A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | AJ | AK | AL | AM | AN | AO | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV | AW | AX | AY | AZ | BA | BB | BC | BD | BE | BF | BG | BH | BI | |
1 | *** PLEASE NOTE *** These names represent a MINIMUM NUMBER of workplace heat related deaths in 2021 and 2022. If you know of someone who is not represented here, please email: jessie.cruz@nationalcosh.org. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Incident Date | Name | Age | Sex | Temp | Weekend | Initial Penalties | Final Penalties | OSHA Case Status | OSHA Abstract | City | State | Occupation | Industry (SIC) | Employer | Incident Address | Work Tasks | Report ID | Accident ID | Case Status | Closed Date | Industry (NAICS) | Height (in Feet) | Distance of Fall (in Feet) | Worker Height above Ground/Floor before Fall (in Feet) | Accident Cause | Other Desc | Event Type Desc | Event Classification | # fatalities | Inspection Nr. | Union | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 6/14/2022 | 42 | M | 0 | 0 | closed | At 4:40 a.m. on June 14, 2022, an employee was shoveling coke that had spilled o ff the sides from a Wilputte coke oven bench. The employee was covering two shi fts, and was shoveling coke onto the hot car line for approximately 13 hrs. The employee was discovered incoherent by a coworker who attempted to check on him. The coworker caught the employee as he collapsed. The employee was transported to the hospital, where he died from suspected heat exposure. | Birmingham | AL | Drummond Company, Inc. | 900 Huntsville Avenue | shovel coke | 418300 | 1905360 | closed | 1/9/2023 | 324199/All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | Fatality | 1 | 1601988.015 | y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 6/26/2021 | 68 | M | 370 | 210 | open | At 11:00 a.m. on June 26, 2021, an employee was operating a tractor mowing grass in an orchard. When the employee did not arrive home as expected a neighbor wen t to look for him and found the employee dead. Heat was suspected of being a fac tor, but the employee died as a result of personal medical conditions. | Lakeport | CA | Supervisors, farm workers | Marlene Ivicevich | 2142 Scotts Valley Rd | mow grass with tractor | 950621 | 1780837 | Open | 2/27/2023 | 111339/Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming | Fatality | 1 | 1539122.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 7/10/2021 | 72 | M | Saturday | 23900 | 23900 | open | At 11:45 a.m. on July 10, 2021, an employee was working on his own at an orchard . It was believed the employee was irrigating. The employee was last seen at t he location on July 9, 2021, but did not return home. The family called the empl oyer to find out where he was. The employee was found dead in his truck on July 10, 2021. | Fresno | CA | Jpf Incorporated | 10251 W. Church Ave. | irrigating an orchard | 950625 | 1785595 | open | 115115/Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders | Fatality | 1 | 1547638.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 7/28/2021 | 40 | M | 29700 | 29700 | open | At 2:00 p.m. on Jul 28, 2021, an employee was on his second day on the job when he said he felt dizzy and asked for a break. The employee walked to a nearby sid ewalk and collapsed. A coworker waiting to pull his truck into the facility say the employee collapse and called for help. The employee died of possible presexi sting health conditions with possible exacerbation from the high heat index that day. | Modesto | CA | Laborers, except construction | Modesto Junk Company, Inc | 1425 9th Street | 950624 | 1791777 | Open | 423930/Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers | Fatality | 1 | 1545119.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 6/10/2022 | 61 | M | 5000 | 2750 | closed | At 11:00 a.m. on June 10, 2022, an employee was controlling traffic during colle ge commencement activities. The employee began his shift at 6:00 a.m., and at a pproximately 10:30 a.m. the employee reported to his supervisor that he was feel ing unwell and experiencing back pain. Heat exposure was suspected because the temperature at 08:00 a.m. was 79 degrees F and had risen by 11:00 a.m. to 90 deg rees F. The employee was advised by his supervisor to sit in the air-conditioned vehicle parked in the shade. However, the employee stated that he did not need medical attention and wanted to return home. The supervisor allowed the employ ee to return home. The employee checked himself into the hospital the following day for possible heart attack, and died at a later time. | Davis | CA | Law Enforcement: Police | Uc Davis | 450 Old Davis Rd. | controlling traffic | 950621 | 1907024 | closed | 10/17/2022 | 611310/ Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools | Fatality | 1 | 1602929.015 | y | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 6/15/2022 | 59 | M | 220 | 220 | open | At 11:30 a.m. on June 15, 2022, an employee was performing maintenance work on r ooftop heating and air ventilation units (HVAC). The employee was changing out air filters and repairing a leaking HVAC unit. A coworker discovered the employ ee unresponsive and called for emergency medical services (EMS) assistance. Par amedics pronounced the employee dead at the scene. The employee was killed by hy pertensive cardiomyopathy, with potential contributing factors of methamphetamin e toxicity and heat. | Coalinga | CA | Laborers, except construction | Coalinga-Huron Recreation | 191 E. Forest St. | HVAC maintenance | 950625 | 1906924 | open | 4/4/2023 | 721214/Recreational and Vacation Camps (except Campgrounds) | Fatality | 1 | 1602903.