TimestampEmail AddressWhat is your full name?
What is your institutional affiliation? (if not applicable, please leave blank)
What country are you based in?
What is your phone number (optional)?
What are your social media handles (optional)?
What is the best way to contact you?
What is the highest level of education you have attained? (ie Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate)
Please list any relevant links here for potential mentors to learn more about you or your work (ie research profile, professional biography, LinkedIn etc)
In what discipline are you seeking mentorship?
How much advising or mentorship are you looking for?
If you are still open to accepting requests from potential mentors for advice, please indicate here:
Please add in any more comments you want potential mentors to know:
Please upload your resume or CV here (optional).
With what discipline(s) of research are you familiar?
What project topic are you interested in?
Do you have any specific research interests? If so, please list them.
Is/Are there any particular phase(s) of research you are more interested in learning about or doing?
Are you currently involved in any research projects? If not applicable, please leave blank.
Please indicate your past experience with research. If not applicable, please leave blank.
Name any research/data analysis software you are familiar with? (If any)
Is it essential that you will gain a presentation or authorship opportunity from this experience?
How much do you believe you can commit (hours/week)?
Do you anticipate monetary compensation for your time? If so, please indicate amount per hour and list currency in USD. If not applicable, please leave blank.
Please list any other information you wish for potential research mentors to know.
4/29/2020 1:02:08hibzzkhan@hotmail.comHiba khan Dubai medical college United Arab Emirates00971507766083WhatsApp 4th year medical student Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Month long advising session or another specific time period
I am still open to finding a mentor
Medical sciencesPatient outcomesClinical based
Assist in literature reviews, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Not at the moment
Wrote an introduction and currently looking for research question
YesAs many as required
I am a beginner but a very fast learner. I’m eager to gain as much knowledge as possible. I will dedicate my full time towards research.
4/29/2020 1:27:35
Alexandros VoliotisUniversity of ThessalyGreece
nothing yet
Research, Medicine, Other healthcare profession, Statistics, genomics, data science, machine learning, neural networks
Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I would greatly appreciate if you could mentor me for months possibly, and even cooperate with me in current/future projects.
Computer sciencesStatistical analysis
DNA sequencing and comparison, advanced statistical methods for extracting valuable knowledge, advanced ML algorithms for predicting protein structures (slim to none knowledge on these topics, however help would be greatly appreciated)
Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data analysis
Pandas in python, RapidMiner
Depends on the scope of the project and the help that I receive from my mentor(s). I would say roughly 35 hours, and perhaps even more -- dependable as stated.
I am not too sure about this, but I am a fair person so if I worth as a person then yes, else it okay.
I really love examples and visual representations. Those are the 2 ways in which I learn the fastest :)
4/29/2020 2:32:58
Alexandros VoliotisUniversity of ThessalyGreece--e-mail/messengerBsc (2022)
Research, Medicine, statistics, statistical analysis, gene expression, machine learning, data science
Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I would really appreciate it if the respective mentor could show me things in an interactive and visual way, as this is the primary way in which I learn new things.
Computer sciencesStatistical analysis
Predicting protein structure, predicting protein sequences, codnuction statistical analysis, etc
Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data analysis, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Python; Pandas (beginner level), Rapidminer (beginner level again)
35-40 hours a week and more possibly
If it possible and if my work is worth it, then definetely yes. 4/5$/hour? I don't really know...
I would prefer if they could show me things on a more practical basis.
Option 1
5/1/2020 5:32:11
Irfan UllahKabir Medical CollegePakistan+923340968239EmailMBBSResearch, Medicine
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciences
Anything related to medical science
Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
6 publications
To collaborate in a better way to learn from each other
5/5/2020 11:53:20msow@mcw.eduMami Sow
Medical College of Wisconsin
United States (USA)3018320720M_S_SowemailMastersResearch, Medicine
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
None/Not ApplicableEpidemiology
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Data entry
Currently involved in clinical research
4 until the summer, then more.
