Common NameLatin NameSun or ShadeHeight X WidthSoil moistureBloom Color / TimeZone DescriptionBenefits
Common YarrowAchillea millefoliumFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, June-Sept.4-8Prolific small white umbel blooms, easy to grow.High Pollinator Value, Medicinal
Maidenhair FernAdiantum pedatumPart-Full Shade2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilGreen2-8Delicate, beautiful native fern. Slowly spreading. Deer Resistant, Hig Value Home Garden
Anise HyssopAgastache foeniculumFull-Part Sun3' H x 1' WMedium SoilPurple, June-Sept3-6Beautiful flower spikes, prolific, self seeding, slowly spreading. Edible and medicinal.Bees, birds. Deer reissitan. High Value Home Garden
Purple Giant HyssopAgastache scrophulariaefoliaFull-Part Sun6' H x 2' WMedium SoilPurple, July-Oct3-8Larger Agastache species. Tall Purple flower spikes. Aromatic medicinal and edible.Bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Nodding OnionAllium cernuumFull-Part Sun18" H x 12" WMediumPurple, July-Aug3-8Onion species pom-pom flowers droop downward. Unique bloom. Bees. Deer resistant.
Prarie OnionAllium stellatumFull-Part Sun14" H x 8" WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, July-Aug3-8Upright beautiful pom-pom allium blooms. Drought tolerant. Bees. Deer resistant.
Saskatoon ServiceberryAmelanchier alnifoliaFull-Part Sun6'-18' H x 8' WWet-Medium SoilWhite, April-June2-7Multi-stemmed woody shrub with delicious berries. Edible, medicinal. Bees. birds.
Lead PlantAmorpha canescensFull-Part Sun3' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, June-Aug3-8Beautiful dusty flower spikes. Drought tolerant, slow growing legume.Bees, butterflies. Deer resistant.
Pearly EverlastingAnaphalis margaritaceaFull-Part Sun2' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, June-Sept.2-7White mounding blooms. Dusty white foliage. Garden edge use.Butterflies. Deer resistant.
Big BluestemAndropogon gerardiiFull-Part Sun7' H x 3' WMedium-Dry SoilJune-Sept3-9Large, spreading native prairie grass. Warm season growth. Purple stems.Insects, birds. Deer resistant
Little BluestemAndropogon scopariusFull-Part Sun3' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilJuly-Oct3-9Shortgrass prairie plant. Somewhat compact. Beautiful blueish-green mounding stems. Insects, birds. Deer resistant
Canadian AnemoneAnemone canadensisFull-Part Sun12" H x 12" WMediumWhite, May-June3-8A great native groundcover! A quicker spreader, by root and seed.
Pasque FlowerAnemone patens wolfgangianaFull-Part Sun6" H x 12" WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, April-May3-6Drought tolerant prairie flower. Very early bloom with stunning flowers. Compact.Bees. Deer resistant.
Tall ThimbleweedAnemone virginanaFull Sun-Full Shade3' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, June-Aug3-8Long lasting white delicate flowers. Woodland species. Upright habit.Deer resistant.
Rue AnemoneAnemonella thalictroidesPart-Full Shade6" H x 6" WMedium-Dry SoilPink, April-June4-9Delicate, compact woodland ephemeral. Early blooms.
PussytoesAntennaria plantaginifoliaFull-Part Sun12" H x 6" WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, April-June3-8Great native ground cover for dry areas. Dusty foliage. Spreading habitInsects. Deer resistant.
ColumbineAquilegia canadensisFull Sun-Full Shade24" H x 18" WMedium-Dry SoilRed, April-June3-8A versatile native for a wide range of sun and soils. Early insect nectar plant. Stunning delicate flowersBees, insects. Deer resistant
Prairie SageArtemesia ludovicianaFull-Part Sun3' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilGreen, July-Sept3-7Dusty gray-green foliage. Spreading, colonizing plant, drought tolerant. Native ceremonial usage. MedicinalDeer resistant
Wild GingerAsarum canadenseFull Shade6" H x 12" WMediumRed, April-June3-7Attractive shade ground cover with unique early red blooms. EdibleInsects. Deer resistant
Rose MilkweedAsclepias incarnataFull-Part Sun4' H x 3' WWet-Medium SoilPink, June-Aug3-9Large dusty rose blooms. Monarch host. Prefers damp areas.Bees, butterflies, birds. Deer resistant
Showy MilkweedAsclepias speciosaFull Sun4' H x 3' WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, June-Aug3-9Similar to Common Milkweed, but less agressive. Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds. Deer resistant
Sullivant's MilkweedAsclepias sullivantiiFull Sun3' H x 2' WMediumPurple, June-Aug3-7Similar to Common Milkweed, but less agressive, more compact. Prefers medium soil Bees, butterflies. Deer resistant.
