A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | ||
2 | Adams, H. Leslie | https://www.hleslieadams.com/ | 1932- | American Composers Alliance | H. Leslie Adams composes for voice, chorus, solo instruments, voice and orchestra, solo instruments and orchestra, chamber groups, and full orchesta. He is well-known for his "Nightsongs", a collection of songs on poetry by African-American poets. | ||||||||||
3 | Alexander III, Alonzo | http://americoloropera.org/in-memoriam/alonzo-alexander/ | deceased | 1956-2008 | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?search-artist=Alonzo%20%20Alexander%20III | Alonzo Alexander III's orchestral work, "Yetunde" was premeired by the Connecticut Symphony. He was a composer, pianist, conductor, and church musician until his passing in 2008. | |||||||||
4 | Allen, Kevin | https://www.ccwatershed.org/allen/ | musickallen@gmail.com | 1964- | https://www.ccwatershed.org/motecta/ | Kevin Allen is a highly regarded composer of opera, chamber, orchestral, and choral music. He writes both sacred and secular music, and is the founding director of the Collins Consort; America's Composer Project, and Schola Immaculata. He is best known for his motets. | |||||||||
5 | Ames, Jeffery L. | https://sbmp.com/ComposerPage.php?ComposerNum=100 | jeffery.ames@belmont.edu | 1969- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?setStickyDepartment=true&departmentDescriptions=&keywords=Jeffery+L.+Ames | Composer, arranger, professor, and clinician Jeffery L. Ames writes in a wide range of choral styles. | |||||||||
6 | Arnold, Maurice | https://songofamerica.net/composer/arnold-strothotte-maurice/ | deceased | 1865-1937 | https://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Arnold%2C_Maurice | Student of AntonÃn Dvořák, Maurice Arnold incorporated African-American "plantation" dance elements into his music. He composed comic operas, orchestral suites, and works for chorus. | |||||||||
7 | Baiocchi, Regina Harris | https://reginaharrisbaiocchi.com/ | Regina@ReginaHarrisBaiocchi.com | 1956- | https://reginaharrisbaiocchi.com/listen-purchase/ | Regina Harris Baiocchi writes for instrumental groups, opera, chorus, and voice. She is also founder of the Haiku Festival. | |||||||||
8 | Baity, Judith | https://www.alfred.com/authors/judith-baity/ | 1944- | http://www.celestial-melodies.com/cdPage2.php | Composer of vocal, orchestral, choral, jazz, contemporary gospel, and children's music, Judith Baity is also a piano instructor and professor. | ||||||||||
9 | Ball, Lark | https://www.beesondivinity.com/podcast/2021/conversation-lark-ball | 1952- | https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/jesus-savior-pilot-me-print-g8835 | With over 20 years in music ministry, Dr. Lark Ball's most popular choral work is, "Jesus Savior Pilot Me." | ||||||||||
10 | Barnett, Willis L. | https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/willis-barnett | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?elProductType[]=tb&elProductType[]=tp&elProductType[]=tr&search-artist=Willis+Barnett | Barnett studied at Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, and Norfolk State University, and is now a composer of sacred music. | |||||||||||
11 | Barnwell, Ysaye M. | https://www.ymbarnwell.com/ | ysayebarnwell@gmail.com | 1946- | https://www.ymbarnwell.com/songs | Ysaye Barnwell holds multiple medical degrees, had a decade-long career as a medical professor at a University, and is now is a comissioned composer on numerous choral, film, video, dance, and theatrical projects including Sesame Street, Waterbury Symphony Orchestra, and Cincinnati Womens Chorus. She appears as a vocalist/instrumentalist on over 30 recordings, and also does voice-over work for radio and film. | |||||||||
12 | Becton, Shelton | https://museonline.org/profile/shelton-becton/ | alex@aphartnett.com | https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/hymn-of-praise-print-g6027 | Shelton Becton is a pianist, vocalist, composer, arranger, conductor, and vocal coach. Becton does a variety of composing/arranging/vocals with his work being featured by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, on the Cosby Show, and in background vocals for artists such as Celine Dion, and Vanessa Williams. | ||||||||||
13 | Belfield Jr., Roy L. | https://www.morningstarmusic.com/composers/b/roy-l-belfield-jr.html | royjrbelfield@bellsouth.net | 1968- | https://www.morningstarmusic.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=roy+l+belfield+ | Adjudicator, clinician, organist, pianist, conductor, lecturer, and composer Roy L. Belfield Junior has writes works for chorus, piano, organ, and voice. | |||||||||
