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New York Times
1/24/19 - Michael Shifter1"For Mr. Guaidó, the opposition, the United States and the international community, a peaceful, democratic transition should be the priority."
1/24/19 - Editorial Board1"The Trump administration is right to support Mr. Guaidó."
1/25/19 - Bret Stephens1"The Trump administration took exactly the right step in recognizing National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s constitutionally legitimate president."
1/25/19 - Virginia Lopez Glass1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "His promise to lead a transitional government until the country holds free elections has revived hope. Perhaps Venezuela is finally at the end of a political cycle that, despite some years of social gains, ultimately impoverished what was once the richest nation in the region....Minutes after being sworn in, Mr. Guaidó, virtually unheard of until two weeks ago, was formally recognized as Venezuela’s leader by the United States, Canada, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia and seven other countries...The Maduro government, with the firm support of the military, had secured its grip on power...This time could prove different. The opposition now has the support of the United States and other countries in the region like Argentina, Colombia and Brazil, which have swung to the right in the last couple of years with the election of Mauricio Macri, Iván Duque and Jair Bolsonaro."
1/28/19 - Anthony J. Blinkin1"In a crisis, having clear policy principles is even more important. Take the meltdown in Venezuela. The administration deserves credit for leading the international isolation of the country’s illegitimate president, Nicolás Maduro. But there is no evidence it has a comprehensive strategy to advance a peaceful transition — or a Plan B if Mr. Maduro digs in or lashes out."
1/29/19 - Ross Douthat1"Consider the two administration efforts in the news this week. The first is the White House’s decision to support the opposition leader in Venezuela and build a coalition to undermine the dictatorial Maduro government....Before his election, I wanted a Republican foreign policy that was less hubristic and more calculating than what most leading G.O.P. politicians were offering, that showed a willingness to limit foreign interventions and conduct diplomatic experiments while also trying to maintain United States primacy in a more multipolar, Chinese-influenced world....Within certain limits, and with a lot of stumbling and bluster, that’s roughly what Trump has delivered."
1/29/19 - Paul Krugman1"What, after all, do we learn from the Venezuelan experience? Yes, the country is a mess. Venezuela has always been a one-industry economy, with huge inequality. Hugo Chavez got into power because of rage against the nation’s elite, but used the power badly. He seized the oil sector, which you only do if you can run it honestly and efficiently; instead, he turned it over to corrupt cronies, who degraded its performance. Then, when oil prices fell, his successor tried to cover the income gap by printing money. Hence the crisis."
1/30/19 - Juan Guaido1"Mr. Maduro’s time is running out, but in order to manage his exit with the minimum of bloodshed, all of Venezuela must unite in pushing for a definitive end to his regime. For that, we need the support of pro-democratic governments, institutions and individuals the world over."
1/30/19 - Michael Albertus1"While this model might seem unpalatable given the Venezuelan military’s recent past, it may present the most reasonable way forward toward democracy absent outside intervention. Furthermore, many countries — for example, Portugal, Spain, South Korea and Taiwan — have made full transitions to democracy through this route."
1/31/19 - Patrick Iber1"United States intervention would also undermine the prospect for the thing that Venezuela needs most to achieve a peaceful transition to democracy: national reconciliation."
2/2/19 - Francisco Rodriguez & Jeffrey D. Sachs1"We strongly urge an alternative approach, based on seeking a peaceful and negotiated transition of power rather than a winner-take-all game of chicken. We start from the proposition that the people of Venezuela should not be the victims of a power struggle between Mr. Maduro and the opposition, nor between the external backers of the two sides."
2/2/19 - Emiliana Duarte1"But the strangest observation is that I am no longer the opposition. For more than a decade, I have been fighting against a government. Now I am fighting for one. And I am not in the minority, either. Millions of Venezuelans have risen up to show our support for the interim president, and much of the world is on our side."
2/5/19 - Alejandro Velasco1"A winner-take-all strategy undermines prospects for a peaceful transition in Venezuela. It sidelines left-wing political groups domestically and abroad who would abandon Maduro but feel instead compelled to fight to the end....There are alternatives. Calls for negotiation toward free and fair elections have emerged from Latin America and Europe. In the past, Mr. Maduro has used negotiations to stall and cling to power, but the landscape now has changed. With the world’s attention on Venezuela, Mr. Maduro and his backers at home and abroad would find no room to prevaricate. Fresh elections would allow Venezuelans to determine their future on their own terms, paving the way not only for a legitimate presidency in the short term, but for a more stable transition in the long term."
