DayTimeLocationLead Presenter First NameLead Presenter Last NameCospeaker 2 FirstCospeaker 2 LastCospeaker 3 FirstCospeaker 3 LastSession Title - Your title as it will appear in the conference booklet. Your title is limited to 100 characters.Session description - Write a concise, specific description of the essential content of your proposal as it will appear in the conference program. Your session descriptions is limited to 500 characters. Which conference strand does your session best address? You may select more than one.Grade level(s)
1Thursday8:20BallroomPamelaSedaCreating Culturally Relevant Math Tasks–Not as Hard as You Think!All students should have the opportunity to see themselves represented in the curriculum materials they use. Teachers who use culturally relevant math tasks challenge the negative stereotypes in society about who is–and who isn’t mathematically smart. In this session, participants will learn the process of creating culturally relevant tasks for the students in their math classrooms.
2Thursday9:40BalsamAmandaJagentenflImplementing a Thinking Classroom in K-2Teachers will learn how to transform their K-2 math class into a thinking classroom. Teachers will walk away with tasks, tips, and practical steps to get started with their own thinking classroom. Based on Peter Liljedahl’s Building Thinking Classrooms and research. Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking01 K-2
3Thursday9:40PortsmouthChaddMcGloneGlobal Mathematics Narratives: Bridging Cultures in the ClassroomThis workshop introduces Global Math Stories (GMS), a free resource offering real-world mathematical scenarios from diverse cultures. It begins with a demonstration lesson using GMS, guiding participants in exploring global connections in mathematics education. Participants then brainstorm classroom applications of a selected GMS, followed by a session for creating and sharing their own GMS-based lessons. The workshop emphasizes cultural exploration and practical mathematics, enriching traditional teaching with global narratives and collaborative learning experiences.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equality, and InclusionGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, College, Coach/School Leaders
4Thursday9:40HollisDanielleKruegerKristiPramukaLet’s Move Past Sharing Cookies! Using Context, Manipulatives, and Models to Teach DivisionDo your students struggle with division? They don’t have to! It’s time to bring division to life by giving it context to support students as they build conceptual understanding of division. We can go beyond just splitting cookies into equal groups and dive into the two different types of division problems! Let’s make learning division a hands-on experience as students explore using context, manipulatives, models, and multiple flexible strategies that can be applied to basic division and beyond! Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking02 3-5
5Thursday9:40WindhamJosephSpadanoAdvancing Students and Assessing Student Agency with Problem SolvingThis session will present learning experiences using a pedagogical framework in which students are active agents, central to the learning process. Participants in this session will see actual examples of students' problem solving efforts with the pedagogical framework. Discussions will enhance and influece teachers' knowledge, skills, and beliefs about student agency and authentic assessment techniques.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving07 6-8, 9-12, College
6Thursday9:40ChesterfieldLauraDensmoreEncouraging Productive Talk and Discourse in the ClassroomIn this session, teachers will learn about strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to encourage students to engage in productive math discussions and deepen their understanding of the content. Teachers will participate in various activities which provide an opportunity to promote discussion about math content using a hands on approach. Time will also be provided for educators to brainstorm ways to incorporate productive talk and discourse into their lessons. (Device optional)Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12
7Thursday9:40ConwayShelbyStrongDemystifying Elementary Math for Secondary TeachersBaffled by changes that have taken place in elementary school math? Struggling to activate students' prior knowledge? We'll discuss some common misconceptions that persist around elementary math education, and how to draw on these methods and strategies to help students find connections to secondary math content.Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12
8Thursday9:40BedfordSueLooneyEarly Mathematics Matters: Promoting Equity through Counting Routines
Counting is easy as 1,2,3 … or is it? Algebra and Fractions have been described as gatekeepers to higher level mathematics. Learn why I think the gatekeeper shows up much sooner and learn what you can do to promote high level mathematics for our youngest and most vulnerable learners through a deep dive into counting.
Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking01 K-2
9Thursday9:40AmherstTyler RameyExploring Language Demands in Math Instruction for English LearnersWhat are the "language demands" in math instruction and how can we identify and address them for English language learners? This session explores the linguistic complexities, beyond just vocabulary, that are embedded in math content, word problems, tasks, and assessments. Participants will learn techniques to deconstruct and make visible the language demands that can hinder comprehension, especially for newcomers and beginning English learners. Leave equipped with an approach to deliver comprehensible, rigorous, and equitable math lessons while maintaining the integrity of the mathematical concepts.Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and InclusionGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
10Thursday9:40WentworthZarekDrozdaState-Level Efforts for Data Science & Literacy EducationData is everywhere, and the AI revolution is only further proving the need for mathematics experiences that prepare students for an increasingly data-fueled world. What are states doing to promote data science & literacy education? Join us for a report-out from a new regional effort between New Hampshire and other northeastern states to ensure our students are prepared for the 21st centtury, along with updates from the national landscape.