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 6/16/2022 | 57 | M | 600 | 600 | closed | At 2:30 p.m. on June 16, 2022, an employee had been hanging drywall in the garag e at a two-story residential unit construction site. The employee was working on a crew with two coworkers for a subcontractor on the project. The employee had worked all morning and took a break for lunch. He had been at work for approxima tely 6 hours and had been measuring and cutting drywall for a closet ceiling. A coworker noticed the employee sitting on a stack of drywall fanning himself. The employee told the coworker that he felt like he was going to pass out. The cow orker reported this and the employer called an ambulance. The employer had the e mployee transported to a hospital, where he died due to cardiac dysrhythmia, ath erosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and perimortem hyperglycemia suggestive of pre-diabetes/diabetes. Although the death was related to natural causes, the emp loyer had not established a Heat Illness Prevention Plan and heat may have been a causal factor. | Napa | CA | Drywall installers | Leeman Brothers Drywall Inc | 3501 Old Sonoma Road | construction | 950615 | 1907783 | closed | 1/2/2023 | 238310/Drywall and Insulation Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1602933.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 6/18/2022 | 51 | M | At 4:15 p.m. on June 17, 2021, an employee was working for as a letter carrier for an independent government agency that delivered mail and packages in the United States. He was delivering mail on his mail route. He lost consciousness in front of a customer's home. He was taken to the hospital. He died the following day from heat stroke. His death was due to a heat-related illness. Additionally, when he fell, he fractured his wrist. | San Jose | CA | Mail carriers, postal service | U.S. Postal Service (Usps) | 80 Lewis Rd | letter carrier | 936100 | 1779347 | Closed | 12/2/2021 | 491110/Postal Service | Fatality | 1 | 1537499.015 | y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 6/27/2022 | 63 | M | 130 | 130 | closed | On June 27, 2022, an employee was delivering catering from one city to another i n a company van. The employee parked in front of the business office and walked into the kitchen. He asked for a glass of water and went to the sink and poured the water on his head. A coworker grabbed a chair and helped the employee sit do wn. The employee began to experience a seizure with labored breathing. A coworke r performed CPR while another summoned emergency medical services but the employ ee died from cardiac arrest. Heat may have been a factor in the death, but it is not clear from the information in the narrative. | Lathrop | CA | Country Catering And Special Events, Inc. | 1919 E Louise Ave | catering | 950624 | 1912526 | closed | 1/3/2023 | 722320/Caterers | Fatality | 1 | 1605526.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 6/30/2021 | 54 | M | At 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2021, an employee was delivering materials in a box tru ck when he was found in his truck unresponsive. The employee died from cardiac a rrest. | Ridgefield | CT | Centerline Drivers, Llc, A Division Of True Blue, Inc. | 58 Great Rocks Place | delivery | 111500 | 1783412 | Closed | 1/3/2022 | 484220/ Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local | Fatality | 1 | 1541959.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | 7/15/2021 | 47 | M | At 6:30 p.m. on July 15, 2021, an employee had been working all day preparing eq uipment and then travelling to various locations to perform assigned tasks, incl uding applying algaecide treatments to ponds. He arrived at a residential commun ity to treat a pond and was using a UTV to access the pond when the UTV got stuc k in the marsh buffer. He went to a hardware store to purchase tools to free the UTV and made multiple attempts using different methods but was unsuccessful. Th e employee called his manager at about 5:45 p.m. to request assistance and aroun d 6:20 p.m. a resident called 911 after observing the employee on the ground unc onscious by the UTV. The employee was pronounced dead on site by paramedics at 7 :20 p.m. The cause of death is under investigation but is suspected of being rel ated to the hot weather conditions that day with the possible contribution of ex posure to algaecides. | Smyrna | DE | Pest control occupations | Solitude Lake Management | 564 Hoffeckers Mill Dr | applying algaecide treatments to ponds | 317300 | 1787306 | closed | 1/11/2022 | 561730/Landscaping Services | Fatality | 1 | 1545243.