5/9/2020 2:30:32sabila.dmc@gmail.comSabila Siddiqui - United Arab Emirates+971508724620@sabila.siddiquiWhatsApp
2nd year Med school student
Advocacy, Research, Medicine, Visual Arts, Video Production and/or Editing, Other healthcare profession
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
None/Not ApplicablePublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Currently doing one — on Practice Of Pica During Pregnancy In UAE
Yes8 hours a week
5/12/2020 13:18:29
Andrada Hutanu
Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi
Romania0745683739whatsappUndergraduate StudentResearch, Medicine
One time advising session (1/2 hour)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesClinical trial
Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Medical researches at students' national and international congresses
2h/week until the end of June, more than 2h/week after the end of June
5/22/2020 4:50:42samtebha@gmail.comSameer Saleem Tebha
Jinnah Medical and Dental College
Pakistan+923352657537Twitter: @TebhaSameerWhatsapp
High school currently an Undergrad
Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
I will be pursuing USMLE and that too in the speciality of Neurosurgery so any mentorship concerning that would be highly appreciated.
Medical research Clinical trial
Neurological and Neurosurgical research
Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question
Yes I am
I have worked in 3 research projects none of them have been published as of yet.
Yes10 hours a week
I have good manuscript writing skills also I have an ability to think out of the box ideas which are at times concerning pressing issues
Option 1
5/29/2020 16:24:03
Eunice J IndiaWhatsapp In medical school Research, Medicine
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesClinical trial
Designing a research question
6/1/2020 19:59:31fizzatariq16@gmail.comFizza TariqDow Medical CollegePakistanEmailBachelors
Graduated from Dow recently, currently doing housejob in Civil Hospital. I am interested in learning and doing more researches under a good mentor.
Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am learner so I want mentor who could guide me and help me in publications under his guidance
Patient outcomes
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data entry, Data analysis
Alex Benjamin Araya Morales
Universidad Católica del Norte
Chile+56 9 90155238WhatsApp and gmail bachelors
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Physical sciencesPublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Data entry
I used to present a lot of research in many congress, for example BRAINCOMS and ISCOMS
ExcelYes1 hourOption 1
Federal University of Pará
Research, Medicine
Month long advising session or another specific time period
I am still open to finding a mentor
Epidemiology Health services
Symptoms of Burnout on Healthcare Workers
Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data analysis
Yes, about Women's Education
Analysis in Epidemiology Yes
6/21/2020 13:50:21
Akatya Vidushi SinhaMGM Medical CollegeIndia9004415966Instagram- akatyavidushiWhatasapp / Insatgram
Advocacy, Research, Medicine
One time advising session (1/2 hour), Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Survey researchPublic health1.Global research
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
1. My research project on sleep hygiene
2. Working with a doctor on global medical education
3. Presented my research papers in national conferences
6/22/2020 11:47:10
Gayathri Jayaraj Menon
Yenepoya Medical College
Completed 12th (School),Currently in MBBS final year
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Behavioral sciencesPatient outcomes
Assist in literature reviews, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
MS EXCELYes1-2 hours a weekOption 1
6/27/2020 3:24:51sanatashraf@gmail.comSana AshrafRoss UniversityUnited States (USA)
@flowerquinolone on twitter
EmailBachelorsResearch, Medicine
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am a MS3/IMG interested in EM and pediatrics
Political sciencePublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data analysis
6/27/2020 9:46:04
Sukhmeen KaurIndia8427407886Twitter: @_thatBrownDocWhatsapp (8427407887)Bachelors candidate
MBBS student. Interested in research in ophthalmology, but can’t find a mentor to guide me .
Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am having difficulty in choosing the topic, on what topic in medicine (clinical subjects like ob/gyn, medicine, surgery , paediatrics) can i do Research?
