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Connect with NC Freedom Keepers
Do you stand firm in upholding, honoring and defending the Constitution? Please provide examples.
What does medical freedom mean to you?
What is your stance on vaccine mandates? Do you oppose or support mandates?
Do you agree with the NC GOP that private sector businesses have a right to force employees to take a vaccine as a condition of employment and only government agencies should be restrained from being able to force injections as a condition of employment/patronage?
Do you support the current vaccine exemptions in North Carolina, Religious and Medical? Would you fight to uphold them should they come under attack?
Would you support a bill to expand vaccine exemptions to include conscientious objections?
At the federal level, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 gives vaccine makers immunity from lawsuits stemming from harm due to a vaccine. No other drug company has ever been given this sort of protection. Are you familiar with this law? Do you support this type of immunity for pharmaceutical companies?
Are you using your platform as a public servant to tell the risk to benefit of any and all vaccines or other mandated medical procedures as a condition of employment, education, travel, entry to business, etc.?
Do you support the current vaccine exemptions in North Carolina, Religious and Medical? Would you fight to uphold them should they come under attack?
Do you believe parents should have a choice as to what pharmaceutical agents are put into their child's body and/or be able to choose if wearing a mask is best for their child?
Do you believe that not allowing someone to participate in certain aspects of society (including education and athletics) based on their personal medical decisions and/or religious beliefs is discrimination?
Have you researched the VAERS data on the Covid-19 vaccination in the student age population?
Have you researched the true risk of Covid-19 for the student population, including true hospitalizations from Covid-19 (not those who were admitted for other issues and were positive upon admission) and deaths?
Are you aware that masking guidelines recommended in the NC Toolkit are based on data that had no control group (an unmasked group)? These guidelines affect children every day and will likely have lasting effects. Have you done your own literature review on masking effectiveness and possible risks for children wearing face coverings for so long each day?
Are you currently (or previously) affiliated in any way (including campaign contributions) with pharmaceutical companies, medical establishments or educational institutions?
How did you vote on NC S232 - the bill that suspended the state’s anti-mask law so that Cooper could permanently mask North Carolinians?
How did you vote on NC H1043 which permanently implemented testing, tracking, and tracing which is an extremely unnecessary and anti-freedom Public Health Policy for NC?
Why did NC Republicans kill Larry Pittman’s HB558 which would have prevented all North Carolinians from public and private sector injection mandates and protected people and jobs?
Anything else you'd like to share with our NCFK community? Please share!
Disclaimer* By submitting this form, I understand that my responses will be shared publicly with the NC Freedom Keeper community in an effort to educate constituents on my platform. I understand that this is not an endorsement by NC Freedom Keepers.
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2/6/2022 21:46:16BrentRoberson US House2nd18 countiesRepublican
I need every aspect of support
Yes, I feel that our Constitution and laws in general are under attack. Laws exist so that society as a whole are held accountable and one’s freedoms are not infringed upon by others. In recent history, politicians have used the laws, or better yet, not used the laws to advance their political agendas. This has to stop!!! When have laws in place for everyone. No person is above the law, regardless of who they are or their agenda. Currently, our Freedoms are under attack by politicians who claim it is for the betterment of society. They are using this excuse with no sound data and against the will of the people. People who were on the front line at the start of the pandemic are now being fired from that very job because they refuse to let the government control their bodies. The 2nd amendment is again under attack because all violence is now labeled “Gun Violence”, when the truth is that the guns nor the gun manufacturers had anything to do with the problem of the violence. Violence exist because we have evil people in our world. This violence is sparked by issues that included but not limited to, a breakdown of the family unit, lack of education, the feeling of lack of opportunity, and the lack of a failing criminal justice system. Violence existed in Sodom and Gomorrah and there was no gun in sight! We must a able to make choices for ourselves and at the same time not infringe on the rights of others!!!
The freedom to do with your body what is best for you as determined by the person and their doctor. You should be able to decide to , or not to follow the direction of your doctor. The choice should be up to the individual, or parent of a child, not anyone else or the government.
I don’t support a mandate. Based on reasons above.
No one should be allowed the make a person take the vaccine as a condition of employment. Science, nor does the current conditions suggest that the vaccine will stop a person from getting the virus. Some suggest that without the vaccine a person is more likely to die from the virus, but even so, a person should have the right to decide which risk is greater for them. At this point, a person not taking the vaccine, is not infringing on the rights of another, so they should be able to decide for themselves.
I think that if a person want the vaccine, then take it, but if they don’t, they don’t have to. The should be no mandate and therefore no need for an exemption.
I will fight to remove all mandates related to the vaccine.
I understand the reasoning behind the law and so does everyone. The logic is that if there comes a time when a disease would in essence wipe out the citizens, the drug companies could try a Hail Mary approach to try to stop this disease. The trouble is that no one knows the severity of the disease until it has been here for some time. The consequences of removing these protections would be that a drug company would simply not take the risk. So, without know the entire specifics of the exemptions and only the explanation that I have given, I would support this type of immunity. However, I would go back to the earlier answer, if you don’t want to take the vaccine, then don’t! If you are not required to take the vaccine, you should not have any reason for stopping those who do and are ok with this immunity. Again, I have not read the law, so if it grossly allowed immunity that wasn’t warranted, then I would have to reevaluate the situation.
No, I’m not a medical professional and I don’t agree with vaccine mandates.
I do support these and would fight, but again, I don’t support any vaccine mandates. You should decide yourself if you want the vaccine!
Yes, as long as your rights don’t infringe on others, not including your children. As a parent you should decide what’s best for your family.
Yes, not taking the vaccine, does harm anyone, but the person who didn’t take the vaccine. As long as your rights do infringe on the rights of others, a person should be able to do with their body as they feel is in their best interest.
I have heard opinions, but have done no research.
I have heard opinions, but have not done any research.
I am only a candidate and not in office.
I am only a candidate and not in office.
I was not involved, nor have that information.
I feel that a person should have the right to decide to take a vaccine or not based on what they feel is best for them as long as their rights don’t infringe on the rights of others!! The real tragedy is that in light of the current pandemic, politicians from both parties were too focused on their political agendas that they put the American people at risk. In times like we have been through, both parties should have worked together for the betterment and wellbeing of our country. Had our politicians pulled together as a unified body, the American people would have had more trust in recommendations and more people would have survived. With that, two years later we still don’t have a unified and scientific answer on the effectiveness of masks or vaccines. That is the tragedy!