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | 5/1/2021 | 34 | M | Saturday | At 10:00 a.m. on May 1, 2021, an employee was loading watermelons onto a bus when he suffered from heat exhaustion and died. | Labelle | FL | Farmers, except horticultural | World Wide Harvesting Llc | Country Road 731 | load goods onto vehicle | 418800 | 1764433 | Closed | 8/19/2021 | 115113/ Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine | Fatality | 1 | 1528909.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | 5/5/2021 | 44 | M | At 12:00 noon on May 5, 2021, an employee was spacing and sorting plants outdoor s at a nursery. While working, the employee passed out and became unresponsive. The employee died of heat exhaustion. | Miami | FL | Laborers, except construction | Costa Farms, Llc | 21800 Sw 162 Ave | space and sort plants | 418800 | 1765264 | Closed | 12/1/2021 | 111421/Nursery and Tree Production | Fatality | 1 | 1529935.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | 7/30/2021 | 42 | M | 24576 | 18432 | closed | At 3:30 p.m. on July 30, 2021, an employee was spraying herbicide to remove inva sive plants when he fell ill. The employee was overcome by heat and subsequently died of a heat related illness. | Bristol | FL | Forestry workers, except logging | Earthbalance Corporation | Apalachicola National Forest / Usfs Apalachicola Work Center 23288 Nw County Rd 12 | spray herbicide | 419700 | 1792716 | Closed | 7/12/2022 | 541320/Landscape Architectural Services | Fatality | 1 | 1545586.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | 4/5/2022 | 35 | M | 29004 | 29004 | open | At 9:38 p.m. on April 5, 2022, an employee was pulling plastic from strawberry f ield planting beds. The employee stated he was not feeling well, and was sent ho me where he died, possibly from lack of acclimatization to the heat. | Duette | FL | Farm workers | Citrus Harvesting, Inc | 37381 State Road 62 | pulling plastic from strawferry beds | 420600 | 1882080 | open | 111333/Strawberry Farming | Fatality | 1 | 1588087.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | 5/20/2022 | Olafson, Cody | 26 | M | 0 | 0 | closed | At 9:15 a.m. on May 17, 2022, an employee was completing a physical fitness test . The employee collapsed as he was finishing the 1.5-mile run. The employee ha d a high temperature and was given an ice bath before he was eventually taken to the hospital. The employee was diagnosed with severe dehydration and rhabdomyo lysis. The employee suffered organ failure onset over the next two days and died on May 20, 2022. | Brunswick | GA | Protective service occupations, n.e.c. | U.S. Department Of Homeland Security | 1131 Chapel Crossing Rd Bldg 252 | running for physical fitness | 418400 | 1897025 | Closed | 12/2/2022 | 922190/ Other Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | Fatality | 1 | 1597705.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | 6/23/2021 | 33 | M | At 1:20 p.m. on June 23, 2021, an employee was helping to clear debris from tree s that were being thinned and cut down. The employee became confused and others tried to help when the employee started to seize. EMS was called and the employ ee was transported to the hospital, where the employee died of heat-related illn ess. | Lewiston | ID | Asplundh Tree Expert | 411 26th St | clear debris | 1032500 | 1780016 | Closed | 1/18/2022 | 561730/Landscaping Services | Fatality | 1 | 1539116.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | 6/14/2022 | 33 | M | 24862 | 24862 | open | On June 14, 2022, an employee was carrying materials from a work truck to a work site while assisting with framing footings for a concrete pour. During the work shift, the heat index had reached 106 degrees Fahrenheit at the site. The employ ee began exhibiting an altered mental state and was moved to the shade where he was provided water and snacks. A coworker poured water onto the employee in an a ttempt to cool him down, but the employee began to hyperventilate. A coworker pl aced the employee into a vehicle and began driving towards the hospital. While e nroute, the employee lost consciousness and the coworker called emergency servic es. An ambulance transported the employee the rest of the way to the hospital, w here he later died from heat-related illness. | Manhattan | IL | Construction laborer | Schweitzer Construction, Inc. | 13831 W Joliet Rd. | transporing materials | 521700 | 1940653 | open | 238110/Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1618262.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | 6/16/2021 | 45 | M | At 8:45 p.m. on June 16, 2021, an employee sat in the lunch tent after completion of the work shift when the employee passed out. The employee was taken to a ho spital for treatment, but died on arrival due to heart attack brought on by possible heat stroke. | Geismar | LA | Brand Safway | Rubicon 9156 La-75 | 625700 | 1778799 | Closed | 3/29/2022 | 238990/All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1537576.