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1 | Multi Cloud with AWS + DevOps Professional Program Syllabus. | |||||
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3 | ✅ 1000+ Hours live / Career Oriented Program - on Microsoft Team Meetings | |||||
4 | ✅ Assignments with interview Answers Discussion. | |||||
5 | ✅ Multiple Mock interview + Real Time 5 Live Project to get ready for Cloud + DevOps Job Role | |||||
6 | ✅For Registrtation :- Ping to +91-9667170808 | |||||
7 | ✅ Join Our WhatsApp community :- https://wa.me/9667170808 | |||||
8 | ✅Practical Lab Available - 7 Days/Week [08 Hour's Daily Practical Lab] [Optional] | |||||
9 | Days | Module | Topic | Day's Agenda | LED Live sessions Ageda's | |
10 | Regular Batch | Weekends Batch | ||||
11 | PART - 1 i.e Cloud Computing + AWS | |||||
12 | 3 | MODULE-1 | DevOps Foundation | Day-1 | 1st Weekend Day 1 and Day 2 | Course Introduction - Team Introductions - Learning path & Training Overview, RoadMap - Intro to DevOps and AWS and Being comfortable with applying on different job portals. Big picture DevOps Tools overview and Demo |
13 | Day-2 | Servers and Datacentres before Cloud / Virtualization and Cloud Computing Introduction - Introduction to cloud (Public,Private ,Hybrid)and ✔ cloud computing (IAAS,PAAS,SAAS) with ✔ Cloud Computing Concepts/ ✔Architecture/ ✔AWS as a leader in cloud, Cloud services / ✔ Cloud deployment model ✔Big Picture Practical DevOps Tools Demo + Run Windows 11 emulator container via Docker ✔ Physical infrastructure introduction (traditional) - Compute , Storage, Database & Networking | ||||
14 | Day-3 | DevOps Introduction with Top DevOps Tools overview - Introduction to DevOps, why do we need it how was the world before DevOps, A good DevOps engineer." ✔ DevOps Roles and Responsibility ✔ Actual problems and their solution from DevOps. ✔DevOps lifecycle. ✔ Developer Problems and DevOps Solutions. ✔Overview of Software Development, SDLC & Traditional Models for SDLC. ✔Devops Lifecycle ✔ IT Operation problems and DevOps Solutions ✔ 6 C’s of DevOps Process | ||||
15 | 5 | MODULE-2 | Linux Administration for DevOps | Day-4 | 2nd Weekend Day 3 and Day 4 | Linux topics overview, history & importance of linux and Popularity of Linux ✔ linux architecture and shell Open Source Tools / OS and GITHUB view Linux filesystem hierarchy.. + 10 Linux basics commands |
16 | Day-5 | Normal user and root user Multiple ways to create a Linux VM and learn Top Linux Commands VI Editor and VI Tiips and Tricks + GCP Account Creation.. | ||||
17 | Day-6 | User administration/group administration/password administration play with linux administration activity / Day to day Linux Commands | ||||
18 | Day-7 | File permissions SSHKey + Keygen + Public key + private key + Multiple SSH commands with concepts ✔ Software management - with YUM or APT ✔ Linux Boot Process ✔ HTTP response status codes | ||||
19 | Day-8 | Linux WORKSHOP/ Presentations Practical Tips and Tricks | ||||
20 | WORKSHOP - LINUX - 35 most used Linux commands | |||||
22 | 11+ | MODULE-3 | AWS | Day-9 | 3rd Weekend Day 5 and Day 6 | AWS Overview and Account creation , what is AWS, history, features, Global Inferacture /presence, Region & AZ, High level overview of AWS services, console walkthrough, Basic terminology, Knowledge of AWS Architecture & Management Console, Launching an EC2 Instance, EC2 Dashboard walkthrough/ Understanding of CLI/ AWS Migration(Intro, Stages of cloud adoption, Migration tools, types of migration) / AWS Security(Intro, security essentials, penetration testing, security compliance, Infrastructure security, Migrating DDOS), AWS Route53, AWS SES, AWS SNS, AWS LAMBDA, Elastic Opswork |
