Gate Wellness Challenge - Spring 2020
Complete the activities below (up to once per week each) and let Shaw Wellness and Campus Recreation know what you've done! Don't forget to post a selfie and tag @ShawWellnessInstitute and @GateRecreation!
Record your completed activities here!
Visit the Virtual Recreation and Wellness Page for tips and resources!
Take a 30 min walk or hike.2Spend 30 minutes journaling or freewriting.2Read a new book.5Schedule a Zoom/Google Hangout/FaceTime video connection with friends.1Meditate (individually or guided) for 30 minutes.2Prepare a meatless meal.2Talk with a Career Counselor.2Complete a financial wellness assessment through your bank.3
Complete a live or pre-recorded fitness class.3Meditate (individually or guided) for 30 minutes.2Complete a jigsaw puzzle.5Send a letter by mail to a friend or loved one.2Create a list of 30 things you are grateful for.3Review recycling regulations and adopt appropriate recycling practices for your area.3Reach out to an expert in your chosen field to ask questions.4Set a budget for yourself.2
Participate in a virtual 5K with Colgate Recreation (check social media and the Virtual Recreation & Wellness page for updates).4Reach out to a friend you know is struggling and offer to listen.4Tour a virtual museum.3Spend one hour volunteering in your community.5Talk to someone who has a different belief system than yours for 30 minutes and learn about their values.4Clean your work or living space.3Connect with an alumnus/alumna to serve as a mentor.4Set up a savings account.1
Get 8 hours of sleep in one night.2Spend one hour volunteering in your community.5Watch a TedTalk on a new topic.1Join and participate in a new online community based on an interest you have.4Pray (any denomination).1Decorate your work space with motivational quotes and images to help you stay focused.2Research possible internships in your career field.2Research and explore investment options (Cash App, Stash, Betterment, etc.).2
Drink 64 ounces of water in one day.3Decorate your personal space with positive quotes and images.2Learn a new skill.3Have a watch party via Zoom/Google Hangout/FaceTime.1Read a book written by a religious leader.5Start a compost station. 4Draft a cover letter for your dream job.4
Do some yard work around the house.4Write a poem or song.4Complete a trick shot with household items and share it to social media.3Plant a garden (indoors or out).4Set SMART goals.2
Jog for 30 minutes.3Play a board game that involves a high level of strategy.2Play a backyard game.2Greenup/clean up trash along the road for an hour.4Create a BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal)3
Do 30 minutes of physical activity three or more days in one week.5Color a picture.1Play a card or board game.2
Tutor a young family member or friend.5