Thank you for competing in the 2016-2017 UAE Blockchain Virtual GovHack. Below is all feedback provided by the judges during deliberation. Judge feedback was not mandatory, but requested if time allowed, in order to guide and help teams grow their idea. Feedback was also not provided for teams that did not submit a demo video or submitted after the deadline. These projects were of the upmost quality and we thank you again for your submission to the world’s largest Blockchain hackathon! To see finalists and winners, please check out:
ProjectsProject LinkFeedback:
112VR"Important concept, no working demo shown.Well done video and understanding of the sector and saving money, but unclear what they built. Also, seen lots of projects like this before."

"You have identified many great problems in the healthcare ecosystem, yet trying to be a cure for all of them is too ambitious and blurs the focus of your project. You are trying to be both ripple for banks, and a universal healthcare profile for patients. "
Achal"This is a typical use of blockchian, but it is a radical change in the way contracts are delt with. this project is not only excellent used case for contract, but it may change the financial markets too."
Administrative Bot
AtlasTrain"Main Strength:
- The solution has the potential to scale.

Main Weaknesses:
- The impact is limited. The life changing aspect of the solution is unconvincing.
- It is not clear whether the solution is commercially viable.
- User experience has not been properly tackled. "
BID"Presented more like a concept and no working demo. The impact of the solution if it were to work is incredibly high, but it's also one of the most common use cases out there, and the entire industry would like to build it, but it is incredibly challenging to make it work, which is why it hasn't happened yet."
Bit-id, Decentralised"No working demo, instead the presenter focused on the concept"
Bitgram SuperIdentity - Government Welfare Blockchain"Strength:
1) clear objective and goal of the solution
2) potential and impact is vast and tackles the identity concern for providing online services and demonsirates how stakeholders may capatilize the power of analystics to provide predictive services (such as job alert)
3) provides insights to stakeholders via data analytics which can be used to make informed decisions
4) demonistrates the power of blockchain to log all transactions

1) unclear how the superidentity is created, the demo does not clearly explain that beside highlighing it will be pulled online
"Main Strengths:
- The video clearly shows the potential impact of the Bitgram solution. It is also clear how such solution would make people's life easier.
- The architecture of the solution is explained in sufficient detail and scalability is clearly demonstrated.
- The user experience is well thought through and coding execution strong. An actual prototype is currently working.
- The added value of using blockchain technology is clearly highlighted.

Main Weakness:
- All criteria have been successfully tackled. No major shortcoming has been identified. "

"Seems like the tech has great potential, but doesn't seem scalable for the current audience. "

"Identity is the single biggest problem the blockchain ecosystem faces. All decentralized applications require such a tool. However, due to the nature of it's importance, your solution is not original, and faces serious competition. Your solution is comprehensive, and the prototype works. However, your broad scope (from payments to Job finding) could end up hurting your execution and hence the impact you have. I would also urge you to work on the design as the design of the current solution is very rough. Good luck."
"This presentation started off with a strong narrative and quickly transitioned into these are all of our features. I would like to see this team continue describing what they do and the value the solution provides through the lense of the Nikki and Jo example."
Black Box"Demo was put together well. Additional details about the technology and implementation would be useful."
Block Ticket"Main Strengths:
- The idea, based on hyperledger, is very clearly explained and the solution of a distributed global platform for Airline Ticketing is commercially viable.
- The solution is well designed and the user flow clearly demonstrated.
- The web based prototype is currently working.

Main Weaknesses:
- The unique value proposal of using blockchain technology compared to current/ traditional flight booking processes is not highlighted in sufficient manner. The life changing side of the idea is not obvious.
- The potential improvement on global public sector is weak."
Blockchain Sherlock Holmes
Blockchain your ID"The concept is excellent, but poor explanation."
Blockfreight™ [BFT:XCP]"Unique / cool concept and cute video! Unfortunately no working demo shown in the video."
Blockspot"Video submission provided no information on how internet connectivity which are not utlilize will generate income"
"Really impressed with this. Great use case for bitcoin. A little early but with an Abra-like setup could shift telecom dyanmics from those who buy the services and those who lease it from others"
Bright future project
ChainID"Nice video that explained problem well and provided a demo, also one of the few teams to provide next steps.A code repo was provided, need to access. A lot of similar ideas are out there, so lower score on creativity"
Chancery Passport
CountryREWARDS"Very interesting idea, however execution still needs work. The implementation would need to be much smoother, and comrehensive for this to effect a tourist's desicion making in order to cause net returns for the country. Yet could theoretically be implemented. Good job."