Medicine Clinical trial
Medicine, paediatrics,opthalmology
Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Yes7 hours a weekOption 1
7/1/2020 0:45:15
Esther BasseyUniversity of UyoNigeria
+2349013944287( WhatsApp and phone calls)
Currently an undergraduate
Nonprofit Work, Advocacy, Research, Medicine, Journalism
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesPublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
7/1/2020 10:45:59
Gayathri MenonIndia7975464411@gayu_5689Whatsapp or email
Currently doing final year of undergrad ( M.B.B.S)
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I'm new in the research field! So would need accurate and patient mentoring.
Survey researchPatient outcomes
Not yet... would like to explore many options once I recieve some counselling
Assist in literature reviews, Data collection
In the Smart screen studyYes5 hours a week
I wish for the research to be worth publishing!
7/4/2020 5:47:27
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Graduation Student - Medicine
Research, Medicine
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesPublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Data collection, Data entry, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Yes, currently I'm a Scientific Initiation Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) with the work plan "Study of the expression of astrocyte proteins involved in detoxification of glutamate excess against apigenin and/or excitotoxicity treatment", in the Laboratory of Neurochemistry and Cell Biology - LabNq/UFBA, in the research line of "In vitro and in vivo Models of Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration". I also participate in the Research Center for Epidemiology, Asthma and Allergy with the research project on "Atmospheric pollutants and morbidity and mortality of respiratory diseases in Brazil", in the research line of "Epidemiology, risk factors and clinical characterization of asthma"
I already was a Scientific Initiation for the development of the works plans: "Analysis of the neuroprotective property of flavonoid bis-apigeninin an in vitro model of craniocerebral trauma (TCE)" and "Study of the neuroprotective action of flavonoid rutin against cell damage induced by aminochrome"
ImageJ; Prism; ExcelYes8
7/16/2020 9:54:03
Asees G SinghIndia919818874070Whatsapp/ emailSchool level (class 12th) Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Information sciencesClinical trial
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Excel.Yes20+ hrs
7/18/2020 15:20:47
Ayman FaizSaudi Arabiaemail
Bachelors (Medicine, Surgery - MBBS)
Medicine, Other healthcare profession, Other scientific discipline
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesPublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Medical education research, case reports, systemic reviews
Yes136USD/hour if possible
7/19/2020 14:16:23
Aimen Tameezuddin Ziauddin University Pakistan03003577825whatsapp, emailcurrently doing MBBS
Research, Medicine, Journalism
Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
particularly interested in knowing the effect of covid on bran
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Yes, No20-30 hours
7/21/2020 20:21:13
FATIMA ZULQARNAINHungary+36308773521email, whatsappMD Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Population health
Assist in literature reviews, Data collection, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
one semester in medical school and one 40 page dissertation
7/27/2020 6:17:54
Rahul jagdishchandra Mittal
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Health systems
Assist in literature reviews, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
7/31/2020 15:52:41freyask2000@gmail.comFreya Kankhara
M. P. Shah Govt. Medical College, Jamnagar
Instagram @snowdrop.kindlehood
Email, WhatsApp, Instagram
Pursuing Bachelors in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery
Research, Medicine
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am very driven and a quick learner and would love to be guided for some innovative project with potential.
Survey researchEpidemiology
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Data analysis, Designing a research question
YesAs many as required.
8/7/2020 16:39:51
maham raheelziauddin universityPakistan03358104327whatsapp
currently a 2nd year MBBS student
Informational Technology, Research
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Survey researchPublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts
noyesspssYes5-7 hours per week
8/12/2020 9:35:09ok@gmail.comokAlbania
8/12/2020 13:06:32
Nimisha AjaikumarUnited Arab Emirates@nimishaajaikumarEmail
High school diploma; Pursuing Bachelors currently;
Social Sciences (ie Anthropology), Research, Psychology and mental health
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
PsychologyStatistical analysis
Mental health, personality, positive psychology, children, adolescents, stigma against mental illness, clinical psychology
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Preparing for my college dissertation on whether sub-clinical narcissism causes impulsivity or not, using regression.
