A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | ||
1 | Add yourself to the database: https://forms.gle/TShuTcrqgewxKHio6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | First | Middle Name | Last Name | Expertise | Affiliation/Organization | Title | Email address | Website | Twitter handle | City | State | Country | Language(s) | Notes | ||||||||||||||
3 | Sofia | R | Jimenez | Language development, word learning, cognitive development | Vanderbilt University/CSU San Marcos | Adjunct Professor | sofia.r.jimenez@vanderbilt.edu | https://www.vanderbilt.edu/psychological_sciences/bio/sofia-jimenez | Nashville | TN | USA | English, Spanish | Moving to San Diego 8/16/18 | |||||||||||||||
4 | Pooja | K. | Agarwal | memory, learning, applying cognitive psychology in education (K-12 and higher ed) | Berklee College of Music / Vanderbilt University | Assistant Professor | pooja@poojaagarwal.com | http://www.poojaagarwal.com | Boston | MA | USA | English | New book, Powerful Teaching, available June 2019. See retrievalpractice.org for my science communication and workshops with educators | |||||||||||||||
5 | Maria | M | Arredondo | child development, bilingualism, attention, language acquisition, neuroimaging, fNIRS, infants, executive functions | University of Texas at Austin/Haskins Laboratories at Yale University | Assistant Professor | maria.arredondo@austin.utexas.edu | https://cns.utexas.edu/directory/item/3949-arredondo-maria?Itemid=349 | Austin | TX | USA | Spanish, English | ||||||||||||||||
6 | Christina | Areizaga | Barbieri | Math cognition, learning, and instruction | University of Delaware | Assistant Professor | barbieri@udel.edu | https://sites.udel.edu/barbieri/ | Newark | DE | USA | |||||||||||||||||
7 | Viridiana | L. | Benitez | cognitive development - word learning, attention, bilingualism, statistical learning | Department of Psychology, Arizona State University | Assistant Professor | viridiana.benitez@asu.edu | http://viridianabenitez.com/ | Tempe | AZ | USA | English, Spanish | ||||||||||||||||
8 | Kevin | R | Binning | Self-affirmation, ecological belonging, social-psychological interventions | University of Pittsburgh | Assistant Professor | kbinning@pitt.edu | http://www.pitt.edu/~kbinning/ | Pittsburgh | PA | USA | English, Spanish | ||||||||||||||||
9 | Kimberly | S. | Chiew | cognitive neuroscience, emotion, motivation, cognitive control, episodic memory | University of Denver | Assistant Professor | kimberly.chiew@du.edu | www.dumaclab.org | @kimberlychiew | Denver | CO | USA | English | |||||||||||||||
10 | Sarai | Coba-Rodriguez | Parental involvement, school readiness, Head Start, family engagement, Latino & African - American families, neighborhoods, qualitative | University of Illinois at Chicago | Assistant Professor | scobaro2@uic.edu | http://education.uic.edu/faculty-staff?type_1=All&field_department_target_id=27&title= | Chicago | IL | USA | English, Spanish | |||||||||||||||||
11 | Ting | Dai | Motivation, epistemic cognition, STEM achievement, mesurement | University of Illinois at Chicago | Assistant Professor | tdai@uic.edu | http://education.uic.edu/personnel/faculty/ting-dai-phd | Chicago | IL | USA | Englishg, Mandarin, Cantonese | |||||||||||||||||
12 | Chris | L | Dancy | computational cognitive science; cognitive architectures; computational models of emotion; | Bucknell University | Assistant Professor | christopher.dancy@bucknell.edu | cdancy.com | Lewisburg | PA | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
13 | Indranil | Dutta | Computational psycholinguistics, speech production and perception, artificial neural networks | The English and Foreign Languages University | Assistant Professor | indranil@efluniversity.ac.in | https://duttalab.github.io/ | @academicmargin | Hyderabad | TS | India | Assamese, Bengali, Khalkha Mongolian, Malayalam, Marathi, Mizo, Telugu | In Austin, TX between 1st May and 15th June every year | |||||||||||||||