"there are similar project in this field, but not aware if the technology is the same."
Crowdfunded esports
Crypt ID
Cryptoland: Cryptocurrency-Native Opt-In Legal Jurisdiction"Clear, well-explained idea in the video. Solves a good problem, potential for impact is big. Need to see more of working demo and code."
Dat Drug"Online demo would have been appreciated. Idea is not novel, but properly executed."

"This is a unique idea. Great job stating the problem and doing background research. Unsure on the forgability of QR codes, otherwise very interesting concept with a demo in the video."
Digital Citizen-at-the-Centre Services"Main Strengths:
- The video convincingly shows that the solution has the potential to reduce large amount of paper footprint.
- The advantages of Blockchain are well identified. The potential impact on public sector is clear.
- The scalability is well demonstrated..

Main Weaknesses:
- Although some screenshots are shown, it is not clear whether there is an actually working prototype.
- The team is tackling the issuance issue using blockchain in a standard manner. The idea lacks of uniqueness. "
Digital Identity for Everyone and Everything
Digital Party
Dolphin Blockchain Intelligence"Main Strength(s):
- The video clearly shows the advantages of blockchain technology.
- The main key persons are identified.

Main Weakness(es):
- Although the video compares the proposed solution with traditional funding platform such as “kick starter” showing its potential return on investment (ROI), there is a doubt whether the solution is commercial viable and coding execution strong.
- The creativity criterion is tackled in a superficial way.
- The impact for public sector is weak.
- The details on the design of the solution have been undermined. "
Dubai Land Registry"strength:
1) clearly explains the objective,  exsisting pain points and potential improvement on service property/land transactions
2)  aligns with the UAE smart gov vision of seamlessly integrating services
3)  will have a positive impact for international buyers
4) demonistrate the key stength of blockchain in terms of smart contracts, transction logging,
5) present overall solution design, stakeholder and components related
6) high potential of implementation

Weakness: unclear how solution will work on smart devices  / lacks uniquiness "
"Impressive interface and demo! Online demo would have been appreciated, but good interface."
"Great UI/UX and seamless blockchain integration. Only concern would be barriers to entry in the Dubai market"
"Main Strengths:
- The proposal, based on Ethereum blockchain, clearly shows the advantages of adding a blockchain layer to the existing process.
- The architecture and the user flow are well explained.
- Integration to GPS location Makani API is appreciated.

Main Weaknesses:
- The scalability is possible but has not been highlighted.
- Using the application on Smart Phones might be messy with so many information displayed. "
"I like the space this startup is focusing on. I would have liked this team to lead with a use case instead of the technology. This would have helped clarify the problem they are solving and what their value proposition is from the beginning."

"This is an excellent project, this is not only can revamp the land registry, but also, business registration and licensing, food control department, government social supports program, and many other initiatives."

"A great project and a very real implementation of the blockchain technology. Although the idea exists and is currently being implemented in various parts of the world, your designs are clear, the prototype seems to function smoothly, and the project scoped to the details. Good work."
EHR Decentralized
EHR DecentralizedDuplicate
Electronic Government as a service"No prototype available to demo online, great video. Very inspiring, but not particularly realistic given current geopolitical realities."

Very sophisticated video, with a good demo of platform. Concerned about adoption / how this could actually scale. Good job! Unfortunately, it does look like this violates fresh code rule - need to double check before moving on to finalist round
Employment Verification
Emrify Health"This has been attempted both in and outside of the blockchain space. Lots of reluctance from every area of the healthcare industry."

"There are a lot of similar ideas for this hackathon, but this one is really well executed/explained. and looks like a lot has been executed. Concerned about if this is fresh code, will require a in-depth code review."
ePharma"This is another assets tracking system, the application is medical drugs management system, it is another contract management system, and tracking management system combined. This use case is good, but as i've mentioned, it is another tracking and contract management system."
EthenianDAO"Main Strengths:
- The video proposes a smart contract solution applied to polling procedure. The impact on public sector is well justified.
- The use of blockchain technology in such particular case, here on Ethereum, is well justified.
- The extensiveness, upgradability and customization aspects of the solution are convincing.

