Club NameTeacher SponsorPrimary Club or Academic Team Contact(s) (First Name, Last Name, Email address(es)Brief Description
Due Amount (if not collecting dues please enter N/A)
Club Meeting Dates, Times, LocationShort Club Video Intro (link)
Academic DecathlonMr. FreundelRaymond, 184060@mcpsmd.netAcademic Decathlon (organized by US Academic Decathlon) is a nationally recognized scholastic competition that includes events in art, economics, literature, mathematics, music, science, and social science. The Churchill Academic Decathlon Team will be competing in state scrimmages, state finals, and nationals (depending on qualification). We will also hold bi-weekly or monthly practices to prepare for competitions. Students from all backgrounds are encouraged to join our team! Feel free to reach out to officers for more information. N/AWe will meet once or twice a month, and all meetings are optional, please contact our officers for more information!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc7P0Dqq_QQ
Academic Team/QuizbowlIan VickeryKevin Peng (churchillqb@gmail.com)Similar to Jeopardy! with teams, quizbowl is competitive trivia that focuses on building knowledge in a fun, social format. Our nationally ranked program fields teams at the regional, state, and national level. In addition, club participants have a chance to appear on TV as part of It's Academic. Contact officers for more information. Discord server link: https://discord.gg/kRDZcunjjCn/aMeetings are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. All meetings are optional, though it is highly recommended that you attend if you wish to improve.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIxDbowVSQ
Aerospace ClubMr HannaJunwoo, 466255@mcpsmd.netAerospace club is a discussion club open to all who are interested in aeronautics and aerospace engineering or space in general. Members will each bring one topic related to aerospace, aeronautics, or space and discuss it with the other members. Aerospace club officers will try to facilitate more discussions by discussing applications (if the topic object is being developed) and its potential results (if the topic object has been deployed). Additionally, officers will notify members of aerospace events that can be attended outside of school hours (ex. rocket launches on the weekends). Ultimately, the aerospace club hopes to foster a supportive community of people dedicated to aerospace. N/AFirst Tuesday of every monthhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1ukEO_EZFm903USfjkYjmeyimhwwqShKp/view?usp=sharing
All Things Music Matthew Kloss Ingrid 473017@mcpsmd.net, Siena 463433@mcpsmd.netAll Things Music is a fun and casual environment for anyone interested in music/pop culture to come to appreciate and contribute to open discussions about various artists, albums, music videos, and other related topics. All music tastes are welcome and a variety of food will be provided at every meeting! noneOnce a month in Mr. Kloss's room (room 222) during lunch
Amnesty InternationalMr. JacobsonParker, 380359@mcpsmd.netOur mission is to achieve a world where human rights are protected no matter where you go. We actively participate in Amnesty International's forums, discussions, letter-writing, and lobbying campaigns on the issues of the death penalty, gun violence, refugees, free speech, fair trials, LGBTQ rights, access to abortion, mistreatment of prisoners, access to healthcare, and political prisoners in countries around the globe. Highlights include the Write for Rights campaign, National Week of Student Action, and several other campaigns this past year. You can expect similar things this year. N/AOnce a month, middle of every month, in Mr. Jacobson’s roomhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/12E38AQLQmUwp9X5X0DiVLc7_uxBrnErw/view?usp=drivesdk
Anime ClubDiana CarterNicolas, 360198@mcpsmd.netAnime club will be about talking about anime, discussing anime, watching anime, and other options.N/ATwice a month on Thursday during 5th period, Room 125None
Archaeology ClubMrs. Perrett Isabel, 131425@mcpsmd.netIn archeology club you are tasked with cleaning, identifying, and then cataloging items found in Riggs Dig Site. You get to learn about certain times and history as you discover new items. N/ARoom 249, 2:30-3:30pm, Wednesdays every monthVideo
Architecture ClubMr. DermontCatherine (President): 470256@mcpsmd.net, Isabel: 131425@mcpsmd.net, Lindsay: 136309@mcpsmd.net, Ava: 248882@mcpsmd.netIn the Architecture Club, members work together and compete in the ACE CIRT Design Competition. We are given multiple prompts to choose one from, and to design a piece of architecture to fulfill that prompt. We also participate in other fun activities, like a National gingerbread house building competition.N/AOne day a week (currently undetermined) during lunch in Room 278 (Mr. Dermont's classroom).https://youtu.be/IXPtlCjzyuA
Artificial Intelligence ClubMr. AchilleTodd, 450010@mcpsmd.netThe purpose of the club is to have a group of people interested in AI to learn about, discuss and create AI. Our weekly lunch meetings will consist of presentations, demonstrations and workshops relating to artificial intelligence.N/AThursdays during Lunch in Room 253https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6ZgyWjxoN4
Autism AllianceMr.LeberVasisht, 446041@mcpsmd.netWe read about the neuroscience behind the neurodevelopment of children with Autism and brainstorm ways to help spread information and awareness about this mental health disorder.n/aThe last Wednesday of every month in Mr. Lebers Class room
Bake-ologyTiffany CarmiTessa 177907@mcpsmd.net, Rachel 128951@mcpsmd.netIn Bake-ology, you will be able to decorate your own cakes and cupcakes, as well as bring in your own homemade recipe.N/AOnce a month during lunch in room 278https://watch.screencastify.com/v/x3i7GssEtw5vsS8QFF7g
Best BuddiesSutherlandSteve SutherlandCreate opportunities for one-to-one friendships, leadership development, and inclusive living for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
naEvery other Tuesday
Bio - Eng (Biological Engineering Club)Dr. RussEmma, Mukerji, 473875@mcpsmd.net, bioengwchs@gmail.comThis club is to gather students interesting in biological engineering or students just interested in how our technology mirrors structures in nature. N/AUndetermined
Biology ClubMr. DoffermyreAmanda 448113@mcpsmd.net, Joey 244532@mcpsmd.net, Jessie (177545@mcpsmd.net)The Churchill Biology Club is committed to providing academic support for students taking all levels of biology, administering the USA Biology Olympiad (USABO) to students, and providing lab experience, internship, and academic opportunities, along with guest speakers, journal clubs, cold-email templates, biology resume building, and more!