14 | Bloomfield, Craig Alistair | http://www.craigalistairbloomfield.com/ | craig.bloomfield@gmail.com | 1977- | http://www.craigalistairbloomfield.com/ | Craig A. Bloomfield is a Jamaican-born classical composer who draws from the musical idioms of Renaissance, Romantic, and 20th century liturgical works. He is known especially for his sacred motets. | |||||||||
15 | Bonds, Margaret | https://afrovoices.com/margaret-bonds-biography/ | deceased | 1913-1972 | https://www.hildegard.com/composer_detail.php?id=32 | The first African American to perform with the Chicago Symphony, Margaret Bonds composed for chorus, piano, and music theater. | |||||||||
16 | Boykin, B. E. | https://beboykin.com/ | brittney.boykin1@gmail.com | 1989- | https://www.klaviapress.com/sheet-music-purchasing/ | Brittney E. Boykin captivates audiences with her versatile skills as a pianist, conductor, and composer. She has been comissioned and collaborated with The Kennedy Center, Minnesota Opera, and a number of ACDA divisions. | |||||||||
17 | Brown, Jr., Uzee | http://www.uzeebrownchoraliers.com/uzeebrown | 1950- | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?elProductType[]=tb&elProductType[]=tp&elProductType[]=tr&search-artist=Uzee+Brown+Jr. | Writer of choral, chamber, art songs, and orchestral music, Uzee Brown Jr. has over 30 published choral works available through GIA music publications. | ||||||||||
18 | Bryan, Courtney | https://www.courtneybryan.com/ | contact link on website | 1982- | https://www.courtneybryan.com/works | Courtney Bryan's music bridges the sacred and the secular, combining stylistic elements of jazz, experimental music, hymns, spirituals, and gospel songs. | |||||||||
19 | Bucknor, Wayne | https://www.andrews.edu/icwm/certificate/presenters/wayne-bucknor.html | wbucknor@oakwood.edu | 1872- | https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/great-and-marvelous-print-g8887 | Professor, composer, arranger, and pianist Wayne Bucknor composed a song a day for the 2016 calendar year! His best-known choral work is the rousing, "Great and Marvelous", composed for SSAATTB. | |||||||||
20 | Burleigh, Harry T. | https://www.burleighsociety.com/ | deceased | 1866-1949 | https://www.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Harry_T._Burleigh | The music of Harry T. Burleigh lives on through the work of the Burleigh Society, which promotes his work and collaborates with other artists. | |||||||||
21 | Burton, Ken | https://www.kenburton.com/ | contact link on website | 1970- | https://www.kenburton.com/sheet-music | Most commonly known for his sacred music, Ken Burton also composes for stage, screen, orchestra, choir, and piano. | |||||||||
22 | Butler, Mark | https://www.collavoce.com/composers-arrangers/item/butler-mark | 1961- | https://www.carlfischer.com/mark-butler | Mark Butler is a sought-after conductor, composer, baritone, pianist, and music educator. His compositions have quickly grown to popular fame, and are in performance demands at national and international events such as ACDA conferences, and music festivals. | ||||||||||
23 | Bynes, Mason | https://www.masonbynes.org/ | contact' link on website | 1997- | https://www.masonbynes.org/music-media | Mason Brynes pulls from various stylistic sources, synthesizing genre, sound aesthetics, and visual curations to bring performer and audience together. She has collaborated on projects for commercial music, concert music, and media. | |||||||||
24 | Carter, Nathan | https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/great-is-thy-faithfulness-music-collection-print-g9248 | deceased | 1936-2004 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/71108--carter-nathan | Founder of the internationally renowned and award-winning Morgan State University Choir, Nathan Carter was a writer of anthems, spirituals, and hymn arrangements. | |||||||||
25 | Carter, Roland M. | http://rolandcarter.com/RolandMCarter.htm | marvelmusic@aol.com - this is his assistant, Meg's email address | 1942- | http://africandiasporamusicproject.org/roland_carter | An authority on the performance and preservation of African American music, Roland Carter's arrangement of, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" is most often used to present the anthem in formal settings. | |||||||||
26 | Chambers, Jocelyn C. | https://www.jocelyncchambers.com/ | jocelyncchambers@gmail.com | 1996- | https://www.jocelyncchambers.com/work | Jocelyn Chambers writes emotive neoclassical, and bubbly jazz compositions. She has also composed for silver screen, orchestra, chorus, and piano. | |||||||||