Main Weaknesses:
- It is not clear whether the solution is commercially viable.
- The video lacks details on the coding execution. "
Ether Mesh"this is good application of blockchain for sharing economy."
etheREAL Identity
Ethereum Atlas
Etherisc Social Insurance"This project is one way of micro-financing system, and it can be applied on larger commercial base too, but it will require big efforts to market this concept in different cultures. Education is will consume a large portion of the project."
Fighting Fraud and Corruption in Public Distribution System in India
Freeing libraries from the limitation of their local role"Main Strength:
- The idea is well thought and explained. Although limited to library subscriptions, it clearly shows how it will could make people's life easier.

Main Weaknesses:
- It is not clear whether a real prototype is currently working.
- The video lacks details on how the solution has been designed. "
Frux: The Mobile Blockchain Revolution"Cool idea for low-bandwith situations - unique. Also like that it's operating on credit as well as a first, demo shown. "

"You are attempting to replace Bitcoin, or other cryptocurrencies who try to deal with value transfer, while there are more ingenious, different usecases of the blockchain technology available. The fact that the transactions can occur offline is a cool feature. Overall, as it stands the project still has a long way to go if you'd like to displace the existing status-quo of cryptocurrencies. Good luck."
Gallipot"Popular use case, so medium on the creativity. Missing the connection to the pharma market, though the basics for supply chain uses are correct. Lacks clear path for execution. The fisherman example is off message."
Govt eApprovals
Halocray Hub
Health Passport"There are a number of competing apps incl. iPhone health records app that aim to do the same thing."

"A better infrastructure, database layer could be easily implemented. As it stands, Hyperledger is not the strongest blokchain technology out there, allowing solely private permissioned blockchains whereas a public blockchain would be your most critical asset. Ambitious attempt at an important problem, however needs more work. Good luck."
1) objective and benefits are clearly explained and the value of blockchain prominant
2) potential of impact on country or global level is high and it will facilitate a standard method of exhanging medical information locally with the country and internationally
3) medical reports, medical prescreptions exchange will be standardize and seamless
4) connects the varioius stakeholders from patient, regulatory. health providers, insurance providers, medical inventory - accross a secure platform
5) smart devices / portal as channel clearly explained

1) accurate standard medical data of patients
2) varying level of technical maturity accross health providers

1) no visibal weakness"
"Clear business case, and as we're clearly aware at Gem, the impact is huge. Overall good design. One challenge is to figure out how this will integrate with existing EHR solutions since it's very difficult to get providers to switch. Perhaps small offices will be willing."
"While I like this space, it is very fragmented and difficult to get traction in. It felt to me like this solution has no entry point into the market and lacks market validation. I would spend more time speaking with their target customer segments to identify a path into the market."

"Great project. Healthcare space really needs a unifier and the blockchain technology is a great potential for it. You've designed a comprehensive vision for the product, thinking from individual uses to national and enterprise-level integration. The idea has global scalability to diffuse not only within borders, but through borders and connect the world under a single healthcare protocol. Great job."
Exceptional job telling me a story which clearly highlights a clear problem / pain point, especially in urban cities. I felt a high level of emotional resonance to this solution and felt compelled to use it. A challenge I see with scale is the requirement for merchants to use your app instead of a third party app to verify the person in need.

"This is an excellent project, it will positively affect the patient, healthcare providers relationship, I would really love to see this project a reality."
1) unique and creative idea which solves real global problem
2) capatalizes on the power of blockchain for identification/issuance/tracking
3) potential of mass scaling
4) capatalize on the power of crowdfunding to generate contributions towards givers
5)  track and manage spending on approperiate products such as restricting purchase of ciggrates / alchohol
6) potential integration with health providers / pharmacies

1) cost of care card and potential damage or loss
"Android app: how scalable is this?"
"Beautifully designed product seeking to solve a real problem. Main concern is the ability to scale without fraud becoming a real issue. "
"Main Strengths:
- The idea is well thought and well explained. It clearly shows how it will hugely improve homeless and hungry people's lives.
- The uniqueness of the solution is highly convincing. It is appreciated that the homeless do not need to possess a smart phone.

Main Weakness:
- Although the user flow is very straight forward and simple, the coding details are missing from the video."
"Great idea, however majority of donations / charity actions happen on the spot and your design does not allow for a simple transaction of 'food money' to people on the street canning. I would suggest you alter your design so that the card has another simple QR code which individuals wishing to donate to the person can scan to donate to the wallet."