Experimental and cross-sectional study based in UAE on comparing the effectiveness of brief expressive writing interventions on hopelessness and social connectedness. 300 adults were recruited via convenience sampling. Participants were grouped into three and instructed to write gratitude letters, self-compassion letters or general descriptive writing. SPSS was used for data analysis. Beck's Hopelessness Scale and Social Connectedness Scale were used for data collection.
SPSSYes75-20 USD per hour
I would like to support you in
Option 1
8/20/2020 8:08:27
Vaibhav GargGMCH-32 ChandigarhIndia
Twitter - Vaibhav Garg @Vaibhav64959127
EmailCurrently pursuing MBBS
“Pandemic is far out of control, Can we stop the ‘Info’demic?” by Vaibhav Garg “One Health : Learning Integration at Interface” by Vaibhav Garg
Nonprofit Work, Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Hoping to find great mentors who perfuse me with passion and confidence to do great research work in future.
Survey researchHealth services
COVID-19 Related prognosis and Epidemiology, Public Health, Health systems
Assist in literature reviews, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Yes. Concept- Need to change treatment strategy considering rise in Antimicrobial Resistance
8/20/2020 22:00:01
M Subha Maheswari
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida, India
@subhamahes98 - Instagram/Linkedin/Twitter/FB
Currently pursuing Master's in Biotechnology
Research, Biotechnology / Life Sciences
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesOpen to anythingReview literature
Assist in literature reviews, Data collection, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
2-3 hours for every week for over 4 weeks
8/21/2020 12:02:43
Akanksha KaushalUnited Arab Emirates00971562540860
Instagram- Akankshaownsyou
Email/whatsapp as per your convinience
Final year Bachelors
Research, Other healthcare profession
One time advising session (1/2 hour), Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
StatisticsStatistical analysisMental health
Assist in literature reviews, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
I have conducted a quantitative research on mental health and binge watching behaviors
SPSSNo20-30 hrs/week
8/31/2020 11:05:53
Anusha Nicole PrabhuAMSAIndia+919664974409anusha_nicoleWhatsapp, instagramCurrently 3rd MBBS Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Public health
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Ongoing research- Assessment of depression, anxiety, quality of life, perceived social support in patients with leprosy ( College research)
9/22/2020 10:49:54
Mansi T M
Vydehi institute of medical sceinces , AMSA india , MSAI , IMA
email :
high school
Research, Medicine, Other healthcare profession
Month long advising session or another specific time period
I am still open to finding a mentor
Survey researchClinical trial
research related to medicine
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Designing a research question
ICMR ( indian council of medical research) approved project on " Effect of mobile tower radiation on cognition of adolescents"
Microsoft excelYes21 hours/week
not compulsorily but i would like to be notified of such opportunities
Option 1
9/24/2020 22:44:34hasithad394@gmail.comHasitha Durgavajjhala
Amity Institute of Biotechnology
India(+91) 7042105582WhatsappBachelors
One time advising session (1/2 hour)
I am still open to finding a mentor
I have never written a proper research paper other than term papers for college, and I would love to work in research one day so I want to learn how to go about it. I'm a final year Master's student in Biotechnology.
Life sciencesEpidemiology
Assist in literature reviews
10/12/2020 19:31:56neetrav0407@gmail.comRavneet Kaur
Lady hardinge medical College
India8708533285WhatsappMbbs first yResearch, Medicine
One time advising session (1/2 hour)
I am still open to finding a mentor
None/Not ApplicablePublic healthHow to start?No3I am new to this feild
10/13/2020 19:41:50handukanika@gmail.comKanika HanduAMSAIndia7838981067whatsappPre final medical student
Research, Medicine, Other healthcare profession
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Hoping to find great mentors to do research.
None/Not ApplicablePublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Yes20-30 hours/weekno
10/31/2020 0:49:49hrpunith30@gmail.comPunith H RIndiaWhatsappMBBS
Nonprofit Work, Research, Medicine
One time advising session (1/2 hour), Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Hello, looking for a mentor in medical research, I am interested in learning about methodology and publication, I am available through whatsapp, do contact me if you can help.
