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TimestampContributor (your name)Email AddressDate of the exampleExample text or description of visualVisualEnglish translation of example (N/A for English examples)Source e.g. URLAuthorName of author (if known)LanguageSource domainTarget domainType of example
Barbara De Cock13/04/2020It is not a sprint. But nor is it a marathon. It is a rapidly-evolving collaboration. And even if all you are doing now is waiting, waiting, waiting, there will come a time when your skills, expertise or wisdom will be necessary.tweet by Rich Pancost (professor biogeochemistryEnglishaction during epidemialife with pandemicHe also explicitly rejects some other metaphors (sprint, marathon) and tries to requalify them.Resistance to war metaphor
Rukayah Alhedayani5/10/2020يجب علينا عدم التراخي .. سوف نجني قريبا ثمارالتزامنا بالاجراءات. we all have to not slacken .. we will soom reap the fruits of our commitment to procedures (Standard)agriculturereaction to pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Veronika Koller4/16/2020Prepare to disembark: that’s what many passengers on Coronavirus Flight C-19 heard when Chris Whitty ... said that the trend in new infections was beginning to “flatten out” ... Flight C-19 will land eventually. But it is much too soon for passengers to unbuckle their seat belts.Matt D'Ancona for Tortoise Sensemaker newsletterjournalistEnglishair travellife with pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Veronika Koller6/2/2020The others [proteins], on entry, separate and attend to their tasks: turning off the cell’s alarm system; commandeering the copier to make new viral proteins; folding viral envelopes, system, photocopier / envelopecell / virusAlternative to war metaphor
Esther Pascual5/18/2020Esta catarsis tiene que despertarnos de la siesta sanitaria que arrastrábamos [This health catarsis must wake us up from the health care siesta we were prolonging (?)]Pedro Cabrera, doctor in charge of pandemic response in Tenerife ( to wake sb uppandemic (as catharsis)secondary metaphorAlternative to war metaphor
Laura Filardo Llamas3/24/2020Originally no text. Each day reframed by a friend with a text. One of the texts was: "El reflejo de su vocación" (the reflection of their vocation) care professionalsPersonal reframing by a friend.Alternative to war metaphor
Laura Filardo Llamas5/7/2020Los ángeles de alas verdes de los quirófanos, los ángeles de alas blancas del hospital [the green winged angels at the operating room / the white-winged angels at the hospital].... Esos centinelas que no duermen [Sleepless sentry]....El trabajo sucio [the dirty job]... pintan de azul la oscuridad [the paint darkness in blue] // Se meten contigo en la boca del lobo [They go with you into the wolf's mouth]... professionalsAlternative to war metaphor
Reyes Llopis-García21/05/2020healthcare workers are angels, protectors, helpers... NOT SOLDIERS illustrations bring to mind all the roles that healthcare workers can take on, without highlighting "the frontlines" or their role in the "war against coronavirus"Resistance to war metaphor
Ljiljana Šarić3/31/2020Virus je naša domaća životinja i živio je i prije nego što su nas klonirali. ‘The virus is our domestic animal; it was alive before we were cloned.’ comment on an article discussing the pandemic situation in Russia.Alternative to war metaphor
Barbara De Cock4/21/2020Door dit systematisch toe te passen gaan we in de toekomst dit virus in zijn kot houden. (By doing this systematically, we will manage to keep the virus in its shed in the future.)Steven Vanguchte (virologist, daily press conference)scientistDutchanimal/person, keeping in shedvirus, reactionthe expression "in uw kot" (in your shed) was launched by the Belgian health minister and became a slogan for the measure to say confined. Here, it is used in the opposite way, nl. getting the virus in its "kot", not the people.Alternative to war metaphor
8/3/2020 20:44:48Yeqing Kongykong2@ncsu.edu4/28/2020
This is a cartoon from CGTN (China Global Television Network) titled "Made in America: Anti-China virus." The elements of conspiracy, racism, and bias were put together to make the "Anti-China virus."
Made in America: Anti-China virus sentimentanti-China virusMetaphor reversal
Isabel Solana3/15/2020La medicina privada, un brazo más contra el coronavirus en Andalucía

(Private medicine, another arm against the coronavirus in Andalusia)
ABC (Seville edition):
SpanisharmhealthcareBody metaphorAlternative to war metaphor
Miriam P. Leibbrand6/12/2020Corona-Bilder: Ikonografie einer Krankheit. [Corona images: Iconography of a disease.]; scholar (?)Germanartsdiseasenewspaper article reporting on research done by Monika Pietrzak-Franger, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, University of Vienna, and member of the research group "Geschichte der Medizin / Medical Humanities" [History of Medicine/ Medical Humanities" at the Austrian Academy of SciencesNon-metaphorical reframing
Isabel Solana3/22/2020“Es en Madrid donde mayores tensiones existen para soportar la avalancha que sufre el sistema sanitario”

(Madrid holds the greatest tensions to withstand the avalanche suffered by the health system
Pedro Sánchez (Spanish PM)
SpanishavalanchepandemicSnow metaphorAlternative to war metaphor
Laura Filardo Llamas3/27/2020Tengo una señora con covid que hoy ha empezado a respirar sola, y eso que hace dos noches estaba fatal. Ojalá cuando vuelva mañana poder empezar el destete. Una buena noticia, seguimos

I've got a woman who has covid that has started to breath alone today,even if two nights ago she felt reallly bad. I wish we can start with weaning tomorrow. Very good news. We go on people as babiesAlternative to war metaphor
Ksenija Bogetić02.04.2020Bogate države moraće pomoći siromašnima da bi i same opstale. Virus je naš, zajednički. Rodili smo ga, valja ga zajednički uništiti. A rodili smo ga zajednički uništavajući planetu, sebično je cedeći do iznemoglosti, nespremni da se u pohlepi odreknemo bilo čega. Planeta nam je sad poslala nedvosmislen ukor.
(Rich states will have to help the poor ones in order to survive themselves. The virus is ours, together. We gave birth to it, we should destroy it together. And we gave birth to it by destroying the planet together, squeezing it out selfishly to the point of exhaustion, not ready to give up anything in all our greed.) piece on a well-known portal for discussion on topics in politics, society and cultureAlternative to war metaphor
Susan Nacey17-23 April 2020...Men etikk er ikke matematikk. Det skal være en fornuftig balanse mellom gevinst for folkehelse og risiko for helseskalde hos forsøkspersoner, en balanse som skal vektlegges veldig langt i favør av forsøkspersonene. (But ethics is not mathematics. There has to be a balance between the benefit to public health and the health tisk for the trial people, a balance that has be be weighted very much in favor of the trial people.)Morgenbladet nr 15, 17-23 April 2020, "Bør vi alle blie forsøkskaniner" pp14-16NorwegianBalance/scalesethicsResponse to Singer's opinions (above). Resistance to metaphorAlternative to war metaphor
Lorena Baretto19/03/2020Desafío (challenge), visualball, plates, balancevirus, healthcare system and economy, reaction to pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Lorena Baretto3/19/2020Desafío
challenge, visualball, plates, balancevirus, healthcare system and economy, reaction to pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen4/27/2020, forcevirus, countries, worldAlternative to war metaphor
Veronika Koller6/2/2020“We are really early in this disease,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told The Times recently. “If this were a baseball game, it would be the second inning.” gamepandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Alessandra Molino3/12/2020 Adam ZyglisEnglish, Visualbasketball gamereaction to pandemicSport, Trump’s response to cv, CV = a basketball ball, Trump = a too self-confident basketball player, To explain that dangers were judged superficially and that this attitude is having repercussionsAlternative to war metaphor
Aleksandra Salamurovic4/28/2020„irgendwann sei der Akku leer“ („at some point the battery is empty“ ), social psychologist Gerald Echterhoff, University Münster, 0:17:30Germanbatteryemotional energyin regard to endourance of all lockdown measures)Alternative to war metaphor
Woralan Kongpolphrom16/03/3030ประเทศไทยจะชนะการต่อสู้กับไวรัสนี้ (Thailand will win the battle against the virus.)PM Prayut Chan-Ocha's Speech 16 MAR (min 3.03-3.05)ThaibattlevirusOther figurative examples