2/5/19 - Editorial Board1"It is very much in American and Western interests to free Venezuela from such unholy alliances through negotiations between supporters of Mr. Guaidó and Mr. Maduro. But the goal must be to do so in order to give the long-suffering Venezuelans a chance to freely choose their government and start the arduous task of rebuilding their economy, not to score a victory in an ideological struggle."
2/6/19 - Jorge G. Castaneda1"Until now, Washington and the Trump administration have played their cards surprisingly well, with an orderly, well-thought-through rollout of initiatives. Outside of a few needless threats by the White House, the administration has proved remarkably discreet, and hopefully, this caution will last."
2/12/19 - Virginia Lopez Glass1"While a growing number of countries condemn Mr. Maduro as illegitimate, the queues outside food shops or at the border only grow longer. More than 80 percent of Venezuelans want Mr. Maduro to resign. Like Ms. Alma, they blame him and no longer “economic warfare” for destroying the country. For Mr. Maduro, hyperinflation is the force that is rallying half the world and his entire country against him."
2/14/19 - Felipe Gonzalez1"The democratic countries that have recognized Mr. Guaidó must reinforce his political legitimacy as well as his authority over Venezuela’s economic assets, both in and out of the country. This will cut off Mr. Maduro’s access to the resources he uses to oppress the Venezuelan people, and will communicate very clearly to his supporters (particularly those in the military) that endorsing him is a dead end....If democracy is to be restored in Venezuela, foreign actors need to step aside. President Donald Trump must stop the tough talk about a military invasion."
2/19/19 - Editorial Board1"Yes, the military should abandon Mr. Maduro, who has guided one of Latin America’s richest countries to total ruin, and join the opposition leader Juan Guaidó in trying to put Venezuela back on track."
2/23/19 - Carlos Hernandez1"So Juan had to turn to cryptocurrencies to get paid....Thanks to those earnings, he started thinking about leaving Venezuela. He was able to buy what he needed for the trip to Colombia: clothes, a backpack, a smartphone. He put some money aside. He even gained a little weight, an anomaly around here these days....“Borderless money” is more than a buzzword when you live in a collapsing economy and a collapsing dictatorship."
2/27/19 - Jorge Ramos1"The first question I asked Mr. Maduro was whether I should call him “Presidente” or “Dictador,” as many Venezuelans do. I confronted him about human rights violations and cases of torture that have been reported by Human Rights Watch, and with the existence of political prisoners. I questioned his claim that he had won the 2013 and the 2018 presidential elections without fraud and, most important, his assurances that Venezuela was not experiencing a humanitarian crisis."
2/28/19 - Dorothy Kronick1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "Last month, the United States imposed economic sanctions designed to hasten Mr. Maduro’s exit. If he goes, the world will rejoice. If not — if Mr. Maduro hangs on to power — the sanctions will deepen Venezuelans’ suffering. To prevent this, the United States needs a backup plan...
3/3/19 - Editorial Board1"So far, the United States has done well to stay clear of any threatening military moves. Along with the Europeans, Canada and above all the Latin American states that have declared Mr. Maduro’s rule illegitimate, it must maintain united and constant pressure on Mr. Maduro to leave, and on the army to abandon him."
3/4/19 - Javier Corrales1"Mr. Guaidó and his international allies may have no option but to entertain an interim civilian-military partnership under some form of international tutelage. They need to continue to reach out to some of the more honest military officers, those interested in the integrity of the institution, to turn against not just Mr. Maduro but also the disparate groups across the military. The mission: Bring the military institution back to order."
3/26/19 - Francisco Rodriguez and Jorge Alejandro Rodriguez1"It is not only Mr. Maduro, but also Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader and designated president, and President Trump, who control the levers needed to resolve the energy crisis....Barring a rapid resolution to the country’s political standoff, the only way to avoid a deepening of the electricity crisis is for the feuding political factions to jointly deploy and manage the resources needed to do so. A first step would be for both sides to agree to appoint an independent task force."
4/1/19 - Joanna Hausmann1"Let's provide humanitarian aid and support efforts to restore democracy."
