Challenger Guide to All Matchups
Warwick Jungle
Updated 12/20/2019 9.24b
I ripped this from foggedftw2 so this space is formatted weirdly
Just run PTA into squishy comps, conqueror into tankier comps, do whatever fits best for your playstyle afterwards
I hit challenger mid-season in Season 8 and ended Grandmasters in season 9 in NA if that matters.
Some of these matchups, especially the squishy ones are thought of in respect to rushing Warrior as your
primary jungle enchantment, Cinderhulk is a bad item stop buying it.
Buy Warrior so you have a strong early game and you can buy tank items later if needed.
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List of Champions
AatroxEasyAatrox struggles with hitting targets on top of him. If he plays it correctly, he can kite you out with his first Q and E, but if you dodge the first Q or ult straight on him, while saving Q to ensure that the sweet spot misses, killing him is pretty easy early on. If he gets too ahead early and his healing is overbearing, buy executioner's if playing for duels.
AmumuEasyThis matchup is pretty easy, just take tenacity if needed and force action early. Amumu's weakest stage is early game, try not to burst him through aftershock and he won't be able to come online, whether he's building AP or tank. Be careful, if it reaches late game he will outscale in teamfights eventually.
BardINTerestingI'm pretty sure that Warwick Q can follow bard tunnel but jump on him since he's squishy and the enemy team is probably tilted anyways.
BrandEasyIf you're not familiar with brand, his clear is actually relatively strong with good sustain. If he isn't behind, early MR will be really useful in mitigating the extended dot damage in time to kill him. He needs two abilities to stun you, and it's a projectile, meaning it can easily be reacted with either Q or R.
CamilleMediumCamille will fall behind heavily in clear speed, but if the Camille is skilled she can auto space against you, with her longer ranged Q, while her slow and stun can keep you at distance. If all else fails, look for farm and countergank opportunities, as Camille will struggle in the new jungle without resources or successful ganks early.
Cho'GathMediumCho'gath can potentially grow to have a massive HP pool, something that Warwick cannot deal with later into the game. Force fights early while Cho'gath has no stacks, and buy items like Titanic Hydra or Steraks early if you're worried about Cho'gath R bursting you out. Hold-Q can dodge Cho'gath Q, as long as he does not prompt it with a silence.
DariusEasyStay ahead of the curve with more damage-oriented items like warrior and red smite, save Hold-Q for whenever he Qs so he doesn't get healing or a stack of his passive. If he's laning or in general, he will potentially be dangerous if he fully stacked his passive against another player, it is often safer to just wait it out. Try to use E early in the fight, as the damage reduction will not work when he tries to execute with R.
DianaEasyNew Diana has much lower damage numbers, before it was almost mandatory to rush early magic resist but not anymore. If she is caught out, her only escape is Q then E onto something else, which is incredibly telegraphed and lends itself to easy Hold-Q follows.
Dr. MundoHardThe two ways to win this matchup are to abuse Mundo before he hits level 6 or has a lot of HP, or heavily stack physical damage and never fall behind. His E passive is a stronger steroid, and provides magic resist, negating much of Warwick's damage. With high tenacity on W, fear does little to deter his chase, generally try to ult over a wall if he has completed jungle item and ult ticking, as that's when red smite and his kit will outdamage Warwick healing.
EkkoMediumThis matchup only seems easy because I'm convinced that most Ekko jungle players are unfamiliar with the champion. If Ekko so pleases, he can easily kite you out with Q and Passive, while ulting him is near useless unless he is low enough to be bursted by surrounding allies as well. As long as both players are relatively healthy and are even in the game, neither player should be able to surprise kill the other. You generally want to force objectives to make sure Ekko needs to fight into you, negating his big strength in this matchup.
EliseHardFacechecking generally spells death in this matchup, as it is difficult to compete with Elise's full combo if E is not activated beforehand. Elise activates earlier than Warwick, but in river it is possible to contest with Waterwalking. Elise falls off incredibly hard later into the game, given her tendency to rush double flat magic penetration items, which can easily be countered with spectre's cowl or negatron cloak.
EvelynnMediumAlthough Evelynn cannot do much pre-6, she is one of the few mage junglers that is still threatening later into the game. Try to setup your E when her charm appears, otherwise a charm into her full combo will easily oneshot if you have low MR or she is incredibly fed. Be sure to pink jungle entrances, and try to stand on top of your carries to try to catch Evelynn out. If her ultimate is down, try to pick her off, and do not let your guard down at any point in this matchup.