I agree
2/8/2022 3:21:44LeeBrianUS SenateCongressional District 4JohnstonRepublican
Help me teach others how to vet candidates.
Yes, I firmly believe God instructed our Founding Fathers on how to draft it and it was meant to protect us today. Had they not drafted it correctly, and divided our branches into three we would have fallen much sooner. I believe when President Trump returns all three branches will work together towards making sure our Constitution will never be called into question again. So that generations from now will not have to fight over what the phrasing implies.
Speaking as a daughter, who fought her mother Spring 2019 over health insurance and the fact I did not want it. It means deciding what I want to do regardless of what ANYONE says. Since then, my mother has changed her views on the medical system and has grown closer to understanding why I have never trusted the medical community. For a doctor to tell my 38yr old father that he had to wait for the third artery to clog before they would put a stint in it, after places stints in two other arteries that sent him to the ER. Then learning about a decade later, he knew he had a ticking time bomb in his chest waiting to go off and nearly being home alone. Medical Freedom means more than getting to decide if and when I want health care, what coverage I want, what price I am willing to also means what doctor I want. I should not have to worry about scheduling a needed surgery, and having the doctor cancel three hours before due to my Medicare coverage (that happened to a daughter that called Atnea call center I was briefly employed at, quit after that call). Our system is a joke. Between the malpractice suits, the doctors/staff murdering people, drug pushers, drug companies, corporations poisoning us, and technology that is so costly due to greed that costs are high to cover it. I want a health savings account that collects interest so fast that everyone will wish it was their retirement account. I want to have a card that I can use at any hospital or clinic. I want the costs so low, and the professionals available to anyone. The only time I would want to hear a doctor say they don't want to do it is if they deem it a conflict of interest, or they have their own emergency. I really hate the idea of medicare/medicaid. I think if we should have a better option for them to switch to immediately, and veterans.
My dad just got fired over the vaccine, and I was fired in Oct over the mask. I hate that I am having to sell my belongings to pay my personal bills, and I really hate that there are people that have been unemployed longer than I have been that probably have children to support. I hate that I reapplied to my former employer, after taking a stand against the mask mandate. It feels weak, and cowardly. Today, I read that a father in Canada has been torn away from his family, because he refused. I think we need to make sure this can not tear about parents that have different views on the subject.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? When did that moron say that?? I thought it was bad enough he crashed a Seth Keshel event by lying that he was going to speak on Election Fraud, only to tell us we are wrong and that President Trump said we won NC. BTW, I've been helping the NC Audit Force in the county that Seth deemed as the WORST, and the fraud is obvious.
Honeywell was demanding a vaccine exemption form that demanded to know previous medical history, church history, and family history. After the information was provided, one employee discovered it was in fact a trap and that Honeywell had no intention of allowing the exemption. This person was not my dad, he knew it was a trap. Honeywell is a government contractor that has a lobbying pac, that has donated to RINO and Democrats. Government Contractors are not allowed by USC Title 25 Section 30121 (I think, it's near that number.) We should not need a religious or medical exemption, because it would negate "medical freedom". Example: I was a NCSU bus driver that has to maintain my health for the medical dot card. Yet Transdev and the others are sticking to the OSHA/CDC bull.
It would be easier to just strip the power to force anything on any American or visiting Foreign Nationals. I really think this getting a vaccine to travel is unnecessary and wonder if those contained anything that we would be concerned about today. Such as mind controlling drugs or the tech many people believe are in the jab now.
I am vaguely familiar, and it makes me wonder what I was subjected to just to attend elementary school. All companies do not deserve to be protected from litigation. It is bad enough we have to worry about hiring inferior lawyers to defend us from their wolves, but not being able to challenge them in court is worse. Now, if someone were to willingly sign a contract saying they know it was an experiment and that they/or their family were not allowed to sue I would say that is a different story. I would gladly remove the requirement to vaccinate children for school and have everything investigated that was previous injected.
Right now I have been trying to show Americans the truth. I am personally against any and all vaccines. I've never had a flu shot, and if I ever have kids I will use a midwife..then I will hunt for a like minded non public school. Employers are risking only hiring communist loyalists, and will potentially go out of business. Now as a candidate, I could make sure they no longer have access to federal funding if they screw themselves out of money. I would also make sure employees no longer feel trapped in a job, and can not escape. The fear of risking employment causes too much submissive behaviour that put our nation into this current situation. Well, this current situation is that no one will work and we have become more skilled at seeking employment. I hate all unions, so the teachers that are forcing stuff on our nation's children are going to hate me. Not only will I make it my mission to dismantle the unions, I will make sure that parents have a voice. Schools should not get federal funding, they should get funding straight from the parents that want the school just like private schools. I've even thought we should dismantle public schools and refund the tax money. Sell the buildings to Americans willing to open charter/private schools in the place of the former public school. Entering a business...if business to business want to risk losing clients that is on them. Honeywell is one of them and I can not wait to strip them of their government contracts. As for places like Walmart, if it is the only one in a tiny town and people rely upon it. I think another solution should be provided, and I would be more inclined to send an outside business to help. If it small mom and pop shop, they are afraid of getting sick I think they should be allowed to protect themselves and if they require aid such as extra money to hire help. It should be available. The government should not over step their bounds, but they should also make sure others are not overstepping either. As for other countries, each person takes a risk leaving. Travelling would be like anything else I have listed, I could force sanctions...advise against booking with companies against, and refuse to give federal money to companies not willing to serve the unvaccinated. I am sure there are other things we can do without impeding another individuals right to refuse service, but to tell people that still believe they can get sick that they do not have the right to protect themselves when they are terrified and unable to see the truth is inhumane. I have to take into consideration EVERY American.
I will be honest, I have no idea what our current exemptions are. As a federal candidate, I would do whatever it takes to make sure my home state is not over stepping their bounds and find a way to correct the situation even if it means paying out of my pocket to take them to court.
YES, but to a degree. If I found out a parent was intentionally harming their child, I would expect them to be held accountable.
