A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Please note all organizations listed on this spreadsheet have some public-facing presence. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Any who would like to be removed please contact jkactionemail@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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4 | This list is dynamic and growing. If you have additions, edits, criticisms, suggestions, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | please contact jkactionemail@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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8 | Last Update 1/25/25 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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11 | Organizations marked with * have especially relevant information in the notes section | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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14 | Can't find a group near you? Please check out national organizations like Detention Watch Network (detentionwatchnetwork.org), Mijente (mijente.net), HIAS (hias.org) or the Catholic Charities (catholiccharitiesusa.org) to connect with their local chapters and organizers. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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18 | STATE | ORGANIZATION | WEBSITE | CITY | FOCUS | VOLUNTEER NEEDS (in progress): | OTHER NOTES | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | AK | Catholic Social Services Alaska | https://www.cssalaska.org/our-programs/refugee-assistance-immigration-services/ | Anchorage, Delta Junction, Wasilla | Refugee resettlement, general support | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | AL | Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama | https://hicaalabama.org/en/home | Birmingham | Citizenship support and services | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | AL | Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice | https://www.acij.org/ | Irondale | Grassroots organizing, political advocacy, civic engagement, know your rights workshops, deportation defense | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | AL | Team Libertad (Inspiritus) | https://weinspirit.org/refugees | Birmingham | Resettlement support, case management, legal services, education, youth programming | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | AR | Catholic Immigration Services | https://www.dolr.org/immigration-services | Little Rock, Springdale | Legal aid | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | AR | Arkansas Immigration Defense | https://aidarkansas.com/ | Springdale | Legal aid | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | AZ | Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project | https://firrp.org/ | Phoenix, Tucson | Legal services and advocacy for those in ICE/ORR detention | Donations primarily | ||||||||||||||||||||
26 | AZ | Humane Borders | https://www.humaneborders.org/ | Tucson | Direct support, water drops for crossers | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | AZ | Tucson Samaritans | https://www.tucsonsamaritans.org/ | Tucson | Water drops and humanitarian assistance for border crossers | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | AZ | Aliento Arizona | https://www.alientoaz.org/ | Phoenix | General services, cultural programming, legal aid | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | AZ | Phoenix Legal Action Network | https://planphx.org/ | Phoenix | Legal support, community organizing, cultural work | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | AZ | International Rescue Committee - Phoenix | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/phoenix-az | Glendale | Direct support and services, education and programming, legal assistance | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | AZ | Arizona Immigrant and Refugee Services | https://airsaz.org/ | Phoenix | Resettlement assistance, general services | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | AZ | Immigrant Relief Center of Arizona | https://immigrantrca.org/ | Phoenix | General services, citizenship support, direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | AZ | International Rescue Committee - Tucson | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/tucson-az | Tucson | Resettlement assistance, general services, direct support, citizenship and legal support | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | AZ | Arizona Democracy Resource Center | https://www.azdrc.org | Phoenix | Advocacy, mutual aid, resource guide | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | AZ | Mariposas Sin Fronteras | https://mariposassinfronteras.com/ | Tucson | Detention and deportation support for and by LGBTQIA+ | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | AZ | Trans Queer Pueblo - Semilla de LiberaciĆ³n | https://www.tqpueblo.org/ | Phoenix | Health services, post-arrest support, legal support - run by and focused on LGBTQIA+ community | |||||||||||||||||||||
37 | CA | Al Otro Lado | https://alotrolado.org/aboutus | San Ysidro, Los Angeles, San Diego | Legal and direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
38 | CA | Immigrant Defenders Law Center | https://www.immdef.org/ | San Diego | Legal support | |||||||||||||||||||||
39 | CA | American Friends Services Committee - San Diego | https://afsc.org/programs/us-mexico-border-program | San Diego | Advocacy and organizing | |||||||||||||||||||||
40 | CA | Partnership for Advancement for New Americans | https://www.panasd.org/mutualaidforasylumseekers | San Diego | Advocacy and mutual aid | |||||||||||||||||||||