EzrealEasyAny time it is possible to get into range of Ezreal, just try to Q-hold his incredibly telegraphed E whenever he runs and walks near walls. If this works even once, it is almost guaranteed to be a kill. With a bit of early AD, an ult into Q combo will easily oneshot.
FiddlesticksEasyHe dies pretty quickly, use E to interrupt his W, any early MR or tenacity just neuters this champion.
FizzMediumThis is one of the more annoying champions to play against if he's a laner, as it is possible to be caught out and assassinated if there isn't any MR and ultimate is down. Jungle Fizz won't have the same economy as a laner, and Fizz players tend to spam E on CD for it to be an easy follow through the entire channel.
GarenEasyRiot keeps nerfing this champion even though he's terrible, just beat him down with red smite and don't be low against his execute R.
GnarEasyIf he misplays and allows a Q-hold against his hop, he's most likely dead. Against Mega-form, if the burst is not enough for you to be killed, Gnar won't have the DPS to win the fight afterwards.
GragasMediumThere are skilled Gragas players that can make your life terrible with correct ult placements, but most will ignore your Q and toss it when it can easily be dodged. He has some burst, but either early MR or absorbing it with E will generally win the fight. His 2v2 is more evenly matched than his 1v1, if he is alone then try to cancel his E and kill him.
GravesMediumGraves struggles against targets that don't allow him to stack his Grit, which is mitigated by Warwick converting his AD to magic damage through his Q anyways. Look for Q follows, buy Warrior, and look for fights constantly whenever R is up. He can potentially outscale with high farm and certain itemization so look for more utility in teamfights with large fears and ulting critical targets.
HecarimMediumHecarim is one of the few champions that can take ignite as a summoner, be very careful in 2v2s early, as you can easily be burst out. Whoever gets ahead early in this matchup will generally steamroll the other, but Hecarim will hurt as his counterjungling speed is much higher than yours.
HeimerdingerINTerestingSmite the big Turret if he drops that one, buy early spectres cowl and upgrade into Adaptive Helm if his damage gets too oppressive.
IllaoiINTerestingIllaoi is very squishy until her later items, if she's ever outnumbered she will be oneshot by Warwick R + Q before she has any chance to heal or deal damage with R.
IvernHardSome Iverns have a tendency to invade blue early, forcing you to start it. Ivern players are a special breed because they exist to not fight, which is the opposite of Warwick's win condition. The champion is basically dead now, but this was my permaban in Season 7 when Ivern was overbearing, and I hope to never see this champion again.
Jarvan IVEasyLook to juke out his EQ combo, or Q-follow when he tries to run away. Jarvan has seen so many damage and tankiness nerfs such that he won't outduel or survive long enough for his team to save him. One of his strong suits is ganking as early as level 2, meaning that you need to be aware of what side he is starting and warn your laners to not die early before Warwick comes online.
JaxMediumJax will outscale in the 1v1 but his counterstrike is not enough to beat Warwick's strong early game. Both Warwick Q and R are absorbed by Counterstrike, focus Jax down when his E is down.
JayceEasyBuy either Ninja Tabis or a Chain vest and Jayce won't be able to do enough damage to matter. He is particularly squishy if he is caught out with Warwick R in his Ranged form, as he loses Armor and MR. It is possible to Q-hold through his Hammer knockback, which Jayce will try after he gets desperate.
KaisaEasyIt takes around 8 years for Kaisa to come online as a jungler, brute force her with your big stats.
KarmaHardIf you ever have to play this matchup, it will be incredibly doomed. All of her abilities exist to infinitely kite you out, with a slow, root, and speed-up, while healing up to 40% of her HP with RW. Just farm and look for objectives to force her to engage into you.
KarthusHardIf any jungler falls behind against Karthus, it is seemingly impossible to come back. Karthus needs to die early, or Warwick needs to get a lot of ganks off pre-6. It is possible to easily dodge Karthus Q with Warwick Q, but Karthus spits them out so quickly that you might die anyways. If you're uncomfortable in playing quickly and forcing early action, then this is an acceptable ban for every game.