If you are a man identifying as a woman, you should not be allowed to play women's sports. Not allowing men in women's sports would be discrimination. I think if an educational or athletic group wants to be stupid and discriminate, they have that right. I'll say this again, they should all expect to lose all their federal funding.
No. I have heard about the children getting myocarditis and dying. The massive decline in children learning to speak, and would not have trouble believing that the risks presented to parents are the same for their children if not worse due the developing brain and reduced naturally built immune response. Children are subjected to more germs, and worse overly clean environments. The addition of masks forcing bacteria into bodies that are already fighting new germs, the lack of oxygen to their developing bodies would starve their brains on top of whatever the long term risks to lower oxygenated blood. I am sure it could potentially stunt their growth, and cause cells to become diseased faster. It might also weaken their systems further allowing fungal and viral infections to breed faster. Their bodies are smaller, so it would not take long to over well them.
They were probably bribed. Btw, I've been working with NC Audit Force and my dad has election data complied in his database going back to 2012 that proves 2020 was not the only rigged election.
Your questionnaire is the first one I have completed this campaign, and even though it was feeling redundant I am proud that you all have done the essay style. Outside of asking me in person, that is about the only way you can weed out sociopaths. I was concerned it would not be essay, and almost did not start it.

You have some genuinely serious questions that had me rethinking what I wrote, and one the wording was a little tricky. Overall, our entire system has been infiltrated by evil and it is time We The People hold them accountable. We should have never let them tell us we can not spank our children. I am an "elder millennial", and between two daughters I am the only one that considers spanking to be a right of passage. I know how I was as a child and it was about the only way to get my attention to whatever it was that I was doing. But having a physician's assistant threaten my parents with taking me away as I was sitting right there...just because I was fat and they needed to force me on a diet. It was uncalled for, and that illusion of power needs to be removed. Social Services was meant to protect children and honestly, I think that was a lie and it was to funnel children into the sex trafficing/adrenichrome network. The Anons that have been awake longer, have said that the phrase Foster Child is the same across the globe, which can not be a coincidence. Yes, I am an Anon.

I firmly believe we need to return to teaching proper grammar, forcing people to use proper grammar in news broadcasts to help return to a society that can actually read a contract, and force students to learn cursive. We need to teach them why it was historically important to be able to sign your name. I think when we return our Nation to the way she was in 1776 with benefit of all this experience, we can party like it's 1777 and we are all equal. We will no longer be slaves to the banks, the federal reserve, the IRS, spied on by big brother, lied to by our entertainment/news/government, and we can all finally agree the only thing that was bipartisan was the devil...because all Americans when we see the truth realize we all want the same thing.

PS. God is my campaign manager, and I am programming my I am moving a touch slower than someone with a team and a wix website. Plus, I am trying to upload Nancy Drew to my Rumble and right now make a big Truth Coming video. Then driving myself to Charlotte Wednesday. When President Trump returns (it better be this year), I should be able to focus more on my campaign website appearance.
I agreeYes I would.
2/8/2022 11:41:30JenniferBanwartU.S.
Always looking for volunteers.
Yes. I spent 20 years in the Executive Branch - Department of Defense - as a civilian supporting and defending America, our freedom, and our Constitutional rights. Before that, I spent two years working for Newt Gingrich's Freshman Congress which focused on sparingly passing legislation only to protect God-given freedom and liberty. Overall, I've spent 27 years studying, reading, researching, writing, executing, and responding to federal-level policy. I defend ALL of the Amendments as a Constitutional Republican, and believe that we should perform holistic reviews of federal laws, the tax code, and the budget (focused primarily on areas of federal government overreach) in order to restore our liberties to the fullest extent possible. I believe in small government and States' rights - pushing as much responsibility to and for The People as close to The People as possible for the greatest relevance, timeliness, and applicability of rule of law.
Medical freedom: "Every person has the natural, essential, and inherent right to bodily integrity, free from any threat or compulsion by government to accept immunization." (Source: Medical Freedom Bill (now a law) of New Hampshire)
I am intentionally referring to a formal, accepted, legal definition of medical freedom because I believe that introducing other language creates confusion, particularly when introducing legislation and unless the change is deliberate. I think this definition is pretty accurate and addresses most concerns I've been made aware of to date.

I think it's important to also define:
Personal freedom: The ability to move and act freely as long as those movements and acts do not have a negative or oppressive impact on another individual's movement and actions. This definition is my own. I was raised with the Republican viewpoint that individuals receive their freedoms from God, not government. Government's responsibility is to protect those rights (often referred to as freedom "to" and freedom "from"), and that requires judicious use of legislation and lawmaking only where there is a violation of an individual's personal freedom, or where there is a dispute arising from an intersection of personal freedoms that cannot be resolved any other way than by law.
I support medical freedom, and believe that individuals should make the decisions that are best for them and their families. I oppose federal vaccine mandates for private citizens.
U.S. private sector businesses are afforded the same rights as U.S. persons. This is not about NCGOP's opinion or being correct - this is the law as it exists presently. I realize that this is unpopular in the area of COVID measures, as it is in the area of big tech censorship. Legally, a private company is permitted to require vaccinations for staff members so long as it provides exemption for medical or sincerely held religious reasons. Private companies can even legally mandate vaccines (i.e. proof of vaccination) for their customers because it is not considered discrimination of a protected class (race, sex, sexual orientation, disability). If employees or patrons are unhappy with the vaccination requirements set by the company, those individuals have the right to exercise their personal freedom by seeking other employment or taking their business elsewhere. I sense from the way you worded this question that this may be a law you do not agree with, and that could be a different conversation about whether we need to change this law - but for the purposes of answering your question as written, this is how the law has been interpreted to date.
As a federal candidate, and a Constitutional conservative, I support States' Rights, which means that I would not generally get involved in COVID decisions made within North Carolina or try to supersede a decision made at the State level with a federal decision or mandate unless absolutely necessary and prudent. As a North Carolinian and private citizen, I support current medical and religious vaccine exemptions. If, at any time, such exemptions would come under attack in North Carolina, and it could not be resolved effectively by legislators within North Carolina, I would partner with federal legislators in other states to determine whether there is a basis for inquiry, presenting a federal-level resolution, or to push a case to the courts for discrimination of protected class consideration.
