DistrictStateType of AgreementDate SignedLast updatedEnd date of agreement
(Date or N/A)
Re-open PlanRequirement to renegotiate for change in closure status or other issueRequire masks for teachers and staffProvide PPE for teachers and staff PPE provided for Teachers and StaffStudents required to wear a maskPPE provided for studentsCleaning schedule and/or suppliesDecision hierarchy for remote learning roles Class size limit for remote learningIf full remote model, are teachers required to work from the school building?Are teachers required to be available to students certain hours? Communication requirementAre teachers required to provide live instruction?Live Instruction RequirementRequired student hoursRequired teacher work hoursDistrict required to provide specific PD PD required to be provided by the districtAre privacy protections addressed?Privacy ProtectionsWill teachers be evaluated this year?Will student growth be included in teacher evaluation?Change in use of student growth or weight of componentsChange in required observationsCan teachers be observed remotely?If evaluation is tied to pay, will incentive remain?Any other noted evaluation changesIs there additional leave in place for teachers related to COVID beyond FMLA?COVID-related leave policySpecific leave policies for teachers who do not feel safe coming to work?Changes to substitute pool or protocol?Link to document(s)Please add any state context or links to state guidance documents that are referenced in CBA/MOUAdditional notes
Albuquerque Public SchoolsNew MexicoMOU7/23/202010/9/20Expires at start of hybrid learning model.Fully RemoteParties agree district may delay hybrid learning beyond September 8, 2020, if parties determine that on-site education cannot be conducted safely. Upon announcement from New Mexico Department of Health that in-person schooling is safe for staff and students, parties will meet to mutually agree upon start date for hybrid model.Issue not addressedYesGloves and gowns for nurses, pre-k teachers, and certain special education teachers. Masks provided and, if requested, face shields. If employee discovers PPE has not been provided by district, they have right to work remotely until it has been provided.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedDistrict will meet all safety guidelines provided by CDC including handwashing stations, no-touch trash cans, tissues, and disinfectant wipes. District will provide soap, sanitizer, and paper towels. If employee discovers PPE has not been provided by district, they have right to work remotely until it has been provided.Teachers considered to be in a high-risk group, as defined by CDC guidelines, and who wish to discuss an accommodation should contact the district ADA office. ADA office will facilitate process to explore reasonable accommodations. Employees who do not qualify for an ADA accommodation and are a high risk employee, or live with someone who is high risk, as defined by CDC guidelines, may fill out district COVID-19 request for a remote work assignment. High risk categories include: 1. Older Adults, and 2. People with a high risk underlying medical condition, or those who live with a person who has an underlying medical condition (conditions listed).Issue not addressedNoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedTeachers will be accessible during their duty day. All extensions of duty day, any loss of a duty free lunch, and training or PD outside of duty day will be compensated at each individual employee’s hourly rate. This includes time for daily screenings when entering school site.YesPrior to resuming classroom instruction, district will train teachers on: 1. Local and state rules regarding health and safety procedures, and 2. How to use online instruction and learning tools. All training will be within district-directed professional development time or paid at individual’s appropriate rate. Any teachers assigned additional duties necessary to assist COVID-19 monitoring will receive training prior to performing duty. While in hybrid model, no more than 2 hours of required PD may be scheduled on day students are not in school.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesAny teacher who misses work because they are subject to quarantine as a result of exposure to COVID-19, or a positive test, will receive applicable Family First Cares Act leave. After FFCA leave is exhausted, employees can utilize sick leave and concurrently apply for FMLA.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedAlbuquerque AgreementIssue not addressedTeachers will be responsible for arranging their classroom for social distancing prior to the hybrid model.
Systems that support remote and hybrid learning will be developed at each site through the Instructional Council and in collaboration with all staff.
Parties agree that there will be a health and safety committee in each school.
Baltimore City Public School SystemMarylandMOU11/11/20202/9/206/30/2021Hybrid"The provisions of this MOU shall remain in effect until June 30, 2021, or until such earlier date on which City Schools resumes on a system-wide basis regular in-school instruction... If after resumption of such-in school instruction, all or any individual schools are returned to full virtual or hybrid instruction models due to COVID-19 infection issues, the provisions of this agreement shall be applicable to bargaining unit employees at those affected schools for the duration set forth [until June 30, 2021]."YesYesStaff will be provided with two reusable face coverings and may wear their own mask that meets composition criteria. Additionally, each school site will also receive a supply of surgical or ear-loop masks to be stored and allocated to students or staff who may have forgotten or lost their mask (HSG, p 8)YesOnly as a backup for students who may have forgotten or lost their mask Cleaning and/or disinfecting of school elements (high-touch surfaces, furniture, etc.) at least once a day with a school-provided cleaner/disinfectant.
Schedule and supplies are explained on p 30-32 of the HSG
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressed
Issue not addressed
Issue not addressed
n/aYesEmployees who are unable to work...may apply for paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Employees may also apply for expanded family and medical leave under the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA).
BCPS extended the FFCRA to 1/31/21. Starting February, leave is available only to staff instructed to quarantine if they develop Covid symptoms, or "test positive when there has been a COVID case at their work site."
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOUHealth and Safety Guide [HSG]
Baltimore County Public SchoolsMarylandMOU9/2/20209/24/201/29/21Fully RemoteIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedSpray disinfectant will be available for staff to use at the worksite. Disinfecting hand solution will be maintained outside of the school cafeteria. Soap will be maintained in all restrooms. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNoYesEducators are expected to be available and responsive during their normal duty day. YesLive synchronous learning will consist of whole group and small group instruction. Maryland Board of Education Guidelines will be adhered to regarding synchronous and asynchronous instruction. According to the guidelines, schools must have an average of 3.5 hours across the grades (K through 12) of synchronous instruction spread out over the course of the day. 6.5 hours6.5 hours a day as noted in the contract.YesThe Board is required to train staff regarding expectations for alternative instruction and work - online assignments, online instruction, delivery of instruction, and assessments during any school building closure related to COVID-19. YesEducators, except for Speech Language Pathologists (SLP), are prohibited from making audio or visual recordings of students during online instruction, but may video tape themselves, allowing students to access the instruction later. SLP's may audio record a student to obtain a language sample as part of IEP data collection and/or for assessment purposed only. YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedThe Parties agree that guidance regarding the observation of teachers shall be added to the MOU in accordance with guidance provided by the MD State Department of Education. It is agreed that no formal observations shall be conducted prior to September 28, 2020. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedThe Parties agree that guidance regarding the observation of teachers shall be added to the MOU in accordance with guidance provided by the MD State Department of Education.YesThe Parties agree that TABCO members who qualify and are approved for a Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) leave shall not be required to use personal time(sick or vacation) and shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Employees shall be required to use personal time(sick or vacation) once FCCRA authorized leave is exhausted. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedSigned MOUMaryland Guidance -
Boston Public SchoolsMassachusettsMOA9/9/20209/23/20When the COVID-19 state of emergency ends or at the conclusion of the 2020-2021 work year, (6/30/2020) whichever occurs first.Fully RemoteIssue not addressedYesYesStaff members will be provided two reusable masks/face coverings. Disposable masks will be available for staff who forget their masks. Face shields may not be used in place of masks but may be used in addition
to masks. Staff who feel that they need an extra layer of protection may request that the district provide a face shield, as available, in addition to a standard medical mask. Nurses shall be provided PPE in accordance with DESE and applicable OSHA guidelines for health workers.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedEach school will be equipped with at least three months of sanitation supplies, including adequate supplies of soap and paper towels. Each school will be equipped with hand washing stations throughout the building as needed. The District will maintain a supply of classroom cleaning and disinfectant supplies including but not limited to disinfectant spray, paper towels, hand soap for sinks, and hand sanitizer1) Educators in a high risk group as defined by the CDC and would be eligible for leave under Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA) or Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act; 2) Educators with a household member that is at high risk as defined by the CDC and as a result the household member would have qualified for leave under FFCRA; 3)Educators with a verifiable child care issue due to COVID-19 related closures, per the FFCRA. Issue not addressedBeginning October 1st, teachers assigned to in-person will work from their classroom M, T, TH, and F. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedYesSynchronous learning opportunities must be designed to provide students with regular,
consistent opportunities to access live, synchronous instruction, student-to-student interaction, collaborative assignments/projects, teacher feedback and other needed support. Each period/class shall have a synchronous component on each day that the period/class meets.
Issue not addressedAll staff will work their regular, contractual hoursYesFrom September 8, 2020 through September 18, 2020, all BTU
members will engage in professional development (PD) and physical and/or virtual classroom set up: (1) remotely or in person, at the
members’ option, from September 8th through 17th.
YesRegardless of the online platform used, staff must take all reasonable precautions to protect students’ confidentiality when working remotely. These precautions may include working in a separate location when making work-related phone calls and logging out of a device and all accounts after accessing work-related information. A subcommittee will be established to define norms for the use of remote video for staff, students, and families. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedN/AYesStaff who are required to take a leave, based on a required quarantine due to COVID-19 quarantine due to a traceable workplace exposure or workplace suspected exposure will not be required to use their sick leave during the period of quarantine. Staff who are required to take a leave, based on a required COVID-19 quarantine not due to a traceable workplace exposure or workplace suspected exposure (i.e. member of household tests positive), will be required to use their sick time during the period of quarantine On a case-by-case basis, the District will determine whether or not the staff member will work remotely during this time. If determined they can, the staff member will not have to use his/her sick days.The provisions of sick time and personal days remain applicable, at any point during the quarantine, for the staff member working remotely.N/APer Diem substitutes, who worked 120 days last year and who certify that they are willing and able to work during SY20-21, will be required to complete five days of PD between September 10 and September 18. They shall be compensated for the time. BPS will determine which days 4 they must attend and the materials will be available remotely. These days will be counted towards health care eligibility.MOA
Boston Public Schools (Hybrid Learning Agreement)MassachusettsMOA9/29/202010/19/20Conclusion of 2020-21 school year or full resumption of in-person schoolingHybridSuperintendent reserves right to terminate any plan created under the agreement based on student or operational needs, in which case work conditions in that school revert back to CBA and 9/9 MOA.Issue Not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedShould more teachers be needed to return to school site due to increased in-person student demand, operational needs, or to gradually shift all staff back to on-site, the reopening plan subcommittee will review input to create an equitable process. School leaders retain right to direct staff to return to building as long as written explanation is provided, per 9/9 MOA.Issue not addressedNot applicableIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedDuring orientation phase to in-person learning, students will receive no more than two full instructional days in person, and on the remote days may engage with other teachers sychronously or complete asychronous activities.Schedule adjustments to allow for primarily remote classes and/or in person classes. May involve coteaching, creating student cohorts, or block scheduling.
In order to meet student and operational needs, teachers may volunteer to perform duties not related to historical duties.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedAll plans must comply with federal and state laws including disability accommodation for student and teachers and leaves of absense.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedHybrid Learning MOUIssue not addressedAll proposed schedules/plans must be approved by a school superintendent, the reopening plan subcommittee, and then the superintendent.
Brevard Public SchoolsFloridaMOA7/31/20209/25/2012/31/20HybridIssue not addressedYesYesUpon request, KN-95 or similar face covering will be provided to any member of the bargaining unit who works in a situation where face coverings are not mandated and 6ft. of social distancing is not possible and to any high-risk member of the bargaining unit. A package of face covering will be provided to each teacher for use within their classroom as needed which includes one (1) face covering per day for teachers if necessary. 3. Upon request, members of the bargaining unit will be provided one face shield and who interacts with students in a classroom setting shall be provided a plexiglass barrier if available. bargaining unit who works in a situation where face coverings are not mandated and 6 ft. of social distancing is not possible and to any high-risk member of the bargaining unit.YesIssue not addressedThe District will ensure that each worksite has adequate cleaning supplies, including disinfecting materials, and hand sanitizer. Preference for any position that is virtual or limits contact with students will be given to members of the bargaining unit who are considered high risk following the process established for applicants claiming Veteran’s Preference. High Risk shall be deemed valid for any employee who submits medical evidence from a licensed physician indicating one or more conditions defined as high risk per Center for Disease Control and Prevention, i.e. employees over the age of 65, employees with chronic medical conditions placing them at risk.Issue not addressedNot applicableIssue not addressedThere is no expectation that members of the bargaining unit communicate with parents or students outside the workday; however, they should respond to parent requests within one (1) workday.YesMembers of the bargaining unit, it is expected that they will provide no less than 3 hours of consecutive or non-consecutive instruction per contract day during their regular work hours so they can be available for student interaction. Each teacher will provide daily contact with their students within the students' regularly scheduled times. In block classes, teachers will provide at least 30 minutes of direct instruction per block per day.Issue not addressedIt must still be understood that teachers are compensated for and expected to work an eight (8) hour day.YesIf necessary, district professional development will be made available online to assist staff in completion of requirements for recertification.YesMembers of the bargaining unit shall be notified in advance when video cameras or other recording equipment is installed in a workplace. If live video or recorded instruction is used:
1. Members of the bargaining unit must be trained on complying with applicable student and personal privacy including, but not limited to, HIPAA and FERPA prior to the first day of the usage of such audio/visual devices.
2. Members of the bargaining unit must be notified of which students in their classrooms have signed applicable consent forms and be trained on district policies and procedures for dealing with students whose parents have not provided consent.
YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedDue to social distancing guidelines, the following criteria from the Instructional Evaluation System, (IPPAS) will not be evaluated: Dimension 1 Element II Indicator 2 eliminate "small groups" from requirement; Dimension 2 Element I Indicator 2; Dimension 2, Element III; and Dimension 2 Element IV Indicator 1 eliminate "socratic discussions". 3. Dimension 2 Element III 4. Dimension 2 Element VII Indicator 1 eliminate “Socratic Discussions”YesNoYesProvide members of the bargaining unit paid leave under the provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. These guaranteed federal-leave provisions will be utilized prior to members of the bargaining unit using any other paid-leave provisions. After depleting FFCRA paid sick leave provisions, members of the bargaining unit will be granted up to five (5) paid administrative leave days when appropriate documentation from a licensed physician is received and continues to indicate that the said member of the bargaining unit cannot perform job functions remotely due to their own personal COVID-19 illness.The district may grant members of the bargaining unit personal leave without pay up to one school year upon request. Members of the bargaining unit shall be permitted to find outside employment while on leave for this COVID-19 pandemic period during the school year 2020-2021 only.During pre-planning, members of the bargaining unit will have the opportunity to volunteer to cover classes during their planning time. Secondary teachers will be compensated $30 for each class covered during their planning time. Elementary teachers will be compensated $15 for each class covered during their planning time. Those who volunteer for this will not be expected to give up more than two planning periods per week. These two planning periods shall be deducted from their 3 protected planning periods. At the end of each 9 weeks members of the bargaining unit can decide to stop participating by informing their administrators.MOA
Bridgeport Public SchoolsConnecticutMOU9/3/20209/16/20June 30, 2021 or if Governor cancels State of EmergencyHybridIf Governor or State Department of Education issue orders, mandates, etc. that would affect the agreement, parties agree to confer as soon as possible to amend agreement into compliance while maintaining original intent.
Hybrid, in-person, and remote instruction covered in this agreement. Terms may be revisited if COVID related circumstances change.
YesYesFace masks provided, and if necessary gloves, goggles, face shields, and clear plastic divider/walls. Special education teachers provided all additional necessary PPE to do their duties safely.YesIssue not addressedAll common equipment to be wiped down before and after each use. All teachers will be provided with cleaning supplies as recommended by the CDC to be used at their discretion. This does not substitute for regular cleaning by trained staff. Classrooms will be provided with sanitizing wipes for teachers and students. The district will retain staff to clean computers, desks, and materials daily or as according to federal, state, or local protocols. School building sanitizing stations will be checked regularly, cleaned 3 times per day, and restocked as necessary.First priority for remote accommodations given to those with medically documented ADA requirements. Second priority based upon childcare needs. Third priority based on seniority in the district. District has no obligation to provide remote position if a reasonable accommodation exists or if it provides an undue hardship to district.Issue not addressedNoYesTeachers to communicate with students/parents through email and online platforms. If a phone discussion is required, students/parents must email teacher to request and teacher will call at a mutually agreeable time with personal phone (they may block their number).
Teachers will reach out by email or phone to parents of students who are chronically absent or not completing assignments.
YesRemote instruction is to be provided by live stream on TEAMS for the entire scheduled class session.If teacher is unable to conduct their teaching responsibilities electronically, they may be required to provide class coverage, provide student supports, or participate in professional development.Issue not addressedMust be available to students, parents, colleagues, and administrators during normal daily schedule, excluding breaks for lunch and self-directed time. Teachers are to be available to students and families by phone and electronic platform during non-instructional times, excluding 30 minute lunch break, during regularly contracted hours.YesStaff meetings and PD to be attended either in person or remotely in a teacher's classroom unless have a work from home accommodation.
Teachers required to learn new technology/methods related to remote or hybrid learning, will be provided professional development time during contracted work hours.
All training required by Connecticut Reopen Plan and/or Bridgeport Public Schools Reopening plan to occur during contractual hours.
YesTeachers will not be required to record classes or other live instruction. Teacher meetings will not be recorded without written consent.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedMembers will be evaluated with amended TEVAL plan developed by the Professional Development of Evaluation Committee.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIf evaluations are waived or suspended by Commissioner, teachers may receive non-quantitative feedback from administrators.
No teacher can be disciplined solely based on remotely observed concerns, as long as requirements of agreement are met.
YesBoard and Association will consider accommodating teacher childcare issues related to COVID on a case-by-case basis.
Teachers absent due to COVID related issues who cannot complete work remotely, will use accumulated sick leave, utilize their rights under the EPSLA or FMLA+, or apply to the superintendent for a general leave of absence under terms of CBA. Teachers who take a medical or general leave of absence from in-person instruction, have a right to immediately return to work when a remote position becomes available (and after medical clearance in first case).