23 | Day-10 | EC2 - Elasticity / Horizontal / Vertical Scalability and AutoScalibility + High Availability /AMI Overview | ||||
24 | Day-11 | IAM topic ( users, groups, roles , policies, & IAM best practices), Authentication & Authorization, IAM HTTP API, Logging IAM events with AWS CloudTrail, Monitoring and managing AWS resources using CloudWatch, Deploying configuration alerts and notifications with CloudWatch, Billing for CloudWatch | ||||
25 | Day-12 | Configuration of EC2 Images - Amazon Machine Image Block Storage - EBS Volumes / Snapshots ✔ create own AMI from running instance ✔ create snapshot from the EBS volume (attached in the EC2) Security Groups, ✔ Server configuration & management across EC2 IP addressing (Public IP, Private IP , Elastic (or) Reserved IP)/✔ EC2 best practices & cost involved ✔Practical 1 :-✔ EC2-Creating and Login to Windows Instance Practical 2 :- EC2-Configuring Apache/Nginx web server in Linux instance connected with mobaxtreme/ ✔Introduction to AMI /✔ Backup services in AWS | ||||
26 | Day-13 | LoadBalancing With ELB creation, Types of Load balancers, Knowledge of AWS SDK, CLI & HTTPS Query API. ✔Practical 3 Create Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) and Configure 2 ec2 instance and distribute the load/✔EBS | ||||
27 | Day-14 | 4th Weekend Day 7 and Day 8 | Amazon S3 Overview / storage classes and Real World Storage Mechanism S3 ( S3 terminology, Creating buckets ) Types of Storage classes Overview with Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive/✔Amazon storage gateway ✔ Practical 4 Configure AWS S3 Bucket and Understand all S3 storage Classes and there Lifecycles Rules 2 Real time Scnerio based Practical approach related to banking and Almost all IT company logging mechanism/✔EBS for block level persistent storage volumes with S3 buckets/✔Amazon Glacier storage for long-term data backup and archiving/✔Amazon Snowball for data import/export | |||
28 | Day-15 | ✔ Practical 5 Create AWS S3 _ Static website hosting solution and Real Time Example (Create your online resume ) | ||||
29 | Day-16 | Databases - Introduction to Amazon RDS databases and difference between SQL and NOSQL, AWS Aurora , RDS ✔ Practical 6 RDS (Postgres)Database creation /✔Dynamo DB/✔Amazon Redshift /✔Understanding of Amazon ElasticCache/ ✔Deploying AWS database migration service+ Practical 7:- create a EC2 instance (SQL Proxy server) with SSH key connect with mobaxtream and connect with RDS instance via End Point configuration like a Real time approach | ||||
30 | Day-17 | Networking VPC(Explanation with examples), Default & Non-default VPC, Components of VPC networking, CIDR Block calculations ,Subnets, IP Addressing, VPC connections, Internet Gateway, Nat Gateway,VPC Endpoints, route tables, and + AWS Security NACL + VPC Peering, VPC as networking layer for EC2, Accessing Internet, Using AWS PrivateLink to access the services, VPC supported platforms, Security | ||||
31 | Day-18 | ✔ Practical 8 Creation of VPC / Subnets / Routes / Security Groups and EC2 instance in Private VPC ✔ Practical 9 Connect 2 Cloud with VPC peering + Inferacture Project discussion for Resume | ||||
32 | Day-19 | Monitoring - Cloudwatch + SNS (Topics + Subscription) + Alarm ✔ Practical 10 Understand Continous Monotoring with Cloud Watch configuration an create ec2 CPU alert + Budget Alarm of rs 100 | ||||
33 | Day 20 WORKSHOP - AWS | |||||
34 | AWS ASSESSMENT | |||||
35 | PART - 2 i.e DevOps Journey start from here | |||||
36 | 8 | MODULE-4 | CORE CICD GIT And Jenkins | Day-21 | 5th Weekend Day 9 and Day 10 | Git, Git Lifecycle, GitHub - What is source code management, GITHUB. Version control & Types, Intro to SVN, Issue Without Version Control + How Git Works, Common Git Commands, Working with branches(Merging + Resolving merge conflicts). ✔ Practical 11 Clone actual code from github to local. (Git clone and Git Fork ) |
