Critical Race Theory Concepts in K-12 Classrooms
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1-16-2022Santa Barbara News-Press Barbara school district pushes lessons separating students by race, labels students "oppressor" and "oppressed" based on skin color. Refused to allow parents to see the curriculum.

"Nearly four years ago, a group of Santa Barbara parents had become concerned that a divisive curriculum was being concealed from them. Rather than engage in “show and tell” with this taxpayer-funded curriculum, the Santa Barbara Unified School District engaged in “hide and seek.” Parents were told multiple times “NO,” when they requested documents describing the curriculum, and that it was simply too nuanced to be shared with the general public. "
4-22-2022Washington Examiner emails show a California school district is using critical race theory
6-3-2021Fox News middle schoolers get 'uncomfortable' assignment of Huffington Post op-ed, 'Why I'm a Racist'

"Parents such as Violia have argued that certain assignments and educational language with political undertones, which have been popping up in schools across the U.S., aren't appropriate for children because they're dividing classrooms and putting certain students in awkward situations."
7-14-2021RedState School District Makes History With Mandatory CRT-Based Program for Preschoolers

"This discipline contends with racism, white supremacy culture, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, and nation-within-nation relationships. By centering the stories, experiences, and perspectives of the groups mentioned, Ethnic Studies uses community content and pedagogy to educate students to be socially, politically, environmentally, and economically conscious of their personal connections to local and transnational histories."
4-25-2022Daily Caller Unified School Admin: Take ‘A More Aggressive Approach’ To Teaching CRT, LGBTQ Ideology
12-17-2021Daily Caller’s Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) promoted race-essentialist material arguing to students, families, and staff that “whiteness” should be pushed to “the margin” and “attacking whiteness is not enough,”
5-29-2022Washington Examiner’s Riverside School District Lies About Teaching Critical Race Theory

The records note that during the meeting on July 15, Hill addressed various topics “that seemed to be on the minds of some RUSD stakeholders. First, she said, RUSD does not teach Critical Race Theory.” The divisive theory was discussed again during the August 5 meeting, when community members spoke on CRT during the public comments section of the meeting. It was directly after these public comments that Board of Education member Tom Hunt also lied about the presence of CRT in the district.
2-1-2022Fox News School District Promotes White Privilege Conference And Being ‘Race Conscious’

"The White Privilege Conference, a project of The Privilege Institute, is also promoted to staff members. The annual conference, not to be confused with the institute’s similarly named White Privilege Symposium, intends to provide “an opportunity for participants to discuss how white privilege, white supremacy, and oppression affects daily life while giving strategies for addressing issues of privilege and oppression and advancing social and economic justice.” "
8-11-2021Breitbart News are then turned into ambassadors for critical race theory at the end of the unit when they are tasked with creating a public service announcement that “denounces systems that are oppressive,” which could, according to the curriculum, include American education systems if not America itself.
11-30-2021The Federalist Angeles Public Schools Host Critical Race Theorist To ‘Challenge Whiteness’ While Saying They Aren’t Teaching Critical Race Theory

"A LAUSD presentation titled 'Critical Race Theory and Racism in K-12 Education' starts out by defining the theory as a 'Theoretical Framework through which researchers and scholars try to understand how structural and racial inequities exist and endure in our society.'”
1-2022The Federalist School District Pays $57k For ‘Woke Kindergarten’ To ‘Disrupt Whiteness’
12-6-2021The Federalist page serves as a vast library for CRT resources and features 60 different links, including a Google Drive folder with 45 different documents. The list made sure to include the full range of CRT buzzwords, with links like Raising Race Conscious Children, the infamous 1619 Project, Anti-Racism for Beginners, and Social Identities and Systems of Oppression, among others.
3-24-2022Accuracy in Media"Parents Defending Education (PDE) alleges that a monthly playground night reserved for non-white families at Centennial Elementary School in Denver, Colorado, and a field trip advertised to non-white students at Downer’s Grove South High School in Downer’s Grove, Illinois, violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
6-9-2021Fox News Grade School Adds Critical Race Theory Themes To ‘Graduation Expectations’

"'Students will develop critical thinking skills and expand their perspective on U.S. and world history, geography, civics, and economics through multiple lens, including social justice and intersectionality, in order to become responsible global citizens,' the document reads under the “intellectual” tab."
4-26-2022Daily Caller
District of ColumbiaDC elementary school gives 4-year-olds books to report racist family members
11-25-2021New York Post school district's promotion of CRT, officials' comments on White people prompt investigation request