KaynEasyBoth forms are lackluster against Warwick, and Base Kayn has no chance alone in this matchup. Kayn might look for early counterjungling opportunities with his high map mobility, which is the only place where he can fight back. Against Shadow Kayn buy tanky stats, against Red Kayn look to Q to dodge his W, and if needed buy executioners to cut his healing. You can even save E for his ult, to cut his healing and fear him while he exits, this matchup is relatively common and should be free.
Kha'zixEasy to HardHaving onetricked Kha'zix to Challenger and playing both sides of the matchup extensively, I'm mostly confident that I can win both sides, but find Kha'zix so much easier. There are many things that need to be checked for, as Warwick almost auto-wins pre-6, but post-6 is a different story. Blowing E and not mitigating enough burst, missing or not having R, getting kited out by Kha'zix E are all possible avenues in which the Warwick player can be outplayed, as well as certain itemization choices from Kha'zix like red smite and conqueror. However, as soon as Kha'zix commits then Warwick Q + R can come in and turn the fight instantly, as Kha'zix will have likely blown ult charges and possibly Leap to try and execute. The same pattern applies in teamfights, where you try to focus down Kha when he looks for an assassination. Early armor and possibly CDR or careful pathing is key to winning this matchup.
KindredHardKindred is so unique in which either jungler could possibly go 10/0 or 0/10 in this matchup. She has the advantage of kiting with Q and W, and stacking more range as she obtains her marks, but her armor is among the lowest in the game and will be deleted instantly if she misteps. If you fall behind early, try to R her when her R is down or when you have allies to burst her quickly. If her R is down, Kindred will often Q as it ends, lending itself to a Q-follow into fear to kill her.
KledMediumThis would be easy if not for the heal-reduction that was added a bit back, lending power to his 2v2s. Look to save Q and E if possible for when he dismounts, as with those Warwick should execute him easily at such low HP. In teamfights, look to block his R for your team, as any followup by the opponent can be tanked with your E, allowing your team to counterengage and win the fight.
Kog'MawINTeresting0 mobility jungler, probably hasn't been picked since his revert.
Lee SinEasy to HardIf the Lee Sin is Challenger or competent with the champion this matchup is not fun. Early on this matchup is on how well the Lee Sin plays, and if he lands his Qs while dodging Warwick E with wardhop, his conqueror and attack speed will kill you. In fights, he can buffer R Warwick R to cancel it for some reason, and can RQQ to execute you if you misplay. It is possible to immune the knockback with your Q, but good Lee Sin players will not waste their R like that, or will choose to R someone else into you. He has so many avenues to engage and disengage fights, the way Lee Sin loses this matchup is if he misplays and you brute force through all his fancy shit.
LuluINTerestingShorterACE and Spirit tribute, she's squishy and can be an issue if you don't take tenacity against polymorph, but otherwise treat it as any other squishy jungler and oneshot her.
MalphiteEasySince Malphite generally only comes in the AP variant, early MR and the champion will never oneshot you. Look for countergank opportunities, as Malphite is useless if his first few Rs do not work.
MalzaharINTerestingSquishy champion, do not get your R cancelled by his buffered Q, and he will get oneshot.
MaokaiMediumNot played anymore, but his CC is annoying, where sometimes you can Q-follow his Q, but his E, W, R are all tools to peel for his team. Early merc treads will be very useful if Maokai peel is a concern.
Master YiEasySome people think this matchup is hard, but your ult and base stats + warrior should easily be enough to brute force through his base damages. Unless Master Yi pentakills your entire team for no apparent reason early game, this champion should never be an issue. He doesn't have the luxury of buying QSS since that eats too heavily into his damage as well.
MordekaiserEasyThis matchup is really funny because if you can react or predict his R, then both Q and R will fully cancel it and it will go on CD for mordekaiser. If he ults you and that happens to be an issue then you can buy Wits end and you will still probably win the 1v1.
MorganaEasyDodge Q and she most likely dies. One cool thing is that Warwick Q breaks Black Shield entirely, meaning that if she activates it early you can still E Q E to fear her.
NasusEasyPlay fast I guess I haven't seen this matchup ever since I didn't really play when his Q just got buffed.
NautilusEasyHe is a tank but he doesn't have enough damage as a jungler to be a threat, you will win most fights against him and can perform similarly in teamfights, with Warwick being a bigger threat as a diver.