N/A other than one optional lab!
Meetings will be once a month, the third Friday of every month, in room 130B during lunch. JOIN OUR GOOGLE CLASSROOM: b5kna5hhttps://youtu.be/O2caU_Asx0E
Black Student Alliance Mrs. DeliTafa 471917@mcpsmd.netBlack Student Alliance is dedicated to creating a space where members can engage in open discussions surrounding black culture, as well as confronting issues that the community faces. This club aims to be a safe, informative space for all its members. N/ATBD
BookishMs. ArthurCaroline 445139@mcpsmd.netBookish is a book club open to all who have a passion for reading and delving into the intricacies of literature! During meetings, members will have the opportunity to discuss the elements of a certain book, from character arcs to writing techniques and more. Discussions will be facilitated by guiding questions created by club officers, though members will also be encouraged to venture outside of these topics. Each book will be divided into three parts spread over the course of six weeks. Through these discussions, Bookish aims to foster an inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortable discussing stories with other book lovers. Find us on Instagram @wchsbookish or email wchsbookish@gmail.com.N/AEvery other Friday at lunch in Room 211
Bulldog BuddiesMrs. Van TassellLauren, 240010@mcpsmd.net; Emma, 472849@mcpsmd.net; Josh, 467394@mcpsmd.netBulldog Buddies works to help kids and families in foster care. We organize and supervise events at the National Center for Children and Families. Some of the events we have organized include assembling backpacks for children who need school supplies, packaging Thanksgiving dinners, and putting together bags of masks for foster families. We hope to continue making a difference in our community as well as creating a bond between Churchill students and the families at NCCF. N/ALunch in room 210
Business and Stock Market ClubMr. KlossSky, 10025795@mcpsmd.netChurchill Business and Stock Market Club's goal is to help students get better at business and the stock market. The club will provide an introduction towards these two subjects in an interesting way that hope to capture their passion for learning about these two subjects. N/AThe club will meet on Tuesdays or Thursdays during lunch. The place we will meet is in room 222.
Chess ClubMr. HannaCarissa ---- 178019@mcpsmd.netThe chess club is mostly as it appears, a club where chess is played. People are able to easily play and instruction is available for those who want it. However, we aren't exactly a strict chess club. Other board games are also accepted and are allowed to be played.N/AWeekly on Thursdays in room 240 during lunch.
Chinese Culture ClubBing LiMingyu 235134@mcpsmd.net​​Chinese Culture Club is dedicated to create awareness and understanding of the Chinese culture, heritage, and identity. We will meet monthly to learn and explore Chinese culture. We will also investigate contemporary issues of modern China, including music, art, film, society, and social issues. It is also an opportunity for students with similar interests to interact and meet new friends. This year, we want to plan events to celebrate different Chinese Holidays, such as the Chinese New Year. In addition to that, we partnered with Anti-Emo, a program built jointly by Chinese students in foreign countries, to offer students instructions on managing negative emotions.N/AEvery other Wednesday or Friday, during lunch, Ms. Li's classroom (260)https://youtu.be/WO9zlivFs2k
Chinese Honor SocietyBing Li (Chinese teacher)Melissa, 443580@mcpsmd.net; Angela 450915@mcpsmd.netChinese Honor Society is an organization that recognizes students that have taken Chinese and have gotten an average grade of a B or higher. This year in CHS, we will focus on donating to Chinese charities, fundraising for important issues facing China today, and learning about Chinese culture. N/AOnce a month, at lunch, in the Chinese classroomhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vr_7zx6M64urzDJb-gS_hTuRdsdFNRYd/view?usp=sharing
Churchill FlockMs. Farsaii Isabel 448813@mcpsmd.net // Lily 449451@mcpsmd.net // Camila 447263@mcpsmd.netWe aim to educate and cultivate a love for birds through informational meetings, bird watching opportunities, and fundraisers to promote the well-being of birds. N/ARoom 148 during the first or second half of lunch, meetings happen at least bimonthly https://www.powtoon.com/s/fPavz0Ukre3/1/m/s
Churchill For ClimateMr. ImperialParker 380359@mcpsmd.netOur mission is to educate our community about climate change and its effects, as well as to work to stop climate change. Every month we present recent news about the climate at our meetings, as well as details about our upcoming fundraising, preservation, or environmental cultivation initiatives. This past year we did a park cleanup, tree planting, a polar plunge for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, as well as volunteer work for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. This year we’re planning to do similar things.N/AFirst Tuesday of the month every other month during lunch, room 214https://share.icloud.com/photos/08djc-4AkTO9M8MMAbw5GBN0A
Churchill For LiteratureMs. Knarr Vivi, 447309@mcpsmd.net and Ava, 126257@mcpsmd.netMain Focus: Volunteer opportunities relating to literacy.
Reading to younger children.
We also will set up a book drive.
We also would like to help support reading initiatives in the local middle schools.
We also plan to promote reading throughout the community by supporting neighborhood libraries.
With the help of the Churchill community, we hope to start a book swap.
Secondary focus is sharing the love of mystery novels with other students.
We plan on reading mystery novels and then having a discussion about the book. We plan to discuss what we think will happen in the book and what might be the solution to the mystery while we are reading.
After reading the book we will discuss what we thought of it and we will have trivia questions and games relating to the books. Students can participate in these games and trivia to win prizes.
