollection, ObjectContributor1DV35, DV36OptionalUse for name entries for which the agent is not the Creator and a more specific role isn't determinedControlled terms - URI or string

LCNAF; local creator IDs
YYEnd Users and StaffNYContributordc.contributor dce:contributor (if no role specified)complex option available
D47Role - Thesis/Dissertation AdvisorIdentifies the advisor for a thesis or dissertationRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectContributor1ETD16Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD workflowSee ETD 2017 implementationControlled terms - localYYEnd Users and StaffNYThesis/Dissertation AdvisorN/A
D48Role - Committee MemberIdentifies the committee members for a thesis or dissertationRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectContributor1ETD17Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for ETD workflowSee ETD 2017 implementationControlled terms - localYYEnd Users and StaffNYCommittee MemberN/A
See ETD implementation -
D49Role - Degree Granting InstitutionIdentifies the institution granting an academic degree associated with a thesis or dissertation deposited into the repositoryRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectContributor1ETD19Required if ApplicableRequired for ETD workflowSee ETD 2017 implementation. Note, this is distinct from the Institution element, which refers to preservation stewardship.Controlled terms -
String or URI
YNEnd Users and StaffTBDYDegree Granting Institution

See also RDAU option
D50Role - SponsorIdentifies a sponsor for the material producedRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectContributor1OE30OptionalSee ETD 2017 implementationControlled terms - localNNEnd Users and StaffNYSponsorN/ATry or ("has sponsoring body")
D51Role - Data ProducerIdentifies research groups/centers/institutes who have some overarching responsibility for the data collection (may overlap with Creator)Roles/AgentsCompletedObjectContributor1DV27OptionalFor predicates, Jen Doty prefers Marcrelators’ Provider vs. Producer definition (tv-centric).
String or URIYYEnd Users and StaffNYData ProducerN/AFor predicates, Jen Doty prefers Marcrelators’ Provider vs. Producer definition (tv-centric).
D52Role - Partnering AgenciesIdentifies types of partner agencies involved with a thesis or dissertation's researchRoles/AgentsCompletedObjectContributor1ETD18Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for ETD workflowMay need to revisit predicate used in ETDs 2017. Current values are very specific and locally defined (mix of actual agency names and types); difficult to map to RDF. Required specifically for RSPH materials to drive reporting needs.
Controlled terms - localYYEnd Users and StaffNYPartnering AgenciesN/AMay need a local predicate. ETD used "contributor"
D53Role - Grant/Funding AgencyIdentifies agencies providing grants or funding to the materialRoles/Agents
Completed > Workflow Review
ObjectContributor2OE17DV37Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable to DV/research data workflowInvestigate if there is an external authoriity for these kinds of namesControlled terms - string or URIYYEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)N/A
D54Creator/Contributor - NameApplicable to Emory-managed entities: name of the agent (person, organization, or system) that relates to the repository in some capacity or roleRoles/AgentsCompleted > Impl ReviewAgentCreator, Contributor6??????Required if ApplicableRequired for Agent entities (if implemented)If local Agent entities are implemented, this is a name property assigned on that model (vs. a linking identifier to an external name entry)StringNYEnd Users and StaffN?Y(Use unit label)dc.contributor N/Acomplex option available - foaf:namefoaf:name?
D55Creator/Contributor - Institutional AffiliationApplicable to Emory-managed entities: institutional affiliation for the agentRoles/AgentsCompleted > Impl ReviewAgentN/A3ETD#OE2DV8OptionalIf local Agent entities are implemented, this is an affiliation property assigned on that model (vs. a linking identifier to an external name entry)Controlled terms
String or URI
YYEnd Users and StaffN?N/Acomplex option available
predicate needed - vivo?
D56Rights Statement [Local/Free Text]The Emory-supplied statement describing the rights status of an object, including use and reproduction limitations based on that rights statusRights/AccessCompletedObject, Collection
Rights/Access Statement
6DAMS20DB21KEEP7ETD4OE21DV34RequiredKeep as field for all of the free text information on rights/access and keep separate from controlled values/URIs. Potentially re-usable local statements. Some one-off statements such as Publisher provided info may be added also.String (or re-usable statements)YNEnd Users and StaffNYRights Statementdcterms.rightsdce:rights
D57Rights Statement [Controlled]Standardized rights statement from that can be used to communicate the copyright and re-use status of digital objects to the end usersRights/AccessCompleted > MWG CoreObject, Collection
Rights/Access Statement
6DAMS21, DAMS22DB21?KEEP7?***RequiredURI’s from or other controlled sources. For end user visual display, show the heading text and the icon if possible. May want to conditionally show/hide this if license entries (e.g. CCL) are also assigned, to avoid duplicative or confusing statements.Controlled terms
NYEnd Users and StaffNYYRights Statementedm.rightsedm:rights
D58Rights HolderThe name of the entity that holds the rights to the materialRights/AccessCompletedObject, Collection
Rights/Access Statement
2DAMS35*Required if ApplicableName entries for rights holders - most likely not a comprehensive authority for this. For display, concatenate with Copyright Date to produce a copyright statement, presented with other Rights StatementsControlled terms if available
String or URI
YNEnd Users and StaffN?(Use unit label)dcterms:rightsHolder
D59Copyright DateThe date (year) for which copyright was establishedRights/AccessCompleted > NewObject?
Rights/Access Statement
1*Required if ApplicableBroadly required if applicable for any materialMachine readable date (not a string); concatenate for display with Copyright Holder to generate a copyright statement if possible. Display visually with other Rights Statements noted above.
Useful for running reports in the future. MARC records may contain this.
DateNYEnd Users and StaffN?(Use unit label)dcterms:dateCopyrighted
D60Re-Use LicenseProvides license information to inform users of appropriate usage of an object, e.g. Creative Commons LicenseRights/AccessCompletedObject?
Rights/Access Statement
1OE20Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable to OpenEmory workflowRecommend expanding to include all licenses (such as GNU or ODL), not just CC, via URIs. Need to be able to expand the controlled values over time. May need to have application display logic conditionally hide entry if one of these exists to reduce duplicative information. For end users, display the visual logos if possible in addition to the valueControlled terms