NidaleeMedium to HardNidalee is a smurf pick in which she can outfarm and poke you down with spears before going for the execute, but if she jumps in too early then Warwick pounces and kills her instantly. If not ahead then it's hard to engage on Nidalee, you need to get on her as she facechecks or gets caught out. Post-6 she can easily be caught out with Warwick R.
NocturneMediumThis matchup can be an issue early if too many critical abilities are absorbed by spellshield, but even with that Warwick likely has enough to statcheck Nocturne anyways. Post-6 you have the advantage of a combat ultimate, making fights a lot easier.
NunuMediumNunu is one of the tanks that can potentially be an issue if you do not get ahead early, as he has so much effective HP through his stats and his Q. He isn't as oppressive to Warwick as he is to other carry junglers, as Warwick has the sustain and DPS to eventually win a fight, but is still a meat wall that is hard to move. Potentially look to save E to cancel Nunu R, and if possible try to dodge the snare that comes after his E.
OlafHardThis is the classic high elo counter to Warwick, which well-rounded junglers will always default to when Warwick is picked first. You MUST path carefully, as you lose 1v1 at all stages, can potentially win 2v2s if you get a double fear off and Olaf is focused down, but past 6 Warwick loses both the healing and damage from his R as Olaf cancels the ability with R. Olaf also functions very similarly to Warwick, meaning if he gets ahead he will stay ahead. Your only hope is to burst him down as a team when he ults, as he loses his bonus resistances, and look to outscale. This matchup could be your permaban if you're unfamiliar with strong pathing and engaging good fights.
OrnnMediumYou should win most fights early, but come level 12 this champion is ungodly tanky with 100 MR on Abyssal Mask, hope you've already nearly won the game before he reaches this stage. You can immune his knockup with Q or cancel it entirely when he chooses to R, as that is a huge chunk of his brittle damage gone.
PantheonEasyPantheon has lost so much base damage on his abilities as well as losing some execute power on his Q, and his E is not very strong since Warwick can Q to reposition behind him. If you do not die against him before level 3, the matchup is most likely won.
PoppyEasyPoppy loses her W ability as both of Warwick's dashes cannot be cancelled. Poppy does command a lot of base damage on her Q, but she cannot afford to build as tanky as a laner, meaning she will lose fights solo and not be an issue if focused down early.
QiyanaEasyBase damages were nerfed heavily, you can easily follow her W and E, and it is telegraphed when her burst is coming out to immune it. Try to Q-immune the CC on her water Q, as if CC'd it is still possible to die to her R, as it's a massive burst and stun.
QuinnEasySquishy champion, even if she Es she will most likely get oneshot if jumped on, and has no chance against Warrior R + Q.
RammusEasyHis kit seems to counter Warwick, but Warwick has enough sustain and Rammus has been nerfed enough to the state where the damage reflection and grevious wounds is not enough to win the matchup. Rammus also struggles early game, look to abuse that and ignore his map mobility with Q as it does not do enough compared to your W.
Rek'saiHardA favourite among OTPs and high elo junglers, Rek'sai when ahead has enough damage to jump on you and execute with R with ease. If choosing to engage into Rek'sai, you must immune the knockup with your Q, and even then it is dodgy since Rek'sai has so much burst with E and R. Falling behind means you likely will not be able to function as a jungler against Rek'sai, since her knockup and engage paths are so versatile.
RengarEasy to MediumRengar is difficult to gage as Scrubnoob will make you wish you were never born while the average Rengar OTP does nothing and you brute force him down. Even though Rengar holds a lot of burst with his Empowered Q, I often E early in the fight before Rengar gets 4 stacks to cleanse the fear with his W. Rengar is weak before he gets his stacks, and even when his bonetooth necklace is stacked he needs to outplay you in some form to die. As with all assassins, if your team needs peel you stand on top of them and ult him when he appears. In 1v1 you likely will not be outscaled for the entire game.
RivenMediumRiven is annoying in which she will cancel your Q follow if she Ws early, and if she's fed and your E is down she will be able to oneshot you with a good R combo. Otherwise, beat her down with your stat check.
RumbleHardI'm not quite sure what is wrong with this matchup but every time I play it I have been destroyed in the early game, as Rumble DPS is mildly brain cancer inducing once he goes into his yellow heated form. Early MR would help in this matchup but if Rumble gets ahead it is too late to start itemizing towards it after warrior anyways. Not a common pick but I think I need more matchup knowledge to comment properly on this one.
