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PlatformurlPrimary Contact, EmailLegal StructureOpen SourceTech StackBusiness / revenue modelStageFundingTeamSummaryPosts/feedTopics/tagsNotificationsDirectoryProjectsEventsFriend/follow peopleContent/resource libraryChatChat rooms/channelsA/V ChatGeographic mapDecision makingWhitelabelGroup Membership feesMobile webMobile appsAPI integrationsEmail integrationSub-groupsCoursesPublic web site for groups
Acter economical businesesYesTypescript + React.js + GraphQLFree PilotThrough partnershipsWill come back and fill out to the rest asap ->
Beaconthebeaconnetwork.orgjdubin@thebeaconnetwork.orgNon-Profit/501(c)3Most likelyNone yetStewardship Model - Optional, suggested monthly donations from users and supportersIncorporated in January, working on growing network, looking for tech to help.Self-funded so far, looking for additional funding as we move towards revenue model. Myself as President, doing network development and everything else, plus a supportive, diversely talented Board of DirectorsI founded Beacon based on my experiences in community and direct action - the platform is to be a useful utility for connection and real-world involvement. We have no platform yet, just a very specific idea and interest from numerous groups! So I am excited to at last have found folks working towards the same ends. I filled out the features section according to what we know the platform must ultimately have.MaybeYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesOptional
catalist.networkhttps://www.catalist.networkvincent.l.arena@gmail.comCurrently LLC, transition to coop model.heavily relying on no-code/low-codebubbleFreemium, pro feature for groups and individuals.alphafamily/friendssmall group 1-3, in co-development with a handful of community leaders
Trove is a social impact network and collaboration platform which provides knowledge management tools to individuals and communities. Trove’s mission is to connect people to what matters most at the intersection of our personal and collective goals. The platform helps people find information when they need it, through filterable directories of things like people, projects, events, and opportunities. Trove acts as a shared library that aggregates information from multiple sources and allows data to be easily found and shared not only within but across groups and networks.
possibly in future, with constraintsemantic tagspossibly in future, with constraintYESyesyesyesyesnononoyesnobeen requested, atm noyesnoyes, just not documented yet. inviting collaborations here.someyesnoyes
Co-op Sourcecoopsource.orgalan@coopsource.orgCurrently just sole proprietor. Targeting Trade Association PBC organized as a Co-opCo-op SourceSome web (React, Node, etc) VR collaboration environment under development (OpenXR, Unity, WebXR, etc)Membership, donations, crowd fundingBootstrapping alpha stageSelf funded/bootstrapFounder (passion project) + part time project managerPrimary goal is to promote and support the use of cooperative principles for governance of technology focused projects. Two main subgoals are 1) develop an array of software licenses, operating agreements, bylaws and other legal constructs that focus on cooperative software development and 2) support the formation and building of software/tech cooperatives by building a distributed multiverse in XR/VR for collaboration, design, implementation and maintenance of software projects. Key principles include autonomy and self-governance, minimizing dependencies on outside non-cooperative organizations, services and products, and the promotion of cooperation among cooperatives.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesPossiblyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Countablecountable.combart@countable.comC CorpPartialRails / Ember.JSSaaS PlatformScaling / LiveBootstrapped + VC Funding30+Bart is the founder and CEO of Countable, a Community-as-a-Service platform for engaging stakeholders around brand purpose and social impact programs. Brands such as Levi’s, Uber, PG&E, DoorDash, and more use Countable’s proven white-label technology and deep expertise in impact campaigning, coalition-building, and digital organizing to drive measurable, world-changing outcomes. A long-time digital media executive and advisor to civic engagement organizations, Bart founded and built a number of startups including SideReel (acquired by Tivo), and is a Strategic Advisor for the Center for Responsible Leadership..YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYesYes - StripeYes - Mobile Web and/or App PlatformYesYes - ZapierYes - MailchimpYes - Private / Public / HybridYesYes
Crowdpol/Kamooni owned by the Swedish NGO Syntropi. Partially, longer term open source is a given.WP, building with some proprietory plug-ins. Adding voting, matchmaking, polls, petitions, propositions and delegation. Integrating an open source map. Free with premium option and potential for brokerage fees. Beta, softlauncing in Jan for test pilots. Hard launch Sep 15.Private donations. Approximately 200k USD over the last three years. Launching crowdfunding in Q1, goal 200k USD and 10 000 premium members.One project manager, a part time CTO, four devs part time, one AD part time and a number of volunteers and content contributors.Crowdpol, soon to be rebranded Kamooni, is a pro-social network built around liquid democracy, social/environmental activism coordination tools (think "dating site for changemakers") and crowdfunding to support community projects. Focus on interface to prototype a numbers of concepts to see what works in order to create a self-regulating ecosystem. From here we'll rebuild or use wichever open surce option is most suitable. We are currently using WP and a modified version of BuddyBoss for the social features, so we cannot take credit for building most what is listed to to the right. However, WP allows rapid prototyping, which is our foucus for 2021, along with building a member base/network.YesYesYesYesQ1 2021Q1 2021YesYesYesYesYes, Zoom integration an optionYesQ1 2021NoOptionalSomewhatPlanned in 2021WP APIYesYesPlugin to be integrated in 2021Yes