Survey researchHealth services
General medicine or psychiatry
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis
Pub med
Depends on the work I put in.
2 to 4Option 1
11/16/2020 0:01:37aprin.ganesh@gmail.comVarusaw SelvaganesanIndiaEmailDoing my bachelors
Nonprofit Work, Advocacy, Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
I would like to help underprivileged students with education - short term goal and develop it into a foundation which provides free health care services too. I would like to get help on how to start a non profit organization, and few queries regarding the same .
None/Not ApplicableClinical trial
Data collection, Data analysis
Yes , I have two projects which I was supposed to work on this year. But I will start it as soon as my college reopens.
I know the basics of writing a research paper
Yes5 hours / weekNo
12/7/2020 14:55:12
Meghna Choudhury
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik Maharashtra India
India8850448063WhatsappBachelor'sResearch, Medicine
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am dedicated to develop and cultivate research project under able mentorship. I understand the importance of research as a stepping stone to innovation in any field.
Behavioral sciencesPatient outcomes
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Designing a research question
Short Term Studentship under ICMR, India
Ongoing physiology research project
Developing a new public health research protocol
SPSSYes12 hrs per weekNo
1/9/2021 2:54:48simboo53@gmail.comSamantha Simboo
University of the West Indies
Trinidad and TobagoEmail
Research, Medicine
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Medical SciencesBasic scienceSurgical Topics
Assist in literature reviews
Yes. Personal research project outside of my university
I have worked together with a team at my university to publish 2 papers
SPSSYes3 hoursNil
I'm aiming toward Publications
Option 1
5/22/2021 19:48:14
Marwa Basharat
University College of Medicine and Dentistry, Lahore.
Pakistan+92 3074190930
You can text me on WhatsApp.
I'm currently pursuing MBBS.
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Clinical and basic lab research
Basic scienceOncology
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data analysis
Yes.SPSS and EndNoteYes16 hours a week.
Depends on what I'm working on.
6/8/2021 11:42:04
Dipti SahaIndia+919772140806
Instagram id- @diptisaha01
Through whatsapp
Currently studying MBBS (Bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery)
Research, Medicine
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am a medical student and a research enthusiast. Currently I don't have many research work opportunities due to nation wide lockdown. I am in a desperate need of mentorship from the righteous mentor. I will certainly prove myself worthy of the opportunity.
Survey researchChart reviewCardiothoracics
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
YesSPSSYes2 hours per day
6/13/2021 10:10:04anagha2810@gmail.comAnagha Shree Kapil
SGT Medical College and Research Institute Gurugram India
India08826344060 And @anamedstudent on Twitter
Twitter or telegram
Currently in my second year of undergrad medicine
Research, Medicine
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I’m looking for research opportunities
Survey researchPublic health
Opportunistic infections post Covid-19
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data analysis, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
I have worked with Medanta undergraduate research programme wherein a post-Covid follow up study for long term and chronic effects of Covid-19 was conducted.
Excel and PowerPoint Yes5-6 hours per week
I’m an enthusiastic and hardworking candidate and I’d like to volunteer for research
Option 1
6/15/2021 7:23:38
Kenisha ShahNMCIndia+919825019959Kenii_shahh(instagram)Instagram
Passed high school, currently in 2nd year of med school
Research, Medicine
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
If any of the mentors want me to assist you, I promise that I would be passionate and enthusiastic enough to be indulged in that project. Already I have done 2 research projects
Medical related research topics
Statistical analysis
Survey, epidemiology, chart reviews
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Designing a research question
Yes, 2
It was great in that, was little worried regarding data collection, but outcome was super good, better than expected
I have experience of two research projects, and in both of them, my mentors were extremely happy with me. I am dedicated and hardworking person!
