1 | Language classes offered in the Community of Madrid. | ||||||
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3 | Languages Offered | Organization/Company | Details | Website | District / Neighborhood | Contact Information | |
4 | English, Spanish (español) | Afroaid | Free Spanish language classes for immigrants. | afroaid.net | Tetuan / Almenara | afroaidmail@gmail.com Centro Comunitario Josefa Amar y Borbón Calle General Aranda, 30 28029 Madrid | |
5 | English, Spanish (español) | ASILIM | Free Spanish and English classes at various levels. Literacy classes. Reading and writing courses. | http://asilim.org/index.html | Centro / Embajadores | Tel: +34 911 80 57 63 / 622 397 863 asilim@asilim.org Calle Lavapiés 20, Bajo 28012 Madrid | |
6 | Spanish (español) | Asisi | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Latina/ Puerta del Ángel | Tel: +34 91 464 84 84 asisi1@yahoo.es Calle Navas del Rey, 38, Planta Baja | |
7 | Spanish (español) | Asti | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Centro / Palacio | Tel: +34 913 65 65 18 asti@asti-madrid.com Calle Cava Alta, 25 3º - Madrid | |
8 | Spanish (español) | Casa de Baños de Tetuán | An annual class offered in two locations. Sign-up may be in the office, by phone or by email. | http://www.tetuanmadrid.com/clases-de-espanol-para-extranjeros-gratis-2/ | Tetuan / Cuatro Caminos | Tel: +34 917 581 437 oficinainmigracion@madrid.es Calle Bravo Murillo, 133 | |
9 | Spanish (español) | Centro Comunitaria Casino de la Reina | Free Spanish language and culture classes. Various levels and schedules. | http://www.madrid.es/portales/munimadrid/es/Inicio/Ayuntamiento/Servicios-Sociales/Centro-Social-Comunitario-Casino-de-la-Reina?vgnextfmt=default&vgnextoid=086dff20c703b110VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=fe8a171c30036010VgnVCM100000dc0ca8c0RCRD | Centro / Embajadores | Tel: +34 91 539 63 10 cccreina@madrid.es Calle de Casino, 3 28005 Madrid | |
10 | English, Spanish (español) | Centro de Participación e Integración (CEPI) de Leganés About: The Centers for Participation and Integration of the Community of Madrid (CEPI) are meeting places for new and old Madrid residents where they can have access to various activities, including language classes. | Spanish language classes for immigrants, including classes for those working in tourism and the hotel industry. For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Leganés | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 | |
11 | For Women: Literacy | CEPI - Leganés | For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Leganés | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 | |
12 | For Women: Spanish (español) | CEPI - Leganés | For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Leganés | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 | |
13 | Spanish (español) | Comité de Defensa de los Refugiados, Asilados e Inmigrantes en España (COMRADE) | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Puente de Vallecas / San Diego | Tel: +34 91 446 46 08 / 27 33 comrade@comrade.e.telefonica.net Calle Lozano, 15 – 28053 Madrid | |
14 | Spanish (español) | Comité de Solidaridad con Oriente Próximo (COSOP) | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Arganzuela / Delicias | Tel: +34 91 528 39 25 / 91 530 72 87 Cosop@telefonica.net Calle Rafael del Riego, 46 – Madrid | |
15 | Spanish (español) | Cruz Roja España | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Centro / Universidad | Tel: +34 91 532 55 55 formacion-madrid@cruzroja.es Calle Pozas, 14 | |
16 | Spanish (español) | Hermandades del Trabajo (Work Associations) About: Faith-based organization dedicated to helping workers. | Free spanish classes for foreigners. | http://www.hhtmadrid.com/index.php/ct-menu-item-5 | Chamberí / Trafalgar | Tel: +34 91 447 30 00 info@hhtmadrid.com Calle Raimundo Lulio, 3 2ª plta 28010 - Madrid | |
17 | Spanish (español) | Karibu- Amigos del Pueblo Africano | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Chamberí / Trafalgar | Tel: +34 91 553 18 73 karibu@asociacionkaribu.org Calle Santa Engracia, 140 - Madrid | |
18 | Spanish (español) | La Aventura Española & TTMadrid | Free Spanish Classes taught by teachers in training | www.laemadrid.com | Salamanca | Tel: +34 912 196 991 javier@LAEmadrid.com Calle Montesa 35, 2º derecha 28006 - Madrid | |
19 | Spanish (español) online | Lengalia | Online courses, podcasts, and videos in Spanish. Free language exchanges (intercambios). | http://www.lengalia.com/es/aprender-espanol-gratis/cursos.html | N/A | mail@lengalia.com | |