N/AWe meet once a month during the beginning half of lunch in Ms. Knarr's room
Churchill NEDA ClubMrs. MarshallSummer, 147416@mcpsmd.netChurchill NEDA Club is a safe space where anyone can join to learn more and participate in eating disorder awareness. Churchill NEDA club will also be working with a nonprofit organization called NEDA. Along with educating people about the different types of eating disorders ands their signs for early detection, intervention, and awareness, we will have events like fundraisers, bake sales, NEDA events, and more. The funds we raise will support vital educational programs and resources; including the NEDA Helpline, which supported over 38,000 people in 2020.N/A The first Wednesday of every month during lunch in room #236 (Mrs.Marshall's room)https://www.wevideo.com/view/2771827961
Classical Latin ClubMr. DoffermyreJoey, 244532@mcpsmd.netThe mission of Latin Club is to explore not only Latin as a language, but learn about other related aspects such as culture, literature, history as well as applications to English in various fields, including biology, law, and medicine. Through a deeper dive of the Roman Republic, members would examine historical figures such as Caesar and Cicero, while learning how to read and write the language in which they spoke. N/AOnce a month at lunch in room 130B
CleanWaters Mr. GoodmanPresident: Catherine - 129407@mcpsmd.net Vice President: Evelyn - 124882@mcpsmd.net Clean Waters Club aims to support individuals who face water scarcity through fundraising and awareness opportunities. At meetings we will discuss the importance of water, the role it plays in our everyday lives, and how we may not even realize the impact water has on our society. We will host fun events, some of which will be SSL eligible, in addition to fundraisers.
Proceeds from our fundraising will go to water.org, among other larger organizations supporting communities facing the water crisis.

Fill out this form to join our club: https://forms.gle/rVqG14Y6nJBaTQPQ8

Join our GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/88139319/CH69ruGu

Make sure to follow us on Instagram @ChurchillCleanWaters to find updates about our activities!
N/A1-2x a month in Mr. Goodman's classroom 226https://www.canva.com/design/DAFH5yrb10E/RMxGL-xDyAYRYQvLwdlyWA/watch?utm_content=DAFH5yrb10E&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Club for a Cleaner ChurchillDenise GordonAva 829807@mcpsmd.netClub for a Cleaner Churchill is an environmental issues club that focuses on recycling and keeping our school clean. We work with groups such as Wands for Wildlife to reduce waste.n/aTBD based on new members schedulesn/a
Club Provide HopkinsNishu 152280@mcpsmd.net, Izzy 139131@mcpsmd.netClub Provide focuses on raising awareness for domestic violence in our school community. We donate and help to support the Family Justice Center, through clothing drives, fundraisers, and 5K races! If you want to help us make a difference join today, we are so excited to meet you. NATBD email us for information NA
College KnowlegeMr. Van TassellLillian 451723@mcpsmd.netCollege Knowledge is a club dedicated to creating a supportive community that provides comprehensive research and resources about colleges, standardized testing, internship opportunities, passion projects, and other elements of the application process. We plan to invite speakers from various colleges, including Ivy Leagues, to talk about their experience with college applications and admissions, as well as to answer questions from students.N/AMeetings will be held on the first Thursday of every month during lunch in room 234.
Comfort Cases Ms. Best Grace, 448637@mcpsmd.net,Comfort Cases' goal is to eradicate the use of trash bags as suitcases for foster kids when they are placed in foster care. Comfort Cases is committed to engaging communities and educating the public about the issues facing youth in foster care. We believe in the importance of encouraging young people to lead by example and to take action to alleviate the suffering of children in the system. From planning fundraisers and events to educating and inspiring others to take action, students involved with Comfort Cases Club will develop life-long leadership and community engagement skills. Club officers and members will work together to educate their peers about foster care, organize and market fundraisers and donation drives, and push for systemic changes by writing letters to government representatives.N/A
Competitive Coding ClubMs. PomeroyKevin 469198@mcpsmd.net, Ethan 469303@mcpsmd.netChurchill Competitive Coding Club introduces students to algorithms and other concepts related to competitive programming. Each meeting, members will spend time learning topics and solving coding problems, both individually and as a team. Members will also have the opportunity to prepare and participate in coding contests such as the United States of America Computing Olympiad (USACO) and American Computer Science League (ACSL). Beginners are welcome!
Sign up!: https://bit.ly/wchscoding-signup
Discord: https://discord.gg/b4eVD6n5A7
Google Classroom: https://bit.ly/wchscoding-classroom
Website: https://wchscoding.live
N/AThursdays during Lunch in Room 250 (Pomeroy) starting 9/22https://youtu.be/gTx06hPr3Bw
Computer Science Honors SocietyMrs. PomeroyKatherine, Pomeroy, Katherine_Pomeroy@mcpsmd.org,Tej, 443584@mcpsmd.net, Eric, 446943@mcpsmd.netThe purpose of the Computer Science Honor Society is to "cultivate thriving environments for success in computer science in the schools’ communities by encouraging students’ enthusiasm, honoring academic excellence, and promoting service." The CS Honor Society also encourages students to participate in community service and, in turn, encourages a dedication to the pursuit and enjoyment of Computer Science.$20 + $10 if senior for cordsTBD for all
Cookie ClubMrs. LiElton, 448576@mcpsmd.netOur mission is to encourage students to participate in baking and have fun with it. Come to our club meetings to learn about new recipes and ways to enjoy baking even with dietary restrictions like allergies. 0Monthly, date tbd
Criminology ClubMrs. MarshallSania 468622@mcpsmd.net, Chloe 472622@mcpsmd.net, Ellie 467388@mcpsmd.net, wchscriminologyclub@gmail.com​​Our mission of the club is to create an environment for students who have an interest in criminology/criminal justice. The club would tie in and teach different aspects of criminology such as psychology, forensic science, criminal justice, law, and more. We will attempt to host fundraisers and inclusive activities in the club for all students to participate in. This club would help students further their knowledge and explore their interests in the different fields of criminology. In addition, students can learn about real-life scenarios and get a better understanding of the events that are happening in the world.