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | 7/14/2021 | 28 | M | 9557 | 6690 | closed | At 3:30 p.m. on July 14, 2021, an employee was working as a ground hand performi ng moderately strenuous work when he stopped and said he was hot and went to get a drink. The employee was drinking an excessive amount, so coworkers had him si t down and attempted to cool him off. The employee became incoherent and stopped breathing. Two coworkers attempted CPR while another coworker called 911. EMS a rrived and began attending to the employee, but he later died of heat related il lness. | New Iberia | LA | Groundskeepers and gardeners, except farm | Kross Kut, Llc | Sugar Mill | 625700 | 1786882 | Closed | 2/4/2022 | 561730/Landscaping Services | Fatality | 1 | 1541919.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | 6/11/2021 | 60 | M | At 12:30 p.m. on June 11, 2021, an employee was sanding a door during hot weather when he suffered a heart attack and died. | Joplin | MO | Painters, construction and maintenance | Ozark Center | 530 E. 34th St. Ste 202 | carpentry | 728500 | 1776397 | Closed | 11/30/2021 | 621330/Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) | Fatality | 1 | 1536309.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | 6/13/2022 | 65 | M | At 11:47 a.m. on June 13, 2022, an employee was riding a lawnmower and cutting t he grass. The employee suffered a heart attack and was killed, possibly due to heat-related symptoms. No one witnessed the incident, and the employee was disco vered unresponsive and lying face down on the grass at a later time. | Lone Jack | MO | Groundskeepers and gardeners, except farm | Ck Enterprises Inc | 1992 Nw 50 Hwy | riding a lawnmower | 728500 | 1904891 | closed | 8/15/2022 | 325611/Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing | Fatality | 1 | 1601915.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | 7/29/2022 | Morales Franco, Juan Jose Antonio | 18 | M | During the morning of July 29, 2022, a newly hired, unacclimated employee was pe rforming landscaping activities, including mowing, string trimming, and operatin g a gas-blower in a residential area, during which time wet bulb globe temperatu res ranged up to 88.4 degrees Fahrenheit with a heat index of up to 103.3 degree s Fahrenheit. The employee took multiple cooling-down breaks with water in the shade and in an air-conditioned vehicle between tasks. Around 11:00 a.m., the em ployee, who was exposed to the heat-related hazard, stumbled and could not stand up. A coworker called emergency services, and the employee was immediately tra nsported to a nearby hospital, where he received medical treatment. The employe e was pronounced dead about an hour and a half later with a body core temperatur e of 110.7 degrees Fahrenheit. The employee suffered heat stroke. The sun and at mospheric conditions, including heat, created the hazard that directly harmed th e employee. | Midway Park | NC | Miscellaneous hand working occupations | Mainscape, Inc | 4513 Shunan Dr Midway Park Housing Area | landscaping | 420300 | 1926685 | Closed | 11/8/2022 | 541320/Landscape Architectural Services | Fatality | 1 | 1611357.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | 7/5/2022 | Thomas, Abraham | 46 | M | 80385 | 65000 | open | At 12:45 p.m. on July 5, 2022, Employee #1 and his coworker were cleaning baghou ses on a roof. The employee was wearing a Tyvek suit, KN95 respirator, and a sa fety harness, when he made an entry into a steel baghouse, which is a confined s pace. National Weather Service reported conditions of 93-degrees F, Dew Point 70 , and heat index of 100-degrees at the time of the incident. The ambient air tem perature, the black rubber/tar roofing material, and the steel vessel Employee # 1 entered while wearing a Tyvek suit, all contributed to the employee's core tem perature to increase > 105-degrees. The employee passed out inside the baghouse. His coworker was not able to retrieve him from the vessel alone and called for help. Other coworkers retrieved him, finding him to be extremely hot and uncons cious. The Tyvek suit and shirt were cut off Employee #1, while on-site medical staff administered ice onto the employee. Emergency medical services were calle d, and CPR was administered. The employee was transported to the hospital for tr eatment of heat stroke and later died. | Omaha | NE | Laborers, except construction | Interstate Industrial Vac Service, Inc. | 5444 N. 103rd St. | clean baghouses | 751910 | 1915890 | Open | 562998/All Other Miscellaneous Waste Management Services | Fatality | 1 | 1606820.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | 6/28/2021 | 39 | M | 16384 | 9000 | open | At 12:34 p.m. on June 28, 2021, an employee was lifting garbage pails and bags i nto the back of a truck when he started to slur his words, lose his balance, and have seizures. The employee suffered a heat-related illness and died. | Washington Twps | NJ | Buldo Container & Disposal Services, Inc. | Mountain Avenue | lifting garbage pails and bags into the back of a truck | 214500 | 1781561 | Open | 562111/Solid Waste Collection | Fatality | 1 | 1538867.