20 | Spanish (español) | Servicio Civil Internacional | Free annual Spanish Classes, from A0 to B1 level depending on demand | http://ongsci.org/profes/ | Centro / Palacio | Tel: +34 91 366 32 59 oficina@ongsci.org Calle Leganitos 35, 5º B Madrid España | |
21 | Spanish (español) | Somos Uno | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Western Community of Madrid- Boadilla del Monte | Tel: +34 91 633 02 93 Avda. de las Lomas, 58 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) | |
22 | Spanish (español) | Universidad de Alcalá. Programa “Universidad para los inmigrantes” | For more details, see the InmigraMadrid portal on Integration and Coexistence (integración y convivencia). | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?idPaginaAsociada=1142319785541&pagename=PortalInmigrante/Page/INMI_pintarContenidoFinal&cid=1142319785541 | Eastern Community of Madrid- Alcalá de Henares | Tel: +34 918 81 23 78 info@alcalingua.com Calle Escritorios, 4 Alcalá de Henares |
1 | Legal services and information for asylum seekers in Spain. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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3 | Description | Organization/Company | Details | Website | Contact Information | Languages Available | |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Asylum Process | Spanish Commission for Refugees Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) | An overview of the asylum process in Spain. | https://www.cear.es/persona-refugiada/informacion-util/ | centro.documentacion@cear.es | Spanish (español) | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Asylum Rights in Spain | International Refugee Rights Initiative | A comprehensive global resource for legal rights, free legal assistance, and procedural guidelines for refugees seeking to enter Spain. The site also offers online resources for family reunification, and self help kits (in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish) for those applying for asylum through UNHCR who need help writing a statement for the Refugee Status Determination Interview. | http://www.refugeelegalaidinformation.org/spain-pro-bono-directory | Tel: (US) +1 646 583 1808 Tel: (Uganda) +256 414 340 274 | 50+ languages | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | Asylum Application in Spain Solicitud de Asilo en España | Ministry of the Interior, Directorate General of Foreigners and Immigration Ministerio del Interior, Dirección General de Extranjería e Inmigración | PDF application form to apply for asylum in Spain. | http://www.icafi.com/docs/estrangeria/documents/4B__Solicitud_de_Asilo,_MODELO.pdf | N/A | Spanish (español) | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Immigration Information | Welcome to Europe | Independent information for refugees and migrants coming to Spain. Information on: contacts, minors, regularization, detention, deportation, living, family reunification, and work. | http://w2eu.info/spain.en.html | contact@w2eu.info | Arabic (العربية), English, Farsi (فارسی), French (Français) |
1 | Professional development resources––including workshops, courses, and trainings––in Madrid. | ||||
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3 | Description | Organization/Company | Details | Website | Contact Information |
4 | Job rights and discrimination | ACCEM About: NGO dedicated to improving the living conditions of refugees, migrants and people at risk of social exclusion. | Workshops about your rights as a worker in Spain. What discrimination is and what you should do if you have been discriminated against. | http://www.accem.es/es | Tel: +34 915 32 74 78 Plaza Santa María Soledad Torres Acosta, 2 28004 Madrid |
5 | Labour Integration | ACCEM | Projects that Promote the insertion of immigrant residents of Cañada Real into the work force. | http://www.accem.es/es/proyecto-de-integracion-para-promover-la-incorporacion-sociolaboral-de-personas-inmigrantes-residentes-en-canada-real-galiana-p432 | Tel: +34 91 532 74 78 / +34 91 532 74 79 Accem@accem.es |
6 | Labour Integration | ACCEM | Projects to promote the insertion of asylum seekers in the work force. | http://www.accem.es/es/itinerarios-de-insercion-sociolaboral-para-personas-solicitantes-de-asilo-beneficiarios-de-proteccion-internacional-y-apatridas-p431 | Tel: +34 91 532 74 78 / +34 91 532 74 79 Accem@accem.es |
7 | Literature Workshop | Centro Comunitaria Casino de la Reina | Writing workshop to improve and strengthen composition skills. | http://www.madrid.es/portales/munimadrid/es/Inicio/Servicios-sociales-y-salud/Servicios-sociales/Proyecto-Taller-de-literatura?vgnextfmt=default&vgnextoid=07220b497b739410VgnVCM2000000c205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=70e4c8eb248fe410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD | Tel: +34 91 539 63 10 cccreina@madrid.es Calle de Casino, 3 28005 Madrid Neighborhood: Embajadores/Centro |