Teachers unable to provide in-person instruction either due to high risk factors for COVID of themselves or a household member, as documented by a doctor, will be considered for remote instruction to the extent possible. If unable to be accommodated for remote instruction, teachers may use their accumulated sick leave. In cases where unable to teach only due to household member risk factors, after using family illness leave, they may use their own sick leave minus the cost of the teacher's external substitute.Teachers will provide substitute coverage only when absolutely necessary. The district will make every effort to retain enough external substitutes for daily needs. Teachers will not be required to substitute for more than 3 class periods per week (gr 6-12) or 135 minutes per week (gr PK-5). Support staff and special education teachers will not be required to provide substitute coverage.MOAGeneral reference to State Department of Education and State Health Department mandates and guidelines. District will comply with all federal, state, and local guidelines related to COVID that apply to public schools.
Broward County Public SchoolsFloridaMOU8/24/20209/29/206/30/21, unless extended by mutual written agreementFully RemoteParties agree to develop a subsequent MOU about bringing back subpopulations for in-person learning. Parties agree to develop another subsequent MOU about health and safety protocols prior to bringing back the general population.YesIssue not addressedHealth and safety protocols to be negotiated in subsequent MOU prior to bringing back general population.Issue not addressedHealth and safety protocols to be negotiated in subsequent MOU prior to bringing back general population.Health and safety protocols to be negotiated in subsequent MOU prior to bringing back general population.Issue not addressedYesNoYesTeachers are required to provide updates on assigned work on their course Canvas site at least weekly. If a student is consistently not completing assignments, teachers will make 2 attempts to contact student's parents via text, email, or phone and will notify administration if no response.YesTeachers and students are to interact during each assigned instructional time. Teachers provide links to Microsoft Teams meetings through Canvas course. Teachers are to be in Teams at the start of the instructional period and for the duration of the period. Teachers are to have their camera on during all class instruction and individual student meetings. Teachers may turn off their camera when not directly interacting with students. It is strongly recommended that group instruction be for no longer than 50% of class period, with remainder being teacher assigned collaborative or individual work.Students are to be in Teams for the duration of the class period. Students are to follow the master schedule of school operation including instructional periods, specials, lunch, and/or recess.Length of working day remains per CBA. Reporting time is determined by operating times of schools. Principals provide staff times for reporting, master schedules for student interactions, lunch, and planning time. Teachers are to follow the master schedule of school operation including instructional periods, specials, lunch, and/or recess. Teachers must be reachable by phone, text, or chat during instructional planning time. Teachers opting to work from school, with approval, may use planning time for travel and complete equivalent planning time at home.Issue not addressedDistrict or school based professional learning is optional to teachers during instructional day planning time. District PD will be offered during non-instructional time when possible to maximize access.YesStudents are to complete a Digital Citizenship course in Canvas. Teachers are not required to use personal phone numbers or emails with colleagues or families. They may make phone calls through Microsoft Teams and email through Outlook. Teachers have the option of recording Teams class sessions. Recordings are protected educational documents and are only available in the district learning ecosystem. Recordings may be used for students to review in the future or to capture student disciplinary or disruptive events. Students that record a teacher without their knowledge or permission may be subject to disciplinary actions. Parent interruptions to instruction will receive a written or verbal warning, and subsequent incidents may result in student removal from Teams meeting.Issue not addressed Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedEvaluations for 2020-21 school year are currently being negotiated by Evaluation sub-committee. Virtual walkthroughs may be conducted but they are non-evaluative. Administrators will announce their entry into Teams meetings. District and school based staff may attend/view a teacher's class with teacher's approval or principal's approval with 24 hour notification to teacher, when practicable. Their attendance is non-evaluative. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIdentification and assignment of substitutes is responsibility of school administration. If staff from school or district are utilized for coverage, they will be exempt from their other professional duties. They will be granted non-editing rights to Canvas and will use their own Teams platform. Counselors, social works, and psychologists are not to be used for coverage. Compensation and regulations from CBA remain in effect.MOUFlorida DOE approved the district Optional Innovation Reopening Plan on August 4. All US, Florida, and local statutes and district policies remain in place.
Broward County Public Schools (Re-opening of Brick-and-Mortar)FloridaMOU9/29/202010/15/206/30/21, unless extended by mutual written agreementFully PersonParties agree to revisit subjects as necessitated by feedback, CDC updates, public health guidance, changes in law, changes in pandemic, and evolving needs. Subsequent written agreements will be incorporated within.YesYesDistrict will provide and maintain ample supply of PPE including face coverings and gloves. Employees with increased interaction with students will be provided PPE commensurate with exposure. In case of one-on-one student meetings, face shields and plexiglass barriers will be provided if less than 6 feet distance possible. Differentiated PPE will be provided to teachers working with students with disabilities and may include face shields, gowns, goggles, scrubs, and/or booties.YesIssue not addressedDistrict will provide daily sanitization of school transportation vehicles in between every route. District will develop procedure to properly disinfect building if someone is symptomatic or tests COVID positive. District will provide and maintain ample supply of sanitization products, hand sanitizer, soap, paper towels, tissues, handwashing and sanitization stations, and trash cans. Teachers are not required to assist with cleaning or sanitizing classrooms, although cleaning supplies will be available. District will implement daily sanitization of schools, at least once a week deep cleaning, and consistent sanitization of high use areas and equipment. Use of shared objects should be limited and shared objects left in a bin to be sanitized daily.District will strive to provide remote positions to highest possible number of requesting employees. Eligibility is based on function of job and needs of worksite. Determination will be made by a district review panel with medical expert consultation when appropriate. Requests will be prioritized as follows: 1) Underlying medical condition with strongest evidence of likelihood of severe COVID case, supported by letter from medical professional, 2) Underlying medical condition with mixed evidence of likelihood of severe COVID case, supported by letter from medical professional, 3) Employees that live with a family member with an underlying medical condition that may place them at higher risk, supported by a letter from a medical professional, 4) All other employees who wish to be considered. Remote assignments are subject to change based on needs and there is no guarantee of length. Pending final disposition of request, teacher will continue to teach remotely and school administration will provide supervision for students in classrooms.Issue not addressedNot applicableIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesTraining will be provided to address and identify students who appear symptomatic. Prior to first day of required implementation, district will provide training on safety protocols, safety equipment and supplies, de-esculating situations with students, reporting suspected cases, privacy rights, and student engagement and attendance.YesThere will be no use of a camera in the classroom other than those selected and operated by teacher for instructional purposes and provided by district on a school issued laptop, tablet, desktop, or Polycom Studio USB.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressed
Issue not addressed
Issue not addressed
All walkthroughs not required by law, except for schools coming off State review within last two years, will be suspended. Required walkthroughs will be conducted virtually to extent permitted.
The Evaluations Sub-Committee will continue to discuss evaluations for the 2020-21 school year.
YesIf teacher is required to isolate due to close contact with someone who is positive and they are able to work remotely, they may work remotely. If district cannot provide remote work, no leave will be deducted from their balances.
If teacher tests positive, in addition to 80 hours of paid leave through FFCRA, if they are unable to work, they will be provided up to an additional 80 hours of paid leave as needed.
If employee is not able to work due to symptoms but is not eligible for or has exhausted above leave, they may use accrued sick leave or other leave to which they are entitled.
Parties will explore creation of a COVID specific sick leave bank for employees who do not qualify for regular sick leave bank.
not addressednot addressedMOUAll provisions of August 22 MOU are incorporated, except paragraph 4 (addresses location of remote work).
Employees who are within 1.5 years of Medicare eligibility and who choose to retire, will have their individual insurance continued at district's expense until Medicare eligibility.
Parties agree to meet as soon as possible to explore feasibility of offering early retirement incentive to eligible employees.
Burlington School DistrictVermontMOU9/7/202010/6/206/30/21 or if state emergency declared by governor is discontinued and superintendent and association president mutually declare need for agreement expires. HybridIf model of instructional delivery changes, either party may request to reopen agreement.Issue not addressedYesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedTeachers will clean high touch areas during the day in addition to cleaning provided by custodial staff. Cleaning supplies will be provided to teachers.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNot applicableIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedHigh school teachers will monitor students during daily 30 minute lunch period instead of daily 36 minute advisory period. Elementary and middle school teachers will be present to support morning arrival or health screenings of students at 7:50 AM, if services are required. This is not considered a duty and is in addition to CBA contact hours for middle school. Elementary and middle school teachers will have 205 minutes of teacher-directed planning time on Wednesday afternoons. In elementary and rniddle schools, paraeducators will provide assistance with lunches for students in their respective classrooms.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedYesTeachers will make every effort to avoid inadvertent sharing of information via personal devices and home networks. Teacher will be subject to discipline for negligent or intentional misuse or communication of student information from a permitted personal device or home network. Teacher's personal devices will not be deemed property of district or subject to seizure. All technology owned, purchased, or provided by a teacher is their personal property as well as teacher's personal information housed on a personal device or home network. If information is inadvertently shared or accessed through school network, it will be deleted on request by district and will not be used for discipline, provided content is not criminal or violation of district's discrimination or harassment policies.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedParaeducators agree to substitute for teachers if requested to do so by their administrator and will be paid every two weeks at rate specified in CBA.Burlington MOUIssue not addressedTeachers agree to reduce posting requirement for job vacancies from 10 to 3 days, and also to permit simultaneous internal and external postings through 9/30/2020.
Capistrano Unified School District CaliforniaMOU8/12/20209/30/206/30/21, unless altered or extended by mutual written agreement. Also MOU expires if State of California or
Orange County Department of Health approves schools to return to traditional pre-COVID model of
Fully RemoteParties agree to meet, unless mutually agreed upon, to negotiate impacts should State of California or Orange County Department of Health change requirements for schools in response to COVID-19. Parties agree that nothing in the MOU prevents them from continuing to negotiate changes made to working conditions due to impacts of COVID or from state and local orders related to COVID. If/when students return to a hybrid model or continue 100% remote, parties agree to meet to discuss the impact on working conditions including room cleaning, leave options, and accommodations process.YesYesAppropriate PPE will be provided to teacher if a student is legally
permitted to not wear a face covering. Includes face coverings, masks, N95 respirators, face shields, neck guards, barriers, gloves, goggles. PPE are provided as required by California Department of Public Health, when appropriate and practicable. In limited situations where a face covering cannot be used for
pedagogical or developmental reasons, a face shield can be used instead of a cloth face covering as long as maintain physical distance from others, to extent
practicable. If appropriate PPE cannot be provided, teacher will be sent
home, without penalty or deduction of leave, until requested PPE is available.
YesIssue not addressedRoom cleaning to be addressed if return to hybrid learning.Teachers with documented health concerns will be given priority to work from home positions, as practicable. Secondary teachers with documented medical restriction requiring work from home or placed on quarantine from CDPH, will be allowed to teach from home a regular contractual day. District will provide supervision for hybrid students up to a maximum cost of $1,000,000 to the District through December 30, 2020.YesYesYesCanvas will be the learning management system for communication with students and parents. District email may also be used. Teachers will communicate a daily/weekly lesson plan with expectations for students. Teachers are to be available via email/technology during the regularly scheduled work day.YesInstructional minutes may include: direct instruction, small group instruction, 1 on 1 instruction or assessment, and independent student practice. Teachers will be available to students during instructional minutes.
Elementary Program A/B (Temporary Remote/Hybrid) will provide: Minimum 2 live, synchronous lessons in the AM and PM sessions; Minimum one daily lesson in numeracy; Minimum one daily lesson in literacy; and extended day learning through Canvas.
Elementary Program C (Remote for year) will provide live synchronous lessons throughout the day in support of numeracy and literacy per school’s daily schedule and state adopted instructional minutes. Content for independent learning will be assigned and supported through Canvas.
Secondary Program A and B students receive at least 1 live, synchronous lesson daily for each period of regularly scheduled classes. Teachers are expected to be available with students throughout class period.
Learning will occur daily according to the school schedule for instructional minutes. Expectation for students to be in attendance to any synchronous online distance learning required by the teacher in the site approved schedule.Teachers are expected to work the contractual number of hours. Teaching will occur daily according to school schedule for instructional minutes. Individual school sites will develop a schedule, not exceeding the maximum instructional minutes
in CBA. Teachers are to adhere to schedule and not require a synchronous
online lesson to occur outside of their allotted scheduled time. Schedules will include time for teachers to manage online curriculum.
YesSpecial Education and General Education teachers in a co-teaching environment will be given training specific to this type of instruction prior to beginning teaching and voluntarily on an ongoing basis.YesDistrict and special education teachers will make every effort to ensure that all confidentiality protections that are regularly in place remain in place. However, it should be understood that online interactions may not have the same guarantees of confidentiality that exist during in-person interaction.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedEvaluations will be discussed in Employer-Employee Relations Council about how to provide support and feedback in an online environment.Issue not addressedLeave options and accommodations process to be discussed if return to hybrid option.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOUNothing in MOU supercedes federal and state law, local and state agency directives, or Board Policy.
Capistrano Unified School District (Addendum to MOU)CaliforniaMOU9/30/202010/21/20addendum to 8/12/20 MOUHybridIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedTeachers will spray and wipe the tops of students desks, chair surfaces, and door handles with approved disinfectant in between classes. Teachers may ask students to remove debris from tops of desks before exiting classroom.Issue not addressedYesNot applicableYesIssue not addressedYesSecondary program A (hybrid) and B (online) students receive at least one live, sychronous session daily per period. Secondary program A and B students will follow the same schedule. Program A and B students may interact during the period at the teacher's discretion, through the virtual meeting room.Secondary teachers are expected to be available with students throughout the class period. Program A and B teachers will follow the same schedule. During independent student practice, teacher will be available to program B (online) students. Availablility may be email, discussion board, shared google doc, and/or virtual meeting room.
TK-5 teachers are expected to be with their students upon commencement of classroom teacher's instructional time. Regular duty schedules will be created as outlined in CBA. Teachers needing to use restroom during morning and afternoon session, are encouraged to call front office for supervision.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressednot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedCohorts may not be combined in event of teacher absence for in person instruction unless all district guidelines can be met. MOU AddendumIssue not addressedTeachers with both program A and B students will receive 2 hours per month of non-instructional additional assignment hours when schools return to in-person instruction.
Teachers with one or more classes of more than 10 program B students will receive an additional 2 hours per month of non-instructional additional assignment hours when schools return to in-person instruction.
Chicago Public SchoolsIllinoisLetter of Understanding2/10/20212/11/208/24/2021HybridThe protocols for In-person Instruction and Operational Pauses "will remain in effect through August 24, 2021,or until CDPH/IDPH/ISBE determines that a change in the protocol is warranted. Any changes to these protocols shall be made only by mutual agreement between the Board and the Union."YesYesThe Board will make three cloth face coverings available to all staff.YesIssue not addressedThe Board has implemented and shall maintain enhanced cleaning protocols and shall provide notice to all bargaining unit members of cleaning schedules. The Board shall follow the CPS Cleaning and Disinfection Guidance for Chicago PublicSchools Primary and Secondary Schools for COVID-19, as sent to the Union on January 22, 2021.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedn/aYesCPS has granted and will continue to grant approval for telework accommodations to employees at increased risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, per the CDC, and to employees who serve as primary caregivers for family members at increased risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, per the CDC, provided the employee submits sufficient documentation to substantiate their eligibility.Employees without an accommodation and who are not fully vaccinated may, upon request, take a job-protected unpaid leave of absence, with full benefits, for the third academic quarter.Issue not addressedFramework for Resumption of In-Person Instruction
Columbus City SchoolsOhioMOU10/29/202010/29/2020Through the end of the 2020-2021 school yearHybridThe Superintendent or her designee will provide written notice to CEA at least seven (7) calendar days prior to students returning in-person five days per week. The BOARD and CEA agree that any necessary modifications to the AGREEMENT, this MOU, or its attachments resulting from such a requirement shall be subject to negotiations between the parties consistent with Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4117.YesYesA cloth mask will be provided to each employee if requested.YesDisposable masks will be made available to students, staff, and any other individuals who do not come to school with one.All CEA bargaining unit members will be supplied with gloves and disinfectant wipes and/or sprays approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to kill COVID-19.
[CCS will] provide hand sanitizer and other appropriate cleaning supplies in labeled containers for cleaning throughout the school day.
Issue not addressedYesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesTeachers will hold a 20 minute morning meeting, and 60 minutes of synchronous student support that may include small group conferences, content and assignment support, etc. on Remote Only Days depending on what is necessary for instruction based upon the teacher’s professional judgement. The 20 minute morning meeting is not a part of the 60 minute synchronous student support.See required teacher work hours.See commentYesSee commentIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedn/aYesFFCRA extended through March 23, 2021.
A CEA bargaining unit member subject to a quarantine or isolation order due to exposure or possible exposure resulting from member’s employment may elect to work remotely during the period of quarantine or isolation, or may elect to exercise the member’s leave rights under the FFCRA.
A CEA bargaining unit member subject to a quarantine or isolation order due to exposure or possible exposure not related to the member’s employment may request to complete the member’s duties remotely instead of taking FFCRA or other applicable leave
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOU 2020-2021 School Year:
MOU Return to School:
FFCRA extension:
District of Columbia Public SchoolsDCMOA12/17/202012/17/20Through the end of the 2020-2021 school year or through the end of the Covid-19 pandemic health emergency, whichever is sooner.HybridThe Parties agree that WTU reserves the right to bargain with DCPS over safety and health conditions for Terms 3 and 4, not previously agreed to or those that arise due to unforeseen circumstances occurring throughout the duration of the term of this agreement.YesYesDCPS shall provide personal protective equipment (PPE), including face masks and hand sanitizer, to all staff, students and pre-approved visitors. DCPS shall provide face shields to Teachers on a weekly basis.