14 | Alexia | Galati | psycholinguistics, spatial cognition, perspective-taking, audience design, dynamical systems | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Assistant Professor | agalati@uncc.edu | www.alexiagalati.com | @alexiagalati | Charlotte | NC | USA | English, Greek | ||||||||||||||||
15 | Aisha | N. | Griffith | trusting youth-adult relationships, youth programs, adolescence | University of Illinois at Chicago | Assistant Professor | griffit3@uic.edu | Chicago | IL | USA | English | |||||||||||||||||
16 | Hyemin | Han | moral psychology, moral development, moral education, educational psychology, educational neuroscience, fMRI | University of Alabama | Assistant Professor | hyemin.han@ua.edu | https://seed.ua.edu/people | @xxelloss | Tuscaloosa | AL | USA | English, Korean | ||||||||||||||||
17 | Elan | C | Hope | assets-based approach to explore factors that promote academic, civic, and psychological well-being for racially marginalized adolescents and emerging adults. | North Carolina State University | Assistant Professor | ehope@ncsu.edu | https://psychology.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/ehope | @HopesPsychology | Raleigh | NC | USA | English | |||||||||||||||
18 | Julián | Jara-Ettinger | Cognitive development, Theory of Mind, Computational modeling | Yale University | Assistant Professor | julian.jara-ettinger@yale.edu | http://compdevlab.yale.edu | @JaraEttinger | NewHaven | CT | USA | Spanish, English | ||||||||||||||||
19 | Dwight | J | Kravitz | Cognitive Neuroscience, Big Data, Machine Learning, Visual Object Recognition | The George Washington University | Assistant Professor | kravitzd@gwu.edu | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7LcDQpYAAAAJ&hl=en | Washington | DC | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
20 | Calvin | K. | Lai | implicit bias, social cognition, prejudice & stereotyping, social-psychological intervention | Washington University in St. Louis | Assistant Professor | calvinlai@wustl.edu | https://calvinklai.wordpress.com/ | @CalvinKLai | St. Louis | MO | USA | English | |||||||||||||||
21 | Vicky | Lai | Language, Semantics, Metaphor, Emotion and language, Cognitive Neuroscience | Department of Psychology, University of Arizona | Assistant Professor | tzuyinlai@email.arizona.edu | http://psychology.arizona.edu/users/vicky-lai | Tucson | AZ | USA | English, Mandarin | |||||||||||||||||
22 | Taraz | G | Lee | Cognitive neuroscience of attention-motivation-motor interaction. Choking under pressure | University of Michigan | Assistant Professor | tarazlee@umich.edu | https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/tarazlee-lab/ | @tarazlee | Ann Arbor | MI | USA | English | |||||||||||||||
23 | Belem | G | López | Bilingualism, language brokering, figurative langauge, problem-solving, creativity, humor | University of Texas at Austin | Assistant Professor | bglopez@austin.utexas.edu | https://belemglopez.com/ | Austin | TX | USA | English, Spanish | ||||||||||||||||
24 | Christopher | R | Madan | memory, emotion, decision making, cognitive neuroscience, fMRI, brain morphology, aging | University of Nottingham | Assistant Professor | christopher.madan@nottingham.ac.uk | http://engra.me/ | @cMadan | Nottingham | UK | English | ||||||||||||||||
25 | Percival | Matthews | Math cognition, learning, and development | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Assistant Professor | pmatthews@wisc.edu | https://edpsych.education.wisc.edu/staff/matthews-percival/ | Madison | WI | USA | ||||||||||||||||||
26 | Brianna | T. M. | McMillan | Cognitive development, language, attention, social cognition | Smith College | Assistant Professor | bmcmillan@smith.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Lace | M | Padilla | visualization decision-making, spacial cognition, uncertainty cognition, hurricane forecasting | UC Merced | Assistant Professor | lace.m.k.padilla@gmail.com | SPACE.ucmerced.edu | Merced | CA | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