11Thursday9:40BallroomNickiNewtonFluency Doesn't Just HappenIn this session we will explore how many fluency is developed over time wiht intentional planning, deliberate practice and intensive progress monitoring. We will look at setting up a school plan, Math Running Records, ongoing monitoring, individual goal setting, deliberate practice, intentional homework, scaffolded, differntiated workstations and more. Don't miss out! Come learn how to do this today!
12Thursday10:45HollisAmandaMcIntireUsing Manipulatives to Model Mathematics in Upper Elementary and Middle SchoolAs students get older physical manipulatives are often replaced by drawing a model. But what about the students who still need to physically move objects around? Join us as we explore ways to use manipulatives in order to help students build meaning. Participants will practice utilizing common manipulatives such as pattern blocks, unifix cubes, sticky notes and dominoes to model concepts such as fractions, probability, equalities/inequalities and proportions. Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving04 3-5, 6-8, Coach/School Leaders
13Thursday10:45AmherstAmyChangRehumanizing Data Meetings by Centering Student ReflectionsWhat does a math data meeting look like when we use student reflection data, rather than sort our students into red, yellow, and green categories? How can we use street data about students’ experiences and beliefs about math class to transform our instruction? This is one district’s story of the power and simplicity of rehumanizing data meetings, an experience of what those meetings could look and feel like, and an invitation to try it yourself.Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student ThinkingGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
14Thursday10:45WindhamApril Thompson Explicit Planning to Anticipate and Monitor Student Thinking Throughout this session, you will re-energize your knowledge of the 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions, especially anticipating and monitoring student thinking. You will use rich tasks in the elementary grade levels to think about unpacking what the mathematics content means in relation to your students’ understanding. By thinking about assessing and advancing questions, you can plan for future discussions that allow students to be at the center of the learning. Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking03 K-2, 3-5, Coach/School Leaders
15Thursday10:45BedfordGlenWidmerHannah LakinCheryl Howe Building Thinking Practices in our Math Classrooms: early elementary through middle schoolThis is an outgrowth of a book study of Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics sponsored by the Maine Math and Science Alliance in 2022. This will be a panel presentation consisting of three teachers, grades 2, 5, and 7/8, an administrator, and Hannah Lakin of the Maine Math and Science Alliance. The focus will be on changes in our practice as we come to the close of our second year employing, and refining, these practices. Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student ThinkingGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, Coach/School Leaders, I would think everyone would be interested in what is happening at the foundational levels!
16Thursday10:45BalsamLisaSwansonCarrieKeramisJulieFisherBright Spots and Stumbling Blocks toward Shifting Culture in the Math ClassroomThis session will focus on our journey with teachers to support the effective use of low-floor, high-ceiling thinking tasks to engage all learners and promote critical thinking. Participants will engage in a hands-on activity where they experience a BTC-style thinking task. We will emphasize how these tasks make student thinking visible and how teachers' planned moves facilitate formative assessment. Through reflection and discussion, participants will analyze the impact of classroom conditions on student learning experiences, leaving them with practical insights to immediately apply in their classrooms.Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking05 6-8
17Thursday10:45PortsmouthNancy JohnsonAll Students Can Be Capable Mathematicians
Let’s use math routines and investigation to develop mathematical thinkers. Routines help to build mathematical agency and focus on student thinking rather than on repetition. Students are encouraged to support their thinking using multiple representations and analytical skills.We will examine a lesson developed from a Texas Instruments activity that will use math routines, investigation, analysis, and consolidation to put students in the driver’s seat and teachers as their facilitator in order to develop deep understanding.
The Texas Instruments TI 84CE will be used to support learning.
Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12
18Thursday10:45ConwayRobynPoulsenMath In Motion!(Vendor, but not selling anything) Get your students doing math while moving! We will explore activities that get students understanding math at a deeper level, from average rate of change, to geometry concepts, vectors, and more. Participants will be engaged in the activities as students. Free activities and resources will be shared. Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12
19Thursday10:45ChesterfieldSamanthaSklarCounting Collections in Your PreK-2 ClassroomOur students need to count every single day, but finding the time to make that happen in the busyness of a primary classroom can be a challenge. Counting Collections is an engaging routine to get every student counting daily! This session, geared for Grades PreK-2, will explore the what, why, and how of Counting Collections. Whether you have been using Counting Collections for years or are brand new to it, you will leave with new thinking and ideas.Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking01 K-2
20Thursday10:45WentworthBrianButlerEvery Student Deserves a Gifted Education: Fostering Competence and Confidence in Students with 7 Essential AtributesDrawing from the foundational principles of "Every Student Deserves a Gifted Edcuation," this keynote will spark reflection on seamlessly integrating the 7 Essential Attributes into daily interactions with stduents. As Brian navigates Persisting, Precise Thinking and Communication, Self-Control, Empathy, Curiosity, Thinking Flexibly, Optimism and Hope, educators will gain practical insights derived directly from Brian's book. This engaging keynote empowers educators to reflect and to make a tangible impact on student's lives. Brian will explore how cultivating these essential atributes aligns with awakening student agency - encouraging students to take an active role in their learning journey.
Thursday11:45Special Silver Sponsorship Session by Amplify
21Thursday12:30BedfordAmyLucentaGraceKelemanikReasoning Routines That Awaken Individual and Collective Student ThinkingThrough DiscourseIndividual ideas develop collective understanding, and collective thinking increases individual agency. We’ll share how reasoning routines structure mathematical discourse to develop students’ mathematical ideas and voices to coalesce into collective understanding. Explore discourse strategies embedded in routines - by experiencing them and watching video - that provide space and support to awaken students’ agency in an inclusive classroom and leave ready to integrate them in your classroom.Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking02 3-5
22Thursday12:30HolliscwalshMaking Binomial Expressions Accessible Equations are abstract; manipulatives are real. Binomial expressions have real-world shapes. Participants will use materials to deconstruct and reconstruct algebraic models. Observation and handling start the learning curve. Nearly barrier-free interaction with labeled materials leads to discovery, self-correction, lower student frustration, and enhanced algebraic content delivery. (Grades 3-10)Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student ThinkingGI 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
23Thursday12:30ChesterfieldCatherineDennisInclusive Education for Students with Disabilities: Understanding the Past and Present to Shape a New FutureThe disability rights movement is known as the last civil rights movement to enter the twenty-first century. While more than 13% of Americans have a disability (Houtenville, 2023), students are still facing discrimination and segregation in educational settings. Most students with disabilities spend a majority of the day in separate classrooms, away from their peers and general education teachers. However, research shows that inclusive education has social and academic benefits for both students with and without disabilities (Saunders & Wakemann, 2019). One of the many barriers to inclusive education is a lack of general education teacher training surrounding disability (Mader, 2017). As we move toward a more inclusive system, I aim to address the need for educator training and confidence with a multi-module professional development resource bank, titled: Inclusive Practices for Students with Disabilities: Improving Outcomes for All. First-hand experiences and research-based evidence were used to create each section. Module topics include the history of disability and schooling, humanizing disability, disability culture, Universal Design for Learning, future planning, and assistive technology. This talk will provide both justification for the importance of professional development in inclusive education as well as an overview of the professional development module topics. Attendees will have open access to the module resources discussed.Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and InclusionGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, College, Coach/School Leaders
24Thursday12:30ConwayErica MoyKaraImmSandhyaRamanFinding Math JoyWhat precedes moments of math joy? How do we understand, foster, and recognize those moments? In this session we share how we integrated Design Thinking and Universal Design for Learning to center teachers' voices. Taking teachers' perspectives into account to plan for professional learning that would recognize moments of joy in math class. We will discuss factors that surround math joy and reflect on the elements of learning environments that promote and celebrate those moments.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student ThinkingGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, College
25Thursday12:30BalsamJuliaMcDonald-PlumbDeveloping "Thin-Sliced" Problem Sequences for your CurriculumHave you tried some Building Thinking Classrooms practices but aren't sure how to apply them to your curricular content? Come experience a thin-sliced curricular task, discover the structure of thin-sliced tasks, and consider general principles to make tasks engaging and "sticky" for your students. Then collaborate with other participants to design a thin-sliced sequence that will help students think their way through a content topic. We'll use samples from grades 3-8, but all are welcome to attend.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking04 3-5, 6-8
26Thursday12:30AmherstKarenGrabowskiMolly RawdingKellyHardyMonday Night Math & More ~ Connecting Families, Sharing Math JoyDeveloping connections between families and educators is essential for all students to feel supported and encouraged as mathematical thinkers. Learn how we are fostering connections, positive relationships, and productive dispositions through virtual monthly events for our students and their families. Participants will leave with ideas to bring back to their community to awaken student agency, family involvement, and math joy!
Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion03 K-2, 3-5
27Thursday12:30WentworthKevinDykemaSuccessfully Developing Fluency
Having students develop number fluency is critical, but how can we do this? Come explore ways to integrate number talks and number strings to develop this essential skill and improve student efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility. Consider how developing strategies allows students to see themselves as capable learners. See how manipulatives can be used to further the development.
Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking03 K-2, 3-5
28Thursday12:30WindhamNatalyaVinogradovaAlgebraic Ideas in Pictures Fluency with algebraic ideas opens many doors for students. This includes access to a wide variety of higher learning opportunities and career paths. In this sense, helping students develop a deep understanding of algebraic formulas and procedures creates equal opportunities for future success. During this session participants will be involved in algebraic explorations that connect words, numbers, geometric shapes, and algebraic formulas. Suggested multiple representations will allow every learner to find their comfort zone. Every teacher will add something to their toolkit during this session.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12
29Thursday12:30PortsmouthRachelSaundersCulturally & Linguistically Responsive (CLR) Routines for the Math ClassroomWant to get your students up and moving and talking about math? This session will cover multiple culturally and linguistically responsive (CLR) protocols to use in your classroom. It will be interactive and immerse participants in problems using the protocols as if they were students. The focus will be on Attention Signals, Movement Activities, and Response Protocols all designed to validate and affirm the students' cultural backgrounds and help them build and bridge capacity for being successful in school. Middle school examples will be utilized but the protocols are transferrable to any grade. All protocols are based on Hollie's book, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning.Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and InclusionGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
30Thursday1:40PortsmouthAstridaLizinsJocelyn DunnackCreating Access to Rigorous mathematics for Emerging Multilingual LearnersMultilingual learners are a classroom asset! Learners thrive when they engage in meaningful, relevant, and accessible mathematics in a safe environment. This session will provide an opportunity to examine beliefs about multilingual learners and engage in a collaborative math task as a multilingual learner in an environment that is equitable and asset-based. Participants will discuss action items within their sphere of influence that promote the success of multilingual learners. Silver Sponsor Session CPM LearningAwakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion07 6-8, 9-12
Thursday1:40WindhamOscarPeralesSpecial Silver Sponsorship Session by Amplify: Unlocking Mathematical Minds - a structured approach to problem-based learningJoin us for an insightful session on teaching our children to be skilled mathematicians through a structured approach to problem solving. By emphasizing authentic sense-making and discourse, students can develop critical thinking skills, collaborative abilities, and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Let's unpack the why, what, and how to unlock every student's mathematical mind and build math proficiency for life!
31Thursday1:40AmherstCraigSheilBrescaGagnonGenerative AI in the Math Classroom?Generative AI is already found in apps and websites. But what can it look like in the math space? How can we educate and model appropriate use? Yes, generative AI occasionally errs when asked to perform calculations, but it can have strengths as a conversational partner and can enrich the classroom experience, leading to deeper understanding. Experience hands-on activities that have been used in math class that combine AI and human intelligence in meaningful ways. Come with an open mind.Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking08 9-12
32Thursday1:40HollisErinOliverBuilding Number Sense with Card GamesCard games are a great way to make math class an inclusive and welcoming place for all. Come learn about some of my favorite card games that are easy to create, require minimal prep and have a long shelf life. By changing the deck of cards we are using, we can leverage the same games throughout preK-5 classrooms to practice important high leverage concepts. Participants will get access to several different card decks to use with their students. Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion03 K-2, 3-5
33Thursday1:40ChesterfieldHeatherBurkettSarahWisecarver“Bring Back the Choice Board”In this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn how important it is to provide voice and choice for students. Current examples of choice boards will be explored in all subject areas with the reasoning and explanations behind them. You will have the chance to see how impactful choice boards are and how different choices can reach the same goal. This session will have examples specifically for grades 1-4, however choice boards can be used at any level.Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking03 K-2, 3-5
34Thursday1:40ConwayHeidi SabnaniFinding the Joy in Math When You Have Math AnxietyHow do we show students with math anxiety the joy in math? How can we include interventions for math anxiety in our teaching? This session will explore ways to combat math anxiety and bring back the joy from a former math hater.Awakening Student Agency: CommunicationGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
35Thursday1:40BalsamKyleFerreira van LeerReframing the Classroom: Spiraling Curriculum and Portfolio Based AssessmentHave your students ever struggled to recall information that you taught in your first unit? Come and learn how to create an equitable classroom environment that builds on students’ knowledge through both spiral curriculum and portfolio-based assessment - which centers student voice and choice. In this interactive session, participants will sort learning targets into spirals and explore uses of single-point rubrics. While we will use middle school examples, all teachers are welcome!Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student ThinkingGI 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
37Thursday1:40BedfordLizaLaCasseHow to Foster Student Agency During A Math Differentiated Instruction Block Can you imagine a designated time where students simultaneously get the math support that they need while also choosing the path that they take to get that support? Can you imagine a time where students had choice over math games that were tailored to their current instruction in math and to their own math journey? It is possible! Come participate in this interactive workshop and learn how to structure a math differentiated block in your classroom where students are engaged, have choice, and develop a positive math identity by experiencing it through the eyes of a student. Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking03 K-2, 3-5
38Thursday1:40BallroomPamelaSedaEquitable Assessment Strategies: Empowering Every Student's SuccessEquity in education is about ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances. In this session, we will explore how to break free from traditional assessment practices that perpetuate achievement gaps and limit students' potential. Too often, assessments are used to label students rather than to foster learning and growth. These labels can shape students' perceptions of their abilities and limit their achievements. Thissession will introduce you to practical assessment strategies that prioritize student agency, especially for those from marginalized groups. Learn how to use a rubric that not only evaluates proficiency but also offers constructive feedback, helping students identify areas for growth and chart a clear path towards improvement.