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | 8/26/2021 | 44 | M | 27306 | 21840 | open | At 4:30 p.m. on August 26, 2021, an employee worked to install a flat rubber roo f system on a building. At the end of the workday, the employee descended to the ground and later found on the ground unresponsive. The employee was killed by h yperthermia from outdoor exposure to high heat, sun, and humidity. | Bedminster | NJ | Usa General Contractors Corp | 234 Somerville Road | roofing | 213400 | 1803830 | open | 238160/Roofing Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1550224.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | 6/10/2021 | 23 | M | At 5:00 p.m. on June 10, 2021, an employee was performing various labor tasks throughout the day, such as moving small parts, pipes and tools, while the tempera ture was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The employee reported abdominal pain to a coworker during which time he developed seizures. The employee died of hyperthermia and heat exhaustion. | Jal | NM | Laborers, except construction | Lynx Pressure Solutions Llc | Us Highway 285 Potato Baby State Com #702h | 653510 | 1800860 | closed | 2/21/2022 | 213112/Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations | Fatality | 1 | 1549531.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | 8/12/2021 | 42 | M | 8081 | 4351 | closed | At 7:00 p.m. on August 12, 2021, an employee had been working at an outdoor barb eque event cooking in direct sunlight earlier in the day. Based upon data from t he National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Wet Bulb Globe Temperatures (WBG T) ranged from 76.9 degrees Fahrenheit at 7:51 AM, to 86.9 degrees Fahrenheit at 1:51 PM, and 91.2 degrees Fahrenheit at 4:51 PM. Using the same data, the heat index ranged from 73 degrees Fahrenheit at 7:51 AM , to 95.2 degrees Fahrenheit at 1:51 PM, and 74 degrees Fahrenheit at 4:51 PM. The employee returned to the kitchen where he collapsed and died from natural causes with possible exacerbat ion due to the heat. | Clifton Park | NY | Cooks, except short order | Power'S Irish Pub, Inc. | 130 Meyer Road | catering | 213100 | 1798423 | closed | 5/5/2022 | 722511 | Fatality | 1 | 1548435.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | 8/20/2021 | 39 | M | 6827 | 4800 | closed | At 8:30 a.m. on August 20, 2021, an employee worked to clean the outdoor work si te raking debris. While working, the employee began to gasp for air, collapsed a nd was killed by a probable heart attack possibly brought on by heat and over ex ertion. | Fairpoint | NY | Construction laborers | Rock Environmental, Inc | 41 O'Conner Road | raking debris | 213600 | 1802524 | closed | 2/7/2022 | 238910/Site Preparation Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1550219.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | 8/11/2021 | 52 | M | 14502 | 14502 | open | At 8:15 a.m. on August 11, 2021, an employee was cleaning cyclones in a drying t ower that had accumulated build-up on them. The cyclones are cleaned by removing the air lock and scraping them with long tools. The employee was standing on a catwalk conducting the cleaning operation in 110 degreee Fahrenheit heat when h e collapsed. Coworkers trained in first aid responded and conducted CPR includin g using an AED. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) arrived onsite and pronounc ed the employee dead. The cause of death was possibly heat related and the inves tigation was pending. | Covington | OH | Laborers, except construction | Pbm Nutritionals Llc | 400 Hazel Street | clean cyclones | 522000 | 1796826 | open | 311514/ Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Product Manufacturing | Fatality | 1 | 1547146.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | 6/1/2022 | 23 | M | 13052 | 7831 | closed | At approximately 1:30 p.m. on June 1, 2022, an employee was breaking sand molds in a shakeout area. The employee began to walk towards an office area and was o bserved stumbling. A coworker caught the employee as he collapsed. The employe e's speech was incoherent, and he was foaming at the mouth. The employee died i n an ambulance on the way to the hospital from heat exhaustion. | Russia | OH | Francis Manufacturing Company | 500 East Main St. | break sand molds | 524700 | 1900522 | closed | 2/7/2023 | 331529 | Fatality | 1 | 1599527.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | 6/20/2021 | 37 | M | Sunday | At 07:15 p.m. on June 20, 2021, an employee was cleaning grain in a headhouse. The employee lost of consciousness, possibly due to a heat related illness and died as a result. | Enid | OK | Laborers, except construction | Adm Grain | 2502 N. 16th Street | clean grain | 627700 | 1778754 | Closed | 11/1/2021 | 493130/Farm Product Warehousing and Storage | Fatality | 1 | 1538712.