"This is a very targeted application, the idea is good, if the used case was in a different context, impactfulness and execution are not so clear in this idea."
ImmunoTracker"A good problem to tackle, and a smart focused approach to start tackling the problem with vaccination. I could possibly reccomend pet vaccination records to be implemented in the future as well. One confusion I have is the need for a private database when you can use the blockchain for encrypted private data storage. It is both redundant and compromises the security, validity of the approach. "

"This is a small part of medical record management system, it addresses a small portion of patient - doctor relationship, it is useful of it is combind with more health related services."
Infinity Dapp
Intellichain"I would have liked to see a more defined problem definition, scoping and implementation. Your end project, in the end, turned out to be a virtual reality simulation table which does not have much to do with blockchain technology. Describes the problem as public health messages don't get transmitted effectively, moves onto give an example of two anonymous animals coming into close contact and then getting recorded on the blockchain. "
Iron Tender
Just WILL It"no workable solution demo provided"
"Scored low on design, but huge on impact and creativity. Fantastic use case and a clear, easy to understand pitch to boot. "
Landstead"Landstead - Land and property registry on NEM is one of the best proposal i've seen in this competition, it show how the creator of the system has a wholestic view of things."
Learning Machine"Strength:
1) solution addresses fruad related issues related to education certificate using blockchain
2) potential  of solution is high and impact on applying for a job/ visa issurance / education sector at large. provides mechanism to verify and validate autencity of education/certificate
3) can be implemented on country level accross  universities/colleages/insitiute

1) requires buyin of major universities/colleges/insitute to reap actual benefit
"Main Strengths:
- The solution proposes the issuance and sharing of verifiable proof of education certificates. It is built on blockcerts standard.
- The proposal is convincingly demonstrated to be blockchain agnostic (although currently based on bitcoin)

Main Weaknesses:
- The user flow is well explained but details on the technical execution and coding are lacking.
- The proposal lacks of life changing feature. It is specific to education and the impact on public sector is limited. "
"Great project, and a good vantage point to approach it from. There are hundreds of 'MOOC's on the internet, and a certification platform to them is much needed. Next stage is perhaps finding an educational content/name partner in order to bring to action. "
"This team did a great job of explaining a semi-complex concept in a simple way. They then followed up by giving a real world example with a clear product demo. Nice work!"

"This is a great project and potentially and indispensable piece to the on-going 'MOOC' revolution. Clear, elegant design, and a great execution overall. I would suggest you start getting in contact with big 'MOOC' providers for practical usecase. Good work. "

"this is an excellent application, but it is confined to a particular use, it is better combind with other service to increase its usage."

"This is good idea, but i think the execution element will take long time, as a critical mass of educational institutions need to sign in for this system, before a full potential utilised."
LifeID"Main Strength:
- The idea is well thought and explained. It clearly shows how it will make some people's life easier.

Main Weaknesses:
- It is not clear whether a real prototype is currently working
- The uniqueness of the proposal is unconvincing."

"A very creative approach to take regarding the identity crisis with the SIM Applications. My only suggestion is in the long run, you shouldn't let the design constraints of the SIM Apps carry on to the WebApps if you'd like to service the entire world rather than stick to GSM-only. "
Liquium"Main Strengths:
- The idea is very well explained and the solution is commercially viable.
- The impact on society is very thoughtfully demonstrated.
- User experience is convincing.

Main Weakness:
- The proposal lacks of technical specifications on the solution design. "
1) objective/beneift is clear and utilize blockhain and solves the most important aspect which is identity
2) possibility to scale beyond the smart devices

2) unclear how the uploaded documents will be verified for autencity the solution showcases how identity will be verified
"Main Strengths:
- The proposal, based on Ethereum blockchain, clearly shows how it solves a genuine problem.
- It is scalable beyond Smart phones.

Main Weakness:
- The proposal lacks uniqueness."
"Everybody needs an identify solution, which is what makes go to market so challenging. This team did a good job of telling me a story, talking me through the market size / opportunity, and highlighting a path to get to market. I did feel like the product demo and customer use case was overly technical and not refined. I would like to see improvement there."

"This is a wow idea, ID issues are very disturbing in almost all economies, especially in underdeveloped countries, if we can help children from being abused by clearly identifying their actual age, we will protect the new future citizens."
MDSynch"Great project. The problem you are attempting to solve is very real, and you developed an actual solution. As you said, the problem is faced all over the world and your project is scalable. All you need now is to talk to hospitals, and start making this a reality while focusing on UI, UX."