4/1/19 - Virginia Lopez Glass1"If the first blackout on March 7 exposed how decades of misrule have destroyed the country’s economy, society and its infrastructure, the last one left no hope that the government has the capacity to find solutions to the country’s many problems."
4/3/19 - Editorial Board1"That may be so, and it certainly would be a great relief for Venezuela to be rid of the leader who inherited a broken country from his revolutionary mentor Hugo Chávez and has continued to push it to utter ruin, creating a humanitarian disaster atop the world’s largest oil reserves."
4/8/19 - Michael Shifter1"The Trump administration’s sustained pressure on the Venezuelan dictatorship, carried out in concert with hemispheric and European allies, has rightly provided badly needed support for a democratic transition to a beleaguered Venezuela."
4/10/19 - Julio Borges1"To stabilize the region and restore democracy, we must cut off the authoritarian germ rooted in Cuba and Venezuela. Democracy cannot be restored until the two regimes are decoupled."
4/10/19 - Nicholas Kristof1"Maduro has been a catastrophe for Venezuelans, and Trump is right to join Canada and more than 50 other countries in recognizing the head of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, as the legitimate leader of Venezuela."
Total: 3022035
Washington Post
1/15/19 - Juan Guaido1"Of course, we can’t ignore a key ally: the international community, which has denounced the dictatorship, its human rights violations and the misery it has created. Maduro’s lack of legitimacy among world leaders, the international sanctions and the recognition of the National Assembly as the only legitimate representative of the state are crucial at this moment."
1/23/19 - Frida Ghitis1"Trump should do something he finds particularly challenging: Watch what he says and proceed prudently. Instead of going with his gut, he should stick to the script from people who understand the region. This is one time when the United States should help lead the international response, but not alone."
1/23/19 - Francisco Toro1"Venezuela has spent the past 20 years in an increasingly dramatic tailspin into dictatorship and societal collapse. Those of us who have called for its democratic renewal have had our hearts broken one time too many to really allow ourselves to believe in new dawns again."
1/24/19 - Megan McArdle1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "You have to look at Venezuela today and wonder: Is this what we’re seeing, the abrupt end of Venezuela’s years-long economic nightmare? Has President Nicolás Maduro’s ever-more-autocratic and incompetent regime finally completed its long pilgrimage toward disaster?....It still seems very possible, even perhaps probable, that Maduro’s reign will eventually end in his forced removal. It’s clear he won’t allow himself to be ousted by democratic elections; it’s also clear that he will not (or cannot) change the socialist economic controls and hyperinflationary monetary policy that have already shrunk Venezuela’s economy by 50 percent and sent almost 10 percent of the population fleeing abroad."
1/24/19 - Daniel W. Drezner1"So, let’s stipulate that Maduro is an illegitimate, kleptocratic despot and Venezuelans would be far better off if his illegitimate regime was no more. There is the tiny question of how this will happen, however. And this is the part where I start getting nervous about the Trump administration’s ability to handle an increasingly tense situation...That other countries in the region have cooperated with the United States so far is a very good sign."
1/24/19 - Editorial Board1"The administration’s best approach would be to join with its allies in initiatives that would help Venezuelans while bolstering Mr. Guaidó. A multilateral operation to deliver humanitarian supplies to Venezuela or to its borders, in cooperation with the National Assembly, is one possibility."
1/24/19 - Henry Olsen1"President Trump’s decision to recognize Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as that country’s president is definitely a risky move. But it’s one that is justified for both humanitarian reasons and as an expression of an “America First” foreign policy.
1/28/19 - Charles Lane1"The Trump administration’s current strategy, to support an interim president, Juan Guaidó, whose claim to office rests on a plausible interpretation of Venezuela’s constitution, is a long shot but still the cleverest concept America and its allies have come up with yet....In this one instance, the Trump administration has chosen a worthy foreign policy goal, assembled a multilateral coalition and adopted an actual strategy."
1/29/19 - Chris Murphy & Ben Rhodes1"The Trump administration is right to put restoring Venezuelan democracy at the center of our approach to this crisis. A return to a stable democracy is in the interest of the Venezuelan people, the United States and the hemisphere. And to give Trump’s team credit where it is due, it has been heartening to see, for once, the United States act in concert with other nations in building the case for a foreign policy objective."