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | 6/26/2021 | 39 | M | Saturday | 4200 | 4200 | open | At 3:38 p.m. on June 26, 2021, an employee was working on a crew moving irrigati on lines. At the end of the shift the employee was found unresponsive in the fie ld. The employee died of heat exhaustion. | Saint Paul | OR | 181 | Ernst Nursery & Farms Llc | 6180 Gearin Rd Ne | move irrigation lines | 1054193 | 1783069 | Open | 1/23/2023 | 111421/Nursery and Tree Production | Fatality | 1 | 1539835.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | 6/27/2021 | 51 | M | Sunday | 0 | At 2:30 p.m. on June 24, 2021, an employee was working in a hot trailer at a dis tribution center when he began stumbling and having difficulty speaking at the e nd of his shift. The employer called emergency services and the employee was tra nsported to a local hospital, where he died three days later. | Hermiston | OR | Laborers, except construction | 4225 | Wal-Mart Associates Inc | 1455 Se Feedville Rd | 1054195 | 1781413 | Closed | 11/5/2021 | 493110/General Warehousing and Storage | Fatality | 1 | 1539858.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | 6/28/2021 | 49 | M | 2100 | 420 | closed | At 12:00 a.m. on June 28, 2021, an employee conducted a roofing inspection to id entify a potential leak from a condensate line. The employee became ill shortly after coming down off the roof and collapsed. The employee was taken to the hosp ital to treat a heat illness and later died. | Hillsboro | OR | Carpenters | 1522 | Robinson Construction Co | 8060 Ne Walker Rd | roofing inspection | 1054191 | 1787232 | Closed | 6/22/2022 | 236220/Commercial and Institutional Building Construction | Fatality | 1 | 1539836.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | 6/8/2022 | 54 | M | At 1:45 p.m. on June 8, 2022, an employee was performing site grading at a resid ential construction jobsite. The employee was spreading loam at the site during dry weather conditions with approximately 80 degrees F ambient temperature. The employee became ill at the jobsite and died from suspected hyperthermia. | Cumberland | RI | Construction laborer | Durand Septic Designs And Services | 61 W Wrentham Rd. | spread loam | 112300 | 1905103 | closed | 2/7/2023 | 562991/Septic Tank and Related Services | Fatality | 1 | 1602046.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | 7/15/2021 | 71 | M | At 9:30 a.m. on July 15, 2021, an employee returned to a maintenance office after performing morning inspections of buildings for plumbing leaks and lighting is sues. Upon his return to the office, the employee collapsed and died of a heart attack suspected of being related to heat exposure. | Knoxville | TN | Painters, construction and maintenance | University Of Tennessee - Facilities Services | 2510 River Drive | building inspections | 454735 | 1791230 | Closed | 8/24/2021 | 611310/ Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools | Fatality | 1 | 1544290.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | 7/17/2021 | 55 | M | Saturday | 4096 | 4096 | open | At 3:45 p.m. on July 17, 2021, an employee worked with a coworker to construct o utdoor tennis courts at a high school. The employee helped the coworker load one -hundred-pound bags of sand onto a two-wheel dolly and took turns pushing the do lly to the work truck. The employee experienced hand cramps and went to take a b reak. Later, the coworker found the employee unresponsive and called emergency m edical services. The employee was killed by a heat-related illness. | Tyler | TX | Davidson Gonzales Jr. | 4500 Red Raider Drive | transport bags of sand | 626300 | 1787883 | Open | 237990/Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | Fatality | 1 | 1542969.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | 7/22/2021 | 49 | M | 4096 | 4096 | closed | At 3:30 p.m. on July 22, 2021, an employee worked on a residential construction picking up trash. While working the employee began to exhibit symptoms of a heat -related illness as the employee walked with a staggered gait and wandered off t he worksite. When the employee collapsed, coworkers called for emergency medical assistance. The employee was airlifted to the hospital and died of heat stroke. | Caddo Mills | TX | Law Enforcement: Police | Fgj Construction | 106 Sir Barton Lane | clean debris | 626300 | 1790504 | Closed | 12/10/2021 | 236115/New Single-Family Housing Construction (except Operative Builders) | Fatality | 1 | 1544988.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | 7/28/2021 | 44 | M | 4096 | 2867 | closed | At 3:10 p.m. on July 28, 2021, an employee assisted in the installation of brick veneer on a residential home. The employee was exposed to excessive heat while working outdoors, collapsed, and died from a heat-related illness. | Forney | TX | Brickmasons and stonemasons apprentices | Osvaldo Monsivais | 1608 Cherington Lane | install brick veneer | 626300 | 1791672 | Closed | 3/25/2022 | 238140/Masonry Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1544775.