DCPS shall ensure that face masks are available at all times at the schoolsites.
YesYes: see comment under PPEClassrooms shall be furnished with hand sanitizer and cleaning supplues to maintain a clean workplace.DCPS shall allow all bargaining unit members to choose whether to perform their duties either in-person or online/remotely, by informing DCPS of their choice for the 2020-21 school year. DCPS shall distribute a Statement of Intent (SOI) within seven (7) school days of the execution of this agreement. Teachers shall inform DCPS of their choice within seven (7) school days after the SOI is distrubuted to staff. [See comment for additional text]Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesDCPS will provide professional development to teachers in support of adopting new distance learning tools and platforms.
DCPS shall provide all Teachers with professional development on COVID-19 prevention and response protocols.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedn/aYesTeachers who contract COVID-19 or come into close contact with individuals as defined by DC Health contact tracing guidelines, during the academic year are subject to a 14-day quarantine period and shall be entitled to any and all applicable benefits and/or leave under FFCRA, CESA, or any other applicable law. Distance teaching, if available, may be allowed, on a case-by-case basis. Teachers who have to miss work beacuse a child or other household member contracts COVID-19 during the school year shall be referred to the Leave of Absence (LOA) team. [See comment for additional text]See note under decision hierarchy:
DCPS shall allow all bargaining unit members to choose whether to perform their duties either in-person or online/remotely, by informing DCPS of their choice for the 2020-21 school year.
DCPS shall first utilize the pool of substitute teachers available in the event that a teacher cannot perform their duties.
MOA dated 12/17/20COVID-19 Support Emergency Amendment Act (CSEA)
Denver Public SchoolsColoradoMOU8/22/20209/23/206/30/21 or upon the expirations of the State of EmergencyFully RemoteIssue not addressedYesYesThe district agrees to provide access to personal PPE which includes access to face masks, face shields, and as appropriate gloves for professional use by every educator. For Center based special education teachers and staff additional PPE will be available for the purposes of supporting students with toileting needs and/or for students that have challenges with wearing masks within the school day.Issue not addressedIssue not addressed8. Educators may be asked to wipe down desks and chairs in their classroom with district provided disinfecting products. SLTs will consider educator work time as they prioritize cleaning in relation to the health and safety guidelines when planning the school schedules. Educators may request a remote work arrangement due to the COVID-19 pandemic for safety concerns consistent with the procedures in the Employee Practice Manual.Issue not addressedNoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesThe District will provide training and guidance for teachers and SSPs about the proper and safe way to conduct the health screen.NoIssue not addressedYesNo-it was removedSLOs will not be used for evaluation during the 20-21 school year. Schools will continue to use data teams to assess student progress.Probationary teachers shall receive a minimum of two observations and nonprobationary teachers shall receive a minimum of one formal full observation as defined and set forth in the LEAP Fairness Guide. Teachers may request additional observations for coaching and evaluation purposes.YesIssue not addressedAll evaluators, teachers and SSPs will be trained and evaluators calibrated utilizing the appropriate appendix (virtual, hybrid and in person learning) prior to any evaluation being conducted.YesPursuant to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”), eligible employees will be entitled to up to eighty (80) hours of paid emergency paid sick leave for reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic through December 31, 2020. Effective January 1, 2021, pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, employees are entitled to take paid leave for certain public health-related reasons. If employees are in need of additional sick leave due to COVID-19, an eligible employee will have access to sick leave bank balances prior to accessing any accrued benefit.Issue not addressedSLT/DLT Contingency plans for substitutes may include plans for asynchronous learning
due to lack of substitute teachers.
Signed MOU
Detroit Public Schools Community DistrictMichiganLetter of agreement8/27/202010/20/206/30/21HybridChanges to health and safety requirements will be collectively bargained by parties. Parties will meet as needed to collectively bargain issues arising from COVID related safety in schools. If COVID cases increase and prompt whole or partial closure of district, parties will meet as soon as possible to collectively bargain effects and continuation of instruction remotely. Issue Not addressedYesTeachers who elect face-to-face instruction will receive PPE (protective gowns, face masks, face shields, shoe covers, and gloves) pursuant to CDC and OSHA guidelines, upon request, as circumstances require.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedAll teachers will be allowed to choose their preference to teach remotely or face-to-face. This selection remains in place for the first nine weeks through November 11. If changes are needed after nine weeks, parties will collectively bargain the issue of choice thereafter.YesNoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesTeachers who elect face-to-face, will receive training on best approaches and safety precautions for safe delivery of high quality instruction in COVID work environment.
Teachers who elect virtual, will receive training on best approaches to deliver high quality instruction.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressednot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesTeachers who experience difficulties with COVID are encouraged to apply for leave provisions through Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act and Emergency FMLA, both part of FFCRA, and/or ADA. Any teacher who works in person and contracts COVID, will be entitled to paid sick leave without loss of any sick-bank time, until they are medically cleared to return. If face-to-face teacher is sent home to quarantine due to exposure and are asymtomatic, they will be required to teach remotely.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedDetroit LOAParties need to reopen schools and implement learning programs in conformity with guidance issued by CDC, Michigan Department of Health, Michigan Department of Education, the Michigan Safe Start Plan, the Michigan Safe Schools Plan, and Governor Whitmer's Executive Orders 2020-142, 2020-145, and 2020-147.A joint Labor-Management Committee on Schools Reopening will be formed with 3 district and 3 association members to meet weekly to review reopening issues.
Beyond required "return to work" COVID-19 testing, district will provide voluntary and on-going testing free of cost to teachers and students. Student testing requires parent consent.
Compensation: Teachers who elect to teach face-to-face will receive a bonus of $750 for each marking period they complete through June 30, 2021.
Teachers who teach face-to-face and are transferred to a different school, may request a return to original school and district will give priority to request.
Teachers who need school age childcare due to COVID related facility closures, may bring their children to their classroom and provide them with supervision and instructional supports.
Elk Grove Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU7/25/2020 Full Distance Learning MOU. 8/7/2020 Addendum Regarding Secondary Positions and Mandated Assessments.10/5/206/30/21 (may be extended upon mutual written agreement)Fully RemoteNegotiations about transitioning to transitional learning model and to fully open in-person learning will be addressed in subsequent MOUs. Parties agree to negotiate effects of changes to working conditions due to COVID-19 as soon as practical in circumstances. Parties agree to negotiate impacts of any changes in state or local public health guidelines.YesYesFace coverings required. Gloves, shields, and masks provided upon request. During mass distribution or drop-off of student materials, teachers are to wear non-latex gloves. For in-person assessments, if face shields are worn, they must be used with a mask unless face shield has a drape. Gloves should be worn if direct contact is needed with student.YesIssue not addressedDistrict will provide sanitation of schools including classrooms, restrooms, and offices. Per county health guidelines, disinfectants and related supplies, hand sanitizer, and soap and water are to be available to all employees. Teachers are to assist with cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces in classroom throughout school day. Newly adopted cleaning technology that is safe to use around students and safe for student use, will be available in all classrooms. Recommended to limit use of shared objects, but when are shared, clean and disinfect between each use or at least frequently throughout the day.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNoYesIt is expected that teachers check district email during the work day. Teachers should use a variety of methods to keep parents updated on child's progress including Synergy, Google Classroom, email, and text massaging platforms. Teachers are expected to respond to parent and student communications within 24 hours during the work week unless there are extenuating cirucumstances.YesPE teachers will provide synchronous instruction to grades 1-6 on a rotational basis. PK/TK/K teachers follow their own schedule for synchronous/asychronous learning which accounts for developmental needs while ensuring instructional minute requirements are met. Grades 1-6 Traditional requirements (also have Year Round requirements): 240 minutes of daily instructional engagement. In Tuesday-Friday 8am-12pm block, asychronous learning not to exceed 60 minutes, also includes a 20 minute break. In 12:35-1:45pm block, at least 20 minutes must be asychronous and/or synchronous. On Mondays for Early Out, the second block is all asynchronous. For older grades, in a 4x4 schedule, there are 4 periods each Tuesday-Friday with 55 minutes of sychronous class time and 20 minutes of asychronous guided practice and support. Mondays are early dismissal and have 40 minutes of sychronous class and 20 minutes of independent practice. In a 3x4 schedule, there are 3 periods each Tuesday-Friday with 55 minutes of sychronous class time and 20 minutes of asychronous guided practice and support. Mondays are early dismissal and have 50 minutes of sychronous class and 30 minutes of independent practice. Instructional minutes specified will be provided daily to students. Minimum Days will be eliminated during distance learning and instructional minute requirements per SB 98 will be met. Elementary traditional student hours are 8:00am-1:45pm. 4x4 student hours are 8:00am-2:00pm with teacher available to students until 3:15pm. 3x4 student hours are 8:00am-12:50pm with teacher available to students until 3:20pm. Teachers will report during work hours provided in the MOU attached schedule, remotely or on-site, unless otherwise directed. Teacher hours are 7:50am-3:20pm. YesThree pre-service days that include 3.5 hours of district PD and 3.5 hours on mandated reporting and sexual harassment prevention. District will provide training on digital platforms/software. District will also provide ongoing professional learning to increase skills in delivering instruction through distance learning, including how to administer assessments.YesTeachers may collaborate as long as in compliance with student privacy and confidentiality laws including FERPA/COPA.YesNoIndividual or group assessment data will not be used for teacher evaluations.Issue not addressedYesIssue not addressedEvaluations still apply as under the CBA. Incomplete evaluations from 2019-20 will be moved to 2020-21, shifting the alphabetical cycle and those who were to be evaluated this school year to 2021-22. All probationary and temporary teachers will be evaluated this school year. Consideration will be given to acknowledge that teachers are learning a new method of instructional delivery with distance learning.Issue not addressedTeachers unable to meet conditions of MOU, should use sick leave or personal necessity leave, including FFCRA leave, consistent with law and CBA. Leave will be revisited when transitional learning model and fully in-person model are implemented.Issue not addressedDistrict will provide professional development on distance learning delivery to selected substitutes. These substitutes will be provided upon teacher absence. District will develop an absence reporting protocol to ensure adequate substitute coverage. District will develop plan for access to substitutes and protocol for providing substitutes with daily lesson plans. Elk Grove MOU
Elk Grove MOU Addendum
California Senate Bill 98 provides statuatory direction about re-opening schools. SB 98 was impacted by California Department of Public Health's COVID-19 Industry Guidance.
Hawaii Department of EducationHawaiiMOU1) 6/26/20 SY 2020-2021 COVID-19 Response MOU,
2) 7/13/20 Clarification of MOU,
3) 8/3/20 Board Changes to SY Calendar
9/20/20June 30, 2021, or by mutual agreement of parties to terminateHybridIssue not addressedYesYesEmployees whose assignment places them at greater risk for exposure will be provided appropriate PPE (surgical mask, face shield, gloves). Upon request, teachers may be provided a face shield. If PPE supplies are not available, teachers may purchase their own supplies with supervisor's approval and be reimbursed when receipts submitted. YesUpon request, teachers may be provided an adequate supply of face coverings for students.Each campus, classroom, and office will have soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, and no-touch trash cans in addition to cleaning supplies such as disinfecting wipes. If cleaning supplies are not available, with approval, teachers may be reimbursed for purchase after submitting receipts. Hand sanitizing stations will be available on campus. Teachers will not be required to clean or disinfect classrooms. Campuses, classrooms and offices will be cleaned and disinfected on a regular and frequent basis in compliance with the CBA. Surfaces touched frequently by multiple people will be cleaned at least daily.Teachers who are documented to be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 may be provided options to limit their exposure risk (e.g. telework or modified job responsibilities).Issue not addressedNot applicableIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedPrincipals and members at each school, determine model between the following:
Elementary- Face-to-Face, Blended Rotation, and Hybrid (Face-to-Face & Blended Rotation).
Middle: Face-to-Face, A/B Two-Day Rotation, Combination Rotation.
High: Face-to-Face, Two-Day Rotation, Hybrid (Face-to-Face & Blended Rotation).
Also the Department must provide instructional models that allow parents/guardians who do not feel comfortable sending their children to a school campus to keep their children at home.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedYesPer 8/3 MOU on update to SY calendar, the first nine days of instruction will now be used for additional staff training and professional development and start of instruction will be delayed from August 4 to August 17. YesTeachers' privacy, health, and personnel records protected in compliance with HIPAA. Recording teachers without their permission when engaging with students remotely is prohibited. Teachers are not required to share their personal phone numbers or emails with students, parents or colleagues. Teachers may use approved digital platforms which hide personal phone numbers to message students.YesYes-with modificationsAll teachers will be graded using the SSP (Student Success Plan) Rating Rubric #1: Highly effective: 76-100% of students show growth; Effective: 56-75% show growth; Developing: 45-55% show growth; Ineffective: less than 45% show growth. (These numbers are lower than the rubric usually required for tenured teachers; this is the one typically used for emergency hires and beginning probationary teachers.)NoYesIssue not addressedPlease see the evaluation manual for additional details. not addressedPer FMLA, if a teacher needs to care for a family member who is ill due to COVID-19 or in a high-risk category, they may use their paid sick leave. Teachers may utilize Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) and/or Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA). Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOU; Reopen; Start dateGovernor's Reopening Hawaii Plan must be taken into consideration. In person schooling will resume with written guidance from the Hawaii Department of Health.
Hillsborough County Public SchoolsFloridaMOU8/31/20209/24/2012/31/20HybridIssue not addressedYesYesThe district will ensure equipment and supplies are provided to support proper hygiene behaviors, use of PPE, and sanitation. There must be a sufficient supply and distribution of face coverings.YesThe district will provide and maintain a supply of hand sanitizer at the entrance of schools and in high traffic areas so students and employees can clean their hands upon entering and upon exiting. There must be a sufficient supply and distribution of disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, soap, paper towels, physical barriers in high traffic areas, handwashing and sanitizing stations, and no touch trash receptacles. The district will implement guidelines and a schedule for routine cleaning, disinfection including but not limited to daily disinfection of all schools and consistent disinfection of high use surfacess, areas, equipments, and deep cleaning as needed. Employees who are at increased or high-risk for serious complications from COVID-19 or are caring for increased or high-risk household members may request a remote learning assignment. The district will make its best efforts to accommodate employee requests.Issue not addressedNot applicableIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYeseLearning teachers are expected to conduct live lessons. Issue not addressedIssue not addressed YesThe district will provide training for employees on proper safety protocols; use of safety equipment, de-escalation in situations in which students refuse to follow protocols; and how to handle other situations unique to COVID-19 such as reporting and dealing with suspected cases, privacy rights, student engagement, and attendance. Additionally, the district shall provide training, guidance, and instructional materials on how to select and use appropriate video and other technology platforms and on best practices for remote work and delivery of instruction for students and student support services via distance learning. NoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesStaff have access to leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Staff who have exhausted FFCRA leave but have been certified by their physician to have continuing COVID-19 related symptoms will be provided up to five(5) additional days of sick leave if necessary. Employees will have option to join the sick leave bank in early September 2020. The parties agree to waive any timelines for submission of leave paperwork.Issue not addressedIf a substitute cannot be secured, a teacher who covers an absent teacher's class will earn $20 each period. Signed MOU
Howard County Public SchoolsMarylandMOU10/29/202010/29/20206/30/21Fully RemoteWhile the parties have made a good faith effort to be inclusive or all employee situations, it is recognized that any negotiable matter not specifically covered by this MOU will be addressed through negotiations at the time it becomes known by HCEA or the County Board.Issue Not addressedNot addressedEmployees who work with students who are unable to fully comply with health/safety procedures...will be provided appropriate protective equipment (e.g. face shield, goggles, face mask, gloves, isolation gowns, etc.).Issue not addressedIssue not addressedHCPSS will develop cleaning protocols and processes aligned to the guidelines of the CDC and the MD Department of Health. Employees will not be expected to perform cleaning duties that are not part of their regular assignment.Issue not addressedNoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesEmployees shall receive appropriate training and will have access to ongoing support for any new application or software required to perform their jobs.YesParents shall be notified that audio and video recordings of the instruction are not allowed. Any recording or photo of an employee, especially one that is used inappropriately, shall be subject to County Board policies, including the student code of conduct. Similarly, employees shall be prohibited from making audio or visual recordings of students during on-line instruction.YesYes-with modificationsStudent Learning Objectives (SLOs) will be implemented in the second semester, unless MSDE waives the inclusion of student growth data for the 2020-2021 school year due to the pandemic.The evaluation framework for each employee group is still in effect.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedn/aYesIf the employee qualifies under the FFCRA they shall be granted Covid-19 related paid leave in compliance with established provisions under the law....If the leave extends beyond the leave provided for in FFCRA, the board may extend emergency, paid sick leave based on medical circumstances.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOU dated 10/29/20School year may be extended to fulfill contractual work days based on BOE calendar adjustments.
Jeffco Public SchoolsColoradoMOU8/20/20208/20/20208/31/21HybridNo, but they have established a "collaborative monitoring committee with members appointed by the Superintendent after an application process and association recommendations."
[Continued in comment]
YesYesEducators will be provided face coverings and face shields. In the event a staff member is directed to purchase protective supplies by an administrator, these expenses will be reimbursable to the employee, with proper proofs of purchase.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedSchool classrooms and common areas will be cleaned regularly,sand sanitized as needed, according to protocols developed by the Custodial Services Department. Cleaning will be completed primarily by custodial staff, with light maintenance completed by classroom teachers or other staff.Principals may make a grade level, subject or remote/in-person assignment change. Principals will do this thoughtfully to allow preparation time and to best address needs of the students. For the 2020-2021 school year, principals may partner to have an educator in the remote learning environment deliver education to students in more than one school. For the 2020-2021 school year, principals may make a temporary transfer of an educator to another school for remote teaching or in-person teaching.
[Continued in comments]
YesYesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesThe District has prepared, and will continue to develop and update, appropriate resources for educators, and will continue to collect feedback for the development and update of the resources.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesNot addressedObservations may occur in the remote learning environments. Observations must be done openly, with the administrator clearly indicating presence in the online learning tool.YesThe District will follow all federal and state laws regarding sick leave, as currently required in the FFCRA and the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act. The District will implement with fidelity the Emergency Sick Leave Bank, when requests are received, in a timely manner.