27 | Cheatham, Wallace M. | https://composers.com/wallace-cheatham | sejeongy@aol.com | 1945- | https://www.jomarpress.com/cheatham/cheatham.html | Known for his research on opera as it relates to the African-American experience, Cheathem Wallace is also an internationally known composer, performing artist, and scholar. | |||||||||
28 | Clary, Salone T. | https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/salone-clary | deceased | 1939-2021 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/77585/browse | Composer Salone T. Clary is also a professor, church musician, pianist, and conductor. | |||||||||
29 | Coleman, Charles D. | http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/findingaids/view?doc.view=entire_text&docId=VAD4977 | deceased | 1929-1991 | https://www.morningstarmusic.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Charles+D.+Coleman | Founder of the Coleman School of Music which later became The Northwestern School of Music, Charles D. Coleman was also a composer of sacred and secular works. | |||||||||
30 | Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel | https://nac-cna.ca/en/bio/samuel-coleridge-taylor | deceased | 1875-1912 | https://imslp.org/wiki/5_Choral_Ballads%2C_Op.54_(Coleridge-Taylor%2C_Samuel) | One of the most progessive writers of his time, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor wrote classical compositions heavily influenced by his African-American heritage. His music was often inspired by poetry of Longfellow, and his political work was so recognized that President Theodore Roosevelt invited him to the White House in 1904. | |||||||||
31 | Curtis, Marvin V. | http://africandiasporamusicproject.org/marvin_curtis | 1951- | https://www.shawneepress.com/search/search.action?subsiteid=204&keywords=marvin+curtis&x=0&y=0 | The first African-American composer comissioned to write a choral work for a Presedential Inauguration, Marvin V. Curtis also composes orchestral works. | ||||||||||
32 | Da Costa, Noel G. | https://africandiasporamusicproject.org/noel_dacosta | deceased | 1929-2002 | https://songofamerica.net/song/two-songs-for-julie-ju-i/ | Noel G. Da Costa composed for choir, voice, and orchestra, and co-founded the Society of Black Composers. | |||||||||
33 | Dawson, William L. | https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/dawson-william-levi-1898-1990/ | deceased | 1899-1990 | https://kjos.com/person/view?id=1462 | Student of Booker T. Washington, William Dawson was a composer, choir director, and professor specializing in African American religeous music. In 1946, his choir was the first group of blacks to perform at Washington D.C's Constitution Hall. | |||||||||
34 | Dent, Cedric | https://anchormusic.com/artists/cedric-dent/ | Cedric.dent@mtsu.edu | 1962- | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?elSearchTerm=cedric+dent&giaSession=wm | Co-producer of the 10-time GRAMMY-award winning group, TAKE6, Cedric Dent is also a composer, arranger, baritone, and teacher. | |||||||||
35 | Derrick, Remel | https://www.jwpepper.com/myscore/RemelDerrick | summitmusicpublishing@yahoo.com - this is listed as his contact "for any and all inquiries about his music" | 1981- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?weblist=myscore_1462_1 | Remel's dynamic SSAATTBB setting of, "Hold On Just A Little While Longer" was given the Editors Choice badge on JWPepper in 2022. Many of his works are self-published as well. | |||||||||
36 | Dett, R. Nathaniel | https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200038840/ | deceased | 1882-1943 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/9965--dett-robert-nathaniel | The first African American to receive an honorary doctorate from Oberlin Conservatory, Dett published over 100 compositions, many using spirituals as thematic material. | |||||||||
37 | Dilworth, Rollo | https://sbmp.com/ComposerPage.php?ComposerNum=213 | 1970- | https://www.singers.com/arrangers/Rollo-Dilworth/ | Rollo Dilworth's choral compositions include spiritual arrangements and gospel-inspired works. His "Choir Builders for Growing Voices" collections include warmups and workouts for teaching proper vocal technique to young choirs. | ||||||||||
38 | Ducasse, Christopher | https://www.christopherducasse.com/ | christopherducasse@gmail.com | 1983- | https://www.christopherducasse.com/compositions | Native of Haiti, Christopher Ducasse is a conductor, pianist, composer, and singer. He has written for full orchestra, string orchestra, brass ensemble, chamber music, and cello ensemble. | |||||||||
39 | Ferdinand, Jason Max | https://www.jmaxmusic.com/about-jason | info@jmaxmusic.com | https://www.jmaxmusic.com/catalog | Founding artistic director of the Jason Max Ferdinand Singers, Ferdinand is also a professor, adjudicator, conductor, presenter, composer, and speaker. His choral pieces are known for thier rhythmic energy, complex harmonies, and smooth sonorities. | ||||||||||