The last thursday of every month during lunch in room 236 (mrs. marshalls room)
Crocheting ClubMs. FranklinJennifer, 198475@mcpsmd.netThe crocheting club donates projects at the end of the semester or quarter to charities for 1-2 SSL hours depending on the project size. Anyone is well no matter how much experience they have crocheting and no meeting is mandatory.N/AEvery Wednesday during lunch in room 237 for the first quarter and 147 for the rest of the year https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PmcagZGoSUXefk5kg5r9h4YxEGZC4Yf6/view?usp=drivesdk
Cubing ClubMr. ClarkNathan 451311@mcpsmd.net The Churchill Cubing Club focuses on solving twisty puzzles. Newer members will be taught how to solve various puzzles, such as the standard 3x3, 4x4, and more. More experienced members will be able to take on a competitive role by attending official tournaments. N/AEvery monday during lunch, portable 2
Culinary Arts ClubMr. NugentSarah, 472714@mcpsmd.netThe main focus of the Culinary Arts Club is to introduce students to cooking and the culinary arts. Club members will engage in a variety of cooking concepts such as preparing sushi, dips, smoothies and cheese boards. The club will participate in philanthropic activities. For example, fundraising for organizations striving to help food insecure individuals and participating in food drives. Additionally, this club aims to teach its members about potential culinary career paths and future opportunities. There will be guest speakers in the culinary field, but our main focus is just to have fun with food!N/AFirst Friday of every month, Room 201https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zw_FQAURiFpwSL_7cb907DEMjvEosGtP/view
Culinary Culture ClubMr. ForneyPresident- Anne 177088@mcpsmd.net Cullinary culture club offers a delicious way to explore cultures from around the world. In CCC, You will able to enjoy food and cooking styles from many a different country every meeting, and be able to learn more about the differing cultures of the world.
We will be cooking and conducting bake sales to raise money for children in need amongst Latin American countries.
N/AMeetings Every Other week
Current Events ClubMrs. ZitnikParker, 380359@mcpsmd.netOur mission is to facilitate civil and open discussions about current events and issues, in the hope that people will discover new perspectives and deeper understandings. And before you ask, no. This will not be heated or as crazy as recent presidential debates have been. We have a rule about no insults and no criticism of others, and the only critiquing will be about different ideas people share. We politely say “I disagree” and then try to explain why. We want to create a safe space where people can exchange ideas and ask questions to learn more about other people’s views. This past year, we had civil discussions on vaccine mandates, abortions, medicare for all, the prison system, and more. We plan to do similar discussions this yearN/ASecond Monday of every month at lunch, Mrs. Zitnik’s roomhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1cdESAvv_kG3UWZhsJC6Gv7qDCZ3t4NAF/view?usp=drivesdk
Dear PsychologyDebra FeldmanVicky Shan - Dearpsych2021@gmail.comHelping students learn about psychology in a fun environment.
Teaching students about mental health coping mechanisms.
Having students volunteer with mental health programs.
Deciding on the mental health/ psychology topics quarterly to do research and analysis.
Engaging in experiments after learning about new psychological tips and tricks.
N/Adates tbd, during lunch at Ms. Feldman's classroom
Debate TeamEvan Rosenthal Abigail 444533@mcpsmd.net; Faith 162596@mcpsmd.net; Yucheng 447203@mcpsmd.netThe Debate team is a student-run club to help everyone from novice to more advanced debaters to enhance speaking, presentation, and critical thinking skills. We have entertaining discussions and mock debates on many different topics from foreign policy to militarization. We provide members with the opportunity to compete in local debates and state competitions. 10Once a week at lunch in Mr. Rosenthal's room (portable)https://drive.google.com/file/d/12isSZx88Bg1ivX_bOGnwciiWMntAoQpn/view?usp=sharing
DECAMrs. ShowenLuna 255618@mcpsmd.netDECA is a business club that helps students to explore fields such as marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Through activities, learning of skills, workshops, and international competitions, students research and learn about their own interests as well as making connections to other club members around the world.

Fill out the interest form and reach out to us: https://churchilldeca.carrd.co/
$25TBD. Interest meeting on 9/28. Meetings are once or twice a month. Dates will be send out through email and MyMCPS Classroom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWUVB7IWhZE
Design and Engineering ClubMrs. Meyers Krishna127223@mcpsmd.net Our goal is to educate the students of Churchill on the process of design and engineering. We will take them through the process of building and design to make there ideas become reality. Through this journey students will be able to broaden there horizon by learning about engineering and design.N/A9/22, 10/20, 11/17, 12/15, 1/19, 2/16, 3/23, 4/13, 5/25, All During Lunch in room 117
Doctors in TrainingMr. SouthworthAndrew, 268638@mcpsmd.netDoctors in Training is a club with the goal of helping those interested in a career in medicine gain experience in medical procedures. Unlike other medical/doctor clubs, Doctors in Training hopes to provide a more hands on experience of medical/surgical procedures for its members in the WCHS community.N/AEvery third Wednesday of each month, during lunch, Mr. Southworth's room (subject to change)
DoSomething!Shelley PerrettSloane, 452595@mcpsmd.netThe WCHS Do Something Club works to raise awareness and inspire activism relating to a wide range of social injustices and important policy initiatives. Our 2020-2022 successes include generating attention to amplify the Black Lives Matter movement, donating thousands of feminine products to support gender equality, repurposing hundreds of articles of clothing to assist people experiencing homelessness, cleaning trash up from the Potomac River, making a homemade meal for a domestic violence shelter, bagging rice and beans to make easy meals for those that are food insecure, and leading information campaigns concerning mental health, access to education, and the environment. N/AWe will have a monthly meeting (usually during the last week of every month) in Mrs. Perrett’s room during lunch. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VcIBurtStOZT8t16Wpl25GjE-6JP_-_J/view
Drama ClubNaomi KievalElyssa, 444171@mcpsmd.net A place where theater minded students get together to play theater games and plan theater events at school.n/aRoom 133, beginning of lunch 3rd Thursday of the month
East African Student Alliance (EASA)Sra. Steele(Nahla, 417689@mcpsmd.net), (Noura, 417687@mcpsmd.net), (Maya, 445816@mcpsmd.net) East African Student Alliance is a youth-led initiative where the East African population at Churchill among other students that want to join, will be able to become more culturally aware. We will hold bi-weekly meetings where we will have discussions, potlucks, cultural dance lessons, and fundraisers (clothing drives, school supplies drive, etc.) Lastly, we will hopefully perform a cultural dance performance at I-night where we will work with other East African clubs in the area and perform at Churchill and other schools in the area. Our ultimate goal is to help people in our home countries as well as create a fun and diverse environment to learn about East African culture!N/AOnce a month/sometimes bi-weeklyhttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=1968bba37b&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1743350304048729417&th=18319fdd67e4cd49&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_l7s677l00
EcoArtMs. KhodayariLumina, 255796@mcpsmd.netEcoArt is a club that promotes environmental awareness by teaching students sustainability concepts through making recycled art and creating climate initiatives.N/AEcoArt meets on the second Tuesday of every month during lunch. Location to be determined.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zjhiF2AUtbgXogygG1Y6IBfIkSW_NKxX/view?usp=sharing
Embroidery ClubMs. BoppanaAndrea, Marin, 446484@mcpsmd.net, andreaelena005@gmail.comEmbroidery Club is a place where students can come to develop their embroidery skills by sewing amazing designs on shirts, napkins, etc. The club is a safe space where students can talk with friends and ease their stress through art.