8 | Curriculum building, Knowing your rights in the workplace, Understanding the job market in Spain, etc. | Centro Socio Cultural Tetuán | List of courses offered for August 2019. For some courses an appointment is necessary. | https://www.comunidad.madrid/sites/default/files/aud/servicios-sociales/programacion_cepi_madrid_tetuan_agosto_2019.pdf | Tel: +34 915 790 851 Calle Bravo Murillo, 251 28020 MADRID |
9 | Job Search/Other Workshops ("¿Buscas trabajo? Te ayudamos" series) | Centro de Participación e Integración (CEPI) de Leganés About: The Centers for Participation and Integration of the Community of Madrid (CEPI) are meeting places for new and old Madrid residents where they can have access to various activities such as: training courses, legal advice, job search and improvement workshops, various cultural programs, and sports activities. **Most of these activities are available in ALL centers. (Chamartin, Tetuán, Arganzuela, etc.) Click here for a list of centers. | The ¿Buscas Trabajo? series includes: - Motivation to look for jobs - How to psychologically confront unemployment - Preparing a CV and cover letter - Interview preparation - Employment resources Other workshops offered may include: - Creative recycling (e.g., sewing) - How to use LinkedIn - Entrepreneurship For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 |
10 | Know Your Rights Module ("Conoce Tus Leyes") | CEPI - Leganés | Workshops to learn about your rights in Spain, including: - Constitutional rights - Access to employment - Norms - Integration tools For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación Conoce Tus Leyes [Month] 17 Centro" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 |
11 | Jobs Skills Courses (Informática para el Empleo) | CEPI - Leganés | Workshops that help people learn basic computer skills for the job market. Courses include: - Basic Information Technology (IT) - Computer literacy - Intermediate IT - Using Excel software For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 |
12 | Nationality Information Workshops (Talleres Informativos de Nacionalidad ) | CEPI - Leganés | Workshops aimed at those who will apply for Spanish citizenship, including: - Know the requirements, documents, and procedures - How to sign up for the Nationality Exam (CCSE) at the Cervantes Institute - Preparation courses for the Nationality Exam (CCSE) - Preparation courses for the Spanish Language Exam (DELE) - Practice tests For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 |
13 | For Women: Online employment club (Club digital de empleo para la mujer.) | CEPI - Leganés | For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 |
14 | Vocational training and socio-occupational training (Formación profesional y capacitación sociolaboral) | Hermandades del Trabajo (Work Associations) About: Faith-based organization dedicated to helping workers. | Courses include: - Literacy - Spanish for foreigners - English - Sewing - Socio-sanitary care for dependents in social institutions (including professional certification, in collaboration with retirement homes for professional experience) - Hospital and home care for the unemployed | http://www.hhtmadrid.com/index.php/ct-menu-item-5 | Tel: +34 91 447 30 00 info@hhtmadrid.com Calle Raimundo Lulio, 3 2ª plta 28010 - Madrid |
15 | Employment-related workshops/activities in: - Workers' rights & labor market - Labor mediation - Legal advice - Assistance with seeking - Employment: CV development, search techniques, social skills, new technologies - Job orientation for job search or improvement - Training and socio-labor capacity building | Red Acoge About: Red Acoge (Welcome Network) is a volunteer-based network of 18 organizations promoting immigrant and refugee rights in Spain. | Activities detailing equal working conditions, rights, and other labor and employment issues in Spain. Contact the office for more information. | http://www.redacoge.org/es/quehacemos/empleo.html | Tel: +34 91 563 37 79 acoge@redacoge.org Calle Cea Bermúdez, 43 3º B 28003, Madrid - España |
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1 | Activities, programs, and events aimed at community integration. | ||||
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3 | Description | Organization/Company | Details | Website | Contact Information |