"Sent Monday, Republican Sen. Burt Jones' letter comes after video showed Dr. Tarece Johnson, the recently elected chair of Gwinnett County Board of Education, calling for an end to "anti-Black capitalism" and describing White people as "socialized racists.""
5-21-2022Fox News Fights School District After Black Principal Separated Classes Based on Race
11-12-2021Daily Caller School District Published Plans To Teach Critical Race Theory, Then Hid Them
5-13-2022Libs of TikTok & TennesseeTeachers in Idaho and Tennessee caught on camera describing how they will teach CRT despite laws prohibiting the teaching.
12-8-2021Fox News teacher sues school district, claims 'equity' push violates US Constitution

"Filed in federal court Tuesday, the lawsuit represents one of the primary lines of attack from activists seeking to combat the influence of critical race theory (CRT) in schools. The Southeastern Legal Foundation, which is representing teacher Stacy Deemar, is working as part of Chris Rufo's legal coalition that ultimately seeks to strike down CRT-related curricula at the Supreme Court."
2-8-2022Daily Caller Teacher Reportedly Forced Mostly Wealthy Kids To Complete ‘White Privilege Self-Assessment’
3-5-2021The Federalist whistleblower who reached out to The Federalist, a teacher at Naperville Central High School, claims Simmons told attendees that “our education is based on a foundation of whiteness” and that Americans “are spiritually murdering” students. Simmons also reportedly said that if you are not an “antiracist” you are a racist, even if you believe “you are treating people with respect.”
3-25-2021The Federalist sixth-ranked high school in the state of Illinois will host an “Anti-Racism and Inclusivity Week” over Zoom for students to “discuss and reflect on the equity issues we face today.” From March 29 to April 1, Adlai E Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Ill. will deliver 12 critical race theory trainings for the student body.
IndianaIndiana admin who says critical race theory is taught in schools put on leave
6-22-2021The Federalist Teacher Training Documents Show Iowa Government Schools Classify ‘Make America Great Again’ As White Supremacy

"The presentation from Iowa’s Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency, which was posted on Twitter by Benny Johnson, also listed a variety of resources, including a definition of critical race theory that boasted that the ideological framework 'questions the very foundation' of 'the principles of constitutional law,' confirming the critiques of those who have noted that critical race theory is intentionally designed to subvert the underpinnings of American society by targeting children through the education system."
7-26-2021Fox News County schools awarded $450,000 contract to diversity consultancy for 'anti-racism system audit'

"Judicial Watch's request also returned materials showing that students were learning about topics like White privilege and intersectionality, which are often associated with critical race theory (CTR). "
10-9-20170Fox News Maryland Public School Forces 14-Year-Olds To Take ‘White Privilege Test’
7-27-2021Daily Caller at a
school had a “day of racial reform and solidarity” yesterday. This was a “critical race practitioner’s” speech complaining about racism & her white privilege while advocating for CRT.
1-21-2021Nevada Current school offers 'safe space' for 'students of color' after Rittenhouse, Arbery verdicts
6-9-2021RedState Public School District Must End Race-Based ‘Affinity Groups’ Following Lawsuit

"In 2021, the district held three affinity-based group sessions, one for “Black and Brown students and alumni” in February, another for “Asian or Asian American and Pacific Islander students (AAPI), faculty/staff, and others within the [Black, Indigenous, and People of Color] community” in March. A final session was held in April for Asian-American and Pacific Islander students."
6-8-2021The Federalist
MassachussettsParents Defending Education published the assignment shown below, where it appears students were offered no opportunity to dissent from the premise that the United States was systemically racist and oppressive, an idea at the heart of critical race theory, a once-fringe theory being forced into the U.S. educational system.
2-10-2022Fox News Public Schools superintendent declares schools teachings are based on critical race theory.
2-23-2022Fox News
MinnesotaMinnesota fourth graders told to hide ‘equity survey’ questions from parents

"A Minnesota fourth grade student and her mother expressed concern to their local school board after her class was given an "equity survey" and students were told not to tell her parents about the activity."
5-29-2022Washington Examiner Whiteness' influencing lessons for children at St. Louis school