I'm not sure I understand this question. Conscientious objection by and for whom? I would need to have more information about the context, scope, and scale of the bill prior to agreeing to support. In cases where there is an intersection of human liberties, we must ensure that all beliefs are preserved as much as possible, and that we are not choosing one individual's rights over the other. For example, in a medical setting, medical professionals must balance their own human rights and decisions to act based on conscience with the rights of conscience of patients and potential patients. There are presently legal limits to conscientious objection, and they are designed to protect individuals from human rights violations. As such, any legislation supporting the rights of conscientious objectors would need to be very carefully written, and requires serious consideration and research prior to supporting.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was not passed solely for the purposes of giving vaccine makers immunity; the act was passed to also ensure that vaccines are broadly available and affordable for private citizens who wish to take them. NCVIA was signed into law as part of a larger health bill alongside the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - which provides a federal no-fault system for compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters. As a Constitutional conservative, I agree with President Reagan, that NVICP is cause for concern about proper separation of powers. I believe that the bill should be revisited, current data about vaccine availability/pricing/litigation/death/injury reviewed, and recommendations updated accordingly. I've not done proper research on this issue yet, but my gut tells me that this legislation may no longer be needed, and that you are right to assert that vaccine companies should be treated the same as any other drug company.
I am not using my platform to focus on COVID-related issues beyond to say that I support and defend medical freedom, and to share that I have chosen to be vaccinated. I will only comment more extensively if someone leaves factually inaccurate or disproven information on my social media. I encourage people to send me studies that they find to be authoritative, and will consider it in my personal calculus and decisionmaking. But, there is nothing in my background or my credentials that qualifies me to be an authoritative source for COVID, so I would never try to fill that role for anyone else. As such, I also do not expound on the benefits and/or risks of any medical or health measures - it is not my place, and doing so would be limiting the medical freedoms of others - be that vaccinated, unvaccinated, masked, unmasked, or any other. In other words, like any individual, I am making decisions about COVID ... but I also understand and acknowledge my responsibility to separate my personal opinion from my job in order to properly represent North Carolinians and uphold the freedoms outlined in the Constitution, and you can count on me to do so. I should also underscore that information related to COVID is evolving each day, and policy must be agile and dynamic in the application of the lessons we learn.
I would encourage the NCFK community to also follow the money for candidates - particularly federal candidates. Reviewing and understanding what PACs and large donors (both in-state and out-of-state) are funding different candidates can and should contribute to your decisionmaking as an individual. My campaign is no-donations and also no pre-Primary endorsements because I want North Carolinians to understand that my motivation is solely to represent their interests and what is best for Americans.
I agreeYes I would.
2/8/2022 14:49:29TonyMooreNC House 9thPitt Republican
2523417457Electtonymoore.comEndorsement volunteers YesYes
Not be required to take the Covid Shots
OpposeNo Yes YesNoNo Yes YeaYesYesYesYes I am aware.I agreeYes I would.
2/8/2022 16:58:33ChadCole
Watauga County Board of Education
Watauga Watauga
Republican (but this is a bi-partisan position)
Word of mouth or by sharing my Facebook page. Also, by letting me know your concerns.
Yes and by all means necessary. Having a platform to use to bring awareness to the undermining that takes place in politics will be something I plan on exposing.
It means I am in control and I make the decisions that I feel are right for me.
I do not support them.
I do not believe any one person, business or government has the right nor should feel they have the power to force an individual to take a vaccine. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more local government bodies forcing employees to take vaccines or they will be stripped of their rank, demoted or ineligible for promotions. To me that is eliminating individuals that are thinkers and willing to take a stand for not just themselves, but for others that are like minded.
I support them 100% and will fight tooth and nail to protect and uphold them.
I believe so. This is something we typically see in the military, but should definitely be considered in civilian life this day and time. It’s unfortunate, but needed more and more.
I am familiar and I honestly feel like they should be held accountable for their actions. In the end we’ll all stand in front of God and give an account of what we have done. The thought of the innocent blood that will be in their hands gives me chills.
Yes. Already being in the eye of the public through emergency services as well as a Pastor, I believe this should be priority for anyone who has a platform.
Yes. See page 2 answers.
ABSOLUTELY 100%Yes it is!
Yes. The numbers I see there, compared to the numbers we’re given at the State and local level, do not correspond.
Yes. I try and keep up with this data weekly, as it changes often.
I am aware there were guidelines but did not know the details.
I agreeYes I would.
2/8/2022 20:42:27John M.Tyson
North Carolina Court of Appeals
Statewide North CarolinaNCRepublicanjudgetyson@gmail.com910-323-8683
Communicate my candidacy & Get out the voters
Yes! That duty's a part of my Oath as a Judge.
Personal decisions over my own health
I personally made the choice to take the first two shots. I respect the decision of others and family members who chose not to do so..
Was unaware of that decision or position. The US Supreme Court has spoken on Federal mandates.
Judges take an oath to uphold the valid & enforceable law passed by the People's Representatives in the Legislature that sire Constitutional
That is a Legislative not a Judicial decision.
That question may come before me as a Judge in a lawsuit and I cannot answer.
Judicial Office is not an appropriate vehicle to make than kind of communication.
I teach and have taught at Campbell University School of Law for the past 35 years. Have taught at Elon University School of Law. Worked in the Real Estate Department of Revco Drug retail stores building locations..
I am not a member of the NC Legislature.
I am not a member of the NC Legislature.
I am not a member of the NC Legislature.
I am a Constitutional Conservative Appellate Judge running for re-election to my seat with a demonstrated record of fair, timely, and impartial rulings and reasoned opinions. Thank you for your vote and support of my candidacy.
I agreeYes I would.
2/9/2022 20:00:22DonnaStroud
Judge, North Carolina Court of Appeals
State-wide election- no districts
Wake (county of residence)
Help inform and educate voters; endorsement; any other support your organization provides including financial support.
Yes. As a judge, I have written over 1200 opinions and participated in over 3600; all are available on the Court of Appeals website at My work over the past 15 years demonstrates my devotion to upholding the Constitution and enforcing the law as written. I work to keep rulings as limited as possible and to address only the issues necessary to the case because this approach is least likely to result in impairment of rights.