Employees will not be disciplined for appropriate use of sick leave.
Issue not addressedEducators will not be asked to cover another educator absence if that coverage involves combining cohorts of students. An educator that agrees to cover an additional class during a planning period will receive compensation per standard District practices.
Any educator (such as instructional coach, librarian, counselor, dean, etc.) may be utilized for class coverage (for substitute coverage) in order to maximize in-person instructional time for students.
MOU dated 8/20/20The class size limit in Column P is addressed by the 2020-2021 CBA:
Class sizes of in-person and remote teachers will follow the guidelines of Article 8 (CBA, page 26). Classes may be comprised of multiple grade levels, and may fluctuate during the school year.
Long Beach Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU8/18/202012/1/20When district instructional program is back to pre-Coronavirus conditions or the end of the 2020-21 school year, whichever occurs first. MOU may be extended upon mutual agreement.HybridDistrict and/or Association reserve the right to negotiate any additional impacts related to COVID-19 for the school year.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesNoYesRequired to communicate with parents and maintain updated gradebooks. Response to parent emails and phone messages required within 48 hours.YesAll approved models include in person instruction or live virtual instruction.
Issue not addressedDuring live virtual instruction, teachers must be available and accessible to students for the duration of the full scheduled instructional period.YesSix hours of virtual PD to be provided during the first semester in lieu of adjunct duties.YesUse of images or recordings by students or parents for non-educational purposes or to discriminate, harass, or intimidate a teacher is prohibited.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedEvaluations will follow the processes outlined in the CBA for all teachers.YesLeave benefits provided in HR 6201 (Families First Coronavirus Response Act) may be drawn before any other form of leave available under the CBA.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedSigned MOUDistrict shall comply with COVID-19 related safety guidelines outlined by Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services.
Los Angeles Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU8/3/202012/1/2012/31/20 or when students physically return for regular instruction, whichever occurs first. MOU may be extended by mutual agreement.Fully RemoteYes, continuing bargaining to occur in regards to eventual physical return to on-site instruction. Issue Not addressedIssue not addressedN/AIssue not addressedN/AIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNoYesCommunication with parents required. Initial student/family contact to be made afternoon of August 19th.YesKindergarten: 60 min. M, 90 min. Tu-F.
Grades 1-3: 90 min. M, 110 min. Tu-F.
Grades 4-5 (6): 90 min. M, 120 min. Tu-F.
Schools with 6, 7, 8 periods or 4x4: 90-100 min. M, 150-170 min. Tu-F.
9:00am-2:15pm. Classroom teachers shall adhere to state minimum for daily instructional minutes (synchronous + asynchronous).Yes. Teachers must work 360 minutes per day on average. Work between 9:00am-2:15pm required.Yes10 hours of "Smart Start" PD will be provided on August 17-19. Will provide continued PD for virtual delivery of special education services. Will provide continued PD for virtual delivery of instruction and transformative Social Emotional Learning.YesDistrict cannot record live instruction without prior notice and consent. Administrators shall be granted access to all virtual sessions upon prior notice.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedMay submit a video of lesson in lieu of a formal evaluation observation.YesIssue not addressedSee note on "will teachers be evaluated": only non-permanent employees will be evaluated.NoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedSubstitutes and pool teachers to be fully utilized to avoid general education grade level combination classes in elementary school. Substitutes to be surveyed as to number of available days per week and assigned to a school within calling area. Substitutes encouraged to participate in "Smart Start" PD and continuing PD.SideletterIssue not addressed
Los Angeles Unified School District (2)CaliforniaSide Letter3/9/20213/21/20216/30/21HybridIssue not addressedYesYesThe District shall supply and require the use of masks, in accordance with LACDPH guidelines for all staff and students. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedC.Hand Sanitizer & Soap
D.Cleaning and Daily Disinfecting
[Explained in notes]
All classroom teachers working remotely as a reasonable accommodation for being in a high-risk health category shall provide distance learning instruction consistent with the workday schedules in Attachment A, Attachment B, and Attachment C, in accordance with their individual assignment(s). Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedThe attachments detail the daily schedules for each level (elementary, secondary, early education), in addition to breaks, planning time and compensation for time added to the school day.Not addressedIssue not addressed
Issue not addressed
Issue not addressedNot addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressed
Issue not addressed
Not addressedn/a
Issue not addressed
A.High Risk Unit Members - The District shall make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for unit members who provide a physician’s note determining that they are in a high-risk category related to COVID-19.
B.COVID-19 Infected and Quarantined Unit Members - Unit members required to quarantine by the District shall be paid without having to utilize contractual or statutory leave time.
Issue not addressedSubstitute unit members will be asked to complete a statement of availability for supporting Hybrid instruction and in person service for prioritized student populations. Special program substitutes shall continue in a special program assignment. Additionally, day-to-day substitute protocols utilized while schools have been physically closed shall continue for the remainder of the school year.
[Continued in notes]
Sideletter dated 3/9/21This sideletter includes vaccination, issues related to the physical reopening of schools, and the refinement of points made in earlier sideletters, e.g. clarifying paid quarantine time, the creation of school-level Covid task forces.
Miami-Dade County Public SchoolsFloridaLetter of understanding8/29/20209/25/20Last workday of the 2020-2021 school year for ten month employeesFully RemoteIssue not addressedYesYesSchool sites will maintain supply of facial coverings for employees to be provided as necessary to
ensure facial coverings are consistently worn. Employees completing health screenings will be supplied with the necessary PPE.
YesIssue not addressedBe provided with a workspace that is regularly sanitized to limit spread of the virus. This includes regular cleaning of all common touch points such as doors and bathrooms with appropriate disinfectants throughout the day. Soap and hand sanitizer shall be readily available in all bathrooms and common areas
(preferably ‘no touch’ dispensers).
Teachers with approved ADA accommodations will be provided distance teaching assignments where certification and student enrollment are appropriate. Additionally, teachers who have indicated other impediments will be assigned distance learning teaching assignments to the extent possible.Issue not addressedNoNoIssue not addressed (Existing contractual language requires teachers to respond to parent requests for conferences in a timely manner and to conduct conferences when students begin to display a consistent pattern of disruption, or when students demonstrate unacceptable academic achievement through failure to exert sufficient effort.)YesFor classes of an hour or less, at least fifty percent of each class block/period shall be utilized for live, synchronous instruction (whole group or small group) with cameras turned on. For classes more than an hour in length, at least one-third of each class shall be utilized for live, synchronous instruction (whole group or small group). Teachers will connect for
live, full-group instruction with students at the beginning of each class block/period for
attendance and lesson delivery.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressed (Work hours for teachers will align with contractual requirements - LOU page 5)YesEmployees will be required to attend mandatory professional development regarding safety protocols and Core Practices.YesUntil such time as a virtual background option, currently in development by Newrow, is activated in K12, specific matters of teacher privacy concerns that may interfere with the live teaching portion of the K12 experience will be discussed with individual school principals for live suitable remote teaching alternatives, while still utilizing the approved K12 content.YesYesIssue not addressedMeetings of the Joint Committee for the formal observation process are currently progressing with a revised timeline.YesYesBoth parties agree to jointly develop the 2020-2021 formal observation process (IPEGS) through the M-DCPS/UTD Joint Committee. Meetings of the Joint Committee are currnetly progressing with a revised timeline for observations.YesExtended Professional COVID Leave: COVID-19 Concerns, will be recognized as an additional category of the Professional Leave Without Pay (Non-Study) provision. All timely submissions that meet the requirements under the Professional Leave Without Pay (Non-Study), with the exception of the start date, shall be approved through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Healthcare: The 90-day waiting period for employee healthcare, dependent healthcare, life insurance and short-term disability shall be waived through June 30th, 2021. All employee insurance co-pays and cost shares shall be waived for any COVID-19 related testing and diagnosis services covered under Board paid insurance. Additionally, UTD and M-DCPS will explore minimizing out-of-pocket expenses for individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 and make applicable subsequent modifications to the 2020 and 2021 Healthcare MOU’s. Bringing children to work: During Stage 1, employees will have the ability to bring their pre-k-12th grade child(ren) to work with them if certain conditions are met. Retirement Incentives: Understanding the changing landscape of instruction, staffing
requirements, and the impacts of student enrollment on FTE, the parties agree to meet
as soon as possible to explore the feasibility of offering an early retirement incentive for eligible employees.
Issue not addressedSigned Letter of Understanding
Montgomery County Public SchoolsMarylandMOU8/30/20209/28/20June 16, 2021, or whenever a state or local order causes shift to a model other than virtual or blended virtual and in-school learning, whichever comes first.Fully RemoteDistrict agrees to meet with association within 2 business days of notification to return to in-person instructional models to negotiate the impacts and implementation of the return plan. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedTo be negotiated within 2 days of notification to return to in-person instruction.Issue not addressedTo be negotiated within 2 days of notification to return to in-person instruction.To be negotiated within 2 days of notification to return to in-person instruction.District will work with members to determine reasonable accommodations for those who are at greater risk of Coronavirus
infection due to age or other underlying health issues in accordance with state and federal employment laws (including ADA and ADEA) and CDC, and EEO guidelines. Reasonable accommodations include, allowing member to work remotely, providing an alternate work assignment, or granting “usual and imperative leave with pay” until they are able to return to work as determined by their medical provider.
Issue not addressedNoIssue not addressedTeachers are not expected to respond to communications (email, phone calls, texts) outside of contractual duty day including weekends. All teachers will have access to Language Line and other interpretation services to communicate with students and families. District will provide training in Language Line. Issue not addressedThe daily schedule should not be required to exceed 300 minutes of synchronous instruction.Issue not addressedThe daily schedule should not be required to exceed 300 minutes of synchronous instruction. The remainder of the daily schedule should include individual and group managed planning time (450 minutes per week for individual, in addition to unmanaged 60 minutes a day outside of scheduled duty day, and 225 minutes per week for group). Teachers, with approval of principal, may be allowed to develop a noncontiguous teaching schedule. Parents will be notified at least two days in advance of resulting schedule changes.YesDistrict will provide PD to support growth in use of virtual instructional platforms and associated instructional pedagogies, to improve cultural competency, and to support SEL learning plan. District will train staff regarding best practices for alternative instruction, including design of online assignments, delivery of instruction, and assessing student learning on a virtual platform. To extent feasible, priority will be given to providing PD during the duty day. When mandatory PD is scheduled outside the duty day, staff will be compensated, per CBA.YesIf teachers feel their privacy or professional reputation are in jeopardy, they should contact their supervisor immediately. District will communicate policies that protect educators from being recorded by third parties during live instruction. District will provide guidance to parents on appropriate levels of support and engagement during live Zoom classes. Access to recorded lessons will be limited to students in the class with district email accounts. If a teacher becomes aware of inappropriate sharing, altering, or screen capturing of video, students and families will not be able to access synchronous recordings until an investigation is complete. If a video is stored, recorded, or shared in violation of established rules, students can face disciplinary action. If a teacher learns that a lesson or image has been shared with anyone outside of the class, principal will work with central office staff to determine who has accessed the video and will take appropriate measures. Recorded lessons will not be used in the evaluation process or as informal or formal observation, unless teacher needs for the purpose of obtaining state certification.YesYesTeachers will only complete one Student Learning Objective for the 2020-2021 school year, during the second semester, pending state approval. If state waives this requirement, no SLO will be required.Formal observations and evaluations will be implemented through a virtual platform.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesWithout disclosing names, employees will be informed of any reported cases of COVID-19 among employees and/or students at their worksites and whether they had potential exposure. In such instances, district will grant leave in accordance with FFCRA to get tested and see a doctor. Employee will be granted paid leave under or consistent with FFCRA while waiting for test results. If employee tests positive, leave with pay will be extended for the recovery period. Employees who believe they have been exposed will receive leave under and/or consistent with FFCRA for testing and self-quarantining. If employee’s quarantine and recovery period extend beyond 80 hours allocated under FFCRA, employee will be paid unusual and imperative leave with pay during their quarantine.Issue not addressedDuring virtual or blended instruction, use of additional planning time provided to teachers for coverage of instruction will be suspended. Teachers will be paid $75 for covering the entirety of an absent teacher's schedule for class coverage. Teachers that do not have a full course load can be used to provide coverage at $60 rate for coverage for more than one period or class. Teachers who cover parts of an absent teacher’s day will have the stipend prorated. Staff who volunteer will be called upon first to provide emergency class coverage. Special Educators and ESOL teachers will not be required to provide class coverage. During the first quarter, district will open substitute management system to currently trained substitutes, certificated teacher candidates who did not secure full time teaching positions, long-term substitutes from the second semester of FY2020, and a pool of no less than 150 additional substitutes who will be trained to teach during virtual and blended learning. Quarterly, district will review needs regarding the number of substitutes trained and if needed will reopen the training pool. District will work to identify and provide specialized training to substitute cohorts interested in special education and ESOL.Signed MOUIssue not addressed
New Haven Public SchoolsConnecticutNew CBA8/10/202012/11/206/30/2023Fully RemoteThe 2018-2021 CBA will be extended for two years (now expiring on 6/30/2023) except for the eight changes noted in TA. Any language not addressed by the TA will remain consistent with the 2018-2020 CBA and be incorporated into 2021-2023 CBA. Issue Not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedThe length of the school day will remain as it was for 2019-2020 (6.75 hours).Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedCBAIssue not addressedCompensation: Teachers will forgo the step increase that would have gone into effect at the start of 2020-2021 school year and remain at their current rate of pay in the 2019-2020 salary schedule. The 2020-2021 salary schedule will be incorporated into the successor CBA and be effective 7/1/2021-6/30/2022. Teachers will advance to the next step in the salary schedule effective July 1, 2021. The 2021-2022 salary schedule will remain the same as the 2020-2021 salary schedule and will be incorporated into the successor CBA. Teachers will advance one step form the step they were on for the 2020-2021 academic school year effective July 1, 2021. There will be no increase in cost for health insurance above cost paid by teachers for 2019-2020 school year. The dollar amount will be fixed for AY 2020-2021, AY 2021-2022, and AY 2022-2023.