40 | Fludd, Christopher J. | https://www.obenschools.org/Page/2610 | cfludd@obenschools.org | 1998- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=christopher+fludd | Fludd's choral piece, "Alius est Caelum" won the JWPepper/Azusa Pacific University Composition Contest when he was just a senior in high school. Since then, he has also published his, "Pie Jesu" for SATB divisi. | |||||||||
41 | Fox, Derrick | https://www.drderrickfox.com/ | derrickfox@me.com | prefers not to share | https://musicspoke.com/derrick-fox-series/ | Derrick Fox is a professor, clinician, vocalist, conductor, and composer. His, "Derrick Fox Choral Series" is intended to be a resource for conductors who wish to diversify thier repertoire, and his other choral works range from liturgical to concert pieces. | |||||||||
42 | Fryson, Robert J. | https://hymnary.org/person/Fryson_RJ?tab=tunes | deceased | 1944-1994 | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?search-artist=Robert%20J.%20Fryson | There is little biographical information availble on Fryson, but he published at least 17 hymn tunes, and 3 sacred choral compositions. | |||||||||
43 | Fuller, Calvin | https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/calvin-fuller | january657@aol.com | 1943- | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/77683--fuller-calvin | Vocalist, organist, conductor, composer, and teacher Calvin Fuller's most popular works are, "Sing praise to God who reigns above", and "Ascrible to the Lord." | |||||||||
44 | Furman, James | https://africlassical.blogspot.com/2014/10/dominique-rene-de-lerma-james-b-furman.html | deceased | 1937-1989 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/80849--furman-james | James Furman was a gospel musician, composer, organist, and professor. His most famous choral composition is the jubilant SATB work, "Hehlehlooyah". | |||||||||
45 | Garcia, José MaurÃcio Nunes | https://africlassical.blogspot.com/2012/09/jose-mauricio-nunes-garcia-afro.html | deceased | 1767-1830 | https://www.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Jos%C3%A9_Maur%C3%ADcio_Nunes_Garcia | Garcia was an Afro-Brazillian composer in the classical era. He is believed to have written over 400 compositions, but only about 240 have survived. Many of his choral works are availible on CPDL. | |||||||||
46 | Garner, Charles | https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/nhregister/name/charles-garner-obituary?id=9204177 | deceased | ? - 2019 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/instruments/1234/composers/72779/browse | Garner was a gifted pianist, teacher, composer, and professor. His choral compositions are straightforward and undemanding. | |||||||||
47 | Garrett, Marques L. A. | https://www.mlagmusic.com/ | marqueslagarrettmusic@gmail.com | 1984- | https://www.mlagmusic.com/works | Garrett is in high demand as a researcher, clinician, vocalist, professor, conductor and composer. He is most famous for his research on non-idiomatic music of black composers. He writes choral works for SATB, SSA, and TTBB. | |||||||||
48 | Geter, Damien | https://www.damiengetermusic.com/about | info@damienmusic.com | 1980- | https://www.damiengetermusic.com/ | Geter's compositions are fresh and modern, and often carry messages of social justice. He has written numerous choral works, including a Requiem premeiring in 2022. | |||||||||
49 | Hailstork, Adolphus | https://www.adolphushailstork.com/ | kmporf@aol.com | 1941- | https://www.adolphushailstork.com/choralworks | Hailstork's scope as a composer is vast, including operas, solo instrument works, chamber works, orchestral scores, choral, and wind ensemble. Most of his choral compositions are written for SATB and string orchestra. | |||||||||
50 | Harris, Christopher H. | https://www.charrismusic.com/ | charriscomposer@gmail.com | 1985- | https://www.charrismusic.com/purchase-scores | Dr. Christopher H. Harris is in constant demand as a professor, clinician, conductor, composer, and soloist. He has many choral works suitable for the collegiate level ensemble. | |||||||||
51 | Harris, Robert A. | https://www.robert-a-harris.com/ | robohar@comcast.net | 1938- | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/12155--harris-robert-a | Dr. Robert A Harris is a conductor, composer, and clinician who has is a master of improving choral sound. His compositions are mostly sacred, and set for a variety of voice and instrument pairings. | |||||||||