28 | Lekhnath | S | Pathak | Psycholinguistics, Language and Cognition, Bilingualism/Multilingualism, Child Language Acquisition, Kinesthetics, Mouse Tracking | Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal | Assistant Professor | lekhnathspathak@gmail.com | https://cdltu.edu.np/ | Kathmandu | Bagmati/Province 3 | Nepal | English, Nepali, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali | ||||||||||||||||
29 | Richard | Prather | Numerical cognition, educational neuroscience, mathematical modeling | University of Maryland | Assistant Professor | prather1@umd.edu | https://education.umd.edu/directory/richard-w-prather | College Park | MD | USA | tree | |||||||||||||||||
30 | Verónica | Rabelo | workplace diversity + mistreatment; well-being @ work; dirty work; equity + restorative justice in cannabis industry | San Francisco State University | Assistant Professor | rabelo@sfsu.edu | www.veronicarabelo.com | San Francisco | CA | USA | English | |||||||||||||||||
31 | Steven | O. | Roberts | Cognitive development, social cognition, identity development | Stanford University | Assistant Professor | sothello@stanford.edu | https://profiles.stanford.edu/177091 | Stanford | CA | USA | |||||||||||||||||
32 | Leann | V | Smith | Culture, context and Black youth development; school psychology | Texas A&M University | Assistant Professor | lvsmith@tamu.edu | https://www.drleannvsmith.com/ | College Station | TX | USA | |||||||||||||||||
33 | Peggy | L | St. Jacques | Cognitive neuroscience of memory; autobiographical memory; constructive aspects of memory | University of Alberta | Assistant Professor | pstjacqu@ualberta.ca | http://sites.psych.ualberta.ca/MElab/ | Edmonton | AB | Canada | English | ||||||||||||||||
34 | Sharda | Umanath | memory, aging, knowledge, errors, autobiographical memory, collective memory | Claremont McKenna College | Assistant Professor | sumanath@cmc.edu | umanathlab.com | Claremont | CA | USA | English, Tamil | |||||||||||||||||
35 | Sandra | B | Vanegas | Language development in dual language learners with neurodevelopmental disorders, family support | Texas State University | Assistant Professor | svanegas@txstate.edu | https://www.socialwork.txstate.edu/websites/vanegas | Austin | TX | USA | English, Spanish | ||||||||||||||||
36 | Dominique | T. | Vuvan | music cognition, auditory cognitive neuroscience, music-language interactions | Skidmore College | Assistant Professor | dvuvan@skidmore.edu | https://skidmore-maclab.org | @DoctaDom | Saratoga Springs | NY | USA | English, Vietnamese, French | |||||||||||||||
37 | Margaret | R | Tarampi | spatial cognition, space perception, expertise, visual perception | University of Hartford | Assistant Professor | tarampi@hartford.edu | https://sites.google.com/view/scapelaboratory/ | @inter_thinking | West Hartford | CT | USA | English | |||||||||||||||
38 | Hyojin | Park | brain oscillations (rhythms), auditory/audiovisual speech perception/production, human communication | Centre for Human Brain Health (CHBH), University of Birmingham | Assistant Professor | h.park@bham.ac.uk | https://sites.google.com/view/hyojinpark | @HyojinParkNeuro | Birmingham | UK | English, Korean | |||||||||||||||||
39 | Sarah | E | Gaither | social and developmental psychology, social identities, social behavior, social categorization, diversity, multiracial experiences, race, gender, social development | Duke University | Assistant Professor | sarah.gaither@duke.edu | https://sites.duke.edu/dukeidlab/ | https://twitter.com/sarahegaither | Durham | NC | United States | English | |||||||||||||||
40 | Aritra | Dasgupta | visualization, human-data interaction | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Assistant Professor | aritra.dasgupta@njit.edu | aedeegee.github.io | https://twitter.com/AeDeeGee | Newark | NJ | USA | English, Bengali, Hindi | ||||||||||||||||
41 | Kristoffer | Romero | Neuropsychology | University of Windsor | Assistant professor | kromero@uwindsor.ca | Windsor | Canada | English, French, Tagalog | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | Mariam | Aly | episodic memory, perception, attention, medial temporal lobe | Columbia University | Assistant Professor | ma3631@columbia.edu | www.alylab.org | https://twitter.com/mariam_s_aly | New York | New York | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