For an adult, I believe medical freedom means a person has the right to be fully informed of the potential risks and benefits of any medical procedure or drug and to make a personal decision regarding whether to have the medical care, based upon the person's own medical condition and history, circumstances, and beliefs. In making this type of decision, a person should have the opportunity to consult with a medical provider of his or her choice. For a child, I believe the child's parents have this same medical freedom to make informed decisions regarding the child's medical care.
Under the Code of Judicial Conduct, I cannot comment on how I may rule on
any issue in pending cases which may come before the court. However, as Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, I can report the approach I have taken for Court employees and staff, as well as members of the public who visit the court building. The Court of Appeals does not have any vaccine mandates and does not ask employees, staff, or visitors about their vaccination status.
Under the Code of Judicial Conduct, I cannot comment on how I may rule on
any issue in pending cases which may come before the court. I am not familiar with the details of the NC GOP's position as stated above.
Under the Code of Judicial Conduct, as a judge, I cannot comment on how I may rule on any issue in pending cases which may come before the court, nor can I advocate for any change in the law as to any issues in pending cases which may come before the court. As a judge, I must apply the law of North Carolina as adopted by the General Assembly, including existing vaccine exemptions.
Under the Code of Judicial Conduct, as a judge, I cannot support a bill. This question would need to be directed to candidates in the legislative or executive branches of government.
Under the Code of Judicial Conduct, as a judge, I cannot comment on how I may rule on any issue in pending cases which may come before the court. In addition, as the Court of Appeals deals mostly with issues of state law, I am not familiar with the federal law noted in this question, although I am aware it exists.
Under the Code of Judicial Conduct, as a judge, I cannot comment on how I may rule on any issue in pending cases which may come before the court. As a judge, my role as a public servant is to rule fairly and impartially on the cases before me and not to advocate or inform the public on medical issues.
I have no affiliation with any pharmaceutical companies or medical establishments. I have taught as an adjunct professor at the Campbell University School of Law, teaching Judicial Process, since 2008. I did not teach during the 2021-2022 school year due to my other commitments as Chief Judge and running for re-election.
I assume this question is directed to candidates for re-election to the General Assembly. As a judge, I do not vote on bills.
I assume this question is directed to candidates for re-election to the General Assembly. As a judge, I do not vote on bills.
I assume this question is directed to candidates for re-election to the General Assembly. As a judge, I do not vote on bills.
I appreciate the NCFK's interest in elections and particularly in the judicial races. Most people are not well-informed about judicial candidates and how courts function so your organization plays an important role in helping to educate voters about the elections and candidates. I have been teaching about the courts for many years, including as a law professor and in continuing education programs for lawyers, District Court judges, and Superior Court judges. I also serve on several commissions devoted to improvement of the courts, including as Chair of the Chief Justice's Rules Advisory Commission and as a member of the Courts Commission, the Family Court Advisory Commission, and the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism. I would be glad to provide additional information about how our courts operate and the role of the courts at each level if you are interested.
I agreeYes I would.
2/10/2022 0:12:37BenjaminGriffithsUS SenateN/AIredellRepublican
I stand firm in upholding the laws as written in the US Constitution (and agreed upon by the states), if there is anything lacking in there-of, then proposing newer / updated amendments that benefit the country as a whole.
Medical Freedom is being able to determine one's medical treatment / vaccine status. Individuals are responsible for their own medical health and it is best to address any concerns with their doctor.
NC is currently an at will state and employers can terminate employment without reason. I personally believe that all medical questions should be addressed between an individual and their doctor, each person should take responsibility for their own health. Personal responsibility includes knowing when to isolate oneself when sick.
I support the current exemptions and I will fight to support them.
Yes, medical decisions are to be determined by individuals.
Yes I am familiar and the NCVI ACT needs to be repealed. All Manufacturers of goods that are available to the public should be held responsible, if their product causes bodily harm.
Personal Health is up to individuals and their doctor. I personally believe in natural immunity, but each individual is different, if someone has a health condition that is considered a "high risk" category, they should consult with their doctor.
Yes I support the State Vaccine Exemptions. Medical - Some individuals have medical conditions that will worsen from receiving a vaccine. Religious - Some religions believe in the power of prayer and the will of GOD to heal all ailments.
Yes, Parents have the sole responsibility in determining what is best for their children.
Yes, exclusion based on one's personal / religious beliefs is discrimination. No individual can pass Judgment on another person for having opposing beliefs.
YesYesYes I am aware.I agreeYes I would.
2/11/2022 17:44:28BethFreshwater Smith
North Carolina Court of Appeals
spread the message, "NC is THIRSTY for judges that follow the law. NC needs FRESHWATER". follow the law
Most definitely! Our laws are based on our Constitution and therefore must be followed as written. Even if I personally don't agree with a law, I follow the law as written.
Individuals have the right to make medical decisions that affect their well being.
I believe everyone must decide for themselves.
Because this is a question that may come before me at some time, I am unable to respond
If the law remains as it is, most certainly. Again, I believe it is up to the individual with the advice of their doctor.
In my position as a judge, this is probably not a "platform" for me to address. But I believe it is up to the individual to determine whether or not to vaccinate.
I am unable to answer this question.
no. Although I am a public servant my "platform" is not that type.
I agreeYes I would.
2/25/2022 10:44:10WadeLeatham
Wayne County School Board
District 6WayneGOPdleatham@nc.rr.com919-751-1940None yet Poll workersYes
Yes. I’m retired Air Force and took an oath to defend the constitution
It is each individual’s choice as to what medical treatment they wish to receive
I think they are unconstitutional. As the left has been saying for decades, MY BODY MY CHOICE.
No it is totally a discriminatory practice and violates the religious beliefs of a vast majority of citizens
Absolutely Yes
This shot is not a vaccine. Vaccines create immunity and these shots don’t do that. No company should have protection from the injuries it’s product causes. Especially emergency experimental shots.
Fortunately our children haven’t been mandated to take the shot. I have been fighting from day one to get our children in school full time and have been pushing to get natural immunity recognized to keep healthy children from being excluded from school. I have also been an advocate of masks being optional. Mask usage should be a decision made by the parents not the liberal governor.
Yes and yes
Absolutely. Unfortunately we have been lied to about these shots and IMO many parents have been scared and duped into putting this poison into their children.
A strong yes. Yes
School age kids have a higher risk of being killed by lightning or eaten by a shark than they do by dying from covid.