39Thursday1:40WentworthSueO'ConnellThe Power of Discovery: Making Sense of Numbers K-2Students develop a deep understanding of numbers through classroom experiences that allow them to explore, visualize, and reflect on number concepts. Gather ideas for simple investigations that prompt students to notice patterns, discover insights, and make sense of critical number concepts. Explore a variety of math tasks that use models and math talk to build conceptual understanding, fluency, and number sense.
Sponsored by hand2mind
40Thursday2:45BallroomLatrendaKnightenCelebrating 10 Years of Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All!For ten years, Principles to Actions has served as a foundation and blueprint for all educators for providing high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student. Let’s celebrate the ten-year impact this publication has had on teaching and learning of mathematics and discuss how educators can continue to use this resource to make math accessible for ALL learners.GI
41Friday 8:15BallroomKenWilliams Start With The Crown, Not with the Kid: Moving School Culture from Pity to PromiseGreat teachers hold above the head of their students, a crown they challenge them to grow tall enough to wear. Engaging collaborative teams is a powerful combination of mindset and practice that should be embedded in the DNA of every school’s culture. In Start With The CROWN, Ken Williams makes clear what instructional equity looks like in practice, how it works in concert with RTI, and delivers on the promise of high levels of learning for all students. Learners will leave understanding how to move equity from ambiguous to actual; from theory to practice!
42Friday9:40AmherstBrandon PelterA Real Approach to Algebra I: Engaging Strategies to Engage Students with Unfinished LearningHow do I reach my students when they don’t have their basic math facts? This session will share strategies on how to elevate your Algebra I classroom into a space where all learners can make sense of the math, regardless of learning gaps. Attendees will experience examples of how real-world contexts, modeling, and meaningful problem solving allow students to access important algebraic concepts like rate, interpreting graphs, and writing linear functions.

While examples will pertain to Algebra I, strategies shared apply to all math classrooms.
Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking08 9-12
43Friday9:40ConwayBenGalluzzoKaylaBlyman?? An invitation to enhance your classroom with real world math modelsThe Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications ( is an education nonprofit with over 40 years experience supporting teachers with a focus on increasing student proficiency in mathematical modeling. In addition to introducing attendees to the extensive suite of free materials available to teachers and describing our modeling competitions for middle and high school students, attendees will experience mathematical modeling first-hand with some math activities based in the real-world. Let's answer the perennial student question, "When am I ever gonna use this?"Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication07 6-8, 9-12
44Friday9:40WindhamPattyTedfordCreating Dynamic Communities of Young Mathematicians, New Tools for TeachersExplore how sequences of low-floor, high ceiling investigations and the use of problem strings crafted to ensure progressive development for all students K-5 can elevate your students problem solving skills and promote procedural fluency. We will explore research-based learning trajectories, low-floor high ceiling investigations, and dynamic assessments that pick up students’ strategies, not just answers, leading to the provided if/then teaching implications. We will enter real classrooms via New Perspectives Online professional development platform to see it all in action and to study aspects of how to build communities of young mathematicians working and thinking.