43 | Jennifer (Jeni) | Kubota | Social Neuroscience, Racial Bias, Social Status, Impression Formation, Decision-making, Social Cognition, EEG, fMRI | University of Delaware | Assistant Professor | jennifer.kubota@gmail.com | http://ifsnlab.org/ | https://twitter.com/JeniKubota | Newark | DE | United States | English | ||||||||||||||||
44 | Tehran | Jespah | Davis | Complex systems / perception / coordination dynamics / ecological psychology | University of Cincinnati | Assistant Professor | tehran.davis@uc.edu | centerforcap.com | Cincinnati | OH | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
45 | Brandy | Nicole | Tiernan | Cognitive Neuroscience | Western Carolina University | Assistant Professor | btiernan@wcu.edu | Www.emotioncclab.org | https://mobile.twitter.com/BrandyTiernan | Sylva | NC | United States | English | |||||||||||||||
46 | Lara | Maria | Rangel | Neuroscience | University of California San Diego | Assistant Professor | lrangel@ucsd.edu | neuralcrossroads.ucsd.edu | La Jolla | CA | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
47 | Zhenghan | Qi | Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Communication and Language Disorders | University of Delaware | Assistant Professor | zqi@udel.edu | https://sites.udel.edu/zqi | https://twitter.com/qzhever | Newark | DE | USA | English, Mandarin | ||||||||||||||||
48 | Michi | Matsukura | Visual attention, Visual Memory, Visual Perception | Drake University | Assistant Professor | michi.matsukura@gmail.com | https://matsukura.wp.drake.edu/ | Des Moines | IA | USA | English | |||||||||||||||||
49 | Benjamin | Suarez-Jimenez | Neuroscience; Learning and Memory; Psychopathology, stress and anxiety; human brain imaging; virtual reality | Columbia University | Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology | bs3021@cumc.columbia.edu | http://linkedin.com/in/benjaminsuarezjimenez | http://twitter.com/zvrlab | NYC | NY | USA | Spanish; English | ||||||||||||||||
50 | Benjamin | Uel | Marsh | How Language and Culture Mediate Autobiographical and Episodic Memory. | University of Tampa | Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology | bmarsh@ut.edu | https://www.benjaminumarsh.com/ | Tampa | FL | United States | English | ||||||||||||||||
51 | Ayşe | P | Saygın | Cognitive neuroscience, social perception and cognition, biological motion, body movements and action, human robot interaction, AI, social robotics, neuroimaging, neuropsychology | Assoc Prof | apsaygin@gmail.com | Sayginlab.ucsd.edu | San Diego | CA | USA | Turkish, English, French (only a little!) | Cold emails may be filtered to a folder I check irregularly but can iMessage the email address listed | ||||||||||||||||
52 | Pablo | Gomez | לPerceptual decision making, visual word recognition, modeling | DePaul until 2019, CSUSB starting 2020 | Associate Prof | pgomez1dpu@gmail.com | Palm Desert | CA | USA | English, Spanish | ||||||||||||||||||
53 | Florencia | K | Anggoro | Language and conceptual development, science learning, spatial and relational thinking, culture and cognition | College of the Holy Cross | Associate Professor | fanggoro@holycross.edu | https://www.holycross.edu/academics/programs/psychology/faculty/florencia-k-anggoro | @floanggoro | Worcester | MA | USA | English, Indonesian | |||||||||||||||
54 | Charles | B. | Chang | language, linguistics, phonetics, phonology, speech, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, bilingualism, multilingualism | Boston University | Associate Professor | cc@bu.edu | https://cbchang.com | @CharlesBChang | Boston | MA | USA | English, Korean, Spanish | |||||||||||||||
55 | Eliana | Colunga | Language development, cognitive development, neural networks, computational modeling, screen media | University of Colorado Boulder | Associate Professor | colunga@colorado.edu | Boulder | CO | USA | English, Spanish | ||||||||||||||||||
