No blockSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
time allotment1/21/31/41/51/61/7
AnagramsAll day longAn Anagram for "Covid Self Quarantine is... "Advance Finest Liquor"."Egocentric" is an anagram of "Geocentric" I guess the world really does revolve around me...Slot machines = Cash lost in meThe morse code = here come dotsThe inventor of the anagram died today. May he erect a penis.
Warmup5 min3 rounds: toy soldier, 10 body rocks, 5 burpees3 rounds: 3 clean bar warmups, bar hang, 1 lap bear3 rounds: 3 snatch bar warmups, 5/5 hip touches, 30 sec jump rope3 rounds: 10 kip swings, crab walk, twisted lunges3 rounds: monkey, 10 push ups, 15 sit ups.
Skill5 minDeath stretchGrease the grooveGrease the grooveShoulder band stretchesIt band foam roll
Strength15 min5x5 Overhead Squats5x5 DeadliftALT 5: (x) strict toes to bar, 5 shoulder pressesEvery 2 min for 12 min: 3 position snatchALT 5: 5/5 kb windmill, 5 bent over barbell rowsALT 5: 3/3 back rack lunges, skin the cat
Workout15 min3REFT: 5 pullups, 10 reverse burpees, 15 v-ups, 10 reverse burpees, 5 pullups, rest 2 min2 REFT: 15/15 russian twist, 15 box jumps, 15/15 grasshoppers, 15/15 split jumps, 15/15 russian twists, 15 jumping squats, rest 2.5 min15 hang cleans, 50 sit ups, 12 hang cleans, 40 sit ups, 9 hang cleans, 30 sit ups, 6 hang cleans, 20 sit ups, 3 hang cleans, 10 sit ups3 REFT: 1/1 Turkish get up, 30 goblet squats, 10/10 kb step ups, 1/1 Turkish get ups, 2 min rest.3 rounds: 1 min amrap jump rope, 30 sec rest, 1 min amrap burpees, 30 sec rest, 1 min amrap supermans, 30 sec rest.3 rounds: 12 toes to bar, 1 lap bear, 15 push presses, 1 lap bear walk, 2 min rest
Ending5 minSeated forward bend, plowTriangle, hurdlers stretchChilds pose, down dogLogs on the fire, seated straddleDeath stretch