37 | Day-22 Specially for Developer's | Git Installation and GitHub Account creations- Real world scenarios explaining most of GIT topics/commands. Cloning / Branching/Pull request ✔ Practical 12 Push Code from local System to github via GIT as a Developer | ||||
38 | Day-23 | Jenkins - Introduction to Continuous integration ✔ Software Installation :- Jenkins installation Multiple Approches (War file / Ubuntu + Windows ) Jenkins UI + Configuration walk through Jenkins - Plugins concept + ✔Practical 13 simple Java Code execution (Build / compile ) Manually + Visual Stdio Code Jenkins - Building first job (including Build and polSCM concepts) ✔ Practical 14 - Job 1- Pulling Java code from git and compile program via Jenkins ✔ - Job 2- Compile and Building Java program / project from git ✔ - locally - Simple Java program compile java program locally as a developer very basics ✔ - Job 4- Create Jenkins CI-example | ||||
39 | Day-24 | Different jobs creation ( freestyle, parameterized, parameterized with list/choice, Jenkins - maven (with Github integration) ✔ Practical 15 Project 1 Java project Spring boot application with maven integration With CI configuration Jenkins - Pipleines (Concept, types of pipelines, syntax of each pipelines, individual identifiers, post actions. | ||||
40 | Day-25 | Code on Jenkins Pipeline all concepts explanation with a pipeline ✔ Practical 16 Run a Groovy code create a pipeline job in jenkins stages/stage/step shown in Jenkins Linux server agent | ||||
41 | Day-26 | Jenkins Useful Top 10 Plugin for Daily Day to Day Operation | ||||
42 | Day-27 | Jenkins Jobs Creations with Simple Java Program and Maven + explore varities of Jenkins Options | ||||
43 | Day-28 Specially for 3+ Experienced Students | ✔ Practical 17 Jenkins master slave configuration - Jenkins with slave agent / Jenkins with Windows slave agent and how to restrict the job on perticular agent | ||||
44 | Day-29 WORKSHOP - CICD | |||||
45 | CICD ASSESSMENT | |||||
46 | 6 | MODULE-5 | Docker & Kubernetes Specially for 3+ Experienced Students | Day-30 | 6th Weekend Day 11 and Day 12 | VM and DOCKER - Overview of Virtualization and Virtual Machines and Containerization and Introduction to docker hub and account creation, Docker Overview, Docker Ecosystem, Common operations, Creation of account on Dockerhub, commiting changes to container. ✔Pushing container image to Dockerhub + creating custom Docker images using Dockerfile. Docker volumes, Multi-Tier Application using Docker Network, Docker Compose, Container Orchestration + Tools, Intro to Docker Swarm |
47 | Day-31 | Docker Installation + Docker Architecture + Docker basics Commands to create image and Run Containers + ✔ Practical 18 Pull images (UBUNTU/NGINX ) create your first hello-world container and undertstand all steps of docker architecture. + ✔ Practical 19 Create NGINX container and run the web html/application on it via volume + ✔ Practical 20 Create JENKINS application with Docker Image .. | ||||
48 | Day-32 | LIFE CYCLE of Docker ✔ Practical 21 :- Docker File creation and Create your own NGINX application TAG the image and login and push it to Docker HUB and verify. some more Docker container troubleshooting commands | ||||
49 | Day-33 | 7th Weekend Day 13 and Day 14 | KUBERNETES - Introduction to Containet Orchestration and Kubernetes Cluster Architecture High Level Overview with Kubectl commands | |||