NNEnd Users and StaffN?(Use unit label)(verify)N/AInvestigate what was added to Hyrax in late 2018 or
D61Restrictions on AccessInformation about access restrictions due to the nature of the information in the materials being described, such as those imposed by the donor, by the repository, or by statutory/regulatory requirementsRights/AccessCompletedObject, Collection, File?
Rights/Access Statement
1KEEP6Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for KEEP/Rose workflow or more broadly for future state workflowsFor migration - translate the Keep's code values as an access statement. Rose will provide a mapping of codes to new access statements (text). Rose doesn’t anticipate being able to determine controlled rights statement based on this information - these are solely for access indicationsString (or re-usable statements)YYEnd Users and StaffN?Access Restrictionsdcterms:accessRights
D62Grant/Funding Information [Note]Free-text note about associated grants or funding; may include grant numbers or other statementsNotesCompletedObjectN/A2OE17DV38Required if ApplicableRequired if applicable for DV/research data workflowsStringYNEnd Users and StaffNY(Use unit label)skos:notecomplex option availablePredicate needed, or prefixed note
D63Author NotesFree-text note that contains information from or about the authors of the material; may include or reference corresponding author informationNotesCompletedObjectN/A1OE18OptionalStringNYEnd Users and StaffNYskos:notecomplex option availablePredicate needed, or prefixed note
D64Note [General]Free-text general purpose noteNotesCompletedObject, CollectionN/A3DAMS14DB16, DB21KEEP4, KEEP18, KEEP19, KEEP20, KEEP21OptionalImplementation concern:anticipate difficulty differentiating 590s used for rights vs as all other kinds of notes. Some KEEP source data is now mapped here if controlled genre terms can't be used.StringYYEnd Users and StaffNskos:notecomplex option availablePredicate needed, or prefixed note
D65Data Sources NoteFree text note about data sources used in the materialNotesCompletedObjectN/A1DV59OptionalStringYYEnd Users and StaffNYskos:notecomplex option availablePredicate needed, or prefixed note
D66Geographic UnitLowest level of geographic aggregation covered by the dataset, e.g. village, county, regionNotesCompletedObjectN/A1DV67OptionalSuggest a set of local terms or enable auto-suggestString or locally controlled termsNYEnd Users and StaffNYN/ALocal predicate neededPredicate needed, or prefixed note
D67Software/Technical NoteFree text note providing user guidance for relevant software/technology associated with the materialNotesCompletedObject, FileN/A1DV54, DV55OptionalStringNYEnd Users and StaffNYskos.notecomplex option availablePredicate needed, or prefixed note
[Additional fields split out for 2019 implementation: Standard IDs, Related Material types, page range start and end]- numbering continues at D68