4 | Training for Spanish teachers | ASILIM- Asociación para la Integración Lingüística del Inmigrante en Madrid (Association for Linguistic Integration of Immigrants in Madrid) | Workshops and online resources to teach Spanish as a foreign language. | http://asilim.org/que_hacemos/talleres/ | Tel: +34 911 80 57 63, + 34 622 397 863 asilim@asilim.org Calle Lavapiés 20, Bajo 28012 Madrid |
5 | For women: Personal self-defense (autodefensa personal femenista) | Centro Comunitaria Casino de la Reina | Learning of personal self-defense in a socio-educational context with a gender perspective. Course designed for girls age 13-18. | http://www.madrid.es/portales/munimadrid/es/Inicio/Servicios-sociales-y-salud/Servicios-sociales/Autodefensa-personal-feminista?vgnextfmt=default&vgnextoid=259c9e2c61569510VgnVCM1000001d4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=70e4c8eb248fe410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD | Tel: +34 91 539 63 10 cccreina@madrid.es Calle de Casino, 3 28005 Madrid Neighborhood: Embajadores/Centro |
6 | For Women: Learning self-care and self-esteem workshop (Aprende a cuidarte. Taller de autoestima.) | CEPI de Leganés- Centro de Participación e Integración About: The Centers for Participation and Integration of the Community of Madrid (CEPI) are meeting places for new and old Madrid residents where they can have access to various activities. | For the current schedule, go to link and under "Área de descargas" at the bottom, click on "Programación [Month] 17 Centro Leganés" to see the calendar PDF. | http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?cid=1142349886736&idPaginaAsociada=1142349886736&language=es&pagename=PortalInmigrante%2FPage%2FINMI_pintarContenidoFinal | Tel: +34 91 1168151, + 34 91 1168152 cepileganes@fundacionfie.org Calle Estebón 1 – 28911 Metro/Renfe: Leganés Central Schedule: Mon - Sat, 10:00-20:00 |
7 | Psychological support services for individuals and groups, including women's groups and youth. | Pueblos Unidos - La Fundación San Juan del Castillo (United Peoples - The San Juan del Castillo Foundation) About: Faith-based NGO that promotes social inclusion and integration for migrants. | Offers activities that promote personal growth and empowerment for migrants in the La Ventilla neighborhood, including personal spaces and promoting collective spaces. - Individual, couples, children/youth and family care - "Weaving Hope" women's support group (daily meeting & dialogue) - Women's empowerment workshops on information, rights, and leadership - Women's support group (biweekly) | http://pueblosunidos.org/intervencion-psicologica/ | Tel: +34 917 32 06 91 info@pueblosunidos.org Calle Mártires de la Ventilla, 103 |
8 | Mentor Program | ONG Rescate (Rescue NGO) About: Supports refugees and people coming from conflict or post-conflict zones in rebuilding lives. | Mentor program to provide support, advice, and friendship for arriving refugees. | http://www.ongrescate.org/zodonations/be-friending/ | Tel: +34 91 447 28 72, +34 91 447 29 60 befriending@ongrescate.org Calle Padre Damián, 2 (Metro Santiago Bernabéu, Line 10) |
1 | Places that collect food donations and distribute free food to those in need. | |||||
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3 | Description | Organization/Company | District/Neighborhood | Details | Website | Contact Information |
4 | Community Kitchen (comedor social) | Santa Pontificia y Real Hermandad del Refugio | Centro / Justicia | Open Monday-Saturday from 19:00-20:00 with an available sitting space for 90 warm dinners. Cold dinners are also available once sitting capacity has been reached. | http://www.realhermandaddelrefugio.org/ | Tel: +34 915 220 070 Calle Corredera Baja de San Pablo, 16 |
5 | Food Pantry (banco de alimentos) | Asamblea 15-M de Tetuán | Tetuan / Cuatro Caminos | Can pick up free food on Tuesdays at 18:00. Must bring proof of residence (empadronamiento/padrón). | https://bancoalimentos15mtetuan.wordpress.com/ | bancoalimentos15mtetuan@gmail.com Calle Anastasio Herrero, 10 |
6 | Community Kitchen, Food Pantry, (comedor social, banco de alimentos) | Asociación Benéfica La Sal de la Tierra | Corredor Henares, Alcalá de Henares | Comedor: Monday- Friday 13:00-14:30 | https://www.lasaldelatierra.org/madrid/ | Tel: +34 918833958 / 609561828 Calle Mejorado del Campo, 5 Alcalá de Henares 28806 |
7 | Food Pantry (banco de alimentos) | Asociación Karibu | Chamberí / Rios Rosas | The service is not open directly to the public and must first be requested by the individual. | http://www.asociacionkaribu.org/servicios/ayuda-humanitaria.html | Tel: +34 915333436 Calle Santa Engracia, 140 |