There will be no layoffs or reductions in force for AY 2020-2021, AY 2021-2022, or AY 2021-2022. There will also be no furlough days during the CBA.There will be no involuntary transfers during the CBA.
New York City Department of EducationNew YorkMOARemote Work MOA: Signed 9/25/2020.
Personnel Memo No. 2, 2020-2021: 9/1/2020.
Blended Learning Agreements: 8/25/20.
Instructional Principles and Programming Guidance: July 31, 2020.
11/5/20(Remote Work MOA) Will sunset on June 30, 2021, unless both parties agree in writing to extend, no later than May 1, 2021, or when schools resume full in-person instruction.
(Personnel Memo) Not applicable beyond 2020-21 school year, and may be changed prior to end of school year.
Hybrid and Remote(Remote Work MOA) Parties will meet to jointly determine what sections of agreement are relevant if schools need to transition between learning modalities.
(Personnel Memo) If there are additional policy changes, memo will be updated.
Issue Not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressed(Remote Work MOA) Some schools may have a need for more full remote teaching positions than they have teachers with a need for medical accommodations. A teacher that is a documented primary caregiver of a family member that they live with and who have conditions that make them at higher risk for COVID-19 related complications per CDC, to the extent possible and as soon as practicable, will be assigned to the full remote teaching position. YesNoYes(Blended Learning Agreement) Learning materials for students will be uploaded in school’s chosen learning system (e.g., Google Classroom), including daily messages and directions given to students, assignments, and learning resources. Students will be expected to log in daily and read the daily messages and complete tasks as assigned by teacher. Remote teachers will support students and families with navigating remote learning instructional materials and platforms, while ensuring that these are available in the home languages of the students.
(Instructional Principles) A class schedule and times designated for synchronous instruction (including whole/small group/individual live instruction) should be posted where it is available to all students and parents. If changes need to be made to the synchronous instruction schedule, teachers should notify principal and provide adequate notice to students and families. Teachers will have 20 minutes of daily Office Hours scheduled during workday to communicate virtually with families and students via video conference or telephone.
Yes(Remote Work MOA) Livestreaming is an individual teacher’s choice.
(Blended Learning Agreement) Expectation is to ensure students are provided the range of times to engage synchronously, whether in whole group, small group, or individually, within the contractual work day (outside of prep, lunch, office hours, and instructional coordination times). Synchronous instruction is defined as live interaction between teacher and student(s) each day at a scheduled time, communicated in advance to parents and students. Daily synchronous instruction may include use of Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, other DOE approved online video conferencing platforms, and phone conferences to provide: Whole class/small group/individualized live instruction; Office Hours; Social and emotional wellness daily activities; Feedback on student learning and progress check-ins; and Conferences with students/families. Fully remote students should anticipate receiving live synchronous instruction each day with a minimum amount based on grade level, student need, and school schedules delivered in short, grade appropriate, intervals throughout the day with gradual increase until schools fully reopen. Ranges for K (65 to 120 min), gr. 1 (75 to 120 min), gr. 2 (80 to 130 min), gr. 3-5 (90 to 210 min), gr. 6-8 (80 to 210 min), gr. 9-12 (100 to 210 min).
(Instructional Principles) Remote instruction for all students will include both synchronous and asynchronous instruction, with synchronous instruction occurring daily.
(Blended Learning Agreement) Blended learning model incorporates a combination of both on-site instruction at school and remote instruction at home. Remote instruction of blended students will include routinely meeting with the same group of students on specific days. Students will learn with an on-site teacher and blended remote teacher. The specific days on-site vs. remote will be determined by programming model selected by school. For students learning in a blended learning setting, on-site learning should resemble a typical school day. Students should receive instruction across all four core subject areas and other specials as scheduled. Students may participate in an instructional lunch called Lunch in the Classroom. Fully remote students will be online every day engaging in both synchronous and asynchronous learning. For K-5, 15-30 min instruction/mini-lesson (synchronous + asynchronous) per subject (daily ELA & math, 3-4 times per week Science/Social Studies, rotate in specials), 15-30 min small group/individual instruction per subject at least once weekly, and 15-35 min asynchronous learning per subject daily (not to exceed total 100 min K-2, 150 min gr. 3-5). For gr. 6-12, 15-30 min instruction (synchronous + asynchronous) per subject (daily, rotate in specials), 15-30 min small group/individual instruction per subject at least once weekly, and 15-45 min asynchronous learning per subject daily (not to exceed 200 min. total gr. 6-8, 250 min total gr. 9-12). Asynchronous instruction may include: Video lessons/recorded presentations; Activities/assignments/tasks; Collaborative documents; Discussion boards; Email communication; and Feedback on student learning.
(Instructional Principles) In-person student lunch can and should be instructional. Teachers will continue to have a duty-free lunch that is separate from in-person student instructional lunch. In elementary schools, any teacher may be assigned to teach during students’ instructional lunch period. Student lunch can be staggered throughout school day from 10AM - 2PM. This will result in a shorter day for students while not reducing the amount of instruction students receive. Sample in-person student schedule has 5 1/2 hours of instructional time, including an instructional lunch.
(Remote Work MOA) If schools wish to implement alternative programs and schedules that differ from the Blended Learning Agreements, they must utilize the SBO process. This includes: Instructional Coordination, Preparation Periods, Office Hours, Instructional Lunch, Work Day, Class Size, Teacher Programs, and Mixed Modalities. If an acceptable modification is not brought to an SBO vote and approved, the Blended Learning Agreements must be followed.
Teachers have right to take preparation periods remotely. Teachers who have an in-person assignment may perform some work duties remotely if their assigned duties can be performed remotely and their students are not in the building. Supervisors may require in-person teachers to remain on-site if needed.
(Personnel Memo) It is the expectation that all teachers who are working from home are still working the equivalent of
their regular workhours.
(Blended Learning Agreement) Remote and on-site teachers will be organized into teaching pairs or teams to coordinate instruction. Leveraging the Instructional Coordination Period for joint planning, the on-site teacher and the blended remote teacher will work together to coordinate student learning. All efforts will be made to assign teachers to a program that is exclusively of one type (in-person or fully remote or blended remote). In the limited instances where a teacher has a partial program of one type, the balance of the teacher’s program may be of another type.
(Instructional Principles) All staff will have a daily 30-minute Instructional Coordination period before students’ instructional day begins to coordinate instruction and plan together. Teachers will receive a 30-minute prep period at the end of the school day. In-person teachers will not be required to be in the school building and can engage in prep time activities remotely. A teacher’s day will be 6 hours and 50-minutes.
Issue not addressed(Instructional Principles) Schools will have one faculty and one grade or department conference per month (40 minutes each). These meetings will occur at the end of
the school day, immediately prior to the teacher’s 30-minute prep. During this time teachers can engage in administrative duties or professional learning as assigned by the principal.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYes(Personnel Memo) Excused leave at full or partial pay is available to teachers who are unable to report to work or telework.
Excused Leave at Full Pay:
1) A teacher who has a documented positive COVID-19 test may take excused leave at full pay until cleared to return to work, without a charge to leave balances.
For the following: 2) Teacher who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, but who has not tested positive, 3) Teacher who is subject to a governmental quarantine or isolation order and is unable to telework, and 4) Teacher who has been advised by a licensed health care provider to self-quarantine either because of exposure to COVID-19 or because of heightened risk associated with exposure to COVID-19, the eligibility for excused leave at full pay is for up to two work weeks without charge to leave balances if they are unable to telework. Limit is up to two work weeks, even if have multiple or repeat qualifying circumstances. After maximum amount of excused leave used, any additional leave will be charged to leave balances.
Excused Leave at Partial Pay:
For 1) Teacher caring for an individual subject to a governmental quarantine or isolation order (must demonstrate that individual depends on teacher for care and teacher unable to telework), 2) Teacher caring for an individual who has been advised by a licensed health care provider to self-quarantine either because of exposure to COVID-19 or because of heightened risk associated with exposure to COVID-19 (must demonstrate that individual depends on teacher for care and teacher unable to telework), or 3) Teacher is caring for their child under 18 years of age whose school or place of care has been closed or whose child care provider is unavailable due to COVID-19 precautions (must demonstrate that child depends on teacher for care and teacher unable to telework), teachers are eligible for two weeks of excused leave at partial pay (two-thirds of regular rate of pay, not to exceed $200 per day or total of $2,000). Teachers whose child care needs continue beyond two weeks may continue their excused leave at partial pay for up to an additional ten weeks, provided teacher has worked at least 30/365 previous days, per FFCRA. Teachers may also use CAR, annual leave or sick leave, as applicable, provided use of any leave does not exceed a total of two weeks for the care of an individual or twelve weeks for the care of a child per above.
When a teacher is absent for COVID-19 related reasons and it is not covered by the conditions above, teacher must utilize their own leave time. During COVID-19 outbreak, an employee’s absence related to their own health or for the care of a family member as above will not be deemed excessive or used as basis for discipline. Teachers are permitted to utilize CAR or sick days, over the existing limit of three days per year, to either (a) care for a family member who is home due to documented COVID-19 related illness after having tested positive or (b) care for their child whose school or place of care has been closed for COVID-19 related reasons, and/or is at home for remote learning for COVID-19 related reasons. Such use of CAR or sick days is limited to no more than twelve (12) weeks total, less any time taken as excused leave at partial pay.
Issue not addressed(Remote Work MOA) All in-school coverages will follow CBA, including employment of per diem substitute teachers. A Paraprofessional Classroom Manager (PCM) may be assigned to cover classes. The PCM will receive a per term stipend of $1,750. Duties are to manage classrooms of students while they perform independent work, eat during non-instructional lunch, or are being instructed by a remote teacher during synchronous learning. Total class size (on-site + remote) may not exceed pre-COVID class size limits. In event of an emergency, PCM may teach a scheduled class when no teacher is available to cover. If asked to do more than 5 emergency coverages in a term, PCM will be paid the teacher’s coverage rate in addition to the stipend. PCM will not be expected to teach except in the emergency coverage situation. During COVID period, a Lead Education Associate/Lead Teacher Assistant (LTA) may provide emergency coverages and will be compensated at the teachers’ coverage rate in addition to the LTA stipend.
There is no obligation to cover remote classes. Remote teachers are required to maintain a reasonable number of asynchronous activities that may be assigned to students.
Remote Work MOA
Personnel Memo
Blended Learning Guidance
Instructional Principles Guidance
Issue not addressed(Remote Work MOA) Parent teacher conferences to be conducted remotely. Upon request, meetings with parents/caregivers may be in-person on a mutually-agreeable date/time during contractual workday, following school safety plan.
Oakland Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU8/12/202012/1/2012/30/2020Fully RemoteDistrict and/or Association reserve the right to negotiate any additional impacts related to COVID-19 and/or additional school closures in the 2020-21 school year.YesYesMasks, face shields, gloves, and hand sanitizer provided by the district to staff accessing school sites.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNoIssue not addressedFrom August 10-14, teachers must conduct 60 minutes per day of live interactions with students. Weekly goals and set schedule of virtual office hours to be communicated with students and families weekly. Sharing progress with students and families is required. Emails from administrators and students or families must be returned within 24 hours during the duty week. YesKindergarten: 60 min. one day, 80 min. four days.
Grades 1-3: 90 min. one day, 110 min. four days.
Grades 4-5 (6): 90 min. one day, 120 min. four days
Grades 6+: 60 min. one day, 150 min. four days.
Approximately 4 hours per day for the instructional day.Yes. Teachers must adhere to the instructional minute minimums for synchronous and asynchronous learning. Teachers must work 370 duty minutes per day, on average. Synchronous learning cannot be required before 9:00am or after 3:15pm.Yes1.5 hours by site leaders on August 13-14, 2 hours of virtual trainings during the week of August 10-14, and administrator led PD on up to 3 of 6 Wednesday teacher planning days. Starting August 5, PD will be provided on the use of technology and delivery of instruction via distance learning. On September 30, mandatory virtual trainings will be provided on COVID prevention and safety planning, the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan, and Anti-racism/Unconscious Bias. YesTeachers will either record sessions with district-obtained parental approval or provide other alternative means for students. Teachers are not required to provide personal cell phone number or email address to students or families. Lessons, video chats, and district activities shall not be recorded without explicit permission of teachers. The district will provide clear privacy guidelines for using technology with students and teachers will be held harmless for the reasonable use of technology.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedSubstitute teachers may be used to support synchronous break-out rooms or asynchronous activities as needed, paid training will be provided. Substitute teachers will be surveyed as to their availability for these assignments. Day to day substitutes are invited to attend one paid in-service during the first month of school. Teachers may post a sub assignment when sick pursuant to the CBA.MOUGovernor's Pandemic Plan for Learning and Safe Schools (press release link)
Orange County Public Schools FloridaMOU12/8/202012/8/20206/30/21HybridIssue not addressedYesYesThe District will ensure that bargaining unit employees whose job description requires increased interaction with students (e.g. elective teachers, nurses, social workers, psychologists, counselors, employees who may be required to implement student restraints, and employees who work with younger students, ESE students, and students with physical conditions) are provided with supplies and equipment commensurate with their exposure level including face shields, physical/plexiglass barriers, masks, gloves and additional supplies as needed.
[Continued in notes]
YesIssue not addressedThe District will ensure adequate equipment and supplies are provided to support hygiene practices, use of PPE, and sanitation.
[Continued in notes]
Employees who are at increased and/or high risk for serious complications fro COVID-19, as established by the CDC, or are caring for increased and/or high-risk household members may indicate a preference fir a LaunchED@Home assignment to teach or conduct work-related duries at home to the extent student demand allows such instruction to be completed at home.
[Continued in notes]
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNoIssue not addressedNoPreferably, teachers will not be required to perform both on-campus face-to-face and LaunchED@Home simultaneously. As requested by CTA, SDOC will continue to give first consideration for LaunchED@Home positions at their worksite for teachers who are at increased and/or high-risk for serious complications from COVID-19, as established by CDC, or are caring for increased and/or high-risk household members. The parties acknowledge the external circumstances and the changing preferences of parents must be considered.Issue not addressedThe duty day, including time for planning, grading, and student instuctions, shall not exceed contract hours.YesThe District will provide sufficient training for employees on proper safety protocols, how to use safety equipment and supplies safely and properly; ho to de-escalate situations in which students refuse to follow protocols; and how to handle situations unique to COVID-19. All training will be completed by no later than the first day in which the employee is required to implement it.