5/10/2020122 يوما بخط الدفاع الأول ضد كورونا ، 122 days in the first line of defence against Coronaaddustour.comArabicBattlefieldmedical measuresdescribing the Royal Medical Services countering Covid19Other figurative examples
Khadidja Merakchi, Heriot-Watt University4/17/2020New York governor: "we can control the beast". to war metaphor
Maria Grazia Rossi04/21/2020Succede anche questo, con una bestia nuova e sfuggente come il coronavirus. Paesi che un momento prima sembrano averla sotto controllo, e per questo vengono universalmente elogiati, un momento dopo se la vedono scappare di mano. È esattamente ciò che ha vissuto nelle ultime settimane Singapore. [That's what you get with a new and elusive beast like coronavirus. Countries that a moment before seemed to have it (the beast) under control and that is why they are universally praised, a moment later the see it run away. This is exactly what Singapore has experienced in the past few weeks.] articleAlternative to war metaphor
Aleksandra Salamurovic4/28/2020„ war auf einem Safari und man hat dem Löwen ins Auge geschaut und voller Angst und jetzt sitzt man auf dem heimischen Sofa...“ (die Angst ist weg) (One has been on safari and seen eye-to-eye with a lion and been full of fear and now one sits at home on the sofa), Cornelia Betsch University Erfurt, (Prof of Health Communication, project COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring), 0:16:56-0:17:13 minutejournalistGermanbeing on safari, seeing lionlife with pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Paula Pérez Sobrino4/16/2020Aves enjauladas, con ganas de volar "leo un libro y he volado, he vivido"m// "Caged birds, looking forward ot flying again" "I've read a book and I've flown far away, I've lived" in a cagePeople on lockdownSongAlternative to war metaphor
Barbara De Cock4/30/2020Zijn we vogels voor de kat? (Are we birds for the cat?)Karel Verhoeven (journalist) in De StandaardDutchbirds, catpeople, virusAlternative to war metaphor
Pia Sommerauer3/31/2020Wir sitzen derzeit alle im selben Boot, über alle Grenzen hinweg.
We are currently all sitting in the same boat, across all borders. with pandemicThis is the closing sentence of an opinion piece arguing that the framing in terms of war is inappropriate.Alternative to war metaphor
Susan Nacey4/3/2020Vi er alle alene selv om vi er i samme båt.. We are alone even though we are in the same boat distancingNewspaper headline. : Continues: X and Y (aged 5) miss their friends. They share that along with thousands of others.Alternative to war metaphor
Eva P & Ricardo-María Jiménez-Yáñez4/6/2020Vědci našli „Achillovu patu” koronaviru (Los científicos encontraron el talón de Aquiles del coronavirus) to war metaphor
Laura Filardo-Llamas5/1/2020nuestro corazón colectivo volverá a latir unánime en la defensa compartida del trabajo decente.
Our collective heart will beat unanimosly when defending together decent work. as bodyAlternative to war metaphor
Brendan K. O'Rourke (brendankorourke@gmail.com20/3/2020"Those older people who have been helped have felt a connection within society, a sense of a bond that is being strengthened rather than weakened. Older people as well as being grateful for how they have been helped have spoken of how they have welcomed the sight of young people who have given them such hope for the Ireland that is to come.”President of Ireland following his signature of the Health (Preservation & Protection & other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) Bill 2020 to pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Brendan K. O'Rourke (brendankorourke@gmail.com3/20/2020The coronavirus reminds us that poverty, disease and climate change are global phenomena, which do not respect man-made borders. To address these global challenges, we need international cooperation and solidarity. Now is the time for more, not less, multilateral coordination and assistance, and for a reinforcing of our bonds Message from President Higgins to Irish people living in the UK 23/03/2020 English bond reaction to pandemic politician
Brendan K. O'Rourke ( Those older people who have been helped have felt a connection within society, a sense of a bond that is being strengthened rather than weakened. Older people as well as being grateful for how they have been helped have spoken of how they have welcomed the sight of young people who have given them such hope for the Ireland that is to come.”