41 | CA | We All We Got SD | https://www.weallwegotsd.com/ | San Diego | Mutual aid network | |||||||||||||||||||||
42 | CA | San Diego Immigrant Rights Coalition | https://www.immigrantsandiego.org/ | San Diego | Advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
43 | CA | Detention Resistance | https://linktr.ee/fueguitosdelanoche | San Diego | Direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | CA | San Bernadino Community Service Center, Inc. | https://www.sbcscinc.org/ | San Bernadino | Legal services, community organizing, citizenship support, advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
45 | CA | Centro del Pueblo Movimiento Indigena Migrante | https://cdpueblo.com/ | Arcata | Cultural work, youth center | |||||||||||||||||||||
46 | CA | Centro Legal de La Raza | https://www.centrolegal.org/ | Oakland | Legal services and advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
47 | CA | Social Justice Collaborative | https://www.socialjusticecollaborative.org/ | Berkeley | Legal services | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | CA | Norcal Resist | https://www.norcalresist.org/ | Sacramento | Mutual aid, deportation support and court accompaniment, direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | CA | International Rescue Committee - Sacramento | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/sacramento-ca | Sacramento | Resettlement assistance, general services, citizenship and legal support | |||||||||||||||||||||
50 | CA | Immigration Resource Center of San Gabriel Valley | https://ircsgv.org/ | Monrovia | Legal services | |||||||||||||||||||||
51 | CA | Davis Phoenix Coalition | https://davisphoenixco.org/ | Davis | Advocacy, community organizing, social services | |||||||||||||||||||||
52 | CA | California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice | https://www.ccijustice.org/ | Oakland | Legal services, advocacy - focused on detention centers | |||||||||||||||||||||
53 | CA | International Rescue Committee - Oakland | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/oakland-ca | Oakland | Resettlement assistance, general services, citizenship and legal support, youth programming | |||||||||||||||||||||
54 | CA | Empower YOLO | https://empoweryolo.org/ | Woodland | Legal and social services | |||||||||||||||||||||
55 | CA | Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice | https://ic4ij.org/ | San Bernadino | Community organizing, deportation defense, advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
56 | CA | Jewish Family Service of San Diego | https://www.jfssd.org/ | San Diego | Shelter, resettlement assistance, legal services | |||||||||||||||||||||
57 | CA | International Rescue Committee - San Diego | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/san-diego-ca | San Diego | Resettlement assistance, general services, citizenship and legal support | |||||||||||||||||||||
58 | CA | Refugee and Immigration Transitions | https://reftrans.org/ | Oakland, San Francisco | Education, programming, community organizing, some direct services | |||||||||||||||||||||
59 | CA | RISE, Inc | https://www.riseinc.org/ | Esparto, Winters, Woodland | Direct support, elder and child care | |||||||||||||||||||||
60 | CA | African Communities Public Health Coalition | https://africancoalition.org/ | Santa Monica | Mental health care, legal services | |||||||||||||||||||||
61 | CA | Border Angels | https://www.borderangels.org/ | San Diego | Water drops and humanitarian assistance for border crossers, detention center bond, direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
62 | CA | Border Kindness | https://borderkindness.org/ | El Centro | Water drops and humanitarian assistance for border crossers, direct support, shelter, legal aid | |||||||||||||||||||||
63 | CA | Canal Alliance | https://www.canalalliance.org/ | San Rafael | Advocacy and civic engagement, citizenship support, legal aid | |||||||||||||||||||||
64 | CA | Multicultural Center of Marin | https://multiculturalmarin.org | San Rafael | Youth programming, civic engagement | |||||||||||||||||||||
65 | CA | Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN) | https://www.sirenimmigrantrights.org/ | Fresno, San Jose | Legal support, community organizing, advocacy, civic engagement | |||||||||||||||||||||
66 | CA | Unitarian Universalists Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education (UURISE) | https://uurise.org/ | Chula Vista, Vista, San Luis Obispo, San Marcos | Legal aid, general services, organizing | |||||||||||||||||||||
67 | CA | International Rescue Committee - Turlock | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/turlock-ca | Turlock | Resettlement assistance, general services, youth programming, citizenship support | |||||||||||||||||||||
68 | CA | Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley | https://www.jfssv.org/ | Los Gatos | Resettlement assistance, direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
69 | CA | Jewish Family and Children's Service of Long Beach and Orange County | https://jfcslboc.org/refugee/ | Santa Ana | Resettlement assistance, direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
70 | CA | Jewish Family and Community Services East Bay | https://jfcs-eastbay.org/our-services/refugee-services/refugee-resettlement/ | Concord | Resettlement assistance, direct support, general services | |||||||||||||||||||||
71 | CA | East Bay Sanctuary Covenant | https://eastbaysanctuary.org/ | Berkeley | Legal services, direct support, general support and resource guide, English language education, community organizing, advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