1/29/19 - Anne Applebaum1"Outsiders can help: European-American-Latin American recognition for Guaidó might help him achieve the legitimacy he needs to rid the country of Chavista domination. And if he succeeds, he will also find it useful to have some supportive friends who can help restore democracy, repair civic institutions and rebuild what has been destroyed — everything from basic services to the oil industry to the courts."
1/29/19 - Federico Fichelstein & Pablo Piccato1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "As a populist who uses, and abuses, democratic rules to undermine democracy, Trump is incapable of leading a transition to democracy in Venezuela….One outcome is that Trump’s pro-Guaidó strategy fails: The Maduro government violently suppresses the rebellion in the streets, and the country returns to the quagmire of mismanagement and misery that in recent years has created a flood of refugees from Venezuela….For the Maduro government, the threats from Washington and its recognition of Guaidó are a precious gift: They will allow him to claim renewed legitimacy and consolidate the support of the armed forces in the face of an external threat….In the current situation, brokering a peaceful outcome can be done only by intermediaries that recognize Maduro’s government as a party, withholding judgment about the ways he has been able to hold on to power….The internal situation in Venezuela is becoming a contest of global implications: extremist right-wing populism and its authoritarian interventionism vs. the dictatorial remnants of Chávez’s regime. Whether democracy has a place in this battle has yet to be seen."
1/30/19 - Ro Khanna1"The United States should lend its support to diplomatic efforts to find some form of power-sharing agreement between opposition parties, and only until fair elections can take place, so that there is an orderly transition of power.
1/31/19 - Jackson Diehl1"There’s a decent chance Maduro will be forced out by sanctions and diplomacy. If there is an intervention, it will be multilateral and come at the impetus of Guaidó and his Latin American allies. That won’t fulfill the Sanders-style stereotypes of U.S. interventionism. But it’s a good way for the hemisphere to operate in the 21st century."
2/4/19 - Francisco Toro1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "Desperate for control of Venezuela’s oil, the Trump administration is going all-out to install a far-right puppet regime in Caracas by backing a military coup....If you’ve followed the Venezuelan crisis, you’ve read some variant of this line a dozen times this week. It’s important — crucial — that you understand it for what it is: Venezuelan regime propaganda, carefully designed to resonate with reasonable people around the globe, for the sole purpose of keeping a dictatorship in power."
2/5/19 - Caroline Kennedy & Sarah K. Smith1"The world was caught by surprise a couple of weeks ago as demonstrators flooded the streets of Venezuela. But the truth is, this was not a surprise — Venezuela’s political and economic systems have been collapsing for the past four years....If we want to prevent a continued spiral downward, it is time for the international community to make children — their education, health and safety — part of its first response in every humanitarian crisis...Working with communities in Colombia, the international humanitarian community can create a model for future assistance, a system where refugee and local children — Colombians and Venezuelans — can learn and grow together to build a prosperous future for Latin America."
2/6/19 - Editorial Board1"That’s not the case, and if the cause of ousting Venezuela’s illegitimate regime and ending its humanitarian catastrophe is to succeed, the Trump administration must take care not to let the United States become the protagonist of this drama....That’s why the administration should work closely with the Lima Group and avoid separating itself from the regional consensus."
2/7/19 - Antonio Rivero1"At the time, I had great hopes that Guaidó, who was poised to become president of the National Assembly on Jan. 5, could then serve, according to the constitution, as interim president of the nation on Jan. 10 in the absence of a legitimately-elected leader. While that has indeed come to pass — Guaidó took his oath of office on Jan. 23 and a number of countries, including the United States, have recognized him as interim president — most of Venezuela’s military have stuck by Maduro’s side. "
2/7/19 - Fareed Zakaria1"It must support a political transition that doesn’t threaten the old guard so much that it fights to the end. And the United States must join other nations to help a country that has virtually been destroyed over the past decade. All this requires careful diplomacy, multilateralism and quiet pressure, not bombast."
2/14/19 - Francisco Toro1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "So imagine my surprise when I learned that, instead of this mass slaughter, a back-and-forth in the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing revolved around political violence committed decades ago and a thousand miles away from the country the committee was supposedly discussing. And that rather than standing up to Maduro’s death squads, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) had used an exchange with the Trump administration’s envoy to pressure the United States to do nothing at all to rein them in....Today, across Venezuela, the victims of Maduro’s death squads are grieving. Omar, and all Americans rightly appalled by the use of such terror tactics, ought to be on their side."