"Using a handful of crayons, some St. Louis educators are teaching students as early as pre-kindergarten about racial differences after the teachers volunteered for "Witnessing Whiteness" training."
11-19-2021Daily Caller, CRT Advocate Discuss How To Sneak Teaching About ‘White Privilege’ Past ‘Trump Country’ Parents
8-20-2021Daily Caller SPS staff either undergo “‘equity training’ to learn about oppression, white supremacy and systemic racism” or face pay reductions, the complaint states. Henderson works as an advocate for students with disabilities and Lumley is a secretary.
4-2022Daily Caller"The lawsuit centers around Sociology of Change, a yearlong mandatory class for seniors at Democracy Prep. The Clarks allege that assignments in the course required students to reveal their race, gender, sexual orientation and disabilities and then determine if privilege or oppression is attached to those identities."
2-12-2021Fox News JerseyNew Jersey Teacher Resigns, Slams School for Segregation And Critical Race Theory

"As a result, students arrive in my classroom accepting this theory as fact: People born with less melanin in their skin are oppressors, and people born with more melanin in their skin are oppressed. Men are oppressors, women are oppressed, and so on. This is the dominant and divisive ideology that is guiding our adolescent students."
6-29-2021Fox News MexicoNew Mexico proposes to introduce race, social identity lessons as early as kindergarten

"Educators in New Mexico are proposing sweeping changes to the state’s social studies standards that would introduce racial and social identity lessons to students as young as kindergarten."
3-14-2022Fox News YorkBuffalo's school district tells students that 'all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism'
1-14-2022Daily Caller
New YorkThe Office of Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Initiatives in Buffalo, New York, announced a new curriculum for fifth-grade students last July centered on Black Lives Matter. The lessons include learning the Black Lives Matter "declaration on Black Villages."
2-11-2021City-Journal YorkREPORT: Manhattan School Plans To Divide Students By Race During Social Justice Discussions
2-11-2022Fox News YorkNew York Used Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds to Advance Critical Race Theory Indoctrination
6-1-2021Legal Insurrection District Trains Teachers To Become ‘Anti-Racist’ ‘Co-Conspirators’ To Subvert ‘Curriculum Rooted In Whiteness’
3-15-2022Fox News promotes teacher program that seeks to undo 'racism in mathematics'

"The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently encouraged teachers to register for training that encourages "ethnomathematics" and argues, among other things, that White supremacy manifests itself in the focus on finding the right answer."
4-18-2022Daily Caller begins anti-racist teacher training, source says

"Teacher training material provided to Fox News shows middle school students are taught about "white racial identity", which is broken into sections on "whiteness" and "white privilege." It defines white privilege as "you (white students) actively benefit from the oppression of Black, Indigenous, People of color.""
2-15-2022Daily Caller's racial standards for kindergartners requires kids to 'identify possible solutions to injustices'
11-24-2021Daily Caller high school in Oregon gave a presentation featuring a “Pyramid of White Supremacy” that discussed concepts like “white fragility” and “white saviorism,” according to documents obtained by Parents Defending Education.
12-24-2021Fox News"At the conclusion of the unit, the teacher led the ten- and eleven-year-old students into the school auditorium to “simulate” a Black Power rally to “free Angela Davis” from prison, where she had once been held while awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy, kidnapping, and murder. The students marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.” They chanted about Africa and ancestral power, then shouted “Free Angela! Free Angela!” as they stood at the front of the stage."
10-28-2021Daily Caller IslandRhode Island school holds celebrity event for those who 'identify as students of color or multiracial'

"The Wheeler School in Rhode Island sent an invitation for those who identify as "students of color" to attend a celebrity event, raising concerns among parents about racial discrimination."
11-22-2021Washington Examiner IslandI’m A Mom Seeking Records Of Critical Race and Gender Curriculum, Now The School Committee May Sue To Stop Me
5-25-2022Parents Defending Education elementary school segregated kids by hair color for lesson on racism, parents say

"Parents told News 4 San Antonio that fifth graders at Leon Springs Elementary were segregated into two groups according to their hair color and then treated differently based on what group they fit into."
5-29-2020Parents Defending Education School Class Uses ‘A Loophole’ In Texas Law To ‘Embed Critical Race Theory’

A college-level English class at Southwest High School in Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) instructed students to write a research paper on a “current (within the past two years) controversy” regarding race, gender or ethnicity, according to the assignment description obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
3-24-2022Daily Caller School District ‘Equity Specialist’ Admits CRT ‘Lens’ Is Used, Calls For Dismantling ‘Systemic Racism’ At The ‘Student Level’

