Programme Information & PLOs
This document forms part of the Programme Design Document and is for use in the roll-out of the York Pedagogy to design and capture new programme statement of purpose (for applicants to the programme), programme learning outcomes, programme map and enhancement plan. Please provide information required on all three tabs of this document.
Title of the new programme – including any year abroad/ in industry variants
MSci & BSc Biophysical Science
Level of qualification
Please select:Level 7
Please indicate if the programme is offered with any year abroad / in industry variants Year in Industry
Please select Y/N
Year Abroad
Please select Y/N
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Lead Department Natural Sciences
Other contributing Departments: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
Programme leadership and programme team
Please name the programme leader and any key members of staff responsible for designing, maintaining and overseeing the programme.
Katherine Selby (Programme Leader) Katherine Selby (Chair of Board of Studies) Christoph Baumann (Pathway Leader), Gonzalo Blanco (Biology), Glenn Hurst (Chemistry), Eric Dykeman (Mathematics), Yvette Hancock (Physics)
Particular information that the UTC working group should be aware of when considering the programme documentation (e.g. challenges faced, status of the implementation of the pedagogy, need to incorporate PSRB or employer expectations)
With few exceptions the modules which make up any of the Natural Sciences programmes are drawn from the corresponding contributing single subject degree programmes. Local pedagogical practices and modes of assessment are honoured in Natural Sciences unless there is evidence that such practices would not be pedagogically sound. Therefore, given the nature of the Natural Sciences programmes parts of this document draw liberally from, or make reference to, the corresponding documentation from the contributing departments. This documentation should therefore be considered in parallel with the corresponding proforma for the single subject degree programmes of the contributing departments.
Who has been involved in producing the programme map and enhancement plan? (please include confirmation of the extent to which colleagues from the programme team /BoS have been involved; whether student views have yet been incorporated, and also any external input, such as employer liaison board)
At all stages departmental teaching committees and programme teams have been consulted. All members of the Board of Studies in the departments and in Natural Sciences have had free access to the documentation and approval has been received. Student input has fed into the York Pedagogy in focus groups, through the Staff/ Student Liaison Committee and via the Board of Studies.
Purpose and learning outcomes of the programme
Statement of purpose for applicants to the programme
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an
applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
All Natural Science programmes at the University of York aim to produce leaders in science, technology and industry who will have the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to succeed in complex research and business environments. You will learn how science is conducted in different disciplines, how to operate within different methodological communities, and how to apply techniques and ideas across multiple disciplines.

A Biophysical Science student will experience a carefully constructed course that is built upon, and exploits the synergies that exist between, three of the core experimental sciences; Biology, Chemistry and Physics. You will experience first hand how these three fundamental subjects combine to give a unique approach to studying biological systems using the tools, techniques and philosophy of physics and chemistry. The York Biophysical Science programme combines modules from across the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Physics that will bring these links to life, distinguishing a York Biophysical Science graduate as a truly interdisciplinary practitioner with a keen knowledge and appreciation of science that goes beyond the boundaries of any of the constituent subjects.