2/18/19 - Francisco Toro1"The best course of action continues to be what it has been: to cut off the flow of funds to the hostage-taker and entreat his henchmen in the military to turn on him. Even this is a high-risk gambit, but then, there aren’t any good options when you’re dealing with a character like Maduro."
2/25/19 - Francisco Toro1"What the United States needs to do, in other words, is bluff, by taking further steps that raise Venezuelan generals’ perception of a threat. But it also needs to exercise restraint to prevent the unmitigated disaster an actual war would bring."
2/25/19 - Editorial Board1"The right strategy is the one the administration and its allies continued to pursue Monday, which is bringing pressure to bear on the military to turn on the Maduro regime."
2/26/19 - Isabel Picon & Maria J. Stephan1"International efforts by the Organization of American States, the Lima Group (a 14-nation body created in 2017 to address the Venezuela crisis), the United States, the European Union and the United Nations need to be increasingly coordinated with organizational and grass-roots efforts in Venezuela."
2/27/19 - Leon Krauze1"Mexico is now the only Latin American democracy not to take a firm position against Maduro’s despotic regime....While embassy personnel seemed to have behaved diligently and Mexico’s foreign ministry checked all the formal boxes in its diplomatic response, it is up to López Obrador to finally take a stand against Maduro’s abuses."
3/1/19 - Jeremy Konyndyk1"First, the United States should explicitly commit to impartial aid and stop tying the relief effort to its political aims. This does not mean abandoning Guaidó or accepting Maduro. But it does mean the United States and regional partners must walk and chew gum at the same time: pursuing political and humanitarian aims as distinct tracks and objectives, while dialing back their overheated rhetoric casting aid as a political tool."
3/2/19 - Max Boot1"Venezuela is one of the few places on Earth where Trump is pursuing a pro-human rights agenda in concert with U.S. allies. The U.S. approach has the support of most of Venezuela’s neighbors and of Guaidó, who has been recognized by more than 50 nations as the rightful president of Venezuela. Trump’s critics would be well advised to praise him on the rare occasions when he does something right rather than act as the mirror image of the Trump zealots who laud him no matter how shamefully he acts."
3/5/19 - Julio Ricardo Varela1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "The U.S. territory took the calculated risk of trying to shock the world by doing something that not even the country that colonized it could accomplish: bring actual aid into Venezuela that would get attention and tip the scales in Guaidó’s quest to become the country’s next president...Problem is, the ship never even got close."
3/10/19 - Francisco Toro1"For most people, it’s like the outside world has stopped existing. The government has significantly cracked down on independent media, and the Maduro government has blamed U.S. sabotage for the power crisis....Because over the past 12 years, the government has run the grid into the ground. After nationalizing the utility companies, the government simply stopped investing in routine maintenance of power stations or transmission lines, setting off a slow deterioration that has made the grid unstable for years. Venezuelan engineers have been warning for years that unless the system received urgent maintenance, something like this would happen."
3/13/19 - Joel Simon1"Governments also have a role to play. While the United States has the ability to apply political and economic pressure on Venezuela through targeted sanctions, its ability to exercise moral influence — often called soft power — is limited by its interventionist history in the region. Given President Trump’s contempt for the role of the media — not to mention his decision to expel Ramos himself from a 2015 campaign event — no one is going to believe this administration’s approach to Venezuela is driven by a concern for press freedom...Instead, pressure should be applied through the Lima Group, which includes many Latin American governments along with Canada. The Organization of American States, led by a former Uruguayan foreign minister, Luis Almagro, should continue to challenge the Maduro government on its failure to uphold its human rights obligations."
3/21/19 - Barbara Leininger1"In the midst of the political turmoil in Venezuela, I ask President Trump and Vice President Pence not to forget my son. Keep his suffering at the forefront of your minds. If and when there can be a dialogue between our two countries, I implore you to put Todd first. "
3/22/19 - Francisco Toro1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "It matters to the regime, which is no longer able to hide behind generic allegations of a far-right conspiracy against it. It matters to Venezuela’s neighbors, who need increased support to help care for and absorb the millions of desperate Venezuelans fleeing across the border. Most importantly, it matters to the millions of Venezuelans who are victims of Maduro’s unfathomable cruelty. It makes their pain visible, reaffirms their humanity, breaks their isolation and beats back the sense of powerlessness that the regime is determined to impose on them."