45Friday9:40BalsamJessicaJacquesMathematics in Action: Turning Thinking Tasks into Practical SolutionsThis session brings to life some of the principles outlined in Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics by Peter Liljedahl. Participants will experience a variety of math thinking tasks guided by instructional moves to elicit student insights into various math concepts. Through exploration and discussion, participants discover how a well-implemented task can seamlessly align with both non-curricular and specific curriculum goals. By the end of the session, participants will leave with some practical ideas and strategies that they can readily implement in their classrooms.Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking02 3-5
46Friday9:40HollisKarenaCartenNicoleBridgeShifting from Learning Math to Doing Math - The Power of SMP 4What does it mean to model WITH math? How is it that different from modeling the math in word problems? And why does it matter? In this session, we help to clarify the often confusing language of Mathematical Practice #4, and explore how we can harness students’ curiosity and use mathematics to explore questions and problems from the world outside our classrooms.Awakening Student Agency: Problem SolvingGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
47Friday9:40ChesterfieldKenyaOvertonUsing Hip-Hop Based Education to Awaken Student AgencyHip-Hop culture often is not associated with a high-quality educational experience for students. Yet, research has shown that using cultural experiences and perspectives of diverse students can teach them more effectively. Hip-Hop Based Education (HHBE) has proven to increase engagement, achievement, and classroom community. This interactive workshop focuses on ways to use HHBE as an alternative approach where honoring Hip-Hop culture and mastering mathematical concepts coexist in classrooms. Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12, College, Coach/School Leaders
48Friday9:40BedfordMarria CarringtonEarly Numeracy is Critical: Make an impact!K-2 is a critical time for math learners. This session supports teachers and leaders with key early numeracy content by viewing videos of student thinking in the domain of addition and subtraction and number words and numerals. Interview assessment strategies are examined to ensure that teachers identify knowledge each student has in order to build on it. Key instructional techniques like distancing the setting will be examined to ensure students are moving forward in their understanding in a robust manner.
Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking01 K-2, Coach/School Leaders
49Friday9:40PortsmouthOrly BuchbinderValerieFayRuthmaeSearsRe-envisioning the teaching and learning of geometry with technologyHow can we make students excited about geometry? This session will present state-of-the-art, research-based approaches to teaching and learning of geometry. We will explore innovative types of tasks and a variety of technological tools: Dynamic Geometry, Digital Proof, and AI-based tools for making geometry concepts and proofs appealing to all students. Please bring a laptop/tablet. Together we will re-envision geometry teaching to make it exciting and fulfilling for everyone.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving9-12, College, Coach/School Leaders
50Friday9:40BallroomLatrendaKnightenWindows and Mirrors: Implementing Teaching Practices that Build Students’ Mathematical IdentitiesIn a student-centered mathematics classroom, students should have the opportunity to see themselves as doers of mathematics (mirrors) as well as view real-world connections to mathematics (windows). Windows and mirrors in the mathematics classroom allow students to develop positive attitudes about mathematics and build strong mathematical identities. Attend this session to learn practical strategies for building and nurturing students’ mathematical identities.
51Friday9:40WentworthChaseOrtonIt's Time We Fix The Leaky Roof (And Stop Looking For More Buckets)Professional development has been broken for decades - and will continue to be broken until we disrupt the institutional norms that erode teacher agency. I'm inviting all of us - classroom teachers and those who support their learning - to embark on a journey to create the teacher-centered culture of professional learning we need to thrive as imperfect and unfinished teachers. It's time that we learn how to direct our own professional growth, individually and collectively, so we can seize control of our teaching legacy and the math stories we leave behind in this world.
52Friday10:45HollisAngieMeredithElevating Early Numeracy: Learning Progressions and Math Centers in ActionExperience numeracy games and hands-on activities that are designed to transform the way students engage with number and operation concepts. Learn how to incorporate a three-step learning progression to ensure that the center activities you use are not only educational but also developmentally appropriate and tailored to meet the unique needs of every learner. Discover how to make math fun, engaging, and meaningful for students during center time. Silver Sponsor Session hand2mindAwakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking03 K-2, 3-5
53Friday10:45PortsmouthBenWinchellNo Tears Tiered Support: A Structure for Assessment Review & CollaborationLooking for a way to ignite assessment review and student math talk? Through this presentation, educators will be exposed to scientifically backed and researched methods for improving student collaboration, communication, and justification. Participants will learn about Personal Reasoning Time, Structured Student Talk, and Tiered Checkpoints. Developed through the work of the Better Math Teaching Network, these methods will spark more communication and collaboration for students everywhere.Awakening Student Agency: Communication07 6-8, 9-12
54Friday10:45AmherstChristineKingLetting Learners Lead through Upside-down TeachingHave you ever heard of upside-down teaching? This teaching structure turns the "I do, we do, you do" teaching structure upside-down so that students lead the learning. This session provides participants with a tested, authentic process for implementing an upside-down teaching structure that allows all students to tap into their prior knowledge, collaborate, and show you what they know. Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking04 3-5, 6-8
55Friday10:45WindhamDinaMendolaEmpowering Math Minds: Building Agency for Strong Mental Math Strategies in Addition/Subtraction to 100Get ready to transform your math class and supercharge mental math strategies for addition and subtraction up to 100! In this session, we will explore effective pedagogical approaches by integrating foundational knowledge, various manipulatives, and strategic teacher moves to empower students towards developing robust mental strategies. Participants will gain valuable insights into creating an engaging and supportive learning environment that promotes mathematical fluency and problem-solving skills.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking03 K-2, 3-5
56Friday10:45BedfordIndia WhiteCultural Competency: Providing Equitable Math Instruction Through Cultural RelevanceScores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress suggest that if current educational practices in math classrooms remain the same, the achievement gap between Caucasians and African descent learners will be eliminated by around 217 years. To close the academic achievement gap for all students, teachers must be equipped with methods to conduct equitable instruction that is culturally relevant.