Common MilkweedAsclepias syriacaFull-Part Sun3' H x 3' WMedium-Dry SoilPink, June-Aug3-8Iconic native. Critical for Monarch butterflies. Spreading by roots. Bees, butterflies, birds. Deer resistant
Butterfly MilkweedAsclepias tuberosaFull-Part Sun2' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilOrange, June-Aug3-9Distinctive orange Milkweed. Dry sandy soil loving. Late to emerge.Bees, butterflies, birds. Deer resistant
Whorled MilkweedAsclepias verticillataFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, July-Sept3-9Distinct whorled leaves. Delicate and compact Milkweed.Insects, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Heart-Leaved AsterAster cordifoliusPart-Full Shade3' H x 2' WMedium SoilBlue, Sept-Oct3-9A great Aster for the shade! Prefers dappled woodland habitat to deeper shade. Many beautiful flowers.Butterflies, bees, birds.
Smooth Blue AsterAster laevisFull-Part Sun4' H x 2' WMedium SoilBlue, Aug-Oct3-9A slower spreading and somewhat clumping Aster. A little more compact and upright for the garden.Butterflies, bees, birds.
Calico AsterAster lateriflorusFull Sun-Full Shade2' H x 2' WMedium SoilPurple/White, Aug-Oct3-9A compact, and more multicolored Aster species. Can do well in deeper shade than most. Butterflies, bees, birds.
New England AsterAster novae-angliaeFull-Part Sun5' H x 3' WWet-Medium SoilPurple, Aug-Oct3-8One of the largest Asters, covered in deeper purple blooms. Needs space. Suitable for most Rain Garden sites. Remove seed head in late fall, in smaller spaces.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Aromatic AsterAster oblongifoliusFull-Part Sun24" H x 18" WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, Aug-Nov3-8A clumping and trailing Aster. Drought tolerant. Late blooming and prolific. Can be used in borders and planters. Butterflies, bees, birds.
Sky Blue AsterAster oolentangienseFull-Part Sun3' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilBlue, Aug-Oct3-8Similar to Smooth Aster, but highly drought tolerant. Clumping and upright in form. Butterflies, bees, birds.
Lady FernAthryium felix feminaFull Sun-Full Shade1' H x 1' WWet-Medium SoilGreen3-8A slower spreading compact fern. Prefers moisture and can take an array of sun. Ideal for woodland gardens.
White Wild IndigoBaptisia albaFull-Part Sun4' H x 4' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, June-July4-9Tall flower spikes and gray, wispy, pea-like foliage. Clumping in form. Butterflies, birds, bees. Deer resistant
Blue Wild IndigoBaptisia australisFull-Part Sun4' H x 3' WMedium SoilBlue, May-July4-9Iconic and most widely used Baptisia. Indigo flowe spikes in early summer. Clumping and shrub like. Butterflies, birds, bees. Deer resistant
Cream Wild IndigoBaptisia bracteataFull-Part Sun2' H x 3' WMedium-Dry SoilCream, May-June4-9A more compact, clumping Baptisia species. For use in smaller spacesButterflies, birds, bees. Deer resistant
Blue GramaBouteloua gracilisFull-Part Sun1' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilGreen/Blue, July-Sept3-10Warm season, clumping, and compact grass. Drought tolerant. Beautiful bluish-purple seed heads in Summer.Butterflies. Deer resistant.
Clustered Poppy MallowCallirhoe triangulataFull-Part Sun1' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilPink, July-Sept4-8A beautiful trailing native, good for rock gardens and planters. With deep pink blooms this is also called Wine Cups. Drought tolerant.
Tall BellflowerCampanula americanaPart-Full Shade5' H x 2' WMedium SoilBlue, July-Oct3-8A later blooming shade biennial, that will reseed itself. Bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Common Oak SedgeCarex pensylvanicaFull Sun-Full Shade12" H x 12" WMedium-Dry SoilApril-June3-7A compact, clumping, drought tolerant native grass! Prefers a woodland shady setting. Slowly spreading.
Partridge PeaCassia fasciculataFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilYellow, July-Sept4-9Fine pea-like foliage, and delicate blooms. Annual that will self seed in, mass plantings.Butterflies, birds, bees. Deer resistant.