President of Ireland following his signature of the Health (Preservation & Protection & other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) Bill 2020 to pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Thessaloniki CL Research Group3/19/2020, visualbowling ballvirusThe bowling ball strikes through all systems (minimization of the welfare system, self-regulating market, privatized health system, neo-liberal hard-line ideologies)Alternative to war metaphor
Lorena Baretto13/04/2020No pensamos en otra cosa (We think of nothing else), visualbrainvirusmetonymyOther figurative examples
2/1/2021 12:32:58Pernille Bogø Jørgensen
Det her med at man kan have problemer i vaccineproduktionen, ikke? Det vil jeg virkelig gerne lige give et eksempel på. Som en af dem der har prøvet at stå med fingrene i bolledejen. #tråd
This thing with having problems in the vaccine production, right? This I would like to give and example of. As someone who has tried to have the fingers in the bread dough. #thread MøllerDanish (incl. visuals)bread bakingvaccine production
A thread follows, explaining in terms of sourdough baking what kind of challenges are part of the normal process of pharmaceutical production. To have your fingers in the bread dough is a conventional Danish expression that is similar to knowing how the sausage is made because you have tried doing the work.
Alternative to war metaphor
E. Hidalgo Tenorio4/18/2020Los acuerdos para reconstruir nuestro país deben abarcar los principales asuntos afectados por la emergencia del #COVID19. .Y solo esos. Facilitaremos así el entendimiento. Debemos estar listos para la reconstrucción, sin dejar a nadie en el camino. (Pedro Sanchez) after pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Esranur Efeoğlu-Özcan5/11/2020İçinden geçtiğimiz ve bütün ağırlığını hissettiğimiz KOVİD-19 salgını hayata bakışımızı, sosyal ve toplumsal ilişkilerimizi, siyasi ve ekonomik iletişimimizi müessir derecede tayin, hatta tevzi ve teçhiz etmektedir.[W go through and feel all the burden of COVID-19 changes our perspective on life, social and societal relations, political and economic communications.] to war metaphor
Veronika Koller4/9/2020This is our bus / shuttle. To the next evolutionary stop. On this journey we will transform massivly. Human mankind in harmony with earth&all living beings and as much caring for each other as never before.@CRXed9EnglishbuspandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Esranur Efeoğlu-Özcan3/21/2020Korona döneminin bir felsefesi, bir edebiyatı, bir fikri zemini, sosyal ve siyasal bir iklimi oluşacak, ardından da beşeriyetin yol haritasını belirleyecektir.The virus will be the captain/leader who will decide on the roadmap of 'future'.Turkish politician Devlet Bahçeli's twitter (The chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party)politicianTurkishcaptainvirusAlternative to war metaphor
11/28/2021 11:51:45Barbara De Cock
Twitter interaction between different users, who build on the same conceptual metaphor.
User 1: "Kinderen zijn de motor van de epidemie niet." (+emoticon monkey hiding its eyes) ~ quoting the Flemish secretary for education Ben Weyts
User 2: Het gaspedaal dan?
User 1: Dat moet je aan hoofdmonteur Ben vragen, die weet er alles van. (Ben refers to Ben Weyts, cf. supra)
User 1: "Children are not the motor of the epidemic." (+emoticon monkey hiding its eyes) ~ quoting the Flemish secretary for education Ben Weyts
User 2: The gas pedal then?
User 1: You should ask chief technician Ben, he knows all about it. (Ben refers to Ben Weyts, cf. supra)
regular citizens (but in reaction to a creative tweet by a journalist on the situation in schools, which did not include the metaphor, though)
I think the interaction in which different aspects of the conceptual metaphor are being continued is particularly interesting.
Alternative to war metaphor
Britta Brugman5/19/2020"Maar het blijft een achteruitkijkspiegel en je wil eigenlijk zo goed mogelijk naar voren kijken om nog sneller en nog gerichter te kunnen sturen. Niet alleen reageren, maar ook anticiperen. Vandaar dat we werken aan een dashboard, want het is net als in de auto: je wilt weten hoe hard je rijdt, in welke versnelling en of je gas kunt geven of moet remmen.