56 | Felipe | De Brigard | Memory, Counterfactual Thinking, Imagination, fMRI, Moral Psychology | Duke University | Associate Professor | fd13@duke.edu | www.imclab.org | @felipedebrigard | Durham | NC | USA | Spanish, English | ||||||||||||||||
57 | Michele | T | Diaz | Language production, aging, cognitive neuroscience, EEG, fMRI, rsfMRI, DTI | Pennsylvania State University | Associate Professor | mtd143@psu.edu | https://sites.psu.edu/mdiazlab/ | State College | PA | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
58 | Kevin | J. | Holmes | language and thought, categorization, abstract concepts, spatial and numerical thinking | Reed College | Associate Professor | kjholmes@reed.edu | https://www.reed.edu/psychology/faculty/holmes.html | Portland | OR | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
59 | Christina | S | Kim | Psycholinguistics, language processing | University of Kent | Associate Professor | c.s.kim@kent.ac.uk | http://christinakim.net | @DrYDidNotAnswer | London | UK | English | ||||||||||||||||
60 | Jared | Medina | Body representation, multisensory integration, plasticity, cognitive neuropsychology, TMS, embodiment & body ownership | University of Delaware | Associate Professor | jmedina@psych.udel.edu | http://www.jaredmedina.com | Newark | DE | USA | English | |||||||||||||||||
61 | Geetha | Ramani | Social influences on cognitive development and learning | University of Maryland | Associate Professor | gramani@umd.edu | https://education.umd.edu/directory/geetha-ramani | College Park | MD | USA | ||||||||||||||||||
62 | Lucina | Q | Uddin | Cognitive neuroscience, brain connectivity, neurodevelopmental disorders | University of Miami | Associate Professor | l.uddin@miami.edu | http://www.psy.miami.edu/bccl/ | Miami | FL | USA | English, Bengali | ||||||||||||||||
63 | Navin | Viswanathan | Speech Perception, Speech Production, Ecological Psychogy, Perceptual Learning, Bilingualish, Codeswitching | The Pennsylvania State University | Associate Professor | navin@psu.edu | https://sites.psu.edu/splaco/ | State College | PA | USA | English, Tamil, Hindi | |||||||||||||||||
64 | Duane | Girard | Watson | Language, speech, reading | Department of Psychology and Human Development, Vanderbilt University | Associate Professor | duane.g.watson@vanderbilt.edu | http://www.duanegwatson.com | Nashville | TN | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
65 | Lisa | M | Lopez | bilingualism, school readiness, Head Start, language development, parent involvement, preschool classroom environment | University of South Florida | Professor | lmlopez@usf.edu | https://www.usf.edu/education/faculty/faculty-profiles/lisa-lopez.aspx | @lisapsy1 | Tampa | FL | USA | English, Spanish | |||||||||||||||
66 | Paul | H. | White | Attitudes/Persuasion, Prejudice/Stereotyping (Social Psychology) | University of Utah | Associate Professor | paul.white@psych.utah.edu | Salt Lake City | UT | United States | English | |||||||||||||||||
67 | Jennifer | Gutsell | Social Neuroscience, Empathy, Social Cognition, Cross-group Interactions, EEG | Brandeis University | Associate Professor | jgutsell@brandeis.edu | https://www.brandeis.edu/psychology/gutsell/index.html | Boston | MA | USA | English, German | |||||||||||||||||
68 | Kauyumari | Sanchez | Speech perception, Speech memory, and Speech production; Psycholinguistics | Humboldt State University | Associate Professor | ks2271@humboldt.edu | https://psychology.humboldt.edu/people/mari-kauyumari-sanchez | Arcata | CA | United States | English, Spanish | |||||||||||||||||
69 | Albert | E | Kim | Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Electrophysiology | Institute of Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder | Associate Professor | albert.kim@colorado.edu | https://www.colorado.edu/lab/kimlab/al-kim | Boulder | Colorado | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
70 | Roy | Hoshi | Hamilton | Neurology, cognitive neuroscience, noninvasive brain stimulation | University of Pennsylvania | Associate Professor | roy.hamilton@pennmedicine.upenn.edu | https://www.med.upenn.edu/brainstimcenter/core-faculty-accordian.html | https://twitter.com/DrRoyHamilton | Philadelphia | PA | USA | English | |||||||||||||||