Indian PaintbrushCastilleja coccineaFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium SoilRed, May-June3-8A delicate prairie biennial. Needs symbiotic prairie grasses to thrive. Plant with: Little Bluestem, Blue Grama, Prairie Dropseed, or June Grass.Butterflies, birds.
New Jersey TeaCeanothus americanusFull-Part Sun3' H x 3' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, June-Aug3-9A small woody shrub. White pom-pom blooms. Edible leaves, dried for tea. Butterflies, bees, birds.
TurtleheadChelone glabraFull Sun5' H x 3' WWet-Medium SoilWhite, July-Sept3-8Unique wite flower spikes. Upright, moisture loving plant.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Sand CoreopsisCoreopsis lanceolataFull Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilYellow, May-Aug3-9Drought tolerant sandy, prairie native. Dead head flowers for long season blooms. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Prairie CoreopsisCoreopsis palmataFull-Part Sun2' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilYellow, June-Aug3-8Delicate and will fill in over time. Mass planting and borders. Dead head for long blooms.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Red-Osier DogwoodCornus sericeaFull-Part Sun10' H x 5' WWet-Medium SoilWhite, June-Sept.3-7Medium wood shrub fairly fast growing. Beautiful red stems. Rain Garden and hedge plant. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
White Prairie CloverDalea candidaFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, June-Sept.3-7Delicate prairie native. Drought tolerant. Mass plantings. Intersting thimble shaped flower.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Purple Prairie CloverDalea purpureaFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, July-Sept3-8Delicate prairie native. Drought tolerant. Mass plantings. Intersting thimble shaped flower.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Tall LarkspurDelphinium exaltatumFull Sun4' H x 3' WMedium SoilPurple, July-Aug4-8Large Delphinium flower spikes attract Hummingbirds. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Midland Shooting StarDodecatheon meadiaFull-Part Sun12" H x 12" WMedium SoilPink, April-June4-8Spring prairie ephemeral, with delicate flowers on shoots. Mass plantings.
Narrow-leaved ConeflowerEchinacea angustifoliaFull Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilPink, June-July4-9A drier prairie Echinacea, with thinner leaf petals, and a more compact plant. Drought tolerant. Medicinal.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Pale Purple ConeflowerEchinacea pallidaFull-Part Sun3' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilPink, June-July3-8Like well drained soils. Drought tolerant. A drooping petaled echinacea, paler in color. MedicinalButterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Bush's ConeflowerEchinacea paradoxaFull-Part Sun3' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilYellow, June-Aug3-8Native to the Ozarks, the only straight-native Yellow Echinacea.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Purple ConeflowerEchinacea purpureaFull-Part Sun4' H x 2' WMedium SoilPurple, July-Sept4-8Iconic prairie native. A must-grow. Tallest of the Echinaceas, deeper purple color as well. Pairs with many native plants. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Rattlesnake MasterEryngium yuccifoliumFull Sun4' H x 2' WMedium SoilWhite, July-Sept. 4-9Thistle-like globes, spikey yucca-like foliage. Drought tolerant and upright when established. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
MistflowerEupatorium coelestinumPart Sun2' H x 2' WMediumBlue, Sept-Oct5-9Delicate pillowy/misty flowers. Will spread, suitable for mass woodland plantings. Likes dappled sun.Insects. Deer resistant.
Joe Pye WeedEupatorium maculatumFull-Part Sun6' H x 3' WWet-Medium SoilPink, July-Sept3-8Tall wet meadow native. Pairs well in mass plantings with native sunflowers and Silphiums. Dusky magenta umbel shaped blooms are great for insects. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
BonesetEupatorium perfoliatumFull-Part Sun4' H x 2' WWet-Medium SoilWhite, July-Sept3-8A white flowering Eupatorium, little umbel flower is great for pollinators. MedicinalButterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Blanket FlowerGaillardia aristataFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilRed/Yellow, July-Sept3-8Multi-colored stunning blooms. Drought tolerant. Somewhat compact, suitable in mass plantings, borders, containers. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Wild GeraniumGeranium maculatumFull Sun-Full Shade12" H x 12" WMedium SoilPurple, April-July3-8Great foliage, a reliable and versatile ground cover. Loves woodland light, but can thrive in sun too. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Prairie SmokeGeum triflorumFull-Part Sun8" H x 8" WMedium-Dry SoilPink, April-June3-7Smokey reddish stems, delicate flowers. Drought tolerant. Good in mass plantings. Slowly spreading. Bees. Deer resistant.