Yes I am aware.Hell no
I’m a school board member but if I could I would vote against anything the weasel wanted.
See above answer
Unfortunately we have a lot of rinos in office
I wrote a resolution that our school board passed that essentially eliminated CRT in Wayne County. I sent a copy of it to Mark Robinson and most of it was actually used in HB 324 (maybe HB 342) the anti-discrimination bill that the weasel vetoed. I also recently was requested by Tami Fitzgerald to be a guest speaker at a NC School board boot camp that was sponsored and financed by the NC Values Coalition and the Family Research Council for two days in Raleigh and Mooresville.
I agreeYes I would.
3/12/2022 18:12:28MichaelAckerman
US House of Representatives
5th DistrictWataugaRepublican
Help with Exposure and Fundraising
Absolutely. I was fired from my job with the NC Department of Public Safety for refusing Governor Cooper's Covid Shot Mandate. I have stood up to and challenged the Watauga County School Board for their Covid Mandates.
Having the right to make medical choices for yourself and your children, based on actual data and scientific information. It is not the government's role to mandate personal medical choices.
Absolutely oppose them
I do not believe anyone should be forced to engage in any medical procedure, however the government's role is not to impose its will onto private businesses. If the private business chooses that route, it is their right. The employees then have a right to quit if they so desire. But, the government should remain out of that completely.
I do support them 100%. However, again it should be the person's choice and those exemptions should not be needed or required. But, I would not allow anyone try to remove those exemptions.
I do when a vaccine has gone through the traditional approval process which takes years and years, backed up by a substantial amount of data. Also if parents are given the actual benefits and risks associated, so they can make an informed decision. However, how this entire Covid shot was rolled out and the side effects were covered up, and actual data was not provided to parents...I strongly believe these entities to include Big Pharma, CDC, NIH, etc. should be held accountable for the harm that has been done.
YesI agreeYes I would.
3/23/2022 21:00:15Jimmy H.Bention, Sr.School Board At-LargeUnionRepublican
Help spread the word that we are like-minded.
YesYes and YesYesYesYesYesYes I am aware.
Parents and their Children have rights. I will continue to fight with and for them.
I agreeYes I would.
3/23/2022 21:30:52TravisWilson
Union County Board of Commissioners
Volunteers are needed to distribute literature at polling places for the primary
Yes. I have written a 30 page booklet that can be found on my campaign defending the system of a constitutional republic. It is the most realistic response to human nature and local leaders must become more articulate in defending it.
If, at the core of a constitutional republic, is the concept that one person cannot be entrusted with all government decisions then it follows that the same must be true for personal medical choices. If an idea can be flawed then there must be a way to remedy it, and personal liberty is that way.
Prior to COVID-19 the concept of herd immunity was used to justify vaccine mandates. When Covid broke out and governments responded with lockdowns those who advocated freedom of movement pointed to herd immunity but we're told herd immunity was impossible. Suddenly, when vaccines were released we were told that not only was herd immunity possible but it was imperative. This waffling on the issue of herd immunity stripped vaccine mandate advocates of their credibility and should be enough to cause any local leader to seriously question the wisdom of such an action.
No. Companies should not be able to force individuals to take actions in contrast to their personal beliefs.
As presented in the question I would not support it but I would need to familiarize myself with the law.
I have publicly spoken against the Covid vaccine mandates.
I agreeYes I would.
3/23/2022 23:28:39EdwinElam
Union County Board of County Commissioners
At-Large - 3 of 5 Seats are Up for Election
UnionRepublicanelamphd@gmail.com704.475.6588 and
Campaign Signs are always the Big Item but Poll Workers would also be appreciated
The US Constitution is very clear and is a great document derived for the best material of that day and still resonates of Truth to the Present Day!... Knowing the backdrop as I do as a student of history it did include all people then and it still does today... however, the Founding Fathers I think did count on use figuring out many issues way before we did in time!

The First Amendment is a great example of freedom and liberty ... in all that it clearly says and does and the protections it offers... Man however continues to infringe on these liberties and we MUST call out those who do! *I do however, encourage candor, civility, and calm in all things as we come to reason together... especially in the Forum of Public Debate.
I too personally believe every person has the human right to body sovereignty, that every parent has the right to make medical decisions for their own children, that we have the right to informed consent, and to not be segregated because of our medical choices.

One of the things that could have eased the public chaos that we experienced was to have a document for parents to have to give informed consent for their child for/or against to help hold harmless the municipalities and jurisdictions that felt that they were talking all the responsibility for any mishap based on the choices of others... As elected officials we are all to take an Oath of Office that does pledge our judgment and responsibility to protect the people's government and this includes from lawsuits and other unforeseen issues to arise!
**This was not a tool or a consideration after we were all ...immersed in the madness!
Yes and Yes! As an Ordained Elder, I am bound to listen and hold dear the Ordinances of God
Yes!YES and NO!
Yes! ... With the Views I have already shared above
Yes and Yes! This was a previous Question...
Yes!I do!
No, I have not... But, I have read as a matter of information
No, I have not... But, I have read as a matter of information
Yes I am aware.No! I am not
I am and was against this act!
Did NOT Support!I do not know!
I am an informed Minister and Always for Liberty and WE Must set The Captives FREE!
Please Provide Me and Others due to your form a COPY of Our Individual Responses via my email shared with you for this cause!
I agreeYes I would.
3/24/2022 9:54:56JessicaCookSchool Board- Union Co. 6UnionRepcookforboe@gmail.com704-219-3479www.cookforboe.comDoor knockingYes
yes! I believe in Freedom of Speech, 2A, protecting women and medical freedom.
That NO one could ever tell or force you to put "medicine" in your body. Ever.
Strongly oppose
NO. No one should ever be forced to take a shot, ever.
Yes and Yes. I have used Religious exempt for my children's vaxx requirements in school.
YESNo, I do NOT support it. YesYESYESYESYESYESYes I am aware.NOn/an/aI agreeYes I would.
3/24/2022 10:00:52John M.Tyson
North Carolina Court of Appeals Seat 10
Statewide - North Carolina
Endorsement, volunteers, phone calls, work at polls
Liberty to make personal decisions regarding medical treatments.
Judge - Not a Legislator.
Judge - Not a Legislator. I am not aware of this NCGOP position.