52 | Harrison, Marian L. | https://www.atlantamusicproject.org/team/dr-marian-l-harrison/ | marianharristoncomposer@gmail.com | 1974- | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/107397--harrison-marian-l | The first African American to receive a doctorate in music composition from Indiana University, Marian L. Harrison is skilled in lecturing, composing, and ethnomusicology. | |||||||||
53 | Haywood, Carl W. | http://www.alliancemusic.com/peopledetails.cfm?iPeopleID=77 | carlhaywood@gmail.com | 1949- | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/45337--haywood-carl | Haywood is a composer, organist, conductor, hymn tune composer, and arranger. He has been a longtime faculty member at Norfolk University where he serves as Director of Choral Activities. | |||||||||
54 | Hogan, Moses | https://www.moseshogan.com/ | deceased | 1957-2003 | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=moses+hogan | Until his untimely death in 2003, Moses Hogan was one of the most celebrated contemporary directors and arrangers of of spirituals. His nationally auditioned ensemble, "The Moses Hogan Singers", continued touring many years after his death. | |||||||||
55 | Holland II, M. Roger | https://mrogerholland.com/rogers-bio/ | roger.holland@du.edu | 1964- | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?elProductType[]=tb&elProductType[]=tp&elProductType[]=tr&search-artist=M.+Roger+Holland+II | Holland is a conductor, composer, arranger, pianist, clinician, arranger and vocalist. His choral works are infused with gosepl elements such as jazz harmonies and smooth voice leading. | |||||||||
56 | Holland, John Bailey | http://www.jonathanbaileyholland.com/ | jonathanbholland@gmail.com | 1974- | http://www.jonathanbaileyholland.com/klangfarbemusic/choral?category=Choral+Music | Composer of opera, ballet, band/wind ensemble, orchestral, choral, and vocal works, John Bailey Holland holds a PhD from Harvard. His works have been commissioned by the Cincinnati Symphony, Dallas Symphony, Detroit Symphony, and more! | |||||||||
57 | Hunter, Laymon T. | no website/bio available | no biographical info available | no biographical info available | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?search-artist=Laymon%20T.%20Hunter | Hunter's composition, "I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me", is a lively and accessible setting of the Psalm 122 text for piano and SATB choir. | |||||||||
58 | Hurd, David | https://www.ecspublishing.com/composers/h/david-hurd.html | djhurdjr@aol.com | 1950- | https://www.ecspublishing.com/composers/h/david-hurd.html | Former professor at Duke, Yale, Westminster Choir College, and Manhatten School of Music, David Hurd is one of the foremost church musicians in the United States. Although most known for his African-American Organ anthologies, Hurd is also the composer of dozens of choral, vocal, liturgical, and organ pieces. | |||||||||
59 | Johnson, Victor C. | http://www.victorjohnsonmusic.com/ | vjmus02@me.com | 1978- | http://www.victorjohnsonmusic.com/compositions/ | Award-winning composer Victor C. Johnson writes accessible worship anthems, exuberant concert choral pieces, and standalone keyboard works. | |||||||||
60 | Jones, Glenn L. | https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/glenn-jones | revglj@aol.com | 1949- | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/products/7865547--glenn-l-jones-good-news-the-savior-is-born | Joseph Jones' "Good News, My Saviour is Born!" is an energetic energetic SATB setting appropriate year-round, and especially at Christmas. | |||||||||
61 | Jones, Joseph | no website/bio available | no biographical info available | no biographical info available | https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/salve-regina-op-18-digital-sheet-music/21796251 | Jones' SATB setting of "Salve Regina" is diverse and challenging, including lyrical chorale sections that alternate with fugue. | |||||||||
62 | Jones, Stanleigh D. | no website/bio available | no biographical info available | no biographical info available | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?search-artist=Stan%20%20Jones | Jones' only published choral work is titled, "Give ear to my prayer, O Lord." | |||||||||
63 | Kay, Ulysses | https://www.carlfischer.com/ulysses-kay | deceased | 1917-1995 | https://www.allmusic.com/artist/ulysses-kay-mn0001630527/compositions | Kay's published works include writings for chamber groups, orchestra, chorus, opera with full orchestra, clarinet, and organ. | |||||||||
64 | Kendall, Hannah | https://hannahkendall.co.uk/ | hannah@hannahkendall.co.uk | 1984- | https://hannahkendall.co.uk/works | Hannah Kendall's compositions are characterized by dramatic storytelling, and striking dynamic contrast. She has composed vocal, piano, chamber, choral, incidental, orchestral, and music theatre pieces. | |||||||||
