Programme Approval Process
Revised January 2021
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Stage 4: Academic Approval Form (Academic Support Office)
Information about the Programme
Programme Title
LLM Law (Juris Doctor)
Award type MastersWhat level is this qualification?7
Length of programme3 years full-timeStart date for programmeSep2021
Mode of study (Full / Part Time)Full-time
Term datesPlease specify each term start and term end date for the academic year in which the programme will start:
Will the programme use standard University term dates?
For York Online programmes, will standard dates for such programmes be used?
[For Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes Only]
Are you offering any variations of this programme, such as additional years abroad or industry?
Please tick the boxes below if you are offering 'year in industry' and 'year abroad' options. It is University policy that all programmes should have an additional Placement Year and Year in Enterprise, and as such these are pre-selected. Both of these are managed by Careers. If you are applying for an exemption not to offer these programmes, please explain why.
Year abroadWill the year abroad programme be available directly via UCAS; for students to transfer in having entered the main programme; or both?
Year in industryWill the year in industry programme be available directly via UCAS; for students to transfer in having entered the main programme; or both?
Year in enterprisePlease explain why not:
Placement yearPlease explain why not:
All Programmes:
Awarding institutionUniversity of YorkTeaching institutionUniversity of York
Lead departmentLawOther contributing departments
Board of Studies for the programmeLaw
Language of study and assessment
Language(s) of studyEnglishLanguage(s) of assessmentEnglish
Mode of delivery
Is this a campus-based or online programme?
Partner organisations
If there are any partner organisations involved in the delivery of the programme, please outline the nature of their involvement:
You may wish to refer to the Policy on Collaborative Provision -
Reference points
Please state relevant reference points consulted in the design of this programme (for example, relevant documentation setting out PSRB requirements; the University's Frameworks for Programme Design (UG or PGT); QAA Subject Benchmark Statements; QAA Qualifications and Credit Frameworks).
QAA FHEQ and Masters Degree Characteristics; University of York Taught Postgraduate Programme Scheme: Framework for Programme Design
Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning
Will this programme involve any exemptions from the University Policy and Procedures on Credit Transfer and the Recognition of Prior Learning? If so, please specify and give a rationale:
Exceptions to Regulations
Please detail any exceptions to University Award Regulations and Frameworks that need to be approved (or are already approved) for this programme. This should include any that have been approved for related programmes and should be extended to this programme.
Internal Transfers: Please use the boxes below to specify if transfers into / out of the programme from / to other programmes within the University are possible by indicating yes or no and listing any restrictions. These boxes can also be used to highlight any common transfer routes which it would be useful for students to know.
Transfers in:Transfers out:
Yes - Potential to transfer into programme following successful completion of University of Law LLB in Law Senior Status or equivalent programme, i.e., a 240 credit graduate entry UG degree in English and Welsh law accreditated as a Qualifying Law Degree under the specifications of the Solicitors Regulation Authority and Bar Standards Board. Yes - Potential to transfer out of programme after year 1 into year 2 of LLB in Law Senior Status programme.
Interim and Exit Awards
[For Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes Only]
Interim Awards (UG):
Interim awards available on undergraduate programmes (subject to programme regulations) will normally be: Certificate of Higher Education (Level 4/Certificate), Diploma of Higher Education (Level 5/Intermediate), Ordinary Degree and in the case of Integrated Masters the Bachelors with honours. Please specify any proposed exceptions to this norm:
Certificate of Higher Education (Level 4 Certificate) on successful completion of year 1 and 120 credits;
LLB (Senior Status) in Law on successful completion of year 2 and 240 credits;
Postgraduate Certificate of Higher Education in Law on successful completion in year 3 of at least 60 credits at level 7;
Postgraduate Diploma of Higher Education in Law on successful completion in year 3 of at least 120 credits at level 7 (See L7 Lower Awards tab for the award requirements for a PGCert and PGDip).
[For all Programmes as relevant]
Exit Awards:
Please give the details of any exit awards (for PGT programmes, this will normally be at least a Postgraduate Certificate programme (60 taught credits) and may also be (depending on programme structure) a Postgraduate Diploma programme (120 taught credits)).
It is University Policy that all PGT Programmes should have a corresponding Postgraduate Certificate exit award, based on 60 taught credits of the programme. Please specify the title, whether the PG. Cert. is to be made available as an entry route as well as an exit award; the learning outcomes associated with the PG. Cert; and any restrictions on the combination of 60 taught credits that can be used to make up the PG. Cert. Note that it is possible to have 2 separate PG Certificate awards for different combinations - if so, please provide the relevant information twice.
Exit award only
Title: Please give the title of the award. Use separate rows for each exit award:Entry Award? Please indicate if the exit award should also be made available as an entry point (ie. will be a programme on which a student can apply to and register as being well as an exit award), or should be an exit award only (i.e. only available to students exiting the programme early):Outcomes: Please provide a brief statement detailing what the student will be able to do on exit from the programme with this award (i.e. the extent of the achievement of the Programme Learning Outcomes) - use this for titles which are only exit awards and not entry points.Modules: Please specify the module diet that the student will need to complete to obtain this exit award (this could be, for example, any 60 credits; any 120 credits; specific combinations of modules)
Postgraduate Certificate
Exit award onlyAs per sections 5(e)(i) and (ii) of the Programme Information sheet, the programme is designed with an integrated, spiral curriculum. This is a strong feature of the first two terms in year 3, such that all modules contribute to each of the PLOs, and students will work on transactions and matters which, during the teaching period, will integrate aspects of law, skills and commercial awareness from anything from 2 to 5 modules. Individual MLOs will then be assessed, as required by the University, through separate reflective assessments, albeit drawing on a central portfolio of evidence created through working on transactions and matters. Students who exit with this award will therefore be able to demonstrate competencies aligned with the PLOs concomitant with (a) the number of credits obtained; and (b) the specific MLOs of those modules.Students will have to have progressed from Y2 and obtained a minimum 60 credits (up to a maximum 100 credits) from the taught modules in Year 3, i.e., successfully completed at least 3 (up to 5) taught modules, to gain this qualification as an exit award.