$10 (could change)
Every Monday during lunch in room 247
Enginnering Honor SocietyMr. HannaBradan | Scott Hanna, 450065@mcpsmd.net | Scott_Hana@mcpsmd.orgHonor society offering insights into the world of engineering and applied sciences15Presentation room by auditorium, 1 Friday a month dates not yet decided, Lunch
Environmental ClubMahnoosh FarsaiiIshaan, 129261@mcpsmd.netThe Churchill Environmental Club is a club dedicated to attacking various environmental issues, and promoting environmental awareness within our community. With student incentive, and volunteering, we believe we can make real change in our community, regarding environmental issues. We can find problems, and bring local solutions, working with partner organizations to make this change happen within our community. N/AEvery 2 Wednesday's During Lunch (12:00 to 12:30) - Mrs. Farsaii Room 148https://youtu.be/G1NGvVDz2Nw
Equestrian Team ClubLila MartinezSommer, 472890@mcpsmd.netWe are a club dedicated to bringing a competitive horseback riding team to Churchill and to raising awareness for neglected horses. We also provide SSL volunteer opportunities for students. The volunteer opportunities are at Madison Fields Farm, a therapeutic riding facility.N/A9/21/2022
Usually the last Wednesday of each month at the beginning of lunch in room 219 (Ms. Malone's room)
Erehwon Literary Arts Magazine Mrs. NixonAlex 401705@mcpsmd.net Maggie 446899@mcpsmd.netErehwon is a literary arts publication. Every year, we create an in-print magazine full of original art and creative writing by Churchill students. In the Erehwon club, we help bring the magazine together by collaborating on ideas for themes, submissions, fundraising, and much more. n/aTwice a month for 30 minutes at the end of lunch in room 227; exact date will be determined by Nov. 1https://youtu.be/ED1YSvYKwI8
ESOL Homework ClubMrs. FarsaiiNoa, 473695@mcpsmd.netWe tutor elementary aged English learners at Lake Seneca Elementary School. We help them develop their language skills, and raise money for their school supplies. We have become their mentors, and it is an enjoyable way to help out the community and earn SSL hours!N/AEvery Monday from November 7th-May 15th. 3:30-4:30pm at Lake Seneca Elementary School 13600 Wanegarden Dr, Germantown MD.https://share.icloud.com/photos/016OylhDTFhhCBxVSNkCY8dOQ
Ethics BowlMr. Van Tassell and Mr. McElhenyAmanda (448113@mcpsmd.net)WCHS Ethics Bowl is an academic team that competes in a Regional Competition in February at the University of Baltimore, Hoffberger Center for Professional Ethics. The National High School Ethics Bowl is an internationally recognized, exponentially growing competition. Ethics Bowl is a competitive yet collaborative event in which students discuss real-life ethical issues from a set of 15 cases, ranging from the ethics of ghosting to eliminating animal suffering. In preparing for the competition, Ethics Bowl members regularly engage with undergraduates from UNC Chapel Hill and other workshops put on by the Parr Center for Ethics. You will meet new friends and intelligent competitors from across the state, learn how to structure arguments, and expand your worldview through reading and discussing with people with different perspectives. All students regardless of experience are encouraged to try out, and new Ethics Bowlers will be paired with a student coach. N/ATeam members will meet frequently in preparation for the competition during lunch on Tuesdays and after school. Join the Philosophy and Ethics Club Google Classroom for tryout information: mfitpvxhttps://youtu.be/Hsi9ozObQSQ
Families4FamiliesMs. WilsonMyla (134112@mcpsmd.net), Katie Wen (133781@mcpsmd.net)The WCHS Families 4 Families Club serves to address food insecurity. Through food drives and drop zones held over the course of the school year, we collect groceries to donate to families in need. In addition to groceries, we also collect/donate essentials such as masks and hand sanitizer. N/AWe will meet twice a month during lunch in Ms. Wilson's room (Room 149). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ePgHpmaqlQYMLr-u6pYHSbhLI2Ygcx1v/view?usp=sharing
Fashion & Portrait PhotographyMcElheny, IsaacZoey Tahardi, 466242@mcpsmd.netOur club's mission is to hone skills related to portrait & fashion photography, foster professional working relationships, and allow students to develop portfolios in a welcoming environment with people of similar interests.

Aspiring portrait photographers will learn how to develop professional concepts such as camera work, composition, lighting, and working will talents. Aspiring models will practice modeling techniques and working with photographers. Make-up artists and fashion designers will hone their skills to help create a desired vision.