The District will provide employees with learning platforms to conduct LaunchED@Home.

The District will ensure that employees who are engaging in LaunchED@Home have access to internet, computers with working microphone and video capabilities, digital materials, cloud or other storage, as well as instructional platforms to conduct their work.
YesThe District will ensure the security of the data and how it is stored.

The District will ensure student and personal privacy including, but not limited to, FERPA prior to the first day of the usage of such audio/visual devices.

Teachers must be notified of which students in their classrooms have signed applicable consent forms and the District will ensure that policies and procedures for dealing with students whose parents have not provided consent are followed.
[Continued in notes]
YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIf the State prohibits District evaluations to be submitted as outined in Paragraph 3 of this section, then the parties will meet prior to the first day of pre-planning, or as soon thereafter as the prohibition becomes known, to agree on training and temporary modifications to the evaluation system suitable for the 2020-2021 School Year.Issue not addressedNot addressedn/aYesIf an employee is sent home due to COVID-19 related illness, he/she will be placed on Medical Relief of Duty up to 14 calendar days. Employees may also be eligible for paid Emergency Sick Leave or Emergency FMLA under the FFCRA. Once employees have exhausted all available leave and/or federal benefits, he/she may use personal, sick, or unpaid leave, and then employees must use unpaid leave.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOU dated 12/8/20This MOU references The COVID-19 Health and Safety Procedures Manual v.11 (effective November 6, 2020) as "hereby adopted and incorporated into this MOU as if fully set forth herein."

This manual is currently on version 13:
Osceola County School DistrictFloridaMOU10/27/202010/27/2020Through the end of the 2020-2021 school yearHybridIssue not addressedYesYesCloth face coverings will be provided to teachers and staff.YesIssue not addressedThe Cleaning and Sanitizing guide is a 9-page protocol for non-instructional staff detailing procedures and frequency of cleaning and sanitizing "high touch" surfaces and "high risk" areas.Teachers select:
Option 1: I plan to return to a traditional classroom setting when pre-planning begins on August 10 2020.
Option 2: I plan to talk to my principal about teaching digital instruction through the TEAMS or Canvas platforms, providing live and recorded lessons from my classroom following a regular day schedule, and I would potentially return to the traditional classroom when a vaccine is available or conditions further improve.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNot addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressed
Issue not addressed
Not addressedn/a
Issue not addressed
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedMOU dated 10/27/20This MOU references the SDOC Ready.Set.StartSmart Roadmap to Reopening Plan as the official guidance on reopening. There are versions for teachers and principals.
Teachers' version:
Cleaning and Sanitizing guide:
Extra compensation for teachers providing simultaneous instruction:
Management agrees to compensate teachers, who voluntarily elect and who receive prior approval of the school principal to provide instruction in both face-to-face and digital formats simultaneously during the course of the contractual workday, for one (1) extra hour beyond the contractual workday on scheduled days of instruction at the teacher’s daily rate ofpay.
Pinellas County SchoolsFloridaMOU7/30/20209/10/20End of 20-21 school year or when the Emergency Order is lifted.HybridParties agree to continue communication but no set date to return to negotiation.YesYesAll employees will be provided 5 cloth masks at the beginning of the school year. Teachers provided face shields upon request.Staff requiring additional PPE due to role will be provided the following - Face shields, gloves, and two sets of scrubs (PreK, VPK, ESE self-Contained units, and centers).YesStudents will be provided 5 cloth masks at the beginning of the year to be worn to the maximum extent possible.Guidelines noted here:

Guarantee availability of disinfecting wipes, sanitizing spray, and hand sanitizer.
Teachers are selected for remote learning roles in the following order: 1. Qualified Instructional Employees(QIE) with underlying health conditions 2. QIE High risk - 65 of age or older 3. QIE Living with an individual with an underlying health condition. 4. All other applicants. YesNot applicableIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesAt the discretion of the teacherIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesAll instructional staff must complete a three-hour PD course in Canvas before the school year starts for students. Employees will be paid $20 per hour if training occurs outside of their contractual day.YesVideo recordings of teachers will not be used as part of any disciplinary action.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedN/AYesEmployees who must quarantine will be paid without using accrued sick time.A one year leave option exists whereby employees who apply, but do not receive a remote learning position may request and be granted a leave for the 20-21 school year. This leave is unpaid, but the employee will retain a position and automatically be renewed for the 21-22 school year.Issue not addressedSigned MOUFL issued executive order requiring schools to open at least five days per week subject to order from the health dept.
Pittsburgh Public SchoolsPennsylvaniaMOU8/18/202010/20/20Agreement applies to first nine weeks of 2020-21 school year or longer if students remain out of school. MOU also applies if return to 100% remote learning after a period of in-person learning (hybrid or other).Fully RemoteIssue not addressedIssue Not addressedYesDistrict will provide recommended PPE to staff returning to school sites.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedDistrict will implement safety and health protocols consistent with local, state, and federal guidance on mitigation of COVID-19.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNoYesIssue not addressedYesSynchronous instruction defined as live with camera on. Teachers may supplement sychronous instruction with asychronous (pre-recorded or online) instruction. Schoology must be used for instruction.Issue not addressedStart and end times for school day are to be the same as in CBA and/or consistent with current practice. Teachers will follow schedule for their assigned school regardless of working remotely or in classroom. Teachers with assigned duty periods will be able to use them for planning.Issue not addressedIssue not addressed
Issue not addressed
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedAdministrators will have access to sychronous instruction for purposes of feedback or support. Administrators will provide advanced notice of these informal observations. Informal observations will not be used for evaluative purposes. If sychronous instruction extends beyond first 9 weeks of school, district and union will discuss a remote evaluation system. Parties agree that guidance regarding pre-tenured teachers must be prioritized.
Issue not addressed
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedPittsburgh MOUIssue not addressedDistrict will provide teachers with a device for delivering instruction.
12 month employees will comply with district vacation quarantine policy and work remotely for 14 days when returning from a vacation to a hotspot. Supervisor must be notified of vacation in advance.
Pittsburgh Public Schools (2)PennsylvaniaMOU11/8/202011/8/206/30/21HybridAny disputes regarding this agreement shall be enforceable through the grievance procedure of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.YesNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesUpon implementation of the phased-in hybrid mode, teachers shall return to their work sites to provide synchronous (live streaming with camera on) educational instruction to students participating in the hybrid and virtual instruction models.
[Continued in notes]
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedYesTeachers will not be recorded without their knowledge and consent.YesYes"Teachers will be rated based on the current RISE power components," which includes student achievement and growth.Issue not addressedYesNot addressedAdministrators shall have access to synchronous instruction for the purpose of evaluation. The District has provided teachers with guidance regarding specific components which should be observable during synchronous instruction. Teachers will be rated based on the current RISE power components. Pre and Post observation conferences shall be conducted virtually unless the administrator and teacher mutually agree to do otherwise.
Issue not addressed
5. Employees who are notified by the District to quarantine due to a known workplace COVID-19 exposure will receive their regular pay for the period of quarantine and/or may be directed to work from home at the District’s discretion.

15. Employees are required to notify their supervisor prior to traveling to any “hot spots,” as designated by the Pennsylvania Department of Health ( Employees opting to voluntarily travel to designated “hot spots” shall be required to quarantine for a period of fourteen (14) days upon their return.
[Continued in notes]
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOU dated 11/8/20
Polk County Public SchoolsFloridaMOU9/17/20209/17/20201/14/21 unless extended or canceled by a subsequent [Executive Order], but no later than June 30, 2021HybridIssue not addressedYesYesEmployees will be provided five reusable face coverings at the beginning of the school year to be worn at all times on campus. Teachers will be provided face shields upon request.YesStudents are encouraged to wear their own face coverings, however PCPS will provide face coverings for students in need.The District will ensure adequate equipment and supplies are provided to support hygiene behaviors, use of PPE and sanitation. There must be proper and sufficient supply of face coverings, gloves, disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, soap, paper towels, tissues, handwashing and sanitizing stations at all times.
[Continued in notes]
Bargaining unit employees will be notified of their work assignment, whether in the building or remote, with ample time to plan and carry out their responsibilities.
The option for assignment to Campus eSchool and Polk Virtual School will dictate the number of positions available for instructional employees and paraeducators who apply to work in a remote or eLearning setting.
[Continued in notes]
YesIssue not addressedYesTeachers and support staff will be available for parent/guardian contact during non-student contact time and during their normal duty day.
Bargaining unit employees will not be required to (1) provide alternative office hours outside of their contractual work hours, or (2) work outside of their normal duty day.
YesIt is expected that teachers have their computer laptop camera on, and/or share their screen for all direct instruction while teaching remotely through Campus eSchool, whether the class is entirely remote or a combination of students in the classroom and remote instruction.
The live direct instruction will be at the discretion of the teacher, while honoring bell schedules and required seat time.
Issue not addressedIn accordance with Instructional CBA Article 6.2, the workday for all teachers shall be no more than 7 3/4 hours. On student days, a teacher shall be scheduled for a maximum of 360 minutes per day of student contact, and at least 45 minutes of uninterrupted planning time for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule.YesDistance Learning Equipment and Support:
The District will ensure bargaining unit employees who are conducting distance learning have adequate computers, digital materials, cloud or other storage, as well as [District-provided] instructional platforms to conduct their work.
The District will provide employees with technical support for their distance learning needs.
[Continued in notes]
YesInstructional video content will not be used by the District for any purpose or exhibited in any other context without the written permission of the bargaining unit employee.
As is the case in a brick and mortar classroom setting, students will be instructed not to record the instruction.
The computer camera used for live direct instruction through Campus eSchool is the only camera permitted in the classroom.
YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedThe existing evaluation process in use for Polk Virtual School teachers will be implemented for Campus eSchool teachers. Adminisrators will observe virtual classrooms in order to conduct informal observations according to Teacher CBA Article 15.10 regarding Polk Virtual School evaluations.YesNot addressedn/aYesMultiple leave options are available for pandemic-related absences:
a. FFCRA through December 31, 2020
b. Employees with short-term disability insurance may be eligible for paid benefits if employees contract COVID-19 and are unable to work
c. Extended Benefits under the FMLA through December 31, 2020
d. ADA accommodations for alternative work situations due to a medical condition related to COVID-19
e. After exhausting accrued sick leave, (i) PCPS Sick Leave Bank members may apply for a review of a qualifying "serious illness," and then (ii) Sick Leave Donation from Another Employee
Issue not addressedAny employee who is asymptomatic but is advised by a health care provider to self-isolate, may continue to deliver instruction remotely to students while a substitute monitors the classroom. If there are unfilled substitute positions, classes will be balanced to maintain social distancing and only as a last resort.MOU dated 9/17/2020This MOU acknowledges (and attaches) the "Innovative Reopening Plan" issued by PCPS on July 28, 2020.

Current CBA:
Portland Public SchoolsOregonLetter of understanding3/15/20213/15/21Through the end of the 2020-2021 school yearHybridAny exception to the terms expressed in Sections 1-3 must be agreed to by the Association and the District.YesNot addressedIn situations where students are allowed to not wear masks, professional educators who request shell be provided masks that meet standards equivalent to masks designated as KN95, face shields, protective garments, and gloves. Educators who work in focus classroom will be provided with these items without having to request the items.YesIssue not addressedThe District shall provide properly working handwashing stations or adequate hand sanitizer for the classroom each week. The District shall also supply sanitizing wipes or spray for each work setting.The district will ask educators their preference for Hybrid instructional model(s) and for continued CDL [Comprehensive Distance Learning] instruction prior to making any return to in-person instruction assignments.

No educator shall be required to offer both distance learning and in-person instruction simultaneously. Principals will consult with teachers about how students are cohorted and how classes are configured. Principals will consider educators' preferences for assignment, subject to staffing needs of the district.
Not addressedNoNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNot addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedYesProfessional educators shall have access to all leaves listed in the CBA during the time of Hybrid instruction.

Professional educators who cannot receive vaccinations due to verifiable medical conditions, who live with at-risk family members who have not been vaccinated, or who cannot receive the vaccination due to bona fide religious reasons, may request reassignment to an appropriate distance learning position for the duration of the 2020-21 school year if available. If not suitable placement is available, the educator may apply for a FMLA/OFLA leave. If the educator does not qualify for a FMLA/OFLA leave, they may request, and be granted, an unpaid leave of absence for the duration of the school year. If a medical condition results in the educator not being able to be vaccinated, then the educator may access their sick leave during the leave.
If a professional educator elects to not vaccinate for reasons other than those in Section I.h., the educator may request an unpaid leave of absence for the duration of the school year.Issue not addressedTentative Agreement dated 3/15/21
(Passed Board vote on 3/18/21)
This letter eliminates all standardized testing that is not required by Oregon or federal requirements, "in order to maximize student learning and social/emotional opportunities."
Rochester City School DistrictNew YorkMOU8/12/20 (MOU and Appendix A: Sample Schedules)9/21/20Parties agree to meet two weeks prior to the end of the first marking period to extend or adjust the MOU and/or to consider plans for reopening of schools at any other time.Fully RemoteParties agree to meet two weeks prior to the end of the first marking period to extend or adjust the MOU and/or to consider plans for reopening of schools at any other time.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesTeachers may choose from available strategies to support absent students including: Recording lessons; Engaging support staff; Utilizing office hours.YesTeachers will use a combination of synchronous and asynchronous methods to deliver instruction. Teachers will exercise professional discretion while working within District's guidelines to structure instructional day. Sample schedules provided. Wednesdays students work asynchronously. Teachers will be scheduled for virtual office hours for two hours on Wednesdays. See comment for specific instructional guidelines.
Elementary schools scheduled from 9-3:30. Middle and secondary schools scheduled from 8:30-3:30. Elementary schools scheduled from 9-3:30. Middle and secondary schools scheduled from 8:30-3:30. Early reporting requirement is waived.YesTeachers will be surveyed to shape PD targeted at delivery of remote instruction. Superintendent Conference Days rescheduled for Sep. 8-11, to provide PD focused on instruction in a remote-learning environment. On Wednesdays, one hour of PD is scheduled.NoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedTeachers must be given at least 24 hour notice of virtual walk-throughs and they may last no longer than 15 minutes.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedMOU

Instructional Model Guidelines
Sacramento City Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU3/20/20213/21/216/30/21HybridIssue not addressedYesYesThe District shall make available disposable 3-ply surgical masks to staff to wear while on school grounds if staff or students may have forgotten a mask.

The District shall provide all necessary PPE to staff, including contractors, who provide specialized support services. This includes surgical masks, face shields, and disposable gloves.