8 | Community Kitchen (comedor social) that is included as part of a larger program and participation. | Fundación Mensajeros de la Paz | Centro / Embajadores | Monday-Friday from 12:00. Individuals may also receive items to take home for the weekend. *They also offer a Comedor Infantil that is open more frequently in several locations. Call for more information. | https://mensajerosdelapaz.org/comedores-familiares | Tel: +34 913645112 Calle de la Ribera de Curtidores, 2 |
9 | Community Kitchen (comedor social) that is included as part of a larger program and participation. | Fundación Mensajeros de la Paz | Villaverde | Monday-Sunday from 12:00. | https://mensajerosdelapaz.org/comedores-familiares | |
10 | Food Pantry - Monthly supply (banco de alimentos) | Fundación Pan y Peces | Chamberí / Trafalgar | A monthly supply of food and basic cleaning and hygiene supplies. Open Monday-Thursday 9:30-12:00. | https://www.fundacionpanypeces.org/que-hacemos | Tel: +34 913665156 Beneficiarios@fundacionpanypeces.org Calle Medellin, 12 28010 Madrid |
1 | Resources to aid in searching for jobs in Madrid. | |||
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3 | Description | Organization/Company | Website | Digital platforms |
4 | All fields/sectors | Infojobs | https://www.infojobs.net/ | Website and mobile phone application. |
5 | All fields/sectors | Job and Talent | http://www.jobandtalent.com/ | Website and mobile phone application. |
6 | All fields/sectors | Jobtoday | http://jobtoday.com/es/ | Mobile phone application. |
7 | All fields/sectors | https://www.linkedin.com/ | Website and mobile phone application. | |
8 | Creative fields/sectors | Club de creativos | http://www.clubdecreativos.com/ | Website interface only. |
9 | Creative fields/sectors | Domestika | https://www.domestika.org/ | Website interface only. |
10 | Creative fields/sectors | EAEB | http://www.eaeb.es/ | Website and mobile phone application. |
11 | Freelance jobs | Nubelo | https://www.freelancer.es/nubelo | Website and mobile phone application. |
12 | Students | Studentjob | https://www.studentjob.es/ | Website interface only. |
13 | Technology industry | Tecnoempleo | https://www.tecnoempleo.com/ | Website interface only. |
14 | Tourism industry | Turijobs | http://www.turijobs.com/ | Website and mobile phone application. |
15 | Temporary Employment Agency (Empresas de Trabajo Temporal) | Adecco | http://www.adecco.es/sobreadecco/servicios.aspx | |
16 | Temporary Employment Agency (Empresas de Trabajo Temporal) | Eulen | http://www.eulen.com/es/soluciones-globales-de-rrhh-y-empleo/ trabajo-temporal/ | |
17 | Temporary Employment Agency (Empresas de Trabajo Temporal) | Hays | http://www.hays.es/Trabajo-Temporal/index.htm | |
18 | Temporary Employment Agency (Empresas de Trabajo Temporal) | Ilunion | http://www.ilunion.com/es/division/capital-humano/trabajo-temporal- agencia-de-colocacion | |
19 | Temporary Employment Agency (Empresas de Trabajo Temporal) | Randstad | https://www.randstad.es/empresas/soluciones/trabajo-temporal/ |
1 | Non-profit organizations working across Spain that offer a number of refugee services, from initial contact in the asylum process to language workshops, community integration, housing, etc. | |||
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3 | Organization | Details | Website | Contact |
4 | ACCEM | Shelter, personal assistance, training, employment assistance, social integration. | http://www.accem.es/es | Tel: +34 91 532 74 78 / 91 532 74 79 accem@accem.es |
5 | CEAR | Preliminary reception, shelter, inclusion, and legal aid. | https://www.cear.es/ | Tel: +34 91 598 05 35 / 91 598 05 92 |
6 | CEPAIM | Shelter, employment assistance, integration | http://cepaim.org/ | Tel: +34 91 548 31 63 / 91 533 77 93 Calle Nicolás Morales, 11, 3ºD 28019 Madrid |
7 | Cruz Roja Española | Preliminary reception, shelter, integration | https://www.cruzroja.es/principal/web/intervencion-social/refugiados | https://www.cruzroja.es/principal/web/cruz-roja/contactamos-contigo |
8 | ONG Rescate | Personal assistance, legal aid, social integration Previous appointment is necessary. | https://www.ongrescate.org/ | Tel: +34 91 447 28 72 / 91 447 29 60 Atencion.directa@ongrescate.org |
9 | Red Acoge | Preliminary reception, integration, employment assistance | http://www.redacoge.org/es/ | Tel: +34 91 563 37 79 Acoge@redacoge.org |
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3 | This document was created to centralize available resources, in the hopes of diffusing information and calling attention to the need of certain resources within the community. To contribute to this list or connect MFR with possible collaborators, please contact us at Partnerships@MadridforRefugees.org. |