N/AWe will meet in room 274, every Wednesday bi-weekly during lunchhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ib7EYqMIuCpTnfRQCJpeD8E6hrntahNT/view?usp=sharing
Film ClubMr. SwiftTodd, 450010@mcpsmd.netFilm Club is devoted to the analysis and development of films, ranging from movies to TV series, documentaries to online videos. Meeting in the TV Studio, members will have hands-on experience in script-writing, cinematography, acting, editing, and producing films for fun and for contests throughout the year! Plus, we will have movie-watching sessions from time-to-time! N/ATuesdays during the first half of lunchhttps://youtu.be/VI58wc_NAO0
Fitness and Health ClubMr.KlossSammy 130124@mcpsmd.netA club designed to spread awareness of the signficance of overall health and teach techniques corresponding to physical goals.N/AEvery first Wednesday of the month during lunch. file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/0b/11/548B4BFD-B186-46DF-A6FB-CAA687B1C0C9/IMG_4470.MOV
Friendship is Magic (my little pony) ClubMr McElhenyZuZu (130707@mcpsmd.net)The friendship is magic club aims to promote the beauty of inclusion in our churchill community; that helps gain confidence between peers. With variating themes derived from from popular animated series My Little Pony. google classroom code: y7dz7ueN/AFirst tuesday of every month, Mr Mc's (room 134), lunch & pride choicehttps://youtu.be/R18Xn5ujfFM
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)Mr. VickeryCaitlin, 240006@mcpsmd.net
FBLA is a national organization dedicated to helping those interested in business gain leadership skills, networking opportunities, and a knowledge of the business world. We hope to prepare students to be leaders in the business world with career preparation and club activities.
$15Once a month, Lunch, Mr. Vickery’s room (213)
Game DevelopmentMr. Antonucci Tom, Conrad, notrobot23@gmail.com, 258574@mcpsmd.netA club dedicated to instilling passion for game design and enabling people seeking to create games regardless of their prior experience. N/A
Gardening ClubJames DoffermyreLily 162419@mcpsmd.net, Allison 205421@mcpsmd.netChurchill Gardening is a fun, laid-back club that provides students with an interactive experience for all things plant-related. We offer hands-on activities that allow members to fully enjoy gardening, and they can even take home their own plants! N/A
Gear for GrowthH (Dr. Hakopian)Lauren, 240010@mcpsmd.netGear for Growth works to collect used and new sports equipment donations and donate them to underprivileged children to help them explore new activities. Our donations will provide these children the tools to expand their interests into the sports field.N/AMondays at lunch in room 221 every other month.
Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)Riley Bartlebaugh and Aishling McGintyKaylen 167070@mcpsmd.net Ilayda 455910@mcpsmd.net Noah 472905@mcpsmd.net Zara 443144@mcpsmd.netProvide a safe space and advocate for greater visibility and a more inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ people within the school community. N/AFridays, Lunch, Room 229https://www.loom.com/share/b87844a477114e38bdf8e38a0162770b
Generation SheDevona WilsonCatherine, 158936@mcpsmd.netGeneration She strives to encourage girls in high school to pursue careers in business through workshops and speaker events. Club members will be able to learn about different aspects of the business landscape such as marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship. In addition, members will develop real-world skills such as applying for internships, preparing for interviews, and writing a resume.N/A
Girls Empowered by Math (GEM)Mrs. Alison DeliHa-Yeon, 824711@mcpsmd.netGEM is a club that works with a nonprofit organization, STEM For Her, to provide young girls in the DMV area with opportunities to explore STEM. We run two main programs throughout the school year: the GEM Hunt and GEM Paths. Please visit https://www.gemdmv.org/ to learn more about what we do!N/AWednesdays from 11:30AM-12:00PM, Room 223https://watch.screencastify.com/v/BMFyk39WEHrWbXZDxEqu
Girls Who CodeKatherine PomeroyYucheng 447203@mcpsmd.netGirls Who Code is a reputable non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in STEM fields. You do not have to identify as a girl to join! We will be teaching programming in languages like Python, code fun games, and create projects. All coding levels are welcome, as we will have several coding lessons being taught throughout the year. There will also be opportunities to participate in coding events and competitions.
Join our Google Classroom: tqe7nwg
N/ALast Wednesday of every month during lunch in Mrs. Pomeroy's room (TBD)
Governmental Debate clubMs.Malone and Ms.Marshall(Isaac 455344@mcpsmd.net) ( Benjamin 465692@mcpsmd.net)Our club is a place where students can openly share their opinions on current events in our world. We will discuss hot topics and relevant subjects relating to morals and our government.N/aThursdays Weekly, During lunch, Room 219 and room 254https://share.icloud.com/photos/0fdIaUhPKg7REa6S0Riglx7AQ#Silver_Spring
Greek ClubMr. AchilleSky Sporidis, 444578@mcpsmd.netThis club will provide opportunities for students of Greek and non-Greek descent to explore the Greek heritage through culture, history, language, and food. All students are welcome to join this club.N/AMeet once a month during lunch in Mr. Achille's classroom. September 28, November 23, December 14, February 15, March 22, April 19, May 17. These dates are flexible and we can change them around if needed.https://youtu.be/8mB1iuGw-sI
Science OlympiadJonathan LeeIda 181909@mcpsmd.net , Femke 273437@mcpsmd.netScience Olympiad is a national organization that hosts competitions with events spanning 23 areas of science. Throughout the course of the year, team members will work in small groups to study for test events, practice for lab events, and construct various builds. Starting in November, we will compete in several invitational competitions (both in person and online) in preparation for the official regional and state competitions in the early spring. Students that have previously participated in Science Olympiad in middle school are encouraged to join!25Every Thursday after school from 2:30 - 3:30. End times may vary.
