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1 | Wednesday May 8 (Works in Progress) Gates and Hillman Centers (GHC) - Room 4405 | Track 1: Care, Support, and Labor | Track 2: Sociotechnical Perspectives on Systems and Data | Track 3: Speculations, Futures, and Alternatives | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Early Afternoon (90 min) 2:00- 3:30pm | Facilitator: Cindy Lin Universities, Do You Care?/Surfacing Hidden Networks of Accessibility Support Systems in Universities. [Virtual] Trevor Cross, University of Toronto; Carolyn Ly, University of Toronto; Ishani Pandey, University of Toronto; Adrian Petterson, University of Toronto; Priyank Chandra, University of Toronto ’It’s Not a Daydreaming Center, It’s a School’: Exploring Tensions of Purpose in Hybrid Schooling Anne Jonas, Michigan State University AI Failure Loops in Feminized Labor: Understanding the Interplay of Workplace AI and Occupational Devaluation Anna Kawakami, Jordan Taylor, Sarah Fox, Haiyi Zhu, Kenneth Holstein - all at Carnegie Mellon University | Facilitator: Hong Shen Enabling Dynamic Interfaces for Better Interoperability of Embedded Systems Blaine Rothrock, Northwestern University; Josiah Hester, Georgia Institute of Technology From Puffs to Patterns: Ubiquitous Technology in Mapping E-Cigarette Consumption Yiyang Wang, Georgia Tech; Sheraz Hassan, Georgia Tech; Rishabh Goel, Georgia Tech; Shilin Wang, Georgia Tech; Aditya Gandhi, Georgia Tech; Xuhai Xu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Yaman Sangar, Georgia Tech; Josiah Hester, Georgia Georgia Tech; Alexander Adams, Georgia Tech A Socio-Technical Analysis of Central Bank Digital Currencies [Virtual] Priyanka Verma and Shion Guha from University of Toronto | Facilitator: Carl DiSalvo [Virtual] Fixing the Future: how actually existing smart transit pilots work Vera Khovanskaya, University of Toronto, Udayan Tandon, University of California, San Diego, Sarah Fox, Carnegie Mellon University, Lilly Irani ,University of California, San Diego, Calls For Anticipatory Practices In AI: Shifting From Predicting Social Impacts to Building Capacities To Govern Them Jared Katzman, University of Michigan On (Dis)connectivity: Speculative Scenarios of Internet-Connecting Foot Pedals Richmond Wong, Georgia Tech; Nick Merrill, UC Berkeley; Robert Soden, University of Toronto | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Late Afternoon (90 min) 4:00- 5:30pm | Facilitator: Anne Jonas Couture Logistics Margaret Jack, NYU; Robert Soden, University of Toronto SwampNet: Reflections on building an emergency mesh network for mutual aid disaster relief Jen Liu, Cornell University; Monique Verdin, Bvlbancha Liberation Radio; Nathan Smith, Bvlbancha Liberation Radio Mattering Care in HCI: A Literature Review Adrian Petterson, University of Toronto; Jocelyn Mattka, University of Toronto | Faciltiator: Vera Khovanskaya Data Wagers in Worker Advocacy Research Franchesca Spektor, Carnegie Mellon University; Vera Khovanskaya, University of Toronto; Sarah Fox, Carnegie Mellon University; Jodi Forlizzi, Carnegie Mellon University Designing Data Advocacy to Make the Invisible Work of Home Care Workers Visible [Virtual] Joy Ming, Cornell University; Chit Sum Eunice Ngai, Cornell University; Ella Yitzahki, Cornell University; Jiamin Tu, Cornell University; Ariel Avgar, Cornell University; Madeline Sterling, Weill Cornell Medicine; Aditya Vashistha, Cornell University; Nicola Dell, Cornell Tech People As Data Infrastructures: How Disabled People Shape Identification & Enumeration Infrastructures in India Kim Fernandes, University of Pennsylvania | Facilitator: EunJeong Cheon [Virtual] Postsecular Computing: Religious, Spiritual, and Faith-based Ethics, Politics, and Pluralism in HCI [Virtual] Mohammad Rashidujjaman Rifat, University of Toronto; Dipto Das, University of Colorado Boulder; Dylan Thomas Doyle, University of Colorado Boulder; Nusrat Jahan Mim, Harvard University; Zaidat Ibrahim, Indiana University; Sharifa Sultana, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; C. Estelle Smith, Colorado School of Mines; Jed R. Brubaker, University of Colorado Boulder; Robert Soden, University of Toronto; Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, University of Toronto Speculating Refusal of AI in UX Practices through Participatory Design Workshops Inha Cha and Richmond Wong, Georgia Tech | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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