"But it's still a rear-view mirror and you actually want to look forward as well as possible in order to steer even faster and more focused. Not only reacting, but also anticipating. That's why we're working on a dashboard, because it's just like in the car: you want to know how fast you're driving, in which gear and whether you can accelerate or have to brake." (translated via Deep L Translator:
Transcript press conference: to pandemicAlternative to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen5/7/2020Vi skal finde det rigtige koblingspunkt (we must find the right clutching point) mechanicseasing lockdownMost likely source domain is probably cars as you talk about the 'koblingspunkt' when you drive with a manual gear, context is presentation of the extent of the reopeningAlternative to war metaphor
2/1/2021 12:38:18Pernille Bogø Jørgensen
1/28/2021Den britiske mutation er jokeren i det her spil
The British mutation is the joker in this game comment prior to press briefingJournalist/mediaDanishCard gameCorona variant
Conventional way of marking uncertainty
Alternative to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen3/20/2020Virusgenomer fra begge patienter blev sekventeret, og det var her, at chokket indtraf, for de to genomer var så nært beslægtede, at der måtte løbe en smittekæde fra den 35-årige til teenageren. [Virus genomes from both patients were sequenced, and it was here that the shock occurred because the two genomes were so closely related that a chain of infection from the 35-year-old to the teenager had to run.] are just examples, a chain/cluster analysis could be done as they are repeatedAlternative to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen3/17/2020Én person kan smitte mange – endda uden selv at føle sig syg, og smitten går videre rundt til endnu flere, en lang og skræmmende kæde.
One person can infect many - even without feeling sick, and the infection spreads to even more, a long and frightening chain. to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen3/17/2020I den kæde vil mennesker dø. [In that chain, humans will die] becomes a containerAlternative to war metaphor
Huey Fen Cheong4/10/2020Domino effect/break the chainCDC official FB:; dominosinfectionCDCAlternative to war metaphor
1/16/2021 11:52:42Susan Naceysusan.nacey@inn.no1/16/2021
"The Covid situation is the worst ever and this is the most horrific battle we've ever been in," says Reverend Andy Bales, who runs the mission. "It's like playing chess with a monster genius - every move we make, it gets overcome by Covid."
Clergy or other religious person
Reverend Andy BalesEnglishchesscovid
Mixed metaphors here: The chess metaphor is preceded by a battle metaphor
Alternative to war metaphor
María Muelas-Gil3/16/2020Juegan las verdes y... ¡Jaque!, visualchess playersvirus, worlda chess game, earth vs. covidAlternative to war metaphor
Ricardo-María Jimenez-Yáñez3/27/2020“Un virus de un tamaño imperceptible ha puesto todo nuestro modo de vida en jaque”Tuit Marian Rojas EstapéSpanishchessplayervirusAlternative to war metaphor
Isabel Solana3/19/2020La búsqueda de los orígenes del coronavirus pone en jaque a científicos de todo el planetaEl
SpanishchessplayervirusChess metaphor (jaque=check)Alternative to war metaphor
Isabel Solana3/12/2020“Justamente es un virus el que pone en jaque a la sociedad mundial tal como la conocemos” metaphor (jaque=check)Alternative to war metaphor
Justyna Wawrzyniuk6/3/2020Historia zatacza koło. Koronawirus rozprzestrzenia się po świecie jak kiedyś chrześcijaństwo. Wychodzi z Rzymu, stolicy papiestwa i tak jak dawniej religia, dziś przyjmowany jest przez kolejne państwa, które do tej pory wyznawały wielowirusowość, gdzie różne wirusy były równorzędnymi infekcjami. I tak jak kiedyś Otton III dał nam włócznię świętego Maurycego i gwóźdź z Krzyża Pańskiego tak dziś to Niemcy koronowirusowały naszego pierwszego polskiego pacjenta.

[History is repeating itself. Coronavirus is spreading around the world like Christianity in the past. It departed from Rome, and, just like religion, is accepted by other countries that were "polyviral" and all viruses were equal. And so, just like the Holy Emperor Otto III gave us a the Holy Lance and a nail of the Christ's cross, Germany "coronavirused" our first Polish patient.] stand-up comedianPolishChristianityvirusreligion metaphor.Alternative to war metaphor
Paola Pietrandrea4/29/2020Ce virus est tout de même un scénario incroyable quand on y pense. Claude Lelouch. This virus is an icredible scenario, when we think about it and consequencesmetonymy: virus for its consequencesAlternative to war metaphor
Barbara De CockVergelijk het met een bergtocht: we zijn bezig aan de steile beklimming en we kunnen de top nog niet goed zien. We moeten ons daarop concentreren. We Zodra we boven zijn, wordt het zwaar, maar dan kunnen we misschien ook beginnen te zien hoe we naar beneden rakenKnack (magazine), Erika Vlieghe (professor infection diseases)Dutchclimbing a mountainexperiencing a pandemicClimbing a mountainAlternative to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen6/22/2020Vi skal holde mere afstand. Og tage hensyn. Til hinanden. Især det sidste klæ’r os vist meget godt. [We must keep more distance. And show consideration. For each other. Especially the last part seem to look good on us.]