As a student on the MSci programme you will achieve all the above, but your skills and knowledge will be developed further and to a deeper level as you undertake an extended final year research project that will move you towards the research frontier in Biophysical Science, giving you the expertise, skills and experience necessary to pursue graduate level research both within and outside academia.
Programme Learning Outcomes
Please provide six to eight statements of what a graduate of the programme can be expected to do.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1 BScApply knowledge of relevant practice and technology in the biophysical sciences by using numerical, quantitative, and computer-based transferable skills to solve real world problems. [Problem Solving]
1 MSciApply comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge practice and technology in the biophysical sciences by using numerical, quantitative, and computer-based transferable skills to solve real world problems. [Problem Solving]
2 BScIdentify, justify and apply appropriate mathematical, experimental and statistical methods, as used in biology, chemistry and physics, to a biophysical problem. [Experiment/Simulation]
2 MSciIdentify, justify and apply complex mathematical, experimental and statistical methods, as used in biology, chemistry and physics, to a multi-faceted biophysical problem. [Experiment/Simulation]
3 BScExplain fundamental biophysical concepts and techniques, including a critical understanding of the relevant scientific literature, and appreciate the synergies that exist between the physical, chemical and biological disciplines. [Subject Knowledge]
3 MSciExplain fundamental biophysical concepts and techniques, including a rigorous critical understanding of the relevant scientific literature, and appreciate the synergies that exist between the physical, chemical and biological disciplines. [Subject Knowledge]
4 BScCommunicate complex biophysical concepts to interdisciplinary, specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear, concise and rigorous manner using a variety of media, demonstrating a fundamental multi-disciplinary breadth of knowledge. [Communication]
4 MSciCommunicate complex biophysical concepts to interdisciplinary, specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear, concise and rigorous manner using a variety of media, demonstrating an in-depth multi-disciplinary breadth of knowledge. [Communication]
5 BScIdentify and critically evaluate state-of-the-art experimental, analytical and quantitative techniques and methods from across the biophysical science discipline through knowledge and first-hand practical experience in laboratories, including the creation of comprehensive laboratory notebooks and reports. [Research Project]
5 MSciIdentify and critically evaluate state-of-the-art experimental, analytical and quantitative techniques and methods from across the biophysical science discipline through knowledge and first-hand practical experience gained in an extended independent research project, including the creation of comprehensive laboratory notebooks and reports. [Research Project]
6 BScWork effectively, both independently and within a group, in a cross-disciplinary environment to solve problems rooted in the biophysical sciences by applying logical reasoning, lateral thinking and interdisciplinary approaches to develop and implement safe, ethical and socially responsible solutions that benefit humankind. [Interdisciplinary]
6 MSciWork effectively, taking the lead within their own project and collaborating on a group project, in a cross-disciplinary environment to solve problems rooted in the biophysical sciences by applying logical reasoning, lateral thinking and interdisciplinary approaches to develop and implement safe, ethical and socially responsible solutions that benefit humankind. [Interdisciplinary]
7 BSc
7 MSci
8 BSc
8 MSci
Programme Learning Outcome for year in industry (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year in Industry’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year in industry b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year in industry by alteration of the standard PLOs.
Programme Learning Outcome for year abroad programmes (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year Abroad’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year abroad or b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year abroad by alteration of the standard PLOs.
PLO 7 Be inspired by and articulate the advantages of successfully studying in a non-UK academic environment through broadening your perspectives and developing adaptability, flexibility, resilience and drive.
Explanation of the choice of Programme Learning Outcomes
Please explain your rationale for choosing these PLOs in a statement that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). Please include brief reference to:
i) Why the PLOs are considered ambitious or stretching?
The Biophysical Science programme has been constructed to include three of the core experimental sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This is an ambitious portfolio of modules due to the diversity of material that a student must master to successfully navigate their way through the programme. The PLOs require a student to master concepts across the three main disciplines. Apart from the theoretical aspects of the subject, there is a substantial component of experimental work. These experiments will take place in all three core subjects and will produce data that will require extensive data analytical skills and the facility to choose the correct tools for the job. This programme will produce students who can work at the interface of these three disciplines.
ii) The ways in which these outcomes are distinctive or particularly advantageous to the student:
There are well established links between all four disciplines that contribute to this programme. But this programme gives a student the unique opportunity of studying at the interface of all four. The PLOs ensure that a Biophysical Science student gets a fully featured skill set that encompasses aspects of experimental, computational and theoretical science.
iii) How the programme learning outcomes develop students’ digital literacy and will make appropriate use of technology-enhanced learning (such as lecture recordings, online resources, simulations, online assessment, ‘flipped classrooms’ etc)?
Digital technologies are woven into the fabric of this programme and are developed and enhanced throughout the duration of the programme. The programme is littered with chances for a student to develop a highly digitally literate skill set. For example in producing lab reports, carrying out simulations which will require computing programming skills and data analysis skill. Each of the contributing departments has fully embraced technology in their teaching and assessment, and a successful student on the Biophysical Science programme will have a well featured digital skill set for a CV and their future careers after graduation.
iv) How the PLOs support and enhance the students’ employability (for example, opportunities for students to apply their learning in a real world setting)?
The programme's employability objectives should be informed by the University's Employability Strategy:
All the Natural Science programmes have been designed with employability in mind. This is not only as a factor of the design of the programmes themselves, which have had engagement with the University's employability strategy as a given since the early design phases of the programme. But also as a factor of the embedded skills that the contributing departments have built into their modules. Modules which form the bulk of the teaching on this degree programme. Many of the skills listed in the PLOs are generic and will equip the student with a highly transferable skill set.
vi) How will students who need additional support for academic and transferable skills be identified and supported by the Department?
Students who need support will generally self identify at admission or early in the Stage 1 and standard University protocols will then be followed. If this isn't the case and a student is identified as needing extra support later in the programme then the student will discuss the matter with their personal supervisor who will advise in accordance with University guidance. Students are assigned a supervisor in one of the contributing departments and have access to a subject facilitator in both contributing departments. The student can approach their supervisor for advice in accordance with University guidelines and seek more specialist advice on a particular discipline from the subject facilitator. Module level issues are handled with the department to which the module belongs and a student can avail themselves of all feedback and quality control mechanisms that the department offers.
vii) How is teaching informed and led by research in the department/ centre/ University?
There are research active members of staff across all three departments whose specialism is Biophysics or areas in which Biophysics plays a key role. This programme has been designed around these research interests and the student's degree experience will culminate in an interdisciplinary project which will utilise the knowledge and technical skills acquired over the previous years to work in these research areas.
Stage-level progression
Please complete the table below, to summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of each year. This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each PLO, but this can be done if preferred (please add information in the 'individual statement' boxes). For a statement that applies across all PLOs in the stage fill in the 'Global statement' box.
Stage 0 (if your programme has a Foundation year, use the toggles to the left to show the hidden rows)
Stage 1
On progression from the first year (Stage 1), students will be able to:
Appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of Biophysical Science through exposure to the different disciplines which make up the programme and have developed the core learning strategies needed to work across different departments, have a solid grounding in the biological, chemical and physical foundations of Biophysical Science, have the core experimental skills necessary to progress further and have begun building a skill set that will allow a student to solve problems using appropriate tools and know how to effectively communicate their findings.
Individual statements
Stage 2
On progression from the second year (Stage 2), students will be able to:Developed further their understanding of Biophysical Science, expanded upon their knowledge base, have enhanced experimental and communication skill sets allowing them to solve increasingly difficult and challenging problems in Biophysical Science, have become more confident independent learners.
Individual statements
Stage 3
(For Integrated Masters) On progression from the third year (Stage 3), students will be able to:At this stage a Biophysical Science student will have the knowledge, skills and understanding to satisfy all the BSc PLOs and will be equipped to move forward into a more intensely research driven final year.
Individual statements
Programme Structure
Module Structure and Summative Assessment Map
Please complete the summary table below which shows the module structure and the pattern of summative assessment through the programme.