YesJudge - Not a Legislator
Yes. Judge - Not a Legislator.
Judge - Not a Legislator.
Read some literature and articles. Listened to interviews with physicians.
Yes I am aware.
No. Prior campaign endorsement for the North Carolina Medical Society in 2014.
Judge - Not a LegislatorJudge - Not a LegislatorJudge - Not a Legislator
My judicial philosophy is consistent with the mission & goals of North Carolina's Judicial Branch, which requires Judges: “To protect and preserve the rights and liberties of all the people, as guaranteed by the Constitutions and laws of the United States and North Carolina, by providing a fair, independent and accessible forum for the just, timely and economical resolution of their legal affairs.”

As a judge, my oath requires me to “support, maintain, and defend,” the North Carolina Constitution, consistent with the Constitution of the United States. I do not allow either my personal or political beliefs to violate that oath. My record consistently shows that I review the facts and law applicable to each case and render fair, impartial, and reasoned decisions.

Policy decisions belong to the People’s elected representatives in the Legislature. There may be statutes that I personally may disagree with, but my oath to the Constitution and laws requires me to apply that law as written, unless clearly unconstitutional. See
I agreeYes I would.
3/24/2022 11:04:49ColleenKamolnikBoard of EducationDistrict 1Union CountyRepublican
Help spread the word we need to take back District 1. Also, volunteers for door knockers would be helpful.
Yes. We actually have the Declaration of Independence hanging in our living room. Our nation was found on principals that we must adhere to today. God has given us rights that should not be interfered with. The Bible is perfectly written and the constitution should be interpreted in the way our founding fathers intended.
It means the decision to do or not do something to my body lies between myself and my medical team, NOT THE GOVERNMENT.
Strongly Oppose
I disagree with any vaccine mandates, private sector or government agency.
Yes. Absolutely.Yes.
I do not support immunity for pharmaceutical companies when they withhold damning evidence of vaccine related injury.
Yes. I recently spoke at the Consolidated meeting for Health and Human Services citing vaccine injuries and warning against holding vaccine clinics on school property.
Yes. Absolutely.Yes.Yes.
Yes. I recently spoke at the Consolidated meeting for Health and Human Services citing vaccine injuries and warning against holding vaccine clinics on school property. I went to the source data and pulled my own information together from VAERS to present to the board.
Yes.Yes I am aware.I agreeYes I would.
3/26/2022 19:20:14BethFreshwater Smith
North Carolina Court of Appeals
statewide racestatewide raceRepublican
By endorsing and financial assistance
Yes, as a current District Court Judge in Nash, Wilson and Edgecombe counties I follow the law as it is written. Even if I do not agree with it, otherwise there will not be justice for everyone. There must be consistency.
The right to chose for yourself, no government intervention.
I believe it is up to the individual to decide whether or not they wish to be vaccinated and will follow the law.
yes and I will follow the law.
yesI will support the, but will follow the law.
no, unable to do so in my position as a fair and impartial jurist.
I agreeYes I would.
3/27/2022 17:26:46DannyBrittNC Senate24
Robeson, Hoke and Scotland
poll workers and sign placement
The freedom to determine if you or your family should be vaccinated.
I oppose mandates.
I do not believe that private sector businesses should be able to force employees to take a vaccine but I also know the law is firm on what an employee can be terminated for any or no reason.
no I do not in a circumstance when the vacine has been mandated.
I have not had much of a platform for this as of yet and my actual knowledge of the science and medical specifics is not that of an expert.
not that I am aware of.
did not vote I had a family member with covid.
I voted in favor of the bill. this bill provided much needed funding for internet connectivity in rural NC
I was not involved and I am not certain.
I am against mandates of any kind. I think all individuals should have the right to choose.
I agreeYes I would.
3/31/2022 22:19:15MichaelStading
NC Court of Appeals - Seat 11
State of NC MecklenburgRepublican
Votes, financial, social media, email, poll help
Yes - I uphold the US and NC Constitution every day in my current capacity as a District Court Judge and as a Reservist JAG in the US Air Force. As a judge, I preside over an array of civil and criminal cases and always ensure that the Constitutional is given the highest regard and that all individual liberties are protected.
Greater deference to individual decision-making with respect to medical decisions.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. In such case, a direct answer to some of these questions could result in my recusal from a court panel and thereby preclude me from carrying out the work I was elected to perform. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written. Moreover, I will respect the individual liberties and God-given rights afforded to every citizen of North Carolina.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. In such case, a direct answer to some of these questions could result in my recusal from a court panel and thereby preclude me from carrying out the work I was elected to perform. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written. Moreover, I will respect the individual liberties and God-given rights afforded to every citizen of North Carolina.
As a judge, I will always apply the law as intended and not legislate from the bench. I will uphold the Constitution and the appropriate application of a strict scrutiny legal test.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. In such case, a direct answer to this question could result in my recusal from a court panel and thereby preclude me from carrying out the work I was elected to perform. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. In such case, a direct answer to this question could result in my recusal from a court panel and thereby preclude me from carrying out the work I was elected to perform. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written. Since the legislature is responsible for the passage of laws, I would follow and apply the law as it exists, including current vaccine exemptions.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written. As a parent to three children (we homeschool our children), I consider parental rights to be incredibly important.
As judicial candidate, I am limited in my ability to provide a thorough response as such cases could come before my court. I am bound to uphold and apply the Constitution and laws of our state and nation as written. The Constitution provides protections for religious beliefs and those rights should be upheld.
I have read and listened to extensive material and commentary on this topic.
I have read and listened to extensive material and commentary on this topic.
Yes I am aware.No.
I am a judicial candidate and not a member of legislature.
I am a judicial candidate and not a member of legislature.
I am a judicial candidate and not a member of legislature.
Please review my website and social media for experience. I am happy to talk on the phone or interview with anyone. I subscribe the late Justice Antonin Scalia's judicial philosophy of textualism informed by originalism.
I agreeYes I would.
4/20/2022 16:25:54BradJenkins NC House83RowanRepublican
Prayer, Poll Workers, Door Knocking, Financial Donations, Social Media Support, Prayer
I served in the US Army under the oath to defend it. I fought unconstitutional mandates from the governor with a class action suit that allowed our churches to reopen. I believe the Constitution is our authority in all aspects of government.