PoliticianDanishclothesbehavoiurDanish PM referring to how the MPs interaction with each other.Alternative to war metaphor
somayeh Hatamzadehunknownنگذاریم فنر کرونا آزاد شود we shouldn't let the pressed spring of Corona get freenewspapersFarsicoiled springvirusAlternative to war metaphor
Elena Semino5/30/2020As people flocked to beaches and beauty spots and temperatures soared over the weekend, Jonathan Van-Tam warned at the daily press briefing on Saturday that the country was at a “very dangerous moment” describing coronavirus as “a coiled spring ready to get out if we don’t stay on top of it”. Van Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for EnglandEnglishcoiled springvirus when restrictions are liftedAlternative to war metaphor
Gudrun Reijnierse3/16/2020We moeten blijven varen op het kompas van wetenschappelijke kennis en betrouwbare feiten PM Mark RutteAlternative to war metaphor
9/23/2020 20:26:04Milena Podolšakmilena.podolsak@su.se7/3/2020Srbiju je korona virus ponovo zarobio, a bolnice su bez testova i opreme.
Corona virus has once again trapped Serbia, and hospitals lack tests and equipment. KulačinSerbianConfiner/imprisonerVirus
I am a little unsure about the exact translation of the verb "zarobiti". It can be translated as either to trap, to capture or to imprison. It does not however have to involve prison, as the meaning is quite general and refers to any type of entrapment or confinement.
Alternative to war metaphor
Reyes Llopis-García5/21/2020 various imagesartist Alireza PakdelVisualconstruction workers, hard surface, drillHCPs, virus, caring for patientsThese illustrations bring to mind all the roles that healthcare workers can take on, without highlighting "the frontlines" or their role in the "war against coronavirus"Alternative to war metaphor
Gladys Nyarko Ansah12/4/2020Ghanaian President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has extended the ban on public gatherings for two more weeks in a further measure to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country reframing
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen4/13/2020This visualisation is an adaptation of the jam-jar metaphor for mental health. Once the vessel is full, a person has no more room to cope with environmantal stress and feelings may 'bubble over' leading to a psychiatric episode.Twitter @ZJAyresScientistEnglish, visualcontainermental healthCovid-19 as taking up space in the vesselAlternative to war metaphor
Alessandra Molino04/26/2020è ancora presto per dire quando ne usciremo.Letter by PM Giuseppe Conte to La Repubblica
politicianItaliancontainerpandemic(Usciremo = will get out)

Talking about the cv crisis and when it will end
Alternative to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen5/6/2020
New lies and a lack of respect for the law is spreading in places with many xenophobes through manipulation and illegal collections. Protect yourself and the judicial state with these good advice. Remember to treat others decently - also fugitives with no roof over their heads. Do not celebrate other people's misery with cake" userDanishCorona informationXenophobiaWell-known poster layout used by the health authorities for corona-information used to frame a (fictitious) new authority to ensure decency. It is a commentary about a specific politician called 'Inger Støjberg'.Metaphor reversal
Aleksandra Salamurovic7/5/2020"Vučiću korono" "Vučić, (you are) corona!" virusSerbian president Aleksandar VučićA banner by unknown person during the demonstration in fron of the Parliament in Belgrade, Serbia. Demonstrations evolved spontanisouly after Serbian Presindet Vucic declared another curfew will be introduced for the upcoming weekend in the capital due to second corona outbreak. Metaphor reversal
Jenny Watts5/18/2020I feel knocked for sixPrivate conversation between friends conducted via WhatsApp.Englishcricket gameCovid-19We are finding metaphors from sport more empowering and less alarming. It suggests an acknowledgement of risk (the game of cricket features projectiles) the possibility of mitigating behaviours (players can reduce their risk of injury/take actions to encourage success), but awareness that the unexpected can still happen and "knock you for six".Alternative to war metaphor
Eduardo Urios-Aparisi5/7/2020“I was in shock,” said Osterholm, a professor at the University of Minnesota. “We’re just in the second inning.”Opinion piece of the nytimes gamereaction to pandemicAccording to the writer Nicholas Kristof Prof. Osterholm used this Sport metaphor to describe the process to treat the pandemiaAlternative to war metaphor
10/9/2020 12:03:42Pernille Bogø Jørgensen
Myndighederne afviser private test, når skolebørn skal 'frikendes' for corona
Authorities reject private tests when school children have to be 'acquitted' of corona
DanishCrimeCoronaAlternative to war metaphor
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen4/21/2020Jo­nas Her­by: Man kan ikke dan­se på glø­de­nde kul i åre­vis (Jonas Herby: one cannot dance on glowing coal for years) on glowing coalslockdownOpinion piece in financial newspaper - refers to 'the hammer and dance' see also other posts by me and Susan NaceyAlternative to war metaphor
Laura Filardo3/15/2020Bailes palaciegos en el supermercado
[palace dancing at the supermarket] distancingDance for describing social distance

[The whole article is really interesting and has two extended metaphors - war and dancing]
Alternative to war metaphor
Laura Filardo3/26/2020@jk_rowling
Thank you for your stories being a wonderful escape, even in dark times.

Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home x with pandemicIntertextual echoing of Harry Potter world (Hogwarts battle, etc)Alternative to war metaphor
Huey Fen Cheong3/29/2020Ibarat lampu malam yang sedang terang benderang tiba-tiba ‘shut off’ atau ‘blackout’. Satu persatu suis yang lain terpaksa dipadamkan dan deretan stadium, gelanggang, lapangan dan arena dipaksa bergelap dan sunyi sepi tanpa sebarang aktiviti sukan. [It is like lamp posts shining brightly in the night, but suddenly shuts off or blackout. Other switches had to be turned off and a row of stadiums, courts, fields and arenas were forced to be in the dark and quiet without any sports activity.] and brightness (darkness describes the non-activity condition of sports event across the world; partly literalAlternative to war metaphor
Esranur Efeoğlu-Özcan3/21/2020karamsarlığı kovarak virüs karanlığını bertaraf edeceğiz. [1/2]
[By chasing pessimism away,We will eliminate the darkness, the virus.]
Turkish politician Devlet Bahçeli's twitter (The chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party)politicianTurkishdarknessvirusAlternative to war metaphor
Laura Filardo3/28/2020Los niños son las estrellas que nos permiten ver en este periodo de oscuridad
Children are the stars we see at this time of darkness
My 3yo teacher telling them an audio taleSpanishDarkness, starspandemic, childrenTale for children to explain them the whole situation. The focus is on the childre. Positive framing of them.Alternative to war metaphor
Maria Grazia Rossi03/27/2020«Venuta la sera» (Mc 4,35). Così inizia il Vangelo che abbiamo ascoltato. Da settimane sembra che sia scesa la sera. Fitte tenebre si sono addensate sulle nostre piazze, strade e città; si sono impadronite delle nostre vite riempiendo tutto di un silenzio assordante e di un vuoto desolante, che paralizza ogni cosa al suo passaggio: si sente nell’aria, si avverte nei gesti, lo dicono gli sguardi. Ci siamo trovati impauriti e smarriti. Come i discepoli del Vangelo siamo stati presi alla sprovvista da una tempesta inaspettata e furiosa. Ci siamo resi conto di trovarci sulla stessa barca, tutti fragili e disorientati, ma nello stesso tempo importanti e necessari, tutti chiamati a remare insieme, tutti bisognosi di confortarci a vicenda. Su questa barca… ci siamo tutti. Come quei discepoli, che parlano a una sola voce e nell’angoscia dicono: «Siamo perduti» (v. 38), così anche noi ci siamo accorti che non possiamo andare avanti ciascuno per conto suo, ma solo insieme. Translation: “When evening had come” (Mk 4:35). The Gospel passage we have just heard begins like this. For weeks now it has been evening. Thick darkness has gathered over our squares, our streets and our cities; it has taken over our lives, filling everything with a deafening silence and a distressing void, that stops everything as it passes by; we feel it in the air, we notice in people’s gestures, their glances give them away. We find ourselves afraid and lost. Like the disciples in the Gospel we were caught off guard by an unexpected, turbulent storm. We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other. On this boat… are all of us. Just like those disciples, who spoke anxiously with one voice, saying “We are perishing” (v. 38), so we too have realized that we cannot go on thinking of ourselves, but only together can we do this.Papa Francesco Link to the translation:, stormpandemicComment on 1b: managing the coronavirus outbreak is weathering a stormAlternative to war metaphor
10/12/2020 23:20:03Susan Naceysusan.nacey@inn.no10/12/2020
