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1 | Deck | Link | Complexity Rating (1 = Simplest, 4 = Most Complex) | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Mopus Kit | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/4/-preconstructed-mopus-kit | 1 | Get Mopus and a Decoder out to stop rushes. Build money and pound multiaccess. Big tip: Don't spend money multiaccessing early. Pressure the remote for as long as you can, and pivot to centrals once they over-defend it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Prepaid Kate | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/5/-preconstructed-ppvp-kate | 3 | Generate huge econ with ppvp and events. Use a toolbox of recurring programs to answer everything. Big Tip: Try not to install expensive programs until you need them. Early game you are often cutting it close with econ and you can't afford to waste money. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | FCC Exile | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/7/-preconstructed-fcc-exile | 3 | Use exile to burn through your deck. Generate money with FCC. Get lots of free femmes. Big Tip: Don't overextend in the early game. You're good at drawing cards, but that's not very valuable if you're broke. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Proco Hayley | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/6/-preconstructed-proco-hayley | 4 | Get Proco out as fast as possible. Use it with hyperdriver and Pawnshop to generate a ton of money and then use Hayley to quickly assemble answers to the corp's threats. Big Tip: Your only multiaccess is Indexing, so make sure you clear Jacksons off the board before firing it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Andysucker | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/8/-preconstructed-andysucker | 2 | Pressure with Desperado and Datasucker. Slow the corp with immense central pressure and finish them off with RDI/Legwork. Big Tip: Be careful installing your non-killer icebreakers before you need them. You need to be able to aggressively facecheck without worrying about trash program subroutines. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Ken Tenma | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/9/-preconstructed-ken-tenma | 1 | Build money quickly with events. Land siphons and multiaccess before the corp can set up. Big Tip: Against decks without tag punishment, it's usually correct to spam siphon as much as possible and float tags, even if it gets your resources trashed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Aggro Gabe | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/10/-preconstructed-aggro-gabe | 1 | Apply immense econ pressure with sneakdoor, parasite, siphon, and shutdown. Never let the corp into the game. Big Tip: Don't let the game drag out. You need to aggressively access cards and get to game point. If the game goes late and you're not on at least 4 points you're in trouble. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Reg Val | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/11/-preconstructed-reg-val | 1 | Build up to an anarch lategame that runs medium super efficiently. Try to slow the corp until you can get there. Big Tip: Be careful building more money than you need instead of assembling your rig. Your 50 card deck and reliance on Yog make you very vulnerable to gearchecks. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Noise | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/12/-preconstructed-noise | 2 | Slow the corp with econ pressure until you can mill the win with viruses or run them over with medium. Big Tip: Don't play solitaire. You need to use your disruptive viruses to slow the corp. You will not mill 7 points before they score out. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Siphon Maxx | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/13/-preconstructed-siphon-maxx | 2 | Use Eater to power Siphons and Keyhole runs to win before your econ dries up. Big Tip: Don't transition to Keyhole too early. If the corp stabilizes their economy and gets an ice in front of a Jackson you're sunk. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | DumbleFork | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/53/-preconstructed-dumblefork | 4 | Get Wyldside (and Chronotype) down as fast as possible. Use Parasite and Silverware events (fueled by Faust and Datasucker) to trash as much ice as possible. Finish the corp off with medium. Big Tip: Be careful going low on credits in the early midgame. Most of your econ costs money to get going, so if you get stuck at 0 it can be hard to get out (especially with wyldside out) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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14 | HBFA | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/15/-preconstructed-hb-fast-advance | 1 | Get a few points out of an early remote. Then turtle up and finish with Biotic Labor. Big tip: Don't use Biotic Labor too early. Establish a remote for your first few agendas. It's too expensive to biotic all the way to 7. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | HB Glacier | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/16/-preconstructed-hb-glacier | 4 | Use BBG to generate massive econ and rez huge ice. Then score out with ash caprice. Big Tip: If you have a campaign going and nothing to do, click for credits instead of drawing cards so you don't get flooded. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Nisei Division | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/18/-preconstructed-nisei-division | 2 | Defend centrals with cheap garbage ice and rush out Nisei mk 2 with caprice. Big Tip: Stop at nothing to get your Mk2 scored. You have a lot of cheap ice to defend R&D with, so rely on that to protect you while you recover from the score. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Classic RP | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/19/-preconstructed-rp-glacier | 3 | Protect a sundew and rez a lot of ice to grind the runner down until you win with Caprice. Big Tip: Play the game slow and steady against Criminal and Shaper, and fast and loose against Anarch. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | PE NA | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/20/-preconstructed-pe-never-advance | 2 | Keep the runner guessing with traps and dangerous agendas behind ice. Kill them with work compression, score out with 2/1s, or deck them if they play too safe. Big Tip: Only play shell-game (spaming unprotected remotes) with the runner when they end a turn low on cards. Making the runner use resources to break ice to play trap-or-agenda is how you will open windows. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | TWIY Psycho | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/21/-preconstructed-twiy-psychographics | 3 | Use Breaking News/SEA Source + Big brother to tag the runner up, then psycho market research for the win. Big Tip: Go extremely fast. Spend a turn or two drawing up and then go for a score of either an Astro or a Breaking News. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Spark NA | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/23/-preconstructed-spark-never-advance | 4 | Keep the runner guessing with 3/2s and upgrades in an annoying server. Big Tip: Take your time. You want to make a Sansan stick for multiple agendas if you can. Its expensive to have to keep rezzing them. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Tempo Sol | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/24/-preconstructed-tempo-sol | 2 | Quickly assemble a huge pile of taxing upgrades. Use them along with Predictive Algorithm to score Character Assassinations and Astros, pressuring the runner so they can't catch up. Big Tip: It typically pays to only lightly defend R&D for quite some time. Predictive Algorithm makes early R&D pulls even less valuable than usual. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | BaBW Midrange | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/25/-preconstructed-babw-midrange | 1 | Defend centrals with cheap sentries and then score out under the threat of Scorch. Finish the game with Trick of Light and a Hostile Takeover. Big Tip: You don't have a lot of assets/upgrades to bait runs with, but your remote is so expensive to break that even 1 bait can be devastating. Sell a Jackson as a 3/2 and the runner will be in big trouble. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | GRNDL Yolo | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/26/-preconstructed-yolo-grndl | 1 | Don't defend centrals at all. Rush hard and Scorch the runner if they aren't careful. Use Power Shutdown to punish corner-cutting. Big Tip: Be fearless with Power Shutdown. If you need to trash 4 cards to blow up a Gordian Blade, it's worth it. Your #1 priority is keeping your remote active. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Blue Sun Glacier | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/27/-preconstructed-blue-sun-glacier | 4 | Use Adonis Campaign and Oversight AI to combo with Blue Sun for a ton of money. Use Ash + Big ice to score out. Big Tip: Watch out for D4V1D against Anarch. Protect your OAI ice with a smaller ice against them if you can. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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26 | Jank Options | These decks have recorded a <40% winrate in league play. You are free to use them but know you are possibly opting into an uphill battle :D | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Adam | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/14/-preconstructed-adam | 3 | Get lots of early accesses and then transition to lategame with Brain Chip and Data Folding. Big Tip: Embrace Always Be Running. If the corp started the game with an agenda in hq, you should make sure you steal it! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | NEXT Rush | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/17/-preconstructed-next-rush | 1 | Use NEXT's speed to score an Eff Com and use it to FA with Shipment from Sansan. Big Tip: Don't hesitate to try to score early. You have no backup plan if the rush fails. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | NEH DRT | https://nrdb.reteki.fun/en/decklist/22/-preconstructed-dedicated-response-team-neh | 4 | Install a ton of remotes. Hide DRTs and traps to stop the runner from checking things. Sneak out agendas or bury them with City Surveillance if they waste too much time. Big Tip: It's generally correct to trigger NEH every turn early game, even if you have to install an agenda. The moment you stop applying pressure the runner will stabilize. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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