50 | Day-34 | K8s - components explanation - k8s pod / deployment / Services ✔ Practical 22 Google Kubernetes engine creation + Kubernetes creation on windows Local Machine via Docker Desktop ✔ Practical 23 POD creation + Service Creation as a Loadbalancer creation + Replica Set creation + Deployment creation on GKE | ||||
51 | Day-35 | ✔ Practical 24 + Project 2 :- Create 3 Nodes K8s Engine on GCP with E-commerce Microservice base application deployment + Project 2 Resume Points | ||||
52 | 5 | MODULE-6 | Ansible & Terraform Specially for 3+ Experienced Students | Day-36 | Terraform - Introduction to infrastructure as a Code , Intro to HCL, Terraform providers/resources/Installation/First Instance creation/Init,plan & apply | |
53 | Day-37 | Terraform multiple resources creation ✔ Practical 25 Create AWS Resourse user creation + EC2 + S3+ VPC from HCL language code via Terraform Init / Plan / Apply | ||||
54 | Day-38 | 8th Weekend Day 15 and Day 16 | Introduction to Configuration Management and Ansible How Ansible Works | |||
55 | Day-39 | Ansible Architecture - Overview of Inventory Playbooks creations | ||||
56 | Day-40 | Modules and Run Ansible playbook with SSH Configuration / Ansible roles - Sample role + Practical 26 Create complete inferacture for ansible MAster and Target's Machines and Run anisble PLAYBOOKS and Ansible Roles. | ||||
57 | Day-41 WORKSHOP - Terraform + ANSIBLE SSH Configuration and Run Playbooks + kubernetes Workshop | |||||
58 | Day-42 RESUME PREPARATION Tips and Trick & MOCK INTERVIEWS for Above Topics + Total 5 varities of project for Resume | |||||
59 | 3 | MODULE-7 | PROMETHUS GRAPHANA STACK via HELM | Day-43 | 8th Weekend Day 17 and Day 18 | Promethus - Introduction to promethus Time Series Database, and installation of Promothus and Grafana + ✔ Practical 27 Promothus and Grafana installation on K8s cluster via HELM |
60 | Day-44 | Grafana - Grafana architecture , installation , setup , creating dashboards , Imports dashboards in Grafana+ ✔ Practical 28 Promothus and Grafana Operations / Multiple Dashboard creation in Grafana | ||||
61 | Student's Choice | Day-45 | Any Extra Topic we will learn here According to the Group Choice / If you feel that is tranding / asking in interview Option's Splunk (docker compose ) or Rundeck installation ETC.. SPLUNK free GLOBAL certification approach.. Splunk Fundamental / yaml / AWS DevOps / Migration | |||
62 | 2 | MODULE - 8 | Bash and Python Specially for 2+ Experienced Students | Day-46 | 9th Weekend /day 19 and day 20 | Bash - Introduction to Bash shells scripting , 5 basic bash scripts+ ✔ Practical 29 Multiple Shell's Scripts creation's and Execute with multiple approache's |
63 | Day-47 | Python for DevOps- Python introduction , installation , Understand Python Library / Modules + Code Main.py and Requirement File.+ ✔ Practical 30 (multiple mini projects on python ) + Practical 31 Python with AWS CLI and Boto 3 integration (AWS S3 file upload automation ) | ||||
65 | CICD ASSESSMENT | |||||
66 | 3 | MODULE - 9 | 3 CICD / DevOps Live projects & Orientation | Day-49 | 10th Weekend Day 21 and Day 22 | • Real Time Project 1 :- ✔ Practical 27 :CI / CD Pipeline of Java Springboot application via- - GitHub + Jenkins CI + Docker build and Deploy to Dev Remote Machine |
67 | Day-50 | • Real Time Project :2 - ✔ Practical 28 E-Commerce Microservice (JAVA + PYTHON + GO + .net) Web application Deployment on Kubernetes Cluster | ||||
68 | Day-51 | • Real Time Project 3 :- 3 tier based appplicaion on AWS using Terraform / Course Completion ✔ Practical 29 :- 40 AWS Resource / services (EC2 + VPC + ELB + Autoscalling + RDS + EIP + Subnet etcccc) creation on AWS with Terraform i.e via Infrastructure as a Code approach. | ||||
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