I believe that medical freedom is the ability of the individual to decide entirely what to do medically with the body that God has given to them. I do not believe that a government has the right to force a vaccination on to anybody which violates their conscience. I believe you should have the right to choose medical treatment that is right for you. Medical freedom only extends to the extent of your own body and not to the extent of an unborn baby. I am against abortion as morally abhorrent.
I am completely opposed to a government mandating a vaccination on anyone who objects. I firmly believe in willing, informed consent with all medical decisions, not just vaccinations.
I do not believe that tenure of employment should be linked to private medical decisions that one may or may not undergo. I am opposed to medical discrimination in the workplace.
I do support the current vaccine exemptions. Furthermore I would fight to uphold them and expand them to cover all personal objections.
Absolutely 100%.
I am familiar with the law and do not agree with nor support this sort of immunity whatsoever. Furthermore, I am going to work toward transparency in this area so that they can be held accountable.
I am committed to using whatever platform the Lord has given to me, specifically at this time as Pastor of Chapel Street Baptist Church. Furthermore, when elected I will use that platform to defend the freedoms of my constituents and simply spread truth.
Yes and I will work with our school boards to ensure they respect the rights of the students and parents.
Parents should have absolute choice over how their children are educated including masks ect. I will work with school boards to ensure that they respect the rights of the parents
I fully believe it is discrimination and will fight at the state level to ensure that we don't allow this sort of discrimination.
I have read on this subject and find that the "value" vs possible risk dosent justify violating the rights of the people.
Yes and it's negligible at best.
Yes I am aware.
No and I will not be in the future.
N/A on how I did vote as I was not in office.
However I would sponsor a bill that strips the governor from ever being able to push mandates such as this ever again.
N/A on how I did vote as I was not in office.
However I intend to run a bill that protects the right of privacy for all NC citizens.
I am unsure as to why they killed that bill and if elected I will work to run a bill similar that will fight to protect citizens rights.
I am a Christian, Constitutional, Conservative and in that order! I will fight to protect our Faith, Family, and Freedom. I will be the voice of the average North Carolinan who hasn't been heard in Raleigh for years.
I agreeYes I would.
4/24/2022 18:18:44JennieHanifan
Watauga School of Board
93Watauga Republican
Endorsement, and exposure.
Yes, all of the constitutional freedoms. Here are specific ones that are constantly being debated within issues:
Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition - Right to keep and bear arms (own guns), No deprivation of life, liberty, or property - Equal opportunity.

These are a few, but more or less, people are created equal by their Creator (of which our constitution states) and no government position or member will take these liberties away from the citizens of the United States of America.
It is my personal pursuit of health, and how I choose to that.
No, I do not support vaccine or other mandates.
No, we, as a family have stood against that, even to the point of loosing a job.
Yes, I support exemptions, and I will fight for them.
Yes, You bet I would!
Yes, I am familiar and I do not support immunity from pharmaceutical and medical companies.
Yes, I would use my platform to protect students and employees (all people in the school system) from medical mandates.
Yes, and yes I will uphold them if they come under attack.
Yes, parents should have freedom of choice.
Absolutely!Yes, I familiar with it.
Yes, I am familiar with it, however the truth of adverse reactions is still coming out.
Yes I am aware.NoI didn’t vote
I didn’t vote on this the Senate did
Because it offered no protection for the private sector against the mandates.
I am dedicated to the children, the nuclear family, and the freedom for families to raise their children without government interference. I am a Christian and take seriously not leading these children astray. Schooling the basics should be just that, with no other agenda in the curriculum.
I agreeYes I would.
4/25/2022 11:45:26RubenCastellonBoard of EducationDistrict 9Hoke CountyRepublican
Exposure to citizens of Hoke County, and financial contribution for campaign
Fighting against unconstitutional mandates. Pushing the word out that Covid vaccines are unconstitutional.
Informed consent and the freedom to choose to take a bio shot or not.
I oppose 100 percent any mandates.
I do not agree that a private employer has the right to mandate its employees to be vaccinated.
I will fight to keep these exceptions.
I do NOT support this type of immunity.
Yes. One of my principles in my platform is to fight any constitutional mandates forced in the school District.
Yes. I will fight with Everything I have to uphold them.
I support parents 100%. This is why I am running for Board Of Education. To be the voice for parents.
Yes it is discrimination. As the North Carolina constitution specifically states that it is the privilege and the right of North Carolina citizens to go to Public school.
Yes.Yes.Yes I am aware.N/AN/AN/AN/A
I want to be part of a bigger group that is fighting all these unconstitutional mandates. Specifically because it’s affecting our children. Our children are the future of America.
I agreeYes I would.
5/1/2022 9:18:09Michael 'MAGA Doc'Magnotta US CongressNC-10Burke
(Frederick Douglass) Republican
Share website & social media which has multiple evidences of fighting for Medical Freedom!
Not only do I oppose all Unconstitutional legislation, Agenices, etc., but I also actively emplore the States to exercise their Constitutional Authority under Article V to get the Power back to We the People!
This can, and has to be done, to get 1. Term Limits for Congress/Bureaucrats 2. Limit Federal Spending 3. Limit Federal Power (i.e. Unconstitutional Executive Orders and the many other ways the Federal Government is stealing the Power & money from We the People)!
Truly informed consent with educated risk benefit analyses is vital for all patients! The patient makes the decision over *their* body (*not a growing baby's body*... that's not medical freedom that's just wrong).
Vehemently oppose and have been actively fighting against them since December 2020! I've laid my License on the line and took on Big Pharma/Crooked Politicians by pointing out corruption such as Pfizer with a $2.3 Billion MEDICAL FRAUD Settlement, J&J's $26 Billion for Opioids (which were marketed as barely addictive)! The Federal Government is no Saint either with Tuskegee Experiments, forced Sterilizations of Native Americans and other POC, Agent Orange, and other examples!
No way!
Yes, and they should be expanded to Philosophical Exemptions as well!
YES!Familiar, do not support.Yes.
Go to my website and you will see plenty of evidence that I am the real deal. If you need to contact me feel free.
PLEASE do not share my email. I have a contact form on my website which goes there... just trying to avoid spam!!!
God bless you all!🇺🇲✝️❤
I agreeYes I would.