[Continued in notes]
YesThe District shall make available disposable 3-ply surgical masks to staff to wear while on school grounds if staff or students may have forgotten a mask.The District will ensure that hand washing stations and sanitizing supplies (including paper towels, tissues, hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethyl alcohol, and disinfectant wipes) are easily accessible in all areas frequented by staff.
[Continued in notes]
Issue not addressedNot addressedNot applicableNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedWhile in the In-Person/Concurrent Instructional Model, the instructional minutes requirements of Senate Bill 98 will be followed.YesUnit members shall return onsite three days prior to students returning. Onsite training related to health, safety, and site procedures, and unit member preparation will occur three days prior to students returning onsite.
[Continued in notes]
Issue not addressed
Issue not addressedNot addressedNot addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressed
Issue not addressed
Not addressedn/aYesEmployees who have a pre-existing medical condition may request an accommodation through the established interactive process pursuant to District Administrative Regulation 4032.
[Continued in notes]

If the unit member is unable to accept any accomodations, all unit members will be granted any and all available leaves under the CBA or state and federal leaves for which they qualify (e.g. permissive, FMLA).For those employees granted the accommodation for remote work, the District shall provide a substitute teacher to staff the in-person portion of impacted teachers' instructional day.
MOU Safely Re-Opening Schools to In-Person Instruction/Services March 30, 2021
CDC "Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility":

COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Instruction Framework & Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2020-2021 School Year:

SCUSD "Return to Health" Health and Safety Plan During Covid-19:

SCUSD District Administrative Regulation 4032:
This MOU addresses the child care issue faced by teachers who must return to the classroom:
"In addition, the District recognizes that for many staff, the pandemic has created significant child care issues, particularly as schools begin to reopen for in-person instruction across California. In an effort to provide some support, the District will:
[Continued in notes]
San Bernadino City Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU7/23/20209/21/20December 31, 2020 and/or when school board declares a transition to a new instruction model in accordance
with state and public health guidelines, whichever occurs first. Date may be extended on mutual written agreement.
Fully RemoteIf State of California deems additional requirements for schools in response to COVID-19, parties agree to initiate negotiations on the impacts. The District and/or Association reserve the right to negotiate any additional impacts or closures/reopening for 2020-21 school year.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedThe District shall provide at the location safety equipment, as available.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedThe District shall provide at the location cleaning supplies, as available.The following teachers if unable to report to work are to provide documentation such as medical note from a licensed care provider and will not be required to report to a worksite until schools reopen and students return per county and state health department guidelines:
1. 65 and older.
2. With compromised health conditions.
3. Caring for immediate family members due to COVID-19 related issues.
4. Teacher and/or household members under quarantine or positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
Issue not addressedNoIssue not addressedTeachers should make attempts to contact absent students via phone calls, Group Me, email, Class Dojo.YesDaily live interaction with teachers and peers required for instruction, progress monitoring, and maintaining school connectedness. A combination of asynchronous and synchronous distance learning activities and instruction will be used daily. Live daily interaction will be scheduled during the same times each day and may be conducted via phone, email, and/or other virtual platforms (Google, Remind, Class Dojo, and Seesaw). Minimum daily instructional minutes remain the same:
a. TK-K = 180 daily minutes
b. Gr. 1-3 = 230 daily minutes
c. Gr. 4-12 = 240 daily minutes
Minimum live interaction minutes:
a. K = 90 minutes per teacher per day of instruction
b. Gr. 1-3 = 115 minutes per teacher per day of instruction
c. Gr. 4-12 = 120 minutes per teacher per day of instruction
Teachers should be available via phone and/or online during their normal working hours per CBA and/or Collaboration
Day MOU as practicable. Teachers should perform professional duties equivalent to prior assignment, to the extent possible. Professional duties may be performed outside the regular contract hours, provided the total number of hours per day does not violate the regular workday, and is mutually agreed upon by supervisor.
YesDistrict to provide training opportunities to enhance skills necessary for success of online instruction. Mandatory PD outside of work hours will be compensated per CBA.YesTeachers will be held harmless for any inadvertent errors, technical faults, or misuse/abuse of the Distance Learning platform by students, and are expected to report any instances of student misuse/abuse to the parent and worksite administrator as needed.
In accordance with HIPAA, teachers are not required to disclose any sensitive health information.
YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIssue not addressedEvaluation procedures will be followed per CBA.YesNo employee should have accrued leave deducted for taking time needed to comply with a medical professional’s recommendations, including to self-quarantine, secure one’s own health, or secure the health of one’s household during the COVID-19 crisis. Employees with dependent-care needs, who are not absent for health reasons listed above, should not have accrued leave deducted for failing to report unless their employer has offered no-cost childcare for the duration of work hours and the employee has declined. All COVID-19 related leaves will be processed in accordance with the FFCRA ER, through December 31, 2020. Other leaves remain available under the CBA.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOUMarch 13, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-26-20 ensuring California public school districts retain state funding even in the event of physical closure.
San Diego Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU7/30/2020 Return to Instruction for the 2020-21 School Year MOU. 8/26/20 Phase I Appointment Based Onsite Learning MOU9/13/20Last day of traditional 2020-21 school year, unless extended by mutual written agreement. (Terms of 8/26 MOU only valid for Phase I of return to onsite instruction.)Fully RemoteParties may amend, delete, or add to agreement with mutual consent. Parties agree to continue to bargain the impacts and effects of return to onsite instruction. (8/26 MOU: Terms for subsequent phases of return to onsite instruction are subject to bargaining.)YesYes8/26 MOU: Any PPE necessary to complete work assignment according to guidance including face masks, face shields, gloves, etc. Physical barriers provided also when necessary. N95 masks will be provided to individuals who care for those presenting symptoms who are in isolation awaiting transport home.YesStudents are required to wear masks per district Back to School Guide and will be provide one if needed.Issue not addressed in 7/30 MOU. 8/26 MOU: Facilities will have necessary district-funded supplies for preventative sanitation measures including cleaning supplies. Every room with a sink will have soap, hand sanitizer, and paper towels. Every classroom and workroom will have hand sanitizer. All spaces used by teachers and students will be disinfected daily with a disinfectant on the EPA List N.Issue not addressed in 7/30 MOU. For onsite appointment based learning, administrators and teachers will work with site teams to develop a plan using available staff members, and may include recommending educator.Issue not addressedNoYesDaily live sychronous check-ins with students and families are required.YesDelivered via video conferencing. In exceptional circumstances when they have no internet access, students may access using telephone. 8/26 MOU covers in-person appointment based instruction.360 minutes total divided into 240 minutes of synchronous and asynchronous learning (180 minutes of live whole and small group instruction and 60 minutes of small group/conferring with students/office hours/independent work) and 120 of asynchronous learning while teachers have flex/preparation time. On-site appointment learning will be held during 180 minutes of whole/small group instruction or 60 minutes of small group/conferring/office hour time established in 7/30 MOU.Teachers are expected to provide 8 hours of service per day. YesWeek of August 31, mandatory virtual PD in the areas of:
i. Quality Online Learning
1. Instructional Strategies
2. Technology Strategies
ii. Implementation of the Integrated Model
iii. Social, Emotional Learning and Restorative Justice Practices
iv. Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Practices and Ethnic Studies
v. Standards-Based Grading
vi. Benchmark and Amplify Curriculums
vii. TK-4 Classrooms
viii. Implementation of IEP Services in Online Learning Setting
ix. PowerSchool IEP Management System
Prior to opening any school, district will train members in public health measures, sanitation, and hygiene to prevent spread of the virus. PD to be provided online.
Issue not addressedDistrict will provide acceptable use policies for live video online learning platforms.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedParties agree to discuss evaluations in the online learning setting later during the 2020-21 school year at a mutually agreed upon date.YesIssue not addressedSee observation note: Administrators will be able to view teachers' Learning Management Systems and observe online classes.YesIssue not addressed in MOU. Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) is available to employees. The EPSLA allows eligible employees to request two (2) workweeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave for specific reasons.

The EFMLEA allows eligible employees to request up to twelve (12) weeks of expanded family and medical leave so that the employee can care for his or her son or daughter whose school or place of care is closed, or whose childcare provider is unavailable, due to COVID-19 related reasons. The first two (2) weeks of this leave are unpaid, with the remaining ten (10) weeks paid.
Issue not addressedA core group of Visiting Teachers will be trained on August 24-25 on the provision of quality online learning services. They will be eligible for long-term rate of pay if they work the required number of consecutive days.Signed MOUParties will discuss/bargain changes necessitated by updates to regulations by California Department of Education. 8/26 MOU: State criteria to be met to resume onsite instruction. Will follow guidelines by CDC, CA Dept of Public Health, recommendations by UCSD in Appendix A of MOU, and final guidance by San Diego County Dept of Public Health.
San Francisco Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU8/6/20209/14/20June 30, 2021 unless shortened or extended by written agreement.Fully RemoteAgreement may be amended, deleted, or added to with mutual consent. If daily live interaction is not feasible as part of regular instruction, an alternative plan will be developed and parties will negotiate any changes to working conditions before implementation. If necessary and feasible to transition a student to full-time in-person instruction, parties will negotiate any changes to working conditions before implementation.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNoIssue not addressedMust respond to students and parents in a timely manner, build connections with students, provide feedback to students. Teachers will designate time each week to provide student support, feedback, and clarification via phone, email, and/or other virtual platforms. If a student is absent 3 or more days in a week, school staff must conduct outreach to student's family to develop a plan for student's needs. Teachers must communicate with parents regarding students' academic progress and wellness as they would during in-person instruction.YesLesson design and type of instruction at discretion of teacher within approved district scope and sequence. Daily live interaction must be provided, either by internet or telephone. Teachers are to provide no less than 120 minutes per day of synchronous instruction/interaction, including whole, small group, and one to-one instruction. Additional synchronous instruction/interaction may be provided at teacher’s discretion.Will receive synchronous and asynchronous instruction and content five days per week. Minimum daily instructional minutes are in effect: for grades TK-K (180 daily minutes), 1-3 (230 daily minutes), 4-12 (240 daily minutes).Teachers are expected to work and be available during their normal contractual work hours and workdays. Effort will be made to schedule office hours/interactive instruction during same times each week.
Academic content, classwork, assignments, projects, synchronous instruction, asynchronous instruction, and live interaction will all be combined to meet the daily minimum minutes per grade level.
YesTraining will be provided to teachers for all applications/platforms/tools to be used with students in distance learning. To extent possible, training and PD will be provided during the contractual work day.YesRecordings of live virtual instruction must have the consent of the teacher and the student’s parent/guardian/caregiver, or the student if 18 years or older. No student images or names shown in recordings unless parental approval given. District will limit use of non-approved platforms and applications to comply with data privacy issues.YesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedWritten Classroom Performance Reviews to proceed as in CBA except no formal evaluations will be scheduled before September 30. Parties agree to meet as needed to discuss evaluation process and any changes will be mutually agreed upon. Peer Assistance and Review will be discussed at a later date.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedMay use up to 10 days or two-work week equivalents of available federal paid leave according to FFCRA. Paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for reasons related to COVID-19 provided as under FFCRA.Issue not addressedSubstitutes can be used to perform critical duties such as device and instructional material distribution if there are not enough teacher volunteers.
Substitutes may attend PD during week of August 10, including Digital Learning Day. Also, District will schedule a full day of paid in-service training to support substitutes in Distance Learning.
Substitutes will have access to the same applications and curriculum used by the teachers for whom they are substituting.
Prop A substitutes will continue to be prioritized for High Potential Schools, but may work outside of those schools as needed.
Tentative Agreement MOUParties affirm that all provisions of Assembly Bill 77, Senate Bill 98, and Educational Employment Relations Act apply and remain in effect.
Santa Ana Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU7/24/202012/1/206/30/2021Fully RemoteIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedFamilies First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) emergency leave benefits will be provided to eligible employees who are unable to work or telework due to reasons related to COVID-19. The FFCRA is effective from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.Issue not addressedNoYesConduct "office hours" for student interventions; available for communication for one-on-one student contacts via phone, email, or other forms of communication.YesRequired to have daily live instruction.Evidence of participation in remote activities, supports/services, and instruction;
Completion of regular assignments and/or assessments;
Contact between unit members and students and/or parents or guardians
Maintain daily attendance;
Maintain student daily engagement records;
Maintain record of instructional minutes;
Maintain and furnish required documentation of special education and related services
YesBetween August-October district required to provide 1 hr per week.