6/15/2021 7:31:31
Saumya JoshiNMCIndia916354177303Instagram - saumyaxjWhatsappMedical StudentResearch profileMedicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I have Ongoing 2 research papers at my hospital
Survey researchHealth systemsInternal medicine
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Designing a research question
Yes 2 research projects at my hospital
Done 1 paper as a 1st author on Psychiatry
Epi info , ExcelYes7-10 hrsNo
6/16/2021 13:50:27
JSS Medical College, Mysore
Contact number- 7349076544 , email Id-
Bachelors Research, Medicine
Month long advising session or another specific time period
I am still open to finding a mentor
I have great interest in research work, looking forward to work with you all across the world. Happy to be part of this organization, excited to work with you all.
Survey researchPopulation healthThalassemia
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Data analysis in ExcelYes10-20 hours per weekOption 1
6/21/2021 6:10:57wirantorony@gmail.comRony WirantoSriwijaya UniversityIndonesia+62 82282035615Instagram : @ronywirantoInstagramDoctor of Medicine
Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Month long advising session or another specific time period
I am still open to finding a mentor
I'm looking for research opportunity, so I would be happy to join the members to create and do research, especially in medicine discipline
Survey researchPublic health
Assist in literature reviews, Designing a research question
yesSPSSYes2-3 hours/weekOption 1
7/23/2021 7:53:47
Vignesh R
Government Sivagangai Medical College
India+917010281463Whatsapp, Email Bachelors
Research, Medicine
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
None/Not ApplicableClinical trialCase reports
Data entry, Designing a research question
NoYes10 hrs per week
8/7/2021 0:05:06
Hriturima BaidyaGovernmentIndia8529130109
Whatsapp,Instagram, Facebook, twitter
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Survey research
Health services, health system, patient outcome, population health ,public health, statistical analysis
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Yes7 hrs per week
8/7/2021 18:16:43elahe.97@gmail.comElahe Naghavi
Medical University Pleven
Finland+358443592625Instagram: itselahe__WhatsappBachelors
Research, Medicine
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
MultidisciplinaryBasic scienceNeurology, AI, Psychiatry
Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis
21 literature reviewPythonYes5 hours/week
8/22/2021 19:42:43ashithaba@gmail.comAshitha ArunIndia+91 8277392251Email or whatsappBachelors (pursuing)
Research, Other scientific discipline, Life Sciences
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesStatistical analysis
Statistics, Life Sciences, Clinical, Translational
Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data analysis, Designing a research question
NoAs needed
1/5/2022 21:41:30harshitha17a@gmail.comHarshitha AIndia9148876928
Instagram: harshitha_a17, LinkedIn: Harshitha Aravinda,
Call or whatsapp
Currently 3rd year medical student
Research, Medicine, Other healthcare profession
Month long advising session or another specific time period
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am interested in taking up research and publishing articles but I haven't done any till now. I would like to be mentored about the steps.
Survey researchEpidemiology
I am interested in epidemiology, health services, clinical trial, patient outcomes as well
Assist in literature reviews, Data collection, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
I have put a proposal in my college about ' Frailty and it's association with diabetic patients'.
Yes14-20 hrs/ week
1/16/2022 18:15:02gutalaramya@gmail.comGutala Ramya
via the email id mentioned above
MBBS degree
Nonprofit Work, Research, Medicine
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
None/Not Applicable
Research in the field of general medicine
Research in the field of general/internal medicine branch
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Data entry
Yes3 hrs/weekOption 1
1/18/2022 18:41:28
Sakshi Arun Pinjarkar
Grant Government Medical College, Mumbai
India7083550354sakshi_pinjarkarWhatsApp 2nd Yr MBBS
Research, Medicine
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
I need mentoring for medical research. I haven't got much experience in research, but I want to learn more about it and work on research paper.
Medical Research
Research in field of Medicine
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
I have attended a few webinars related to research and I have started reading research papers recently.
I am familiar with Microsoft Excel.