‘Option module’ can be used in place of a specific named option. If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists these lists should be provided in the next section.

From the drop-down select 'S' to indicate the start of the module, 'A' to indicate the timing of each distinct summative assessment point (eg. essay submission/ exam), and 'E' to indicate the end of the module (if the end of the module coincides with the summative assessment select 'EA') . It is not expected that each summative task will be listed where an overall module might be assessed cumulatively (for example weekly problem sheets).

If summative assessment by exams will be scheduled in the summer Common Assessment period (weeks 5-7) a single ‘A’ can be used within the shaded cells as it is understood that you will not know in which week of the CAP the examination will take place.
Stage 0 (if you have modules for Stage 0, use the toggles to the left to show the hidden rows)
Stage 1
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
20BIO00004CMolecular Biology & BiochemistrySAEAAA
20CHE00012CChemistry for Natural Sciences II: Introduction to Analysis & Chemical ChangeSAAAEAAAA
10CHE00014CChemistry for Natural Sciences 1a: Introduction to Chemical Structure & ReactivitySAEA
20MAT00007CMathematics for the Sciences ISEA
20PHY00020CElectromagnetism, Waves & OpticsSAAAAAEA
20PHY00022CIntroduction to Thermal & Quantum PhysicsSAAAAAEA
Stage 2
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
20PHY00031IThermodynamics and Solid State ISAEA
10PHY00020IExperimental Laboratory ISAEA
10PHY00035IMathematics II for Natural SciencesSEA
10PHY00036IQuantum & Atomic Physics IISEA
20BIO00051IMolecular Biology, Biotechnology and BioinformaticsSEA
20BIO00011ICell BiologySEA
20BIO00054IBiochemical Reactions and InteractionsSAEA
10CHE00022IProteins: Architecture and ActionSAEA
Stage 3
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
40NAT00001HNatural Sciences Interdisciplinary Project (BSc only)SAEA
20BIO00067HMolecular Machinery in ActionSEAAA