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | 8/12/2021 | 23 | F | 14502 | 14502 | open | At 2:00 a.m. on August 12, 2021, an employee was performing package delivery dri ver duties and tasks involving frequent lifting, lowering and carrying packages that typically weigh 25 to 35 pounds and may weigh up to 70 pounds. The employee was working without a dolly or other assistance in the high ambient temperature s while working in an outdoor environment which produced Wet Bulb Globe Temperat ures (WBGT) ranging from 77.0 degrees Fahrenheit to WBGT 88.0 degrees Fahrenheit (Heat Index ranging from 86.0 degrees Fahrenheit to 104.0 degrees Fahrenheit). The employee had not been acclimated and died from a heat-related illness. | Waco | TX | Truck drivers, heavy | United Parcel Service Inc. | 5700 Franklin Avenue | delivery | 636900 | 1798340 | open | 492210/Local Messengers and Local Delivery | Fatality | 1 | 1549441.015 | y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | 5/15/2022 | Tobar, Jose Armando | 63 | M | Sunday | 12159 | 9727 | open | At 1:35 p.m. on May 15, 2022, an employee was performing roofing activities at a residential building. The employee became ill while working on the roof and was killed when he fell 12 feet to the ground, sustaining blunt force trauma injuri es. Heat exhaustion or heat stroke were determined to be either contributors to or the cause of the fall. | Ennis | TX | Roofers | Ebenezer General Construction Llc | 700 Williamsburg Dr | roofing | 636900 | 1896448 | Open | 238160/Roofing Contractors | 12 | 12 | 12 | Heat exhaustion or heat stroke | Fatality | 1 | 1602000.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | 5/16/2022 | Guerrero, John | 46 | M | 4351 | 4351 | open | At 3:15 p.m. on May 16, 2022, an employee was working as a helper installing int erior walls, ceilings and doors at a multi-employer construction site for a new commercial building. It was the employee's first day of work, and the worksite was in direct sunlight with no shade available other than within the employees' vehicles. The employee reported that he was not feeling well and had stopped sw eating. The employee was killed from heat stroke at some point after finishing t he work shift because he was not acclimated to the heat that he was exposed to i n his working environment. Over the period of exposure during the work shift, t he heat index ranged from 71 to 96 degrees F. Coworkers reported that the employ ee had consumed a Gatorade and water at the first morning break, a Gatorade at l unch, and another bottle of water at the time that the employee reported he was not feeling well. Water and Gatorade were provided on site by the employer but the employee was not trained on how to identify the symptoms of heat illness and their severity. | Austin | TX | Construction laborer | Leonard Biar | 1909 Alexander Avenue | construction | 625400 | 1895053 | Open | 238130/Framing Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1596145.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | 6/6/2022 | 54 | M | 4351 | 4351 | open | At 4:01 p.m. on June 6, 2022, an employee was assisting the owner of the company with pouring eight cubic yards of concrete. He became ill and asked the owner to run and grab him some aspirin. When the owner arrived back to the worksite, t he employee was unresponsive and slumped over on the side of the house. The medi cal examiner's report indicated the employee died as a result of the toxic effec ts of methamphetamine, pre-existing cardiovascular disease, and physical exertio n in extreme heat conditions. | San Antonio | TX | Construction laborer | Texas Hill Country Pools | 1607 Briar Road | pour concrete | 625500 | 1902207 | open | 238110/Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1600316.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | 6/21/2022 | Gomez, Jorge | 49 | M | 9702 | 9702 | open | At 1:30 p.m. on June 21, 2022, an employee who worked as a framer for a subcontr actor had been assembling framing before going on lunch break. The employee trie d to stand up after his break and was unable to stand. The employee complained o f chest pains. At the time, the employee was exposed to high ambient heat from direct sun exposure during the performance of his job duties. The employee died due to cardiac/respiratory system failure related to heat exposre. | Liberty Hill | TX | Ricardo Saldierna | 613 Spurlock Way | construction | 625400 | 1910478 | Open | 238130/Framing Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1603772.