Maximillian SunflowerHelianthus maximilianiFull-Part Sun7' H x 4' WMedium SoilYellow, Aug-Sept3-9Tall spreading prairie sunflower. Needs space. Beautiful towers of flowers.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Downy SunflowerHelianthus mollisFull-Part Sun5' H x 3' WMedium SoilYellow, Aug-Sept3-9Tall spreading prairie sunflower. Needs space, agressive. Beautiful towers of flowers. Blueish downy foliage. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Early SunflowerHeliopsis helianthoidesFull-Part Sun5' H x 3' W'Medium SoilYellow, June-Sept3-8An early yellow prairie flower. Spreading. Beautiful daisy-like flowers.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Prairie AlumrootHeuchera richardsoniiFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilGreen, May-June3-8A clumping native Heuchera species! A great native foliage plant. Tallish flower stalks
Rose MallowHibiscus laevisFull-Part Sun5' H x 2' WWet-Medium SoilPink, July-Sept4-9Tall, native hibiscus flowers. Prefers damp soil, great rain garden plant. Late to emerge.Birds. Deer resistant.
Northern Blue FlagIris versicolorFull-Part Sun3' H x 1' WWet-Medium SoilBlue, May-July3-9A knockout native Iris. Likes it damp. Beautiful Rain Garden choice.Deer resistant.
Path RushJuncus tenuisFull-Part Sun12" H x 8" WMedium-Dry SoilJune-Sept2-9A native grass ground cover. Drought tolerant, light foot traffic tolerant. Fine, delicate, clumping grass. Birds. Deer resistant.
June GrassKoeleria cristataFull Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilJune-July3-9A full, clumping grass, that stays relatively low. Nice green gray foliage. Cool season growign grass.Birds. Deer resistant.
Meadow Blazing StarLiatris ligulistylisFull-Part Sun5' H x 2' WMedium SoilPurple, Aug-Sept3-7Monarch Magnet! This is the tallest Liatris, and important species for the Monarch's journey. May need staking. Beautiful purple tower of flowers. Butterflies, bees. Deer resistant.
Dotted Blazing StarLiatris punctataFull-Part Sun2' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, July-Aug3-9A drought tolerant Liatris, mor compact then the others. Supports Monarchs and many other insect friends. Butterflies, bees. Deer resistant.
Prairie Blazing StarLiatris pycnostachyaFull-Part Sun4' H x 1' WWet-Medium SoilPurple, July-Sept3-9Beautiful flower spikes, needs some soil moistrure. Thin wispy leaves. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Cardinal FlowerLobelia cardinalisFull-Part Sun4' H x 2' WWet-Medium SoilRed, July-Sept4-9Beautiful red flower spikes. Hummingbird plant. Rain garden. Needs some moisture.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Great Blue LobeliaLobelia siphiliticaFull-Part Sun3' H x 1' WWet-Medium SoilBlue, July-Oct3-9Short lived wet meadow perennial. Stunning blue spikes. MedicinalButterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Ostrich FernMatteuccia struthiopterisFull Sun-Full Shade4' H x 2' WWet-Medium Soil2-8Edible fern. Pick fiddleheads in early spring as they emerge, to eat like an aparagus green. Beautiful larger fern, needs a damp location, and can spread quickly. Birds. Deer resistant.
Virginia BluebellsMertensia virginicaPart-Full Shade2' H x 1' WMedium SoilBlue, April-May3-8A knockout woodland, spring ephemeral. Mass shade planting. Can spread to fill in over time. Likes rich woods soil, slighly damp.Bees. Deer resistant.
Bishop's CapMitella diphyllaPart-Full Shade1' H x 1' wMedium SoilWhite, April-June3-7A slow spreading woodland flower. Delicate flower spikes.
Bradbury's MonardaMonarda bradburianaFull-Part Sun2' H x 2' WMedium SoilPink, June-July5-8A lower growing, clumping Monarda. Aromatic edible leaves. Unique flowers. Butterflies, bees. Deer resistant.
Wild BergamotMonarda fistulosaFull-Part Sun4' H x 3' WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, July-Sept3-9Quintessential native pollinator plant. Will form colonies over time. Prolific bloomer. Edible leaves. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Spotted Bee BalmMonarda punctataFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilWhite, July-Sept3-9A drought tolerant Monarda. Dusky white purple flowers and foliage. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Sensitive FernOnoclea sensibilisFull Sun-Full Shade1' H x 1' WWet-Medium SoilChartreuse Foliage3-9A shorter, spreading fern with larger compound leaves. Bright green.Deer resistant.