65 | King, Betty Jackson | https://www.bettyjacksonking.com/ | deceased | 1928-1994 | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=betty+jackson+king | Known best for her spiritual arrangements, Betty White King also composed for organ suites, piano sketches, and vocal solos. | |||||||||
66 | Lavender, Zachary W. | https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/zachary-lavender | sanctuary8@comcast.net | 1962- | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/98331--lavender-zachary-w | Lavender describes himself as a, "Musician, teacher, author, lover of all people, and agent of change." His choral compositions are accessibe, affordable, and mostly homophonic. | |||||||||
67 | Lee, James, III | https://www.jameslee3music.com/ | compositeur_4@hotmail.com | 1975- | http://store.subitomusic.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3_110_558 | Writer of band music, orchestra music, concerti, piano music, chamber works, and choral works, Lee James III stays extremely active in the composition scene. He has seen his works performed by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Kennedy Center, Orlando Philharmonic, Baltimore Symphony, and more. | |||||||||
68 | Lloyd, Shavon | https://shavonlloyd.com/ | shavonlloydmusic@gmail.com | 1997- | https://shavonlloyd.com/works | Instrumental and choral composer Shovon Lloyd won his first composition prize at age 17! As a composer, he writes for mostly SATB choir. As a baritone, he has performed alongside established names including Patti LuPone and Canadian Brass. | |||||||||
69 | Lusitano, Vicente | https://blackcentraleurope.com/sources/1500-1750/the-musical-theorist-vicente-lusitano-1561/ | deceased | 1520-1561 | https://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Lusitano,_Vicente | 16th century composer perhaps best known for his debate with Nicola Vincentino, Lusitano has only recently begun gaining the acclaim he deserves as a Renaissance composer. | |||||||||
70 | Mallory, Lloyd | http://www.iamaonline.com/Bio/Lloyd_B._Mallory.htm | drlloydmallory@gmail.com | 1966- | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?search-artist=Lloyd%20%20Mallory | Professor, composer, and conductor Mallory Lloyd is known best for his choral anthem, "Holy is Thy Name." | |||||||||
71 | Margetson, Edward | http://www.africandiasporamusicproject.org/edward_margetson | deceased | 1891-1962 | https://www.giamusic.com/store/search?search-artist=Edward%20J.%20Margetson | Margetson's early life was laced with hardship, and his musical abilities were mostly self-taught. After immagrating to the United States in 1919, he became an organist, minister of music, and published composer. | |||||||||
72 | Marshall, Andrew | https://www.andrewstcmarshall.net/ | marshalla16@hotmail.com | 1982- | https://www.andrewstcmarshall.net/music | A Jamaican native, Andrew Marshall has been actively composing for orchestra, choir, chamber ensembles, and piano for over twenty years. He currently serves as choir director for the Winsor school in Boston, MA. | |||||||||
73 | McCullough, James | https://www.ecspublishing.com/composers/m/james-mccullough.html | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/72697--mccullough-james | Poet, Writer, Actor, and Composer James McCullough most recently served at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. | |||||||||||
74 | McFerrin, Bobby | http://bobbymcferrin.com/ | (manager's email) oa@originalartists.com | 1950- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=bobby+mcferrin+&suggested=department-filter&pageview=list-view&departmentDescriptions=Choral | Bobby McFerrin is an American musician known for his improvisational skills and vocal control, but he is also a composer and arranger. He is most known for his arrangement of, "Don't Worry, Be Happy." | |||||||||
75 | McIntyre, Phillip | https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1991/03/27/phillip-mcintyre-dies/91ed4eda-e21c-4e8a-9220-07767d30ca07/ | deceased | 1951-1991 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/10838--mcintyre-phillip | Phillip McIntyre composed anthems, hymn settings, gospel music, liturgical music, and spiritual arrangements. An in-depth piece on his compositions was published in The Choral Journal Volume 45 Issue 8. https://acda-publications.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/choral_journals/March-2005-Belfield-R.pdf | |||||||||
76 | McLin, Lena J. | https://www.thehistorymakers.org/biography/reverend-dr-lena-mclin | 1928- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=lena+mclin | Reverend Lena McLin has published over 400 compositions, including tributes to Martin Luther King Jr, who was her childhood friend. | ||||||||||