Starting in November, PD is voluntary.
NoIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesFamilies First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) emergency leave benefits will be provided to eligible employees who are unable to work or telework due to reasons related to COVID-19. The FFCRA is effective from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedMOUCalifornia Department of Public Health Guidance for schools and school-based programs (August 3, 2020)
School District of Lee CountyFloridaMOUAgreed to 8/18/2020. Signed 9/22/2020.10/13/206/30/21, or parties agree COVID conditions have improved so that language in MOU is no longer necessary.multiple options for in-person and remoteParties agree to revisit subjects addressed in MOU as necessary. Subsequent agreements will be incorporated into MOU. If executive orders, federal or state regulations, or other legal mandates create an impact on MOU or CBA, parties will return to further negotiate.YesYesCloth masks provided to all, face shields provided upon request. Face shields should be worn in addition to cloth masks.Issue not addressedPPE will be provided to staff for use by students in their care.District will ensure each school has adequate cleaning supplies. Teachers are not required to deep clean classrooms, however supplies are available for them. District will follow CDC and Florida Department of Health guidelines for disinfecting after exposure. Based on guidelines, district will develop procedure and schedule for routine cleaning, disinfecting and sanitization. In addition to requesting leave, teachers may request assigned duties to be performed remotely. District will work to accommodate requests, priority will be given to employees who qualify for accommodations under the ADA, followed by employees at increased risk defined by CDC, or employees who are caregivers to family members at increased risk, and employee's stated preference. District will take into consideration certification, seniority, and/or contract status, and position availability based on student need to ensure operations of district.Issue not addressedNoIssue not addressedIf a student consistently fails to participate in online instruction, teacher is only required to attempt contact with parents two times via platform of teacher's choice. If unable to make contact, teacher will notify administration at their school. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedLee Virtual School teachers will follow exisiting procedures and processes for online instruction found in school handbook. Teachers assigned to Lee Home Connect follow pace of face to face instruction. Lee Home Connect teachers are not required to perform duties beyond standard work day, including not being required to offer alternate office hours. Immediate supervisors will make work schedules and assigned duties for their campus that do not infringe on contractually protected times. YesPD to be provided on proper safety protocols, appropriate use of safety equipment and supplies, de-escalation of students who refuse to follow safety protocols, reporting cases, student and teacher privacy rights, and student engagement and attedance. District will offer PD to support effective online instruction. Prior to first day of online instruction, PD must be provided on compliance with privacy laws including HIPAA and FERPA. PD must also be provided on data security.YesDuring daily required sign-in, teachers will be asked health questions that are permissible during a public health emergency that otherwise would be prohibited. Supervisors will not provide identifying information to parents/employees when notifying of possible exposure to an employee diagnosed with COVID. Teachers will be provided copy of district communication to students and parents including guidelines on protecting privacy. Every classroom must have a posting that district-issued technology, including video and audio recording, are being used for online instruction. Teachers will not be required to use their personal email or phone to communicate with parents but will be provided Google Voice or other resources. If a student records a teacher without their knowledge or permission, a recommendation for discipline will be made. Parents/guardians do not have the right to know teacher's medical history or current medical status. Teacher are not required to release details of their medical condition to their immediate supervisor and needed documentation needed for leave request may be submitted to supervisor or directly to HR.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedStudent performance data from 2019-20 does not exist and will not be used. Student performance data used for 2020-21 will be determined by TALC Labor/Management Committee.Issue not addressedYesIssue not addressedTeachers will not receive a negative manager's rating for student failure to access, participate, or attend online instruction. YesParties agree that district's FFCRA flowchart will be used to assist employees determining if they qualify for paid leave related to COVID-19.
Other leave: If an employee is required to quarentine due to a workplace exposure, and FFCRA is exhausted or not applicable, district will provide up to 10 days of temporary duty/administrative leave. If teacher becomes ill with COVID-19 due to workplace exposure, they can request a continuation of temporary duty if FFCRA is exausted or not applicable.
Employees will not be retaliated against for use of approved leave.
Issue not addressedIf required to quarentine, teachers will not be responsible for securing a guest teacher for their classroom. They will not be asked to return to school if a guest teacher is not available. They may be required to work remotely, if not symptomatic or sick.Lee MOUIssue not addressedTeachers will be guaranteed the opportunity to return to the same worksite and position, at a date to be determined, per CBA, if assigned to Lee Virtual School.
Compensation: Payroll calendars in place prior to change in instructional schedule will be maintained. Parties agree to discuss any need to adjust dates for incentives, bonuses, supplements, or other non-standard pay before implemention.
School District of Manatee CountyFloridaMOU7/30/20, and 7/31/20 Amendment10/15/20MOU retires should normal school hours/schedules return.multiple options for in-person and remoteIssue not addressedIssue Not addressedYesDistrict will provide PPE as required by their position.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedEmployees who fall into high risk categories and/or those living with family members who fall into high risk categories, will be provided job responsabilities that allow them to work from home when positions are available. If needed, they will be provided with paid emergency sick leave or FML as required under FFCRA.Issue not addressedNoYesTeachers will be available to assist students and parents by appointment only during their normal working hours, M-F, excluding only duty-free lunch and scheduled planning time.Issue not addressedElementary specials teachers will only be required to provide instruction to brick and mortar students, not for eLearning or at-home hybrid students. Specials lessons to be provided to eLearning teachers by Curriculum Department.Issue not addressedTeachers are not required to work more than one student schedule. Teacher's schedules are 5 days in school, hybrid, or full-time virtual. Wednesday are cleaning/planning days for hybrid teachers and they may work remotely. Teachers may volunteer to teach students on another student schedule during their planning period and will be paid for one hour at their hourly rate. Teachers who volunteer to teach more than one student schedule, will receive a $3,000 supplement, up to $6,000 if teaching all three schedules. Any extension of academic calendar will be staffed by teachers voluntarily and paid at teacher's hourly rate.YesAugust 3-7 and August 10-14 will be used for training and preparation for student return. Second week will have in-service for maximum of 2 hours per day. ELearning teachers can receive instruction to provide online instruction if needed.YesTeachers are not required to use their personal electronic devices for classroom duties. They may use their work phone extension outgoing message to refer parents to their email address or the work extension of administration. Use of communication capabilities within Schoology is encouraged.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedOnly teachers who volunteered for full-time eLearning will be evaluated during the online instruction periods.Issue not addressedIssue not addressed in MOU but link to Employee COVID-19 Exposure Guidance document Issue not addressed in MOUTeachers will not be required to cover for absent teachers by adding students to their class. Secondary teachers will only be required to provide coverage during planning period if no other personnel are available. Manatee MOU;
Manatee Amendment
Issue not addressedTeachers will continue to be paid as per the CBA.
School District of Palm Beach CountyFloridaMOU7/29/202010/3/206/30/21, or transition to in-person instruction, whichever occurs firstFully RemoteAgree to revisit based on information from county public health officials, CDC, and/or state Department of Education. WIll meet every 2 weeks to determine if amendments needed, may mutually agree to cancel meeting.Issue Not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNoIssue not addressedDaily agendas are to be posted at beginning of each day/class period. At least 30 minutes of contractual day must be for parents or students to meet virtually/communicate with teacher. If a student is consistently not attending class or completing assignments, teachers will contact student and/or parents, notifying principal if unsuccessful.YesEach day begins with Social and Emotional Learning or Attendance ritual.
Elementary school day will have 335 minutes of instruction. ELA: 120 minutes of Instruction per day (30 minutes Live Instruction, 90 minutes Student Work). Math: 60 minutes of Instruction per day (20-30 Live Instruction, 30-40 Student Work). Science: 30 minutes of Instruction per day (15 Live Instruction, 15 Student Work). Social Studies: 15 minutes Live Instruction twice per week, 3 days per week texts integrated into ELA. Student Work can include small group instruction. Specials: one Live Instruction session per day for 35 minutes. PE: 30 minutes per day with one live meeting per week. Students who require intervention will have Live Instruction 30 minutes per day.
Middle school day will have 330 minutes of instruction with 6 periods of 55 minutes. Core Subjects, Electives, and Intensive Reading will instruct for 55 minutes per day (20-25 Live Instruction, 30-35 Student Work).
High school day will have 378 minutes of instruction with 7 periods of 54 minutes. Core Subjects, Electives, and Intensive Reading will instruct for 54 minutes per day (20-24 Live Instruction, 30-34 Student Work).
Issue not addressedTeachers expected to follow daily schedule established by principal.Issue not addressedVirtual PD will be offered in place of in-person PD.YesVideo recordings can only be used as supporting documentation in an investigation. Students who alter, misappropriate, misuse, and/or abuse recording of live instruction without teacher's knowledge and permission may be subject to discipline. Video content will not be used by district for any academic purpose without teacher's written consent.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIn each school, principal will develop process for securing substitutes. No teachers will be required to obtain their own substitute.Palm Beach MOUN/A
Seattle Public SchoolsWashingtonMOU8/28/20 MOU on SY20-21 and 8/17/20 MOU on PD for SY20-219/25/208/31/21 or until a replacement agreement is bargained.Fully RemoteA joint SPS/SEA workgroup (8 members – 4 SPS/4 SEA) will be established to review DOH’s Guidance and Decision Tree to inform decisions about how/when to return to in-person instruction. Reopener language in this agreement would be triggered if changes to in-person instruction are made. YesYesFace coverings provided. Employees working with students who cannot wear a face covering will be provided appropriate PPE. Gloves, goggles, face shields, and gowns will be provided according to task performed.YesYes. Face coverings provided.District will provide adequate facilities and supplies for hand hygiene as required by Public Health guidelines. Cleaning and disinfecting protocols will follow CDC, DOH, and Public Health guidelines which include cleaning and disinfecting of high touch surfaces and daily cleaning for classrooms (if children are present). Staff will have access to approved cleaning and disinfecting products, with instructions for use. Hand sanitizer will be placed in each workspace.Teachers who have health conditions, as defined by CDC, that lead to increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 and have documentation from a medical professional advising them to quarantine or self-isolate, will have the opportunity to request remote accommodations or an alternative assignment.Issue not addressedNoYesTeachers will communicate with families and staff, working with counselors, social workers, family support workers, and student family advocate workers for needed additional supports. Post expectations to students and families via the learning management system about instructional plan for the week. Respond to all family and student communications within 48 hours during business days, when possible. Provide timely feedback on work submitted by students. Communicate with families about student progress. Kindergarten teachers schedule Family Connection visits (virtual) throughout first week of school.YesIn middle and high school, teachers will provide instruction 3-4 periods a day on an A/B schedule M, Tu, Th, and F. Instructional periods will provide synchronous and asynchronous instruction. Teacher is available through one of the LMS platforms or by phone. Teachers will provide a minimum of 2 synchronous sessions for each class period during the week and a combination of asynchronous and small group instruction. Teachers will provide student check-in support on Wednesdays for minimum of 35 minutes. Wednesday schedule will allow live small group instruction and family connections.
Elementary teachers will provide during each instructional period a combination of whole class and small group synchronous learning, and asynchronous learning. Teacher is available to students through one of the LMS platforms or by phone. Weekly Requirements: 1) Check-in 30 minutes, 5 times, 2) ELA 60 minutes, 5 times, 3) Math 60 minutes, 4 times, 4) Social Studies/Science/STI 30 minutes, 4 times, 5) Small group support 60 minutes, 5 times, 6) Family connection 30 minutes, 5 times.
Issue not addressedTeachers will work their 7.5-hour day Monday – Friday, with 75-minute early release on Wednesdays. YesStaff will be provided PD prior to the start of school on the topics of online/remote teaching, use of technology platforms, social emotional learning, antiracist instruction and support, students with special needs, ethnic studies, family engagement strategies, specific area content PD, differentiation in online/remote model, online safety, digital citizenship, health and safety related to COVID19, and anti-bias communication skills. Also, 8 hours of virtual technology PD prior to Sep. 11 on technology platforms and tools supported by district. Sep. 4-11 will be "Strong Start" days that include 2 hours of PD.YesTeachers will not be recorded through virtual meeting platforms without their explicit permission. Lessons with students may be recorded in compliance with district policies (FERPA, video release forms etc.). YesYes-with modificationsFor teachers with a modified evaluation, Student Growth Impact Rating will be determined by adding all student growth components for the two criteria
selected, and for each of the remaining criteria, the overall score received
the last time the teacher was on a comprehensive cycle
Teachers on the full evaluation, will have at least 2 observations for a total of 60 minutes per CBA (one observation planned for synchronous virtual instruction and one may be unscheduled or may be coaching discussion based on informal evidence gathered outside of instruction.) Recordings may be submitted as artifacts for evaluations but will not be used as observations for performance evaluation unless requested by teacher. Absence of evidence for an indicator should not be cause for lowering a scoreYesIssue not addressedTeachers’ specific contexts and their impacts should be acknowledged. Procedures for logistics of completing evaluation process may need to change and electronic tools used for evaluation conferences, remote observations, electronic signatures and forms. Evidence from online instruction is presumed to be “Proficient” unless preponderance of evidence to suggest otherwise. YesEmployees may access leave provisions in CBA and those allowed under state and federal law. A chart outlines accommodation and leave options available to employees in various situations related to COVID-19 (including FFCRA leave, accrued paid leave, WA PFML, unpaid leave, unemployment benefits, unpaid leave of absence). Employees continue to have access to ADA provisions for a 504 plan per CBA.Issue not addressedLong term substitutes and substitutes who worked at least 400 hours in the 2019-20 school year will participate in 12 hours of PD. New substitutes will receive 4 hours of PD. Frontline Absence Management will be used to allow teachers to connect with substitutes and substitutes to find work assignments. District will develop training for Frontline and for teachers to provide access to technology platforms to substitutes. Substitutes should be reallocated to new roles to support students and teachers during transition to online learning. Schools will be allocated hours using racial equity tiering. District will keep a supply of loaner laptops for substitutes. MOUIssue not addressed
St. Paul Public SchoolsMinnesotaMOU5/18/202012/1/2012/31/2020Fully RemoteThe parties further agree that, due to the changing and uncertain nature of the conditions for holding school, this Memorandum may be modified by mutual agreement.Issue Not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedNoNo employee shall be required to or encouraged to use personal phones or personal digital accounts (email, conference platforms, etc) to be in contact with families. The district shall provide guidance on how to use Google Meet or other appropriate platforms to communicate while preserving privacy for employees and families.NoIssue not addressedTeachers will determine the most essential objectives, based on state standards, to be addressed and the most direct means for students to demonstrate mastery of skills and objectives.Educators will be trusted and respected to complete the work necessary for distance learning.

Staff who are calling families for specific purposes may be asked
to log calls and information necessary to monitor contacts made.

Teachers may schedule synchronous learning
activities occasionally as they deem fit, but it shall not be required. When synchronous learning
does occur, equity of student access should be considered.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedEvaluations of licensed staff will take place in accordance to the TD&E Distance Learning Update from April 20, 2020.Issue not addressedSaint Paul Public Schools will provide employees who are unable to work a portion of or all their regularly scheduled hours due to the COVID – 19 pandemic the ability to advance up to a maximum of 80 hours in a negative sick leave balance.

Individuals may be excused, from participating in childcare if they meet a qualifying reason for leave under the FFCRA.
Employees may choose to go on voluntary layoff. The District will continue to pay the employer contribution toward health insurance. The employee will continue to pay the employee contribution.

Employees who choose to go on voluntary layoff shall be placed on a reinstatement register. Employees shall retain their district, union and classification seniority dates.

Employees who choose to go on voluntary layoff shall be placed back to their original work locations upon students returning to normal classroom attendance.

The District will not contest unemployment benefits for employees who choose voluntary layoff.

Employees may use sick leave, personal leave, compensatory time or vacation prior to going on voluntary layoff. Employees may go on voluntary layoff prior to use or exhaustion of paid leave.
The district will continue to work with Teachers on Call for substitute needs for assignments of 3 days or more.

If a long-term substitute is not available and secondary teachers are asked to take on an additional class, or elementary teachers are asked to take additional students beyond class size limits, they will be paid according to Article 9, Section 4 Additional Daily Teaching

St Paul Public Schools CBAMost of the information comes from the MOU. Only leave policy comes from MOA.
Sioux Falls School DistrictSouth DakotaMOUAugust 2020Oct. 20206/30/20; Salary portion extended to 6/30/2026Fully In-PersonIssue not addressedNoYesFace coverings will be provided if staff does not have one. Face coverings are encouraged but not required.NoIf students do not have face coverings, staff will provide them with one. Face coverings are encouraged but not required.Staff responsible for routinely wiping down frequently touched surfaces. Student desks and teaching aides will be wiped down at least daily or more often by teachers and/or other staff. Cleaning wipes, spray bottles and paper towels will be provided for each classroom. Staff will use PPE when cleaning areas where a positive case has been identified. Restroom floors, toilets, urinals, sinks and water dispensers will be disinfected daily. Common areas such as door hardware and other frequently touched suraces will be disinfected on a consistent basis. Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedTeachers may be assigned supervisory duties during lunch. Teachers assigned supervisory duty during lunch would be allowed to modify their daily schedule by arriving later or leaving early, depending on the schedule of the school and student supervision needs. If necessitated due to scheduling obligations, the District and Teacher can mutually agree to payment at the District’s set rate of pay for assigned supervisory lunch duty. During such a supervision, equivalent PPE as is available to Child Nutrition Workers, will be made available to Teachers.YesTwo days of PD prior to the start of the 2021-2022 school year.Issue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYes8 days of additional leave (SFSDCVL) after First Families Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) leave days expire. SFSDCVL will expire after 2020-2021 school year unless extension is mutually agreed upon.

FFCRA available until 12/31/2020: 80 hours of 2/3 pay
Those taking leave at 2/3 pay shall receive up to $200 daily or $2000 for the two weeks. Those takeing 2/3 up to 12 weeks, up to $200 per day and $12,000 over the 12 week period--2 weeks of paid leave followed by up to 10 weeks of paid expanded family and medical leave
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedCOVIDIssue not addressedIssue not addressed
Stockton Unified School DistrictCaliforniaMOU7/29/202010/13/2020-21 SYFully RemoteAll components of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Association and District not addressed by the terms of this agreement shall remain in full effect. This MOU is being entered solely under the context and circumstances of the COVID-19 epidemic, sets no precedents, and shall only be extended or modified by mutual written agreement. The District and/or Association reserve the right to negotiate any additional impacts related to COVID-19.Issue Not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedIssue not addressedAll facilities will continue to be sanitized according to state and county regulations.

Agreement between Association and District in future negotiations regarding sanitation/preventative health procedures should also take place.
Issue not addressedIssue not addressedNoYesCommunication method up to teacher (texting, phone call, email, and/or other virutal platforms). Communication will generally be during the contractual hours, but some communication will take place outside those hours. YesAt least a portion of the day should consist of daily, live instruction between teacher and student. This can be done as a whole class, small group, or individually.Depending on the grade, the following minumum minutes of daily, live instruction are required
PreK: TBD in light of state bulletin
TK/K: 180 minutes
1-3: 230 minutes
4-12: 240 minutes
Opportunity: 180 minutes
Dual enrolled in CCC or CSU: 180 minutes

For English Lanuauge Learners, there is protected time to support English Language acquisition. At least 30 minutes daily for K-6 students, 50 minutes daily for 7-8 students, and 90 minutes daily for 9-12 students.
No required hours specified beyond the required daily, live instruction minutesIssue not addressedIssue not addressedYesIf recordings are created during live class time, student privacy must be protected just as for recordings in a physical classroomYesIssue not addressedIssue not addressed"Parties agree to postpone the fall dates of evaluation timelines by 30 calendar days, with exact calendar dates to be identified between the Association and District to be announced as soon as possible."Issue not addressedIssue not addressedUpon the State/County/District determining schools are safe to reopen and the District announcing a timeframe for planned return, the parties agree to immediately initiate negotiations on possible adjustments in teacher evaluations impacted by distance learning vs in-person.Issue not addressedBargaining unit members who are absent due to a valid leave reason during scheduled staff meetings will be responsible for the content missed and should follow up with the site administrator.Issue not addressedFor the distance learning model, substitute work shall digitally parallel traditional responsibilities to the greatest extent possible. Content or lesson plans remain the purview of the teacher, while the substitute shall be responsible to host, manage, and guide students, take attendance, etc.Stockton MOUCA Department of Ed Stronger Together:

Upon the State/County/District determining schools are safe to reopen and the District announcing a timeframe for planned return, the parties agree to immediately initiate negotiations on the impacts including but not limited to sanitization/preventative health procedures, possible adjustments in teacher evaluations or reports impacted by distance learning vs in-person.