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | 6/24/2022 | Infante, Gabriel | 24 | M | 13052 | 13052 | open | At 5:24 p.m. on June 23, 2022, an employee had been performing soft scaping (han d digging with a shovel) in direct heat with no shade. The employee was in the p rocess of moving fiber optic cable from the street to behind a curb in a grassy area. The goal was for the employee to bury the cable about 12 inches into the g round. The employee complained of feeling tired and was also experiencing crampi ng. Due to these complaints, the employer took the employee off the digging cre w and sent him with a coworker (vac truck operator) to dump a load. When the emp loyee returned from dumping the vac truck, he began performing soft scaping agai n. Shortly after, the employee became combative and the police were called. The employee continued to be aggressive, was refusing aid, then passed out and was unresponsive. EMS was called and the employee was transported to the hopsital a nd died the following day. The employee had been diagnosed with severe heat stro ke and had a core temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit. | San Antonio | TX | Construction laborer | Bcomm Constructors Llc | 10451 Fork Creek | soft scraping | 625500 | 1910877 | Open | 238210/Electrical Contractors | Fatality | 1 | 1604112.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | 7/1/2021 | 26 | M | At 9:37 a.m. on July 1, 2021, an employee who is a firefighter recruit began phy sical training for the first time. The employee began to perform routine warm-u p exercises in preparation for a two-mile jog. After warmup and stretching, the recruit class was led on the jog by four instructors setting the jog pace at app roximately 10 minutes per mile. One instructor was leading the pack and the thre e other instructors were positioned near the rear of the group. At about the 1.4 -mile mark recruit the employee began to slow their pace of the jog. One of the instructors noticed they had slowed their pace and observed them stop jogging ar ound the 1.5-mile mark. The instructor stopped to check on the employee. The emp loyee was instructed to sit down and then lay down to see if they improved. A fe w minutes later the employee was unable to recover and stated they were having t rouble breathing. The employee was transported to the hospital and later died a t the hospital from heat exhaustion. | Chesterfield | VA | Fire fighter | County Of Chesterfield | Eanes-Pittman Public Safety Training Center 6610 Public Safety Way | jogging for physical training | 355121 | 1782949 | Closed | 9/27/2021 | 921190/Other General Government Support | Fatality | 1 | 1539947.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | 7/6/2021 | 54 | M | 0 | 0 | closed | At 02:20 p.m. on July 06, 2021, an employee was working outside in approximately 92 degree F weather in an open field on a portable screener, which screens and sorts the mulch chips by size, when he began to feel ill. The employee took a br eak in the truck, and was found a few minutes later unresponsive. The employee w as transported to the hospital and ultimately died. The cause of death was initi ally believed to be related to heat stress; however, an investigation determined it was from an acute coronary insufficiency, also known as a heart attack, and not related to heat stress. | Waverly | VA | Machine operators, not specified | Hyponex Corporation | 7601 General Mahone Hwy | screen mulch chips by size | 355124 | 1784508 | Closed | 2/2/2022 | 321999/All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing | Fatality | 1 | 1540563.015 | n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | 7/29/2021 | 76 | M | 1200 | 1200 | closed | At 2:45 p.m. on July 29, 2021, after an employee did not show up at the end of h is shift he was found in a field sitting on the floorboard of his tractor unresp onsive with breathing problems. Presumably, the tractor had become stuck in the mud and the worker attempted to dig it out with a shovel when the air temperatur e was 95 degrees Fahrenheit. No further details are available, but the employee subsequently died as a result of the possible overexertion in the heat. | Toppenish | WA | Virgil Gamache Farms Inc | 6371 Fort Rd | dig out tractor | 1055350 | 1793725 | closed | 1/21/2022 | 111940/Hay Farming | Fatality | 1 | 1545556.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | 5/11/2022 | Linkous, Thomas | 37 | M | 17610 | 1000 | open | At 2:42 p.m. on May 11, 2022, an employee was riding in the passenger seat of a work vehicle while returning home from the jobsite at the end of the day after c onstructing a new deck on a residential project. The employee's task had consist ed of building two sets of stairs 16 inches above grade for a deck with 8 ft by 20 ft dimensions. The employee lifted 2 in by 4 in wooden boards of undetermined length, using power tools, and manually securing boards to surfaces for approxi mately six hours in direct sunlight. When the coworker who was driving the work vehicle back from the jobsite pulled over because the employee was vomiting or n eeding to vomit, the employee opened the door and fell out of the vehicle. The c oworkers called 9-1-1 when they were unable revive the employee, who was unrespo nsive, and paramedics and police arrived at the scene. The employee died of hea t stroke. | Bristol | WI | Carpenters | Farrell Quality Carpentry Inc. | 12125 224th Ave | construction | 523400 | 1916674 | Open | 238350/Finish Carpentry Contractors | heat stroke | Fatality | 1 | 1606631.015 | n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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