77 | Miller, III, Julius C. | https://www.ecspublishing.com/composers/m/julius-c-miller-iii.html | detroit4547@yahoo.com | 1981- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=Julius+C+Miller+III | Julius Miller III is an up and coming composer from Detroit Michigan. His arrangement "Steal Away" was performed at the 2009 Michigan School Vocal Music Association State Choral Festival. | |||||||||
78 | Miller, Mark A. | https://sbmp.com/ComposerPage.php?ComposerNum=360 | mark.a.miller@yale.edu | 1967- | https://www.ecspublishing.com/composers/m/mark-a-miller.html | Mark Miller is an organist, sacred music director, and composer. His choral anthems are best sellers for Arbington Press and Choristers Guild. | |||||||||
79 | Moore, Dorothy Rudd | https://composers.com/dorothy-rudd-moore | info@composers.com (this is the team to contact with any questions about Dorothy.) | 1940- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=Moore%2C+Dorothy+Rudd | Composer of opera, symphonies, song cycles, choral works, and chamber pieces, Dorothy Rudd Moore is considered one of the leading women of color composers of her generation. | |||||||||
80 | Moore, Undine Smith | http://africandiasporamusicproject.org/undinesmith_moore | deceased | 1904-1989 | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=undine+smith+moore+ | Known as the "Dean of Black Women Composers", Moore is best known for her pulitzer-nominated choral work, "Scenes from the Life of a Martyr", which is based on the life of Martin Luther King Jr. | |||||||||
81 | Morris, Robert L. | https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/robert-morris | 1941- | http://www.alliancemusic.com/search.cfm?&type=composer&vFirstName=Robert%20L%2E&vLastName=Morris | Founder of the Leigh Morris Chorale which educates audiences on African American Choral traditions, Robert L Morris is also a composer, professor, and arranger. | ||||||||||
82 | Morrow, David | https://www.mcgclub.com/morrow.html | 1959- | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/26371/browse | David Morrow is mostly known for his stellar conducting, having recieved several honors and directed A-list performers such as Jessye Norman and Natalie Cole. His choral compositions are majestic and jubilant. | ||||||||||
83 | Nix, Verolga | https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/verolga-nix | deceased | 1933-2014 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/85023--nix-verolga | Verolga Nix wrote nearly 200 compositions/arrangements, and is known best for her hymn tunes which can be found here https://hymnary.org/person/Nix_V?tab=tunes. | |||||||||
84 | Osterman, Eurydice V. | https://awsahmmusic.com/ | evosterman@gmail.com | 1950- | https://awsahmmusic.com/products-and-services | Eurydice is a composer of sacred music, and frequent speaker at church music seminars. She has traveled to the United States, Africa, The Carribean, and South America sharing her passion for sacred music. | |||||||||
85 | Parker, Reginald Nathaniel | no website/bio available | deceased | 1929-1970 | https://wc-handy-shop.squarespace.com/products/remiky1xcblnp5d15xbf7p1apvm2ey | Reginald Nathaniel Parker was an organist, composer, and teacher at Norfolk State College. He was born in 1929 and died in 1970. | |||||||||
86 | Powell, Alec | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alec-powell-2a1b3a135/ | alecliamcomposer@gmail.com | 1992- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=alec+powell | Located in Utah, Alec is a middle school teacher, composer, and arranger. He writes choral works for SATB, mens chorus, and treble chorus. | |||||||||
87 | Powell, Rosephanye | http://rosephanyepowell.com/ | contact link on website | 1962- | https://www.halleonard.com/search/search.action?searchtype=product&keywords=Rosephanye+Powell&instrument=Choral&dt=item#products | Powell has been called "One of the great female composers of our time" (Andre Thomas). She is known for her beautiful melodies, and intimate knowledge of the human voice. Her works are frequently performed at competitions and national conferences. | |||||||||
88 | Price, Florence B. | https://florenceprice.com/ | deceased | 1887-1953 | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?keywords=Florence+Price | Florence B. Price was the first women of African American descent to have a symphonic work performed by a national symphony orchestra. She also composed organ, choral, vocal, and chamber music. | |||||||||