In this session, attendees will learn methods for providing cultural relevance within specific academic settings. Participants will be empowered with strategies that will engage students in a relevant manner as well as acquire pedagogy, perspective, and practices to implement in the math classroom. Sponsored by Savvas Learning Company
Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equality, and InclusionK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
57Friday10:45ChesterfieldKitGolanReading Like MathematiciansDo your students struggle to solve word problems in math class? Learn how to help them read like a mathematician! Three Reads is an instructional routine that builds students' capacity to make sense of word problems by deconsructing the process of reading mathematical situations. We will experience it in action, analyze its structure, and make an action plan for implementing it in our own classrooms.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving04 3-5 6-8
58Friday10:45ConwaySusanZielinskiShaneMacElhineyTransforming High School Math: One School’s Journey towards a Relevant, Student-Centered CurriculumInstead of serving up a Geometry sandwich, can we instead do more for more kids by providing individualized, relevant pathways that help students develop the math skills and mindsets they need for their 21st century careers, lives, and citizenship? Join us to learn how White Mountains Regional High School is redesigning math to foster student agency, increase success for all, and elevate the role of statistics and spreadsheets while preserving an elective path to advanced math. Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion07 6-8, 9-12, College, Coach/School Leaders
59Friday10:45BalsamMelisaMcCainTimBrzezinskiHow We Grade in a Thinking ClassroomChapter 14 of Peter Liljedahl’s Building Thinking Classrooms focuses on how we can effectively grade students in a thinking classroom. Here, we will explore why it is imperative to redesign the traditional grading process while also learning how to transition from points based grading to standards based grading in a painless fashion. In addition, participants will be given a specially made Google Sheet that automates the outcomes based grading process the way Peter describes in his text. Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and InclusionGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, College, Coach/School Leaders
60Friday10:45WentworthKateyArringtonWhat is YOUR question? Creating positive change through the power of the right questionsAre you working on increasing focus on grade-content, working to disrupt unproductive mindsets and practices that inhibit learning, and/or striving to achieve more equitable instructional practices? Brave and bold educators ask good questions that help to create momentum and move work forward. Come to this session to consider how the seemingly simple act of asking thoughtful and intentional questions of yourself, your colleagues, and varied stakeholders drives meaningful change for students.
Friday11:45ShawTimMooreGregSpecial Silver Sponsor Session Imagine Learning:Small Group Targeted Instruction for Math Intervention Join Imagine Learning to learn about one of their many School Services: Small Group Targeted Instruction (SGTI). Our certified teachers deliver online, data-driven small group instruction, ensuring students receive needed support to meet their learning goals. Imagine Learning is currently providing this service to over 3000 students in Massachusetts in partnership with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), so come learn about the success schools are having with Small Group Targeted Instruction (SGTI) to provide math intervention.
61Friday12:30BallroomRachelLambertDesigning from the Margins; UDL + MathIn complex times, how can we design math experiences that provide access for all students in our classrooms? Universal Design for Learning offers a way to design from the margins, looking for ways to reduce barriers for all students. Dr. Lambert will share the research that led to UDL Math, a version of UDL that is specifically designed for mathematics classrooms. Instead of designing based on student deficits, we will investigate beginning with strengths using neurodiversity. We will explore how design and creativity are central to making math classrooms work for students at the margins, particularly students with disabilities and/or multilingual learners.