3/28/19 - Fareed Zakaria1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "The big question for Washington is: Will it allow Moscow to make a mockery of another U.S. red line? The United States and Russia have taken opposing, incompatible stands on this issue. And as with Syria, there is a danger that, if Washington does not back its words with deeds, a year from now, we will be watching the consolidation of the Maduro regime, supported with Russian arms and money."
3/31/19 - Jackson Diehl1Ambiguous, but clearly pro-regime change: "The rhetoric succeeded in alarming American leftists, who loudly denounced the coming coup, and Russia, which dispatched two planeloads of military advisers and equipment to stiffen the regime’s defenses."
4/15/19 - Francisco Toro1"With so little money now flowing in, it’s still just about possible to imagine military support for Maduro crumbling in the coming months. But optimism is hard to sustain....Those, like me, who supported the oil sanctions by reasoning that Pompeo wouldn’t be taking such risks without an ace up his sleeve are left to muse darkly on our own gullibility."
Total: 3422084
Meet the Press
1/27/191Marco Rubio: " I'm telling you the preferred outcome here is that Maduro leaves, and that in 30 or 45 days they call an election and they elect someone democratically, and Venezuela returns to constitutional order. That's what I want."
2/3/191Rick Scott: "So I`m optimistic that something is going to happen here. I spoke to Juan Guaido last week. I told him I`m going to do everything I can to help."
3/17/191Amy Klobuchar: "Well, I am glad that he`s pushing on Venezuela right now. I think that`s really important. You`ve got a dictator in place there that`s got to go."
Face the Nation
1/27/192David Sanger: "Well, you know, we`re right at the precipice right now where Maduro`s only supporters are China, Russia, and Cuba. Not a great collection. The Europeans have indicated that if Maduro does not call for a true and fair election, because he fixed the last one, within eight day, they too will go with Juan Guaido, who is the interim president as declared by the parliament and the one the United States has backed....I think the interesting news here is, there has been bipartisan support behind the president`s decision to support Juan Guaido. I think their -- the problem here is both history and inconsistency. Our history in Latin America of intervening is a pretty ugly one, and the inconsistency of not applying the same standards to places like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, where the president has embraced strong (ph) men, I think may come back to make the United States look pretty hypocritical, not for the first time."
Ramesh Ponnuru: "The other interesting question, though, is, you know, the anti- interventionist base of this president in particular among Republicans, how do they react to this role that we`re now playing in Venezuela...Eliot Abrams (ph) had been blackballed by the administration when he was going to be brought on as the number two in the State Department early in the administration. Now he`s a special envoy."
2/3/191Trump: "Well, I don`t want to say that, but certainly [military intervention is] something that`s on the -- it`s an option."
3/17/191Tim Kaine: "And the National Assembly has determined that the election of President Mazur- Maduro was illegitimate. There needs to be a new- new government."
This Week
2/3/191Peter Buttigieg: "Look, if we're going to use sanctions, that's a legitimate part of the U.S. foreign policy framework and tool kit, but they should be targeted toward making sure that there are new, legitimate elections so that the Venezuelan people can determine their future."
PBS NewsHour
1/30/192Isaias Medina: "And the targeted oil sanctions have been right on point, coordinated with President Guaido, and will crush the financial boost from Maduro to keep harming the Venezuelan civilian population."
Benjamin Gedan: "The question, again, is, how can you effect a transition there without worsening the migration crisis or the humanitarian crisis? And I`m not sure we have found the right tools by threatening an invasion or cutting off entirely the economic lifeblood of the economy."
2/18/191Guaido: "I think participation from the United States has been decisive. It has shown clear leadership with regard to our constitution, democracy and freedom. I think that`s important for the region, not just for one country." Drost doesn't question Guaido's legitimacy.
3/4/191Carlos Vecchio: "And getting the support of the U.S., that`s good. And it has become, as I said, an important ally on this, but, I mean, this is beyond the U.S."
Totals: 1210002
WaPo, NYT, Television Totals: 7654 (72%)0 (0%)11 (14%)11 (14%)