droplethttps://droplet.socialcontact@droplet.socialLLCLooking to develop with open source and interoperabilityCurrently evaulating tech stack options as we are in the framework design phasetrial, membership subscription, donations, crowd funding, etc.In discussion with developers about stack approach, costs, timelines, etc.Personally funded, hoping to move to crowdsourced and then on to subscription and local ads marketplace, etc.Sara & DK Karnoscakdroplet - is community focused, ethically driven. Looking to be a digital framework/utility in which communities can establish, grow and thrive without being co-opted or hi-jacked and subjected to social engineering, behavior modication, monetization, etc.YesYesOpt inYesMaybe but not Day 1Maybe but not day 1YesYesYesYesNot day 1In talks with developersYesYesUndecidedYesYesYes?Not day 1
Factr, DE corp. B-lab certification in process. Exploring shift to new entity: co-op, stewardship, exit-to-community.Original build was proprietary. Now looking to rebuild using interoperable modular components wherever possible.React/Redux + React Native + Django + NodeJS + Celery + PostgreSQL + Redis + ElasticSearch + AWS + APIsFreemium subscription: upgrades for features and storage. Group packages for orgs and enterprise. On roadmap: p2p transactions (fees 0-10%), inc. sale of content to audience, charge for group membership, etc.Public Beta. Steady use by many individuals, some self-formed groups, more formal work teams, and several orgs. $500+k convertible notes and loans; $50+k crowdfund subscription campaign; plus founder investment. Minor ongoing subscription income. Seeking $1m funding pending decision on legal-structure change.7+ collaborators, not all full-time. Weak on in-house tech, currently outsourcing most development. Factr is a place to gather, organize, create, and share content that matters; an ad-free, productivity-friendly, ethical alternative to the constant distraction and surveilance of the attention economy, Factr is built to give its members complete control of what they see, what they show, what they save, and what they share.Post anything: text, images, links, files, audio, video, etc. Feed: no blackbox algorithm, just custom filters to choose what you see.YesYesYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoDeveloped, currently off-linePrototypedPossible in futureYesYes, needs workiOS, Android RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Google Alerts, more to comePush email digests; email in coming late 2021YesSomeOptional
GISCollectivegiscollective.comhello@giscollective.comInformal. YesDLang + Node + Ember + otherFree, you can install it on your own serversWe have a stable platform, and we release new features every monthPersonal fundingSmall teamOpen source platform for collecting, managing and publishing geo dataNoYesSome, we need more feedbackyesyesnoPartialnononoyesnoyesyesyessoonyesyesnonoyes
HyloHylo.comTibet Sprague
TBD. Right now partially owned by Holo and by Terran in a for-proft / non-proft hybrid YesNode + React + React Native + PostgreSQL + GraphQL APIsFree. Current plan to fund through donations from users, transaction tips on the platform, and supoprt and consulting fees"Beta", early adopters only using it (dozens of communities). Pre-income, looking for funding through philanthropy. Currently wrapping up a partnership with OpenTEAM that has funded our team over the last 9 months. Looking to raise larger philanthropic donations this year ($1 - $2 million), have our first donor in this "round" secured at $100k. Stewarded by the Terran Collective. Currently 10 people are working on Hylo, hope to grow to 12-15 by end of 2022Social coordination for a thriving planet. Community collaboration, communication and social networking. Particular focus on how communities cooperate better both internally and with each other, as well as placed based organizing. Intend to be a fully integrated portal for all communities and orgs. Full strategy docYesYesYesYesMinimal feature set, more comingYesNoNoIndividual and GroupNoNoYesNoPartialQ3 2022YesYesPartialYesYesNo2022
Idealoomidealoom.orgmaparent@conversence.comCompany, acting as a BCorp but cannot be certified due to lack of revenue.YesPostgres/ Python(SqlAlchemy+Pyramid)/ Marionette (old decisions!) plus JSON-LD exportYou can install it, or pay for accounts on my server. Discounts for coop/nonprofit. Most revenue from custom developmentHas been used in production, but still adding features which are of course not yet battle-tested.Initial project was funded, the development team (including me) left over divergent objectives, this is my fork (self-funded) trying to make it more bottom-up. One developer currently.Based on a WebForum (can be backed by a mailing list) but also create a thematic outline from emerging concepts in the forum. Keep 2-way links between the conversation and the synoptic/symbolic view of the outline. Outline can have IBIS structure for decisions making, and publication cycles (private drafts)YesYesYesNoThe outline nodes can be projectsNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYeslimitedYes, unless you hostlimitednoREST, JSON-LDYesLimited. The thematic outline is nested and naturally defines subgroups. But no subgroup privacy yet, or narrowcasting.NoYes
JLINCJim Fournier
MAPSteve Melville
MetamapsMetamaps.ccishanshapiro@gmail.comInformal. Developed within a prototype Open Value NetworkYesGracefully degrading, but will likely need significant refactoring to develop future releases.Free for all who request an invitation.Perpetual beta, in use for ~7 years by a small but dedicated user baseSmall grants in early stage development. No significant funding except our dreamsStewarded & maintained by a small group. No active development is a free and open source web platform that supports real-time sense-making and distributed collaboration between individuals, communities and organizations.