High Schoolers for FrontlinersKloss, MatthewAustin: 132388@mcpsmd.net High Schoolers for Front Liners (HSFL) is a non-profit student led organization hand-making and donating eco-friendly masks and other supplies to hospitals, detention centers, veterans, seniors, children's centers and more. To protect front line workers and support the community, we will also be providing supplies to make walker bags and small pillows for Veterans or inmates. We will also do fundraising activities like bake sales or working with restaurants in order to raise more money for our cause.N/ABiweekly at Lunch-Wednesday (October-May)https://youtu.be/kZ8rsGYBS0I
Himalayan Cataract ProjectMs. KnarrIzzy, 471815@mcpsmd.netHimalayan Cataract project (HCP) works to help eradicate preventable and curable blindness worldwide. Our club at Churchill helps raise money to pay for the $25, 10 minute surgery that will restore the eyesight of a cataract blinded person. N/ALocation: Ms. Knarr's room
Meeting Dates and Times TBD

History ClubMr. Christopher ForneyLuke, 188557@mcpsmd.netThe History Club is intended to create an environment to bring history to life and encourage students to explore their passions for history through creative and fun approaches. The club activities are centered around the National History Day (NHD) Competition. Students will be able to work with friends as a group or individually to create a project based on a historical topic using their choice of media including tri-fold exhibit, documentary, performance, website, or essay. These projects will participate in the National History Day Regional Contests in the Spring and compete for a chance to ultimately advance to the National Contest. To prepare for this contest, the club will provide opportunities to watch movies, interact with guest speakers, and discuss history. All are welcome to join. We look forward to an exciting year with everyone!N/AMr. Forney's room 209. Dates TBD.https://youtu.be/Y6JcLodKnt0
HOSAMr. Fishman Kaitlyn 200476@mcpsmd.netConsidering a career in STEM? HOSA is an international organization offers competitions in a ton of different events (mainly focused on the medical field) from biomedical laboratory to sports medicine. We also plan on hosting speakers at WCHS to talk about their experience in the field. Depending on competition fees TBD
iDream Churchill (Churchill Dance Club)Mrs. CarmiAmanda (448113@mcpsmd.net), Charlotte (447010@mcpsmd.net), Sofi (443153@mcpsmd.net)iDream of Dance is a nonprofit organization, with chapters throughout the U.S. and Brazil, whose mission is to empower youth through dance and leadership. This year, iDream Churchill will be hosting the 2022 Churchill Talent Showcase for the Churchill community and taking part in the end of year Arts Festival! Members DO NOT need to be dancers, they just need to be passionate about the arts and/or performance, and making a positive impact in society. N/AMonthly meetings take place in room 274 (Ms. Carmi’s Room), and dates will vary. Become a member today by filling out this form: https://bit.ly/idreamchurchill

Register for the Churchill Talent Showcase at: https://bit.ly/churchill-talent
Immigrant Discussion ClubMary McGeheePresident, Maysam, 162483@mcpsmd.net Vice-President, Amir Aboss 140991@mcpsmd.netThe Immigrant Discussion club creates a safe space for immigrant and nonimmigrant students to portray themselves. The clubs goals are to hold sessions where students can converse about their experiences, no matter where they are from.N/AThe club is in operation all year round. Club meeting dates will be dependent on member activity. Meetings will be held during the last Friday of a month, every month.N/A
Ink and QuillMs. ZitnikMichelle, 133808@mcpsmd.netDuring meetings club members will be provided snacks to eat while writing/editing original works (novels, poems, any writing project). We will beta-read and edit each other's work (only if the author is comfortable), and any school writing assignments can also be finished during meetings. N/ADates: every first Thursday of the month starting October 6, 2022, and ending April 6, 2023. Time: 11:10-11:30 (first half of lunch). Location: room 243, Ms. Zitnik's room.
Interact ClubPaige PagleyAngelica, 470570@mcpsmd.netInteract Club is a branch of the global organization known as the Rotary Club that focuses on eight specialized categories; ending polio, promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, supporting education, saving mother and children, growing local economies, and providing disaster response. During the school year, students will engage with interact clubs all over the country to participate in one global based project and one community based project. Students will be able to meet different Rotary Influencers while making a long lasting impact on the world both locally and globally. From raising money for one of the Rotary's causes, to organizing fundraising events with the community, the interact club is fueled by students who are both local community leaders and global cause advocates. N/AFirst Tuesday of every month in the Media Center (subject to change)
International Student AllianceMrs. KnarrJaeya 456632@mcpsmd.netWe strive to inform ourselves about and celebrate all the different cultural backgrounds of students in the school. N/AOnce every month in Mrs. Knarr's class, starting in October
Jack’s WildcatsMs. MarshallTessa, Meretta, 469706@mcpsmd.net & Andrew, Datch, 472851@mcpsmd.net & Emma, Datch, 472849@mcpsmd.netJack's Wildcats is a tutoring club at Seven Locks Elementary School. We look to bring the friendly faces of Churchill students over to Seven Locks twice a week, right after school. We work with teachers in a multitude of ways through one-on-one work with students that might be struggling, in smaller groups, or even just with classroom chores. Most importantly, we also show how to be a good friend, classmate, and a role model. N/ATBD
Japanese Culture ClubAmy MaloneJaehee 134748@mcpsmd.netJapanese Culture club is a club for students interested in discussing and learning about Japanese culture through its food, clothing, customs, and media. We hope to be a fun place to hang out and share various interests in the culture. N/AOnce a month in Ms. Malone’s room (219)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rVIO2u64o0WQLgabPw-IZJlHrYnBMqed/view?usp=drivesdk
jewelry making club Ms. Carmi Shalini Sack: 130390@mcpsmd.net, Sarah Galbraith: 155251@mcpsmd.netBrief Description *
We are a jewelry making club aimed at bringing out people's artistic and creative side. We
are open to new ideas for jewelry designs and materials will be provided.