62Friday1:40BedfordBerniceGermanBalancing equations for struggling Algebra studentsTeachers will be given a week of lessons that will take their students to confidence in balancing equations. We will use hands-on-objects, which will be provided.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12
63Friday1:40PortsmouthDr. DonaldThompson Jr.Integrating Interactive Technology in Math Intervention: Building Concepts of Expressions and EquationsThis 50-minute professional development session is tailored to educators seeking effective strategies for math intervention. It explicitly focuses on the foundational concepts of Expressions and Equations. The session employs an interactive approach integrating technology to provide teachers with dynamic visual tools, thought-provoking questions, and instructional guidance to nurture students' coherent understanding of critical mathematical ideas.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking07 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
64Friday1:40WindhamEllenBrowneAdding a Calculated Dose of Fun to Algebra 2 and Precalculus!This session will explore the innovative uses of technology in Algebra Two and Precalculus classes. With the integration of cutting-edge STEM tools, we can empower students to explore mathematical concepts in a dynamic and interactive way, making abstract algebra and precalculus principles more accessible and engaging. This session will delve into practical applications, demonstrate hands-on activities, and showcase how technology can enhance the teaching and learning experience, ultimately equipping students with the skills they need to excel in these critical math courses. Join me in exploring the potential of these strategies to enhance algebra and precalculus education.Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking08 9-12
65Friday1:40HollisJessicaScandurraRobyn TedescoThinking About Place Value: Guiding Students to Reason and ReflectUnderstanding (or not understanding) place value will follow students along their math journey. Participants will explore the K-2 standards progression while learning ways to guide students to reason about numbers. We will share ways to elicit student thinking to deepen conceptual understanding and avoid common misconceptions. Learn how we have used routines, centers, counting collections, thinking classroom tasks, and assessments to support students to reason and reflect about place value.Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking01 K-2
66Friday1:40AmherstLouisaConnaughtonJennaLaibUsing Formative Assessment to Improve Access to Grade Level Content Ensuring that all students are able to access to grade level content is a critical part of promoting equity in our math classrooms. But how can we truly understand what our students know in order to make purposeful instructional choices? In this session, we will explore a series of high-impact formative assessments and consider how they can help us collect meaningful student data, understand and leverage student strengths, and make intentional decisions about further instruction. Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking03 K-2, 3-5
67Friday1:40ChesterfieldThomasNobili An Exit Slip is Too Late: Reconceptualizing Formative Assessment to Privilege Student ThinkingThis session will provide participants with an opportunity to create shared understanding around the term formative assessment. It will highlight why most of what is referred to as formative assessment gives teachers the information they need long after it is most useful to impact student learning. Additionally,participants will learn which practices are most effective at making the thinking of all students in the class visible and why this is critical in shaping the teacher's response.Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student ThinkingGI K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Coach/School Leaders
68Friday1:40WentworthTJJemisonATMNE Conference EdCamp: Discuss, Listen, Reflect, and LearnEngage in participant-led discussions, where you'll have the freedom to choose topics, share insights, and collaborate with fellow educators. Experience a laid-back, communal learning atmosphere where everyone's voice is valued and ideas are exchanged freely. Come ready to co-create and explore innovative approaches to math education together!Awakening Student Agency: Problem Solving, Awakening Student Agency: Communication, Awakening Student Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking06 K-2, 3-5, 6-8, Coach/School Leaders
69Friday1:40BalsamWilliamMcKinneyBecksOlthoffConsolidating Thin-Slice ActivitiesThis session is for people interested in exploring the consolidation and note-taking practices of Building Thinking Classrooms further. Participants should have some level of familiarity with thin-slice activities. The session will be divided into two parts. During part 1, participants will participate in a short thin-slice activity and then experience the consolidation and note-taking process. During part 2, facilitators will review the multiple approaches they use to consolidate lessons and how these practices can help students form study habits that promote self-efficacy.Awakening Student Agency: Elicit Student Thinking08 9-12
70Friday1:40BallroomKenWilliamsRuthless Equity: Creating a Culture of BelongingIn this session, participants will discover the critical role of belonging in ensuring equity for all. Learners will also experience the difference between diversity and belonging and learn a strategy they can implement immediately to deepen belonging for the students/staff they serve.
72Friday1:40WindhamTimBrzezinskiMelisaMcCainSeeing Grading in a Thinking Classroom in ActionThis is a follow-up session to How We Grade in a Thinking Classroom. Here, we will address specific challenges teachers face when starting to put outcomes-based grading into practice (the way Peter Liljedahl describes in Building Thinking Classrooms), and we will explore practical solutions to these. We will also carry out a simulation that dynamically shows this style of outcomes-based grading being put into practice.
71Friday2:45BallroomZakChampagneCentering Student Voice and DiscourseOften, math discussions are centered on one teacher and just a few students. Let's shift the focus and work to create classrooms where all voices are heard and hold value in mathematics discussions. Come play with some math ideas and learn how to ask the right questions, listen to how students really talk and listen to each other, and work to create math classrooms that honor the agency of each and every student. Sponsored by Savvas Learning Company