"This is a good project, and it will make a big change in patient doctor relationship."
Medchain"Good idea and an interesting perspective to approach supply-chain management, however more thought might be needed into making sure the blockchain technology would fill in all the gaps in the supply chain to make it imbreachable. Would have loved to see the source code / prototype of actual app working on a blockchain client. "

"This is not an easy walk in the part application, the proposed platform require all supply chain players to subscribe to it, due to the large number of stakeholders, and beneficiaries, I don't see it adoption without a large NGO's involvement."
MedFarm"Main Strength:
- The video clearly shows how the traceability and information of medicines sold across the globe in health sector can be secured.

Main Weaknesses:
- The video has no sound and lasts less than one minute. It is therefore difficult to rigorously assess the four criteria.
- The impact is very limited.
- The uniqueness of such solution is unconvincing.
- The details on the design of the solution have been undermined. "
Move Your Money
MyConsents"Good to see a working demo, and with GDPR, this is going to become extremely impactful. It's also not the only project we've seen around the idea so medium creativity. When speaking about other types of data consents, it would be great to show the impact it will have for the person."
National ID
OmniPass (formerly thiga portal)"Main Strength:
- The solution's advantages of access, efficiency and automation are clearly explained.

Main Weaknesses:
- It is not clear whether an actual prototype is currently working.
- The proposal lacks of technical specifications and details on the solution design. "
One Log
Owl Docs"In my opinion, would not change the fact that people need to navigate through GDocs, or their local drive in addition to the OwlDocs system. Practically most likely would add another layer of work to many projects as long as it doesn't include the document building collaboration aspect. Using the ethereum virtual machine could end up being costly for companies because eventually you are paying per click uploaded/downloaded."

"Good archiving and document management system, is application is only scoped to cater to documents, but if more application is integrated in it, it will offer better solution for clients."
Project Oaken"Strength:
1) objective is clearly explained and potential use of blockchain smart contract is evident
2) demonistration how blockchain and IOT can be used hand in hand and potential usecase

1) commercial rollout viability beyond telsa cars unclear
2)  integration with exsisting toll gate systems unclear given the investments
"Main Strength:
- The proposal's architecture, based on Ethereum blockchain, IPFS, node js and compatible to all blockchains, is clearly shown.

Main Weaknesses:
- The advantages of developing it based on Blockchain compared to existing solutions are not fully justified for toll gates or parking.
- The proposal is limited in terms of life changing features.
- The uniqueness of the solution is limited.


"Exceptional project. You guys are doing great work and I can only hope you continue to bring positive value to the Ethereum and Blockchain community as a whole. I deducted a single point from you for the UI aspects, but by no means should this be a discouragement. With so many things to concentrate on, UI might not be your priority."

"I can comfortably say your project is the best and the most serious project I've seen competing in this hackathon. You have a working prototype for an ambitious vision, and the landscape you operate on is potentially vast. I hope you continue to do the great work you're doing at the moment. Great job and best of luck."
"Very smart use of technologies. I wish this team started by describing the market opportunity and use cases before diving into the demo."
Project SaveMe
PWR Company"Main Strength:
- The proposal is based on Ethereum, a solid and renown blockchain, and applied to the solar energy market.

Main Weakness:
- How the idea solves a genuine problem is not fully convincing.
- The user experience process is laborious and lacks user-friendliness.
- The video lacks information on the design and coding specificities. "
Ronary"Main Strength:
- The demo is clearly explained and the user flow and experience are user friendly.

Main Weaknesses:
- The impact is limited. The potential applications have not been well identified and highlighted.
- The details on the coding execution are weak. "
Rufahia (Good Health) Care"Main Strengths:
- The proposal focused on an healthcare solution for chronic diseases based on IBM Bluemix.
- The architecture of the solution is explained in sufficient detail and scalability is clearly demonstrated.
- The prototype is believed to be currently working.
- The life changing aspect of the solution is convincing.

Main Weakness:
- The added value of using blockchain technology is not sufficiently highlighted. "
SAAVHA"Has working demo, ok design for a backend tool. Could have selected a better example to showcase the concept. This can have impact though as a way to secure legacy DB infrastructure."
SafeSight"This is a very interesting idea, but not sure about the scalability given increasing focus on driverless cars. Would've also liked to see more of the actual product demo from a user experience perspective, beyond the code created."

"Interesting idea. I would like to see this in action when more of a prototype is built, and the vision for the details is cleared out. I can definitely see this usecases finding space in smart cities and with autonomous vehicles, Uber like services. Good job, and good luck. "