71 | Mariann | Weierich | Neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms underlying normative stress and stress related disorders; methods include fMRI, neuroendocrine assay, eye tracking, basic behavioral tasks, and clinical interviews. | University of Nevada, Reno | Associate Professor | mweierich@unr.edu | weierichlab.com | Reno | NV | USA | English | |||||||||||||||||
72 | Chandan | Narayan | infant and adult speech perception, acoustic phonetics, sound change | York University | Associate Professor | chandann@yorku.ca | www.chandannarayan.com | Toronto | ON | Canada | English, Kannada, Tamil, Tagalog | |||||||||||||||||
73 | Valerie | J. | Purdie-Greenaway | stereotyping, race relations, diversity, invisibility, neurobiology and intergroup relations | Columbia University | Associate Professor | vpvaughns@psych.columbia.edu | http://www.columbia.edu/cu/psychology/vpvaughns/vpv-bio.html | NYC | NY | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
74 | Arianne | E | Eason | Social Cognition, Infants, Intergroup relations & bias, Social cognitive Development, Invisibility, Culture | UC-Berkeley | Asst Professor | easona@berkeley.edu | Berkeley | CA | USA | English, Tamil | |||||||||||||||||
75 | Saul | Alonzo | Urbina-Johanson | Clinical Psychology, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Public Health, | Boston Children's Hospital | Clinical Research Assistant | saul.urbinajohanson@gmail.com | https://twitter.com/s_jaayyy9 | Boston | MA | USA | English, Spanish | LGBTQ+ - identifying | |||||||||||||||
76 | Sangeet | S | Khemlani | reasoning; higher-level cognition; generic language; deduction; explanation; behavioral experimentation; computational cognitive modeling | Naval Research Laboratory | Cognitive Scientist (Faculty) | sunny.khemlani@nrl.navy.mil | https://khemlani.net | @SangeetKhemlani | Washington | DC | USA | English | |||||||||||||||
77 | Kureva | Matuku | Eyewitness memory, autobiographical memory, deception detection, memory errors | Florida International University | Doctoral Candidate | kmatu007@fiu.edu | https://twitter.com/KurevaMatuku | Miami | FL | United States | English | |||||||||||||||||
78 | Katarzyna (Kasia) | Siuda-Krzywicka | Neuropsychology, neuroimaging, MRI, connectivity | Paris Brain Institute | Dr | siuda.krzywicka@gmail.com | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kasia_Siuda-Krzywicka | https://twitter.com/ksiudda?s=09 | Paris | France | English, French, Polish | |||||||||||||||||
79 | Raeya | Maswood | social memory; memory errors; transmission of memories | Stony Brook University | Graduate student | raeya.maswood@stonybrook.edu | Stony Brook | NY | USA | English, Bengali | ||||||||||||||||||
80 | Stone | Carter | Edwards | Cognitive Psychology | Vanderbilt University | Lab Assistant | stone.c.edwards@vanderbilt.edu | Durham | NC | United States | English | |||||||||||||||||
81 | Saloni | Krishnan | Language learning, dyslexia, developmental language disorder, fMRI | Royal Holloway, University of London | Lecturer (Assistant Professor) | saloni.krishnan@rhul.ac.uk | www.ncodelab.com | @salonikrishnan | London | UK | English, Hindi | |||||||||||||||||
82 | Nicole | Hope | Coates | Cognitive science | University of California Davis, San Jose State University | Master's Student | nicole.coates@sjsu.edu | https://twitter.com/nicolehcoates | Hayward | CA | United States | English | ||||||||||||||||
83 | Emily | Hokett | sleep quality, memory, aging | Georgia Institute of Technology | MS | emily.c.hokett@gmail.com | https://www.notion.so/emilyhokett/Emily-Hokett-MS-1e871960b2404316a0617191fbb83691 | https://twitter.com/HokettEmily | Atlanta | Georgia | USA | English, Spanish | ||||||||||||||||
84 | Andrés | Camacho-Alpízar | Comparative cognition, social learning, physical cognition | Department of Psychology, University of Alberta | MSc. | camacho2@ualberta.ca | https://andrescamachoalpizar.weebly.com | https://twitter.com/AndresCamacho_A | Edmonton | Alberta | Canada | Spanish, English, German | ||||||||||||||||