I want to gain experience through this opportunity and want to know more about research
3-4 days a week
Muwonde Ruvarashe Michelle
Algeria+213553960109WhatsApp Bachelors
Other healthcare profession, Pharmacy (PharmD)
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
None/Not ApplicableBig data
1. Blockchain Technology for pharmacy
2. Circular Design Applications in pharmacy
Designing a research question, Basics of writing or conducting a research paper
1/23/2022 2:44:04naochyke@gmail.comNaomi ChikezieNigeria+2348175861109WhatsApp
Administration, Pharmacy
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Public HealthPublic health
Assist in literature reviews
Yes6 hours/week
1/23/2022 2:47:40
Abhilash SinghMBBS UG studentIndia+91 7374094612
LinkedIn :- // Instagram :-
WhatsApp, Instagram
Currently pursuing MBBS UG.
LinkedIn :-
Research, Medicine
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
I'm an enthusiastic student, who's keen on doing research just need the right guidance and support.
Survey researchPatient outcomes
Something related to staff of medical hospital
Assist in literature reviews, Data collection, Designing a research question
Yes4 hrs a week
1/23/2022 5:18:53
Neha Veerabose
Stanley medical college Chennai
India+91 9095924792Whatsapp/ email3rd year MBBSMedicine
One time advising session (1/2 hour), Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesPublic healthData collectionNo5No
1/23/2022 7:10:52
Arjun kumar T R
Pondicherry Institute of Medical sciences
India7845858113Whatsapp Research, Medicine
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
None/Not ApplicableEpidemiology
Assist in literature reviews
Yes4hours / week
1/23/2022 7:27:11
Sree Harshitha Vallabhaneni
Apollo Institute of Medical science and Research
To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor
Hi, I'm a final year medical student from
Apollo Institute of Medical science and Research !! I find public health, reproductive health , NCD'S, climate change effect on health, emergency medicine, child health and Mental health especially close to my heart. I'm still exploring different topics and options. I would like help finding different opportunities to be part of research.
Life sciencesPublic health
I find public health, reproductive health , NCD'S, climate change effect on health, emergency medicine, child health and Mental health especially close to my heart.
Assist in literature reviews, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
YesAn hour a weej
1/23/2022 8:42:44
Priyanka Kataria
Government Medical College, Nagpur
IndiaSurvey researchHealth systemsMedicine
Data collection, Data entry, Designing a research question
Self medication Practices among undergraduate medical students during covid-19
Zotero, Numbers, Google forms, sheets
Yes4-5 hrs per week
1/23/2022 8:58:23zebasami02@gmail.comZeba Sami
Shree Guru Gobind Tricentenary University, Gurgaon
IndiaPsychiatryPublic health
Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Assist in literature reviews, Designing a research question
Working on observational study.
Wrote one letter to editor and submitted 2 other systemic reviews.
Yes2-3 hours
I have prior research experience and I wish to explore other areas of research as well.
1/23/2022 9:34:50
Aditya KatariaIndiaSurvey researchHealth systemsInternal medicine
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Self medication during covid research done
Zotero numbers sheets google docs
1/23/2022 12:54:05
Kaushambi Chauhan India9610767714
@kaushambiii (Instagram)
Call or Drop a message on WhatsApp
Graduated (pursuing post graduation)
Month long advising session or another specific time period
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesClinical trial
Infectious diseases, COVID-19, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection
Currently doing a literature review
PubmedYes3-4 hrs per dayOption 1
1/23/2022 16:00:52
Nandini Chawla India9818763913Instagram-nandinichawla
Email/social media/phone
10+2/High school
Nonprofit Work, Medicine, Video Production and/or Editing, Administration, Other healthcare profession, Other scientific discipline
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Survey researchClinical trial
Yes, I am conducting a research for nutrition requirements related to people suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
It can vary but for an average 2-3 hours each week.