Using an intuitive graph-based interface, helps map out networks of people, ideas, resources, stories, experiences, conversations and much more. The platform is evolving for a range of applications amidst a growing network of designers, developers, facilitators, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and artists.
NoYesYesYesNoNoYesGroupYesYesNoYesNoSomewhatNoRESTful APIYesMetamaps is topic-based, rather than group-based at this stageNoYes
Noo Network
OpenGreenMapnew.opengreenmap.orginfo@greenmap.orgInformalYesDLang + Node + Ember + otherFree, you can install it on your own serversWe have a stable platform, and we release new features every monthGreen Map System's donorsGIS Collective + Green Map + MapmakersThink global, map local! OGM2 is Green Map's open source platform for collecting, managing and publishing geo data focused on local sustainable living, nature, culture and social justice. Built by the GIS Collective. The Green Map Icons can be mixed with other icons, as locally determined. NoYesSome we need moreyesyesnoPartialNonononoyesnononoyessoonyesyes28 Green Maps so farnoyes
Sphaera LLC governed as worker cooperative.Not currently (but interested in open source modules + public API on roadmap for 2022)Current: Postgresql + Ruby on Rails.

Beta: Postgresql + MongoDB, Go, Swagger, Next.js
Freemium. White Label + Contests is paid as license and one-off fee, respectively.Public since 2016, new version is in private beta.Originally funded by MercyCorp, Oxfam, Rockefeller, and EcoTrust, then revenue funded. Sphaera is now stewarded within the Armillaria team, which has 7 core staff, and additional contractors + contributors on an as needed basis.The social value chain is broken—the international development industry is fragmented; dominated by bilateral, siloed, project-based financing that rewards outputs over outcomes; and characterized by misaligned incentives that keep practitioners from collaborating with each other. The Sphaera accelerates sustainable development by empowering seamless aggregation, sharing, and implementation of interventions to solve planetary problems. YesTesNoYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoYes (Beta)NoYesNoYes (Beta)NoYes (Beta)NoNoNoYes (Beta)
Tru Socialtru.netJim Fournier, jim@tru.netTru Social Inc. is a CA benefit corpsome modulesNode + Go + Preact + PostgreSQL + JLINC + DIDs + APIsFreemium for organizations initially. Scalable GDPR data solution for Fortune 5000Beta, in discussion with multiple organizations and networksFunded by founder $500k to date, raising $1.5m from impact angelsTru has 2 dedicated outreach and shares JLINC staff, 3 in Dev plus design, personal data privacy, outreach and sales in UK, NY, Toronto, 15+ people. Tru traces its lineage back to the whitepaper in 2000. Tru is a social graph of organizations where people connect to each other in real social groups. JLINC and DID-based identity and posts offer the potential for truly decentralized interoperation between separate networks at diffent domains. YesYesQ1 2021YesNoNoNoNoTelegramNoNoNoVotingQ2 2021NoYesQ3 2021working on documentationsomeYes, and the working architecture is infinitely cross nestedNoYes
Tech / / aselo.orgsteve@techmatters.orgNon-Profit/501(c)3Yesvaries; React + Django + GraphQLFree, moving to Freemium and other modelsAselo: deployed help lines in multiple countries
Terraso: beta
Various foundations and others; see web siteTech Matters has 20+ people with more than half working on development teams; HQ in Silicon Valley, but distributed teamSOLVING A SOCIAL PROBLEM IS THE GOAL
The breadth of challenges faced by humanity and the planet today can be daunting. We help non-technical social change leaders understand what tech can and can’t do for them. We then build the tech solutions to raise the game of an entire social sector field, by providing better tools and data useful for both program improvement and measuring impact.