SejuaniEasyThis would be a medium or hard matchup but Sejuani has been nerfed too many times to the point where she cannot handle the early game of Warwick, and does not even scale particularly well since her R CC duration is the same as Warwick, meaning they can operate in the same way of looking for picks with R, but one has a stronger early game and lower R CD. Tenacity helps a lot in this matchup if that's an issue.
ShacoMediumUnless fed he won't be able to kill you straight up, but he is also a jungler that can take ignite and potentially make early fights deadly. Always a pest with his Q, peeling your team may be necessary and standing on top of them to keep them safe. Beware of his box and clone plays, especially if he is AP, since AP Shaco operates off bad players falling for his traps.
ShyvanaEasyBoth autoattack and AP Shyvana take too long to scale against Warwick, against AA Shyvana you do her job better for the majority of early and midgame, while AP shyvana can be itemized around since she can't rush void staff early, going into double magic pen. She does eventually outscale, but Warwick should end long before that.
SingedEasyAs a laner Singed is pretty annoying to kill, but in the jungler he is even squishier where he will die if he misteps and gets caught out by warwick Q and R. Fight back, but do not chase if he isn't in lethal range, misjudging this will cause you to look stupid and die. Adaptive is a decent purchase against Singed.
SionEasyBeing nerfed too hard, Q can dodge Sion Q, and his shield is easy to break to prevent damage. Always stick on him to cut off his escape route with his R, and you should end the game since you have much more early pressure.
SkarnerEasySkarner is so weak you could still fight him in his spires and have a solid chance to win, but when the spires are captured he stands no chance. Glass cannon is not reccomended against Skarner, as he will shut you down with his R if you do so. Remember that breaking his shield cancels his movement speed buff, and you should be fine.
SylasEasySylas can be a bit annoying since he can steal your R, where whoever ults first loses, but he's been nerfed to the point where Warwick can stat check and run Sylas down. Try to use your E to prevent the execute damage from Sylas W.
SyndraEasyPre-6 this matchup can be difficult if Syndra plays correctly and knocks you away with E, but post-6 she is squishy enough to be killed with R, and your E can absorb the burst from her R.
Tahm KenchMediumThis champion is still incredibly tanky, and has high damage on his W, where even when winning the 1v1 you have to burn through two health bars to kill him (bar ccing him with E and R before he pops grey health). Champion is nerfed so it should be a strong matchup regardless, it is medium purely for the HP.
TaliyahMediumDepending on gamestate, Taliyah E could be a huge concern, and she has outplay potential depending on her W and Q usage. She is still a squishy mage and will get oneshot if she misteps, and is countered later on by MR and potentially adaptive helm.
TaricEasyFor that one jungle taric player in GM, try to W near dragon pit since Taric tries to solo it a lot with his passive attack speed, and dodge his E with your Q, and wait out his R. Taric basically forfeits the matchup to try to be stronger in teamfights.
TeemoEasyFor the one jungle Teemo player in NA challenger, this matchup is laughably easy because both Q and R are not affected by blind, meaning Teemo gets oneshot when not building tank like a psychopath.
TristanaEasyThis matchup has a lot of outplay potential, all resting on your Q usage. It follows rocket jump and can immune the R knockback, and either happening will likely end in Tristana dying.
TrundleMediumTrundle should not be underestimated, either in 1v1 or 2v2s. His Q effectively creates a 60 AD difference at max rank, while stealing massive amounts of HP and defensive stats at level 6 with R. Trundle is not easy to run over either, and his fights are highly in his favour if an ally dies and his Triumph + Passive kick in. If even or ahead and isolated, try to fight him. Otherwise, stay away.
TryndamereEasyTryndamere early clear and HP is bad enough where he concedes most of early game and even past first back. If he does make it to midgame, try to play around his R and not blow everything, as he will run you down if Q,E,R are on CD.
Twisted FateINTerestingKikis is in your game and you immune his gold card with your R, and he dies.
TwitchEasyThis matchup is sometimes completely out of your hands, as all your laners decide to die level 2 to a Twitch gank, but whenever he is found in the jungle he is squishy and will be oneshot.
UdyrEasyThis matchup is much easier, as Udyr Q was nerfed for no reason in Season 8 and he has not recovered since. Chase him down and use your R to execute him.