$5.00Third Thursday of every monthhttps://youtube.com/shorts/N5X9cL2o8Yo?feature=share
Jr. CivitanJennifer CzaplickiSara (President), 449280@mcpsmd.netJunior Civitan is a service club that trains young people to become “Builders of Good Citizenship” in the home, school and nation. Its purpose is to develop initiative and leadership in order to encourage youth to live a fuller life enriched by unselfish service to others and with a commitment to make the world a better place. Members meet twice a month to participate in various community service projects and earn SSL hours.$16Wednesdays, twice each month (one afterschool, one during lunch) in Mrs. Czap's room, Room 130Ahttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lx2HQ2jJg1zv6DFKrh0YjjOSOPHruAWM/view?usp=sharing
JSU(Jewish Student Union)Mrs. Aghion Rabbi Sammy Beckerman beckermans@ncsy.org ,Mrs. Corinne Aghion Corinne_S_Aghion@mcpsmd.org, Hannah 182326@mcpsmd.net, Oriya 10017050@mcpsmd.net, Ashley 445730@mcpsmd.net, Leah 10012568@mcps.net, A club dedicated to creating and fostering a Jewish community within Churchill through fun activities and teachings about Judaism.N/A
Key Club Sara NematiKarolina, 448326@mcpsmd.netAn international service organization for high school students. We organize service projects to help those in the community. Projects have included sending letters to deployed troops, making holiday goodie bags for healthcare workers, and making toys for dogs in animal shelters. $152nd Thursday of every month (September 22, October 13, November 10, December 8, January 12, February 9, March 9, April 13, April 27), during the first half of lunch in Ms. Nemati's room
Kits to Heart ClubMs. BestAnjali 461809@mcpsmd.net, Lauren 447393@mcpsmd.netWCHS Kits to Heart Club gathers once a month to invite all WCHS students to volunteer by making handmade crafts such as friendship bracelets and cards to benefit the local non-profit, Kits to Heart. KTH gathers crafts and donations to assemble care kits to distribute to hospitals all over the U.S. for cancer patients and their families. N/AMonthly meetings held during lunch in room 249
Knitting ClubKayla BestAnna, 468216@mcpsmd.netA club where people can learn how to knit, or just an environment where people can knit peacefully. We'll play music, watch movies...study etc.N/AOnce or twice a month. During lunch the first Wednesday of the month.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MX0NJ2BpLSYsOkpnd3y3VgoVYSxYMK6i/view?usp=sharing
Kpop Dance ClubMme. PhilippeJaeya 456632@mcpsmd.netLearn your favorite Kpop Dance choreographies with us in the dance studio!N/AEvery 1st and 3rd Wednesday during the second half of lunch in the dance studio
Latinx AllianceDenise GordonPaula 463154@mcpsmd.netStudents present information about Latin American countries and cultural traditions. They sometimes bring foods in to share.noneDuring lunch
Listener's LoungeMaloneKanza - 473158@mcpsmd.netListeners Lounge will act as a relaxing and engaging space for Churchill students who are interested in meaningful music discussion. This includes deep dives into various aspects of the chosen album for discussion - the cultural context, theme, lyrics, and more. Our club will provide a medium for students to share their favorite albums with others, as well as a way for members to receive musical recommendations from others. Overall, we will be a space to meet new friends and form a passionate community of music lovers within Winston Churchill High School. N/ADates - First meeting date is 09/19. Club meetings will be bi-weekly following this date.
Time - 11:30-12:00
Location - Room 219
Mahjong ClubMr. GoodmanKaylen 167070@mcpsmd.netMahjong club is for all levels of players and officers teach the game. Winners can get snack prizes. Later on in the year there will be a movie day of Crazy Rich Asians and a tournament!N/aOnce a month on a Wednesday, in Mr Goodman’s room.N/a
Marvel FandomMr.Savett (Ms.Dinu (Sub))Cooper 404435@mcpsmd.netDo you like Marvel or want to be involved with Marvel? Then this is the club for you. Once a Month, we will come together and engage with other students who know Marvel or want to learn more about Marvel. N/AWe will be meeting Once a Month on Thursdays in room 233 during lunch. The first Meeting will be Thursday, October 6th, 2022. N/A
Math TeamMr. HoIda 181909@mcpsmd.netThe Winston Churchill Math Team is Churchill's premier club for anyone interested in competitive mathematics. Join for chances to compete against math teams all over the county, as well as in regional tournaments like at Johns Hopkins and UMD. Our club sponsor, Mr. Ho, and the officers are open to anyone wanting to practice for these local competitions as well as national competitions like AMC and ARML. N/ATuesday, Lunch, Room 121https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sEf5GzRSM2K-NXzRS-Ccxvhp14rp-icE/view?usp=sharing
Mental Health ClubMr. AchilleVaughn 422781@mcpsmd.net Aaron 446594@mcpsmd.net Jack Mental Health Club's objective is to help spread awareness for the mental health of WCHS students. We plan on educating students on mental health and providing a lunch session to positively impact their mental health.N/AFirst Tuesday of every month
Microbiology ClubFarsaiiAnna 445802@mcpsmd.netThe microbiology club aims to bring a hands on biology experience to Churchill through microscope usage, guest lecturers, and many fun microbiological activities!N/AOnce a Month, during lunch, Farsaii's Roomhttps://www.powtoon.com/s/feBOlAQNVhm/1/m/s
Midnight WritersStacye Steele-YueFaith, wchs.midnightwriters@gmail.comMidnight Writers is a monthly literary magazine that publishes writing, art, and photography. The club allows students to pick a pseudonym to submit their work under for anonymity, or they can choose to submit under their own name. We have monthly themes that members can vote on during meetings, and we have tons of baked goods to eat while we present the month's magazine.N/ALast Friday of every month, Room 270https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ndusVBm-4YbGiVuAijbcjNmIlvXNrI2t/view
Minorities and Finance(Minance)Mrs. Mary DempseyLuke, 449950@mcpsmd.netMinance aims to educate the student body on the basics of economics and
stocks. Everybody will have the chance to participate and immerse themselves in the world of economics and finance. During meetings, discussions, lessons, and ideas will be held and shared on the nature and history of the stock market, bonds, the IMF, SAPs, SDRs, World Bank, cryptocurrencies, investment, business leaders, featuring guest speakers, etc. Meetings will be once a month on the last Friday of that particular month, during lunch in Mrs. Dempsey’s classroom.
N/AThe last Friday of each month. First meeting date: 10/28/22. Last meeting date: 3/31/22.https://youtu.be/lfQu4vKWPAA