85 | Meltem | Yucel | Child development, Morality, Norms, Social Cognition, Emotion, Tattling, Gossip | University of Virginia | Ph.D. Candidate | nmy2bg@virginia.edu | www.meltemyucel.com | @nm_yucel | Charlottesville | VA | USA | English, Turkish | Frequent PA Traveler | |||||||||||||||
86 | Babak | Hemmatian | natural language processing; social media discourse; reasoning; higher-level cognition; generic language; explanation; behavioral experimentation | Brown University | Ph.D. candidate | babak_hemmatian@brown.edu | Providence | Rhode Island | USA | English, Persian | ||||||||||||||||||
87 | Minah | Kim | Social cognitive neuroscience | University of Virginia | Ph.D. student | mk7kc@virginia.edu | Charlottesville | Virginia | US | English, Korean | International student | |||||||||||||||||
88 | Lauren | S | Aulet | Numerical and spatial cognition; cognitive development; vision | Emory University | PhD candidate | laulet@emory.edu | laurenaulet.com | Atlanta | GA | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
89 | Ana | Besserman | University of Southern California | PhD candidate | pianibes@usc.edu | https://sites.google.com/site/anabesserman/ | Los Angeles | CA | USA | English, Portuguese | ||||||||||||||||||
90 | Abeba | Birhane | Embodied cognition, complex adaptive systems, ethics | University College Dublin | PhD candidate | abeba.birhane@ucdconnect.ie | https://abebabirhane.wordpress.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Jessica | Leila | Brough | Language production, language development | Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh | PhD candidate | j.brough@ed.ac.uk | Edinburgh | Scotland | English | ||||||||||||||||||
92 | M. Catalina | Camacho | Affect, neurodevelopment, early childhood, infancy, computational neuroscience, anxiety/depression risk, stress | Washington University in St. Louis | PhD candidate | camachoc@wustl.edu | catcamacho.net | @CatCamachoNeuro | St. Louis | MO | USA | English | ||||||||||||||||
93 | Brandon | John | Carlos | Cognition | University of Houston | PhD candidate | bjcarlos@uh.edu | Houston | TX | USA | English | |||||||||||||||||
94 | Theresa | Wenyun | Cheng | developmental cognitive neuroscience, adolescence, puberty, sensitive periods, social development | University of Oregon | PhD candidate | tcheng@uoregon.edu | @cecily_cardew | Eugene | OR | USA | English, Mandarin | ||||||||||||||||
95 | Natalia | Bezerra | Dutra | Human cooperation, social learning, culture, child development | Durham University (UK) | PhD candidate | nbdutra@gmail.com | http://nataliadutra.strikingly.com | Natal | RN | Brazil | Portuguese, English | ||||||||||||||||
96 | Teresa | Girolamo | language & ASD, cognition, engagement of underrepresented communities in research | University of Kansas | PhD candidate | girolamot@ku.edu | Lawrence | KS | USA | English, Spanish, Mandarin/Korean/French (working proficiency) | ||||||||||||||||||
97 | Teresa | Girolamo | specific language impairment, language assessment, autism, inclusion of racial/ethnic minorities in research | University of Kansas | PhD candidate | girolamot@ku.edu | http://www.teresamgirolamo.com | Lawrence | KS | USA | English, Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, French | frequent NYC traveler | ||||||||||||||||
98 | Binh | Ngo | psycholinguistics, pragmatics, syntax | University of Southern California | PhD candidate | binhnngo@usc.edu | https://dornsife.usc.edu/binhnngo/ | Los Angeles | CA | USA | English, Vietnamese | |||||||||||||||||
99 | An | Nguyen | Language Acquisition, language development, syntax, | Johns Hopkins University | PhD candidate | an.nguyen@jhu.edu | https://annguyen0212.github.io/ | Baltimore | MD | USA | English, Vietnamese | |||||||||||||||||
100 | Effie | J | Pereira | mind wandering, attention, social cognition | McGill University | PhD candidate | effie.pereira@mail.mcgill.ca | https://sites.google.com/site/effiejpereira/ | Montreal | QC | Canada | English, French |