Boris Johnson has said the UK's increasing number of coronavirus cases is "flashing at us like dashboard warnings in a passenger jet"
N/A JohnsonEnglishdashboard warning lightscorona casesAlternative to war metaphor
Murthy Dakshinaunknownmahammari : meaning the biggest of female deities in Indianews channelsTelugudeity (female)xxxAlternative to war metaphor
Aleksandra Salamurovic3/26/2020Auch der politische Diskurs erlebt gerade einen Neustart, weil das Virus eingeschliffene Ideologien, Narrative und Reflexe pulverisiert.!5670761/ Left-oriented news portal situated in BerlinGermandemolishervirusAlternative to war metaphor
Laura Fliardo-Llamas5/8/2020
Image on the left:
Ideal de-escalation
Appropriate equipment and tests to 100% of healthcare workers
Absolute availability of PCR [tests] and serology
Data [Information?] on community transmission
Criteria for the evolution of stages [thresholds]
Reinforcement of GP and ER (people and material)
Plans for people in risky situations
Mass health education campaign
monitoring apps
Availability of FFP2 and 3 masks
Image on the right:
Real de-escalation
ICU beds a mountaineasing lockdownAlternative to war metaphor
Barbara De Cock4/8/2020Samen gaan we deze duivel terug in zijn kot krijgen. (Together we'll manage to get this devil in his shed again.)Sciensano press conference, Steven Van Gucht (virologist)scientistDutch (Flemish)devilvirus"in zijn kot" is colloquial but based on "blijf in uw kot" (stay in your house, colloquial Belgian Dutch), pronounced at the beginning of the confinement by health minister Maggie De Block. The use of "kot" has therefore been very frequent in relation to this crisis.Alternative to war metaphor
Nat Kendall-Taylor4/20/2020“the end of social distancing will not be a switch (on, then off) but a dial (more, then less, then maybe more).” to war metaphor
Laura Filardo-Llamas5/1/2020Partido Popular ha decidido adoptar el rol de los promotores del parque de los dinosaurios.
The Conservative Party has decides to adopt the role of those who promoted dinosaur parks park managerConservative partyExtended metaphor to explain role of political partyAlternative to war metaphor
Laura Filardo4/9/2020Received via WhatsappVisualdiscipleshealthcare professionalsReceived on Maundy ThursdayAlternative to war metaphor
Eva P & Ricardo-María Jiménez-Yáñez3/29/2020VOKÁČ: Morové rány pro autoprůmysl. Automobilky, které potřebovaly vydělat na pokuty za emise, čeká krvácení ["golpe de peste para la industria de automoción" que en lugar de cobrar las multas de las emisiones, "les espera el desangramiento"]Lidovky, woundsxxxAlternative to war metaphor
Elena Semino6/8/2020Racism is a disease, like Covid-19BBC Radio 4 - Today programmeEnglishDisease/Covid-19racismDuring the period of protests following the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policemanMetaphor reversal
Anna Vacalopoulou5/11/2020Κορονοϊός: Βουτιά του αριθμού νέων θανάτων στις ΗΠΑ (Corona virus: number of new deaths in the US takes a dive) metaphor < graphAlternative to war metaphor
Zoe Gravani3/23/2020 Cristoph Niemanndomino effectspreading of the virusAlternative to war metaphor
Ashraf Riadh Abdullah5/5/2020كلمات جديدة تدخل إلى لغتنا اليومية من باب كورونا ... New words are entering our language from the "door" of Corona of an article from the financial timesAlternative to war metaphor
Veronika Koller3/26/2020Deutschland hat die Notbremse gezogen... Die Regierung fährt, wie man es dieser Tage häufig hört, "auf Sicht" – Kapitäne zur See und in der Luft müssen dies tun, wenn alle Navigationssysteme ausgefallen sind., pilotinggovernment reaction to pandemicAlternative to war metaphor