Eastern Prickly PearOpuntia humifusaFull-Part Sun6" H x 12" WDry SoilYellow, June-July4-9A native cactus! Dry site, slow growing groundcover. Prefers sand. Edible fruits. Trailing habit. Deer resistant.
Cinnamon FernOsmunda cinnamoneaFull Sun-Full Shade4' H x 3' WWet-Medium SoilBrown, June-August3-9A large, clumping native fern. Sends up cinnamon colored stems with its spores. Stunning vase shaped foliage.Deer resistant.
Foxglove BeardtonguePenstemon digitalisFull-Part Sun4' H x 1' WMedium SoilWhite, June-July4-8A tall spike of many tubular flowers. Great value to insects. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Large Flowered BeardtonguePenstemon grandiflorusFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilPurple, May-June3-8A more compact Penstemon. Large sikes of tubular flowers, attractive to insects.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Wild Blue PhloxPhlox divaricataPart-Full Shade12" H x 12" WMedium SoilBlue, April-June3-8A spreading woodland groundcover with lovely violet blooms. Bees, birds.
Prairie PhloxPhlox pilosaFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium-Dry SoilPink, May-July3-9From white, to pink, to purple. This sun-lovign phlox can vary a good amount. Drought tolerant. Bees, birds.
NinebarkPhysocarpus opulifoliusFull-Part Sun8' H x 6' WMedium SoilWhite, July4-9Beautiful native shrub, with variegated, exfoliating bark. Good habitat for birds. Good hedge plant.Birds.
Obedient PlantPhysostegia virginianaFull-Part Sun4' H x 2' WWet-Medium SoilPink, Aug-Sept3-9Beautiful snapdragon like tubular blooms. Spreading in habit will form mass colonies. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Jacob's LadderPolemonium reptansFull Sun-Full Shade1' H x 1' WMedium SoilBlue, April-June3-8Nice compound foliage, beatiful delicate blooms. Can take full sun in a damp spot, otherwise a great woodland garden choice. Bees. Deer resistant.
Mountain MintPycnanthemum virginianumFull-Part Sun3' H x 2' WWet-Medium SoilWhite, June-Sept3-7A spreading mint family plant. Great benefit to pollinators. Aromatic and edible leaves. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Yellow ConeflowerRatibida pinnataFull-Part Sun5' H x 2' WMedium SoilYellow, July-Sept3-9A tall spreading Coneflower. Iconic prairie plant. Pairs well with native grasses, and Echinaceas.Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Orange ConeflowerRudbeckia fulgidaFull-Part Sun3' H x 2' WMedium SoilOrange, July-Sept3-9Upright spreading coneflowers. Will form large colonies over time, need some moisture. Deadheading will increase bloom time. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Black Eyed SusanRudbeckia hirtaFull-Part Sun2' H x 1' WMedium SoilYellow, June-Oct3-9An iconic shorter Rudbeckia specia. Biennial that will reseed in the secon season forming large colonies. Great in mass plantings. Butterflies, bees, birds. Deer resistant.
Royal CatchflySilene regiaFull-Part Sun4' H x 2' WMedium SoilRed, July-August4-9Red flowering plants tend to attract hummingbirds! And Royal Catchfly is not exception. Beautiful red tower of flowers. Unique species that catches and digests insects. Butterflies, bees, birds.
Cup PlantSilphium perfoliatumFull-Part Sun6' H x 4' WMedium SoilYellow, July-Sept4-8Yellow towers of flowers, attract all sorts of pollinators. Plant this one where you have space, it will spread, and its quite tall! But great for filling in an appropriate area. Mezmerizing multitudes of pollinators will flock. Butterflies, bees, birds.
Prairie Blue-Eyed GrassSisyrinchium campestreFull-Part Sun6" H x 8" WMedium-Dry SoilBlue, May-June3-8A native drought tolerant mini iris! This one is great as a border plant, or in a planter. Bountiful, blue blooms in morningtime. Mass plantings are liked by bees, and humans. Compact and versatile.Bees.
Showy GoldenrodSolidago speciosaFull-Part Sun5' H x 3' WMedium-Dry SoilYellow, Sept-Nov3-8Late season color. Good for the pollinators, and your garden. This is the most stunning of the straight-native goldenrods. Pair with Asters for purple/golden late season stunners. This is a semi-tall, but slow spreading species. Butterflies, bees, birds.
Northern DropseedSporobolus heterolepisFull-Part Sun2' H x 2' WMedium-Dry SoilAug-Oct3-9A beautiful clumping, drought tolerant native grass. Short, drooping, clumps make this an ideal landscaping grass.Birds. Deer resistant.