Postgraduate DiplomaExit award onlyAs per sections 5(e)(i) and (ii) of the Programme Information sheet, the programme is designed with an integrated, spiral curriculum. This is a strong feature of the first two terms in year 3, such that all modules contribute to each of the PLOs, and students will work on transactions and matters which, during the teaching period, will integrate aspects of law, skills and commercial awareness from anything from 2 to 5 modules. Individual MLOs will then be assessed, as required by the University, through separate reflective assessments, albeit drawing on a central portfolio of evidence created through working on transactions and matters. Students who exit with this award will therefore be able to demonstrate competencies aligned with the PLOs concomitant with (a) the number of credits obtained; and (b) the specific MLOs of those modules. They will however, not be able to - or not have been able to, to the requisite standard - demonstrate the PLOs in the context of an in-depth piece of professional writing.Students will have to have progressed from Y2 and obtained 120 credits from the taught modules in Year 3, i.e., successfully completed all 6 taught modules, to gain this qualification as an exit award.
Entry route as well as exit route
Statement of Purpose
Please briefly outline the overall aims of the programme. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
The York Law School LLM in Law (Juris Doctor) offers a unique, innovative approach to the study of law for graduates, combining academic rigour with a highly practical insight into legal practice. Within the programme, students will work collaboratively in "student law firms" on a series of real-life legal problems to develop foundational knowledge and skills, before progressing to an intensive simulation of legal practice. This will involve students working on a variety of client matters and transactions involving a number of core practice areas, developed in consultation with legal practitioners. Students will learn, across the programme, to analyse client interests and identify legal issues; research relevant law, procedure and documentary requirements; and then develop solutions and advise clients in a variety of written and oral formats. Students will therefore develop the knowledge, skills and commercial awareness for a career in legal practice, whether on a regional, national or international basis. These will be developed within a professional environment, with supervision and guidance provided by a "senior partner" supervising tutor, who will provide regular individual feedback to each student on their client work, and act as a mentor to student law firms and individual students. In the final year of the programme, there will be additional masterclasses from legal practioners and business people. Students who graduate from the programme will therefore gain a unique combination of insight into professional legal practice; commercial and client awareness; the developing use of technology; and the ethics required of legal practitioners, together with a range of legal and interpersonal skills sought by the legal profession and firms of all types in jurisdictions across the globe.
SPIf there are additional awards associated with the programme upon which students can register, please specify the Statement of Purpose for that programme. This will be most relevant for PGT programmes with exit awards that are also available as entry points. Use additional rows to include more than one additonal award. Do not include years in industry / abroad (for which there are separate boxes).
Exit Award Title
Statement of Purpose
Programme Learning Outcomes
What are the programme learning outcomes (PLOs) for the programme? (Normally a minimum of 6, maximum of 8). Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme and represent the outcomes that students progressively develop in the programme and achieve at graduation. PLOs should be worded to follow the stem 'Graduates will be able to...'
1Explain and advise on relevant English and EU law applicable to businesses and their core commercial activities, and the operation and regulation of legal services markets, law firms, and legal professionals; and plan efficient and effective research strategies to identify, evaluate and apply relevant principles and regulation to diverse, complex and integrated legal and practical issues that affect such businesses.
2Apply and adapt problem-solving skills developed through problem-based learning – analyzing and evaluating facts, parties’ interests and objectives, and identifying legal and practical issues, and risks - to deal confidently, creatively and in a structured manner, independently and collaboratively, to develop effective solutions to, and advise on, new, unfamiliar and complex problems commonly encountered in corporate commercial legal practice.
3Develop well-reasoned, critical and creative arguments, theories and solutions to current legal issues and problems facing corporate commercial practitioners and clients, supported by researched evidence.
4Integrate and adapt well-developed legal, academic and interpersonal skills to engage with clients, peers, and other professionals; including autonomous skills in interviewing, researching, problem-solving, advising, negotiating, communicating, case analysis; advocacy; planning; and basic project management; and apply these within the context of corporate commercial legal transactions and matters.
5Communicate confidently and effectively, both verbally and in writing in a range of formats; presenting well-reasoned, structured, practical legal advice – adapted to intended recipients and audiences, whether public, professional or clients – in the context of corporate commercial legal transactions and matters.
6Reflexively draw upon and apply a broad awareness of perspectives and interests in their work, taking into account ethical, social, political, professional, commercial, financial, business, international, policy, human rights, ethnic, gender and client interest considerations when evaluating corporate commercial transactions and matters, and solving problems.
7Work efficiently and effectively, both independently and as a leading member of a team, and take the initiative to draw upon personal and interpersonal skills and attitudes developed as part of a student law firm to identify the applicability of these skills in the context of corporate commercial legal practice.
8Record, reflect on and evaluate strengths, weaknesses and progress in their own and others’ personal learning and professional development, to be able to identify and set future learning requirements and career goals to further personal professional ambitions.
Additional Award Programme Learning Outcomes
PLIf there are additional programme titles associated with the programme upon which students can register (i.e. are available as entry routes), please specify the Programme Learning Outcomes associated with that award. This will be most relevant for PGT programmes with exit awards (e.g. PG Diplomas) that are also available as entry points - PG. Diplomas and Certificates will normally have 4-6 PLOs. Do not include years in industry / abroad (for which there are separate boxes below).
Exit Award Title: