Putah Creek Annotated Bibliography
Compiled by Nicolle Herr - Solano County Water Agency, Melanie Truan - Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, UC Davis, and Amy Williams - Putah Creek Council
ProvinceDateAuthorsTitleAdditional infoSummaryPCC-ID #ID
1 - Putah Creek specific1973Pesonen, E.A. (Alex)Plan for a PUTAH CREEK STREAMWAY.Landscape Architect, Yolo and Solano Counties. 2352 Cortez Lane, Sacramento, California 95825. A description of the history and natural resources occurring along Putah Creek, the proposal for the permanent release of canal water from the Solano Diversion Dam into Putah Creek, stakeholders, development proposals, and recommendations.1PC-1
1 - Putah Creek specific1991Trinity Fisheries ConsultingLower Putah Creek Fisheries and Fish Habitat Responses to Interim Flows from September through November, 1990.791 8th Street, P.O. Box 820, Arcata, California 95521. Prepared for Neumiller and Beardslee.Report of Trinity Fisheries Consulting survey and monitoring of the fisheries of Putah Creek downstream of the Solano Diversion Dam from August 21, 1990 to November 30, 1990 including water quality, stage and discharge, and fish habitat to determine the diversity and distribution of fish species, and recommendations for fishery maintenance.2PC-2
1 - Putah Creek specific1991Matheny, Nelda; James R. Clark; David B. KelleyPutah Creek Riparian Vegetation Study.HortScience Inc., 1257 Quarry Lane, Suite 110, Pleasanton, CA 94566; Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and Kelley and Associates, Davis, CA, respectively. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. This vegetation study monitored water stress of riparian tree species during the late summer and fall of 1990 to estimate impacts resulting from prolonged drought and potential benefits of an additional 3000 cubic feet of water discharge from the Solano Diversion Dam during the summer and determined little water stress occurred in plants regardless of the decline in soil moisture during the sampling period.3PC-3
1 - Putah Creek specific1991HortScience, Inc.Putah Creek Riparian Study.1257 Quarry Lane, Suite 110, Pleasanton, CA 94566. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency.This soil study by HortScience developed transects to observe soil moisture and plant development stress during the late summer and fall of 1990 and determined similar transects of soil moisture loss at faster rates on levee soils than at the creek’s bank, with variation amongst drying rates of floodplain transects. Water stress was not detected as an impact to plant development.4PC-4
1 - Putah Creek specific1992Thomas R. Payne & AssociatesGeographical Distribution of Fish Species Found in Putah Creek.P.O. Box 4678, 850 G Street, Suite J, Arcata, California 95521. Prepared for Nuemiller & Beardslee. Documentation of native and nonnative fish species occurrence, absence, and distribution within the Putah Creek Basin and surrounding regions for use in determining fishery resources.5PC-5
1 - Putah Creek specific1948Etcheverry, B.A. and Thos. H. MeansAPPRAISAL REPORT TO THE STATE RECLAMATION BOARD FOR LANDS INVOLVED IN PUTAH CREEK LEVEE PROJECT.Stakeholder information including ownership appraisals, land classes, and project impacts to streamflow, flooding, and land adjacent to the levees.6PC-6
1 - Putah Creek specific1992Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc.Final Hydraulic, Hydrologic, Vegetation, and Fisheries Analysis for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Putah Creek Management Plan.2600 V Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95818. Prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Results of the 1990 study authorized by Congress to inventory and develop flow regimes and vegetation assemblages, and estimate dam impacts on Putah Creek to address the hydrologic conditions (e.g. flooding) and requirements for fishery and ecosystem maintenance and enhancement.7PC-7
1 - Putah Creek specific1993USFWS, et al.Reconnaissance Planning Report: Fish and Wildlife Resource Management Options for Lower Putah Creek, CA. Ecological Services Field Office, Sacramento, CA 95825-1846, US Department of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service.An early but useful reference produced by the US Fish & Wildlife Service which included actual field reconnaissance surveys. A good starting reference.9PC-9
1 - Putah Creek specific2000Brice, A. Exploring Putah Creek from Monticello Dam to the Yolo Wildlife Area. UC Davis Public Service Research Program and Putah Creek Council, Davis, CA.Public outreach booklet briefly describing the history, wildlife, and recreational opportunities along Putah Creek.10PC-10
1 - Putah Creek specific1965Keller, Edward Anthony Form and Fluvial Processes of Dry Creek, Near Winters, California. Thesis for Master of Science in Geology. Graduate Division of the University of California, Davis.Geological analysis of fluvial processes and channel form of Lower Dry Creek near Winters, CA. including gravel and sediment movement by the stream, and pool-riffle spacing.11PC-11
1 - Putah Creek specific1996Trihey & Associates, Inc.Native Species Recovery Plan for Lower Putah Creek, California.4180 Treat Boulevard, Concord, CA 94518. Prepared for The Law Offices of Martha H. LennihanThe Native Fish Recovery Plan is intended to restore native species populations diminished by the Solano Project by setting minimum release flows according to life stage, increasing release flows during spawning, flushing out nonnative species before native spawning with high flush flow releases, and maintaining a consistent flow regime.12PC-12
1 - Putah Creek specific1996Environmental Science AssociatesUniversity of California, Davis Contained Research Facility Tiered Initial Study.301 Brannan Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, California 94107This Tiered Initial Study for The Contained Research Facility (CRF) project for biotechnology includes project background information, a project description, consistency with the University of California, Davis 1994 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) Environmental Impact Report, a Tiered Environmental Checklist form to identify potential project effects, potential effects on environmental factors, mitigation measures, and determination of significant impacts.13PC-13
1 - Putah Creek specific1996Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc.1996 Measured and Simulated Temperatures in Putah Creek, Yolo and Solano Counties, California. Final. June. (JS 93-101.) Sacramento, CA. Prepared for University
of California, Davis, CA.
This report documents the 3 year study of temperature monitoring in Lower Putah Creek to develop a computer model that simulates existing and managed temperature regimes and conclusions of the analysis.14PC-14
1 - Putah Creek specific1996University of California, DavisRevised Initial Study Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement Project. State Clearinghouse Number 95123027.Planning and Budget Office, 376 Mrak
Hall, Davis, CA 95616.
Analysis of the proposed project to replace the wastewater treatment plant on UC Davis South Campus including the Project background and description, consistency with the 1994 LRDP EIR, environmental checklist, and mitigation measures. Potential impacts were determined to be less than significant for social concerns (e.g. housing and recreation) and intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Report to address potential adverse environmental impacts (e.g. water and air quality, biological resources) was discussed.15PC-15
1 - Putah Creek specific1996Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc., Sacramento, CA.DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REPLACEMENT PROJECT. (JSA 95-273.) University of California, Davis, Planning and Budget Office. Davis,CA 95616. Environmental consultant: TheEnvironmental Impact Report for the proposed wastewater treatment plant replacement project at UC Davis to satisfy CEQA requirements, inform the public and stakeholders about the project, and provide evidence for consideration of project approval by The Regents of the University of California.16PC-16
1 - Putah Creek specific1997HortScience, Inc. Putah Creek Riparian Vegetation Summary.1257 Quarry Lane, Suite 110, Pleasanton, CA 94566. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. Summary of soil moisture and riparian vegetative monitoring between 1990 and 1995 including a historical timeline of modern human activity on Putah Creek, vegetation distribution, water stress, plant development, and conclusions drawn from the studies.18PC-18
1 - Putah Creek specific1997University of California, DavisINITIAL STUDY UC DAVIS 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS.Planning and Budget Office, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616.This analysis of the proposed UC Davis 1997-98 Major Capital Improvement Projects to replace the Plant and Environmental Sciences Facility, construct new greenhouses, Bowley center, and La Rue Student Housing, and to expand the I-80 Enterprise Reserve on UC Davis Campus supplements and amends the 1994 LRDP EIR and includes a project background and description, environmental checklist, potential significant impacts and mitigation measures.19PC-19
1 - Putah Creek specific1997University of California, DavisDraft UC DAVIS WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN.UC Davis Water Management Plan Task Force. Plan outlining development of a sustainable water budget for water conservation, disposal and treatment considering water demand projections for teaching, research, extension, public service, and land management on UC Davis campus in accordance with the 1994 UC Davis LRDP. Water quality, water supply, utility water supply, water treatment, and discharge were considered.20PC-20
1 - Putah Creek specific1998University of California, DavisUC DAVIS 1997-98 MAJOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. State Clearinghouse No. 97122016. Planning and Budget Office, 376 Mrak Hall, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616.Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the 1997-98 Major Capital Improvement Projects on UC Davis campus to satisfy CEQA requirements, inform the public and stakeholders about the project, and provide evidence for consideration of project approval by The Regents of the University of California.21PC-21
1 - Putah Creek specific2000California Environmental Protection Agency Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley RegionCache Creek and Putah Creek Watersheds Toxicity Monitoring Results: 1998-1999 Final Report.Karen Larsen (Environmental Specialist), Michelle McGraw (Environmental Specialist), and Valerie Connor (Senior Environmental Specialist), with Linda Deanovic, Tom Kimball, and Dr. David E. Hinton. Sacramento River Watershed Unit; University of California, Davis, respectively. Study characterizing toxicity to aquatic life in the Putah Creek and Cache Creek watersheds by monitoring for toxicity and chemical constituents, assessing Implementation Plans to achieve water quality objectives, and promoting comprehensive cooperative watershed management.23PC-23
1 - Putah Creek specific2001Melanson, Michael A., M.S.WILDLIFE HABITAT MONITORING PROGRAM LOWER PUTAH CREEK, CALIFORNIA.Strategic Environmental. 9040 Hazel Oak Court, Orangevale, California
95662. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency.
Intensive habitat field studies collected over six years for baseline wildlife data to be used to verify and develop ecosystem enhancement and protection policies in the Putah Creek Riparian Corridor from the Diversion Dam to the Yolo bypass.24PC-24
1 - Putah Creek specific2003EDAWBiological Resource Assessments: Pickerel, Kilkenny, McNamara & Yolo Housing Authority Properties. Prepared for the Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee.This report presents biological resources assessments for riparian habitats on the titular properties. The report describes biological resources on the four properties, including habitats present and the wildlife and plant species occurring, or potentially occurring, within the riparian portion of the properties. It also describes the suitability of onsite riparian habitats to support special-status species and describes relevant federal, state, and local laws and policies. Recommendations that would reduce the potential for adverse impacts to biological resources resulting from the proposed projects are also included.25PC-25
1 - Putah Creek specific2003StreamWise Stream Assessment and RestorationPickerel Habitat Enhancement Proposal Putah Creek.101 E. Alma St. Suite 100, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067. Prepared for Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee.Enhancement of fishery habitat features along the portion of Putah Creek within the Pickerel property to mitigate impacts resulting from geomorphic alteration accompanying the Diversion Dam installation, to improve salmonid spawning by placing spawning gravels, increase habitat diversity, revegetating the site, and provide landowner access by constructing two rock weirs.
1 - Putah Creek specific2014Salamunovich, Tim, Normandeau AssociatesMemorandum: Results of October 2013 lower Putah Creek fish surveysPrepared for Solano County Water Agency. 27
1 - Putah Creek specific2004Kralovec, Margret, PCDC Planning Project CoordinatorTHE PUTAH CREEK DISCOVERY CORRIDOR PLANNING REPORT.This report documents the PCDC Planning Project, Cooperative Strategic Plan, and Public Outreach Master Plan for the inter-dam reach between Monticello Dam and the Putah Diversion Dam known as the Putah Creek Discovery Corridor to promote public use and outreach, and create a sustainable cooperative to meet public outreach goals.
1 - Putah Creek specific2004North, DeborahLower Putah Creek Land Conservation Tools and Strategies, A report to the Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee.PO Box 496, Davis, CA 95617. Land conservation opportunities along Putah Creek, Partnerships, Land Conservation Tools, Real Estate, Stewardship, Easement legalities, and Recommendations to develop strategies that protect and enhance the Putah Creek riparian corridor and tributaries and maintain land resources potentially over generations.
1 - Putah Creek specific2004Thomas R. Payne & AssociatesPHABSIM Evaluation of Steelhead Spawning and Juvenile Rearing Habitat in Lower Putah Creek.Tom Gast, Tim Salamunovich, Don Bremm, and Tom Payne. P.O. Box 4678, 890 L Street, Arcata, California 95521. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency.Habitat Index Simulation of fish life history patterns, water quality, and limiting factors to populations quantified as square feet of suitable habitat per 1000 feet of stream that show increases in spawning habitat during water discharges up to 30 cfs, declining habitat during higher flows, and increasing habitat in larger available areas. Using habitat duration analysis, spawning habitat is projected to be successful most of the year excluding times of high flow release during the fall and winter.30PC-30
1 - Putah Creek specific2004Davis, Ken W.Putah Creek New Zealand Mud Snail Monitoring Project.Wildlife Survey & Photo Service, 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. #209, Sacramento, CA 95825. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. New Zealand Mud Snail distribution and population density on Putah Creek, movement concerns, recommended actions for controlling current populations and preventing new populations, and photographic documentation of mollusk and invertebrate collection.
1 - Putah Creek specific2004Saake, James P.A SUMMARY APPRAISAL REPORT CONVERING THE RAMOS PROPERTY: LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF WINTERS, ON PUTAH CREEK, SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA.Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, Saake’s Real Property Services, 376 East 1st Avenue, Chico, CA 95926. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. This appraisal provides survey and inspection information to be used to estimate the Ramos property market value and a range of values for lands within the vicinity of Putah Creek.32PC-32
1 - Putah Creek specific2004Thomas R. Payne & AssociatesPHABSIM Evaluation of Steelhead Spawning and Juvenile Rearing Habitat in Lower Putah Creek. Tom Gast, Tim Salamunovich, Don Bremm, and Tom Payne. P.O. Box 4678, 890 L Street, Arcata, California 95521. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. Instream flow study provided to quantify steel head spawning and rearing habitat suitability in Putah Creek by generating a weighted usable area or relative suitability index as square feet of suitable habitat per 1000 feet of stream for use as criteria to determine fish life history patterns, water quality, and limiting factors to steelhead populations.
1 - Putah Creek specific2005Phillip Williams & Associates, Ltd.PUTAH CREEK FLOW RESTORATION: FINAL EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT (TASK 2). With EDAW, Inc., KASL Engineers, Mead & Hunt, Inc., RBI, Inc., and StreamWise. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. Site infrastructure assessment compiling hydraulic, hydrologic, geomorphic, biological, fishery and cultural resource data of the Putah Creek Flow Restoration Project site 1500 feet downstream of the Putah Diversion Dam, potential regulatory and permitting issues, opportunities and constraints, and alternative planning.34PC-34
1 - Putah Creek specific2005Sanford, Roland A.Conceptual Framework of the Lower Putah Creek Riparian Water Availability Forecasting Model. Consulting Hydrologist. 529 Chipmunk Court, Santa Rosa, California 95401. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. Putah Creek Riparian Water Availability Forecasting Model predicts riparian water availability from April through October of each year based on stream flow gains and losses, and is provided to help agricultural and other water users prepare for meeting their water supply needs.35PC-35
1 - Putah Creek specific2015Salamunovich, Tim, Normandeau AssociatesMemorandum: Results of October 2014 lower Putah Creek fish surveysPrepared for Solano County Water Agency. 36
1 - Putah Creek specific2006EcoAnalysts, IncResults of the New Zealand Mudsnail Diverter Assessment Study.David C. Richards Ph.D., Senior Research Ecologist and Tristan D. Arrington, Scientific Intern. Center for Aquatic Studies, 11 E. Main St., Suite M, Bozeman, MT 59715. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency.Results of literature review determining impacts of New Zealand mudsnail populations on water users found closure of public access locations didn’t prevent spread of NZMS to other fisheries, fish hatcheries have become increasingly infected, and no impacts have been reported to hydroelectric
facilities, irrigation diverters, or municipal water supplies suggesting impacts on water use may be minimal.
1 - Putah Creek specific2005UC Davis Office of Resource Management and PlanningPutah Creek Riparian Reserve Management Plan. Office of Resource Management and Planning, University of California, Davis.Since the 1985-6 Management Plan Proposal was never formally adopted as the management plan for the Reserve, this document was prepared by the Reserve Manager to serve as the new Management Plan, under review and comment from the Putah Creek Reserve Advisory Committee. This Plan was designed to guide the future direction of the Reserve, and incorporates some elements and guiding principles from the 1986 plan. However, this plan also takes into account recent changes within the Reserve, including recent property acquisitions and land use assignments, the increased use of the Reserve as a research area, increased impacts from human use due to population increases, and other factors which had changed since 1986.38PC-38
1 - Putah Creek specific2016Salamunovich, Tim, Normandeau AssociatesMemorandum: Results of October 2015 lower Putah Creek fish surveysPrepared for Solano County Water Agency. 39
1 - Putah Creek specific2008Boyer, A. J., et al.Putah Creek: Flowing Through Our Communities and Our LivesEDAW and Putah Creek Council, Davis, CA.This illustrated booklet was prepared by a group of local experts to provide background and to foster a greater appreciation of the creek’s historical, physical, and biological processes.40PC-40
1 - Putah Creek specific2016Grassetti Environmental ConsultingProgram Environmental Impact Report for the Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project – Upper Reach Program (Part 1)Prepared for: Solano County Water Agency, Lead Agency. Includes beginning to Section 3.1, page 37.41
1 - Putah Creek specific2016Grassetti Environmental ConsultingProgram Environmental Impact Report for the Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project – Upper Reach Program (Part 2)Prepared for: Solano County Water Agency, Lead Agency. Includes Section 3.1, page 31 - Section 3.4, page 27.42
1 - Putah Creek specific2016Grassetti Environmental ConsultingProgram Environmental Impact Report for the Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project – Upper Reach Program (Part 3)Prepared for: Solano County Water Agency, Lead Agency.Includes Section 3.4, page 28 - Section 3.9, page 4.43
1 - Putah Creek specific2016Grassetti Environmental ConsultingProgram Environmental Impact Report for the Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project – Upper Reach Program (Part 4)Prepared for: Solano County Water Agency, Lead Agency. Includes Section 3.9, page 5 - Section 4, page 6.44
1 - Putah Creek specific2016Grassetti Environmental ConsultingProgram Environmental Impact Report for the Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project – Upper Reach Program (Part 5)Prepared for: Solano County Water Agency, Lead Agency. Includes Section 4, page 7 - Appendix D.45
1 - Putah Creek specific2016Grassetti Environmental ConsultingProgram Environmental Impact Report for the Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project – Upper Reach Program (Part 6)Prepared for: Solano County Water Agency, Lead Agency. Includes Executive Summary, other tables & appendices.46
1 - Putah Creek specific2017Salamunovich, Tim, Normandeau AssociatesMemorandum: Results of October 2016 lower Putah Creek fish surveysPrepared for Solano County Water Agency. 47
1 - Putah Creek specific2008EDAWLower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan Proposed Projects. Prepared for Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee.The companion document to the Lower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan – Resource Assessments document, this Lower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan – Proposed Projects provides resource information and stakeholder input to guide implementation of projects to enhance and restore the lower Putah Creek watershed. Chapter 4 presents a list of over 60 proposed projects on private and public properties along the creek that contribute to the Overarching Goal of the WMAP: Restore and enhance the lower Putah Creek watershed to a self-sustaining ecological condition.48PC-48
1 - Putah Creek specific2008Wallace-Kuhl & Associates, Inc.INITIAL STUDY and MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION for Winters Putah Creek Nature Park / Floodplain Restoration and Recreational Access Project. 3251 Beacon Boulevard, Suite 300, West Sacramento, CA 95691. Prepared for the City of Winters. Environmental analysis of the two phases described in the Winters Putah Creek Nature Park Master Plan in compliance with CEQA, including a project description, environmental checklist, potential significant impacts, and mitigation measures for adverse effects.49PC-49
1 - Putah Creek specific1992Mann, John F. Jr.Hydrogeologic Investigations of the Putah Creek Fan.Consulting Geologist and Hydrologist, 945 Reposado Drive, La Habra, California 90631.Report updating older investigations that concludes the entire Putah Plain (both fan sediments and the Tehama formation) is a common water body to a depth of nearly 500 feet, therefore water users are pumping from a common source and water recharge can’t be considered separate in smaller areas within the Plain.53PC-53
1 - Putah Creek specific2009Davis, Ken W.Dry Creek Project: A Study of Aquatic Invertebrates in Putah Creek’s Intermittent Tributaries Final Report.Intermittent creek invertebrate study cataloguing species occurrence and recruitment for determination of recommendations to enhance intermittent waterways and improve benthic habitat (e.g. weir development, reduced sediments) to protect and encourage species populations and to educate agencies and the public about intermittent tributaries.57PC-57
1 - Putah Creek specific2009Wallace-Kuhl & Associates, Inc.Putah Creek Floodplain Restoration and Percolation Dam Removal: Winters Putah Creek Park – Phase 1.3251 Beacon Boulevard, Suite 300, West Sacramento, CA 95691. Prepared for the Solano County Water Agency, Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee, and City of Winters. Notice and instructions to bidders, proposal, contract, bonds, conditions, and actions for Phase-1 of the Winters Putah Creek Park Project. The Project will remove the Putah Creek Percolation Dam using best management practices to prevent and mitigate adverse impacts, protect native plant populations at the site, rehabilitate roads, establish staging areas, and potentially form a low terrace embankment for access.
1 - Putah Creek specific2009Sanford, Roland A.2009 Update: Lower Putah Creek Riparian Water Availability Forecasting Model. Consulting Hydrologist, 529 Chipmunk Court, Santa Rosa, California 95401. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency.Report correcting the stream flow gain/loss equations, updating the forecasting model with new data, and comparing the model with monitoring results.
1 - Putah Creek specific1995University of California, DavisTIERED INITIAL STUDY: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REPLACEMENT PROJECT. Planning and Budget Office, 376 Mrak Hall, Davis, CA 95616. Consulting agency: Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. Environmental analysis for the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement Project tiered under and consistent with the 1994 LRDP EIR, including a background and project description, tiered environmental checklist, significant impacts, and mitigation measures.
1 - Putah Creek specific2010Luhdorff and Scalmanini, Consulting EngineersFINAL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM: LOWER PUTAH CREEK REGIONAL GROUNDWATER INFLUENCE STUDY LITERATURE REVIEW AND SUMMARY.Prepared for Solano County Water Agency. Review of over 50 documents regarding streamflow, seepage gains and losses, and stream-aquifer interactions in Putah Creek to evaluate the ability to predict streamflow’s in Lower Putah Creek from groundwater levels. The study found The Riparian Water Availability Forecasting Model could estimate streamflow instead of water availability by using water release data, which would allow comparisons of simulated and observed flows.61PC-61
1 - Putah Creek specific1990Dames & MooreFINAL REPORT: EVALUATION OF ON-SITE WELLS, UCD LEHR FACILITY, DAVIS, CALIFORNIA.9300 Tech Center Dr., Suite 100, Sacramento, California 95826. Investigation to evaluate on-site wells, monitor for water quality, radiological constituents, turbidity, flocculation, and make management recommendations in accordance with agency guidelines.63PC-63
1 - Putah Creek specific1990Dames & MooreEVALUATION OF POTENTIAL NITRATE AND HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM SOURCES IN THE VICINITY OF THE UCD LEHR FACILITY FOR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS.Joe Niland, Project Manager and Andy Kopania, R.G., Project Hydrologist. 9300 Tech Center Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, California 95826.Results of the investigation to compare the potential source(s) of elevated nitrate and chromium levels found in the water of private wells near the Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research, the closed campus sanitary landfill, and the closed UC Davis and U.S. Department of Energy radioactive waste disposal sites. Wastewater treatment and agriculture are other potential nitrate sources. Migration of Coastal Range soil materials, wastewater, metals used in irrigation, preservatives and fungicides are other potential hexavalent chromium sources. Nitrate was likely to come from numerous point and nonpoint sources regionally, and the source(s) of hexavalent chromium could not be determined with the available information.64PC-64
1 - Putah Creek specific1990Dames & MooreFINAL DRAFT WORKPLAN: OLD UCD LANDFILL ADDITIONAL CHARACTERIZATION, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORINA, DAVIS. Jim Brake, Project Geologist. 9300 Tech Center Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, California 95826. Plan for the additional characterization of the groundwater downgradient and beneath the Old University of California, Davis Landfill requested by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for evaluation of the groundwater impact results of the Solid Waste Assessment Test to contribute to developing mitigation and remediation alternatives for the site if needed.65PC-65
1 - Putah Creek specific1990Dames & MooreREPORT: PUTAH CREEK SEDIMENT AND WATER SAMPLING FOR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORINA, DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY.Jim Brake, Project Manager and Rick Moren, R.G., Geologist. 9300 Tech Center Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, California 95826. As requested by UC Davis Environmental Health and Safety, this report of Putah Creek sediment and water sample analysis during August, 1990 intended to provide baseline data for low flow periods and found sediment samples were within safe Total Threshold Limit Concentrations for metals, chlorinated pesticides, PCBs, and radiologic analyses.66PC-66
1 - Putah Creek specific1991Dames & MooreSUMMARY REPORT: WASTE BURIAL TRENCH INVESTIGATION LEHR FACILITY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS.Joseph J. Niland, Senior Geologist and Jim Brake, Project Geologist. 8801 Folsom Blvd., Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95826.Soil sample analysis from exploratory trenches excavated at the Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research waste burial trenches to characterize chemical and radiological constituents found debris (e.g. bones and broken glass), waste burial trench location inconsistencies, detectable levels of tritium, Strontium-90, and Cesium-137, and metals that were within safe Total Threshold Limit Concentrations. Recommendations for further characterization by exploratory trenching and Ground Penetrating Radar surveys to specify chemical and radiological constituents more accurately for remedial planning were outlined.67PC-67
1 - Putah Creek specific1995Dames & MooreAPPENDIX C BORING AND CPT WELL LOGS PHASE II SITE CHARACTERIZATION LEHR ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION.Logs for soil borings and monitoring wells, Cone Penetrometer logs, and well driller logs located at or near the Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research facility at UC Davis.68PC-68
1 - Putah Creek specific1997Hydmet, Inc.HSPF MODEL FOR PLEASANTS CREEK NEAR WINTERS (Preliminary Draft). 9434 Deschutes Road, Suite 204, Palo Cedro, CA 96073. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency.Observed and simulated flows for the USGS gage on Peasants Creek from 1963-1968 were compared, analyzed for accuracy, and model calibration was suggested for improving the Hydrologic Simulated Program (HSPF) model.69PC-69
1 - Putah Creek specific1988WAHLER ASSOCIATESGroundwater and Soils Investigation U.C. Davis Research Facility, Davis, California. Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, and Hydrogeologists. 1023 Corporation Way, Palo Alto, California 94303. Prepared for University of California, Davis. Groundwater and soils investigation of the U.C. Davis Research Facility to assess potential chemical and radionuclide contamination as a basis for future site monitoring. Results found high concentrations of chloroform and methylene chloride in a well, debris in trenches, detectable radiation at one waste burial trench but no detectable groundwater contamination, and levels of chromium, lead, and nitrate above their safe maximum contaminant levels for drinking water. Recommendations include quarterly sampling to detect groundwater quality changes, and determination of the full extent of contamination in the soil and groundwater.70PC-70
1 - Putah Creek specific1989WAHLER ASSOCIATESVOLUME 1: Groundwater and Soils Investigation U.C. Davis LEHR Facility, Davis, California. Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, and Hydrogeologists.1023 Corporation Way, Palo Alto, California 94303. Prepared for University of California, Davis.Final report utilizing a multi-phase approach to produce efficient and cost-effective monitoring and exploration procedures for assessing the potential chemical and radionuclide contamination at the site providing baseline data for future site monitoring. The results found chromium, lead, and nitrate in higher concentrations than the safe maximum contaminant levels for drinking water, detected tritium, cesium, and Strontium-90, and found previously undetected Radium-226. Recommendations include quarterly sampling to detect groundwater quality changes, and investigations to determine the extent of soil and groundwater contamination.71PC-71
1 - Putah Creek specific1999Marchetti, Michael P.An experimental study of competition between the native Sacramento perch (Archoplites interruptus) and introduced bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus).Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, CA. 95616.Experiments to assess growth, aggressive behavior, and habitat use of Sacramento perch when bluegill are present indicate habitat shifts, lower weight and less growth where bluegill occur, implying interspecific competition during species interactions. Bluegill were found to be aggressive and dominant toward smaller perch.72PC-72
1 - Putah Creek specific1997University of California, DavisDraft Tiered Initial Study: LABORATORY FOR ENERGY-RELATED HEALTH RESERCH AND SOUTH CAMPUS DISPOSAL SITE (LEHR/SCDS) INTERIMREMEDIAL ACTIONS PROJECT.Planning and Budget Office, 376 Mrak Hall, Davis, California 95616. Environmental Consultant: Dames & Moore. Environmental impact study for the proposed LEHR Project tiered under and consistent with the 1994 LRDP EIR, in accordance with CEQA guidelines and the University of California implementation procedures, including a background and project description, growth issues, tiered environmental checklist, long-term cumulative impacts, mitigation measures, and determination of significant impacts.73PC-73
1 - Putah Creek specific1976U.S. Department of AgricultureFLOOD HAZARD ANALYSES: CITY OF WINTERS, Including portions of Putah Creek, Dry Creek and Moody (Dry) Slough, Yolo County, California.Soil Conservation Service, Davis, California. In cooperation with the City of Winters, Western Yolo Resource Conservation District, and the California Department of Water Resources. Report of flood hazard analysis by the Soil Conservation Service and the Plan for the City of Winters Flood Hazard Analysis of Floodplain Study including flood history in the watersheds, floodplain management strategies, survey information, and land use data.74PC-74
1 - Putah Creek specific1986United States Department of the InteriorPUTAH CREEK SURVEYS Volume 5: Field Survey Notes and Plats for Township Ten North, Ranges Four and Five West, Mount Diablo Meridian.A collection of environmental surveys.75PC-75
1 - Putah Creek specific1998Marchetti, Michael P. and Peter B. MoyleRunning head: Fish assembly in a regulated stream. KEEPING ALIEN FISHES AT BAY: EFFECTS OF FLOW REGIME AND HABITAT STRUCTURE ON FISH ASSEMBLAGES IN A REGULATED CALIFORNIA STREAM.Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology. University of California, Davis, CA 95616.Sampling results of native and non-native fish species from 1994-1998 using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Differences between assemblage habitat uses was extrapolated from the data, resulting in the conclusion restoration of natural flow regimes is needed to conserve native fish populations.
1 - Putah Creek specific1999Marchetti, Michael P. and Peter B. MoyleSpatial and temporal ecology of native and introduced fish larvae in lower Putah Creek, California.Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology. University of California, Davis, CA 95616. Two year study (1998-99) of native and nonnative fish larvae distribution and abundance found higher native larvae abundance upstream and early in the season, and found more fish larvae when it was dark. Results suggest assemblage differences may be due to habitat differences resulting from the Monticello dam upstream where gravel riffles, shade, and faster flowing water are found. The lower creek had slow flowing water which may be preferred by nonnative species larvae.77PC-77
1 - Putah Creek specific1998Mullen, D. A.Wildlife Habitat Monitoring Program Lower Putah Creek, CA. Prepared for Solano County Water Agency by David Mullen, Environmental Consultant.During the litigation process that led ultimately to the Putah Creek Accord, the Solano County Water Agency initiated a series of intensive field studies designed to obtain baseline data on the wildlife of the Putah Creek riparian corridor from the Putah Diversion Dam to the Yolo Causeway, to serve as a basic tool with which SCWA and other interested agencies could develop administrative policies to enhance and protect wildlife resources.78PC-78
1 - Putah Creek specific1999Marchetti, Michael P.Ecological Effects of Non-native Fish Species in Low Elevation Streams of the Central Valley, California. Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology. University of California, Davis, CA. 95616. Three studies examining non-native fish species effects on Central Valley California Streams, especially Putah Creek, including competition between Sacramento perch and bluegill, an investigation of larval ecology, and an examination of community level patterns of fish distribution. Results indicate bluegill competition causes lower growth rates and weight gain among perch, larval fish are found in greater numbers at night and differences in habitat impact larval presence, and finally native and non-native species assemblages varied with changes in environmental variables and habitat use, respectively.79PC-79
1 - Putah Creek specific1988Benjamin, Anne ElenaImpact of Deep Aquifer Pumping on the Stream and Multi-Aquifer Systems Along Putah Creek Near Davis, California. Thesis, Master of Science in Hydrologic Studies.University of California, Davis. Monitoring investigation of the interactions between Putah Creek and adjacent groundwater and for hydrologic system characterization and modeling by data collection from irrigation and observation wells, stream piezometers, stream seepage meters and a pumping well. Pumping well results indicate deep gravel aquifers are not impacted by vertical leakage suggesting the deep and shallow aquifers of the system are not vertically connected, chemical and hydraulic head analysis suggest there may be vertical leakage through irrigation wells implying the deep and shallow aquifers of the system may be vertically connected, and results conclusively show there is connectivity between Putah Creek and the shallow aquifer.80PC-80
1 - Putah Creek specific1993United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife ServiceReconnaissance Planning Report Fish and Wildlife Resource Management Options for Lower Putah Creek, California. Ecological Services Field Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Room E-1803, Sacramento, California 95825. Prepared for United States Congress. Due to legal disputes Congress funded the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services to prepare this report to identify fish and wildlife resource issues (e.g. water allocation and flood protection), provide cost and benefit analysis, provide proposed funding sources and stakeholder cooperation efforts, and describe possible short and long term management and enhancement measures for future projects.81PC-81
1 - Putah Creek specific1999Moyle, Peter B. and Michael P. MarchettiApplications of Indices of Biotic Integrity to California Streams and Watersheds.T.P. Simon, ed., 1999. Assessing the Sustainability and Biological Integrity of Water Resources Using Fish Communities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBIs) measured as fish abundance and diversity assume integrated community responses amongst fish adequately reflect environmental conditions for determining biotic integrity. This paper addresses the problems developing IBIs and applying them in California watersheds, and offers solutions to these problems to achieve broader applicability across different conditions.83PC-83
1 - Putah Creek specific2001Marchetti, Michael P. and Peter B. MoyleEFFECTS OF FLOW REGIME ON FISH ASSEMBLAGES IN A REGULATED CALIFORNIA STREAM. Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, California 95616. Results of fish sampling from 1994-1998 show distinct native and nonnative fish assemblages in different reaches dependent on flow regime and on habitat characteristics and use. Native fish counts were higher in cooler water with less pools, higher streamflow, and more shade demonstrating the need for natural flow regime restoration and adaptive management strategies to conserve native populations.84PC-84
1 - Putah Creek specific2013Moyle, P.B.NOVEL AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS: THE NEW REALITY FOR STREAMS IN CALIFORNIA AND OTHER MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE REGIONS. Center for Watershed Sciences and Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, CA. Description and analysis of novel ecosystems and the role of reconciliation ecology in temporary streams and heavily altered California aquatic ecosystems for use developing practical management approaches. Managing a novel ecosystem requires realistic policy, basic understanding of the system, recognition of stakeholder needs, willingness to take risks, and holistic management techniques.85PC-85
1 - Putah Creek specific2012Kiernan, Joseph D., Peter B. Moyle, and Patrick K. CrainRestoring native fish assemblages to a regulated California stream using the natural flow regime concept. (1)Fisheries Ecology Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 110 Shaffer Road, Santa Cruz, California 95060. (2)Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616. (3)ICF International, 630 K Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, California 95814. Examination of fish response to the establishment of the lower Putah Creek targeted flow regime to determine if native fishes reestablish and regain dominance over nonnative species in mimicked natural stream flow patterns. Results indicate increased spawning and rearing conditions, cooler temperatures, and higher stream flows do provide conditions that support reestablishment of native fish assemblages and reduce the abundance of nonnative fishes.86PC-86
1 - Putah Creek specific1995Marchetti, Michael P. and Peter B. MoyleConflicting values complicate stream protection. California Agriculture, Volume 49, number 6, pages 73-78. Article describing water usage and needs in California, and how to develop long-term policies that balance the conflicting values of water users, anecdotally referring to The Putah Creek litigation process to present the need for collaboration.87PC-87
1 - Putah Creek specific1998Moyle, Peter B., Michael P. Marchetti, Jean Baldrige, and Thomas L. Taylor.Fish Health and Diversity: Justifying Flows for a California Stream. Fisheries Management, Vol. 25, No. 7.Explanations for, and presentation of, stream flow recommendations for fisheries management in Putah Creek, results of the Putah Creek Councils court trial to establish year round flows, and impacts these flows are having on the ecosystem.88PC-88
1 - Putah Creek specific2006Lower Putah Creek Coordinating CommitteeLPCCC Report to Community. Report of landowner and community member involvement in setting Lower Putah Creek restoration and stewardship priorities, project selection criteria, and feasibility of management strategies to foster long- term health of the creek.89PC-89
1 - Putah Creek specific1962Shaw, W. B. and J. O. McClurgReconnaissance Report on Upper Putah Creek Basin Investigation. Resources Agency of California, Dept of Water Resources.This bulletin contains basic data and information which identifies the water problems of the area, and included reconnaissance appraisals of various possibilities for development of additional surface and ground water supplies within the area. It recommended that local interests continue to proceed with development of their water resources as fast as economically possible, so that the possibility for the loss of right to appropriate water, which would be induced by the culmination of the Monticello Project, would be kept to a minimum.90PC-90
1 - Putah Creek specific1985Sutter, G. E. and K. J. DawsonA Management Plan Proposal for the Putah Creek Riparian Reserve at the University of California, Davis [DRAFT].Dept. of Environmental Design, University of California, Davis: 173.This report was prepared by Kerry Dawson, Associate Professor with the UC Davis Department of Environmental Design Department, with assistance from graduate student Greg Sutter, to analyze the potential of the new UC Davis Putah Creek Riparian Reserve (designated in 1983) and to develop a master plan to serve as a guide for the future management of the reserve. This report contains several sections: Historical and Environmental Setting, Goals and Objectives, Planning Issues, Policies and an alternative management program for the reserve, and a short summary of high priority policies.91PC-91
1 - Putah Creek specific1997Stevens, M. L. and A. Ryan Ethnobotany of the Putah and Cache Creeks Eco-region. Public Service Research Program, University of California, Davis.92PC-92
1 - Putah Creek specific2002Madison, M.A Sense of Order: The Rural Landscape of Lower Putah CreekYolo Press
1 - Putah Creek specific2003Truan, M.The Western Bluebird as host for the Brown-headed Cowbird: A new record from California.Western Birds 34: 111-113.This paper documented three cases of parasitism of the Western Bluebird, one of which resulted in a cowbird fledging event with associated bluebird chick mortality. These findings were important because nest records for North America suggested that brood parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) on cavity-nestingspecies was relatively rare, and that outcomes of such parasitism on Western Bluebirds had never been documented.94PC-94
1 - Putah Creek specific2003Yates, G.Gravel and Temperature Surveys of Lower Putah Creek. Prepared for Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee. Vacaville, CA.95PC-95
1 - Putah Creek specific2005EDAWLower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan. Phase I – Resource Assessments. Text and Appendices. Prepared for: Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee.This WMAP is a comprehensive science-based and community-based approach to protect and enhance resources in the lower Putah Creek riparian corridor, including tributaries, extending from Lake Berryessa to the Yolo Bypass. The WMAP was one of the first actions initiated by the LPCCC, through funding by a grant from the CALFED Bay- Delta Program. It was designed to be a dynamic WMAP that landowners and other stakeholders can use as a conceptual and planning framework and that would be updated with new information and new ideas to improve the watershed. Its goals are to provide landowners and management entities with a blueprint for actions to protect and enhance resources in the lower Putah Creek watershed in a manner that is compatible with and respectful of landowner priorities, interests, and concerns.96PC-96
1 - Putah Creek specific2006Fulks, A. Putah Creek Riparian Reserve 2006 ReportUniversity of California, Davis.97PC-97
1 - Putah Creek specific2008Fulks, A.Putah Creek Riparian Reserve Annual ReportUniversity of California, Davis.98PC-98
1 - Putah Creek specific2009UC Davis Office of Resource Management and PlanningPutah Creek Riparian Reserve Experimental Ecosystem and North Fork Supplemental Management Plan.In 2007, management responsibility for the UC Davis Experimental Ecosystem was transferred to the Putah Creek Riparian Reserve. In 2009, management responsibility for an additional 13 acres of the relict North Fork channel of Putah Creek, and 2 acres of land south of the centrifuge, were also transferred to the Riparian Reserve. The 2005 Management Plan did not directly address these properties. This document is supplemental to the overall Management Plan, and was prepared by the Reserve Manager with review and comment by the Putah Creek Reserve Advisory Committee.99PC-99
1 - Putah Creek specific2009Fulks, A.Putah Creek Riparian Reserve Annual Report. University of California, Davis.100PC-100
1 - Putah Creek specific2003Truan, M. et al.Putah Creek Terrestrial Wildlife Monitoring and Assessment Plan.Museum of Wildlife & Fish Biology, University of California, Davis.Based on Accord-based management objectives and information needs identified by the Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee (LPCCC), the Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology embarked on a long-term biomonitoring program designed to contribute information critical to the understanding and assessment of wildlife and ecosystem health and to the development and implementation of present and future habitat enhancement projects. These criteria included: 1) the development of a set of practical criteria against which habitat enhancement project progress could be measured; 2) the development of a set of wildlife species indicators that could signal successful habitat enhancement; 3) an assessment of the effects of exotic plant removal on wildlife; 4) an assessment of the importance to wildlife of riparian corridor width and continuity; and 5) the development of a metric or metrics to measure wildlife response to infilling of vegetation designed to serve as a deterrent to trash dumping. The monitoring plan established a minimum level of commitment needed to monitor terrestrial wildlife and was designed to serve as a platform for expanded studies.101PC-101
1 - Putah Creek specific2004Engilis, A. et al.Lower Putah Creek Terrestrial Wildlife Monitoring Plan 2003 Report. Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, University of California, Davis.Under the Putah Creek Long-term Monitoring Plan, 2003 was the first full year of monitoring of terrestrial wildlife along the creek. We established and surveyed monitoring points and transects along the same geographic boundaries and one- mile grid system used for the WMAP (EDAW 2005). Avian surveys consisted of walking transect surveys and timed variable radius point count surveys, We also integrated the Putah Creek Nestbox Highway project initiated in 2000 into the program and initiated the first Breeding Bird Atlas for Putah Creek. Mammal and herpetofaunal records, derived mainly from incidental surveys, were also incorporated.102PC-102
1 - Putah Creek specific2004Truan, M. et al.Putah Creek Nestbox Highway 2004 Annual Report. Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, University of California, Davis.This and the following reports provide results and analysis of activities and outcomes pertaining to the Putah Creek Nestbox Highway artificial nestbox program for cavity nesting birds, a combined conservation, research, and environmental education program.103PC-103
1 - Putah Creek specific2005Truan, M. et al.Putah Creek Terrestrial Wildlife Monitoring Program 2004 Report. Occasional Papers #1. Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, University of California, Davis: 75pp.This report reports findings from surveys for birds (including a second year of breeding bird atlasing), ants, herpetofauna, and mammals. Breeding Bird Atlas surveys were continued.104PC-104
1 - Putah Creek specific2005Truan, M. et al.Putah Creek Nestbox Highway 2005 Annual Report. Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, University of California, Davis.105PC-105
1 - Putah Creek specific2006Lindgren, E. et al.Putah Creek Terrestrial Wildlife Monitoring Program 2005 Summary Progress Report. Occasional Papers #2.Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, University of California, Davis: 72pp.Assessments were expanded to 17 sites in 2005. Vegetation surveys were initiated, to be completed in 2006. Lepidopteran surveys were conducted in late summer. Avian survey methods were expanded to include constant- effort mist-netting surveys under Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) protocols (Institute of Bird Populations), and the final year of Round One of Breeding Bird Atlasing.106PC-106
1 - Putah Creek specific2006Truan, M. et al.Yolo Bypass Riparian Bird and Wildlife Monitoring Program 2005 Progress Report. Prepared for CA Dept of Water Resources by the Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, University of California, Davis.In partnership with the California Department of Water Resources Environmental Services Office, biologists with the UC Davis Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology designed a program to survey vegetation, butterflies, small mammals, and birds at selected riparian sites in and adjacent to the Yolo and Sutter Bypasses to assess population status and trends and to document species-habitat relationships in Bypass riparian habitats. This project, funded by the California Department of Water Resources, was designed to gather baseline data in support of California Bay- Delta Authority Ecosystem Restoration Program (CALFED-ERP) objectives for ecosystem restoration at selected riparian sites in the Yolo Bypass. Under this partnership, the Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology surveyed remnant riparian habitat in the Yolo Bypass. Sites were selected both to develop baseline data and to help identify desirable riparian habitat characteristics. Species surveyed included birds, small mammals, and butterflies. Information from these surveys were used to guide the development of a cooperative program to protect existing habitats, rehabilitate degraded habitats, and fill gaps in forest continuity.107PC-107
1 - Putah Creek specific2007Truan, M. et al.Putah Creek Nestbox Highway 2007 Annual Report. Museum of Wildlife & Fish Biology, University of California, Davis.108PC-108