89 | Robinson, Demetrius | https://www.canorousmusic.com/pages/demetrius-robinson | robmusicenterprise@gmail.com | 1991- | https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/search.jsp?setStickyDepartment=true&departmentDescriptions=&keywords=demetrius+robinson | Demetrius Robinson is a composer, professor, organist, vocalist, and clinician. Many of his compositions reflect his commitment to music equity and diversity, and he serves on the Diversity and Initiatives Comitee for ACDA. | |||||||||
90 | Robinson, Diedre | https://choralarts.org/behind-the-scenes-with-diedre-robinson/ | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/products/7867628--diedre-robinson-steady-soldier | Diedre holds a bachelors degree in composition and has written works for chorus, piano, wind ensemble, voice, and string orchestra. She was recently commissioned by ACDA to write a choral piece for the Honors Choir premiere in February of 2022. | |||||||||||
91 | Robinson, Guy | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/products/7866505--guy-robinson-a-virtuous-woman | bishopgrobinson@gmail.com | 1967- | https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/a-virtuous-woman-print-g6565 | Guy Robinson is a pastor, phsychology researcher, mental health awareness advocate, author, musician, and song writer. His choral work, "A Virtuous Woman", was written as a composition assignment when he was an undergraduate student. | |||||||||
92 | Robles, Zanaida | https://zanaidarobles.com/ | contact link on website | 1979- | https://zanaidarobles.com/index.php/compositions-2/ | Award-winning composer Zanaida Robles writes primarily for choirs. Her "progressively classical" style is often energized, soulful, colorful, rhytymically driven, and modal with African elements and touches of profressive rock. | |||||||||
93 | Ryder, Noah F. | http://africandiasporamusicproject.org/noah_ryder#:~:text=Noah%20Ryder%20(1914%2D1964),as%20the%20Deep%20River%20Boys. | deceased | 1914-1964 | https://www.jwpepper.com/A-Mighty-Fortress-Is-Our-God/11328571F.item#.Yf3Y1O7MK3I | A student of Nathaniel Dett, Ryder was best known for his piano compositions, and arrangements of Negro spirituals. | |||||||||
94 | Scott, Kevin | https://klscottmusic.wordpress.com/bio/ | klscomus@aol.com | 1956- | https://klscottmusic.wordpress.com/list-of-works/ | Conductor, composer, and scholar of African-American music, Kevin Scott's orchestral, film, chamber, solo, and choral works are known for their imagery and active melodies. | |||||||||
95 | Simmons, Teri | http://terisimmons.com/Gospel.htm | pianots@aol.com | 1957- | http://terisimmons.com/index.html | Teri Simmons has composed over 200 pieces for sacred occasions including children's music, wedding music, Christmas music, and contemporary/gospel selections. | |||||||||
96 | Simon, Carlos | http://coliversimon.com/ | contact link on website | 1986- | http://coliversimon.com/choral | With recent commisions from the New York Philharmonic, Washington National Opera, and more, Carlos Simon's compositions range from film scores, to gospel-style choral works. | |||||||||
97 | Simpson-Curenton, Evelyn | https://evelynsimpsoncurenton.com/about/ | ESCengagements@aol.com | 1953- | https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/ensembles/choir/evelyn-simpson-curenton/500021+1824013 | Evelyn Simpson-Curenton specializes in sacred choral music, and spiritual arrangements. Her works have been performed at Carenegie Hall, the Metropolitan Opera, and the White House. | |||||||||
98 | Southall, Mitchell | http://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n88-6036/ | deceased | 1922-1989 | https://www.prestomusic.com/sheet-music/composers/47270--southall-mitchell | Not much is known about Mitchell Southall, other than that he was an African-American composer born in the south, and later migrated to Canada. | |||||||||
99 | Spencer, Brandon J. | https://brandonspencermusic.com/home | brandonspen@gmail.com | 1992- | https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/dream-variations-digital-sheet-music/20196453 | Spencer writes for bass solo, and for chorus. | |||||||||
100 | Still, William Grant | https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/still-william-grant-1891-1978/ | deceased | 1895-1978 | http://www.williamgrantstillmusic.com/WorksforStringQuartetMixedChamberGroupVoiceChamberGroup.htm | Still's best-known composition, 'Afro-American Symphony' was the first work of its kind to be performed by a major symphony orchestra. This trailblazing composer wrote for orchestral, winds, mixed chamber groups, and vocal chamber groups. Excerpts from his works have been used in 'The Three Stooges' and 'Gunsmoke'. His vocal chamber/choral works were often published in themed collections. |