72 | CA | International Rescue Committee - San Jose | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/san-jose-ca | San Jose | Resettlement assistance, general services, citizenship support | |||||||||||||||||||||
73 | CA | International Rescue Committee - Los Angeles | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/los-angeles-ca | Los Angeles | Resettlement assistance, direct support, general services, education, citizenship and legal support | |||||||||||||||||||||
74 | CA | Santa Cruz County Immigration Project/Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County | https://cabinc.org/2017/04/21/santa-cruz-county-immigration-project-sccip/ | Watsonville | Legal support and services | |||||||||||||||||||||
75 | CA | Buen Vecino | https://www.buen-vecino.org | Simi Valley, West Lake Village | Citizenship support, advocacy, organizing | |||||||||||||||||||||
76 | CA | South Asian Network | https://southasiannetwork.org | Artesia, Los Angeles | Citizenship and naturalization support, general and health services and support, legal support and accompaniment, civic engagement, advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
77 | CA | California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation | https://www.crlaf.org | Fresno, Sacramento | Legal advocacy, legal support, advocacy, commuity outreach, resource guide | |||||||||||||||||||||
78 | CA | Immigrant Hope Santa Barbara | https://www.immigranthopesb.org/#/ | Santa Barbara | Legal services and support, citizenship and naturalization support, education | |||||||||||||||||||||
79 | CA | SLOCounty UndocuSupport | https://www.sloundocusupport.org/about-us | San Luis Obispo | Direct support, general services, resource guide | |||||||||||||||||||||
80 | CA | Orange County Rapid Response | https://ocrapidresponse.org/ | Santa Ana | Rapid response to raids, family support, monitoring law enforcement, rights education, community organizing, legal aid, resource hub | |||||||||||||||||||||
81 | CA | Faith in Action Bay Area | https://faithinactionba.org/ | San Francisco, Redwood City | Advocacy, community organizing, some direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
82 | CA | Amigos de Guadalupe | https://www.amigoscenter.com/ | San Jose | Housing and rental assistance, legal services, education, community organizing | |||||||||||||||||||||
83 | CA | Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) | https://www.chirla.org/ | Los Angeles | Legal services, advocacy, civic engagement, community organizing, youth programming, deportation rapid response | |||||||||||||||||||||
84 | CA | Puente de la Costa Sur | https://mypuente.org/ | Pescadero, La Honda | Community health, education, advocacy, civic engagement, resource hub | |||||||||||||||||||||
85 | CA | Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network @ Amigos de Guadalupe | https://www.amigoscenter.com/rapid-respon | San Jose | Rapid response, accompaniment | |||||||||||||||||||||
86 | CA | Pangea Legal Services | https://www.pangealegal.org/ | San Francisco, San Jose | Legal services | |||||||||||||||||||||
87 | CA | Ayudando Latinos a Sonar (ALAS) | https://www.alasdreams.com/ | Half Moon Bay | Cultural programs, education, immigration casework, social justice advocacy, health services, direct support and services - farmworker focus | |||||||||||||||||||||
88 | CA | Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus | https://www.asianlawcaucus.org/ | San Francisco | Legal services, Know Your Rights guides and resources, community education, policy advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
89 | CA | Asian Prisoner Support Committee | https://www.asianprisonersupport.com/ | Oakland | Advocacy, direct support, deportation defense | |||||||||||||||||||||
90 | CA | California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance | https://ciyja.org/ | Los Angeles | Advocacy and community organizing | |||||||||||||||||||||
91 | CA/NV | Immigration Center for Women and Children | https://www.icwclaw.org/ | Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco | Legal aid, some general support for social work | |||||||||||||||||||||
92 | CO | International Rescue Committee - Denver | https://www.rescue.org/united-states/denver-co | Denver | Direct support and services, education and programming, legal assistance | |||||||||||||||||||||
93 | CO | Jewish Family Service of Denver | https://www.jewishfamilyservice.org/ | Denver | Resettlement, general services, direct support | |||||||||||||||||||||
94 | CO | Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition | https://coloradoimmigrant.org/ | Denver | Legal aid, advocacy, ICE detainment tracking/response | |||||||||||||||||||||
95 | CO | Rocky Mountain Immigration Advocacy Network | https://www.rmian.org/ | Westminster | Legal and social services, especially for detainees, advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
96 | CO | Immigrant Freedom Fund | https://www.immigrantfreedomfund.org/ | Aurora | Bond fund, advocacy | |||||||||||||||||||||
97 | CO | American Friends Service Committee - Colorado Immigrant Rights/Coloradans for Immigrant Rights | https://afsc.org/programs/colorado-immigrant-rights | Denver | Community organizing, advocacy, rapid response | |||||||||||||||||||||
98 | CT | New Start Ministry | https://www.newstartministryct.org/ | New Haven | Co-sponsoring refugees for resettlement | |||||||||||||||||||||
99 | CT | Make The Road CT | https://www.maketheroadct.org/ | Bridgeport, Hartford | Advocacy, community organizing, direct support, services | |||||||||||||||||||||
100 | CT | Connecticut Institute for Immigrants and Refugees | https://cirict.org/ | Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury | Legal services, direct support, education |