Option 1
1/23/2022 18:53:59zarnabkh@gmail.comZarnab KhanIndia8439721860WhatsApp and EmailMasters Pursuing
Informational Technology
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
I have lost most of my motivation. I wanted to get into research by publishing papers but couldn’t
Computer sciencesData Science Yes20 hours/week
1/24/2022 8:31:37tblankso@asu.eduThalia BlanksonArizona State UniverstyUnited States (USA)516-271-6116
Thalia Blankson is a first year graduate student at Arizona State University. She is doing her Master’s degree in International Affairs and Leadership. Thalia Holds both an associate degree in Liberal Arts and a bachelor’s in Political Science and History. Her research focus includes Pakistan-China and China-South Asia relations; political violence, political behavior, the politics of religion and ethnicity, and foreign policy, and the politics of South Asia, Europe,and China; Communism and Authoritarianism. She also has an interest in Global health and medicine. Her health interests lie in the intersections of social justice and maternal and child health, and she hopes to plan and implement public health programs and policies that can begin to close the disparities seen in health outcomes across race and class in the United States and abroad. She also enjoys teaching and engaging in provocative discussion with peers and students alike. In her free time she enjoys languages such as Mandarin, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, German and Russian.
Journalism, Other healthcare profession, Other scientific discipline
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
International relationsEpidemiology
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
5 years of research papers and presented at conference
N/AYes, maybe5-15$15 an hour
2/19/2022 7:54:07
MD AL HASIBUZZAMANNingbo UniversityBangladesh+8801723202217
+8801723202217 what's app
Research, Medicine
Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship, To be discussed with potential mentee
I am still open to finding a mentor, I am no longer open to finding a mentor
Survey researchEpidemiology
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data entry, Data analysis, Designing a research question, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information

1. Prognosis of COVID-19 Depends on Pathophysiology and Preexisting Health Condition: A Review -
2. Repurposing of the Herbals as Immune-Boosters in the Prevention and Management of COVID-19: A Review -
3. Diagnostic Overview of Neurological Manifestation in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case Report with Literature Review-
4. Active site-specific quantum tunneling of hACE2 receptor to assess its completing poses with selective bioactive compounds in co-suppressing SARS-CoV-2 influx and subsequent cardiac injury-
5. Social Media and Social Relationship among Youth: A Changing Pattern and Impacts in Bangladesh -
I want to publish some research work with SAC
Option 1
3/23/2022 10:41:17
Hunar Mahal
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
03.hunar.mahal : instagram
In the last leg of my final year in MBBS (Bachelors)
Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
I am an indian medical student, an avid neurology reader and a research enthusiast. I'd really want to get involved in neurology/neuroscience research for the greater benefit of the society. I aim to become a physician - researcher and help patients with neurological diseases lead a quality life.
Survey researchClinical trial
Neurology/neuroscience. I'd love to work with brain organoids.
Assist in literature reviews, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data analysis, Designing a research question
1. I have completed a research project:
On topic "Prevalence and Pattern of Complementary and Alternative Medication use among individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus seeking treatment at a tertiary care diabetes care clinic."

2. Been a part of an international multicentric research study: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric cancer patients in low, middle, and high-income countries: a multicentre, international, observational cohort study at National Institute for Health Research, Birmingham, UK as a collaborator from NIHR Hub at CMC, Ludhiana.
10+ hours/week, can vary based on exams
4/9/2022 17:39:15
Samneet SinghMedical studentIndia8194887499WhatsApp
I’m pursuing my bachelors , in the final year of med school
Research, Medicine
One time advising session (1/2 hour), Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each), Month long advising session or another specific time period, Longitudinal advising/mentorship
I am still open to finding a mentor
Survey researchHealth services
Yes any subject in medicine
Assist in literature reviews, Assist with IRB and ethical-related aspects of projects, Critique manuscripts/abstracts, Data collection, Data entry, Data analysis, Identifying authentic literature and extract relevant information
Yes, I’ve finished two reviews and one qualitative study
Yes I’ve done three research projects
It’ll be great, It’s not about money but worthwhile amount
8/7/2022 18:39:02
Gauri parvathy
Tbilisi state medical university
Whatsapp +995557771804
Few advising sessions (1/2 hour each)
I am still open to finding a mentor
Life sciencesHealth systemsData analysisYes10hrs/weekOption 1