“The fact is there are so many … things, policies, practices, procedures, programmings that we have that have been deep … in our system so long that when we really dissect it through a Critical Race Theory lens, is one of the lens that we use, we see how these inequities come up and show up,” Jonathan Pérez, a former “Equity Specialist” at Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) said.
12-24-2021Breitbart News School District’s CRT Course For Teachers Purports ‘American Is Oppressive,’ ‘White Supremacy Is Everywhere’
4-27-2021The Federalist slides presented at that retreat, teachers and administrators who choose to treat students, parents, and colleagues equally regardless of their skin color or ethnicity were accused of “cultural blindness”: “a state in which differences were ignored and one proceeds as if differences don’t exist.” The slides claimed, “White privilege is being able to navigate daily life in the American culture without having to think about race.”
8-2-2022Breitbart News"The program identifies as aspects of racism such things as ‘colorblindness,’ claiming we live in a ‘post racial society,’ asserting that ‘[i]t doesn’t matter who you vote for,’ and ‘claiming reverse discrimination,’" the lawsuit notes. A diagram depicting "Active/Covert Racism" and "Omissions/Passive Racism" describes "Denial of White Privilege" and "Self-Appointed ’White Ally'" as forms of passive racism.
12-11-2021Breitbart News Education Department Promotes Pro-CRT Book

"The list includes titles such as 'Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education' that 'acts to further spur developments in education policy, critical pedagogy, and social justice, making it a crucial resource for students and educators alike,' according to its description."
1-28-2022The Federalist"Parents and their children in Albemarle County, Virginia, have filed a lawsuit against the county’s school board over its efforts to “indoctrinate students with an ideology that teaches children to affirmatively discriminate based on race,” through critical race theory."
5-2022New York Post I’m suing my former employer, a school district, over critical race theory
4-20-2021The Federalist about 36 minutes, teachers lectured the students—who are about 70 percent Asian, 10 percent black, Hispanic, and multiracial, and 20 percent white—about the critical race theory concept of “intersectionality” and called out the mostly minority students of color for their alleged “racism,” stating without any evidence: “At T.J., the lack of diversity and informed students has perpetuated microaggressions and casual racism.”
8-25-2021The Federalist Board Silent As Parents Express Outrage At Alexandria Schools Peddling Racism
3-1-2022The Federalist
VirginiaThe report also documents several resource recommendations by the state’s Office of Equity and Community Engagement, which refers individuals to books such as “How to Be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi, “Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education” by Edward Taylor, David Gillborn and Gloria Ladson-Billings, and “Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools” by Glenn Singleton.
8-5-2021Breitbart News/Parents Defending Education
Virginia“Going forward, racial equity will be at the center of every decision that the school division will make,” the “Equity for All” Strategic Plan page reads. To that end, it appears, ACPS has created pages both for parents and teachers to provide the resources to properly indoctrinate children with the racist ideology — one, as Breitbart News has reported, that tells black students that their lives do not matter and they are inherently “oppressed,” while simultaneously telling white students that they must either act or be deemed responsible for the purported “oppression.”
1-5-2022The Federalist"In an explainer for “Black Studies,” a course examining black experiences from a global perspective, Seattle Public Schools notes the class includes critical race theory."
1-19-2022The Federalist State Mandates Critical Race Theory In All Public Schools

"During hours-long sessions, staff learn race is a social construct that has “been adapted to meet the needs of white supremacy culture.” If you get defensive at being labeled a racist, facilitators say it’s an example of white supremacy in action."
6-3-2021The Federalist Public Schools contracts for $292,000 with consulting firm which features CRT based leadership training in critical race theory; also contracts with Second Step for over $600,000
1-12-2022The Federalist district contracts with consulting companies to promote CRT concepts to educators and teach them to infuse curriculum with CRT ideas in the classroom
7-2021The Federalist School District Claims White Students Can’t Be Discriminated Against

"A Wisconsin school district claimed a white student can’t allege racial discrimination because she “is not a member of any class that is legally protected from discrimination by state or federal law,” according to an administrator’s response to a parent complaint."
12-7-2021Education Week“Now that we’ve become a little more aware of the concept of anti-racism and maybe a little more woke as a culture, I do think that districts have started to emphasize these questions a little bit more,” Dachille said. “They might be more common, they might be more explicit.”

"And some schools and districts may ask teachers scenario-based questions about how they’d respond to inequities or systemic biases, Dachille said. For example, an applicant might be asked what they would do if they noticed a colleague in their grade level was disproportionately sending Black students out of the classroom for discipline."
10-13-2021The Federalist NEA also vowed to “‘fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric’ and issue a study that ‘critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.’”